PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 54, No. 2 VOL. FEBRUARY, 1966 Short-Term Stability for a Doppler Radar: Requirements, Measurements, and Techniques D. B. LEESON, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE, AND Abstract-Short-term frequency stability is an important parame­ Doppler radar designed for operation in a severe vibration and acous­ tic environment. The characteristic of a Doppler radar which leads to short term stability requirements is its use of a narrow-band receiver to detect a Doppler-shifted target return which is weaker than clutter. The system short-term stability requirements are determined by the following two points: 1) Target return Iinewidth has a direct effect on sensitivity and velocity resolution j it determines the minimum useful Doppler filter bandwidth. Transmitter and receiver local oscillator noise sidebands ap­ 1) Altitude Return, caused by direct reflection from the ground immediately below the aircraft. Since the aircraft velocity perpendicular to the ground is small, the altitude return is centered about the transmitter frequency. 2) l\Tain Lobe Clutter, caused by the antenna main beam striking the ground. The main lobe clutter is Doppler-shifted because of the velocity of the air­ craft relative to the ground.2 Main lobe clutter is a particular problem in a long-range system be­ cause of the small angular separation between tar­ get and ground. 3) Sidelobe Clutter, caused by the sidelobes of the an­ tenna beam striking the ground. The sidelobe clutter extends from the maximum positive to maximum negative Doppler frequency determined by the aircraft velocity. pearing on clutter determine the maximum possible sub­ clutter visibility. Short-term stability for a Doppler radar is defined in terms of Iinewidth and spectrum. Oscillator and crystal requirements are de­ rived from the system requirements. Measurements of linewidth and spectral purity under quiescent and environmental conditions are described, and vibration characteristics of quartz crystals are considered. INTIWm"CTION M Ylanuscript received September 16, 1965; revised 'Jovember 6, 1965. The authors are with Applied Technology, I nc., Palo Alto, Calif. Both were formerly with Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, Calif. SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE A diagram of a typical long range detection situation is sho\yn in Fig. 1. The return from the moving target is offset from the transmitter frequency 10, because of Doppler shift.l For a stationary radar, the ground clut­ ter return and leakage appear at the transmitter fre­ quency as shO\yn in Fig. 2. In an airborne radar the clutter spectrum becomes complex because of the veloc­ ity of the radar-carrying aircraft. A typical clutter spectrum consists of these three major components: scribes system and circuit requirements found in a typical airborne ODERN airborne radar systems must provide ever increasing detection ranges. In a typical long range detection situation, the main lobe of the narrow-beam radar antenna illuminates both the target and the ground. Even by range-gating, an ordi­ nary pulsed radar cannot discriminate between the tar­ get and ground clutter at the same range. Because of this, ground clutter is a severe limitation on a long­ range airborne pulsed radar. The radar return from a moving target is Doppler­ shifted to a different frequency from that of the ground clutter. A Doppler radar overcomes the limitations of a pulsed radar by using this frequency difference to dis­ criminate between target and clutter. The resolution and range of a Doppler radar are de­ pendent on linewidth and spectral purity, which are de­ termined by short-term frequency stability. For this reason, short-term frequency stability is an important parameter in a Doppler radar system. The purpose of this paper is to outline the reasons for this dependence in a typical airborne Doppler radar and touch on some specific requirements for short-term stability. JOHNSON, DOPPLER RADAR CHARACTERISTICS ter affecting resolution and range of a Doppler radar. This paper de­ 2) G. F. A typical aircraft signal spectrum consisting of target, clutter, and leakage is shown in Fig. 3. The spectrum at a missile receiver is different because of the relative velocity of the missile to the interceptor, but the same components are present. The time-gating of the pulsed radar can be combined "'ith the frequency discrimination of a C\i\! Doppler to reduce the effects of leakage. This leaves clutter as the principle interfering signal in a pulsed Doppler radar. Sub-clutter visibility is achieved by use of a narrow­ band receiver at the target frequency. Even though the total clutter power far exceeds the total target return, 1 The Doppler shift!Dis 2 VfA where V is the radial component of target velocity as seen by the radar and A is the transmitter wave­ length. 