Furnish and Install PVC Force Main

Revised 12/12
Section 02768 - Furnish and Install PVC Force Main
PART 1 - GENERAL......................................................................................................... 1
1.01 DESCRIPTION................................................................................................... 1
1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE .................................................................................... 1
1.03 SUBMITTALS..................................................................................................... 1
1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY....................................................................................... 2
1.05 JOB CONDITIONS............................................................................................. 3
1.06 PAYMENT .......................................................................................................... 3
1.07 GUARANTEE ..................................................................................................... 5
PART 2 – PRODUCTS & MATERIALS............................................................................ 5
2.01 MATERIALS ....................................................................................................... 5
2.02 VALVES ENDS .................................................................................................. 6
2.03 RESTRAINED JOINTS ...................................................................................... 6
2.04 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE .................................................................. 6
2.05 LOCATOR WIRE ............................................................................................... 6
2.06 TELEMETRY CABLE ......................................................................................... 7
2.07 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT..................................................................... 7
PART 3 –EXECUTION ..................................................................................................... 7
3.01 GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 7
3.02 BEDDING PIPE.................................................................................................. 8
3.03 RUBBER GASKET PIPE JOINTS...................................................................... 8
3.04 CURVES, ANGLES, CLOSURES AND SHORT SECTIONS ............................ 8
3.05 FLANGE, FITTING AND BOLT PROTECTION ................................................. 8
3.06 VALVE CAP AND RISER INSTALLATION ........................................................ 9
3.07 TEMPORARY BULKHEADS.............................................................................. 9
3.08 FIELD HYDROSTATIC TEST ............................................................................ 9
Under these specifications, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment
and tools required for the complete installation and testing of force main and
appurtenances and allied structures as stated on the Bidding Sheets, shown on the
contract drawings or specified herein, and all within the contract time. The Contractor
shall be responsible for all work specified herein and the orderly progress and
completion of the work in accordance with an approved schedule of construction.
The work includes, but is not limited to, all excavation, backfill, disposal, resurfacing of
roads and driveways, verification of utilities, installation of all pipe and specials such as
elbows, bends and tapers. All restraint for pipe, such as at the elbows, bends, etc.,
shall be sufficient to withstand all unbalanced forces. Unless otherwise approved by the
Engineer, restraint shall be provided by means of restraint fittings as required by the
Contract Drawings and these specifications. The use of concrete anchorage in lieu of
restrained joints will be considered on a case by case basis. All restraint shall be
included in the bid price for the installation of pipe.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish the District with accurate tie
dimensions to all valves installed in the course of constructing this project.
Refer to Section 02201 of the District's standard specifications for requirements
relating to Construction Methods and Earthwork.
Unless otherwise specified, all work specified herein and as shown on the drawings shall
conform to the applicable requirements of the latest revision of the following standards.
Unless specifically stated otherwise, the most stringent requirement will govern when
there is a conflict.
AWWA C-900. American Water Works Association (AWWA) C-900
standard for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe 4 inches through 12
AWWA C-905. American Water Works Association (AWWA) C-905
standard for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) transmission pipe 14 inches
through 36 inches.
Shop drawings for all pipe and appurtenances shall be submitted pursuant to the
requirements of the Contract Documents for Submittals, and shall show the materials,
dimensions, stations and all relevant details of all specials.
Materials Furnished by the Contractor. Except as otherwise stated on
the Bidding Sheet, all materials, including pipe and appurtenances, shall
be furnished in place by the Contractor. Materials to be furnished by the
Contractor shall include that necessary for replacement of all
obstructions, road surfacing, etc. The Contractor shall furnish the
Engineer, as soon as issued, duplicate copies of all orders placed
outside the Contractor's plant for articles or materials to be furnished by
the Contractor for incorporation in the work. The Contractor shall also
furnish the Engineer with such additional information as reasonably may
be required respecting the character of the material and progress of their
Materials Furnished by the District. ONLY AS SHOWN ON THE
ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER, will the District furnish any or all of the
following materials necessary for the completion of the work under these
PVC pipe with rubber gaskets joints and gasket rings. Pipe will be
delivered, unloaded and strung along trench site by the Pipe
Supplier. Approximately 5% of each size of pipe will be furnished
in the standard short lengths manufactured by the pipe supplier,
except as otherwise requested by the Contractor.
