Cluster File System Performance Ellard Roush, Availability Products Group Sun BluePrints™ OnLine—February 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95045 U.S.A. 650 960-1300 Part No. 817-1593-10 Revision 1.0, 2/10/03 Edition: February 2003 Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95045 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at http:// and one or more additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries. This product or document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. 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Please Recycle Cluster File System Performance The Sun™ Cluster product provides a highly available cluster platform for hosting applications that range across a broad spectrum that is as diverse as relational databases and web services. The file system is an important feature for most of these applications, both in terms of functionality and performance. An examination of these applications readily reveals that their file system needs are equally diverse. This examination also reveals certain usage patterns, which we use to categorize the following file system workloads: ■ Database ■ General file system ■ Network file system (NFS) [1] ■ Availability ■ Backup The requirements in each of these areas provides the criteria for selecting a comprehensive set of performance benchmarks. This Sun BluePrints™ OnLine article explains how we selected, measured, and analyzed performance benchmarks. In addition, we validate performance enhancement proposals with these benchmarks. While the work is still underway, we have validated a number of performance enhancements that suggest performance gains that are backed by actual measurements. This article discusses these changes and their impact on the Sun Cluster file system. Note – The preceding tasks map well to a Sigma project, and this investigation is being undertaken as a registered Sun™ Sigma project. The rigor of numerical measurements and emphasis on satisfying real customer needs is especially relevant. This article contains the following sections: ■ “Proxy File System” on page 2 describes proxy file system (PxFS). ■ “Benchmarks” on page 4 presents the file system performance benchmarks. ■ “Performance Improvements” on page 7 identifies ways to improve performance. 1 Proxy File System Sun Cluster [4] [8] software creates a cluster from a collection of machines running the Solaris™ Operating Environment (Solaris OE) [7]. Sun Cluster software builds on the Solaris OE to produce a cluster operating system. This article focuses on the portion of Sun Cluster software that provides cluster-wide file system support. The Solaris OE has a component that supports multiple specific file systems concurrently. A specific file system communicates with the Solaris OE using the vfs/ vnode interface [5]. The PxFS [6] interposes between the Solaris OE and the specific file system. PxFS connects to the Solaris OE at the vfs/vnode interface, while simultaneously connecting to the specific file system using the vfs/vnode interface. PxFS is not a file system, but is actually a cluster infrastructure software component that extends a single machine file system across the cluster. PxFS introduces two features that are externally visible. PxFS provides locationtransparent access to file system capabilities across the cluster and shields the customer from many hardware failures. Sun Cluster software enables the customer to configure the cluster to survive a configurable number of machine failures. Therefore, the system automatically recovers from a hardware failure, and work in progress is not lost, as long as the number of failures does not exceed the configured capability. The PxFS design calls for preserving the semantics of the underlying file system. The following high-level overview of the PxFS architecture provides the foundation for explaining PxFS operations, and sets the context for proposed changes to improve performance. Sun Cluster software divides PxFS into two layers, client and server. A PxFS client resides on each cluster node and supports global file system operations for applications on that node. PxFS presents a proxy file system (vfs) and proxy files (vnodes) to the Solaris OE, which are used as if they constituted the actual file system. Applications accessing the file system execute standard Solaris OE system calls, and the Solaris OE in turn issues vfs/vnode operations on the proxy vfs and vnodes. The PxFS client layer examines its own caches and satisfies the request from cached information, when possible. When the PxFS client layer cannot satisfy a request, it forwards the request to the PxFS server layer. The Sun Cluster software infrastructure provides a location-transparent invocation mechanism. Location transparency applies both when the client and server are colocated on the same node and when they are on different nodes. If a recoverable communication error occurs, such as a communication path error on one of the paths between nodes, the Sun Cluster infrastructure automatically and transparently retries the client request of a server operation. 2 Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 The PxFS primary server manages coherency issues between different client caches, preventing users from receiving stale information. In conjunction with the high availability framework portion of the Sun Cluster infrastructure, the PxFS server provides the ability for operations to complete despite the occurrence of node failures. The PxFS primary server sends critical information to one or more PxFS secondary servers on other nodes, in what is referred to as a checkpoint operation. If a node failure occurs, a PxFS secondary server becomes the new PxFS primary server and completes the operation using the information from checkpoints. Except for a small increase in latency for the affected operation, the system hides the failure. The PxFS primary server issues vfs/vnode operations to the underlying singlemachine file system, such as UNIX® file system (UFS) or VERITAS file system (VxFS). The PxFS server returns the response to the PxFS client, which caches information before returning the response to the Solaris OE for delivery to the application accessing the file system. FIGURE 1 on page 4 displays the overall PxFS architecture using the example of the components supporting an individual file. Each active file has three components in each of the client and server layers: A file, file attributes, and file data. Relevant details are