Paper Number Modeling of In-cylinder Pressure Oscillations under Knocking Conditions: Introduction to Pressure Envelope Curve G. Brecq1 and O. Le Corre2 1 Now at Gaz de France Ecole des Mines de Nantes 2 Copyright © 2005 SAE International ABSTRACT High frequency pressure oscillations are generated under knocking conditions within the combustion chamber of Spark Ignition engines. Although acousticoscillation model can give the natural frequencies of these oscillations, very few mathematical models are today available, in scientific literature, to describe the oscillation deadening effect. An analytical formulation of the deadening has been highlighted. Analytical solution has been established for future ECU implementation. Coupling this new concept and an existing highfrequency model, an achieved model of the knocking pressure high frequencies is compared to experimental data. Good behavior is obtained on a natural gas fuelled spark ignition engine. BACKGROUND Knock is an undesirable combustion mode occurring in SI engines. It results in an abnormal auto-ignition of the end gas ahead of the propagating flame front. This phenomenon, characterized by the occurrence of pressure oscillations within the combustion chamber resulting in a metallic noise, can lead to irreversible engine damage. Because of increasing environmental concerns and enlargement of fuel diversification, natural gas is more and more considered as a valuable fuel for reciprocating engines and especially SI engines. Because of the absence of anti-knock-additive for natural gas (such as lead tetraethyl for gasoline) and the relative high variability of the natural gas composition (natural gas is a crude hydrocarbon whose composition changes with feedstock location), knocking conditions can easily occur in gas engines. Consequently, although this phenomenon has been extensively studied for more than a century, renewed interest has occurred in the last 1015 years in order to detect and control its occurrence. Either intrusive or non-intrusive techniques are used to detect knock and preserve engines from damages. Nonintrusive sensors (accelerometer) are mainly used in industrial applications, while intrusive techniques (mainly piezoelectric sensors) support research developments. Up to now, the intrusive in-cylinder pressure measurement is likely the most investigated way to detect knock because of the direct connection between knock and pressure oscillations. Signals generated by both accelerometer and pressure sensor are generally filtered in order to provide highfrequency oscillations. This signal is then used to calculate knock indices. Many kinds of indices exist. Leppard [1] in 1982 was one of the first to propose an indicator using filtered pressure signal. Later, extensions of his work were reported in [2-4]. Gradient in-cylinder pressure indices were developed by [3,5-7]. Lastly, many authors [8-23] studied or used filtered pressure indices, such as: 1. Maximum Amplitude of Pressure Oscillations N 1 MAPO = ∑1 max pˆ (1) θ 0 ;θ 0 +ζ N 2. Integral of Modulus of Pressure Gradient ˆ 1 N θ 0 +ζ d p IMPG = ∑1 ∫ dθ (2) θ0 N dθ 3. Integral of Modulus of Pressure Oscillations N θ 0 +ζ 1 IMPO = ∑1 ∫ pˆ dθ (3) θ0 N A scheme of calculation methods is proposed for IMPO and MAPO in Fig. 1. Integration Pass-band Filter Absolute Value Comparison Present knock models are based on works done by Draper [24] in 1935, who proposed a mathematical