Valves, Gaskets, bends, elbows, tapers, and air valve assemblies
complete with piping and valves, etc.
Joint materials.
Locating wire required for PVC pipe systems.
Telemetry wire where noted on the construction drawings.
The Contractor shall, within seven (7) days after execution of the contract,
meet with the Engineer for approval of his proposed schedule of
construction and shall furnish the Engineer a written statement of the
Contractor's requirements for delivery of materials and equipment to be
furnished by the District with the dates upon which delivery of each class
of said materials and equipment will be necessary in order to conform to
the Contractor's program of construction.
Materials to be furnished by the District, except for pipe, will be delivered
to the Contractor f.o.b. the Contractor's trucks at the District yard or
warehouse, and the Contractor will sign for these materials received. No
direct payment will be made to the Contractor for hauling or handling
materials or equipment furnished by the District, but payment for such
handling and hauling will be included in the prices named for the contract
items wherein the materials and equipment are used. The Contractor
shall be responsible for coordinating the delivery and the actual
placement of all pipe in accordance with his requirements and
construction schedule, shall properly barricade the pipe and other
materials, and shall be responsible for any damage to property as a result
of the unloading or placement of the pipe or other materials.
If the delivery of any materials or equipment specified herein to be
furnished by the District shall be delayed by strikes, acts of God, or other
causes beyond the control or without the fault or negligence of the District,
the Contractor shall have no claim against the District for such delay in
delivery, but shall be entitled to so much additional time wherein to
perform and complete the contract on his part as the Engineer shall certify
in writing to be just.
Hauling and Handling Pipe. The Contractor shall protect all pipes from
damage during hauling and handling. Dropping or dumping of pipe will
not be permitted. Pipe shall not be strung prior to blasting in those areas
where blasting is required. Damaged pipe shall be replaced or repaired
by the Contractor at his expense, and be subject to approval by the
Water Furnished by District. The District will make water available for
construction at the locations stated in the Special Provisions.
Measurement for Payment. Quantities for installation of pipelines and
appurtenances on District-administered projects shall be measured for
payment as specified herein and described on the Bidding Sheet:
Pipelines. Will be measured in place along the horizontal axis of
the pipe by the linear foot, on the basis of pipeline completely
installed and tested including earthwork, special bedding included
in the work, pipe, gaskets, fittings, polyethylene encasement,
specials, concrete and miscellaneous materials. The
measurement will be continuous through all valves and fittings.
Valves will be measured on the basis of each valve completely
installed and tested including valve, valve riser and cap, earthwork
and miscellaneous materials.
Sewage Air Valves. Will be measured on the basis of each air
valve assembly completely installed and tested including tap-tomain, piping, all valves, fittings, valve vault, earthwork, and
miscellaneous materials.
Special Bedding. Will be measured on the basis of the cubic yards
of special bedding required to bring the bedding up to grade for the
trench size excavated up to the maximum size of trench allowable
under these specifications. Only that special bedding for which
there are stipulated costs, or for which special bid items are listed
in the bid sheet will be measured for payment. No allowance will
be made for over-excavation except as directed by the Engineer,
or for special bedding required in the contract work under other bid
Bore Casing. Will be measured on the basis of horizontal
centerline distance and shall include all excavation, furnishing and
placement of casing, furnishing and placement of all required
back-packing and grouting around casing, backfilling within casing,
pipe bracing, restoration of surfaces, and all labor and material for
a finished job. Furnishing and installation of pipe within casing
shall be included in pipeline measurement.
Paving. Will be measured as a part of project causing removal
and/or replacement of paving, except as otherwise specified on
the Bidding Sheet.
Payment. Payment for quantities for installation of pipeline and
appurtenances on District-administered contracts will be paid for in the
following manner. Quantities of items listed herein, measured as stated
above and accepted, will be paid for at the unit bid prices as stated herein,
which prices and payments shall constitute full compensation for
furnishing all labor, equipment and tools necessary to complete the
described work in place. No additional compensation will be paid above
the unit bid prices for changes in quantities.
