Annexure 15 A PAR ]_]Fr=anreoTThffi It l\umlter and name of Constituency '7 III Nanle or State/union Territory 1V Narure or Llection (Please mentlon whether General Election to State Assembly / Lok Sahha / Bye- election) Date ol cleclaration of result VI VII c* $r,.an2*-( sf I .J-harP.l"-er"oL SttutL ft<szrub Lg 23 - tJ- 2otll Name and Address of the Election Agent Ir candidate is set up tly a political parLy, Please mention the name of ihe political party vvnerner rne party ts a recog political part/ ke sfiri 6l.,a,r-9l.,ytzro ' q;'-6{.aa-+ 4,J=9* n )i h t ara-a:y Ja-^a-fP- Yes/No yaA Date: Signat rE of the Candidate Place: Name t0i ) bt| Vi^I^ K*l.t** ,;il iir (3)+(4)+(s) Itlir ill!li lli1 lill ll1 il: lii ill l,i 1i {1 etc.:- ili La t1l l:,. : Expenses in public meeting, rally, procession etc. (ie: other than the ones with Star Campaigners of the Political party (Enclose as per Schedule-1) r. D : Expenorture rn puolrc meeung ralry, procession etc. with the Star Campaigner(s) (ie; other than those'for general party propaganda) (Enclose as per Schedule-2) mpaign materials tlre public meeting, rally, procession etc, menticned in S.No. I above(Enclose as per Schedule-3) i:j il. il '1, -$o*" Egs13 6%6q9"" 2Ybl5'*' mpargn/ L lrll ifl li I including cable network, bulk SMS or internet and Social media (Encloge as per Schedule-4) xpenditure on campalgn venicle(s candidate(Enclose as per schedule-5) (Ehclose as per Schedule baooo 73oVlt- )f al$ )zor NTL -6) rL l3 0z 5s PART III : ABSTRACT OF SCIURCE OF FUNDS RAISED BY CANDIDATE 5o 5 ooo (Enclose as per Schedule - 7) sum amount received from tne party (les) In cash or cneque etc. (Enclose as per Schedule -B) persons etc. as loan, gift or donation etc. (Errclose as per Schedule -9) toooooo AotLs pj-o{7 0 ,l 104 *r",r$; r*l t w/o, of hereby [:]J,,]?[:K:ffiil:?:::F;ffi,ffihe senerar ere*ion/bye ef{ion-fg rhe House o*he peopre / .....*'g,.rj'iljrTl:,::.,,A';;;il,;;;*,ir-,.,j:ffi7#-ffi*.',ft,.:"; (2) That l/my election agent kept a separate and correct authorised by me r_ry "utu.tior'ug.*'t,, a11ou_1t of ail expenditure incurred / .onnuaion*,in ,rr. aboveerection between on which r *t-t"n,itl*'oj'i.o the date or deciaration fi|ti,rflX': or tne ier-rit-t-nur.or, borh days (3) That the said account was maintained in the Register furnished by the Returning Registeilttt#'ir rtnexed for the ilu rrpporting vouchers/birsofficer mentioned purpose and the said the said account. ',ir.lo'*[r-, in ,r,!r,d:, ur ih,T' of e,e*ion si!?t,.T?,:,:,i.{1,.",j:fri,.,:,;;1T,,'I%-I3;,[i 3ffi1]'l?,1^r"::r. me' oLher associarions t bodv;iH;#;;1a,i9i;Tifal;ffi{:ilil:i,ffi"rfs] election' and nothing tras neen;il;;[i"rwithherd/srpplrr.o thetefrori lother.ttran the expense covered ov on 77 (1) or rhe Representation or the r-ii.#lr. ,'llo"lff::[T:lion trffi:T.filTi' (5) That the Abstract statement of Election-Expenses annexed,as.Annexure inctudes a, expend*rru in.rir*Jor:irliorir.;-il;;; ii,,TifrlT#,?; oLher associarioni Ii to the said account ;**,;; /o*, ,i *"# ;l? #'.rt,no,u,ouars supportinsplriti.ur parry which me, in connection (6),That the statements in the foreooino ^_-_. uno u.ri.r, fl.:y,,ffil,,'rffiT# ,ii,.lru.r,on *,"],l-,n,;g;,;;;;.;;;,#;,flfil:3#3i;#H,,:l,i;,H: to rhe best of my knowredse Deponent : "r/ Solemnly affirmed/sworn by . .. f* arso jt... ... at .1*x..this day of 20tS......before