2 hofLe = 2 VfA cos e, where A is the transmitter wavelength, V is the aircraft velocity, and e is the antenna look angle; V cos e is the component of aircraft velocity in the direction of the antenna beam. 244 245 LEESON AND JOH:\SON: SHORT-TER�1 STABILITY FOR A DOPPLER RADAR independent transmi tter and receiver local oscillator ANTENNA MAIN LOBE I _-------_ ---., t / 'will be considered here. In this case, the receiver local oscillator line\\�idth and noise sidebands are as importallt \ I I as those of the transmitter, because the local oscillator is mixed with the signal before filtering. ! Consider first the l i newidth requirement . In the situa­ tion of a filter excited by a narrow -band signal and Fig. L broadband noise, narrowing the fiJter bandwidth in­ Sources of clutter signals, creases its output signal-to-noise ratio as long as the �0I- L ' filter bandv,'idth exceeds the signal linewidth. Therefore, TRANSMITTER LEAKAGE AND CLUTTER � :::i � � in the presence of broadband noise, receiver sensiti vity and, hence, range i mprove as the receiver bandwidth is ��U r-------L---��- narrowed. This improvement continues until the re­ ceiver filter band w idth matches the target li new idth . FREQUENCY Fig. 2. Target line'width is dependent in part upon transmitter Stationary clutter spectrum. and local oscillator line\vidths. Thus, line\vidth is a direct limit on sensitivity--a narrower linewidth makes possible an increase in radar range. w o ::> i- �. ::z <t SIDE LOBE CLUTTER' L Further, in TRANSMITTER LEAKAGE ALTITUDE RETURN f f MAIN LOBE C,-UTTER / velocity resolution. The limit on this improvem ent is fo +fo again the Jinewidtho Thus line w idth can be defined operationally as the Airborne clutter spectrum. narrowest filter band'width the signal pmver densit'), in the narrmv receiver band­ width can exceed the clutter and noise power density at the target Doppler frequency, The system require­ ments for short-term stability can be derived from the requirements for a narrow-band receiver and for sub­ clutter the same velocity is system, narrowing the Doppler filter provides increased FREQUENCY Fig. 3. a lmost and frequency separation are proportional in a Doppler TARGET fo D op pler radar, the ability to discrim­ related to the Doppler filter band w idth. Since velocity / A/,.,.�,.,.,.,�/. .. a inate between two targets of visibility. \yhich will pass the major portion of the energy of the sig nal. Transmitter and local oscillator outputs of a Doppler radar are typically stable signals with incidental frequency modulation caused by no i se . \Vith the narrmy signals required for a Doppler system, the major portion of the energy lies within the range of what is ordinarily called the peak- to ­ peak frequency deviation. Since the short-term fre­ quency modulation is typically SYSTEM FREQl'E�CY STABILITY REQl'IRE:\IE�TS The system short-term stability requirements are de­ termined by the following two points: lI oise - like , extrapola t i o n from an rms measurement is more rigorous. Short term used here refers to frequenc y' variations which occur at a rate which is faster than the receiver 1) Target return I inew idth has a direct e ffect on sensi­ can trade T y pically , this rate corresponds to a modu­ tiv ity and velocity resolution; it determines the lating frequenc y smaller than the Doppler filter band­ minim um useful Doppler filter bandwidth . \\'idth, and can be a fC\I' cyc le s per second or larger . 2) Transmitter sidebands local oscillator noise Other factors such as target motion and target signal on clutter determine the modulation due to antenna scanning place a lower limit and receiver appearing on the target line\\'idth "'hich is independent of the maximum possible sub-clutter visibility. Both of these statements refer to target and c l utt e r as p resented to the Doppler filter at I F. C orrelation be­ tween the transmitter output and the receiver local oscillator can be obtained by synthesi zing both from a COHlmon source. Use of correlation reduces frequency stability requirements for low modulating frequencies and short ranges. For high modulation rates and long ranges , stability requirements can be more severe in the case of cOl11mon master oscillators." The situation of an For independent oscillators with u!lcorrelated frequency devia­ );/, the I F signal exhibits a deviation of .,12 ::.j. For common oscillators with a correlated deviation of .:J./, the IF signal exhibits a deviation of 2 j.f(sin wmTJiwmT, where w'" is the radian modulation rate and T is the radar round-trip delay time [2]. 