Pipelines. Quantities of pipelines will be paid for at the respective
unit bid prices per horizontal linear foot for the kinds and sizes of
pipe stated in the bidding sheet. Work includes all earthwork,
installation and testing of pipe, specials, fittings, anchors, removal
and restoration of pavement, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, and
Payment for pipe in place shall be further broken down based
upon the Contractor's submittal under Section F-10 of the
General Conditions, as concurred by the Engineer, but not to
exceed in the ordinary project the following percentages of the
linear foot price stated on the Bidding Sheet:
Trench excavation ..................................................................10%
Pipe laid in place and shaded .................................................65%
Trench backfilled and backfill compacted ...............................20%
Testing and clean-up, exclusive of pavement replacement …..5%
Fittings and Specials. Payments for quantities of fittings and
specials shall be included in the payment for installation of pipelines.
Work includes installation of bends, tapers, and all earthwork, and
no additional compensation will be made therefore.
Valves. Quantities of valves will be paid for at the respective unit bid
prices for the size and type of valves stated in the bidding sheet.
Work includes installation of valves, flanges, gaskets, bolts, and all
Sewage Air Valves. Quantities of air valve assemblies will be paid
for at the respective unit bid prices for the size of air valves stated in
the bidding sheet. Work includes installation of tap-to-main, valves,
service stops, elbows, bends, valve vaults, and all piping.
Special Bedding. Quantities of special bedding measured as stated
above and accepted, will be paid for at the stipulated cost price, or
the respective unit bid price for the quantities as stated in the bidding
sheet, which price shall constitute full compensation for all labor,
materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work in place,
including the special bedding material.
Bore Casing. Payment for bore casing in place measured as stated
above shall be made as specified on the bidding sheet.
Paving. Payment for quantities of paving measured as stated above
and accepted shall be included in the unit bid for pipeline. Work
includes removal and/or restoration of paving and all earthwork, and
no additional compensation will be made therefore, except as
otherwise provided on the bidding sheet.
All work, materials, and equipment shall be guaranteed for one year after the filing of the
notice of completion except where the periods of time are set forth elsewhere in the
contract documents for General Guaranty or Warranty.
Contractor to furnish PVC pipe as hereinafter described.
Type of PVC Pipe. PVC pipe shall be extruded from 12454 A or B
compound providing a hydrostatic design basis (HOB) of 4000 p.s.i. in
accordance with AWWA C-900 and C-905. Pipe shall have cast iron
outside diameters.
Pipe Class or Working Pressure. AWWA C-900 PVC pipe shall be
Class 150 and AWWA C-905 pipe shall be rated at 165 p.s.i. (OR-25)
or as specified on approved drawings. ‘
Where valves do not connect to fittings, the fitting may be hub-end, or flange x hubend. However, where valves connect to cast iron or welded steel fittings, fittings shall
be flanged. Where flange x hub-end valves are not available for use with PVC pipe,
flanged valves shall be used with flange x hub-end adaptors.
All valves shall be hung plumb, with the stems vertical.
Restrained joints shall be provided by a clamping ring and an additional ring designed to
seat on the bell end of the pipe. The rings shall be connected with T-Head bolts or rods.
Restraining devices shall provide full (360°) support around the circumference of the
pipe. No point loading shall be permitted. Restraint of mechanical joint fittings shall be
provided by a clamping ring installed on the PVC pipe and connected to the mechanical
joint fitting with T-Head bolts or rods.
Restraining devices shall meet or exceed the requirements of UNI-Bell B-13
"Recommended Standard Performance Specification for Joint Restrainers for Use with
PVC Pipe." Restraining devices shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300 or 1350 or approved
All buried steel parts shall be sand blasted in accordance with the coating
manufacturer's technical data sheet for "submerged" service and coated with a two coat
epoxy. Epoxy shall be Tnemac Series 66 or equal. All bolts and tie rod materials shall
be either high strength cast iron containing a minimum of 0.5% copper or high-strength,
low alloy steel, as specified in AWWA C-111 for buried mechanical joints.
Cast-in-place structures of plain and reinforced concrete shall conform to the
requirements of Chapter 26 of the Uniform Building Code and ACI 318, unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer.
Classes of concrete used in the construction of cast-in-place structures shall be
proportioned as specified in Section 03300 of the District standard specifications.