addressed when specific performance-improvement techniques are discussed later in this article. Proxy File System 3 Node 1 Solaris Request VOP Response PXFS client File proxy Attribute cache Data cache Invocation request/reply File server Attribute provider Data provider Node 2 Checkpoint PXFS server primary Request VOP File server Attribute provider Data provider PXFS server secondary Response Single machine file system FIGURE 1 PxFS Architecture Overview Benchmarks A good set of performance benchmarks is essential for performance work. We have chosen a set that covers important workloads for PxFS and that gives us insight into the product's strengths and weaknesses. Performance work often involves trade-offs. This broad spectrum test suite exposes trade-offs that have consequences in other important areas. The performance benchmarks are being used to enhance the software engineering development and maintenance processes. These performance benchmarks provide not only a picture of PxFS performance, but also transform performance work into a quantitative discipline, whose rigor can be applied to both software development and maintenance. 4 Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 Database Database file system feature usage patterns are considerably different from other clients of the file system. We selected the online transaction processing benchmark TPC-C and the decision support system benchmark TPC-H. These industry-standard benchmarks [11] have an appropriate mix of operations for their areas. When running a database on UFS, directio reads and writes are very important operations. We execute Iozone [3] to measure these critical operations. The directio performance of PxFS on UFS versus UFS appears in FIGURE 2 for reads and FIGURE 3 on page 6 for writes. These results show PxFS on UFS roughly matches the performance of UFS in this area, which shows how Sun Cluster software can provide good support for databases. Throughput comparison (ufs drctio/pfs drctio %) 160 140 120 100 80 60 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 File size (Kilobytes) 128:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 4:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 256:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 8:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 512:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 32:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 1024:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 64:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read 4096:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:read FIGURE 2 directio Read Performance Benchmarks 5 Throughput comparison (ufs drctio/pfs drctio %) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 File size (Kilobytes) 4:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 8:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 32:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 64:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 128:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 256:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 512:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 1024:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write 4096:ufs drctio/pxfs drctio:write FIGURE 3 directio Write Performance General File System and NFS Sun Cluster software runs existing Solaris OE applications unchanged. Therefore, PxFS supports the Solaris OE file system semantics for which an important standard is the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) [2]. In addition to hosting applications using file systems, Sun Cluster software also can export a global file system for NFS access. Both types of workloads use a wide range of file system features. We selected two benchmarks that execute a mix of operations. This demonstrates how PxFS performs when supporting a reasonable mix of operations. We execute SPECsfs [10], which is the industry standard performance benchmark for NFS. We also execute PostMark 6 Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 [9], which is a widely used file system performance benchmark that runs entirely within the cluster. Read/write performance is so important, that we execute Iozone to measure read/write operations. The Bigdir benchmark measures file system performance when working with a file that contains very large numbers of files. Availability High availability is an important Sun Cluster feature. All high-availability clusters must perform some processing to recover from failures. We developed tests to measure recovery time after node failure, switchover time to move a file system primary between nodes, and the time to transfer state to a node joining the cluster. Backup Most sites perform incremental backups. Ordinarily, workloads perform a lot of operations on any particular file. Incremental backups look at lots of files and copy only a very small percentage of them, which reverses the usual pattern. The find and ls -lR commands behave similarly to backup operations when processing large numbers of files. We developed a performance benchmark for incremental backups. Performance Improvements The investigation for methods to improve performance is still underway. However, we have already identified a number of things that can significantly improve performance. This section describes some of these improvements, as well as the results of experiments validating the proposed changes. Space limitations prevent us from covering all of our findings. UFS Logging Performance can be improved in many ways, including leveraging better technology provided by groups at Sun other than the Availability Products Group. We tested PxFS with an improved UFS logging subsystem from the UFS organization in Sun. When PxFS was run with this logging subsystem, PxFS performance using the PostMark benchmark improved 20–80 percent, depending upon the transaction mix. Performance Improvements 7 Sync on UFS Log The UFS logging capability benefits Sun Cluster software by making it possible to avoid using the fsck command to clean up a file system prior to mounting that file system. On today's very large file system, fsck can execute for a correspondingly long time. This negatively impacts the availability goal, and can prevent you from quickly remounting a file system after a node failure. The UFS logging subsystem records file metadata changes to a log file before the actual file metadata is changed on persistent storage, which is usually disk storage. The UFS logging