Partial Discharge Measurements PD are a partial breakdown of gas inclusions in insulation where the electric field intensity exceeds the breakdown field strength PD transforms part of the capacitive stored energy into heat and radiation as well as mechanical and chemical energies which can degrade insulation materials This ageing process progressively reduces the insulation thickness and the breakdown voltage until the failure occurs Insulation erosion is very fast in organic materials (Type 1) slow in organic/inorganic insulation systems (Type 2) Electric signals related to currents, electromagnetic waves, electroluminescence are recorded using proper couplers and processed in order to: provide information on the discharge phenomenon establish PDIV as a function of the supply square wave parameters (mainly frequency and over-voltages) check the quality of the insulation and compare different materials (PDIV and time-to-breakdown are currently adopted as parameters to be monitored during life tests) Ref.- IEC 61934TS: Electrical insulating materials and systems – Electrical measurement of partial discharges (PD) under short rise time and repetitive voltage impulses PD Basics The local breakdown generates a voltage drop and a consequent fast impulsive current absorption from the supply A suitable test circuit configuration allows to record the PD pulse signals. It is composed by Sinusoidal/square wave generator Couplers and filters Synchro Units Digital recorders Processing unit Waveform Generators Sinusoidal : Square Unipolar PWM-like : PWM+peaks : Square Bipolar with variable Vrms, V0p, Vpp, RR, RT with selectable duty and wave-shape able to supply high capacitive currents e.g., Vpp= 07.5 kV Unip./ Bip. dV/dt=075 kV/µs Freq.= 020 kHz Duty%=0.0190 Typologies of Samples Under Test Twisted Pair (frame to test T2T insulation according to IEC 60851-5) Motorettes (frame to test T2T, P2G and P2P insulation) Complete coils & stators PD Signal Characteristics Partial Discharges generate impulsive signals having up to 1-2 GHz of frequency content Fast voltage transition can reach 200 MHz depending to the voltage RT 0.05 1.5 0.025 0.75 0 0 -0.025 -0.75 PD pulses Generator voltage -0.05 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time (us) 3 3.5 -1.5 4 Generator voltage (kV) PD magnitude (V) Suitable couplers and bandwidth must be selected to avoid the commutation interference during PD measurements Coupler and high-pass filters having a low cut-off frequency higher than 250-300 MHz are required to avoid commutation interferences IEC 61934 Frequency Band Prescriptions Volt. RT: 50ns PD RT: 2 ns 800 800 8th order filter with filter cut-off frequency equal to 500 MHz. 800 800 0,15 0.15 0,04 0.04 600 600 600 600 0.10 0,10 400 400 -200 –200 -0.05 –0,05 AppliedVoltage voltage V[V] Applied 0.00 –0,00 –0,00 0.00 00 -200 –200 –0,02 -0.02 Filtered PD signal V 00 0,02 0.02 200 200 Filtered PD Signal [V] 0,05 0.05 200 200 PDSignal signal [V] V PD AppliedVoltage voltage V[V] Applied 400 400 -400 –400 -400 –400 Square kHz applied voltage Squarebipolar Bipolar1010 kHz Applied Voltage PDsignal signal PD -600 –600 -0.10 –0,10 Square kHz applied voltage Square bipolar Bipolar1010 kHz Applied Voltage Filtered FilteredPD PDsignal signal -600 –600 –0,04 -0.04 –800 -800 -800 –800 –0,15 -0.15 -2 –2 -1 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 –2 -2 –1 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Timee s Tim [s] Time Time [s] s IEC 553/06 IEC 552/06 Different Low Cut-Off Frequencies 0.15 Commutation 0.10 PD signal PD signal [V] 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 10 MHz 100 200 500 MHz -0.15 -2e-6 -1e-6 0 1e-6 2e-6 3e-6 4e-6 Time [s] Differential Configuration A differential connection of coupler can be adopted to cancel the interferences due to voltage transitions The capacitance of CC and the SUT must be similar Signal relevant to the voltage transition reaches the +/- input of the LF filter and it is cancelled F.Guastavino et al., “Measuring PD Under Pulsed Voltage Conditions”, IEEE Trans. on Diel.El.Ins. Vol.15, pp.1640-1648, December 2008 PD Detection Circuits and Couplers Capacitive Couplers PD free devices To be connected with a proper detection impedance to obtain high cut-off frequencies Test object Supply Z Filter PD signal IEC 540/06 Inductive Couplers HFCT Supply Test object Filter With very high cut-off frequency PD signal IEC 543/06 Test object Supply Filter PD signal HFCT IEC 544/06 Antennas Antenna Supply Test Object Suitable for measurements in applications Acquisition System Supply High cut-off frequencies Test object Antenna Acquisition system IEC 545/06 PD ASD Light Detectors Description Advantage Disadvantage Electrical Optical RF / EMI Acoustic Electrical circuit that picks up current pulse produced by charge transfer during partial discharge Measures light emission from partial discharges Measures radio frequency interference generated by the discharge Measures the acoustic emissions produced by a partial discharge. A good sensitivity and standard Non-contact, applicable