September 2013 Dear Third Grade Parents & Guardians, Welcome to an exciting and important year in your child’s educational development. I want to explain several basic components about homework in this transitional year. I will discuss everything in greater detail during curriculum night on Thursday, September 26th. MOST IMPORTANT Please read and sign your child’s homework log EVERY NIGHT. You will be able to tell by the daily list what homework there is and what notices are in the homework folder each day. I check the homework folders and homework logs every morning. If there is anything you need to tell me, you may write it in the parent/teacher communication box on the homework log. It is important for your child to know that we communicate even if it is as simple as initials on a homework log. BASICS ABOUT HOMEWORK Students must read at least 20 minutes each day and record on the back of their homework log. Logs will be checked daily. Parents must initial the log each night. Students must practice math facts for 5 minutes each day and also record on the back of their homework log. In the beginning of October, we will start our spelling program that will focus on recognizing common spelling strategies, and learning spelling/phonics rules. Each week the children will be taught a new spelling rule. As part of their weekly homework students will have a packet that will be passed out on Monday, to be returned on Friday. The packet has activities to familiarize the students with the weekly rule. An activity called look, say, cover, write, check will also be done with the packet. Your child can show you how this is done from our practice in school. Spelling packets will only be assigned when we have full weeks of school. I suggest spreading this assignment out over the course of the week. Please plan accordingly if you have busy Thursday evenings to avoid unnecessary homework stress. Math homework is given 3-4 times per week. One of these nights is a “math games” night. Please remember that I will only assign homework about things that have already been covered in school. Cursive homework will be assigned one night per week. Science and social studies work is given as needed. HOMEWORK PROCEDURES Homework assignments are explained, modeled and written on the board at school. Students copy the daily assignments, a listing of the day’s notices, and upcoming events onto their homework log. These are reminders for you and your child. Please read and initial daily. In third grade, homework is used in part to build responsibility. Your child should be completing the homework, and packing his/her backpack independently. Your job is to initial the homework log when your child has shown you the completed assignment. Your child should then pack his/her folder with the completed work, notices to return, and the homework log that has been signed by a parent. Most children remember their homework folders when their backpack is packed at night rather than in the morning. If your child is truly struggling with homework, please don’t let it go on forever! For example, if they are stuck on a math sheet and struggle for more than 20 minutes ... STOP! Write a note on the homework log to me explaining the difficulty and I will review the concept. Other Important Information Our specialist schedule is as follows: Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayConferences: Report Cards: MCAS Reading: MCAS Math: Music/Recorder (bring recorders when you get them) No special Art Library (return library books) PE (need sneakers) October/November and March/April February and June March May Please join me on Thursday, September 26th for curriculum night. I consider this one of the most important nights of the school year. Thank you! Ms. Lawton