VI. Transistor Amplifiers 6.1 Introduction In this section we will use the transistor small-signal model to analyze and design transistor amplifiers. There are two issues that we need to discuss first: 1) What are the important properties of an amplifier? and 2) How can we add a signal to the bias in a real circuit? 6.1.1 Amplifier Parameters ii R sig In Section 1, we showed that the response of a two-port network is completely determined if we solve the simple circuit shown. This solution is uniquely summarized by three parameters: v sig io + + − vi + vo Amplifier − RL − 1) The ratio of vo /vi which is called the voltage transfer function of the circuit. For voltage amplifiers, vo /vi = const and is called the amplifier voltage gain (or gain for short): Voltage Gain: Av = vo vi In general Av depends on the load, RL . A special case is the “open-loop” gain in which RL → ∞ (called open-loop gain as io = 0): Open-loop Gain: Avo voc vo = = vi vi RL →∞ 2) As the combination of the two-port network (amplifier) and the load is a two-terminal network, it can be modeled by its Thevenin equivalent. Furthermore, as this combination does not contain an independent source, it reduces to a resistor, called the input resistance: Input Resistance: Ri = R sig v sig + − ii io + + vi vo Amplifier RL − − vi ii In general Ri depends on the load, RL . 3) The combination of the amplifier and the input (vsig and Rsig ) is also a two-terminal network and can be modeled by its Thevenin equivalent. We denote the Thevenin resistance of this combination as Ro . ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 R sig v sig + − ii io + + vi vo − Amplifier RL − 6-1 In order to calculate Ro we need to set the independent voltage source vsig = 0 and compute the equivalent resistance seen between the output terminals, i.e., vo Ro = − io vsig =0 Output Resistance: (Thevenin Resistance) In general Ro depends on Rsig . The Thevenin voltage source of the amplifier/input combination, VT , is the open-circuit voltage, voc , and is related to the open-loop gain of the amplifier: VT = voc = vo |RL →∞ = Avo vi Therefore, the load “sees” a Thevenin equivalent circuit with VT = Avo vi and RT = Ro . Combining models of the input and output ports, we arrive at a model for an amplifier which consists of three circuit elements as is shown below (left). ii Ro + vi io R sig + − A vo v i vo v sig + − − − Ro + + Ri ii vi io + Ri + − − A vo v i vo RL − The amplifier circuit model allows us to solve any amplifier configuration if we know values of Avo , Ri and Ro (similar to using Thevenin Theorem to “label” any two-terminal network with RT and VT ). For example, we can find the overall voltage gain of the amplifier, vo /vsig , as (see figure above right): vo RL = Avo vi Ro + RL Ri vi = vsig Ri + Rsig vi vo Ri Ri RL vo = × = × Av = × Avo × vsig vsig vi Ri + Rsig Ri + Rsig Ro + RL We see that the open-loop gain Avo is the maximum value for the amplifier gain Av . In addition, to maximize vo /vsig , we need Ri → ∞ and Ro → 0. A good voltage amplifier, thus, is designed to have a “large” Ri and a “small” Ro (i.e., Ri ≫ Rsig and Ro ≪ RL ). A voltage-controlled voltage source is an ideal voltage amplifier as Ri → ∞ and Ro = 0. We will use this amplifier model later to find parameters of multi-stage amplifiers (Sec. 6.4) ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-2 6.1.2 Capacitor Coupling As discussed before, a constant bias voltage should be added to the signal to ensure that the MOS is always in saturation or the BJT is in active. There are two ways to accomplish this task. 1) “Direct Coupling:” For a multi-stage amplifier, the biasing scheme can be set up such that the bias voltage of each stage matches the bias voltage of the following stage. Usually, bias with two voltage supplies is used such that for the first amplifier stage, VG = 0 for MOS (or VB = 0 for BJT). Integrated circuit chips use direct coupling scheme in order to avoid using capacitors which take a lot of space on the chip. Because of the need to match bias voltages between stages, biasing becomes a difficult design problem. 2) “Capacitive coupling:” Since a capacitor becomes an open circuit for bias (DC voltages & currents), it can be used to couple the signal to the circuit as is shown below for a MOS amplifier. C v gs + − V DD V DD RD RD iD ID C c1 + RG V GS − C + + v gs v DS + c2 v ds + − c1 Real Circuit _ id c2 C + + RG V GS _ C + v GS _ RD v gs + V GS − _ Bias Circuit V DS 0 _ _ + − c1 RG C c2 + + v ds v ds _ _ + v gs _ Signal Circuit The circuit to the left above shows a practical implementation of this scheme. For bias (middle circuit above), capacitors will be open circuit and, thus, the bias voltages and currents remain confined to the transistor and do not propagate to the signal or the load sides. In the signal circuit (right circuit above), if the signal is an AC signal, capacitors would act as impedances and allow the signal to enter and exist the transistor amplifier. Impedance of a capacitor, |ZC | = 1/(ωC), depends on the frequency. As a result vo /vi will also depend on frequency and, in general, the amplifier would not behave linearly for an arbitrary signal (which includes many frequencies). However, at high enough frequencies, the impedance of a capacitor becomes very small and the capacitor effectively becomes a sort circuit. For frequencies higher than this value, vo /vi will be independent of frequency and the linear behavior of the amplifier is recovered. The frequency at which we can ignore the impedances of the coupling capacitors is called the lower cut-off frequency of the amplifier. In order to ensure a linear behavior for an amplifier, it is always operated above its cut-off frequency where the coupling capacitors can be ignored (i.e., can be approximated as short ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-3 circuit). As such, amplifier properties (gain, Ri & Ro ) are calculated assuming coupling capacitors are short. Calculation of the lower cut-off frequency is discussed in Section 6.3. You will see in ECE 102 that the gain of a transistor amplifier also drops at high frequencies and there is an upper cut-off frequency. As such, the range of frequencies that an amplifier will behave linearly is called the “mid-band.” As the capacitive coupling scheme confines bias voltages in each stage, biasing is simpler with this method. On other hand, DC signals cannot be amplified. 6.1.3 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Circuits Analysis of a transistor amplifier circuit follows three steps as we need to address several issues: bias, linear response (to small signals), and the impact of coupling capacitors. Bias: 1) Zero out the signal and replace capacitors with open circuits. Compute transistor bias point parameters. 2) Compute gm and ro (and rπ for BJT) from bias point parameters. Mid-band Small Signal Response: 1) Draw the signal circuit (e.g., ground bias voltage sources, open bias current sources). 2) Assume capacitors are short circuit. 3) Inspect the circuit and simplify. If you identify the circuit as a prototype circuit, you can directly use the formulas for that circuit. Otherwise, replace the transistor with its small signal model and solve for Av , Ri and Ro . Frequency-response: Coupling and bypass capacitors introduce poles at low frequencies. In Section 6.3, we will introduce a method to estimate the lower cut-off frequency of an amplifier. ECE102 includes a more thorough review of the amplifier frequency response. There are many practical implementation for single-transistor amplifiers due to a variety of biasing possibilities. However, the signal circuit for a signal-transistor amplifier generally reduces to one of four “fundamental amplifier configurations” (4 for BJT and 4 for MOS). As discussed in the class (see lecture slides), solution of these fundamental configurations can be used to find the gain of any transistor amplifier. You will see in ECE102 that the input and output resistances can be found using “elementary R forms.” These formulas allows one to compute properties of any amplifier readily and are used extensively in ECE102. Since we are only focusing on discrete and simple amplifier configurations in this course, amplifier parameters are computed directly from the circuit in the following sections in order to provide more examples of solving signal circuits with transistor small-signal models. Notes: ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-4 1) Small-signal models of PNP and NPN transistors (or PMOS and NMOS transistors) are similar. Thus, the formulas derived below can be used for either case. 2) The small-signal model of a BJT is similar to that of a MOS with the exception of the additional resistor rπ (the input terminals in a MOS is open circuit). As such, we expect that formulas for MOS amplifiers would be the same as those of BJT amplifiers if we set rπ → ∞. 