for all HV equipment during for all voltage types. manufacture Allows testing of equipment in real conditions Non-contact, applicable Non-contact, applicable for all voltage types. for all voltage types. Allows testing of Allows testing of equipment in real equipment of real conditions conditions Sensitive to electrical noise. Insensitive to any form of Depending on Sensitive to other Cannot test circuit in operating internal partial discharge. equipment being tested, acoustic emissions. condition in most cases. Most Sensitive to light and EM emissions can Signals cannot always commercial equipment can highly directional. prevent detection of PD propagate through only test at up to 400Hz insulation / casings Measurement Systems Very large bandwidth oscilloscopes (up to 2GHz) Quite difficult to interpret the PD measurement results Data must be organized to synthesize the information Commercial instruments are available Must of them require suitable input filters to tune their input requirements to record PD and reject voltage commutations (>200-500MHz) Voltage Pulse PD using Antenna Residual Noise PD using Voltage divider PD Patterns The amplitude and the phase of the PD signal are evaluated The PD pulse sequence is transformed in a sequence of Dirach functions having the same phase v v A 3D histogram is obtained considering the number of discharges having the same amplitude and the same phase of occurrence A 2D histogram can be derived from the PRPD pattern projecting n in A, plain and using different colors to evidence the different repetition rate A [V] φ [deg] Reference sin wave Two commutations per period Square wave Volt. DC=50 % Sync frequency = Commutation frequency square wave PDIV Two sub-patterns close to the zero crossing At least 1 PD per pulse Possible PD even during the “flat zone” of the voltage pulse A low pass filter is required to obtain the phase reference and to derive the so called “Phase Resolved” PD pattern PWM EUT VOLTAGE SUPPLY Voltage divider LP FILTER SYNC Ch DETECTION UNIT Modulating wave Example of PRPD pattern when a PWM voltage is adopted Modulating wave 50 Hz • Period of 20ms Pulse Rep.Rate 1kHz • 40 commutations per period 40 subpatterns per period Life-test Results twisted pair specimens were fed till failure by different wave forms at several amplitudes, in the presence of PD Data were processed according to the standard procedure PRPD patterns were recorded during the experiment Weibull Plot: tF F (t ) 1 exp( ) IPL model: tF kV N Result 1: Unipolar-Bipolar Square Waves Twisted pair of having insulation of different materials were tested in air (with PD) and immersed in oil (no PD) Sinusoidal, unipolar and bipolar square waves, the latter having the same RT, RR (50 Hz, 10 kHz), DT=50% and different amplitudes were used in the test Let V0p and Vpp the 0-to-peak and peak-to-peak values When V0p = Vpp with or without PD, the life curves relevant to unipolar and bipolar pulses are completely overlapped NO PD PD The Jump Voltage is the real voltage stress that affects the insulation ageing VEC can be adopted to compare the performances of different materials even in the presence of PD D.Fabiani et al. “Ageing acceleration of insulating materials for electrical machine windings supplied by PWM in the presence and in the absence of partial discharges”, IEEE ICSD pp.283-286, 2001 Result 2: PWM wit and without Overvoltages The picture is much more complicated when PWM and PWM+over-voltages are adopted to stress the materials in the presence of PD Due to the “equivalent derivative effect”, there are different Jump Voltages V Vaa Vpp V0p = voltage amplitude x x t = overvoltage Vpp = 2(V0p +x) Vaa = V0p +2x F.Guastavino et al. “Life Tests on Twisted Pairs Subjected to PWM-like Voltages”, IEEE ICSD pp.238-241, 2004 Result 3: Phase Resolved PD patterns Sinusoidal V = 1.83 kV V = 2.44 kV V = 3.05 kV V = 3.80 kV Square V = 1.60 kV V = 1.9 kV V = 3.96 kV V = 4.32 kV PWM V = 1.63 kV V = 2.73 kV V= 3.53 kV V= 4.32 kV PWM+Over-voltage V = 2.90 kV V = 2.08 kV V = 2.38 kV V = 2.50 kV Discussion PWM voltage waveforms can promote PD activity, reducing the life of magnet wires The predominant factors explaining this behavior are peak-to-peak voltage and switching frequency. Even in the absence of PD, PWM voltage waveforms can accelerate the intrinsic aging of winding insulation (overvoltages). Very high slew rate (>5 kV/s), in fact, plays also a non negligible role on acceleration degradation due to increased voltage stress and heating. This effect can be evaluate resorting to space charge measurements both in the presence and in the absence of PD Space Charge and PD Activity Space Charge = charge trapped inside the insulation or on interfaces (depends on the material, the poling field, the temperature and the supply voltage waveform) Above 10 Hz, SC is not trapped appreciably in insulation unless the waveform contains a DC component IN HF pulse waveforms, SP is accumulated mainly by PD Neglecting the SP accumulated in the bulk, the electric field in air, at the insulation surface, E*0 can be: Where: E0 : electric field without accumulated charge E 0 : the permittivity of air andinsulation d l0 : the insulation thickness and the half air gap 0: the surface charge density * 0 sd E0 0 d l 0 Behaviour of the electric field in two enamelled wires in a twisted pair configuration This configuration helps explain why the main ageing factor is associated to the jump voltage for bipolar and unipolar voltage waveforms Let E*0(t) the behaviour of the electric field in the air gap before and after a PD event (gray line) E0(t) the applied field (black line) -E0p +E0p the bipolar voltage amplitude 2E0p the unipolar voltage amplitude and let E0>PDIV ESC the drop of the electric field due to the PD charge injection After PD, a residual value of the electric field is: Eres E *0 Esc 0 E * 0 sd 0 d l 0 If the charge injected by PD is not rapidly depleted, E*0(t) due to SC deposited on the insulation surface remains constant When E0 change its polarity, E*0(t) increases by 2Ep in both cases E*0 2Ep Eres PDIV The influence of the JV was experimentally supplying 4 different kinds of enamelled insulated wires with sinusoidal, unipolar and bipolar square waves in the range of 50 to 10 kHz and with a RT of 50 ns above the PDIV SC measurement becomes a significant tool to evaluate the ability of the different materials to deplete the SC injected by PD and to compare different enamels PEA SP Measurement System A Pulse Electro-Acustic method ha been developed to measure the space charge accumulation on magnet wires (D. Fabiani et al. “ Relation Between Space Charge Accumulation and Partial Discharge Activity in Enameled Wires Under PWM-like Voltage Waveforms”, IEEE Trans. on Diel.-Elect.Ins., Vol.11, pp.393-405, June 2004) The specimen is positioned an aluminium ground plate and a semicon-absorber and fed by HV DC power supply A voltage pulse of A=300 V, 10 ns width, 110Hz of RR, is applied through a 220 pF coupling capacitor PVC Insulation Semicon Adsorber 2 M Enameled Insulation Copper Aluminum Ground Plate 220 pF Amplifier HVDC Pulse Oscilloscope Piezoelectric (PVDF) Adsorber (PMMA) PC GPIB IEEE-488 Acquisition Board Charges present in insulation are forced by the fast electric pulse and a pressure wave is generated from the interaction between charges and the material structure The pressure wave propagates through the insulation and reaches the ground electrode under which the piezoelectric trasducer (PVDF) is located PVDF generates a voltage signal (PEA output signal) proportional to the pressure wave propagating through it A proper calibration procedure allows the PEA output signal to be correlated to the amount of trapped space charge PEA signal is amplified and sent to a recording system 110 PEA outputs per second, synchronized with the rectangular supply voltage, are processed to obtain the charge profile Test Procedure SC measurements are performed according to a specific polarization/depolarization procedure Polarization: the electric field is applied (volt-on, VP=1 kV) for a period tp=3600 s to achieve steady state conditions for the accumulated charge Depolarization: depolarization (volt-off) follows polarization. It is obtained removing the supply voltage and grounding the high voltage electrode, and lasted 3600 s as well. t =20 s: PEA signal is mainly due to the electrode field-induced charge (peaks indicate the electrode location, i.e., anode and cathode, corresponding to the positive and negative signal peaks, respectively) the injected charge at the electrode-insulation interface is hidden by the electrode charge t =3602 s: SC in the insulation bulk can be observed looking at the PEA profile under volt-off (shaded area) when the poling field is removed the electrode charge is considerably smaller than under polarization, being only due to the image charge (of the internal charge) Space Charge Data Processing Space charge profile at the beginning of volt on: no space charge present Space charge profile 2s after voltage removal: space charge = gray area To quantify the charge accumulation: TIPO A - PROFILO CARICA: Volt-ON 3600 s (+) Volt-OFF 3600 s 1.2 Depolarization characteristic Charge [p.u.] 1.0 Total absolute stored charge density (after grounding), QM x1 1 QVO (t ) Q( x, t ) dx x1 x0 x0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 10 100 Time [s] 1000 10000 the slope of depolarization characteristic, s, is a measure of space charge dynamic, i.e. the speed of charge recombination / expulsion Material Improvements PD when active, are the most important ageing factor in Type I insulation Even in the absence of PD, jump voltage and switching frequency can accelerate the intrinsic aging of winding insulation due to increased voltage stress and heating Solutions could come from the use of: VPI technologies mica-films for turn and strand insulation with metal oxide or ceramic fillers (micro-fillers) nano-scale technologies (nano-fillers) VPI Technologies The stator can be totally impregnated adopting the VPI technology even for small size random wound machines The PD inception voltage is up to 60% higher