Sealing Technologies

Technologies for the construction industry
Sealing Technologies
for watertight concrete structures
Hochwertige Bauwerksabdichtung
Max Frank GmbH & Co. KG
Mitterweg 1
94339 Leiblfi ng
Phone +49 9427 189-0
+49 9427 15 88
w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Reliable sealing of watertight structures
All high quality concrete structures should be watertight to
prevent either the ingress or egress of water depending upon
their intended application. External water sources can be soil
humidity, groundwater or water leakage from another source.
Water retaining structures also must prevent the loss of water
from within the structure. The appropriate sealing method
will depend upon many factors including, water properties,
structural type, loadings and intended use. Traditionally
concrete was sealed externally by the use of mostly
bituminous or plastic liners or coatings and internally with
specially formulated coatings. For the concrete itself a number
of methods of directly sealing construction and movement
joints for cast in-situ, precast and twin-wall construction
have been developed to prevent or limit water penetration.
A “white tank” construction for watertight structures ensures
that the appropriate guidelines are complied with.
Construction and movement joints are an unavoidable
necessity in all concrete structures and they are normally fully
detailed in drawings and specifications.
Construction joints, movement joints and controlled crack
joints can all provide preferential leakage paths for water.
Specific methods and products are therefore needed to
ensure that a watertight seal is maintained.
Injection hose systems, metal water stops, expanding
waterstops or FRANK waterbars can all be used individually
for primary sealing of a joint. They can even be combined
to produce a fail safe sealing method including both primary
and secondary seals.
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Sealing technologies – product overview
Waterproof structures
Fradiflex element wall’s
controlled crack joint flashing
Page 19
Fradiflex metal waterstop
with mounting clip for wall
and slab connection
formwork element
Page 21
Page 16
Permur ®
liner pipe and sealing kit
Page 26
Intec® Premium injection
hose system or Cresco®
expanding waterstops
Page 10 + 14
metal waterstop
Stremaform® formwork element with
cage for FRANK waterbar + FRANK
waterbars for expansion joints
Page 16
Page 21 + 22
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Sealing technologies – product overview
Element walls
Fradiflex metal waterstop with mounting clip
for slab connection
Fradiflex element wall’s
controlled crack joint
flashing – corner
Page 16
Page 20
Page 16
Fradiflex element wall’s
controlled crack joint
flashing – linear connection
Page 20
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Performance Class
Construction joint
Joint area
The ideal seal for each joint
■ Intec® injection hose system
Floor /
expanding waterstop
■ Fradiflex metal waterstop
■ Intec® injection hose system
Floor /
■ Cresco® expanding waterstop
■ Fradiflex metal waterstop
■ Stremaflex® formwork element
■ Intec® injection hose system
Wall /
expanding waterstop
■ Fradiflex metal waterstop
■ Stremaflex® formwork element
■ Intec® injection hose system
Wall /
■ Cresco® expanding waterstop
■ Fradiflex metal waterstop
■ Intec® injection hose system
Slab /
expanding waterstop
■ Fradiflex metal waterstop
■ Stremaflex® formwork element
Exposure of water
Grade 1
Grade 2
Contact between structure and hydraulic pressure
■ Ground water, inundation, stratum water
■ Temporary accumulation of leakage water
■ Non pressing water solely on horizontal and
inclined surfaces
Contact between structure and humidity or water
trickling through
■ Humid ground
■ Non accumulating leakage water only for
extremely permeable ground or durable drainage
free from backpressure to DIN 4095
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The ideal seal for each joint
■ Stremaform® with cage for FRANK
Controlled crack joint
Expansion joint
■ Fradiflex element wall’s controlled crack
■ FRANK waterbar for expansion joints
joint flashing
■ Stremaflex® formwork element
■ Stremaform® with cage for FRANK
■ Fradiflex element wall’s controlled crack
■ FRANK waterbar for expansion joints
joint flashing
■ Stremaflex® formwork element
■ Stremaform® with cage for FRANK
■ Intec® injection hose system
■ FRANK waterbar for expansion joints
expanding waterstop
■ Fradiflex metal waterstop
■ Stremaflex® formwork element
Demands of buildings
Performance Class A
Performance Class B
Any penetration of liquid water is strictly prohibited
■ No humid spots caused by water penetration
■ No water carrying cracks and joints – not even
Water ingress permitted to a limited degree
■ Humid spots permitted
■ Water carrying cracks temporarily permitted until
■ self sealing
■ Cracks with humid crack edges during a longer
time period, however, no water accumulations on
the component part surface opposite to the water
retaining side
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Intec ® injection hose systems
Intec ® Standard injection hose – for single injection
Intec ® Premium injection hose – for multiple injections
Intec ® Cem N Injection hose – for multiple injections
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Intec ® injection hose systems
Intec ® injection hose
Intec ® injection hose systems consist of an injection hose,
associated accessories and a full range of resins. Intec ® can
be used on its own, or for secondary sealing, in combination
with metal or expanding waterstops or Frank waterbars to seal
all construction joints.