subsystem synchronously processes the metadata changes for just a few operations, such as file sync. For other operations, the UFS logging subsystem batches file metadata changes to improve performance. PxFS needs to be able to access information to recover from a node failure. The Sun Cluster product uses shared persistent storage. PxFS issues a sync operation on the UFS log file to make file metadata available if a node failure occurs, but file sync operations are expensive. Many file operations cause file metadata changes, so sync operations occur quite frequently. Because there is only one UFS log file, syncing file systems can serialize many file system operations even when working on different files. Fortunately, sync operations are not the only possible solution. The PxFS primary server checkpoints information to the PxFS secondary servers, and this information can be used to redo the operation in case of node failures. To use this method, the checkpointed information must be retained until the UFS log has been written and until the file operation has completed. We prototyped this alternative solution and achieved 73–100 percent performance improvement depending upon the mix of operations and the operation type. The following table compares PxFS performance with the UFS log sync “Yes” and without the UFS log sync “No” on the PostMark benchmark with 10,000 initial files, 20,000 transactions, and a size range 500 bytes to 9.77 kilobytes. The units are either operations-per-second or the amount of data read or written per second. The last row shows the relative performance of not using a file sync command versus using a file sync command for file operations that change file meta-information. TABLE 1 8 Comparison Sync Versus No SyncUFS Log Sync Log Transaction Files Created Files Read Files Deleted Files Appended MB Read MB Written Yes 16 11 8 11 8 32.50 67.57 No 32 19 16 19 16 57.38 119.28 No/Yes 200% 173% 200% 173% 173% 177% 177% Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 Attribute Cache PxFS does client-side caching of the file attributes, such as file size and modify time. File attributes are frequently accessed, and the attribute cache can significantly reduce the number of times that the PxFS client has to contact the PxFS server for file attributes. Even with today's fast interconnects, round trips across the interconnect are relatively expensive. When the PxFS client and PxFS server are not co-located, the client-side cache can reduce expensive round trips across the interconnect. Caches come with a cost. A synchronization protocol provides cache coherency. POSIX semantics result in frequent changes to file attributes, because many file operations change one or more fields of a file's attributes. The synchronization protocol serializes many file operations on any particular file to support the goal that everyone sees the latest data. The single-machine file system where PxFS runs already has its own copy of the file attributes in memory. While one set of file attributes is not large, a system can easily have very large numbers of active files, whose attributes are all memory resident. This means that attributes consume memory twice in the co-located case. When the PxFS client and PxFS server are colocated, the client can obtain the file attributes from the underlying file system, inexpensively. Another cost of caching stems from the high-availability property. The current design checkpoints information about which clients have a particular file's attributes in order to preserve correct cache coherency despite node failures. We developed a prototype in which the PxFS client did not cache attributes and always obtained the file attributes from the underlying file system. Our first experiment used a two-node cluster where the PxFS client and PxFS server were colocated. FIGURE 4 on page 10 shows that throughput performance improved close to 30 percent with no attribute caching versus the existing design with attribute caching. Performance Improvements 9 1300 Actual operations per second 1200 1100] 1000 900 800 700 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Requested operations per second sfssum.no_attr_cache sfssum.wait FIGURE 4 SPECsfs Throughput With and Without Attribute Caching FIGURE 5 on page 11 shows an even larger improvement in reducing the average latency time for operations. In both figures, the legend sfs attr cache identifies the no attribute cache prototype, and the other legend represents the system with attribute caching. The SPECsfs benchmark looks for the highest operation throughput that can be sustained when compared with the requested load. The SPECsfs benchmark attempts to execute a certain number of operations per second and measures the actual number that the system actually processed. SPECsfs repeats this process over a range of requested load values. Note – Note that this figure only demonstrates the advantage of not caching in the local case; SPECsfs has numerous requirements that must be met when it is used to represent a system's performance capability. 10 Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 28 26 Latency in ms per operation 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Requested operations per second sfssum.no_attr_cache sfssum.wait FIGURE 5 SPECsfs Latency With and Without Attribute Caching Next, we experimented using the same two-node cluster configured such that the client and server were not co-located. Not caching file attributes resulted in serious performance degradation for the remote case. We would like to get the best of both worlds, and are planning to experiment with a system that caches attributes in the remote case only. Even the fastest interconnects have a cost, so in most cases, Sun Cluster product configurations co-locate applications with their associated file system. This means that improvements in the local case generally provide a significant performance benefit to most cluster configurations. Performance Improvements 11 Checkpointing A valuable feature provided by PxFS is that file system operations complete successfully even with hardware failures that do not exceed the configured capability. Overcoming failures requires replicating information. PxFS primarily uses two techniques for replicating information. ■ PxFS stores information on persistent storage, usually disk storage, that is accessible from multiple nodes and uses some form of replication, such as disk mirrors. ■ PxFS “checkpoints” information that enables PxFS to redo an operation that was