BOOTH CONFIGURATIONS R ev ised by Exhibits R ound T able Executiv e B oard at the 2 001 S p ring B oard M eeting. L in e a r /Sta n d a rd Bo o th D E FINITION: Exhibit consisting of one or more standard units in a straight line. HE IGHT Exhibit fixtures, comp onents and identification signs w ill be p ermitted to a maximum height of 8 3 (2 .5 m). 8'3" (2.5m) M a x H t. D E P TH A ll disp lay fixtures ov er 4 0 (1 .2 2 m) in height and p laced w ithin 1 0 lineal feet (3.05 m) of an adjoining exhibit, must be confined to that area of the exhibitor’s sp ace w hich is at least 5 0 (1 .5 2 m) from the aisle line for those exhibits w ith 1 4 0 (4 .2 7 m) dep th or more. 4' (1 .22m) M a x H t. 4' 5' (1 .52m) A is le D is p la y fix tu re s o v e r 4' (1 .22m) mu s t b e c o n fin e d to th a t a re a o f th e b o o th th a t is a t le a s t 5' (1 .52m) fro m th e a is le lin e . IM P ORTANT S p ace dimensions show n on floor p lan are from center line of booth eq uip ment, such as side rails and/or back drap e. Exhibit structures must be constructed to allow sufficient tolerance on each side for this eq uip ment and for utility serv ice at rear of booth. 8'3" (2.5m) M a x H t. 5' (1 .52m) A is le 4' (1 .22m) M a x H t. 1 0 ' (3.0 5M ) B o o th 30 ' (9 .1 4m) B o o th 1 0 ' (3.0 5M ) 4' (1 .22M ) 5' (1 .52m) Perim eter Booth DEFINITION: Standard booth located on the outer perimeter aisle of the exhibit floor. HEIGHT Exhibit fixtures, components and identification signs will be permitted to a maximum height of 12 (3.6 6 m) in perimeter wall booths. 12' (3.66m) Max Ht. DEPTH All display fixtures over 40 (1.22m) in height and placed within 10 lineal feet (3.05m) of an adjoining exhibit, must be confined to that area of the exhibitor’s space which is at least 50 (1.52m) from the aisle line for those exhibits with 140 (4.27m) depth or more. 4' (1.22m) Max Ht. 4' 5' (1.52m) Aisle Display fixtures over 4' (1.22m) must be confined to that area of the booth that is at least 5' (1.52m) from the aisle line. 12' (3.66m) Max Ht. 4' (1.22m) Max Ht. Sm all Pres s /Produ c t Tab le Dis p lay 5' (1.52m) Aisle DEFINITION: Exhibit consisting of a table-top display of products. HEIGHT/DEPTH Table exhibitors may place a sign or vertical exhibit(s) on their table as long as they fit the 6 0 x 20 (1.83m x .6 1m) table area and do not exceed 30 (.9 1m) from the table top. Table exhibitors may hang signage or banners from the back drape support to promote company identity or products. This area is limited to a space 6 0 wide x 40 high T able provided. 2' w ide, 6' long , 2 1/2' hig h. (1.83m x 1.22m), extending down from the top of the back drape line. Table exhibitors are not prermitted to order additional tables. N o exhibit or sign may interfere with, obscure, or block the view of another exhibit. N o table exhibitor may construct a back wall or any equipment or display materials other than on the table provided. N o product or display materials may be placed on the floor. S ig nag e or banners from the back drape limited to 4' x 6'. S ig ns on tables: Maximum heig ht of 3' permitted. Do not exceed leng th of table w ith sig ns. Peninsula Booth DEFINITION: Exhibit which occupies both corners at the end of a row of standard booths with an aisle on three sides. A P eninsula Booth is a minimum 20 x 20 in siz e. HEIGHT Exhibit fixtures, components and identification signs will be permitted to a maximum height of 160 (4.88m). DEPTH A i sl e 4' (1.22m) Max. Ht. le Ais All display fixtures over 40 (1.22m) in height and placed within 10 lineal feet (3.05m) of a neighboring exhibit, must be confined to that area of the booth that is at least 50 (1.52m) from the aisle line to avoid blocking the sight line from the aisle to the adjoining booth. 16' (4.88m) Max. Ht. F inished wall no copy STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY rin g Ex hi bi ts Exhibitors are cautioned when installing a display with a ceiling or second level to check with the local fire department to ensure that their display meets with the necessary fire safety precautions involving smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, etc. 5' (1.52m) bo P eninsula booths are “ faced” towards the cross aisle. Any portion of the exhibit bordering another exhibitor’s booth must have the back side of that portion finished and must not carry identification signs or other copy that would detract from the adjoining exhibit. gh IMPORTANT 5' (1.52m) Must be 10' (3.05m) ei N (3.05M) 10' Aisle 5' (1.52m) Aisle All multi-story exhibits, regardless of whether people will occupy the upper area or not, and all exhibit fixtures and components exceeding 120 (3.66m) in height must have drawings available for inspection by exposition management, the installation and dismantling contractor, the exhibitor and governmental authority during the time the exhibit is being erected, exhibited and dismantled at the show site that include a signature or stamp of a reviewing structural engineer indicating that the structure design is properly engineered for its proposed use, and a signature of an authoriz ed official of the exhibit building company indicating that the structure is built in compliance with the details and specifications set forth on the drawings. Signs must also be posted indicating the maximum number of people the structure will accommodate. 