Teaching Students to Assume Responsibility for Explaining Content

Implementing the Framework for Teaching | The Classroom Environment | Component 3a
Explanations of Content
Teaching Students to Assume Responsibility for
Explaining Content
Accomplished teachers provide a learning environment in which all students can gradually take
on responsibility for their own learning. Teachers enable this learning environment by:
Becoming facilitators of learning or “guides on the side” rather than solely the “sage on
the stage.”
Providing real choices that accommodate a range of learning styles.
Inviting students to choose what they will do to demonstrate their learning and identify
the steps they will take to accomplish the task.
Emphasizing intrinsic motivation rather than external rewards.
Unit of Study: _________________________________________________________________________
Step 1 – Modeling: I Do, You Watch. Over a period of days or weeks, carefully and overtly
model learning behaviors such as explaining content, self-assessment, seeking feedback, goal setting,
and reflection.
1. Which aspect of content will I explain to students?
2. After I explain the content, what will I do to help students understand what made my
explanation excellent?
3. How will we capture and codify the features of “excellent explaining”?
Implementing the Framework for Teaching | The Classroom Environment | Component 3a
Step 2 – Sharing: I Do, You Help. Share exemplars of quality work and teach students to identify
quality samples of their own work.
1. Which aspect of content will I explain to students?
2. Before I explain, how will I remind students of the features of excellent explaining that we
learned in Step 1?
3. How will I invite students to use the features of excellent explaining to give me feedback about
my explanation?
4. When and how will I demonstrate to students that I have incorporated their feedback and
improved my explanation?
Implementing the Framework for Teaching | The Classroom Environment | Component 3a
Step 3 – Guiding: You Do, I Help, We Do Together. Assume responsibility with students for
explaining the content trough guided practice.
1. Which aspect of content can students help me explain?
2. How many students should help me explain a content portion during each lesson?
3. How will all students use the features of excellent explaining to give feedback to me and the
students who help me explain?
4. How will I use the features of excellent explaining to give feedback to students who explain?
5. How can I, and the students who help me explain, demonstrate that we’ve incorporated the
feedback and improved our instruction?
Implementing the Framework for Teaching | The Classroom Environment | Component 3a
Step 4 – Independent: You Do, I Watch. Students practice, demonstrate, and apply learning
behaviors that help them become self-directed learners. Assign each student a portion of the content to
explain in his/her own words, using any of the techniques that you’ve previously modeled and discussed.
Then give feedback to students and have students give feedback to each other about their explanations
of content.
1. Which aspect of content can students explain?
2. How will I support students to assure that they use the features of excellent explaining to
develop and deliver their explanations?
3. How will I ensure that all students use the features of excellent explaining to give feedback to
the students who explain?