3) For MOS circuits, we can use the common approximation gm ro ≫ 1 as gm = 2ID , VOV ro ≈ VA ID → g m ro = 2VA ≫1 VOV typically gm ro is 50 or more. 4) For BJT circuits, we can also use the common approximation gm ro ≫ 1 as gm = IC , VT ro = VA + VCE VA ≈ IC IC → g m ro = VA ≫1 VT typically gm ro is several thousands. In addition, gm rπ = β ≫ 1 5) In many text books (e.g., Sedra & Smith), the formulas for BJT amplifiers are given in terms of β & re (instead of gm & rπ ) where re = 1 rπ = gm β with re typically in 10s or 100 Ω range. Here we keep the gm form so we that can see the comparison to MOS amplifiers. 6) Some manufacturer spec sheet for BJTs (e.g., spec sheet for 3N3904) use the older notation (hybrid π model) for BJT which are hf e ≡ β, hre ≡ rπ , and hoe ≡ 1/ro 6.2 Discrete Single-transistor Amplifiers In this section, we will compute the amplifier properties of four discrete single-transistor amplifiers. Solution is done for the “most general” version of the signal circuit. As we will see in the problem section, formulas developed here can then be used to find the amplifier parameters for a variety of circuits. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-5 6.2.1 Common-Drain and Common-Collector Amplifiers Common-Drain or Source Follower Configuration Circuits shown below are the generic signal circuits of a common-drain amplifier (i.e., we have “zeroed” out all bias sources). The circuit to the left is the NMOS version and the circuit to the right is the PMOS version. Because NMOS and PMOS small-signal models are identical, both circuits will give the same signal response. As such, from now on we will only show the signal circuits for NMOS transistors. R sig vsig vi C c1 R sig vsig C c2 + − vo Ri RG RS Ro vi C c1 C c2 + − vo Ri RL RG RS RL Ro In this circuit, the input signal is applied at the gate and the output is taken at the source. As the drain is grounded (for signal), it is the common terminal of input and output. Thus, this circuit is called the common-drain amplifier. It is important to realize that as a transistor can be biased in many ways, several “complete” circuits (i.e., including bias elements) will reduce to the above “signal” circuit form of a common-drain amplifier. Some examples are given below (vsig and Rsig in the input are not shown for simplicity). VDD RG1 vi VSS VDD vi RS C c1 C c2 RG2 RS C c2 vo vi RL RL − VDD RG = RG1 k RG2 C c2 vo RG → ∞, Cc1 → ∞, I vo RL − VSS RG → ∞, RS → ∞, Cc1 → ∞, Exercise: Draw the signal circuit of the above three circuits and show that they reduce to the generic discrete common-drain amplifier circuit above. We now proceed with the signal analysis by replacing the MOS with its small-signal model. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-6 Using node-voltage method (there is one node, vo ): Node vo vi i i R sig vsig + − G D + Ri vgs = vi − vo vo vo vo + + − gm vgs = 0 RS ro R L vo − gm (vi − vo ) = 0 ro k R S k R L ii gmvgs ro vgs _ vo S RG RL RS Ro vo gm (ro k RS k RL ) = vi 1 + gm (ro k RS k RL ) As can be seen, the gain of this amplifier is less than but close to 1. Because vs = vo ≈ vi , i.e., signal voltage at the MOS source terminal follows the input signal vi , this configuration is also called the Source Follower. Finding Ri is easy as current ii flows in RG and vi = RG ii (see circuit). Therefore, Ri = vi /ii = RG . Note that if RG were not present (see middle and left circuits on the example complete circuits of the previous page). Ri → ∞. To find Ro we need to zero out vsig and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals. Because of the presence of the controlled source, we need to attach a vx voltage source to the circuit and compute ix to get Ro = vx /ix . We see from the circuit that vg = 0 and vgs = −vx . Thus: vx vx vx vx vx ix = + − gm vgs = + + ro R S ro RS 1/gm 1 1 vx = k R S k ro ≈ k RS Ro = ix gm gm R sig vi G vsig + D gmvgs ro vgs _ ix S RG + − RS vx Ro In summary, the general properties of the common-drain amplifier (source follower) include a voltage gain ≤ 1, a large input resistance (which can be made infinite in some biasing schemes) and a small output resistance. This type of circuit is called a “buffer” and is often used when there is a mismatch between input resistance of one stage and the output resistance of the previous stage (see Sec. 6.4). Additionally, iL = io ≫ ii as vo /vi ≈ 1 while Ri ≫ Ro . As such, this circuit can be used to amplify the signal current (and power) and drive a load (used typically as the last stage of an amplifier circuit). ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-7 Common-Collector or Emitter Follower Configuration Circuits shown are the generic signal circuits of a common-collector amplifier (i.e., we have “zeroed” out all bias sources). The circuit to the left is the NPN version and the circuit to the right is the PNP version. Because NPN and PNP BJT small-signal models are identical, both circuits will give the same signal response. As such, from now on we will only show the signal circuits for NPN BJT transistors. R sig vsig C c1 vi R sig vsig C c2 + − vo Ri RB RE Ro vi C c1 C c2 + − vo Ri RB RL RE RL Ro In this circuit, the input is applied at the base and the output is taken at the emitter. As the collector is grounded (for signal), it is the common terminal of input and output. Thus, this circuit is called the common-collector amplifier. As can be seen this configuration is analogous to the MOS common-drain amplifier. Similarly to the MOS case, the BJT can be biased in many ways. Several “complete” circuits (i.e., including the bias elements) will reduce to the above “signal” form of a common-collector amplifier. Some examples are given below. VCC RB1 vi VEE VCC vi RE C c1 C c2 RB2 RE C c2 vo vi RL RL − VCC RB = RB1 k RB2 C c2 vo RB → ∞, Cc1 → ∞, I vo RL − VEE RB → ∞, RE → ∞, Cc1 → ∞, We now proceed with the signal analysis by replacing the BJT with its small-signal model. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-8 Using node-voltage method (there is one node, vo ): vi i i R sig vsig + − B C + Ri Node vo iπ vπ = vi − vo vo vo vo − vi vo + + + − g m vπ = 0 RE ro R L rπ i1 vπ gm vπ ro rπ _ vo E RB RL RE Ro The last two terms in the above equation can be simplified by noting 1/rπ = gm /β: β+1 gm vo − vi + gm (vo − vi ) = gm (vo − vi ) ≈ gm (vo − vi ) − gm vπ = (vo − vi ) × rπ β β Substituting back in the node equation, we get: vo vo vo + + + gm (vo − vi ) = 0 RE ro R L vo + gm (vo − vi ) = 0 ro k R E k R L gm (ro k RE k RL ) vo = vi 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) The gain of the common collector amplifier is less than 1, but usually very close to 1 because of the large BJT gm . This configuration is also called the Emitter Follower. To find Ri = vi /ii , we note that by KCL ii = i1 + iπ and vi vo vi − vo = × 1− rπ rπ vi vo 1 gm (ro k RE k RL ) 1− = =1− vi 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) vi iπ = rπ + gm rπ (ro k RE k RL ) vi vi vi = + ii = i1 + iπ = RB rπ + β(ro k RE k RL ) RB k [rπ + β(ro k RE k RL )] iπ = Ri = RB k [rπ + β(ro k RE k RL )] Note that when emitter degeneration biasing is used, we need to have RB ≪ (1 + β)RE . In this case, Ri ≈ RB (similar to the common-drain amplifier in which Ri = RG ). If RB is not present, the input resistance would be very large (MΩ level). ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-9 To find Ro we need to zero out vsig and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals. We attach a voltage source vx to the circuit and compute ix to get Ro = vx /ix . R sig vi B vsig C + vπ gm vπ ro rπ _ vx vx vx ix = + − g m vπ + ro R E rπ + RB k Rsig ix E RB + − RE vx Ro vπ can be found by the voltage divider formula (below). Substituting the expression for vπ in the above expression for ix , the last two terms of the ix can be simplified as: rπ rπ + RB k Rsig vx vx g m rπ v x vx ix = + + + ro RE rπ + RB k Rsig rπ + RB k Rsig vπ = −vx × vx vx (β + 1)vx + + ro RE rπ + RB k Rsig vx ix = ro k RE k (rπ + RB k Rsig )/(1 + β) ix = R o = R E k ro k rπ + RB k Rsig (1 + β) In summary, the general properties of the common-collector amplifier (emitter follower) include a voltage gain close to unity, a large input resistance and a small output resistance (similar to the common-drain amplifier). Thus, emitter follower is also used as a buffer or for amplifying the signal current (and power) and drive a load. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-10 6.2.2 Common-Source and Common-Emitter Amplifiers Common-Source Configuration Circuit shown is the generic signal circuit of a common-source amplifier (i.e., we have “zeroed” out all bias sources). In this circuit input signal is applied at the gate and the output is taken at the drain. As the source is grounded (for the signal), it is the common terminal of input and output. Thus, this circuit is called the common-source amplifier. If source degeneration biasing is used for the common-source configuration, a resistor RS should be present. A “by-pass” capacitor is typically used so that the signal by-passes RS , effectively making the source grounded for the signal as is shown. For bias, this capacitor is open and RS provides source degeneration. RD C c2 R sig vsig vo C c1 vi + − RL Ro Ri RG RD C c2 R vsig vo C c1 vi sig + − RL Ro Ri RG RS CS We replace the MOS with its small-signal model. vi i i R sig vsig + − G + ii Ri RG vo D gmvgs ro vgs RD _ RL Ro S Inspecting the circuit, we find Ri = vi /ii = RG . To find the gain, we note that vi = vgs . Furthermore, ro , RD , and RL are in parallel and by KCL a current of gm vgs flows in ro k RD k RL (from the ground to vo ) as is shown. Then: vi Ohm Law: vo = −gm vgs (ro k RD k RL ) vo = −gm (ro k RD k RL ) vi D G + RG vo gmvgs r o || RD || RL vgs _ S gmvgs The negative sign in the gain formula is indicative of a 180◦ phase shift in the output signal. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-11 To find Ro we need to zero out vsig and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals (circuit below left). Examination of the circuit shows that vgs = vi = 0. Thus, the controlled source gm vgs becomes an open circuit (circuit below right) and the output resistance can be found by inspection to be Ro = RD k ro . R sig vi G vsig + RG G D gmvgs ro vgs D + _ RD gmvgs ro vgs = 0 Ro RD _ Ro S S In summary, the general properties of the common-source amplifier include a large voltage gain, a large input resistance (and can be made infinite with some biasing schemes) but a medium output resistance. Common-Emitter Configuration Circuit shown is the generic signal circuit of a common-emitter amplifier (i.e., we have “zeroed” out all bias sources). In this circuit the input signal is applied at the base and the output is taken at the collector. As the emitter is grounded (for the signal), it is the common terminal of input and output. Thus, this circuit is called the common-emitter amplifier. If emitter degeneration biasing is used for this configuration, a resistor RE should be present. Similar to the MOS common-source amplifier, a “bypass” capacitor is typically used so that the signal by-passes RE , effectively making the emitter grounded for the signal as is shown. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 RC C c2 R sig vsig vi vo C c1 + − Ro RL Ri RB RC C c2 R vsig vi sig vo C c1 + − Ro RL Ri RB RE CE 6-12 We replace the BJT with its small-signal model. vi i i R sig vsig + − i1 Ri RB iπ B + vπ _ vo C gm vπ RC ro rπ RL Ro E Inspecting the circuit, we find Ri = vi /ii = RB k rπ . To find the gain, we note that vi = vπ . Furthermore, ro , RC , and RL are in parallel and by KCL a current of gm vπ flows in ro k RC k RL (from the ground to vo ) as is shown. Then: vi Ohm Law: vo = −gm vπ (ro k RC k RL ) vo = −gm (ro k RC k RL ) vi + RB vπ _ vo C B gm vπ r o || RC || RL rπ gm vπ E The negative sign in the gain is indicative of a 180◦ phase shift in the output signal. To find Ro we need to zero out vsig and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals (circuit below left). Examination of the circuit show that vπ = vi = 0. Thus, the controlled source gm vπ becomes an open circuit (circuit below right) and the output resistance can be found by inspection to be Ro = RC k ro . R sig vi B vsig C + RB vπ _ C gm vπ gm vπ = 0 ro rπ RC ro Ro E RC Ro E In summary, the general properties of the common-emitter amplifier include a large voltage gain, a “medium” input resistance and a “medium” output resistance. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-13 6.2.3 Common-Source and Common-Emitter Amplifiers with Degeneration Common-Source Configuration with a Source Resistor This circuit is the generic signal circuit of a common-source amplifier with degeneration (i.e., with a In this circuit the source resistor). input signal is applied at the gate and the output is taken at the drain similar to a common-emitter amplifier. RD C c2 R vsig sig vo C c1 vi + − RL Ro Ri RG RS We replace the MOS with its small-signal model. Using node-voltage method (there are two nodes, vo and vs ): R vsig vi i i sig + − + ii Ri Node vs : Node vo : G vs − vo vs + − gm vgs = 0 RS ro vo − vs vo + + gm vgs = 0 RD k RL ro vs vo + =0 RS RD k RL vo D gmvgs ro vgs _ RD Ro RL S RG RS where the last equation is found by summing the first two. Substituting for vgs = vi − vs in the first equation and computing vs we get: vs vs − vo + − gm (vi − vs ) = 0 RS ro vs vo vs + − − g m vi + g m vs = 0 R S ro ro ro + R S + g m ro R S vo vs × − − g m vi = 0 R S ro ro vs [ro + RS (1 + gm ro )] × − v o − g m ro v i = 0 RS Substituting for vs /RS in terms of vo from our node equations above, we get: −[ro + RS (1 + gm ro )] × vo − v o − g m ro v i = 0 RD k RL gm ro (RD k RL ) vo =− vi RD k RL + ro + RS (1 + ro gm ) ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-14 The gain equation can be simplified by dropping 1 compared to gm ro in the denominator: gm ro (RD k RL ) gm (RD k RL ) vo ≈− =− vi R D k R L + ro + g m ro R S 1 + gm RS + (RD k RL )/ro Compared to a CS amplifier with no RS , the amplifier gain is substantially reduced with the presence of RS . However, the gain has become much less sensitive to changes in gm . Inspecting the circuit we find Ri = vi /ii = RG , similar to a common-source amplifier. To find Ro , we set vsig = 0 and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals. We attach vx voltage source to the circuit and compute ix (circuit below left). Examination of the circuit shows that vg = vi = 0 (gate is grounded). As such vgs is the voltage across resistor RS (see circuit below right). R sig vi ix G vsig + gmvgs vgs _ ro RD Ro G + − vx S + D gmvgs _ RS ix RD Ro + − vx S iy RG ro vgs iy RS _ vgs i y _ gmvgs + In circuits like this in which a resistor is directly attached between the terminals of vx (RD in this case), it is easier to compute the current iy first: By KCL, a current of iy −gm vgs should flow in ro and iy should flow in RS . Since vgs = −RS iy : KVL : KCL: vx = ro (iy − gm vgs ) + RS iy vx = ro (iy + gm RS iy ) + RS iy = iy (ro + gm ro RS + RS ) vx = ro + RS + gm ro RS = ro + RS (1 + gm ro ) ≈ ro + gm ro RS = ro (1 + gm RS ) iy vx vx vx vx ix = + = + RD iy RD ro (1 + gm RS ) vx Ro = = RD k [ro (1 + gm RS )] ix In summary, source degeneration has led to an amplifier with a lower gain which is less sensitive to transistor parameters. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-15 Common-Emitter Configuration with an Emitter Resistor Circuit shown is the generic signal circuit of a common-emitter amplifier with degeneration (i.e., with a emitter resistor). Note that the input is applied at the base and the output is taken at the collector similar to a common-emitter amplifier. RC C c2 R vsig vo C c1 vi sig + − RL Ro Ri RB RE We replace the BJT with its small-signal model. vi i i R sig vsig Using node-voltage method (there are two nodes, vo and ve ) and substituting for vπ = vi − ve , we get: + − iπ B + vπ Ri _ Node vo : gm vπ ro rπ RC Ro RL E RB Node ve : vo C RE ve − vi ve − vo ve + + − gm (vi − ve ) = 0 RE rπ ro vo vo − ve + + gm (vi − ve ) = 0 RC k RL ro Adding the two node equations gives: ve vo ve − vi + + =0 RE RC k RL rπ → ve vo vi =− + R E k rπ R C k R L rπ We now substitute for ve in Node vo equation. Noting that 1/ro ≪ gm : vo 1 vo vo vo + − ve + g m + g m vi ≈ + − g m ve + g m vi = 0 R C k R L ro ro R C k R L ro " # vo vo vo vi + g m vi = 0 + − gm (RE k rπ ) − + R C k R L ro R C k R L rπ The above equation can be solved to find the gain as: gm (RC k RL ) vo =− vi 1 + (gm + 1/rπ )RE + (1 + RE /rπ )(RC k RL )/ro gm (RC k RL ) vo ≈− vi 1 + gm RE + (1 + RE /rπ )(RC k RL )/ro Where we used gm ≫ gm /β = 1/rπ to simplify the denominator of the gain formula. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-16 For discrete BJT amplifiers, RC ≪ ro (thus RC k RL ≪ ro ) and the third term in denominator can be ignored. In this case, vo gm (RC k RL ) RC k RL ≈− =− vi 1 + g m RE RE + 1/gm which is the expression often used. Note that the amplifier gain is reduced with the presence of RE but it has become substantially less sensitive to any change in β (only through 1/gm term which is usually ≪ RE ). To find Ri , we define R1 = vi /iπ . Then, by KCL: ii = vi vi vi vi + iπ = + = RB RB R1 RB k R1 Ri = vi /ii = RB k R1 Since iπ = vπ /rπ , we calculate vπ in terms of vi from our node equations. Starting from Node vo equation: vo vo − ve + + gm (vi − ve ) = 0 RC k RL ro vo vo ve vo vo + − − g m ve + g m vi ≈ + − g m ve + g m vi = 0 R C k R L ro ro R C k R L ro Where we ignored ve /ro term compared to gm ve term (because gm ro ≫ 1). Since vπ = vi −ve : gm vπ = gm (vi − ve ) = −vo " # vo 1 + (RC k RL )/ro 1 1 = g m vπ = vi × − × + R C k R L ro vi RC k RL Substituting for (vo /vi ) from the gain equation of the previous page (2nd equation from the bottom, before β ≫ 1 approximation), we get: 1 + (gm + 1/rπ )RE + (1 + RE /rπ )(RC k RL )/ro vi = vπ 1 + (RC k RL )/ro RE g m RE vi =1+ + vπ rπ 1 + (RC k RL )/ro R1 = vi 1 vi βRE = × = R 1 = rπ + R E + iπ rπ v π 1 + (RC k RL )/ro " βRE R i = R B k rπ + R E + 1 + (RC k RL )/ro ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 # 6-17 For discrete BJT amplifiers, RC ≪ ro (thus RC k RL ≪ ro ) and Ri ≈ RB k [rπ + βRE ]. To find Ro , we set vsig = 0 and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals. Because of the presence of the controlled source, we need to attach vx voltage source to the circuit and compute ix . Calculation is similar to that of the commonsource amplifier with RS . Calculations are left as an exercise (Hint: one should replace ′ RS in the common-source with RS case with RE = RE k (rπ + RB k Rsig and use vπ = ′ −iy RE rπ /(rπ + RB k Rsig ). In the limit of RB k Rsig ≪ βro (a very good approximation), the output resistance is given by " R o = R C k ro βRE 1+ rπ + RE + RB k Rsig !# For all practical cases, the resistance in the bracket is very large and Ro ≈ RC . In summary, emitter degeneration has led to an amplifier with a lower gain which is much less sensitive to transistor parameters and a substantially larger input resistance. 6.2.4 Common-Gate and Common-Base Amplifiers Common-Gate Configuration Circuit shown is the generic signal circuit of a common-gate amplifier . Note that the input is applied at the source and the output is taken at the drain. As the gate is grounded (for signal), it is the common terminal of input and output. Thus, this circuit is called the common-gate amplifier. RD C c2 vo R sig vsig C vi c1 Ro + − RL RS Ri V DD In some cases, the gate has to biased to a DC value (for example using voltage divider circuit shown). However, since iG = 0, the gate remains grounded for the signal. R G1 RD C c2 vo Rsig v sig vi + − C c1 Ro R G2 RL RS Ri ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-18 We replace the MOS with its small-signal model. Using node-voltage method (there is one node, vo ): G + R sig vi _v =v i gs _ D i1 vo gmvgs ro RD RL Ro S vsig vgs = 0 − vi = −vi ii + − RS Ri vo vo − vi vo + + + gm (−vi ) = 0 RL RD ro vo 1 + g m ro = vi × ro k R D k R L ro g m ro vo vo ≈ vi × → = gm (ro k RD k RL ) ro k R D k R L ro vi i1 To find Ri , it is easier to compute iY first. By KCL at node S, current iy + gm vgs will flow in ro and current iy will flow in RD k RL . Thus: vi = (iy + gm vgs )ro + iy (RD k RL ) = vi = iy ro − gm ro vi + iy (RD k RL ) ro + (RD k RL ) 1 + (RD k RL )/ro vi = ≈ iy 1 + g m ro gm Ri = RS k 1 + (RD k RL )/ro gm To find Ro , we set vsig = 0 and compute the Thevenin Equivalent resistance seen at the output terminals. Because of the presence of the controlled source, we need to attach vx voltage source to the circuit and compute ix . G + D gmvgs ro vgs R sig vi ix _ RD Ro G + − + vx D gmvgs ro vgs _ RD Ro + − vx S S vsig i2 RS ix i2 RS R + vgs sig _ Similar to previous cases, we start by calculating iy . By KCL, a current of iy − gm vgs should flow in ro and iy should flow in RS k Rsig . Then, vgs = −vs = −(RS k Rsig )iy and KVL : vx = ro (iy − gm vgs ) + RS iy = vx = ro iy + gm ro (RS k Rsig )iy + (RS k Rsig )iy vx ≈ ro (1 + gm (RS k Rsig )) iy ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-19 KCL: vx vx vx vx + = + RD iy RD ro (1 + gm (RS k Rsig )) vx Ro = = RD k [ro (1 + gm (RS k Rsig ))] iX ix = In summary, the general properties of the common-gate amplifier include a large voltage gain, a small input resistance and a medium output resistance (it has the same gain and output resistance values as that of a common-source configuration but has a much lower input resistance). Common-Base Configuration Circuit shown is the generic signal circuit of a common-base amplifier . Note that the input is applied at the emitter and the output is taken at the collector. As the base is grounded (for signal), it is the common terminal of input and output. Thus, this circuit is called the common-base amplifier. RC C c2 vo R sig vsig C vi c1 RL Ro + − RE Ri V CC R B1 In some cases, the base has to biased to a DC value (for example using voltage divider circuit shown). In this case, a bypass capacitor is needed to keep the base grounded for the signal. C Rsig v sig RC C c2 vo B vi RL Ro C + − c1 R B2 RE Ri We replace the BJT with its small-signal model. Comparing the small signal circuit of the common base amplifier with that of a common-gate amplifier of the previous page, we see that the two circuits are identical if we replace RS with RE k rπ (and RD with RC ). As such we can use the results from the common-gate amplifier analysis to get: vo = gm (ro k RC k RL ) vi 1 + (RC k RL )/ro R i = R E k rπ k gm Ro = RC k [ro (1 + gm (RE k rπ k Rsig ))] ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 B + R vsig − vi = vπ _ vi sig + − Ri vo C gm vπ ro rπ RC Ro RL E RE 6-20 In summary, the common-base configuration has a large open-loop voltage, a small input resistance and a medium output resistance (it has the same gain and output resistance values as that of a common-emitter configuration but a much lower input resistance). 