me. . !:ffiH;f:?fr:?:,,JliiAttestingauthority,i.e,MagistrateofthefirstClassoroath ,\* uffi,, z I t> " 3l { sl *l ^I ill ^r 8l or ol ol -l I I E r to 9: schedules- Detaits of Elections Funds and Expenditure of candidate $iehedute-I Expenses in public m S, YdLUrc her than those itith Star Campaigners of the politicat party) ut trxpenotturg Total Amount in Rs. No Source of Expenditure Amt, incurred Auth. by / Candidate agent \/ahi-l^^ r^ 2 Frorl-inn,y ulqvu, C+^ rrPUt Ltng vtsttors roilud! poles etc. o( 3 4 Flowers/ garlands 5 ,,,r ury Lrrlru spedKefs, lvllcfopnone/ amplifiefS, 2b6T 5 usl I tLdugs gLL. ot.,lts, tr* r,, uvEr ur\c vvdLef/ Ltrct, -k^ COIO OflnK, .1UiCe etC 10 lll,mi^-li^-;r^-^^ 11 L^.prr.rJEr ur I 'Prdy, rt uJeLtor otsplav/ 12 rh Ne bendt Lr qQ, J!!ur ^^;, .. C) o ;;ffi Others expenses ;;"ilL.,1:?', 13 s O O () o A. o 5ao CI O O l 5{rO rLy Lt tclt gE) ruictio#t ;' C) O "' o (:l o C C o o D D o i I i ]ll l I g) L2 o it i ii tJ-i 57 L/ qe83tz | I lsisV O Y t550vi f 269439 ,#ftfllT?Ji - o e _{voe o Boardinn & lnrlninn 6vh^h, E. (3 / gefierator cnarges including Star Campaigner 2tt C o Rent for venue I l> c) e SDco ilgnts, ooards etc. cl tsljUrt, Hellcoptef/ aifCfaft rPlrur r/ Tnl= O c) (, Campaigner) i6 o Zlboo vehicles/ boats etc. charges ( for self, celebrity or any other campaigner other than Star rty 2L615 2tr 5 L3 other artists remuneration etc. pa o O LApEnrEs uil LeteoilUes, payment tO mUSiCianS, G () Zlaac uilt>/ lJdiltpnlets, banners/ uut hoardings Ct t rrrl. 6 o ZCIbo tickers boards, 3D display 14 by others k^^.JL:rt-F rrqrru l-)iniirl T\/ 13 / o a 2oDD o comparers etc, 6 5 o rutllture/ FlxtLjres/ o- D^--:--r,-F ,Arnhn^ r, ur rur q Dnclar- Amt. incurred Paty with 4 -) 1 Amt. incurred by Pol, name - -) 1 / 101 \fl.^*lno c) O 11 r'tl ii rl ls' I I ruo 1,911e ano lVertue I I ] lrrrame ortl.,".|r1, & Narne of Party lCampaigner(s) I I I jAmount or rxben,titrre on pubtic meerins Rematl<:,, iI a, procession etc. wiur ure SL.rr I lCampaigner(s) apportioned tr-r thc r:arrriirlalr I tns other th;rn hrr qt'neral luropaganda) -la -, lr l.r .l#!l#.y:lAn.a+E_h*htsie,1l-_="nLstu, 'l I"&;'!:: Ink^'_-_A"6L(r_Di _ -t't;;:;_ ;r;rrly irr Rs. ,";e-l1a'al16f6,a Ihl.ait:; ot'rrxl:errcliiure.on ca,r,Paigrr niater.iai;; lil*G;Ab,rrr, p.,iiil5its, ;,"ste*,lrcarcii,r.fs, batrrrr:r s, cul rrillr:'6 r,,,11 ;:rrrlio rairoilr-15-, {-[5/ I-r\/[5, 1.3, ,11 tp"rt,"ri,-^,rrnrin"ir, ra)f'tr,r,,r,r,t r li,.t,l'rr, 'i l\ ;'11r116:s, .), ffii;i Nature of Expenses l-otal Anrount in Rs, I\l<i. bou, cer or rxJre Arnt. By candidate agent rrcl*i turle Attrt. t3y Pol. ot1[.1;1, r_1;.tl.q1; 1ii.;1 rl; r,, .'! [l,r:trr;,rtl<s, r il ;l ry By oLlrers / 4 tt".Q lr;ll ?Lr6J5^-- eqb95 2V 6e5 2\ $Af t-tclails ol expenditure on campaign tlrrough print and electronic media inclucling cable rrelwor.k, l.rr,rlliaMS ;; :ocial rnedia etc. lor candidate (ckrcll-ouir:,/ print) arrd cluration Nlame and.address Name and address o[ ol' rrtr:rlia pt ovirkl" iJUenLy, l'cpor [.0i , sU.inqr..:r, filntpiiny 0r any pcrsor.r lr) (print /eler:tronk: lsms lvoicel etc.) ; cable - whom charges Total Anrount irt [{s" Aurl.. l?'y candidate/ agent / commission etc" paid/ payable, if any Sourcr:s of L::<lte nrlilrrrt: l\t rrl . |'ol" Parly Col. (3) +(4) 1 I I -: ,) A I -lolal fvivrl tl;d,oqL", 4oo o -Yy\_f:3::' Da*i k $fu+lxa,r Fr*-b\"| \4-\^L."