compared with non-impregnated ones because air gaps are filled (not totally) by the impregnation The time to breakdown of the inter-turn insulation depends on the: PDIV and intensity of PD enamel thickness and its resistance against PD erosion But due to small imperfections, longer lifetime is not guaranteed VPI process for small machines is expensive Mica-Films for Inter-Turn or Strand Insulation Currently adopted in MV and HV machines fed with pulsating voltages They are also adopted in LV machines Improvements were found but higher costs slot efficiency reduction increased dimensions Micro Fillers Enamel or polymer film may also contain additives such metal oxides or ceramic materials with a natural resistance to discharges (Al2O3, TiO2, SiO2, Fe2O3..), has been adopted The structure is a multi-coating over the copper enameled wire with the PD shield layer and the surface protection coating The basic idea is to substitute the large mica flakes with a high density inorganic materials that form barriers for the tree growth facilitate the space charge diffusion facilitate the heat transmission the endurance life is enhanced no variations in the ground-wall insulation thickness increased t2t PD and surge withstand capability But It become brittle and develop cracks when subjected to temperature variation in the presence of mechanical stresses Each micro-composite material must be evaluated carefully Evaluation of Corona Resistant Materials Accelerated life tests on twisted pairs with conventional and corona resistant (CR) insulation Tests: - in the absence of PD (in oil), below PDIV - in the presence of PD (in air), above PDIV Sinusoidal and distorted waveforms Objective: to draw life lines life models voltage endurance coefficient evaluation comparison among insulation systems Procedure Specimens: twisted pair insulation 50 Hz sinusoidal Traditional, #A CR #B CR #C Above PDIV #A, #B,#C Below PDIV #A, #B,#C Above PDIV #A, #B,#C Below PDIV #A 10 kHz sinusoidal Life tests 10 kHz square unipolar Above PDIV #A, #B,#C Duty cycle = 50% Slew rate = 1 kV/s 10 kHz square bipolar Above PDIV #A, #C Test Results Sinusoidal Life Test on #1, AIR and OIL, 50 Hz 10 kHz • Dramatic PD effect especially at HF on #A 10000 #A, #C Voltage (rms value) [V] #B VEC = 11.7 #C #A VEC = 6.4 VEC = 10.6 #B VEC = 8.7 VEC = 7.1 50 Hz SIN AIR #A 50 Hz SIN AIR #B 50 Hz SIN AIR #C 50 Hz SIN OIL #A 50 Hz SIN OIL #B 50 Hz SIN OIL #C 10 kHz SIN AIR #A 10 kHz SIN OIL #A VEC = 4.5 1000 0.1 1 • #B (CR) is worse than #A at 50 Hz VEC = 11.9 10 Failure time [h] 100 • #C good VEC and life times in the presence of PD • Increasing frequency reduces life 1000 considerably, both with and without PD Life test results and life lines for sinusoidal tests (50 Hz-10 kHz ) in the absence (in oil) and in the presence of PD (in air) Test Sinusoidal Results Life Test on #1, AIR, • VEC decrease with frequency for #A 50 Hz 10 kHz 10000 Voltage (rms value) [V] #C 50 Hz SIN AIR #A 50 Hz SIN AIR #B 50 Hz SIN AIR #C 10 kHz SIN AIR #A 10 kHz SIN AIR #B 10 kHz SIN AIR #C #A #B VEC = 7.1 VEC = 10.6 • #B is the worst at 50 Hz but the best at 10 kHz (for high fields) VEC = 6.4 #B VEC = 8.8 #A VEC = 4.5 VEC = 12.6 #C 1000 0.1 1 10 • VEC increase with frequency for #B & #C (life decreases) 100 1000 Failure time [h] Life test results and life lines for sinusoidal tests (50 Hz-10 kHz ) in air for the three tested materials. • #C good VEC and life times both at 50 Hz and 10 kHz Voltage (peak-to-peak value) [V] Test Results Life Test in AIR summary plot #C #A #B 10000 #A #B #C • Peak-to-peak voltage is the main stressing factor, besides pulse repetition frequency #A 50 Hz SIN #A 10 kHz SIN #A 10 kHz UNIP #A 10 kHz BIP #B 50 Hz SIN #B 10 kHz SIN #B 10 kHz UNIP #C 50 Hz SIN #C 10 kHz SIN #C 10 kHz UNIP #C 10 kHz BIP 1000 0.001 0.01 • Effect of voltage shape negligible (experimental points fit the same line) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Failure time [h] Life test results and life lines for sinusoidal (50 Hz-10 kHz ) and squarewave (unipolar and bipolar) tests in air for the three tested materials as function of peak-to-peak voltage. Space Charge Meas. On #A and #B Tipo A - B valori di QM 12 #A #B 10 Material s [s-1] #A 2.5 #B 1.8 8 QM [C/m3] Speed of charge expulsion, s, for 50 Hz squarewave voltage (1000 V peak) 6 4 2 0 DC 0.1Hz 50Hz 10kHz Voltage frequency Total absolute stored charge density, QM, as a function of frequency. Bipolar squarewave. Poling voltage: 1000 V peak Note that: QM decreases as the frequency increases QM (#B) > QM (#A) s (#B) < s (#A) The CR solutions show different performance and behavior CR micro-composites must be evaluated carefully before they use D.Fabiani et al.”The Effect of Fast repetitive Pulses on the Degradation of Turn Insulation of Induction Motors”, Proc. of SDEMPED 2001, pp.289-293, Grado (I), 2001 Discussion Pulsating voltage accelerates degradation both in air and in oil (i.e. with and without PD), but different VEC CR materials frequencies show a longer life at higher The standard insulation, #A, seems to suffer