SoftCAR+ ReadMe for Exerciser, Demo and Speed Tester SoftCAR+ Exerciser To start using the SoftCAR+ Exerciser, start the SCIMGR and RecoUnitCfg first. 1. From the Start menu select SoftCAR-Plus and select Exerciser and double click exerciser. 2. Change name of manager to manager PC name. 3. Click set button to set SoftCarpocx properties. (You can select or change the properties if your application requires different properties.) 4. Click GoReadyToProcess button to make system ready. (Wait until SoftCAR+ fires ready event.) Options to set for processing images: •= Select Dump Results to file if you want to capture results to a file. •= Select Continuous mode if you want to process image file(s) more than one pass. •= Select Engineer Analysis if you want more information displayed. •= De-select Fim CCITT if the CCITT image is in Fi2 file. Otherwise read rate will be lower. •= Select Get Doc Type From Image if you want to get Doc Type information at run time. •= Select Show Image if you want to display image. After you have selected the options you want, click one of the command buttons. Send Single Batch Button Process a TIFF-encapsulated JPEG and/or CCITT file using ProcessdualimageOnDisk method, or Process one selected batch file using ProcessDualImageInMemory method. 1. Select image file and click open button. 2. Click Stop button to stop. When the continuous mode is not selected it will stop on its own after one pass. Send ImageS Button Process one directory of TIFF-encapsulated JPEG and/or CCITT file(s) using ProcessdualimageOnDisk method, Or Process one directory of batch file(s) using ProcessDualImageInMemory method. 1. Select image file and click open button. 2. Click the Stop button to stop, when the continuous mode is not selected it will stop on its own after one pass. Send ImagesInFile Button Process a selected batch file using ProcessDualimageinFile method. 1. Select image file and click open button. 2. Click the Stop button to stop, when the continuous mode is not selected it will stop on its own after one pass. Display Image Button Process a selected Tiff-encapsulated JPEG and/or CCITT file using ProcessdualimageOnDisk method, or Process one image in the selected batch file using ProcessDualImageInMemory method. And JPEG image is displayed. 1. Select Show Image check box. 2. Select option Num in Idx or DocDin and input the number of the image in the batch to the text box you want displayed. 3. Click on display image button. 4. Select image file and click open button. 5. Snippet Image is displayed. 6. Click previous or next button to see other images or use the display image. 7. Click OK button to stop displaying images. GoIdle Button Click GoIdle button to idle state. Exit Button Click EXIT button to close the Exerciser. Properties Group: 1. Select Softcarpocx property ReturnAltResults for alternative results, which are being returned by the recognition engine. 2. Current Loading is the current request in the buffer. 3. Sending Doc is the next document to be sent to process. 4. Read Rate is the current read rate of the document being processed. 5. Recoged Docs is successful recognized documents. 6. CAR Din is current document Din. 7. Start at is the start time and Stop at is the stop time. This is used to calculate the speed. 8. Softkey is a softcarpocx property that returns Unisys Manager software key style. 9. Reco Counts is a softcarpocx property that returns the number of Reco Units that are connecting in the system. 10. DocType specifies a single CAR field. 11. Max Loading is the maximum requests allowed in the buffer. 12. Interval is the time delay for sending images, the unit is millisecond. 13. Time out is a softcarpocx property. Default value is 10 seconds Softcar+ Demo To start using the SoftCAR+ Demo, start the SCIMGR and RecoUnitCfg first. 1. From the Start menu select SoftCAR-Plus and select Exerciser and double click demo. 2. Change name of manager to manager PC name. 3. Click Configure button to set softcarpocx properties. 4. Click GoReady button to make softcar+ system ready. 5. Wait until SoftCAR+ fires ready event. Options to set for processing Image •= Select Dump Results to file if you want to capture results to a file. •= Select Continuous mode if you want to process selected image file more than 1 pass. •= De-select Fim if the CCITT image is in Fi2. •= Select Show Image if you want to display image. After you have selected the options you want, click one of the command buttons. Send Images button: Process one selected batch file using ProcessDualImageInMemory method. 1. Select image file and click open button. 2. Click Stop button to stop. When the continuous mode is not selected it will stop on its own after one pass. Display Image button: Process one image or all images in the selected batch file using ProcessDualImageInMemory method. both JPEG image and CCITT image are displayed. 1. Select Show Image check box. Process one image in the batch: 2. Select option Num in Idx or DocDin and input the number of the image in the batch to the text box you want displayed if you only want to process one image in the batch. 3. Click on display image button. 4. Select image file and click open button. both JPEG and CCITT Images are displayed. 5. Click previous or next button to see other images or use the display image. 6. Click OK button to stop displaying images. Process all images in the batch: 2. Select Continuous Mode check box. 3. Change interval to 1500 (ms) or so. Otherwise,You may not see image and result at the same time. 4. Click on display image button. 5. Select image file and click open button. both JPEG and CCITT Images are displayed. 6. Click Stop button to stop process images. It will stop after processing every image in the batch if you didn't click Stop. 7. After one pass or stopped processing, Click OK button to stop displaying images. GoIdle button: Click GoIdle button to idle state. Exit button: Click EXIT button to close the Demo. Properties Group 1. Select softcarpocx property Return AltResults for 2 alternative results which are being returned by the recognition engine. 2. Change Interval to set sending image time duration for Demo. Its unit is millisecond. Default value is 50. Change it to 1500 or so if you like to process image continuously with show image selected. Otherwise, you may not see image and result at the same time. 3. Sent Docs is the next document to be sent to process. 4. Read Rate is the current read rate of the document being processed. Softcar+ Speed Tester To start using the SoftCAR+ Speed Tester, start the SCIMGR and RecoUnitCfg first. 1. From the Start menu select SoftCAR-Plus and select Exerciser and double click speed tester. 2. Change name of manager to manager PC name. 3. Click Configure button to set softcarpocx properties. 4. Click GoReady button to make softcar+ system ready. 5. Wait until SoftCAR+ Status is ready Options to set for processing Image Select Dump Results to file if you want to capture results to a file. Select Image Option if you don't want default option. After you have selected the options you want, click send images button. 1. Select image file and click open button. 2. Click the Stop button to stop, Or it will stop on its own after one pass (one pass for the selected batch or one pass for whole directory Tiff captured JPEG and/or CCITT image files). 3. Click GoIdle button to idle state. 4. Click EXIT button to close the Exerciser. Properties Group 1. Select softcarpocx property ReturnAltResults for alternative results which are being returned by the recognition engine. 2. Sent Docs is the next document to be sent to process. 3. Read Rate is the current read rate of the document being processed. 4. Start at is the start time and Stop at is the stop time. This is used to calculate the speed. 5. Dpm is the speed for whole softcar+ system. (Documents per minute). 6. Dpm/Reco is the average speed for every recounit. (Documents per minute per Recounit). 7. Softkey is a softcarpocx property that returns Unisys manager software key style. 8. Reco Counts is a softcarpocx property that returns the number of Reconition Units are connecting in the system. note: It requires that the CCITT image is in Fim, and no specials in the batch.