( (9 ooo l0u X-roaa _0 O €aoo 2s0Dr) -_o 6sooo c) o /tr111. ol.ltr.tft I ) . ol'expenclitrrre o enditure 0n veh cle(s) for canclidate's etection carnpagn egn. No, of HirinO Charges of vehicle ehicle & I No. of tor l1,L,.t ct,anleo I lir irrrl o[' (ll not cltaroi,s v,,lrit lc / l,'ov,:rerl l(rf niit llct rilr r trrrt l..rr irrq) ir,,r,r,",., ( I' j ltrnrlcr liltc | rr r;,rir r,r I rir I I --:-- -.-' -___ -- Arnt. By userl carnditlaLel aqr:rtL T-l An rl.. I t,arty Ily l,ol Arrrt. Liy { }{ I illr I I t; ltririrrs) 3r, ir I which I I Source of Ex renditure lTotalamt. lincurred/ laLrtlr, in tls. Days for tl ir. t_ J. , 6 u l7bTH. 73oVb?-, ) a r j D 1 4 li;i,,rl $cheriul n-G l.ti:t.iril:; uI ex;it:rrdituru orr Canrpairln workers (' li I,:l I Nlu \r'i i 73ovbd.- _--...---.----...-- V3o'761- o, C) . / ag-rt, .t r: ;rrirl lfxllt:r rses 0rr Caml:aign workersI iltil lil.,l,-,, .,,i 1 ..r,,.,,.,,. l,i It-,'5 I,'ii,.-.-Tr,l{u. iil wtl Qtv. I I I / lJ.i 3tl l<t,rrs ,,it,;t:t ti.l; Total t nrt. incllrrr dt it r rt lr. I rr lts" u- 3c I Sr:urces of I xpenditLrre l\rnl.. tty carrdiilatc/ agent r\rnl. lry 7 o () [';rrly l,ul. l /\rrrl. ri,,, lrrl,lri,r.. ql I(-anrp;riqn worl<ers i llonnrill-fu 111r/ salary jelr I Bo;,r( t I I LocJgirrg t_ Otlrer s Nt u- NtL./\rl r- NL L- L- l;'L-'l $ched llle- 7 ,^J UL NLE l',- rlli,rl,, I it-;r:lr r I DDI Chetlue nu. etc. with Ilrrr:ri,- lrlr'lirils ol rli ,twr,l lr;1lk -Iotal l\rnount in I 1 :t a "l 4 e'-tr" 20i[ j3: ll:-?4f9 Lb oooo i8't\ !!\r'lL,znty 5;8DaC) 9'lz-:2o*u "Tot I09 Z8 oooe 5o5soo )lro- NJ -;;- A,t L- .+_*_. l\trl0tlnt-0r0Wnl.ttndttsedforthe'elffi:. l,)r::l;rill t;l i Nt.t- (v\v l{,1;'tl lil, 'N \t-- A'\ I I lr Nut- :_- _ L\N"vL rv t t1-- f\/] L L t_^/t LN\L- -..-irs'Jule- E l'e:ar s of Lump sum amount received from'i:nr= ,':f lhe polilicai pai-ty DaLe L 3 I {,'1 it DD/ Checlue no. etc. 4 with rle{:ails cf i,:;nli rJ B.s" v. l5.l'r. l te RTq E*f.S' L. l1 f-r 6S 1 -) Cash IY dra,,a,ree Toial Anrount in P.s, an\/ 6 S -S. oo ooD-S-ouooo ) ! I o, I Rernarl,.:-; l:;u:,ttq'du!e ? 3::?liltj#inp of, oDD ^ sum amount received rrorn ar [,,lanre ::nd atldress Casli DD/ Clreque no. etc, with cJelails of drawee bank lulention Remarks whether loan, gifl or donation etc. _.,_._* Note --1-_,_ ; 1. In Sclredule 5:- (a) copi' of the order containing list oi all vehicles for which permit issued by the Returning Otficer to enclosed, tre 6iui;t vehicle is the cancJidate/his.relar.ive/agent are used for eleclion purpose, notional cost of hire of all suclr vehicles, except one vehicle if owned'uno ,u.J uv ah" ffi,;;;e, notional cost of fuel and <lrivers salary for such vehicle, shall be incruouJln tJtat amount'r vr or UAF/L' .rJ.noiture rur in ,re above table. 2' in all schedules't on goog: and services, provided by the potitical party; or provided Y:I|*nditure person/ companv/.firm /associati;nV body p.;;;;;;rc, on behatf of ilre candidate, then the !I,3', noiio|ral market varue of such goods or services are "i to be inoicateJ, i, 3. Tn rhe Lump-srim -III, ,r'art ,n. poriricat parby or orhers or the candidate's own funds, should be mentioneo oate *L". i.iri']u.r,..r", nr.h .mor,.,ts are required to be iir;t deposirecr in the Lranr. accounr or tne canoc;i;, f* 4. Ear;h page of the Abstract statement shourcr be "iu-.rb,, signed'by G:iandiclate. ;;;r;r';i"ir;J ;;;;r#;*, d#; ,*p.ii";'.;:rrrr. il;r;:;" oWM