significantly from PD activity and frequency increase CR material, #B, withstands PD better than #A PD increase due to PWM voltage waveforms #B tends to accumulate much more charge than #A (>QM and <s) at frequency up to 50 Hz #B is worse than #A at 50 Hz The “Frost Effect” In the presence of PD, the external layer (organic material) is eroded rapidly and the inorganic material emerges and the enamel change its colour The inorganic material is easily removed mechanical stresses (vibrations). Let Type A: only materials Fault Type A Fault Type B1 by the organic Type B: organic materials filled by inorganic particles The surface erosion is evident (Type B1) while a localized BD occurs in organic enamel (Type A) A new class of micro-fillers (Type C) has been developed where the inorganic filler chemically combines with the organic enamel Type B1 Type C1 The chemical links delay the mechanical erosion and the insulation life is prolonged The “Frost Effect” combined with electrical stresses determine two types of breakdown: Pinhole Type Massive Type The two type of BD are related to the time exposition to PD, thus to the local electric field In this example, BD occurred due to a defect on the conductor where the electric field was enhanced by the copper protrusions The “Frost Effect” due to PD is evident looking around the breakdown site The three layers are also evident in the picture Another example of PD erosion X-Ray spectrometry evidenced the dominant presence of oxygen in the vicinity of the BD area while TiO2 was found around the BD crater Nano Fillers To improve the PD resistance of organic enamel, by means of the dispersion of nano-metric inorganic fillers are dispersed in the polymer matrix (under investigation) Polymeric nano-composite: composite material with inorganic fillers having at least one dimension < 100 nm Polymer Nanofillers Nanoparticles Nanocomposite Nanotubes, Nanofibres, Whiskers, Nanorods Nanolayers The filler rate is usually between 1%-10% of weight The presence of inorganic nano-fillers can alter the dielectric properties of the materials. In particular, • Permettivity • Space charge accumulation • Electrical Tree propagation • Heat transmission • etc. This new technology must be handled carefully to avoid that improving a property, worsening the others The nano filler is selected taking into account the property to be improved (e.g., the use of nano mica flakes to delay the electric tree growth) Nano-mica flakes form a wide and complex “labyrinth” where the length of the tree-channels are strongly increased and the breakdown, delayed Tree Growth: bush type EL470 (G19) After 3 hours EL470+DEL72 (G21) After 22 hours Anomalous Tree Grouth due to the barrier-effect of the nanofiller EL470+MAE (G22) After 20 hours Nano-fillers are added to improve the resin performances mainly to withstand the PD erosion Initial agglomerate Conventional composit Intercalated Exfoliated nano-composite nano-composite The complete exfoliation of the nano-filler generates free charges inside the insulation worsening e.g., the dissipation factor RB standard resin N1 1% nano mica N3 3% nano mica The intercalated structure is preferable the ionic links between the mica flakes are preserved and no free charges are introduced Possible Barrier Effect Conventional enamel Further stage of aging Initial stage of aging Inter-turn PDs PD induce ablative degradation process leading to the scission of the polymeric chain, the formation of free radicals and of volatile decomposition products Adopt nano composite materials (Type C) that show a strong interaction between the nano particles Nanocomposite enamel Further stage of aging Initial stage of aging Inter-turn PDs PD Aggregation forces between inorganic nanoparticles Ceramic Like layer Interactions or bonds between filler and carbonaceous residue Increase of nanofiller concentration on the surface Conventional and nano-composite enamel have been analyzed and compared Type A: double layer polyester-imide (PEI) Type C1: double layer PEI and PEI+Barium Sulphate BaSO4 (PEI+nb) Type C1: double layer PEI and PEI+Silica SiO2 (PEI+ns) The TBD has been adopted as end-of-life criterium Tests were performed applying a PWM like wave-form at different voltage levels and temperatures F.Guastavino et al. “Electrical Aging Tests on Different Nanostructured Enamels Subjected to Severe Voltage Waveforms”, proc.IEEE SDEMPED, pp.283-287, Bologna (I), September 2011 The support of Elantas Deatech S.r.l. - Ascoli Piceno – Italy is greatifully acknowledged Test Set-Up oven Arbitrary Waveform Generator V AWADIT Twisted pair PWM+peaks voltage waveform Linear amplifier: 10 Hz – 3 MHz bandwidth at the considered voltage level, 60 dB gain Temperature test: 150°C; 120°C; 90°C; 60°C The average time to breakdown (Tbd) is collected and related to the test voltage amplitude via the inverse power law: -n Tbd = A (Vpp) Vtest [V] 10000 PEI PEI+ns PEI+nb 1000 1000 10000 Tbd [s] 100000 1000000 Ceramic char formation during ablation The fomation of nanostructured ceramic-like layer has been observed for many