add a new Word file from the Materials tab

Create New Material (Word) from the Materials Tab
Please note – This is a two-step process! Your file will not appear unless you complete
both steps.
Step One
1. Log in to WebStudy and click to the Materials tab.
2. Click Show Edit.
3. Click Author a new material.
4. Enter material details
a. enter a title
b. enter an author, if not you
c. select Word Processor file as material type
d. select public access level (can people outside your class view item?)
e. enter a description (not required, appears only on the materials tab)
include in appropriate courses by selecting or creating category (Material will not
appear in course if this is skipped!)
1. Click
next to the desired course.
2. Select a category or create a new one.
g. ignore the Assign to Applicable Subjects section
5. Click Post It.
Continue to Step Two below.
Step Two – you're not done yet!
1. When the next screen appears, click upload contents to enter text or upload files.
2. Word Processor Files (most common)
a. Click Browse next to the file name text box.
b. Locate and select the desired file. Note: You may need to change "Files of Type"
to "All Files (*.*)" to locate your file.
c. Click "Open" and the file name will appear in the "Add a File Name" text box.
3. Click Post It.
Adding New Materials to a Timeline Session
The material must be included in the course when it is created in the Webstorium.
1. Log in to WebStudy, access your course, and click the Timeline tab.
2. Click Show Edit at the top of the screen
3. Click New to add a new session OR
Click Edit associated with a session to be changed 4. From the Coursework Due -> Materials: area, select items to be included in session – to
add the new material, select it from the list (hold down CTRL key to select more than
one item)
5. Click Post It.