description of the pressure oscillations on the basis of acoustic wave theory (Eq. 4). ) ∂² p ) = v ² ∆p (4) ∂t ² Analytical solution of equation 4 can be obtained under disk geometry assumptions. Different oscillation modes were established according to the literature [10, 13, 2526]. Nevertheless, this theory does not describe the time deadening effect on the oscillations, that can be observed in Fig. 2. This acoustic model is then unable to determine the value of MAPO for modeled oscillations. More recently, Trapy [27] attempted to account for knock effects on wall heat losses. He introduced the perturbation ∆h of the heat exchange coefficient due to knock as a decreasing exponential function depending on time (Eq. 5). −t (5) ∆h = ∆h0 exp 1,7 10 −3 Indeed, the wall transfers are strongly affected by the presence of oscillations [28]. Equation 5 has no real scientific fundaments based on experimental observations but allows concluding that the oscillation deadening is driven by an exponential function. After testing, it appears too rough to reproduce the phenomenon accurately. The aim of this paper is to propose a global model for the pressure oscillation signal under knocking conditions. This model merges an acoustic model (Draper [24] cf Appendix A) and a deadening model. We introduce the definition of the Pressure Envelope Curve, denoted by PEC, to reflect the oscillations deadening phenomenon. Using the least square method, investigations show good occurrence between experiments and identified PEC. Crank Angle CA Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Among all existing indices, MAPO is likely the most employed, but none of them can be considered as a universal indicator in terms of knock detection performance. To achieve the definition of such an indicator, oscillation modeling could be, for instance, very helpful. Filtered Pressure [bar] Fig. 1: Determination of two knock indices from filtered pressure Crank Angle CA Fig. 2: Filtered pressure post-treatment EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Main technical features of the engine used are presented in Table 1. The engine is a natural gas fuelled SI engine derived from a Diesel engine, with a bowl piston head. It was adapted to spark ignition by reducing the compression ratio and fixing a spark plug in the injector location. The engine was connected to an electrical dynamometer, which maintained the speed at 1500 rev/min. A view of the setup is shown in Fig.3. Natural gas composition was analysed by a gas chromatograph and it is given in Table 2 with the maximum fluctuations encountered. LINEAR RELATION FROM LITERATURE In 1998, Diana et al. [29] plotted the mean values of IMPO and MAPO versus IMPG. They noted a linear dependency between IMPO and IMPG. This observation can be expressed by the following equation obtained for a given CA window ∆ζ and N consecutive cycles (used in the arithmetic average): 1 N Spark Ignition, Air Cooled Bore 95. 