Lesson Activity Toolkit Tool name Tool definition Ideas for tool use Activities Anagram Unscramble given letters to solve problems. Unscramble for word games Category sort image A typical T-chart, either 2 or 3 columns; categories images into categories A typical T-chart, either 2 or 3 columns; categories text into categories Categorizing, sorting, organizing, developing own category labels Given images, arrange them into a specific order Sequencing, steps in a process, following directions Image match Given images, match text to correct images Beginning/middle/end sounds, vocabulary, sight words Image select Images a shuffled, stop by tapping, match the correct word to the image Image identification Keyword match Given words, you match to the correct definition, meaning, etc. Matching, with editing of categories = idioms, Multiple choice Just that - multiple choice when given a question and four responses to choose from. Reveal ideas one at a time up to five ideas. Multiple choice A memory game of sorts. Can be played with either images or text. Memory with images or text Category sort text Hot Spots Image arrange Note reveal Pairs Categorizing, sorting, organizing, developing own category labels Steps in a process, ordering, follow one step at a time Screen shot of tool Sentence arrange Using given sentences, arrange into sequential order Sequencing Tiles Colored tiles cover an image. Click to reveal one at a time. Memory with images, click tiles to reveal a hidden image Timeline Timeline where events occur as the point is clicked Timeline, steps in process Vortex sort image Categorize images into two categories. Categories are vortexes that spin or not. Categorize text into two categories. Categories are vortexes that spin or not. Given a riddle, spell the answer correctly using given letters Categorization of images Vortex sort text Word biz Word Guess A hangman of sorts Categorization of text Spelling practice Hangman word game Tools Balloon pop Hide answers, then “pop” the balloon to reveal Interactive lessons for selfchecking answers Checker tool Slide text answers to this tool; use to check answer Interactive lessons for selfchecking answers Chick and reveal - circle, rectangle, square, star, triangle Use these shapes to hide answers; click shape to reveal hidden text Interactive lessons for selfchecking answers Color Chooser Click chooser to show different colors; click arrow to display color Color identification Dice image Insert images on dice; use the dice by clicking; displays pic randomly Random display of images, landmarks, geometry Dice keyword Insert text on this dice then use dice by clicking; displays text randomly Review questions – 5Ws, DOK or Bloom’s levels, vocabulary Domino generator black Typical domino; click to randomly generate domino; arrow displays given domino Good for domino games Domino generator – image Insert your own image or text; arrow displays given domino; continue building dominos Typical domino but yellow; click to randomly generate domino; arrow displays given domino Good for basic domino games where images are needed Domino generator yellow Good for domino games Firecracker Counts backward from 10 once flame is clicked timer Information button A file that reveals a hidden rectangular note when you click the ? Reminders for you, hints for activities, self-checking features Note reveal left, right Another file that reveals hidden notes when clicking the ?. Reveals small amt at once. Quick, short hints, answers, ideas Question flipper - square, marquee, image These are flippers where one side is a question (or image) and the other is the answer. Another question tool where the question will either disappear, display with a check or x. (No answers.) Self-checking with answer on back Randomly generates cards. Yellow arrow displays selected card. Games with drawing cards Question tool Random card generator Prompting thought, ideas Random consonant generator Randomly generates consonants. Grey arrow displays selected letter. Word families; letter/word games; letter recognition Random group generator (image) Randomly generates groups sized by you after you insert images. Yellow arrow displays determined groups. Randomly generates groups sized by you. Yellow arrow displays determined groups. Randomly selects one image from a group after you insert images. Separate groups by image, food chains Random image tool Randomly selects one image at a time after you insert images. Tell what habitat a selected animal lives in; geometric shapes Random letter generator Randomly generates letters. Grey arrow displays selected letter. Word families; letter/word games; letter recognition Random number generator Randomly generates numbers from -500 to 500. Great for interactive games Random text tool Randomly generates words Sight words; color words; vocabulary; Random vowel generator Randomly generates vowels. Grey arrow displays selected letter. Word families; letter/word games; letter recognition Random word chooser Randomly selects one word from a list. Randomly selecting students, sights words, vocabulary Scoreboard Keeps track of scores for two teams Jeopardy, class games Scrolling text banner Text scrolls marquee style Reminders for steps on problems; message to class Random group generator (text) Random image chooser Enter students’ names and randomly put into groups Recognition of landmarks, logos, signs, geometric figures Text splitter Word generator Insert paragraph or sentence of text. Select split words or text and it will separate Insert 15 words; select character; click character and words appear. Restating a question; word order in a sentence; rearranging “old English” to better understand Thematic vocabulary; review activities; randomly assigning topics