ablative processes: • Burning (Giannelis et al., Gilman et al) . • Thermo-oxidative degradation (Mulhaupt. et al., Zanetti et al., Camino et al.) • Exposure to combustion gases (Vaia et al.) The described processes have been massively evidenced for Polymer layered silicate nanocomposites, but similar behavior has been observed also in the case of polymerSiO2 nanocomposites (Wu et al. 2005, Wang et al. 2006, also according to the work of Vaia). Qualitative Surface Analysis Electrical aging tests PDs activity Simple optical Enamel microscope erosion Degradation area dimensions for conventional enamel after electrical aging at 150°C Qualitative surface analysis Degradation area dimensions for nanocomposite enamel after electrical aging at 150°C Degradation area dimensions are wider in the case of conventional enamel than in the case of nanocomposite one Degradation area dimensions for conventional enamel after electrical aging at 60°C Degradation area dimensions for nanocomposite enamel after electrical aging at 60°C Diminishing the temperature dimensions is less wide level, the eroded area PEI+nb twisted pair Before aging test After aging test at 4.6 kV PEI+ns twisted pairs Before aging test After aging test at 4.6 kV Comparison Between PEI+nb and PEI+ns PEI + nb After aging test at 4.6 kV PEI + ns After aging test at 4.6 kV Thermal Ageing Applying the Arrhenius model to the obtained life times Linearizing Life Curves Conventional 1000000 Nanocomposite Tbd [s] 100000 10000 1000 0,0032 0,0030 0,0028 0,0026 0,0024 1/T [1/K] 60 90 T [°C] 120 150 0,0022 120000 105000 90000 75000 60000 Tbd [s] 45000 30000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Conv. 150°C Conv. 150°C Nano 150°C Nano 150°C Conv. 120°C Conv. 120°C Nano 120°C Nano 120°C Conv. 90°C Conv. 90°C Nano 90°C Nano 90°C Conv. 60°C Conv. 60°C Nano 60°C Nano 60°C Data scatter is generally low; the minimum life time value obtained testing the nano-composite enamel at 150°C is considerably longer than the maximum time obtained testing the conventional enamel at 60°C Micro+Nano Composites A combined use of micro and nano fillers has been also investigate to improve different properties of the composite materials (thermal and mechanical in addition to PD resistance) guarantee novel properties Schematic representation of PD erosion process due to PD for micro and micro+nano composite materials Sample of micro-silica (60%wt) and nanosilica (5%wt) in epoxy matrix Micro-silica: black area Nano-silica: small withe dots Nano-silica (Dark gray spots) in epoxy resin matrix CIGRE Working Group, “Characterization of Epoxy Microcomposite and nanocomposite Materials for Power Engineering Applications”, IEEE El.Ins.Magazine, Vol.28, pp.38-51, March 2012 Discussion It is possible to enhance the resistance to the action of surface PDs of organic insulating enamels used for magnet wire insulation by nano-structuration. The application of nano-composite enamels is not a Panacea for inverter driven motor insulation: 1.Many matrix-filler combination may not lead to the desired results; careful study of the chemical-physical interactions and degradation mechanisms 2.Nano-structuration does not prevent the inception of PDs; rather it slows down the degradation of the enamel Required further research investigation: 1.Chemistry and physics of the degradation of nanocomposite enamels subjected to PDs 2.Polymer – inorganic nano-particles interactions 3.Interactions between nano-composite enamels and secondary insulation (conventional or nano-structured impregnation resins) 4. Micro-nano composites Modeling for Insulation Design The concepts of dielectric strength, Weibull distribution of failure times, lifetime and voltage endurance coefficient are the basis for the design of highly reliable insulation systems in electrical apparatus ASD introduced a new type of electrical stress arising from high frequency harmonics due to repetitive voltage impulses and motor-cable-converter impedance mismatch Over-voltages and uneven voltage distribution along the winding causes overstress mainly in inter-turn insulation Over-voltages can cause PD that become the dominant ageing factor mainly in Type I materials Corona resistant materials (micro, nano composites) have been developed It is necessary to study and model the lifetime behavior of new CR materials to design properly the insulation taking into account the ASD specific stresses The dominant aging factors Some quantities extracted from the distorted voltage waveforms and correlated with aging are introduced. Let: N v (t ) Vh sin( h f t n ) h 1 The Fourier series of the non-sinusoidal voltage supply. N dv (t ) h f Vh cos( h f t n ) dt h 1 The rms of the voltage variation is defined as: dv (t ) dt rms f 2 N h V 2 2 h 1 h If we consider the rms value of a 50 Hz sinusoidal voltage having the same amplitude of the fundamental (V0=V1), then: dv 0 (t ) 0 V1 dt 50 Hz , rms 2 Considering their ratio Ks f 0 N h 2 2 h 1 h where Vh h V1 Ks is the rms value of the derivative of the distorted waveform and it is related to its RT Additional parameters, related to over-voltages, can be defined as: VP KP * V1P Vrms Krms * V1rms where VP and Vrms are the peak and rms values of the distorted waveform, V1* is the reference voltage (V1P*=√2 ⋅ V1rms), The Joule, Wj, and the dielectric, Wd, losses for a winding having a phase-to-ground capacitance C, can be written as: N Vh 2 W J k a ra C V1 h ( ) V1 h 1 2 1 W d 1CV 1 2 2 2 N 2 Vh 2 tan h ( ) V1 h 1 Where ra is the resistance of the equivalent capacitor ka is a constant tan is the loss factor The temperature rise is then given by: (WJ Wd )Rth where Rth is the thermal resistance of the capacitor Using the PWM technique, temperature increases of about 10 to 20 K° The Dominant Ageing Factors With PD: It has been shown that PD is the dominant ageing factor particularly at high pulse rate and frequency Thus, the insulation system must be designed to work below the PDIV PDIV depends on the adopted insulation Without PD: Below the PDIV, the ageing mechanisms are very different (related to RT, RR, temperature….) Neglecting the interactions between factors as a first approximation, the simplest equation that can be used, based on an inverse power model, is: n rms L L 0 K P n P K rms K s n s where L is insulation lifetime, and L0, np, nrms, ns are adjustable parameters L log n p log K P n rms log K rms n s log K s L0 KP, Krms, and Ks are further analyzed statistically, e.g., by using the Standardized Pareto Chart (SPC) and the Main Effect Plot (MEP) Peak voltage is clearly the most influential factor of lifetime, followed by rms and voltage slope The experimental data suggested that an inverse power model, in the form of L L0 A B N a b n can be applied to correlate life- time and aging factors, in particular P2P voltage and temperature, that is, in log form log L log LD a logVPP b log where L=lifetime; VPP=P2P voltage; and a, b and L0 are parameters calculated through multivariable linear regression Again, the jump voltage is still the most influential factor of lifetime Life Modeling: a simplified version Peak-to-peak voltage has been recognized as dominant ageing factor The inverse power model correlating the lifetimes at different stress values is slightly modified, that is L L 0V pp n The pulse RR of the applied voltage is also important, with lifetime decreasing with increasing RR. If Lf and L1 are the lifetimes at f (= 10 kHz) and f1 (= 50 Hz), respectively then f1 L f L1 ( ) f where the exponent γ is estimated experimentally These assumptions allow the lifetime of an insulation system under impulse conditions to be estimated using data obtained under sinusoidal voltage testing. Moreover: The most important stressing factors are fundamental frequency, the RR and peak-to-peak voltage amplitude The overvoltage is adiabatic The system is operated in the stress range within which the predominant degradation mechanism does not change during ageing VEC is frequency independent, i.e., no significant frequency dependence of the number of impulses or voltage cycles before failure is observed. This corresponds to = 1 which is approximately true for composite organic/inorganic insulation If these conditions are satisfied and the measured lifetime at test frequency f1 is L1, then the estimated lifetime L2 at test frequency f2 is given by: f1 L2 L1 f2 It follows that if lifetime corresponds frequency f1, line 1 to test lifetime line 2 for test frequency f2 (f2 = 10 f1) is obtained by translating lifetime line 1 one decade horizontally (arrow A) to maintain the f1 lifetime, the applied stress at f2 should be reduced as shown by arrow B Combining the two simplified models L f 2 ,u2 U1 n f1 L f1 ,u1 ( ) U2 f2 where Lf1,u1 is the lifetime at frequency f1 and voltage U1 Lf2,u2 is the lifetime at frequency f2 and voltage U2 n is the VEC data can be generated for any desired frequency, e.g., the fundamental for motor drives, based on measured lifetimes for appropriate insulation systems at f1 = 50 or 60 Hz Experimental evidence validates this simplified approach for impulse voltages up to 1 kHz because the variation of the VEC n with frequency is negligible At higher frequencies a decrease of n is observed, even for inorganic/organic insulation The dependence of n with frequency can be modeled, but only by introducing further parameters in the model. Design Criteria PD is a dominant deterioration phenomena that leads to premature BD of the insulation. Using conventional enamel, the electric stress must be below the PDIV a moderate PD activity can be accepted when CR composite organic/inorganic insulating material is adopted In the absence of PD, the peak of the distorted voltage waveform and its repetition rate are the most important ageing factors Modeling the long-term behavior is feasible in the first approximation Detailed evaluation of the new materials through longterm voltage endurance tests is still strongly recommended, to maximize the reliability of the insulation system References: A. Cavallini, D. Fabiani, G.C. Montanari, “Power Electronics and Electrical Insulation System – Part 1: Phenomenology Overview”, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 26, pp. 715, May-June 2010 A. Cavallini, D. Fabiani, G.C. Montanari, “Power Electronics and Electrical Insulation System – Part 2: Life Modeling for Insulation Design”, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 26, pp. 33-39, JulyAugust 2010 A. Cavallini, D. Fabiani, G.C. Montanari, “Power Electronics and Electrical Insulation System – Part 3: Diagnostic Properties”, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 26, pp. 30-40,September-October 2010 Design of the Stress Grading for HV Machines In form wound MV and HV rotating machines, the ground-wall and strand insulation, based on mica-tapes and mica-films, respectively, withstand to the PD activity Turn insulation is stressed by the uneven voltage distribution and can be designed according to the above mentioned composite materials and criteria The end-arm stress grading is the weak point when a machine designed for 50/60 Hz is fed by pulsating of PWM supply. This promoted investigations to: select proper materials design properly the stress grading Problemi nei sistemi di gradatura Solo nei motori form-wound (MT) • Il campo elettrico tangenziale aumenta all’aumentare del contenuto in frequenza della tensione (f> 2 kHz si hanno scariche in testata) • Il campo elettrico cala all’aumentare Campo elettrico della conducibilità della gradatura Campo elettrico di scarica di scarica Media conducibilità Alta conducibilità Typically: • Insulation with no stress grading system (normally for Vn ≤ 4kV) • Insulation systems with anticorona coating within the slot ( 4kV ≤Vn ≤ 6kV) • Insulation with stress grading system (Vn ≥6kV) Due to material discontinuity, high values of electric gradient affect the surface of the coil at the edge of the slot grading tape thus generating tangential surface discharges The stress grading is designed solving the field equation ccU ( * U ) 0 t and its solution allows to draw the electric field outside the magnetic core cosh k ( x L) U ( x) Va 1 cosh( kL) sinh k ( x L ) E ( x ) Va k sinh( kL ) Hot spots due to PD, can be discovered considering the air breakdown strength (e.g., 2.3 kV/mm) and the electric field gradient Stress grading materials are characterized by their resistance that can be constant or electric field dependent: s 0 exp(nE ) 2/ 3 High values of n and low values of 0 increase the grading effect The stress grading is designed considering the number of layers and their coating length outside a slot portion After the material selection (0, n), the space distribution of the electric field is determined using FEM software tools considering the machine geometry and the groundwall insulation characteristics The correct choice of the number of layers and their length is evaluated checking the electric gradient (below of PDIV) and hot spots Stress grading is currently designed for 50/60Hz applications Assuming the 0 reference the edge of the slot grading, the potential and the electric field distribution can be derived and analyzed The different behavior of a single layer stress grading with constant and exponential resistivity, is show But the potential distribution is strongly related to frequency of the applied stress. Stress grading designed for ac is not able to operate at higher frequencies V [V] 36000 34000 30 kV f variabile 32000 30000 28000 26000 24000 22000 20000 50 Hz 18000 250 kHz 16000 1 kHz 14000 12000 20 kHz 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Distanza x dal termine del ricoprimento conduttivo [mm] GEN.3.1 GEN.3.2 GEN.3.3 GEN.3.4 A multi-layer and longer stress grading having lower resitance, is required for higher frequencies Vmax [V] 18000 4 17000 Mat.D 16 kV # 1,25 MHz Mod.1 16000 15000 3 14000 s = 2,7 mm 13000 Mat.A 12000 2 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 1 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Distanza x dal termine del ricoprimento conduttivo [mm] SIM.1.2.1.A SIM.1.2.1.B 30 35 40 45 50 Experimental Validation Two different stress grading configurations designed for standard (50 Hz) and PWM supply voltages have been tested by means of PD measurements Both frames were supplied by HV rectangular wave-shape PD measurements were performed using an antenna probe able to record PD pulses and the fundamental wave-shape adopted as the phase reference of PD Moving the antenna probe, PD were localized at the edge of the 50Hz stress grading while only signals due to commutations were recorded on the other frame Thus confirming the validity of the stress grading design Conclusions Besides the advantages in using ASD, new problems rose due to the significant harmonic content of the power supply and the over-voltages generated by mismatch impedances in inverter/cable/drive connection The insulation is subjected to increased electric, thermal and mechanical stresses and its life is shortened Additional examined stresses, typical of ASD, have been New composite materials (micro, nano fillers) have been proposed Specific test methods are developed Specific standards are under discussion Thank you for your attention!