CCRS Specification Changes for 2016-2017

March 2016
CCRS Specification Changes for 2016–2017
The final specifications for the Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS) were released to vendors on
January 29, 2016.
The 2016–2017 specifications apply as of April 1, 2016, for data collection. CCRS will be ready to receive data
based on the new specifications as of June 6, 2016. All files submitted to CCRS on or after June 6 will be
processed using the 2016–2017 specifications.
Key changes for CCRS
Edit specifications
Changes were made to the wording of some rules to enhance clarity. New rules and error messages were
created to improve data quality.
Output specifications
The CCRS RAI-MDS 2.0 Output Specifications manual was updated to remove 3 categories of outputs:
Original CHSRA quality indicators (Chapter 4 in 2015–2016 version)
Resident Assessment Protocols (Chapter 6 in 2015–2016 version)
Personal Severity Index (Chapter 1, p. 20, in 2015–2016 version)
These outputs had previously been replaced by newer versions but continued to be reflected in the manual.
Medication List
JINARC was added as a common brand name for the chemical TOLVAPTAN.
CCRS Data Submission User Manual
Slight changes were made to enhance or clarify the content.
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The following documents are available by logging in to Operational Reports on CIHI’s website and selecting
CCRS Reports and then Manuals from the menu:
2016–2017 Data Elements and Rules
2016–2017 Data Submission User Manual
Data Submission Timelines
Submission Reports Interpretation Guide
The documents listed below are available for purchase and download in eStore on CIHI’s website by selecting
Products on the home page:
Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) MDS 2.0 User’s Manual
interRAI Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) — For Use With interRAI’s Community and Long-Term
Care Assessment Instruments
Important dates
March 3, 2016:
April 1, 2016:
June 6, 2016:
Vendor testing for CCRS begins
Data collection begins using the 2016–2017 CCRS specifications
CCRS is ready to receive data in the 2016–2017 specification (E-spec version
Contact us
For questions regarding the CCRS annual changes for 2016–2017, please contact the CCRS team at or write to us at the following address:
Continuing Care Team
Canadian Institute for Health Information
495 Richmond Road, Suite 600
Ottawa, ON K2A 4H6
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