Methods used for calculation at Keevil Church of England Primary School This document is organised according to age related expectation, however it may be necessary for teachers to consult with lower year groups for children in order to meet their needs at the stage these children are working at. Whilst the New Curriculum for September 2014 does not feature Using and Applying, wherever possible, it is important for teachers to create real life contexts for learning in maths. As part of a child’s learning in calculation, they need to be taught how to select the best method according to the numbers. The hierarchy of thinking should be: Can I do it in my head ? Can I use some jottings? Should I use a written method? Addition Reception Subtraction Key Skills for addition in Reception I can recognise numbers up to 20 I can say 1 more for numbers up to 20. I can add numbers up to 10. I can count on from a number to 10 Key Skills for subtraction in Reception I can recognise numbers up to 20 I can say 1 less for numbers up to 20. I can subtract numbers up to 10. I can count back from a number to 10 Methods used: Practical resources including fingers, objects, songs, games and number lines are used to support calculation Methods used: Practical resources including fingers, objects, songs, games and number lines are used to support calculation Multiplication Key Skills for multiplication in Reception I can double numbers to 5 Methods used: Practical resources including fingers, objects, songs and games are used to support calculation Division Key Skills for division in Reception I can solve problems involving sharing or halving. Methods used: Practical resources including fingers, objects, songs and games are used to support calculations. Methods used for calculation at Keevil Church of England Primary School Addition Year 1 Key Skills for addition in Year 1 I can say 1 more for numbers up to 100. I know and can use number bonds up to 20. I can add numbers in my head up to 20. Methods used: The children begin to use more mathematical support for their calculations in the form of : hundred squares, number lines, Dienes apparatus, multi-link cubes and bead strings. Addition Year 2 Subtraction Key Skills for subtraction in Year 1 I can say less for numbers up to 100. I can subtract numbers in my head up to 20 I can write number sentences for subtraction sums. Multiplication Key Skills for multiplication in Year 1 I can count in 2s, 5s and 10s. I can double numbers to 10. I can use objects to help me solve multiplication grouping beyond 20. I can use arrays solve multiplication problems. Methods used: The children begin to use more mathematical support for their calculations in the form of : hundred squares, number lines, Dienes apparatus, multi-link cubes and bead strings. Methods used: Objects and visuals continue to be used whilst introducing the use of arrays and counting in 2s, 5s, 10s Subtraction Multiplication Key Skills for addition in Year 2 Key Skills for subtraction in Year 2 I can use my knowledge of number I can find 10 less than a given 3-digit bonds to find related facts for numbers number. to 100. I can subtract 2 2-digit numbers and 3 I can find 10 more than a given 3-digit 1-digit numbers in my head. number. I can show using sums that subtraction I can add 2 2-digit numbers and 3 1-digit sums cannot be done in any order. numbers in my head. I can use addition and subtraction as I can show using sums that adding can opposites to help me solve missing be done in any order, but subtract number problems cannot I know that ‘difference’ means subtract I can use addition and subtraction as I can check the answers to subtraction opposites to help me solve missing sums by using a related addition sum. number problems I can use partitioning to help me add 2 Methods used: 2-digit numbers. Children will continue to use a number line although they may make jumps in numbers Methods used: other than 1. They will also continue to use the Children will continue to use numbered 100 square and a range of apparatus. number lines. By the end of Y2, children will use ‘empty number lines’ themselves starting with the larger number and counting on. First counting on in tens and ones. The children will also begin to partition Arrow cards are also used to improve awareness of place value. Division Key Skills for division in Year 1 I can use objects to help me solve division through sharing beyond 20. I can use arrays and grouping to solve multiplication and division I can use grouping to solve division problems. I can recognise shapes divided into 2 equal pieces as halves. Methods used: The children will continue to work with objects and visuals to support them with grouping. Division Key Skills for multiplication in Year 2 I can count forwards and backwards in 10s from a given 2-digit number. I can count forwards in 3s. I know that times and lots of means multiplication. I can write number sentences for multiplication sums including ones with missing numbers. I can show using sums that multiplying can be done I can write all associated multiplication facts for 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Key Skills for division in Year 2 I know that grouping and sharing means division. I can write number sentences for division sums including ones with missing numbers. I can show using sums that division sums must be done in the correct order. I can work out division facts for 2x, 5x, 10x tables I can write all associated division facts for 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Methods used: Methods used: The children will begin to work with number sentences recalling division facts for 2x, 5x, 10x Number sentence work is introduced and the children will begin to count in 3s Methods used for calculation at Keevil Church of England Primary School Addition Year 3 Key Skills for addition in Year 3 I can find 100 more than a 4-digit number. I can mentally add units, tens or hundreds number from a 3-digit number I can use different strategies to add 2 3digit numbers. I can check answers to addition sums by using rounding. Methods used: Partitioning is the main method used. Addition Year 4 Key Skills for addition in Year 4 I can find 1000 more than any given number I can use addition and subtraction as opposites to reverse what I have done. I can mentally add 3- and 4-digit numbers. I can add 4-digit numbers using column methods. I can use estimating to check my answers to addition sums. Methods used: The children continue to use partitioning . This then develops into