3 mm Stroke 88.8 mm Compression ratio 12.37:1 Cooling system Forced air circulation No of cylinders One θ 0 + ∆ζ ∫θ Max. absolute fluctuation CH4 90.4% ± 1.8% C2H6 6.6% ± 1.7% C3H8 1.9% ± 0.7% CxHy 0.7% ± 0.5% N2 0.3% ± 0.4% 0 dpˆ dθ = a (∆ζ ) dθ θ 0 + ∆ζ ∫θ pˆ dθ (6) 0 CONCEPT OF THE PRESSURE ENVELOPE CURVE The system for the acquisition of in-cylinder pressure was composed of: Piezoelectric cylinder pressure sensor AVL QH32D, gain 25.28pC/bar, range 0-200 bar pˆ dθ 0 Equation (6) is very difficult to solve because the sign of filtered pressure p̂ never stops varying on the domain [ θ 0 ; θ 0 + ∆ζ ]. Table 2. Mean natural gas composition • N θ 0 + ∆ζ ∑1 ∫θ Equation 6 has been verified by plotting IMPG versus IMPO with a constant windows of ∆ζ = 60 CA (see for instance, Figure 4a) at different equivalence ratios covering both lean burn and stoichiometric modes of operation. Investigations have been also done to study effects of throttling on this property. A linear tendency can then be observed for cyclic values of these 2 indices. More interesting results are proposed in figure 4b that reflects the evolution of the gain factor a with ∆ζ : beyond a certain value of ∆ζ, a (∆ζ) is either linear or constant (depending of the cycle). Table 1. Technical features of the engine Volumetric content 0 dpˆ 1 d θ = a ( ∆ζ ) dθ N Since our interest is focused on formulating an equation for the pressure oscillations, one attends to confirm this property for cyclic values of IMPO and IMPG, (Eq. 6): Fig. 3: Experimental Setup Type N θ 0 + ∆ζ ∑1 ∫θ – • Charge amplifier - AVL 3066A0 • Shaft position encoder – AVL 364C, sampling 0.1CA • Piezo resistive pressure sensor fixed inside the inlet manifold with its amplifier – range 0-2.5 bar The pressure envelope curve ~ p is defined as the curve passing by the “local” maximum of the pressure oscillations, see figure 5. Obtaining most of their values is quite easy by picking up the consecutive maximum values of the absolute filtered pressure signal from the end of window θ 0 + ∆ζ down to θ max and from the beginning of the window θ 0 to θ max (the angle θ max is defined as the angle where pˆ ≡ max pˆ ), see figure 5. ζ IMPGexp (60) [bar] From this concept, it is possible to define an extension of the cyclic IMPO and IMPG to the pressure envelope curve, denoted by ~p , as: θ 0 + ∆ζ θ 0 + ∆ζ θ0 θ0 ∫ IMPO PEC = ~ p dθ and IMPG PEC = ∫ d~ p dθ dθ The linear behavior between cyclic IMPO PEC and cyclic IMPG PEC still exists, as it can been seen in figures 6. This means: IMPOexp (60) [bar CA] θ 0 + ∆ζ θ0 θ0 ∫ ~ p dθ = a (∆ζ ) ∫ d~ p dθ dθ (7) Eq (7) depends on the width of the observation window (denoted by ∆ζ ). Assuming that θ 0 is taken as the reference with 0 CA. limit a [CA-1] θ 0 + ∆ζ Denoting by ζ the end angle of the observation window, one obtains: ζ0 ζ ∫ θ0 ∆ζ,[CA] Fig. 4: Tendency between IMPG vs IMPO ~p ζ d~ p dθ = a(ζ ) ∫ d~ p dθ dθ θ (8) 0 Equation 8 is valid for ζ high enough. As the pressure envelope curve is first increasing and then decreasing (maximum is obtained at θ max ), one splits the observation window into 2 domains to obtain a constant sign for the derivative of ~ p. Each integral member is then as follow: ζ0 ∫ θ0 Local maxima - - - Envelope Filtered Pressure [bar] x ζ ζ0 ζ d~ p d~ p dθ + dθ = a (ζ )( d~ p dθ + d~ p dθ ) dθ dθ ζ θ ζ ∫ ∫ ∫ 0 0 0 (9) By choosing appropriately ζ 0 (that is to say ζ 0 high enough, greater than θ max , see Fig 4) to verify the property on the 2 domains. On [ζ 0 ; ζ ] , ~ p is decreasing: d~ p d~ p =− dθ dθ ∀θ > θ max (10) Eq (9) can be rewritten as: ζ0 ∫ θ0 θ max ∆ζ Crank Angle [CA] Fig. 5: Pressure Envelope Curve a) Definition – b) Experiment ζ ~ ζ0 ζ d~ p dp dθ − dθ = a(ζ )( d~ p dθ + d~ p dθ ) dθ dθ ζ θ ζ ∫ ∫ ∫ 0 0 0 (11) IMPGPEC (60) [bar] ζ d d~ p d dθ = − dζ ζ dθ dζ 0 ∫ Methane Number 71 FAR 0.98 Spark Advance 11CA WOT ζ a (ζ ) d~ p dθ ζ0 ∫ (13) ∫ pdθ (14) Then: d~ p da p (ζ ) − = −a (ζ ) ~ dζ dζ ζ ~ ζ0 NB: One notices that for a constant, Eq. 14 gives the Trapy’s formulation, seen previously. IMPOPEC (60) [bar CA] IMPGPEC (60) [bar] By deriving a second time, Equation 7 becomes: Methane Number 76 FAR 0.85 Spark Advance 14CA WOT θ +ζ d²~ p d~ p da ~ d ²a 0 ~ p=− p dθ + a (ζ ) +2 dζ ² dζ dζ dζ ² ξ ∫ 0 On [ζ 0 ; ζ ] , a(ζ ) is almost linear and independent of the window length, see figure 7. Hence, it can be expressed by a first order Taylor development: a(ζ ) = a (ζ 0 ) + (ζ − ζ 0 ) a ' (ζ 0 ) + o(ζ ) ≈ αζ + β IMPOPEC (60) [bar CA] Fig. 6: Tendency between IMPGPEC and IMPOPEC under different conditions ζ ζ0 min ζ1 ζ, CA Fig. 7: Ratio IMPGPEC and IMPOPEC versus the window angle ∫ Solving this equation, we finally obtain: ζ A ~ p (ζ ) = − A + (αζ + β )e −(αζ + β )² / 2α e t ² / 2α dt + B α ζ 0 Itegration properties give then: ζ0 ζ 0 d~ p dθ = a (ζ ) d~ p dθ θ dθ θ0 0 ζ ζ d~ p dθ = −a (ζ ) d~ p dθ d θ ζ 0 ζ0 (17) Equation (17) is an Ordinary Differential Equation of the second order with non constant coefficients. Two possibilities exist to solve it. The first one is numerical, by using MATLAB/SIMULINK for instance. The second one is analytical. One presents the last one since it could be clever to program the analytical solution in an ECU (Electronic Control Unit). In appendix B, the mathematical steps are detailed. Using Runge-Kutta 4th order, analytic and numeric solutions are identical. Errors are lower than 0.01%. a CA-1 (ζ) (16) The differential equation follows by the filtered in-cylinder pressure (under knocking conditions) is approximated by: ~ p ' ' (ζ ) + (αζ + β ) ~ p ' (ζ ) + 2α ~ p (ζ ) ≈ 0 ∫ (15) ∫ ∫ (18) (12) ∫ The second equation from (12) can be differentiated as follow: A and B are the two constants from integration. We have, at the knock onset, two time conditions: p (θ 0 ) = 0 ~ ~ p ' (θ 0 ) = C where C is the origin slope of the pressure envelope curve. It depends on the running conditions (air fuel ratio, spark advance, etc.) and must be characterized experimentally. α [CA −2 ] The analytical solution of equation 17 can be written as: a2 a2 β2 1 − 2α 1 − 2α β − 2α ~ + e p (ζ ) = aC e ψ (ζ ) − a e α β ζ where ψ (ζ ) = ∫ (α t + β ) 2 e 2α dt and (19) a = αζ + β 0 Envelope Pressure [bar] On the figure 8, an example of pressure envelope curve example is plotted with arbitrary values for constants C, α and β . β [CA −1 ] α = 0.01 [CA-2] β = 0.1 [CA-1] C = 0.25 [bar CA-1] ζ, CA C [bar CA −1 ] Fig. 8: Numerical pressure envelope curve: an example APPLICATION In order to use these new concepts, it remains to identify the two constants of the slope α and β , ie the engine signature, and C the cyclic knock feature. It can be done by using least square method. Taken 100 consecutive cycles, cycle to cycle dispersion exists (engine conditions are: Methane Number 81, FAR 0.98, Spark Advance 11CA, 90% WOT). MAPO PEC [bar] Then, in this set we have different cyclic MAPOexp, cyclic IMPOexp and hence different cyclic MAPOPEC and cyclic IMPOPEC. Two ways were studied. The first one evaluated the best value for the engine signature. The cyclic triplet ( α , β , C) is identified. LSM results are plotted in Fig. 9a,b,c; comparison in terms of MAPO is proposed in fig 9.d. The second one consists to keep the signature parameters as constants. Now, let us take 3 typical cycles, marked as 1, 14 and 13. These cycles have different calculated MAPO values: 0.25, 0.72 and 1.05 respectively, i.e. low, medium and high knock. Fig. 9: Integration coefficients and MAPO validation Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Cycle 1 α = 0.54 [CA-2] β = 6.15 [CA-2] C = 1.84 [bar CA-1] Cycle 14 α = 0.16 [CA-2] β = 1.2 [CA-2] C = 1.01 [bar CA-1] Crank Angle CA Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Crank Angle CA Crank Angle CA Cycle 14 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.58 [bar CA-1] Crank Angle CA Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Crank Angle CA Cycle 13 α = 0.11 [CA-2] β = 0.88 [CA-2] C = 1.37 [bar CA-1] Cycle 1 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.22 [bar CA-1] Cycle 13 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.94 [bar CA-1] Crank Angle CA Fig. 10: Cyclic Absolute Filtered Pressure versus crank angle On the left: best fitting On the right: two integration factor kept constant Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Cycle 1 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.22 [bar CA-1] Cycle 14 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.58 [bar CA-1] Crank Angle CA Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Crank Angle CA Crank Angle CA Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Absolute Filtered Pressure [bar] Cycle 14 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.58 [bar CA-1] Crank Angle CA Crank Angle CA Cycle 13 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.94 [bar CA-1] Cycle 1 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.22 [bar CA-1] Cycle 13 α = 0.08 [CA-2] β = 0.6 [CA-2] C = 0.94 [bar CA-1] Crank Angle CA Fig. 11: Absolute Filtered Pressure versus crank angle On the left : Real data (after pass-band filter) On the right : Coupling envelope curve and Draper high frequency Model To achieve this paper, we propose to compare model of oscillations using: • Pressure envelope curve (obtained by equation 7 with only one integration coefficient adapted) • Disk geometry Model from Draper [24] Since knock behavior is analyzed in terms of MAPO, IMPO or IMPG in the literature, comparison between experiment and model is qualitative. Same data (cycle 1, 14 and 13) are used. Results are shown in figure. 11. CONCLUSIONS 1. The cyclic Integral of Modulus of Pressure Oscillations in a SI engine occurring under knock conditions has been analyzed. 2. A curve called “pressure envelope curve” describing the deadening of the oscillation pressure signal under knocking conditions has been introduced. 3. An analytical formulation has been found to drive the deadening of the oscillations from two constants, assimilated to the engine signature, and one cyclic constant (to characterize the knock intensity). 4. Using Draper work [24], a complete model is obtained to simulate pressure oscillations due to knock. 5. Perspectives of this work deal with the modeling of knock oscillations on both the combustion processes and the wall heat exchange. 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Time pressure dependence was obtained by using Fourier decomposition: ~p( r ,φ , z , t ) = A ∑ u ,s ,g J s ( β u ,s r ) cos( sφ ) cos( gπ z ) cos( 2π f u ,s ,g t ) h • Limit conditions leads to transcendent equation: dJ s ( β u ,s R ) =0 dr with Js designs first Bessel function of the s order and u is the uth root. • The wave oscillation frequency is calculated by: f u ,s ,g = c • Au ,s ,g β u2,s + g2 4π 2 4h 2 is the module of the oscillating mode u/s/g. By assuming that g equals to 0, as proposed by Blundson and Dent [25] near the top dead center, the wave oscillation frequency is reduced to the main modes: u = 0,1,2,3 s = 0,1 g = 0 The piezo transducer sensor is located at ( rsens ,0, z sens ). The pressure measured is then: ~p sens ( θ ) = 1 3 ∑ ∑ Au ,s s =0u =0 J s ( β u ,s rsens ) cos( 2π f u ,s θ 6N ) where θ is the crankshaft angle. Resonance Oscillating Mode Authors Draper Blundson Lee [24] [25] [10] Brunt [13] 1/0 6.5 6.5 10.6 13.4* 14.7 - 7.4* 7.8 12.3* 12.9 15.5* 16.2 16.9* 17.8 6.6 6.5 10.9 11.8 13.7 15.0 16.3 2/0 0/1 3/0 * Theory/ Meas. Theory/ Meas. Theory/ Meas. Theory/ Meas. 7.4* 7.3 12.2* 12.8 16.8* 17.1 calculated by the equation above for f u , s , g Engine Draper CFR Bore [mm] 82.4 Spark position Speed of sound 914 [m/s] Blundson Lee DOHC 75.0 950 75.5 950 Brunt Ford Zetec 84.8 center 950 α y1 z ' '+ (2α y1 '+ xy1 ) z ' = 0 APPENDIX B : PROOF OF PRESSURE ENVELOPE CURVE Using the change of variable as following u = z' , we obtain: Let us introduce new variables: x = α ζ + β ~ y ( x) = p (ζ ) (P1) Equation (9) is then written as: α y ' ' ( x) + xy ' ( x) + 2 y ( x) = 0 y ' x u' = −2 1 − u y1 α ∑ cn x y ( x) = (P2) x² u ( x) = (P3) Hence using equation P3 in equation P2, a recurrence relation is deduced between cn and cn-2: −1 cn = c n−2 α (n − 1) (P4) (P12) ∞ (−1) p ∑ α p 1* 3 * ... * (2 p − 1) c0 ∞ (−1) p (P5a) (P5b) Final solution of P2 is linear combination : (P6) With ∞ (−1) p x2 p y0 = p p = 0 α 1 * 3 * ... * ( 2 p − 1) ∞ (−1) p y = x 2 p +1 p 1 α 2 * 4 * ... * ( 2 ) p p =0 ∫ − A y ( x) = − A + Γ( x) + B xe 2α α (P14) Initial conditions are: p =0 y = c0 y0 + c1 y1 (P13) x² p =0 ∑ α p 2 * 4 * ... * (2 p) c1 x² A A z ( x) = − e 2α + Γ( x) + B x α x t² Γ( x) = e 2α dt β Complete solution is given by: Then, we have two cases: c 2 p +1 = A 2α e x² Coming back to the original variable z, we rewrite: n n =0 c2 p = (P11) After calculations, solution of equation (11) is: By developing with infinite polynomial series as: ∞ (P10) ∑ (P7) ∑ p (0) = 0 y( β ) = ~ dζ d~ p D dy = ( ) (0) = β dx dx dζ α (P15) Using the previous variables, equation (15) supplies two conditions : y ( β ) = z ( β ) y1 ( β ) = 0 ⇒ z ( β ) = 0 D y ' ( β ) = z ( β ) y1' ( β ) + z ' ( β ) y1 ( β ) = α D ⇒ z ' ( β ) y1 ( β ) = α (P16) One notices that, y1 = x e − x² 2α (P8) A= D Let us introduce a function z as: y = z y1 The second equation can be developed and gives the first integration constant : (P9) One uses the so-called method “variation of the constant”. Differential equation is then written as: β α (P17) First condition with equation (17) leads to the second integration variable: z( β ) = − D α β² e 2α + Dβ Γ( β ) + B = 0 ⇒ B = D α β² e 2α (P18) since Γ( β ) = 0 by definition. Finally, we obtain: ~ p (ζ ) = y ( x ) x² − y ( x) = − A + A Γ( x) + B xe 2α α x = α ζ + β β A = D α x t² Γ( x) = e 2α dt β (P19) ∫ NOMENCLATURE MAPO : Maximum Amplitude of Pressure Oscillations bar IMPG : Integral of Modulus of Pressure Gradient bar IMPO : Integral of Modulus of Pressure Oscillations bar.CA PEC : Pressure Envelope Curve θ: Crank Angle CA θ 0 : Initial crank angle (Auto-Ignition) CA ζ: Window crank angle Filtered Pressure CA bar Outer Layer Pressure N: Number of cycles tested WOT : Wide Open Throttle FAR : Fuel Air Ratio a: Linear function of the window C: Integral factor α : Integral factor β : Integral factor v: Wave propagation speed bar p̂ : ~ p : CA-1 -1 bar.CA CA-2 CA-1 m.s-