6.2.5 Summary of Amplifier Configurations • The common-source (CS) and common-emitter (CE) amplifiers have a high gain and are the main configuration in a practical amplifier. Ignoring bias resistors RG or RB , the CS configuration has an infinite input resistance while the CE amplifier has a modest input resistance. Both CS and CE amplifier have a rather high output resistance ro and a limited high-frequency response (you will see this in 102). • Addition of source or emitter resistor (degenerated CS or CE) leads to several benefits: a gain which is less sensitive to temperature, a much larger input resistance for CE configuration, a better control of amplifier saturation, and a much improved highfrequency response. However, these are realized at the expense of a lower gain. • The common-gate (CG) and commons-base (CB) amplifiers have a high gain (similar to CS and CE) but a low input resistance. As such, they are only used for specialized applications. CG and CB amplifiers have an excellent high-frequency response. They are typically used in combination with a CS or CE stage (such as cascode amplifiers) • The source-follower and emitter-follower configurations have a high input resistance, a gain close to unity, and a low output resistance. They are employed as a voltage buffer and/or as the output stage to increase the current and power to the load. Pages 6-25 and 6-26 include a summary of formulas for discrete transistor amplifiers. These formulas are correct within approximation of gm ro ≫ 1 and β ≫ 1 both of which are always valid. Many of these formulas can be simplified (before plugging in numbers) as they include resistances that are in parallel and “typically” one is much smaller (at least by a factor of ten) than the others. For example, in a common emitter amplifier, we often find that RC ≪ RL and RC ≪ ro . Then, ro k RC k RL ≈ RC and the gain formula can be simplified to Av = −RC /re . ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-21 6.3 Low Frequency Response of Transistor Amplifiers Up to now, we have assumed that we are operating above a certain frequency such that the coupling and by-pass capacitors would have low impedances (i.e., they were short circuit) leading to a linear amplifier response (i.e., independent of frequency). This frequency is called the lower cut-off frequency of an amplifier – an amplifier should be operated above this frequency. When we ignored capacitive affects, we found the amplifier parameters, vo /vi (or Avo ), Ri , and Ro which are called the mid-band parameters. These three parameters allows us to build a model for our amplifier as is shown below (left figure) with vo Ri RL = × Avo × vsig Ri + Rsig Ro + RL R sig ii Ro + vsig + − vi − io R sig C c1 Ri + − Avo v i vo Ro vsig RL + − vi − C c2 + + + Ri + − Avo v i − vo RL − To find the lower cut-off frequency, fL , we should include impedances of coupling and by-pass capacitors and solve the circuit in the frequency domain. This is a complicated analysis and, even in simple cases, lead to large analytical expressions. Fortunately, we can get derive a simple and reasonably accurate estimate of fL . Let’s first consider a case with no by-pass capacitor – only coupling capacitors at the input and at the output. Incorporating these capacitors in the circuit and using the amplifier parameters we had calculated before, we arrive at the circuit above right. This circuit should be solved in frequency domain (done here in phasor form). At the input: Vi Ri = Vsig Ri + Rsig + 1/(jωCc1 ) Ri 1 Vi , = × Vsig Ri + Rsig 1 − jωp1 /ω 2πfp1 = ωp1 ≡ 1 (Ri + Rsig )Cc1 As can be seen, the coupling capacitor Cc1 introduced a low-frequency pole and the amplifier gain falls at frequencies below this value. At the output: Vo RL = Avo Vi RL + Ro + 1/(jωCc2 ) RL 1 Vo , = Avo × × Vi RL + Ro 1 − jωp2 /ω ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 2πfp2 = ωp2 ≡ 1 (Ro + RL )Cc2 6-22 Similarly, the coupling capacitor CcC introduces a low-frequency pole and the amplifier gain also falls below this frequency. Then: Vo Vi Vo = × Vsig Vi Vsig Vo Ri RL 1 1 = × Avo × × × Vsig Ri + Rsig Ro + RL 1 − jωp1 /ω 1 − jωp2 /ω Note the first three terms are the mid-band gain of the amplifier ,vo /vsig , when capacitors where assumed to be short circuit (see previous page). As can be seen, each capacitor has introduced a pole. One can show that each by-pass capacitors also generates a pole and the overall overall frequency response of the amplifier is vo 1 1 1 Vo = × × × ×· Vsig vsig 1 − jωp1 /ω 1 − jωp2 /ω 1 − jωp3 /ω Figure below shows a typical frequency response of an amplifier with 3 capacitors. To find fL , one should find the maximum value of the amplitude of Vo /Vsig (which is the mid-band gain, vo /vsig ), and then find the frequency at which the gain is 3 dB below this maximum value. This requires solution of a high-order non-linear equation and is done numerically (by PSpice). However, a simple approximation for hand calculations (which is surprisingly very good) is to set fl ≈ fp1 + fp2 + fp3 + · · · 6.4 Multi-stage Amplifiers We had argued that we only need to solve a specific amplifier circuit once. With the amplifier parameters in hand, one can then find the response of a circuit which includes many components. To see this, let’s consider a 3-stage amplifier as is shown below. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-23 R sig + + v sig + − vi − Stage 1 + + Stage v o,1 v i,2 − + + Stage v o,2 v i,3 2 − − vo 3 RL − − Since the output terminals of stage 1 is attached to the input terminals of stage 2, we have vo,1 = vi,2 . Similarly, vo,2 = vi, . We also note that vi = vi,1 and vo = vo,3 . Then: vo,3 vo,3 vi,3 vi,2 vo vo,3 vo,2 vo,1 vo = = × × = = × × = Av3 × Av2 × Av1 vi vi,1 vi,3 vi,2 vi,1 vi vi,3 vi,2 vi,1 We also see that by definition, Ri = Ri,1 as vi = vi,1 and ii = ii,1 . Similarly, Ro = Ro,3 . We can also find the overall gain of the circuit as (generalized to a n-stage amplifier): Ri = Ri,1 Ro = Ro,n vo Ri = × Av1 × Av2 × Av3 × · · · vsig Ri + Rsig While the formulas above give the overall response of the multi-stage amplifier, formulas for gain, Ri , and Ro for each stage require knowledge of RL and RSig for that particular stage. These can be found by considering the stage j and replacing stage j −1 and stage j +1 with their corresponding amplifier models as is shown below. Comparing the resulting circuit with the circuit which had solved for stage j (bottom figure), it is obvious that + Stage j −1 Stage j+1 − R o,j−1 + + + − A vo v i Stage v i,j j − v o,j R i,j+1 − R sig, j + + v sig Rsig,j = Ro,j−1 Stage j + − v i,j − Stage j v o,j R L, j − RL,j = Ri,j+1 Therefore, since the gain and Ri formulas depend on RL , solution of a multi-stage amplifier is started from the load side when RL of the the nth stage is known: RL,n = RL . (vo /vi )n and Ri,n is calculated. Setting RL,n−1 = Ri,n , one can then proceed to stage n − 1 and compute the gain and Ri . This is continued until the first stage is reached. Since Ro depends on Rsig the procedure is reversed, i.e., we start from the first stage, compute Ro,1 , set Rsig,2 = Ro,1 and proceed towards the load side. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-24 Summary of Discrete MOS Amplifiers• Common Drain (Source Follower): gm (ro k RS k RL ) vo = vi 1 + gm (ro k RS k RL ) R sig vsig C c1 vi C c2 + − vo Ri Ri = RG 1 k RS Ro ≈ gm RG Common Source: RS Ro RL RD vo = −gm (ro k RD k RL ) vi Ri = RG C c2 R vsig sig vo C c1 vi + − RL Ro Ri R o = R D k ro fp3 = RG 1 2πCs [RS k (ro + RD k RL )/(1 + gm ro )] Common Source with Source Resistance: gm (RD k RL ) vo =− vi 1 + gm RS + (RD k RL )/ro RD C c2 R sig Ri = RG vsig Ro = RD k [ro (1 + gm RS )] vo C c1 vi + − RL Ro Ri RG RS Common Gate: vo = gm (ro k RD k RL ) vi 1 + (RD k RL )/ro Ri = RS k gm Ro = RD k [ro (1 + gm (RS k Rsig ))] RD C c2 vo R sig vsig vi C c1 + − Ro RL RS Ri • fl = Σj fpj and fp1 = 1/[2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig )] and fp2 = 1/[2πCc2 (RL + Ro )] ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-25 Summary of Discrete BJT Amplifiers• Common Collector (Emitter Follower): R sig vsig gm (ro k RE k RL ) vo = vi 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) C c1 vi C c2 + − Ri RB Ri = RB k [rπ + β(ro k RE k RL )] R o = R E k ro k RE Ro RL rπ + RB k Rsig 1+β Common Emitter: RC C c2 vo = −gm (ro k RC k RL ) vi R i = R B k rπ R vsig sig vo C c1 vi + − Ro RL Ri RB R o = R C k ro fp3 = vo 1 2πCe [RE k (1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β)] Common Emitter with Emitter Resistor: RC C c2 gm (RC k RL ) vo ≈− vi 1 + gm RE + (1 + RE /rπ )(RC k RL )/ro " # " !