3 tions of transmitter and local oscillator line\\idths. This lower limit with an X-band radar is in the range of 10 to 50 for t ypi c al airborne targets, and transmitter and re­ ceiver improvements below this level reach the poi nt of diminishing returns. The effect of noise sidebands on sub-clutter visibility can be seen even in the elementary case of a stationary radar. This exa1l1ple is used because of the simplicity of the clutter spectrum. Figure 4 shows the statio n ary radar spectrum of Fig. 2 Subclutter vis i w ith noise sidebands added. bi lit y is l i mi ted by clutter noise side­ bands at the Doppler frequency. Thus the noise side­ bands, due to very short term frequ en cy variations, limit system sens itivity at Doppler frequencies for PROCEEDI)J"GS OF THE IEEE 246 CLUTTER WITH NOISE SIDEBANDS- FEBRUARY � . \ �\� CLUTTER NOISE SIDEBANDS lJIRGET / -' r-------,-��--- r I ..' • .. . �- mal noise level. Since narrow filtering of the target return cannot be accomplished ahead of the receiver mixer, the noise side­ bands on the local oscillator have an effect similar to transmitter noise. The clutter and other large interfer­ ing signals are modulated by local oscillator noise, re­ sulting in noise power at Doppler frequencies. Any re­ quirements on the transmitter noise spectrum apply to the receiver local oscillator as well. In actual systems, the leakage and clutter spectra may be quite complex because of relative motion be­ tween transmitter, receiver, ground, and targets. How­ ever, the effects of FM noise sidebands are the same as in the simple example: transmitter and local oscillator FM noise sidebands cause smearing of clutter energy to Doppler frequencies which would be clear if noise due to short term frequency variations were not present. The effect is shown in Fig. 5, which is the clutter spectrum of Fig. 3 with noise sidebands added. Since the clutter spectrum with noise is the determin­ ing factor in sub-clutter visibility, short term frequency stability requirements can be stated in terms of the transmitter and local oscillator power spectrum in the Doppler region. Typical noise spectral density require­ ments for an airborne Doppler radar are that FM noise sideband levels in one kc/s bandwidth be more than 80 dB below the main line power at modulation frequencies in the Doppler range. Short term stability in this connection refers to varia­ tions which occur at rates which result in energy in the frequency range of expected Doppler shifts. This range can extend from a few cis up to several hundred kc/s. OSCILLATOR REQUIREMENTS The type of system under consideration here employs solid-state microwave sources for reasons of size, relia­ bility, vibration insensitivity, and long term frequency stability. The requirement for more than moderate fre­ quency stability implies frequency multiplication from a lower frequency crystal oscillator. It has been found empirically that the oscillator is the major source of F M noise. Oscillator instabilities are increased by the multiplica­ tion ratio. A factor of 100 is typical. Linewidth and modulation index increase directly with the multiplica- I. THERMAL NOISE LEVEL ........... J" -- fo Fig. S. Frequency relationships for stationary radar with noise sidebands. which clutter noise sidebands exceed the receiver ther­ •. fo+ fo FREQUENCY FREQUENCY Fig. 4. TARGET - RECEIVER THERMAL NOISE LEVEL Clutter spectrum with noise. tion ratio, and FM sideband power increases as the square of the ratio. A typical 10 Gc/s requirement of 100 cis linewidth and noise sidebands down 80 dB in the Doppler region would require that a 100 "\;lc/s crys­ tal oscillator have 1 cis linew'idth and FM sidebands down 120 dB. These stringent requirements are also placed on spurious outputs due to varactor multiplier instabilities. "\;lodulation due to AM is ordinarily sup­ pressed in multiplication, so the FM requirement pre­ dominates except in special systems such as a homodyne altimeter. Short-term instabilities in the oscillator are related to the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the oscillator amplifier. For modulation rates higher than the oscil­ lator feedback loop bandwidth, an approximate calcula­ tion of signal-to-noise ratio can be made. If the signal level at the oscillator input is -10 dBm and the thermal noise level including a 4 dB noise figure is - 140 dBm/(kc/s), the best expected signal-to-noise ratio is 130 dB referred to 1 kc/s bandwidth far from the center frequency. In practice, this limit is not achieved, and noise level increases rapidly as the carrier is approached. The role of drive level in determining signal-to-noise ratio is fairly clear; the highest drive level consistent with long term stability requirements appears to give the best signal-to-noise ratio. The effect of noise en­ hancement by multiplication prompts the choice of a high oscillator frequency for a Doppler radar--this has generally been upheld in practice.4 Reduction of noise sidebands by narrow-band filtering is possible in a single-frequency application. Since linewidth and low-lying sidebands are impor­ tant to system operation, the effect of environment on these parameters is important. An airborne or missile­ borne system must provide the required stability while experiencing high vibration and acoustic levels. Not merely the average frequency, but the detail spectrum and small frequency deviations at rates up to hundreds of kilocycles per second are important during environ­ mental stress. A typical environment includes random vibration of 5 g's rms from 20 to 2000 cis and an overall sound pressure level of 130 dB above 0.0002 dynes/cm2 with energy up to 100 kc/s. • This calculation is independent of resonator Q. For m�dulatioll . rates of the order of the feedback loop bandWidth, the ?etalls <: f the noise spectrum are dependent upon resonator Q, which tYPically decreases as the inverse of the oscillator frequency. 1966 247 LEESON AND JOHNSON: SHORT-TERM STABILITY FOR A DOPPLER RADAR TABLE I quirement of a high mount resonant frequency with no CRYSTAL SPECIFICATIONS induced stress in the crystal blank. In theory, three short ideal ribbons will remove the six degrees of freedom of Crystal Specification No. 1004 the blank without any redundancies. In practice, two­ 1. Series resonant frequency fo = 90 to 100 Mcls 2. Electrical capacity Co = 3.S pF ± 10 percent employs three short ribbons which position the blank 3. Motional capacitance Cm=SXlO-4 pF±10 percent parallel to the base of a standard TO-5 can. The lowest 4. Mode number =S S. Crystal cut =AT 6. Series resistance R$�80 ohm 7. Frequency and series resistance of spuriolls responses -40 dB R,'/R, within ±1O kc/s wire mount. At the same time, aging characteristics are - 20 dB R,' IR, within ± so kc/s not degraded, and hard-mounting provides a satisfac­ 8. Thermal time constant T6�2 min. 9. Vibration sensitivity ribbon mounts also show promise. The BTL crystal resonant frequency of this assembly is well above 2000 cis. Experience with this type of crystal at Hughes Air­ craft Company shows a reduction of two orders of mag­ ilf/fo� 1. SX lO-s peak deviation un­ der stated vibration and shock en­ vironment 10. Thermal sensitivity ilf/10 � ± 1 X 10-" for range 79°F ± 18°F 11. Aging �..fIfo� ± 1 X 10-6 per year after ini­ temperature nitude in vibration sensitivity compared to the standard tory thermal time constant. Crystal specifications for a current system are shown in Table 1. MEASUREMENTS AND TECHNlQUES Short term stability requirements for a Doppler radar have been defined in terms of linewidth and spectrum. These parameters are measured under both quiescent tial aging and with storage -6SoF to +165°F and vibration environments. 12. ,\1ount Either 2- or 3-point ribbon mount with resonances of mount above 3 kc/s listed below: 13. Case TO-S transistor case 14. Case seal Cold-weld in vacuum, after complete cleaning and bake out. Seal will be leak tested. 15. Setting tolerances Typical measurement techniques In a typical solid-state microwave source, the crystal are 1) The two-oscillator comparison method employs two similar microwave sources and a mixer to translate the combined microwave spectrum of both to a convenient frequency for measurement. Vibration measurements are made by exposing one oscillator to vibration while isolating the other. Linewidth measurements have been made with a commercially QUARTZ CRYSTAL REQUIRE�ENTS and results available low-frequency discrim­ inator (Laboratory for Electronics Stalo Tester). Only the IF discriminator unit, which has a video bandwidth of 10 to 7000 cis, is used. A Collins is the element which is most sensitive to vibration. It 51J4 receiver or Hewlett-Packard HP-310A wave has been found empirically that a standard wire-mount analyzer is used as a low-frequency narrow-band crystal will not provide the required linewidth and spectrum analyzer. Block diagrams and typical spectrum under a typical airborne vibration environ­ test results are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The data ment. The reason for this is the sensitivity of the reso­ in Fig. 7 represent the envelope of the multiple nator to vibration at the internal mount resonant fre­ discrete line spectrum resulting from vibration at quencies. a single frequency. Because of other system requirements, attempts to 2) A micrOl'iave frequency discriminator employing a reduce vibration sensitivity must not degrade <I.ging or transmission cavity is used for microwave spec­ temperature characteristics. This rules out presently trum measurements. This equipment gives the available "ruggedized" or stiffly mounted crystals in the same spectrum information as commercially avail­ standard configuration. Aging or temperature perfor­ able test sets without resorting to a critical carrier­ mance of these devices is sacrificed to move the mount nulling scheme [3]. Typical solid-state local oscil­ resonance above the critical vibration region of 20 to lator sources do not generally have sufficient out­ 2000 cis. put power to employ carrier nulling to advantage. Attention has been turned to vibration isolation of A particular advantage is that no reference oscil­ standard crystal units. The improvement afforded by lator is required in this system. The phase vs. fre­ isolation is accompanied by an increase in thermal time quency characteristic of the microwave cavity is constant of the isolator-crystal system. This results in used to convert frequency variations to phase varia­ degraded alert times in systems requiring temperature tions. The phase detector compares cavity input stabilization before operating. The use of a ribbon mount as developed by Bell Tele­ phone Laboratories (BTL) appears to satisfy the re- and output phases to give a voltage proportional to frequency deviation. Typical data and a block diagram are shown in Fig. 8. PROCEEDI :\GS OF THE IEEE 248 20 X-BAND LlNEWIDTH (2M) CRYSTAL TYPE RANDOM VIBRATION, (5q's RMS) QUIESCENT 50 CIS He-IS He-IS WITH ISOLATOR TO-5 CIS CIS 50 50 Fig_ 6. 2400 300 70 CIS -2 0 cIS CIS W z -10 1\ II , , , \ - 80 MEASURED !z � � wz �� �� ;,: '" 9- 0,-, -20 KC/S FROM CENTER FREQUENCY VIBRATION WITHOUT I , ,/ I I -30 -60 I, / -40 � Fig. 8. ISOLATOR SINUSOIDAL VIBRATION -50 ./"/ -' // /' " 1\ " I \ / "-' Spectrum measurement with microwave bridge. 6 2x10Z 0 " ",!;i <to:: W<D I ./ ....... ....... � -70 �______�__-L�-L�-L__�__ ____L-__L-� -20 -100 -80 -60 -40 20 o 60 80 40 100 KC/S FROM CENTER FREQUENCY Fig. 7. \ -100 L.._--'-_�______-'--_-"-_-'-_--'-__L____' 20 40 60 100 -100 -80 - 60 -40 -20 0 80 VIBRATION WITH ,-x " I-----'---� ISOLATOR I w;­ '-'0 <D o ,/1 -60 Two-oscillator linewidth measurement. HC-18 CRYSTAL --- I I '" I, QUIESCENT SPECTRUM ::J 0:: W • ESTIMATED -40 <D o o SPECTRUM OF CRYSTAL-CONTROLLED MICROWAVE SOU RCE o (1.5 O>...J r<l<t -6 BFO OUTPUT '10 OPERATE IxlO SHAKE-TABLE �§ -CJ) _--.., <l::> Z in Two-oscillator spectrum measurement. 0 500 test equipment consists of two similar oscillators phase-locked in a narrow-loop bandvvidth. The phase detector output is a measure of phase devia­ tions at rates higher than the loop bandwidth. This system has been used to obtain vibration in­ formation directly at the oscillator frequency with­ out requiring the rest of the system. A block dia­ gram and typical data appear in Fig. 9. Some techniques presently used to achieve short term stability under environment have been derived from considerations reviewed in this paper. These are sum­ marized here: 1) Use is made of the highest oscillator frequency and drive level consistent with other system require­ ments. 2) Foamed construction is used in all RF circuitry. 3) Crystal vibration isolators are necessary with pres­ ent crystals; replacement vvith ribbon-mount TO-S crystals is desirable. COKCLCSION Short-term frequency stability is a major problem in a Doppler radar. Because of their effect on range and resolution, linewidth and spectral purity are the param­ eters used to characterize short term stability for a Doppler radar. 1500 VIBRATION FREQUENCY, 3) Measurements have been made at the oscillator frequency with a phase-locked discriminator. The 1000 Fig. 9. 2000 cIs Phase-locked discriminator measurement of crystal vibration sensitivity. '\leasurements of linewidth and spectrum under quiescent and environmental conditions point to the need for increased understanding of oscillator short-term instabilities and for improved components such as the BTL TO-S crystals. Short-term frequency stability is one of the factors limiting the capabilities of present-day radars. This problem \\·ill become even more severe in the future as greater radar range and resolution are required. ACKNOWLEDG:-'IENT The authors are pleased to acknowledge the contribu­ tions, direct and indirect, of G. O. D'Nelly, E. V. Phillips, and W. W. Maguire of Hughes Aircraft Com­ pany, and suggestions by J. A. iVI ullen of Raytheon Co. and D_ 1- Healey III of Westinghouse Electric Corp. REFERENCES [1] :\1. I. Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems. ,\,lew York: McGraw­ Hill, 1962. [2] L. P. Goetz and W. A. Skillman, "Master oscillator requirements for coherent radar sets," 1964 Proc. Symp. on the Definition and ?vleasurement of Short-Term Frequency Stability. [3] A. T. \Vhitwell and :-I. \\"illiams, "1'\ new microwave technique for determining noise spectra at frequencies dose to carrier," Microwave I, pp. 27-32, !'>ovember 1959. [4] \\'. \V. ?vlaguire, "Application of pulsed Doppler radar to airborne radar Systems," 1958 Proc. Nail. Conj. on Aeronaut. Electronics, Dayton, Ohio, pp. 291-295.