The Intec ® injection hose system has been in use for over
20 years and has proved its value on many projects:
■ No additional sealing method is required with reduced
construction costs and shortened construction times
■ The tube does not clog during concreting with water or
cement laitance
■ Absolutely secure and simple installation
■ Injection circuit lengths > 10 m are possible depending
upon the application
■ Quick sealing of all horizontal and vertical concrete
construction joints
■ Can be used to seal small cavities
Intec ® Standard injection hose –
for single injection
Intec ® Standard is a well-proven injection hose system for
joint sealing using PUR, EP and acrylic resins. The hose has a
regular pattern of slits along the full length that guarantee a
safe and uninterrupted flow of resin. Intec ® Standard has been
independently tested and certified for single injection applications.
Material: plain hose with a regular pattern of slits and a full range
of accessories.
Possible injection materials: PUR resin, EP resin, acrylic resin
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Intec ® injection hose systems
Intec ® Premium injection hose –
for multiple injections
Intec ® Premium is a well-proven injection hose system for joint
sealing using resins. Intec ® Premium‘s unique design features mean
that the injection hose can be cleaned by a flushing process under
pressure. The system is therefore suitable for multiple injections
using both PU and acrylic resins. Aditionally it is possible to inject
over longer lengths than most other injection hose systems. Intec ®
Premium has been independently tested and certified for multiple
injection applications with PU resins.
Material: internal hose with slits bound with a tightly wound
textile braiding.
Possible injection materials: PUR, EP and Acrylic resins
The only injection hose worldwide suitable for multiple
injections with PUR resins (hose is drained by flushing
under pressure and not by the normal vacuuming
Intec ® Cem N injection hose –
for multiple injections
Intec ® Cem N injection hose is mainly used for the injection of
cement paste or cement suspension, but can also be injected
using acrylic and PU resins. Intec ® Cem N is mainly used to
seal the voids produced during concreting in underpinning and
tunnelling applications. Voids are non-pressure positive injected
using cement paste or cement suspension. Additional injections
are possible after cleaning of the hose using a vacuum process.
Intec ® Cem N has been independently tested and certified for
multiple injection applications.
Material: perforated internal hose with a cellular plastic and
textile braiding
Possible injection materials: Multiple injections: Cement
suspension, PUR resin and other resins
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Intec ® injection material
Intec® injection materials
Non-positive bond
Drinking water
Running water
Type of application
Intectin Plus
The resin is low-viscosity, and hardens elastically.
Pot life circa 100 minute/20°C.
Suitable for use with injection hoses and for crack injection.
PUR resin according to DIN-EN 1504-5 with CE mark and drinking water
suitability test according to KTW recommendation.
The reaction time of the resin can be accelerated via Intectin Accelerator.
Intectin EP
Two-component contact epoxy resin for non-positive crack sealing,
suitable for dry and damp surfaces.
Intectin Acrylic Resin
Low-viscosity two component injection resin, approved for drinking water
applications according to KTW recommendation.
Water soluble before hardening – swells on contact with water after hardening.
Particularly suitable for reusable injection hoses. Working temperature down
to 0ºC. Anti-corrosive due to active corrosion protection. Standard injection
equipment can be used. No multi-component injection devices are required.
Intectin Blitz incl. accelerator
The special PUR resin foams in contact with water and stops the water fl ow,
accelerator content: approx. 10 %. Separate accelerator is available.
Intectin Special Cleaner
Suitable for PUR and also for EP resins.
For further injection accessories kindly refer to our product list.
We can send you a free-of-charge copy on request!
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Cresco ® expanding waterstop
Cresco® PU expanding waterstop – polyurethane based
Cresco® BT expanding waterstop – bentonite based
Cresco® AC expanding waterstop – acrylate polymer based
Intec ® Combi – combination of expanding waterstop and injection hose
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Cresco ® expanding waterstops
Cresco ® expanding waterstop
The Cresco® range of expanding waterstops is used to seal
construction joints, especially those with complicated geometrical
joint shapes.
Expanding waterstops are used in structures where fresh concrete
is poured against already cured concrete or with already existing
concrete structures and where a construction joint seal must be
produced; e.g. for connections between base slabs, slab-wall
connections or for sealing of recesses, pipe penetrations etc.
The Cresco® range of waterstops all have excellent resistance
to chemicals. A watertight seal is achieved when the expanding
waterstop swells after water ingress into the construction joint.
Expanding waterstops prevent ground humidity, water without
hydraulic pressure and water with hydraulic pressure from
damaging concrete structures.
Features of the Cresco® expanding waterstops:
tatsächliche Anpresskraft = Druck x Fläche
■ Long-lasting swelling capacities
■ Excellent resistance to chemicals
■ Reliable, homogeneous and reversible swelling capacities
■ Cresco ®’s shape remains unchanged
■ Slow delayed controlled swelling
■ Controlled expansion
■ Also suited for use in areas with wet and dry cycles
■ No concrete spalling due to controlled expansion behaviour
■ Fixing is fast and simple using nails or Cresco® glue for joints
wall / slab
■ No containment cages are required
Cresco ® PU expanding waterstop
Cresco® PU is a polyurethane based expanding waterstop that
expands in a controlled manner even when subjected to rain or
adverse weather conditions. Due to its specific material properties,
Cresco® PU is also suited for use in areas with wet and dry cycles.
Material: Polyurethane based expanding waterstop
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of
construction supervising authorities P-51-10-0008
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Cresco ® expanding waterstops
Cresco ® BT expanding waterstop
Cresco® BT is a sodium bentonite based expanding waterstop
that expands in a controlled manner by up to approximately 350 %
whilst maintaining its shape. Cresco® BT is suited for use in areas
with wet and dry cycles and can be used under adverse weather
Cresco® BT does not require a mesh cover to control early
expansion and unlike uncoated metal water stops does not require
a raised kicker surface for installation. Due to its outstanding
swelling capacities, Cresco® BT is used for angular and other
shaped structures.
Material: Bentonite based expanding waterstop
General test certificate number P-SAC 02/5.1/11-348, issued
according to the regulations of the regulations of the construction
supervising authorities
Cresco ® AC expanding waterstop
Cresco® AC is an acrylate polymer based expanding waterstop
that expands in a controlled manner to ensure a tightly sealed
concrete construction joint. Due to its low profile with a 6 mm
thickness, unintended spalling of the concrete surface due
swelling pressure is avoided.
Material: acrylate polymer expanding waterstop
General test certificate number P 22-MPANRW-7741 issued
according to the regulations of the construction supervising
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Cresco ® expanding waterstops
Intec ® Combi
Intec ® Combi is a combination of an expanding waterstop
with an injection hose and has been developed for simple and
secure sealing of construction joints. This combination between
expanding waterstop (primary seal) and injection hose (secondary
seal) ensures excellent watertight joints under all conditions.
Subsequent injection of the hose is only necessary if leakage
■ Primary sealing by the expanding waterstop, turn to the water
retaining side of the wall
■ Subsequent injection is only necessary if leakages occur
as a result of voids within the concrete or of uncontrolled
movements in the joint
■ For thicker walls, corners can be placed at a radius of
approximately 18 cm
■ For thinner walls, special corner connectors are available for
90º corners
■ Eminently suited to areas with wet and dry cycles
Material: Cresco ® expanding waterstop with Intec ® injection hose
for multiple injections
General test certificate number P-51009a/05, issued according
to the regulations of the regulations of the construction
supervising authorities
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Fradiflex metal water stops
Fradiflex Standard metal water stop – with one-sided coating
Fradiflex Premium metal water stop – with double-sided coating
Fradiflex Premium metal water stop in V4A
Fradiflex controlled crack inducer
Fradiflex controlled crack joint flashing – for element walls
Formwork elements
Stremaflex® formwork element with integral metal water stop
Stremaform® formwork element with cage for Frank waterbar
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Fradiflex metal water stops
Fradiflex metal water stop
Fradiflex metal water stops are supplied with a special adhesive
coating on one or both surfaces with a two-part protective film which is
removed individually prior to each pour. The coating forms an excellent
bond with fresh concrete to reliably seal construction joints. A range of
purpose made accessories including mounting clips and an expansion
joint connector are available for easy and rapid installation.
Fradiflex is a proven accepted alternative to traditional plain metal
water stops for sealing construction joints. WU guideline of the DAfStb
(guideline for watertight concrete structures) state that the standard
dimensions of uncoated metal water stops should be a minimum
thickness of 1.5 mm and a minimum height of 250 mm.
Fradiflex metal water stops with special coating also more than satisfy
the WU guideline of the DAfStb (guideline for watertight concrete
Fradiflex metal water stops offer the following advantages:
■ The special coating guarantees excellent adhesion to fresh
Tested to resist up to 50 metres head of water
Approved to resist up to 20 metres head of water
Supplied in 25 metre long rolls, thus reducing the number of
overlaps saving time and providing additional safety
Integrated fixing angles reduce installation time
Also available without fixing angles
Joints are formed by simply overlapping sections by 100 mm and
pressing against each other, no welding is required
Safe, simple and quick joint sealing of all construction joints
Also available in 2.1 m long straight pieces
Reduced installation depth, min. 3 cm – therefore no
supporting formwork is required
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Fradiflex metal water stops
Fradiflex Standard metal water stop –
with one-sided coating
Available with a special adhesive coating on one side, Fradiflex
Standard is supplied in coils or straight lengths, with or without
an integrated fi xing angle. The coated surface must always face
towards the water retaining side.
Material: Metal water stop with single-sided special self-adhesive
General test certificate number P-51-07-0084/002 issued by the
Technical University of Munich according to the regulations of the
construction supervising authorities
For special applications straight pieces of 2.10 metres length can
be supplied.
Fradiflex Premium metal waterstop – with
double-sided coating
Fradiflex Premium is supplied in coils or straight lengths with a
special adhesive coating on both sides that strengthens the bond
with fresh concrete and provides for additional sealing security.
Material: Metal water stop with double-sided special selfadhesive coatings
General test certificate number P-51-07-0084/002 issued by the
Technical University of Munich according to the regulations of the
construction supervising authorities
Fradiflex Premium metal water stop V4A
Stainless steel with double-sided coating for a watertight
concrete construction joint in chloride rich environments (e.g. sea
w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Fradiflex metal water stops
Fradiflex controlled crack inducer
The Fradiflex element for controlled crack joints provides an
uninterrupted seal between walls and bases/slabs. Additionally,
elements for controlled crack joints are used in the concreting of
large wall sections.
Cross sections with controlled cracks require sufficient weakening
of the concrete and of the reinforcement integrated in the concrete.
Controlled crack inducers ensure that cracks produced inside any
concrete structure as a result of normal shrinkage will be extremely
homogeneous. For performance class A, a joint sealing system
must be additionally installed.
The use of controlled crack inducers together with Fradiflex metal
waterstops produces a compact sealing system, which complies
with the WU guideline.
■ Excellent inherent stability of the controlled crack inducer
■ Quick and simple fi xing, no welding required
■ Precise connection to the upper or lower end of the controlled
crack inducer
Fradifl ex controlled crack inducers for sealing in-situ
concrete controlled crack joints and can be used for all
grade and performance classes.
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Fradiflex metal water stops
Fradiflex element wall’s controlled crack
joint flashing
Twin-wall construction is an increasingly popular alternative to
cast-in-situ construction. Safe and simple sealing systems are
also required for these structures. The guideline for watertight
structures requires that the vertical joints of element walls must
be controlled crack joints.
Fradiflex metal waterstops for the sealing of vertical joints in twinwall construction are very stable and require minimal fi xing. At
the junction of base slab/wall they are simply overlapped and
clamped to the horizonatl Fradiflex waterstop. The upper end only
requires temporary support using reusable fi xing angles which are
removed near the end of concreting.
■ The elements for joint and corner are supplied ready made in
conformity with wall heights
■ Simple overlapping of sections – no time-consuming welding
is required
■ Tight sealing system
■ Simple fi xing
■ No intermediate fi xing required
Fradifl ex metal water stops for element wall’s controlled crack joint fl ashing do not need
to be fi xed to the element walls.
Due to the inherent stability of the sheet steel, the upper ends of the metal water stops
must only be fi xed with re-usable fi xing loops.
A decisive benefi t solely offered by Fradifl ex.
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Formwork elements
Stremaflex® – stop-end formwork element with
coated metal waterstop for in-situ construction
Stremaflex® is used as a stop-end formwork element in in-situ
concrete construction. It consists of a Stremaform® element
incorporating a special metal water stop coated on both sides.
Stremaflex® stop-ends are installed between the reinforcement
layers and fixed with tying wire. For large elements additional fixing
and stiffening is recommended. Stremaflex® forms an excellent
bond with fresh concrete and the complete element offers an
optimum solution for sealing of construction joints exposed to
hydraulic pressure. Stremaflex® has received approval for use in
any construction or crack control joints.
Benefits of using of Stremaflex® to seal construction joints:
■ Cost-saving alternative to more traditional sealing methods
■ Double sealing security due to two sided coating
■ Simple fixing with no time-consuming site welding
■ Adjoining elements are overlapped and pressed together and
are extremely resistant to shear forces
■ In conformity with the guideline for watertight structures
■ Approved for construction joints and controlled crack joints
■ Excellent bond with fresh concrete
■ Tested to resist up to 50 metres head of water
■ Approved to resist up to 20 metres head of water
General test certificate number P-51-07-0084/004 issued by the
Technical University of Munich according to the regulations of the
construction supervising authorities.
Stremaform® formwork element
with cage for FRANK waterbar
Metal waterstops or waterbar cages (prepared for in-situ fi xing of
a Frank waterbar) are welded in between Stremaform® elements
in the factory. These elements are suitable for all types of
construction joints.
Upon request, Stremaform® elements with metal water stops are
also produced with factory-made stiffening (Stremaform® strong).
■ Can also be supplied with indented joints upon request
■ Installed Stremaform® formwork elements remain in the
concrete, no stripping and waste disposal
■ Shear forces resistance of these construction joints is identical
to that obtained for monolithic concrete (Test Report by IBMB
of the TU of Brunswick)
For further sealing products and waterstops, kindly visit our website
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Frank waterbars for constructions joints
Internal waterbars for construction joints are completely embedded
in the concrete, whilst external waterbars are embedded in the
rear face of the concrete. Both ensure safe sealing of construction
joints against hydraulic pressure. In order to guarantee a reliable
bond with in-situ concrete and to avoid water infiltration into
construction joints, waterbars to DIN 18541 must be used.
Due to their excellent inherent stability FRANK waterbars for
construction joints can be used separately or as inserts in special
support cages made from Stremaform®.
Material: waterbar for expansion joints
General test certificate number P-22-MPANRW-1798-2 according
to the regulations of the construction supervising authorities
Also suited for use in waterbar cages in conformity with
DIN 18541 and with factory standard
Expansion joint connection
A special Fradiflex expansion joint connection unit enables the
connection of the metal waterstop to the FRANK waterbar. The
unit consists of a galvanized sheet steel with a special adhesive
coating on one side. The unit also includes a Cresco® expanding
waterstop and a pressure plate with screw fittings including wing
nut to provide a simple and safe seal.
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Application tunnel construction
FRANK offers you various products especially designed for tunnel construction – not only for sealing.
For more detailed information visit our website at or contact our direct extension
number +49 9427 189-0.
Intec ® Cem N
Injection hose
Zemdrain ®
formwork liner
Single spacers
and bar spacers
Intec ® Premium injection
hose or Cresco ®
expanding waterstop
For specific information on our controlled permeability formwork liner Zemdrain®,
our varied range of spacers and the mass-spring-system, kindly consult our relevant brochures.
Please ask for a free-of-charge copy at +49 9427 189-0.
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Product combinations
Various combinations of FRANK products offer both primary and secondary joint sealing – in conformity
with the recommendations specified by the highest performance class of the guideline for watertight
Combination: Fradiflex metal water
stop and Intec® injection hose
Combination: Fradiflex metal
waterstop and Cresco® BT expanding
The combination of a metal waterstop with an
injection hose system or an expanding waterstop
provides additional security against potential water
infiltration. The various combinations offer the same
sealing security however, they are suited for different
Fradiflex metal waterstop and Cresco® BT expanding
Combination 1:
Fradiflex metal water stop with Intec® Premium
injection hose
Primary sealing: Fradiflex metal waterstop
Primary sealing: Fradiflex metal waterstop
Secondary sealing: Cresco® BT expanding
waterstop made of bentonite forces itself into even
the finest cracks
Fixing should take place shortly prior to concreting.
Pressing of the expanding waterstop against the
metal water stop prior to the second concrete pour
guarantees excellent adhesion.
Secondary sealing: Intec® Premium injection hose,
for multiple injections with PUR, EP and acrylic resin
Combination 2:
Fradiflex metal water stop with Intec® Standard
injection hose
Primary sealing: Fradiflex metal waterstop
Secondary sealing: Intec® Standard injection hose,
for single injection with PUR, EP and acrylic resin
Combination 3:
Fradiflex metal water stop with Intec® Cem injection
Primary sealing: Fradiflex metal waterstop
Secondary sealing: Intec® Cem N injection hose, for
multiple injection with cement suspension, PUR resin
and other resins.
Combination: Stabox® F
A statically loaded and sealed joint solution is
possible for front-face wall connections by the
combination of Stabox® with a Fradifl ex coated
metal waterstop.
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Product combinations
Various combinations of FRANK products offer both primary and secondary joint sealing – in conformity
with the recommendations specified by the highest performance class of the guideline for watertight
Combination: Frank waterbar and
Intec® injection hose system
The combination of a waterbar with an injection hose
system provides additional security against potential
water infiltration. The various combinations offer the
same sealing security, however, they are suited for
different applications:
Combination 1:
Frank waterbar with Intec® Premium injection hose
Primary sealing: waterbar
Secondary sealing: Intec® Premium injection hose,
for multiple injections with PUR, EP and acrylic resin
Combination 2:
Frank waterbar with Intec® Standard injection hose
Combination: Stabox® SD and
Intec ® injection hose system and/
or Cresco® expanding waterstop
The combination of Stabox® continuity reinforcement
with an injection hose or an expanding waterstop
provides additional security against potential water
infiltration. The various combinations offer the same
sealing security, however, they are suited for different
Combination 1:
Stabox® SD rebar connection and Intec® injection
Application: rebar connections including sealing
Rebar connection: Stabox® SD
Primary sealing: waterbar
Sealing: Intec® injection hose, suited for injection
with PUR, EP and acrylic resin
Secondary sealing: Intec® Standard injection hose,
for single injection with PUR, EP and acrylic resin
Combination 2:
Combination 3:
Stabox® rebar connection and Cresco® expanding
Frank waterbar Intec® Cem N injection hose
Application: rebar connections including sealing
Primary sealing: waterbar
Rebar connection: Stabox® SD
Secondary sealing: Intec® Cem N injection hose, for
multiple injections with acrylic resin and for single
injection with cement suspension, PUR resin and
other resins.
Sealing: Cresco® expanding waterstop
Injection hose
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Permur ® ser vice penetration system
Permur ® PFR fibre cement pipes
Permur ® Block
Permur ® seal inserts
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Permur ® service penetration system
Permur ® system
The Permur ® system is used for the watertight and flexible
installation of services into concrete structures. The system
consists of either a fibre cement pipe or a special mould to form
the opening and a set of seals. The seals are manufactured from
different materials and come in different seal versions depending
on the individual customer requirements. With the Permur ® system
we provide a durable wall penetration in areas with and without
hydraulic pressure.
The Permur ® pipe penetration system is mainly used for watertight
concrete structures and it has proved to be the optimal solution
for sealing service and sanitation pipes into basements.
For the circular chases in concrete walls either Permur ® fibre
cement pipes can be used. Permur ® seal inserts are directly
placed into the circular chase.
The Permur ® liner pipe system has been tested on water tightness
and it is approved by test certificates. Tests were carried out in
conformity with DIN 1048 part 5; further laboratory test reports
are available.
Permur ® PFR fibre cement pipes
Our range of Permur ® PFR fibre cement pipes available in different
diameters comprises the ideal dimension for any wall penetration.
For exact positioning, attach the Permur ® PFR fi xing aid for
multiple use to the formwork, this fi xing aid additionally protects
the pipe against penetration of concrete laitance.
■ Ideal bonding of fi bre cement with in-situ concrete
■ Coeffi cient of expansion identical to in-situ concrete
■ Waterproof material – does not shrink
■ High stability and dimensional accuracy
Use of the PFR fi xing aid has additional benefi ts:
■ Simple fi xing of the fi bre cement pipe to the formwork
■ Protection against penetration of concrete laitance
■ Creates precisely bevelled pipe penetrations
■ Time saving
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Permur ® service penetration system
Permur ® Block
The Permur ® block with multiple penetrations was developed
specifically for use with brickwork. This block provides a simple
and practical method of providing a watertight connection for
service supply lines such as water, power, or telecommunications.
A Permur ® block with a single penetration for the feed-through of
waste disposal lines such as for wastewater, can also be provided
in accordance with construction site standards.
The Permur ® block is thermally insulated and the heat insulation
can be tailored according to the brickwork thickness.
■ specifi cally developed for brickwork
■ with integrated heat isulation
■ suitable for all wall thicknesses
■ integrated directly into the outer seal of the structure
■ suitable for drainage pipes with a large bore
■ can be sealed using any suitable commercially available
sealing insert
multiple penetration
single penetration
w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Permur ® service penetration system
Permur ® seal insert
Permur seal inserts allow for reliable and durable sealing of the
ingress/egress of service and sanitation pipes through watertight
concrete structures.
This well-proven system consisting of a Permur seal insert
and a Permur PFR fibre cement tube guarantees a simple and
economical solution for reliably sealing wall penetrations.
Special seal insert designs can be manufactured according to
project specifications.
Permur seal inserts have been tested and certified by an
independent institute up to 5 bars hydraulic pressure.
■ Extremely fl exible rubber seal
■ Stainless steel seal insert – closed design*
■ Stainless steel – parted design*
■ Stainless steel – multiple penetration pressure plates*
■ multi-layer sealing kit
Permur ® seal inserts are offered in different qualities and designs:
■ Stainless steel –
closed design*
■ Stainless steel –
parted design*
■ Stainless
steel – multiple
pressure plates*
■ Plastic
link chains
■ multi-layer
sealing kit
* The seal inserts are also available in V4A quality and can optionally be manufactured from materials approved for drinking water applications according to the KTW recommendations.
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
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Crack filling/injection materials
Crack injection
These products provide a reliable means of closing and sealing
both planned and umplanned cracks occurring in concrete structures.
FRANK metal disk packers and screw packers allow for crack injection according to the DAfStb guideline and according to the
rules of the ZTV-ING.
ca. d/2
Screw packer application (section):
Use of a metal disk packer
(Crack closing)
ca. d/2
Crack filling materials – injection materials
(Excerpt from ZTV-ING part 3, massive construction, section 5 “Filling of cracks and cavities in concrete
structures, annex A”).
Degree of humidity of cracks, crack edges and fl anks
Goal of application
dry 1)
Water carrying
pressurized 2)
Connect non-positively
Connect expandable to a limited degree
1) In case of application of ZL-I, ZS-I, ZL-T and ZS-T for dry cracks a preliminary treatment in conformity with installation instructions is
2) Together with pressure reducing measures, relief wells, water preservation and backward sealing
= Epoxy resin
PUR = Polyurethane resin
= Cement glue
For FRANK injection materials kindly refer to page 11.
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Our ser vice for you
Should you have any questions, please contact us by telephone at +49 9427 189-0 or send
an E-mail to and get directly in contact with our experts for technical
Alternatively you can get more detailed information by visiting our Web site at
Our Web site also informs you about product standards, tender specifi cations and
allows for free-of-charge downloads, as well as giving details of your nearest Frank
offi ce or offi cial distributor.
w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Joint types
Construction joints
A vertical or horizontal surface in reinforced
concrete where concreting was deliberately or
unintentionally stopped and continued later. The
surface between the two pours should always be
properly prepared to ensure intimate connection as
these joints are not normally considered in static
Options for sealing construction joints include the
use of metal waterstops, expanding waterstops,
injection hoses or FRANK waterbars.
Movement joints
A gap in a structure that allows its components to
move with respect to each other. The cause of such
movement may be thermal, seismic or wind loading
and movement should occur without rupture or
Expansion joint
Designed joint between structural elements that
is able to absorb movements caused by thermal
expansion, creep and shrinkage or by other
Expansion joints are especially required for the
connection of different materials with differing heat
expansion coefficients, large structural elements
and complicated structures. The reinforcement is in
this case discontinued and loads are transferred via
dowels, e.g. the transverse force dowel Egcodorn®.
Crack-control section
(Controlled crack joint or dummy
Intentional weakening of the structural element’s
cross section including weakening of the
reinforcement integrated in this cross section for
production of a local crack. Controlled crack joints
are sealed by elements for controlled crack joints.
In case of element wall’s controlled crack joints
please take care that cracks are especially
produced in the joint section of the element wall.
For this purpose, use Fradiflex controlled crack
inducers, however, please avoid the installation of
additional rebars. Additional rebars in this case
will have a negative effect by producing further
undesirable cracks weakening the system.
Cracks may result from various sources including
overloading and in severe cases they may effect the
full width of a concrete element.
Cracks need to be treated when they are a potential
threat to the durability of the reinforcement or are
causing unacceptable leaks. Injection should not
be used for cracks resulting from reinforcement
corrosion. The minimum limit for crack injection is
about 0.1mm width. A wide range of resins can be
used to seal these cracks.
Expansion joints are sealed by using FRANK
Separation joint
structural elements or buildings. Structural elements
are not statically interconnected. Separation joints
are normally sealed using appropriate FRANK
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Test certificates
For installation instructions and tender texts kindly refer to our website at
We can also send you a CD upon request.
Intec ® Standard injection hose
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities with approval for single injection with PUR, acrylic resin and EP resin
Intec ® Premium injection hose
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities with approval for multiple injection as a primary use
Intec ® Cem N injection hose
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities with approval for multiple injection as a primary use, issued by the Material Testing
Institute at the Technical University of Munich
Intec ® Combi injection hose
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, issued by the Material Testing Institute at the Technical University of Munich
Intectin Plus
Test behavior with drinking water after UBA guidelines, Hygiene Institute Gelsenkirchen
Cresco ® AC expanding waterstop
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, confirming the suitability for application in areas of alternating moisture penetration,
Material Testing Institute of North Rhine-Westphalia
Cresco ® BT expanding waterstop
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, confirming the suitability for application in areas of alternating moisture penetration,
issued by the Material Testing Institute at the Technical University of Munich
Cresco ® PU expanding waterstop
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, confirming the suitability for application in areas of alternating moisture penetration,
Material Testing Institute of North Rhine-Westphalia
Fradifl ex metal waterstop
General test certifi cate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, issued by the Material Testing Institute at the Technical University of Munich
Fradifl ex controlled crack inducer
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, issued by the Material Testing Institute at the Technical University of Munich
Stremafl ex ® formwork element
General test certificate issued according to the regulations of the construction supervising
authorities, issued by the Material Testing Institute at the Technical University of Munich
Permur ® liner pipe
Test on water impermeability, certifi cate issued by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sipple
Permur ® Block
Test on water impermeabiltity, Institute for Material Testing Leipzig mbH
Permur ® seal inserts – closed design
Test on water impermeability of the PDE-Permur seal inserts – closed design, Institute for Material
Testing Leipzig mbH
Permur ® seal inserts – parted design
Test on water impermeability of the PDE-Permur seal inserts – parted design, Institute for Material
Testing Leipzig, mbH
w w w. m a x f r a n k . c o m
Medienfabrik, Munich (GER)
Fradiflex metal waterstop, Stremaform® formwork element,
Stabox® rebar connection, extruded fibre reinforced concrete spacers
Residence with garage, Bamberg (GER)
Intec® Premium injection hose, extruded fibre reinforced concrete spacers
Technology Center Rosen, Lingen (GER)
Tubbox® column former, extruded fibre reinforced concrete spacers,
Fradiflex Standard metal waterstop
Office and commercial building Ohlingsmühle,
Wuppertal (GER)
Fradiflex Premium metal waterstop, Egcobox® insulated balcony
connector, Bar spacers, Stremaform®
Production facility “Gaz de France Suez”,
Schneeren (GER)
Stremaform® formwork element with rubber water bar cage
Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y
Max Frank GmbH & Co. KG
Mitterweg 1
94339 Leiblfing
Fa x
+49 9427 189-0
+49 9427 1588
700BR01/05 – INT/GB – 10/12