Locator wire shall be installed over all waterlines, reclaimed waterlines and force mains
whether or not telemetry wire is buried with pipe. Locator wire per Standard Drawing B656 shall be 14-1 solid insulated copper wire (UF), in a continuous strand, placed on top
of pipe and secured with tape. Locator wire shall be brought to the surface at the edge
of the right of way at 660 feet maximum on centers in Brooks No. 1-SP, or equal, valve
boxes. The valve boxes shall be placed within two feet of fire hydrants when fire
hydrants are available at 660' or less on center. Where no fire hydrants are available
WMWD marker posts shall be installed within two feet of the valve boxes. For
subdivision construction, instead of the marker post, mark the face of the curb in front of
the box with the letters "LW'. Loop 2 feet of wire in valve box. Provide the inspector
survey stations at each valve box for as-built drawings.
On District-administered contracts, the District will supply the telemetry cable for
installation in accordance with these specifications and contract drawings. The
telemetry cable will be delivered to the Contractor at the District's warehouse. Prior to
acceptance and delivery of the cable, a continuity test will be performed by District
personnel or the Contractor's representative. Certification of the test results will be
acknowledged by the Contractor or his representative in writing. The Contractor will be
responsible for the safe handling, installation and retesting for total continuity of the
cable installation prior to acceptance by the District.
All ductile iron fittings shall be polyethylene encased at the time of installation.
Polyethylene encasement and installation shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, prior to start of construction, to meet with
the Engineer:
For approval of schedule of construction for work and completion of
pipelines or sections thereof;
To submit the required forms listed in the General Conditions.
To coordinate delivery of District-furnished materials.
Determine location and placing of the pipe to be unloaded and
direction of placing bells;
Determine the quantity of pipe to be placed in a particular location;
Coordinate delivery of pipe and other materials to meet his
construction schedule.
To furnish such additional information as may be required from time to
time as construction progresses, regarding the progress of the
procurement and delivery of the required equipment and materials,
and/or the scheduling of the work.
Any subsequent shuttling of pipe, turning of bells, etc., will be at the
Contractor's expense and no additional compensation will be allowed
above the unit bid price, unless authorized by the Engineer in writing. All
quantities shown on the Bidding Sheet and the contract drawings indicate
the estimated quantities of materials for the completed pipelines in place.
General. Each section of pipe shall be lowered into the trench in a
manner that will prevent injury to the pipe, or joints and shall be carefully
bedded to provide continuous bearing and prevent uneven settlement.
The inside of the pipe shall be clean and free from foreign material of
any kind before being installed.
Tolerance. The pipe shall be accurately laid to alignment and grade
shown on the drawings or established by the Engineer. Where grade
stakes are provided with which to establish the proper pipeline grade,
pipe shall be laid to grade within a tolerance of 0.1', or 0.2' cumulative
deviation from elevations set by adjacent grade stakes. As ordered by
the Engineer, the allowed tolerance may be greater than herein indicated
for lines on steep grades, or less than herein indicated for the larger lines
or lines on flat grades, where necessary to avoid air pockets.
Pipe Zone Bedding. The pipe zone bedding material shall conform to the
requirements for solid wall PVC pipe on Standard Drawing SB-157, SB158, and SB-159.
After the subgrade has been prepared, as specified, the rubber gasket shall be placed in
the groove on the spigot ring, and the spigot end of the pipe then entered into the bell of
the adjoining pipe and forced into position. Care shall be taken to avoid twisting or
cutting the gasket when jointing the pipe. The inside surface of the bell shall be
lubricated with a compound recommended by Manufacture which will facilitate the
telescoping of the joint.
The laying of pipe on curved alignment by means of unsymmetrical closure of spigot into
bell rings will be permitted. The amount of pull permitted from normal closure on one
side of the joint shall not exceed the manufacturer's recommendation. For the purpose
of reducing the angular deflections at pipe joints and for closure sections, the Contractor
shall be permitted to install pipe sections of less than standard length. Where such
installations are allowed, Contractor shall be responsible for anchorage of the necessary
joints, as directed by the Engineer.
All appurtenances and fittings at the pipeline shall be primed, and wrapped with
Protecto-Wrap No. 200 with No. 1170 Primer, or approved equal.
In new subdivision developments Contractor shall leave valve cans 3" minimum below
rough-graded subgrade street surface, properly covered, and shall return after paving of
the street is completed by others, to raise the valve slip can and cap to grade.