5' (1.52m) Aisle (3.05M) 10' 4' (1.22m) Max Ht. 16' (4.88m) Max Ht. Island Booth DEFINITION: Exhibit with aisles on all four sides. An Island Booth is a minimum 20 x 20 in size. HEIGHT The entire cubic content of the space may be used up to a maximum allowable height as determined by the exhibit facility structure. DEPTH Because an island booth is automatically separated by the width of an aisle from all neighboring exhibits, full use of the floor plan is permitted. le A is 16'(4.88m ) M ax.Ht. Ai sl e Exhibitors are cautioned when installing a display with a ceiling or second level to check with the local fire department to ensure that their display meets with the necessary fire safety precautions involving smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, etc. sle Ai Aisle Aisle Aisle IMPORTANT sl e All multi-story exhibits, regardless of whether people will occupy the upper area or not, and all exhibit fixtures and components exceeding 120 (3.66m) in height must have drawings available for inspection by exposition management, the installation and dismantling contractor, the exhibitor and governmental authority during the time the exhibit is being erected, exhibited and dismantled at the show site that include a signature or stamp of a reviewing structural engineer indicating that the structure design is properly engineered for its proposed use, and a signature of an authorized official of the exhibit building company indicating that the structure is built in compliance with the details and specifications set forth on the drawings. Signs must also be posted indicating the maximum number of people the structure will accommodate. Ai STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Aisle Cross-Aisle Booths: Headers & Carpet DEFINITION: C ross-aisle headers and carpet span the aisle between exhibit booths to display a graphic identity. HEIGHT/DEPTH Exhibitors utilizing a minimum of 30 linear feet (9.14 meters) of space, which could be in-line, peninsula or island, facing 30 (9.14m) of exhibit space across the aisle can install a cross-aisle header with a maximum height of 120 (3.66m), and a minimum height of 80 (2.44m). The maximum width of the header from front to back is not to exceed 20 (.61m). H eaders and supporting structures must be located within the display so as not to interfere with any aisle traffic and must be placed a minimum of 20 (.61m) from the front line. They must be a minimum of 100 (3.05m) from any adjoining exhibit. F or the purpose of safety or installation, headers may be suspended from the ceiling structure of the facility O verhead cross-aisle headers are for the purpose of displaying the corporate name, identification or logo only. G raphics are permitted on the two sides of the sign (front/back) facing the main aisle. No graphics are allowed on any other portion of the header structure. Hang ing Sig ns C ross-aisle headers, whether supported on structures or hung, may not be located as to block aisle designation signage. Show Management may request a relocation or removal of any cross-aisle headers that, in management’s opinion, do not comply with all requirements of this section. CARPET C arpet may be installed to replace the official show aisle carpet to connect cross-aisle booths. This carpet must be of solid color and cannot contain any copy, graphics, or logos. This carpet may not be padded in any way to create obstructions or to restrict AD A accessibility. IMPORTANT All exhibitors who qualify and wish to use cross-aisle carpet or header in the design of their display must submit a plan to Show Management at least 60 days prior to the move-in date of the event. DEFINITION: An exhibit component suspended above or displayed on an exhibit for the pur- pose of displaying graphics or identification. HEIGHT Peninsula, Island and C ross-Aisle Booth C onfigurations are the only booths that are permitted to display a hanging sign. H anging identification signs and graphics will be permitted to a maximum height of corresponding booth configuration regulations, provided written approval is received from exposition management. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY All hanging signs must have drawings available for inspection by exposition management, the installation and dismantling contractor, the exhibitor and governmental authority during the time the component is being hung, suspended and removed at the show site that include a signature or stamp of a reviewing structural engineer indicating that the stress points for hanging the sign have been properly engineered, and a signature of an authorized official of the exhibit building company indi- cating that the structure is built in compliance with the details and specifications set forth on the drawings. (Note: Exhibitors are encouraged to use lightweight materials in the construction of a hanging sign to eliminate excessive stress to the facility ceiling structure.) APPROV AL All sign requests must be submitted with floor plans or diagrams in writing to Paul G raller, AL A Exposition Manager, H all-Erickson, Inc., 98 E. Naperville Road, Suite 201, W estmont, IL 60559-1559. All sign requests must be received 60 days prior to event. Signs not approved in advance will not be hung. IF Y O U D ESIRE TO H ANG ANY SIG NS O R O TH ER MATERIAL S ABO V E Y O U R EX H IBIT AND IT W IL L U TIL IZ E ANY O F TH E C EIL ING STRU C TU RES IN TH E C O NV ENTIO N C ENTER, PL EASE REV IEW TH E H ANG ING SIG N REQ U IREMENTS IN TH IS MANU AL . Canopies and Ceilings DEFINITION: Exhibit component supported over an exhibitor’s space for decorative purposes. HEIGHT Canopies, false ceilings and umbrellas will be permitted to a height that corresponds to the height regulation for the appropriate exhibit configuration of which they are a part. For example, canopies will not exceed 83 (2.5m) in height in a standard booth configuration. Furthermore, the canopy or false ceiling will not exceed 10 (30cm) in depth and cannot be used for identification or display purposes. DEPTH Canopies may extend out to the aisle line and up to the booth line on either side of an exhibitor’s space providing that the support structure will not exceed 3 (7.62cm) in width when placed within 10 lineal feet (3.05m) of an adjoining exhibit and not confined to the area of the exhibitor’s space which is at least 50 (1.52m) from the aisle line. Furthermore, canopies, false ceilings or umbrellas will not be used for identification or display purposes except as would normally be allowed for any exhibit component within the regulations set forth for the exhibit configuration. Maximum 12" (30cm) depth for canopies or false ceilings. Canopy O pen O pen 4' (1.22m) Max Ht. 5' (1.52m) Aisle Maximum 3" (7 .62cm) diameter supports permitted for canopies or false ceilings. 10' (3.05m) Booth 20' (6.1m) Booth IMPORTANT Exhibitors are cautioned when installing a display with a ceiling to check with the local fire department to ensure that their display meets with the necessary fire safety precautions involving smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, etc. O pen