interrupted by a node failure. The PxFS primary server and PxFS secondary servers are always located on different nodes. Therefore, checkpoints always cross the interconnect. The primary server cannot proceed until it receives confirmation that the checkpoint has safely reached the secondary servers. The checkpoint processing by secondary servers can happen later, asynchronously. Sun Cluster software sends an acknowledgement message for checkpoints that travel over Ethernet-based interconnects. The round trip makes checkpointing relatively costly. Some newer interconnect technologies have hardware-based acknowledgements, which can reduce the time. Modern interconnect technologies have reduced the wire time to the point where other factors, such as marshalling data, can dominate the communication cost. Therefore, checkpointing is relatively expensive when compared to local operations other than disk accesses. It was no surprise when our investigation showed that checkpointing has a substantial performance impact. We identified several improvement techniques, which we placed into two categories: faster checkpoints and reducing the number of checkpoints. Faster Checkpoints We conducted an experiment aimed at determining the impact of faster checkpoints. In this experiment, the system did not transmit the checkpoints, and instead introduced a busy wait with varied times. While there was considerable variation, on average a 1 microsecond reduction yielded a roughly 1 operation-per-second improvement in SPECsfs. Each checkpoint consumes many microseconds, which means that there is room for useful improvement in this area. Today, each checkpoint requires multiple memory allocations for different data structures, and a measurement of the code path showed that these multiple memory allocations consumed a significant portion of the checkpoint processing time. The time required for one memory allocation generally does not vary according to the 12 Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 number of bytes allocated. An alternative design would combine these various data structures and perform one memory allocation. This same technique improves all inter-node communications, and not just checkpoints. The Sun Cluster software infrastructure flow controls checkpoints to prevent flooding a node with checkpoints. Our investigation found that increasing the allowed number of outstanding checkpoints, while still within a safe range, improved the peak SPECsfs performance by roughly five percent. Reducing Number of Checkpoints While checkpoints can be used to support high availability, checkpoints are not the only possible solution. Some information is already replicated by PxFS in the form of information maintained in each of the PxFS clients. After a node failure takes out the PxFS primary server, the newly promoted PxFS primary server can obtain the information from the surviving clients. Node failures are extremely rare when compared to the huge numbers of file operations that are performed per second on a busy system. This follows the classic model of moving costly operations from the common code path to the rare code path. The newly promoted PxFS primary server can obtain this information on a per file basis, and can do this lazily without impacting file system availability time. For historical reasons, PxFS has multiple server components that support each active file. The system checkpoints the creation of these components to the PxFS secondary servers so they are prepared to receive checkpoints for subsequent file operations, such as write. The file lookup operation spends more time checkpointing than anything else. The file object, file attribute object, and data provider object can be combined, which reduces the number of checkpoints. Currently, these objects are created before a file can be actively used, which means that this is a frequently occurring operation. Each highly available object has a number of Sun Cluster infrastructure support data structures. Consolidating the PxFS file objects consolidates the infrastructure support. Given the enormous numbers of active files, this can be a substantial memory savings. About the Author Dr. Ellard Roush currently leads the PxFS Performance Team. He has worked for over six years on the Sun Cluster project, first on the cluster infrastructure, and now on the cluster file system. On the OPUS distributed operating system at Unisys, he achieved a 50+ percent time reduction for local messages and a 68 percent time reduction for remote messages. His Ph.D. thesis work at the University of Illinois at About the Author 13 Urbana-Champaign demonstrated a new process migration algorithm that performs 20 times faster than the world's previous record. Prior to that, he worked for many years on U.S. government distributed systems. References [1] B. Callaghan. NFS Illustrated. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2000. [2] IEEE. IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Interface (API) - Amendment 1: Realtime Extension. IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993. [3] Iozone. Iozone file system benchmark at: [4] Y. Khalidi, J. Bernabeu-Auban, V. Matena, K. Shirri, and M. Thadani. Solaris MC: A Multi Computer OS. In 1996 USENIX Conference, 1996. [5] S. Kleiman. Vnodes: an architecture for multiple file system types in Sun UNIX®. In Summer USENIX, pages 238–247, 1986. [6] V. Matena, Y. Khalidi, and K. Shirri. Solaris MC file system framework. In ACM Conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 1996. [7] J. Mauro and R. McDougall. Solaris Internals Core Kernel Architecture. Sun Microsystem Press, 2001. [8] S. Microsystems. Sun Cluster architecture: A white paper. In IEEE Computer Society International Workshop on Cluster Computing, pages 331{338, 1999. [9] Network Appliances. PostMark at library/ 3022.html. [10] Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. SPECsfs benchmark at: [11] Transaction Processing Performance Council database performance benchmarks at: 14 Cluster File System Performance • February 2003 Ordering Sun Documents The SunDocsSM program provides more than 250 manuals from Sun Microsystems, Inc. If you live in the United States, Canada, Europe, or Japan, you can purchase documentation sets or individual manuals through this program. Accessing Sun Documentation Online The web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject. The URL is To reference Sun BluePrints OnLine articles, visit the Sun BluePrints OnLine Web site at: References 15