# βRE R i = R B k rπ + R E + 1 + (RC k RL )/ro R o = R C k ro 1 + βRE rπ + RE + RB k Rsig R vsig vi sig + − Ro RL Ri RB RE Common Base: RC vo = gm (ro k RC k RL ) vi 1 + (RC k RL )/ro R i = R E k rπ k gm vo C c1 Cc2 vo CB Rsig v sig + − vi Ro Cc1 RB RL RE Ri Ro = RC k [ro (1 + gm (RE k rπ k Rsig ))] fp3 = 1/[2πCb RCB ] RCB ≡ RB k [rπ + (1 + β)(Rsig k RE )] • fl = Σj fpj and fp1 = 1/[2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig )] and fp2 = 1/[2πCc2 (RL + Ro )] ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-26 6.5 Exercise Problems Problem 1 to 12: Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 9V 9V 18k 9V 18k 22k 22k 1k 100k vo vo 1k vo vi 0.47 µF 0.47 µF 0.47 µF vo 1k 0.47 µF vi vi 0.47 µF vi 0.47 µF 22k 4V 1k 100k 100k 18k − 5V Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 15V 34k 1k 100nF 4V 100 vi vsig 0.47 µF vo vi 100k + − 5.9k 100k 4.3 mA vo 4.7 µF 510 47 µF − 5V Problem 5 Problem 6 10V 5.9k 510 15V 47 µF 34k 1k 100nF 100 vsig vi 4.7 µF 100 100nF + − 34k 1k vsig vo 100k vi vo 4.7 µF 100k + − 5.9k 510 − 5V Problem 7 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 Problem 8 6-27 15V 34k 3V 1k 47 µF 2.3k 100nF vi 100 vsig vo 4.7 µF 100 100k + − vsig 270 5.9k vi 100nF + − 2.3k vo 100k 47 µF 240 − 3V Problem 9 Problem 10 3V 47 µF 1mA 100 2.5V 1k vi vo vsig 100nF + − vo 100nF vi 2.3k 13k 100nF 100nF 100k 400 12k − 3V Problem 11 Problem 10 Problem 12 Problem 13-16. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 4 V, Vtp = −4 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.4 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations.) 18V 1.3M 13V 10k 10k 0.47 µF 100 vsig vi 0.47 µF 0.47 µF vo 100k + − 100 vsig 500k vo vi 100k + − − 5V Problem 13 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 Problem 14 6-28 15V 13V 1.8M 10k 0.71mA 100nF 0.47 µF vi 100 vsig vo 100 vsig 100k + − vi vo 100nF 100k + − 1.2M 10k 1 µF − 5V Problem 15 Problem 16 Problem 18-24. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 1 V, Vtp = −1 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.8 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations. 15V 9V 1.2M 10k 100nF 100 vsig vo vi 100 vsig 100k + − 10k 1 µF vi 10k 100nF 100nF + − 1.8M 10k vo 100k − 6V Problem 17 Problem 18 15V 10k vo vi 15V 1.8M 100nF vo 100nF vi 10k ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 1.8M 10k 1.2M 100nF 1.2M Problem 19 10k 100nF Problem 19 6-29 6.6 Solution to Selected Exercise Problems Problem 1. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 9V Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. Replace RB1 /RB2 voltage divider with its Thevenin equivalent. Assuming BJT in active, 18k vi 0.47 µF vo RB = 18 k k 22 k = 9.9 kΩ KVL: VBB = 22 × 9 = 4.95 V 18 + 22 22k 1k VBB = RB IB + VBE + 103 IE 9V 4.95 = 9.9 × 103 IE /(β + 1) + 0.7 + 103 IE IE = 4.05 mA ≈ IC , KVL: VBB IC = 20.3 µA IB = β 22k || 18k 9 = VCE + 103 IE 3 VCE = 9 − 10 × 4 × 10 1k −3 =5V Since VCE > VD0 = 0.7, assumption of BJT in active is correct. Bias summary: IE ≈ IC = 4.05 mA, IB = 20.3 µA, VCE = 5 vV 0.47 µF i Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: IC 4 × 10−3 gm = = 156 mA/V = VT 26 × 10−3 β VA 150 rπ = = 37.0 k = 1.28 k ro ≈ = gm IC 4 × 10−3 vo Ri 22k || 18k 1k Ro Note that we could have ignored VCE compared to VA in the above expression for ro . Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources (see circuit). As the input is at the base and output is at the emitter, this is a common-collector amplifier (emitter follower). Using formulas of page 6-21 and noting RL → ∞, RE ≪ ro , and RE ≫ re : 152 gm (ro k RE k RL ) vo = ≈1 = vi 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) 153 Ri ≈ RB k [rπ + β(ro k RE k RL )] = (9.9 k) k (1.28 k + 195 k) = 9.42 k (≈ RB ) rπ + RB k RSig rπ 1 = 6.4 Ω (≈ = ) 1+β β gm 1 1 = = 34.2 Hz = −6 2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig ) 2π × 0.47 × 10 × (9.9 × 103 + 0) R o = R E k ro k fl = fp1 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-30 Problem 2. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). This is the same circuit as Problem 1 with exception of Cc2 and RL . The bias point is exactly the same. As RE ≪ RL , the amplifier parameters would be the same except fl = fp1 + fp2 = 34.3 + 3.39 = 37.6 Hz. Problem 3. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with n = 2, β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). This circuit is similar to Problem 1 expect that the transistor is biased with two voltage sources (values are chosen to give approximately the same bias point). Bias: 4V vi 0.47 µF vo Set vi = 0 and capacitors open: 1k 0 = VBE + 103 IE − 5 BE-KVL: IE = 4.3mA ≈ IC , 100k − 5V IB = IC = 21.5 µA β 4V vi 4 = VCE + 103 IE − 5 CE-KVL: VCE = 9 − 103 × 4.3 × 10−3 = 4.7 V Bias summary: IE ≈ IC = 4.3 mA, IB = 21.5 µA, 1k − 5V VCE = 4.7 V Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: vi 0.47 µF IC 4.3 × 10 gm = = = 165.4 mA/V VT 26 × 10−3 VA 150 β = 1.21 k ro ≈ = = 34.9 k rπ = gm IC 4.3 × 10−3 vo −3 1k 100k Proceeding with the signal analysis, we zero bias sources (see circuit). As the input is at the base and output is at the emitter, this is a common-collector amplifier (emitter follower). The difference with Problem 1 is that there is no RB (RB = ∞) which affects Ri only. Av = gm (ro k RE k RL ) 161 = ≈1 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) 162 Ri ≈ RB k [rπ + (1 + β)(ro k RE k RL )] = ∞ k (1.21 k + 194 k) = 195 k rπ 1 rπ + RB k RSig = 6.0 Ω (≈ = ) 1+β β gm 1 1 = = 3.39 Hz = −6 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) 2π × 0.47 × 10 × (100 × 103 + 6) R o = R E k ro k fl = fp2 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-31 Problem 5. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT withβ = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). This circuit is similar to the circuit of Problem 3 except that the transistor is biased with a current source. 4V vi 0.47 µF vo Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. 100k 4.3 mA BE-KVL: 0 = VBE + VE → IC = 21.5 µA β VE = −0.7 V CE-KVL: 4 = VCE + VE → VCE = 4.7 V IE = 4.3 mA ≈ IC , Bias summary: − 5V IB = IE ≈ IC = 4.3 mA, IB = 21.5 µA, 4V vi 4.3 mA VCE = 4.7 V − 5V Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: IC 4.3 × 10−3 gm = = = 165.4 mA/V VT 26 × 10−3 VA 150 β = 34.9 k = 1.21 k ro ≈ = rπ = gm IC 4.3 × 10−3 vi 0.47 µF vo 100k − 5V Amplifier Response: we zero bias sources (the current source becomes an open circuit. As the input is at the base and output is at the emitter, this is a common-collector amplifier (emitter follower). The difference with problem 3 is that here RE → ∞. Using formulas of page 6-21 and noting RE k RL = RL ≫ re Av = 4, 279 gm (ro k RE k RL ) = ≈1 1 + gm (ro k RE k RL ) 4, 280 Ri ≈ RB k [rπ + β(ro k RE k RL )] = ∞ k (1.21 k + 5.17 M) = 5.17 M rπ 1 rπ + RB k RSig = 6.0 Ω (≈ = ) 1+β β gm 1 = 3.39 Hz = 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) R o = R E k ro k fl = fp2 Comparing results from Problems 1 through 5 highlights the impact of each element on the amplifier performance as in successive problems, RL and CC2 were added, and then RB , CC1 and RE were eliminated. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-32 Problem 6. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 15V Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. Replace RB1 /RB2 voltage divider with its Thevenin equivalent: 34k 100nF 100 vsig BE-KVL: 1k RB = 5.9 k k 34 k = 5.0 k, 5.9 × 15 = 2.22 V VBB = 5.9 + 34 VBB = RB IB + VBE + 510IE vi vo 4.7 µF 100k + − 5.9k 47 µF 510 15V 3 2.22 = 5.0 × 10 IE / ∗ β + 1) + 0.7 + 510IE CE-KVL: 34k 1k 5.9k 510 IC = 14.2 µA IE = 2.84 mA ≈ IC , IB = β 15 = 1000IC + VCE + 510IE VCE = 10.5 V Bias summary: > VD0 IC ≈ IE = 2.84 mA, IB = 14.2 µA, VCE = 10.5 V 15V 1k Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: VBB 2.84 × 10 IC = 109 mA/V = VT 26 × 10−3 β VA 150 rπ = = 52.8 k = 1.83 k ro ≈ = gm IC 2.84 × 10−3 34k || 5.9k −3 gm = 510 Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources (see circuit). As the input is at the base and output is at the collector, this is a common-emitter amplifier with NO emitter resistor as there is bypass capacitor. vo = −gm (ro k RC k RL ) = −106 vi Ri = RB k rπ = 5.0 k 1.83 = 1.34 k Av = vo Ri vo = × = −0.93 × 106 = −99 vsig Ri + Rsig vi Ro = RC k ro = 0.98 k (≈ RC ) 1 1 = = 25.3 Hz fp1 = −6 2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig ) 2π × 4.7 × 10 × (1, 340 + 0) ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-33 1 1 = = 15.9 Hz 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) 2π100 × 10−9 (100 × 103 + 980) 1 = 2πCe [RE k (1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β)] fp2 = fp3 fp3 = 1 2πCe [RE k 9.67] = 356 Hz fl = fp1 + fp2 + fpb = 25.3 + 15.9 + 356 = 397 Hz Note that although Cb is the largest capacitor in the circuit (e.g., 10 times larger than Cc1 , fp3 is 10 times larger than the other poles. Problem 8. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 15V Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. The bias circuit is exactly that of Problem 7 with RB = 5.0 k. Bias summary: IC ≈ IE = 2.84 mA, 34k 100nF 100 vsig IB = 14.2 µA, 1k VCE = 10.5 V vi 100k + − Small-Signal: The small-signal parameters are also the same as those of Problem 7: gm = 109 mA/V, rπ = 1.83k, and ro = 52.8 k. vo 4.7 µF 5.9k 510 Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources (see circuit). As the input is at the base and output is at the collector, this is a degenerated common-emitter amplifier (i.e, with a emitter resistor): vo gm (RC k RL ) ≈− = −1.91 vi 1 + g m RE Ri = RB k [rπ + (1 + β)RE ] = 4.8 k (≈ RB ) Av = Ri vo vo = × = −0.98 × 1.91 = −1.87 vsig Ri + Rsig vi " R o = R C k ro βRE 1+ rπ + RE + RB k Rsig !# ≈ RC = 1 k fp1 = 1 1 = = 6.91 Hz −6 2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig ) 2π × 4.7 × 10 × (4, 800 + 100) fp2 = 1 1 1 ≈ ≈ = 15.8 Hz −9 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) 2πCc2 (RL + Rc ) 2π100 × 10 (100 × 103 + 103 ) fl = fp1 + fp2 = 6.9 + 15.8 = 22.7 Hz ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-34 Problem 9. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 15V 34k 1k 100nF 100 vsig vi 100k + − 270 5.9k Bias: 240 Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. Because the 47 µF capacitor across the 240 Ω resistor becomes an open circuit, the total RE for bias is 270 + 240 = 510 Ω and the bias circuit is exactly that of Problem 7 (or Problem 9) with RB = 5.0 k. Bias summary: IC ≈ IE = 2.84 mA, IB = 14.2 µA, 47 µF 15V 34k VCE = 10.5 V 5.9k Small-Signal: The small-signal parameters are also the same as those of Problem 7: gm = 109 mA/V, rπ = 1.83k, and ro = 52.8 k. Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources (see circuit). As the input is at the base and output is at the collector, this is a degenerated common-emitter amplifier (i.e, with a emitter resistor). For midband amplifier parameters calculations, the 47 µF capacitor across the 240 Ω resistor becomes a short circuit and the total RE for smallsignal is 270 Ω. vo 4.7 µF 1k 270 240 1k 100nF 100 vsig vi vo 4.7 µF 100k + − 34k || 5.9k 270 240 47 µF gm (RC k RL ) vo ≈− = −3.55 vi 1 + g m RE Ri = RB k [rπ + (1 + β)RE ] = 4.6 k (≈ RB ) Av = vo Ri vo = × = −0.98 × 1.91 = −3.47 vsig Ri + Rsig vi " R o = R C k ro fp1 = βRE 1+ rπ + RE + RB k Rsig !# ≈ RC = 1 k 1 1 = = 7.20 Hz −6 2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig ) 2π × 4.7 × 10 × (4, 600 + 100) ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-35 fp2 = 1 1 1 ≈ ≈ = 15.8 Hz 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) 2πCc2 (RL + Rc ) 2π100 × 10−9 (100 × 103 + 103 ) We need to find the pole introduced by the 47 µF by-pass capacitor, fpb . Although this configuration was not included in the formulas for BJT elementary configuration of page 6-21, we can extend those formulas to cover this case. The pole introduced by the by-pass capacitor in the common emitter case is (see figure below left) fp3 = 1 2πCe [RE k (1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β)] 1k 1k 100nF 100 vsig vi 100nF vo 4.7 µF 100 100k + − Re vsig vi 100k + − Re 34k || 5.9k 34k || 5.9k RE CE vo 4.7 µF R E2 R E1 CE Per our discussion of Section 6.7 on how to find poles introduced by each capacitor, RE k [1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β)] is the total resistance seen across the terminal of Ce . As can be seen from the circuit (above right), the resistance across Cc terminals consists of two resistors in parallel, RE and Re . Re is the resistance seen between the emitter of the BJT and the ground and is: Re ≡ 1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β) from the above formula. For the circuit here (defined RE1 = 240 Ω and RE2 = 270 Ω), the resistance across Ce is made of two resistances in parallel: RE1 and the combination of RE2 and Re , the resistance seen through the emitter of BJT in series. Thus: fp3 = fpb = 2πCb [RE1 1 k (RE2 + 1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β)] 1 1 = = 26.2 Hz 2π × Ce [240 k (270 + 9.17 + 0.49] 2π × 47 × 10−6 × 129 fl = fp1 + fp2 = 7.20 + 15.8 + 26.2 = 49.2 Hz ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-36 Problem 10. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 3V Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. BE-KVL: 100 3 = 2.3IE + VEB vsig IE = 1 mA ≈ IC , CE-KVL: 2.3k IB = IE /(1 + β) = 5 µA 3 vi 100nF + − 2.3k vo 100k 3 3 = 2.3 × 10 IE + VEC + 2.3 × 10 IC − 3 3 VEC = 6 − 4.6 × 10 × 1 × 10 −3 − 3V = 1.4 V 3V 2.3k Bias summary: 47 µF IC ≈ IE = 1 mA, IB = 5.0 µA, VCE = 1.4 V 100 Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: 1 × 10−3 IC = = 38.5 mA/V gm = VT 26 × 10−3 β VA 150 rπ = = 150 k = 5.26 k ro ≈ = gm IC 1 × 10−3 47 µF vi vsig 2.3k − 3V Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources. As the input is at the base and output is at the collector, this is a common-emitter amplifier. It does not have an emitter resistor as 47 µF capacitor shorts out RE for signals. Av = −gm (ro k RC k RL ) = −38.5 × 10−3 (150 k k 2.3 k k 100 k) = −85.3 Ri = RB k rπ = 10.4 k Ro = RC k ro ≈ 2.3 k fp1 = 0 1 1 = = 15.8 Hz −9 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) 2π100 × 10 (105 + 103 ) 1 1 = = = 132 Hz 2πCe [RE k (1/gm + (RB k Rsig )/β)] 2πCe [2, 300 k 26] fp2 = fp3 fl = fp1 + fp2 + fpb = 0 + 15.8 + 132 = 148 Hz ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-37 Problem 11. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 3V This is the same circuit as that of Problem 11 expect that the transistor is biased with a current source Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. From the circuit IE = 1 mA vsig IE = 1 mA ≈ IC , IC = 5 µA IB = β 100nF + − vo 100k − 3V VE = VEB = 0.7 V CE-KVL: VE = VCE + 2.3 × 103 IC − 3 = VCE − 0.7 3V 47 µF 1mA VCE = 1.4 V vi 100 IC ≈ IE = 1 mA, vi 100 2.3k BE-KVL: Bias summary: 47 µF 1mA IB = 50 µA, vsig VCE = 1.4 V. Small-Signal: As the bias point is exactly the same as that of problem 11, we have: gm = 38.5 mA/V, rπ = 5.26k, and ro = 150 k. 100nF vo 2.3k 100k − 3V Amplifier response: The only difference with problem 11 is that RE → ∞ in this circuit. RE only appears in fp3 but RE = ∞ does not change results: Av = −37.9, Ri = 10.4 k, Ro = 0.99 k, and fl = 0 + 15.8 + 132 = 148 Hz. Problem 12. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Si BJT with β = 200 and VA = 150 V. Ignore the Early effect in biasing calculations). 2.5V Bias: Set vi = 0 and capacitors open. 1k BE-KVL: vo RB = 12 k k 13 k = 6.24 k, 12 × 2.5 = 1.2 V VBB = 12 + 13 VBB = RB IB + VBE + 510IE vi 100nF 100nF 400 1.2 = 6.24 × 103 IE /(1 + β) + 0.7 + 400IE CE-KVL: 13k 100nF 12k 2.5V IC = 5.8 µA IE = 1.16 mA ≈ IC , IB = β 2.5 = 1000IC + VCE + 400IE 1k 13k 400 12k VCE = 2.5 − 1, 400 × 1.16 × 10−3 = 0.88 V Bias summary: IC ≈ IE = 1.16 mA, IB = 5.8 µA, ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 VCE = 0.88 V 6-38 Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: 1.16 × 10−3 IC = = 44.6 mA/V VT 26 × 10−3 β VA 150 rπ = = 129 k = 4.48 k ro ≈ = gm IC 1.16 × 10−3 gm = Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources. As the input is at the emitter and output is at the collector, this is a common-base amplifier (note RL = ∞). vo = gm (ro k RC k RL ) = 44.6 × 10−3 (129 k k 1 k k ∞) = 44.26 vi 1 + (RC k RL )/ro R i = R E k rπ k = 1 1k k 4.48 1k k 22.4 = 21.8 Ω (≈ 1/gm ) gm Ro = RC k [ro (1 + gm (RE k rπ k Rsig ))] ≈ RC = 1 k fp1 = 1 1 = = 7.30 kHz 2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig ) 2π1000 × 10−9 (21.8) fp2 = 1 =0 2πCc2 (RL + Ro ) RCB ≡ RB k [rπ + (1 + β)(Rsig k RE )] = 6.24 k k 84.9 k ≈ 5.81 k 1 1 = 274 Hz == −9 2πCb RCB 2π × 100 × 10 × 5.81 × 103 fl = fp1 + fp2 + fpb = 7, 300 + 0 + 274 = 7.57 kHz fp3 = Note the small input resistance of this amplifier and corresponding large fp1 . ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-39 Problem 13. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 4 V, Vtp = −4 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.4 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations.) 18V Bias: Since IG = 0: 1.3M 10k 0.47 µF 0.5 M VG = × 18 = 5 V 1.3 M + 0.5 M RG = 1.3 M k 500 k = 361 k 100 vsig vo vi 0.47 µF 100k + − 500k Assume PMOS is in the active state, 18V ID = 2 0.5µp Cox (W/L)VOV 1.3M 10k SG-KVL: 18 = 104 ID + VSG + VG = 104 ID + VOV + |Vtp | + VG 2 104 × 0.5 × 0.4 × 10−3 VOV + VOV − 18 + 4 + 5 = 0 2 + VOV − 9 = 0 2VOV 500k Negative root is unphysical, VOV = 1.89 V and VSG = VOV + |Vtp | = 5.89 V. 2 ID = 0.5 × 0.4 × 10−3 VOV = 0.71 mA SD-KVL: 18 = VSD + 104 ID → VSD = 18 − 104 × 0.71 × 10−3 = 10.9 V Since VSD = 10.9 ≥ VOV = 1.89 V, our assumption of PMOS in active is justified. Bias summary: ID = 0.71 mA, VOV = 1.89 V, VSG = 5.89 V, VSD = 10.9 V. Small-Signal: First we calculate the small-signal parameters: 2 × 0.71 × 10−3 2ID = 0.751 mA/V = VOV 1.89 1 1 ro = = = 141 k λID 0.01 × 0.71 × 10−3 gm = Proceeding with the small signal analysis, we zero bias sources. As the input is at the gate and output is at the source, this is a common-drain amplifier (source follower). gm (ro k RS k RL ) 6.41 vo = = = 0.866 vi 1 + gm (ro k RS k RL ) 7.41 Ri = RG = 361 k ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-40 Av = vo Ri vo = × = 0.866 vsig Ri + Rsig vi Ro = 1 k RS = 1.33 k k 10 k = 1.17 k gm fp1 = 1/[2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig )] = 0.94 Hz fp2 = 1/[2πCc2 (RL + Ro )] = 3.39 Hz fl = fp1 + fp2 = 4.33 Hz Problem 14. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 4 V, Vtp = −4 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.4 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations. 13V Answer: 10k 0.47 µF ID = 0.71 mA, VOV = 1.89 V, VSG = 5.89 V, VSD = 10.9 V. 100 vo /vsig = 0.866, Ri = ∞, Ro = 1.17 k, fp1 = 0, fp2 = 3.35 Hz, fl = 4.3 Hz. vsig vo vi 100k + − − 5V Problem 15. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 4 V, Vtp = −4 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.4 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations.) This circuit is also similar to that of problem 14 expect that it is biased with a current source: 13V 0.71mA 0.47 µF ID = 0.71 mA 100 2 ID = 0.5µp Cox (W/L)VOV vsig 2 0.71 × 10−3 = 0.5 × 0.4 × 10−3 VOV vo vi 100k + − − 5V VOV = 1.88 V 13V VSG = VOV + |Vtp | = 5.88 V VSG = VS − VG = 5.88 → 0.71mA VS = 5.88 V VSD = VS − VD = 5.88 − (−5) = 10.9 V (> VOV = 1.89) 100 vi vsig Bias summary: ID = 0.71 mA, VOV = 1.88 V, VSG = 5.88 V, VSD = 10.9 V. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 − 5V 6-41 2 × 0.71 × 10−3 2ID = 0.751 mA/V = VOV 1.89 1 1 ro = = 141 k = λID 0.01 × 0.71 × 10−3 0.47 µF gm = 100 vsig vi + − vo 100k This is a common-drain amplifier (source follower). Note RG = ∞, Rs = ∞. 43.9 gm (ro k RS k RL ) vo = = 0.98 = vi 1 + gm (ro k RS k RL ) 44.9 Ri = RG = ∞ vo Ri vo Av = = × = 0.98 vsig Ri + Rsig vi Ro = 1 k RS = 1.33 k k ∞ = 1.33 k gm fp1 = 1/[2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig )] = 0 fp2 = 1/[2πCc2 (RL + Ro )] = 3.39 Hz fl = fp1 + fp2 = 3.39 Hz ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-42 Problem 16. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 1 V, Vtp = −1 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.8 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations. 15V Bias: Since IG = 0: 1.8M 10k 100nF 1.2 M VG = × 15 = 6 V 1.2 M + 1.8 M RG = 1.2 M k 1.8 M = 720 k 100 vsig vi vo 100nF 100k + − 1.2M 1 µF 10k Assume NMOS is in the active state, 15V ID = 2 0.5µp Cox (W/L)VOV 1.8M 10k 1.2M 10k VG = VGS + 104 ID = VOV + Vt + 104 ID GS-KVL: 2 104 × 0.5 × 0.8 × 10−3 VOV + VOV − 6 + 1 = 0 2 4VOV + VOV − 5 = 0 1 µF Negative root is unphysical, VOV = 1.0 V and VGS = VOV + Vt = 2.0 V. 2 ID = 0.5 × 0.8 × 10−3 VOV = 0.40 mA 15 = 104 ID + VDS + 104 ID DS-KVL: → VDS = 7 V (> VOV = 1.0) Bias summary: ID = 0.40 mA, VOV = 1.0 V, VGS = 2.0 V, VDS = 7.0 V. Small-Signal: gm = 2ID = 2 × 0.4 × 10−3 = 0.8 mA/V VOV ro = 1 1 = 250 k = λID 0.4 × 10−3 As the input is at the gate and output is at the collector, this is a common-source amplifier. There is no RS because of the by-pass capacitor. vo = −gm (ro k RD k RL ) = −0.8 × 10−3 (250 k k 10 k k 100 k) = −7.02 vi Ri = RG = 720 k Ri vo vo = × = −7.02 Av = vsig Ri + Rsig vi Ro = RD k ro = 10 k k 100 k = 9.09 k ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-43 fp1 = 1/[2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig )] = 2.21 Hz fp2 = 1/[2πCc2 (RL + Ro )] = 14.6 Hz fp3 = 1 1 1 = = = 143 Hz 2πCs [RS k (1/gm )] 2πCs [10 k k 1.25 k] 2π × 10−6 × 1.11 × 103 fl = fp1 + fp2 + fpb = 2.21 + 14.6 + 143 = 160 Hz Problem 18. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 1 V, Vtp = −1 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.8 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations. 15V Bias: Since IG = 0: 1.2M 1.8 M × 15 = 9 V 1.2 M + 1.8 M RG = 1.2 M k 1.8 M = 720 k VG = 100 vsig vi 10k 100nF 100nF + − 1.8M vo 10k 100k Assume PMOS is in the active state, 15V ID = SG-KVL: 2 0.5µp Cox (W/L)VOV 1.2M 10k 1.8M 10k 15 = 104 ID + VSG + VG = 104 ID + VOV + |Vtp | + VG 2 104 × 0.5 × 0.8 × 10−3 VOV + VOV − 15 + 9 + 1 = 0 2 4VOV + VOV − 5 = 0 Negative root is unphysical, VOV = 1.0 V and VSG = VOV + |Vtp | = 2.0 V. 2 ID = 0.5 × 0.8 × 10−3 VOV = 0.40 mA SD-KVL: 15 = 104 ID + VSD + 104 ID → VSD = 7 V (> VOV = 1.0) Bias summary: ID = 0.40 mA, VOV = 1.0 V, VSG = 2.0 V, VSD = 7.0 V. Small-Signal: gm = 2ID = 2 × 0.4 × 10−3 = 0.8 mA/V VOV ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 ro = 1 1 = 250 k = λID 0.4 × 10−3 6-44 As the input is at the gate and output is at the collector, this is a common-source amplifier with RS . vo gm (RD k RL ) 0.8 × 10−3 (10 k k 100 k) =− =− vi 1 + gm RS + (RD k RL )/ro 1 + 0.8 × 10−3 × 104 + (10 k k 100 k)/(250 k) 7.27 vo =− = −0.805 vi 9.04 Ri = RG = 720 k Ri vo vo = × = −0.805 Av = vsig Ri + Rsig vi Ro = RD k [ro (1 + gm RS )] = 10 k (≈ RD ) fp1 = 1/[2πCc1 (Ri + Rsig )] = 2.21 Hz fp2 = 1/[2πCc2 (RL + Ro )] = 14.5 Hz fl = fp1 + fp2 = 16.7 Hz Note one needs to choose RD to be several times RS for this amplifier to have a gain larger than unity. Problem 19. Find the bias point and amplifier parameters of this circuit (Vtn = 1 V, Vtp = −1 V, µp Cox (W/L) = µn Cox (W/L) = 0.8 mA/V2 , and λ = 0.01 V−1 . Ignore the channel-width modulation effect in biasing calculations. 15V Answer: ID = 0.40 mA, VOV = 1.0 V, VGS = 2.0 V, VSD = 7.0 V. vo /vsig = 0.866, Ri = ∞, Ro = 1.17 k, fp1 = 0, fp2 = 3.35 Hz, fl = 4.3 Hz. vo vi 10k 1.8M 10k 1.2M 100nF 100nF Amp Response (common-gate amp): Av = 7.7, Ri = 1.1 k, Ro = 10 k, and fl = 1.45 × 103 + 22 = 1.47 kHz, ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2013 6-45