Contractor shall coordinate his work with that of the paving contractor to place the slip
can during placement of the road sub-base, if desirable.
The Contractor shall furnish and install complete, all the necessary temporary bulkheads
or skillets and appurtenances thereto in the pipeline used for backfilling or testing
purposes and shall remove such bulkheads upon completion of the line.
The Contractor shall furnish, at his own expense, any openings in the pipeline or
bulkhead and any valves or by-pass arrangements which are for his convenience in
filling, testing and/or emptying the pipeline.
At all times when the work of installing pipe is not in progress, all openings into the
pipe and the ends of the pipe in the trench shall be tightly closed to prevent entrance
of animals and foreign materials.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the pipe from floating
due to water entering the trench from any source, shall assume full responsibility for
any damage due to this cause and shall at his own expense restore and replace the
pipe to its specified condition and grade if it is displaced due to floating. If the
Contractor, upon approval by the Engineer, elects to test a system utilizing valves and
connecting pipe installed by the District, the District will assume responsibility for any
leaks occurring in any pipeline or valve furnished and installed by the District. In the
event Contractor is unable to satisfactorily test his system because of leaks in the
District-installed system, Contractor shall install temporary bulkheads in his construction
to perform tests, as determined necessary by the Engineer.
Full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and equipment (except
water when provided by the District), and for doing all work involved in testing, and for
repairing any leaks shall be included in the price paid for installation of the pipe, and
no additional compensation by the District will be allowed therefore.
Upon completion of the laying, jointing, backfilling, and proper curing of the joints, and
compaction of backfill, the pipeline or portions thereof shall be hydrostatically tested.
For convenience of testing, the pipeline may be divided into sections and each section
tested separately. Main line valves may be used in lieu of special bulkheads, or if
valves are not conveniently located, temporary bulkheads shall be constructed.
Bulkheads shall be constructed to safely withstand the hydraulic pressures imposed
upon them. No payment will be made expressly for the work and materials required for
the bulkheads and any compensation desired by the Contractor for this work shall be
included in the price quoted for the installation of pipe. The Contractor shall have no
claim against the District by reason of required construction of bulkheads due to the
omission of the installation of any or all main line valves.
After the section of pipeline has been bulkheaded and completely filled with water, it
shall be allowed to stand under pressure a sufficient time to allow the escape of air
from any air pockets. The pressure shall then be increased to the specified test
pressure as hereinafter described, and shall be maintained at this pressure for not less
than four (4) hours.
All pipe shall be tested under a pressure 1 ½ times the design operating pressure of the
pipe. Maximum test pressure shall not exceed that determined by the Engineer.
If any leakage is evidenced in the testing of the pipeline, the various sections of the
pipeline shall be isolated for testing between available valves, or between bulkheads
located as directed by the Engineer. The maximum allowable leakage for pipe shall be
two (2) gallons per day per mile of pipe per inch of pipe inside diameter. If the leakage
exceeds this amount, the section being tested will be considered defective. The
Contractor shall determine the points of leakage make the necessary repairs and
perform another test. This procedure shall be continued until the leakage in each
section falls below the allowable maximum for that section of pipeline.
Leakage shall be determined by metering the water injected into the pipeline while
under the required pressure. The Contractor shall submit to the District before and
after the test the gage and meter used so that these devices may be tested by this
The Contractor shall provide all calibrated meters for measurement of leakage, all
bulkheads or skillets, piping, calibrated gages, pumps and other equipment, all water not
furnished by the District, and all power and labor necessary for the performance of
pressure tests satisfactory to the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary
equipment and labor to fill each section of pipeline tested and for pumping the water
from one test section to another as may be necessary for obtaining and maintaining the
required water pressure and for filling the entire pipeline with water after the conclusion
of the testing, as hereinafter provided.
The Contractor, at his own expense, shall do any excavation necessary to locate and
repair leaks or other defects which may develop under test, including removal of backfill
already placed, shall replace such excavated material, and shall make all repairs
necessary to meet the required water tightness after which the test shall be repeated
until the pipe meets the test requirements. All tests shall be made in the presence of
the Engineer. After the pipe has met successfully all test requirements specified herein,
the entire pipeline shall be filled with water and so maintained until the completion of
the contract unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer.