Watertight sealing solutions for antenna poles Report from mobile telecom network extension in Moscow, Russia Moscow is speaking – a lot. Mobile operators have to put extensive efforts into making their networks cover the vast 15 million people capital, but land is expensive and there is hardly any space available for base stations. The solution is 400 smartly designed antenna poles equipped with Roxtec cable seals. The seals protect cables from damage, poles from rust and equipment from rain and snow. The antenna poles melt into the Moscow city landscape. why roxtec? “The customer needed a special sealing solution that would not damage the cables, but be a reliable water barrier. We provided a design solution for area efficiency, water-tightness and future needs.” Evgeny Ovsiannikov, Managing Director, Roxtec RU. Rain water leaking in through an opening for cables in an antenna mast may cause severe corrosion. If water enters and freezes to ice, the pole can break down and literally cause the fall of the entire system. The two leading Russian mobile phone operators, MegaFon and MTS, are sharing base stations and antennas to keep their networks running with a reasonable number of sites. The combined light and antenna pole from Elektrosetstroy, with Roxtec cable entry solutions, helps both operators cover densely built-up districts. They do not have to occupy more space than what is required for street lights. “Roxtec keeps out rain, snow and ice” Sealing and protecting Each antenna pole has two or four Roxtec entry seals for multiple cables. The seals protect the cables entering the pole from the sharp metal edges of the cut openings, while they efficiently keep out dust, pollution and humidity from the pole interior. No dirty particles may enter the pole, because of the risk of damage to sensitive equipment. And it must be dry inside to avoid corrosion or the ice-breaker effect. Maximizing uptime The system with antenna poles is a very cost-efficient and discrete way of integrating telecom networks into the city landscape. The electronic equipment connected to the pole is often installed underground, close to the metro tunnels. It is still important to seal poles in order to avoid downtime due to humidity. Ready for upgrades In addition, Roxtec entry seals are adaptable to cables of different sizes. The system provides optional built-in spare capacity, which means a possibility for service and maintenance teams to open up the seals and change or add cables whenever there is a need to connect new equipment to the base station. Roxtec seals provide smooth, yet firm cable retention. Low cost, huge benefits Thanks to the design cooperation between Elektrosetstroy and Roxtec, the telecom operators were able to protect their cables, secure their equipment and prepare their systems for upcoming challenges. The result is that Moscow can go on communicating. Let us say that it is once more proven that quality talks. Roxtec sealing system Roxtec cable and pipe seals ensure safety, efficiency and operational reliability. They are adapt­ able to cables and pipes of different sizes thanks to Multidiameter™, a solution based on modules with removable layers. SHE2011004701 ver_1.0/GB/1146/thoge Reliable seals ensure uptime in mobile telecom networks. Facts Project type Roll-out and extension of mobile telecom networks Involved MegaFon and MTS – mobile operators companiesElektrosetstroy – antenna pole provider Applications Cable sealing in antenna poles and base stations Sealing requirements Watertight and cable-friendly Roxtec Wedges Roxtec sealing modules Roxtec telecom references AT&T/Cingular, Bharti, China Mobile, Delta, Eltek, Ericsson, FMHC, Huawei, MTL, Nokia Siemens Networks, Orascom, Reliance, Sprint Nextel, Telefónica, Vodafone. Roxtec International AB Box 540, 371 23 Karlskrona, SWEDEN PHONE +46 455 36 67 00, FAX +46 455 820 12 EMAIL info@roxtec.com, www.roxtec.com Roxtec ® and Multidiameter ® are registered trademarks of Roxtec in Sweden and/or other countries. Roxtec products Roxtec S frames