D ATA S H E E T Mini-HDX Compact 1RU DC Power D c D i st r i b u t i o n F o r B u l k P o w e r , P o i n t Of Use , & Re m o te Ca b i n et S y ste m s Features DC distribution for bulk power, point of use, and remote cabinet systems 100A per bus (2 circuit breaker outputs) Configured to accept single rectifier input and provides two load breakers (includes separate battery input) Overview High density DC distribution for multiple applications (front access bullet terminal circuit breakers) 19”/ 23” rack mount (1RU high) accepts two AM series plug-in bullet terminal breakers for equipment loads High power density and ampacity ūū 100 ampere rated rectifier input Extremely compact, flexible for small systems ūū 100 ampere battery input with circuit breaker Single 100A rectifier input ūū 100 ampere combined load (A/B outputs) accepts up to two plug-in bullet terminal circuit breakers Dedicated 100A battery input with circuit breaker Small RU requirement leaves room for installation of additional equipment in rack space Two-hole lug high current bus bars for input and return terminations (supports large AWG input cable feeders) Standard unit includes front panel with input LED indicator and breaker/fuse trip indicator LED Bright, color-coded LED indicators for input power status, breaker trip and alarms Form C alarm contact for breaker trip alarms, standard version includes load and battery breaker trip alarm relay Single- or two-hole lug termination bus bar array for circuit breaker protected outputs and returns Front cover panel breaker guards protect breakers from nuisance tripping Convenient front access for breaker installation Plug-in breakers can be installed as needed with various ampacities available Breakers can be changed in seconds to support equipment load and future configuration changes Input/output termination guard Mini-HDX Compact 1RU DC Power DC distribution for Bulk power, point of use, and remote cabinet systems Page 1 D ATA S H E E T Common Specifications: Dimensions: 17” wide x 1.75” high (1RU) x 13.5” deep Rear clear cover panel for bus bar termination area (including bus bar protrusion) Plug-in bullet terminal circuit breakers: requires breakers with alarm contacts for remote breaker trip alarm to function, alarm indicates on over-current mid-trip position only Weight: 13 lbs (select amperage rating and quantity at time of order) Rack mount: via 19/23” reversible rack mount ears Mounting position: front flush mount Load circuit breakers listed in table below (select up to two load breakers from list) General Specifications Model # Description PN 016-600-10 Mini-HDX Single input (100 ampere rated) 2 load bullet breaker sockets included (1 battery bullet breaker socket with 100A breaker) 1 quantity Form C alarm contacts -48VDC LED front panel indicators PN 016-611-10 Mini-HDX Battery Cable Kit Connect Mini-HDX battery input to battery tray 4’ long, red/black with lugs and hardware PN 016-610-10 Mini-HDX Bus Bar Kit x 3 Adapter Bus Adapter bus bar for battery input bus on rear panel Accommodates up to three battery cable kit connections for parallel battery connections to the Mini-HDX input PN 740-370-10 Mini-HDX Rectifier Input Cable Kit 7’ long Red/black cable set with lugs and hardware Connects rectifier shelf output with Mini-HDX rectifier input bus bars Circuit Breakers Part # Description 470-452-10 30 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16” bullet terminals) with alarm contacts 470-453-10 40 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16” bullet terminals) with alarm contacts 470-454-10 50 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16” bullet terminals) with alarm contacts 470-455-10 60 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16” bullet terminals) with alarm contacts 470-456-10 70 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16” bullet terminals) with alarm contacts 470-457-10 80 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16” bullet terminals) with alarm contacts 470-451-10 100 AMP AM breaker, plug-in type, midtrip (5/16" bullet terminals) with alarm contacts Note: select load breakers for A and B breaker sockets. 100A battery breaker is included in base unit part number. Figure 1. Front view of Mini-HDX Compact 1 RU DC Power DC Distribution. About Comm/net Systems Comm/net Systems, Inc. (CSI) is the leader in high power density communications power systems. Comm/net offers comprehensive power and communications site systems integration and deployment services via a national footprint of regional branch offices. Additional information can be found at www.commnetsystems.com. Figure 2. Rear view showing clear protective cover. Corporate Headquarters Comm/net Systems, Inc. 4237 – 24th Avenue West Seattle, WA 98199 24/7 Sales & Service To purchase Comm/net Systems solutions, contact your Comm/net Systems representative at: (800) 274-0544 or e-mail: sales@commnetsystems.com Tel: 206.282.8670 Fax: 206.282.8684 Order Information Shipping box is packaged for UPS or FedEx shipment and includes an instruction manual and accessories. www.commnetsystems.com © 2010 Comm/net Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Comm/net Systems, and the Comm/net Systems logo are registered trademarks of Comm/net Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners. Comm/net Systems assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Comm/net Systems reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice. document number 048-044-00, Revision 2, Published July 2010