7 January 2016 Global Tax Alert News from Transfer Pricing South Africa Revenue Service releases Draft Notice on additional recordkeeping for transfer pricing transactions EY Global Tax Alert Library Access both online and pdf versions of all EY Global Tax Alerts. Copy into your web browser: www.ey.com/taxalerts On 15 December 2015, a draft notice (Draft Notice) in terms of section 29 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011, was issued by the South Africa Revenue Service (SARS) setting out additional record-keeping requirements for “potentially affected transactions.”1 It contains a schedule (the Schedule) that requires that the persons specified must keep and retain the records, books of account or documents prescribed in the Schedule. The Schedule divides persons into two categories, namely, those with a “consolidated South African turnover” of R1 billion (approx. US$64 million) and above and those below such figure. Consolidated South African turnover is defined as the total consolidated turnover of a group that is subject to normal tax in the Republic. Paragraph 4 of the Schedule requires a person who is a member of a group with a consolidated South African turnover of less than R1 billion to keep and retain the records, books of account or documents that enable the person to ensure, and SARS to be satisfied, the person’s potentially affected transactions are conducted at arm’s length. This is very similar wording to the current section 31 of the Income Tax Act which has, in the past, created uncertainty with companies as to whether formalized transfer pricing documentation was a requirement. For persons with consolidated South African turnover of R1 billion or more, paragraph 3 of the Schedule sets out in detail the records, books of account and/or documents that must be kept and retained. These include, among others, the following (labelled as per the Schedule):2 2 Global Tax Alert Transfer Pricing •(a) A description of the person’s ownership structure, with details of shares or ownership interest held therein by other persons •(e) Copies of contracts or agreements related to the potentially affected transactions entered into by the person with each connected person •(h) A description of the functions performed, risk assumed and assets employed by the person and connected persons involved in the potentially affected transactions •(i) A description of the intangible assets involved in the potentially affected transactions, and their influence on the pricing of the potentially affected transactions •(k) With respect to the tested party, a detailed allocation of revenues, costs, expenses and profits between its transactions with connected persons and transactions with independent persons, including records of the application of the transfer pricing policy and information showing how the financial data used in applying the transfer pricing method reconciles to the annual financial statements •(l) If the financial data for the purpose of subparagraph (k) cannot be directly allocated, an explanation supporting the allocation rationale and documentation that demonstrates how the allocation was carried out •(m) The comparable data and methods considered and used for determining the arm’s length return and analysis performed to determine the transfer prices or the allocation of profits and losses or contributions to costs •(p) With respect to potentially affected transactions that are financial assistance transactions, the following additional information: −−Description of the funding structure −−Description of the business and the plans of the principle trading operations −−Copies of relevant financial assistance agreements and other relevant documents −−A group structure −−Copies of financial statements and management accounts just before the point in time the financial assistance is obtained and after the financial assistance transaction •(q) A summary of financial forecasts which are contemporaneous with the financial assistance transactions in question, projected as far as is meaningful in relation to the period of the funding transactions, including a clear picture of the expected levels of interest cover, gearing or other relevant measures over the forecast period •(s) Any other information, data or document, including or relating to a connected person, which may be relevant for the determination of the arm’s length return under Section 31(2) of the Income Tax Act An important aspect of the Draft Notice is that, where a tested party is outside of South Africa, considerable amounts of information need to be provided in relation to that tested party. This information includes: •Contracts between the tested party and its customers and suppliers •Commercial invoices between the tested party and its customers and suppliers •Segmented financial information per potentially affected transaction In summary, the Draft Notice proposes extensive documentation requirements for persons with consolidated South African turnover of R1 billion or more. The Draft Notice, if finalized, would provide guidance on what records a taxpayer must keep and as such taxpayers should consider to which extent this affects them. Comments by interested parties are required to be submitted to SARS on or by 5 February 2016. Alternatively, if you wish for your comments to be submitted as part of the EY response, please provide these to us by 27 January 2016. −−An analysis of the financial strategy of the business Endnotes 1. Defined as a transaction, operation, arrangement, scheme or understanding with a foreign connected person. 2. The full list and the Public Notice can be found here: http://www.sars.gov.za/AllDocs/LegalDoclib/Drafts/LAPD-LPrepDraft-2015-66%20-%20Draft%20Notice%20in%20terms%20on%20section%2029%20Tax%20Administration%20Act.pdf. Global Tax Alert Transfer Pricing For additional information with respect to this Alert, please contact the following: Ernst & Young Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg • • • • Justin Liebenberg Michael Hewson Michel Verhoosel Valdis Leikus +27 11 772 3907 +27 11 772 5006 +27 11 502 0392 +27 11 502 0504 Ernst & Young Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town • Marcus Stelloh +27 21 443 0660 justin.liebenberg@za.ey.com michael.hewson@za.ey.com michel.verhoosel@za.ey.com valdis.leikus@za.ey.com marcus.stelloh@za.ey.com 3 EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. 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Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. ey.com