extended partitioning and then column method Subtraction Multiplication Key Skills for addition in Year 3 Key Skills for multiplication in Year 3 I can mentally subtract units, tens or I can count forwards in 8s and 50s hundreds number from a 3-digit I can solve a problem using numbers number and facts that I know, involving I can use different strategies to subtract addition, subtraction, multiplication, 2 3-digit numbers. division and fractions. I can check answers to subtraction I can use my understanding of sums by using rounding. multiplication being able to be done in Methods used: any order, to help me find all related The children will use a number line to find the facts. difference between numbers. I can use the grid method to help me multiply 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. Methods used: The children will be introduced to the grid method to enable them to work with larger numbers. They will also be applying their knowledge by solving word problems. Division Key Skills for division in Year 3 I can solve a problem using numbers and facts that I know, involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions. I can recall division facts for 3x, 4x and 8x tables I can use bus stop method to divide numbers more than 10x the divisor Methods used: The children will develop written methods for division to develop skills. using ‘Bus Stop Method’ short division. Subtraction Multiplication Division Key Skills for subtraction in Year 4 I can find 1000 less than any given number I can use addition and subtraction as opposites to reverse what I have done I can mentally subtract 3- and 4-digit numbers I can subtract 4-digit numbers using column methods. I can use estimating to check my answers to subtraction sums Methods used: There is a continued use of the number line to find the difference between numbers but the children will begin to move to using the formal column method with borrowing. Key Skills for multiplication in Year 4 I can count forwards in 9s and 25s. I can solve a problem using numbers and facts that I know, including 2-step problems with larger numbers, involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions and decimals (to 2 decimal places). I can use my understanding of place value to multiply by multiples of 10. I can use the grid method to multiply 2and 3-digit numbers. I can use column method to multiply 1 and 3 digit numbers Methods used: The children will continue to use the grid method to work with larger numbers and simple column method will be introduced. The children will also work with multiplying multiples of 10. Application of skills will be done through 2 step problem solving. Key Skills for division in Year 4 I can solve a problem using numbers and facts that I know, including 2-step problems with larger numbers, involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions and decimals (to 2 decimal places). I can recall division facts for all tables up to 12 x 12 I can use ‘Bus Stop Method’ to divide 3 digits by 1 digit including where answers have a remainder. I can divide numbers by 100 giving answers as decimals. Methods used: The children will be asked to recall division facts to 12 x 12 and continue to develop skills. using ‘Bus Stop Method’ short division will be continued. Methods used for calculation at Keevil Church of England Primary School Addition Year 5 Key Skills for addition in Year 5 I can add 5-digit numbers using column methods. I can add numbers with a different number of decimal places. I can add fractions with different denominators which are multiples of the same number. I can mentally add larger numbers where one number is a multiple of 10. Methods used: Formal column method with carrying Addition Year 6 Key Skills for addition in Year 6 I can add 6 digit numbers using column methods. I can add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators. Methods used: Formal column method with carrying Subtraction Multiplication Division Key Skills for subtraction in Year 5 I can mentally subtract larger numbers where one number is a multiple of 10. I can subtract 5-digit numbers using column methods. I can subtract fractions with different denominators which are multiples of the same number. I can subtract numbers with a different number of decimal places. Methods used: Formal column method with borrowing. Key Skills for multiplication in Year 5 I can work out if a number is a multiple of any number. I can multiply numbers including decimals by 1000. I can use the long multiplication method to multiply 4-digit numbers by 1- and 2-digit numbers. I can use times table knowledge to identify common factors to simplify fractions and find equivalents. I can multiply fractions and mixed numbers by a whole number Methods used: The children will be finding square and cube numbers, multiplying decimals by 10 and using formal column method for long multiplication. They will also use inverse operations to check answers. Key Skills for division in Year 5 I can divide numbers including decimals by 1000. I can use the short division method to divide 4-digit numbers, knowing what to do with the remainder depending on the context. I can divide 1- and 2-digit numbers by 1000 giving answers as decimals, and explaining the value of each digit in these. Methods used: There will be a continued development of short division and the children will be dividing numbers by 1000 Subtraction Multiplication Division Key Skills for subtraction in Year 6 I can work out the difference between negative and positive numbers. I can find differences between negative numbers. I can subtract 6-digit numbers using column methods. I can subtract fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators. Methods used: Formal column method with borrowing. Key Skills for multiplication in Year 6 I can multiply 1-digit numbers with 2 decimal places by 2-digit numbers. . I can use multiplication to change the denomination of a fraction. I can multiply simple pairs of fractions. I can use the long multiplication method to multiply 5-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. I can use my understanding of multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 in different contexts such as measurements. Methods used: Long multiplication will develop to working with 5 digit by 2 digit numbers and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 in relation to measurement. Key Skills for division in Year 6 I can use the long division method to divide numbers, turning a remainder into a decimal. I can divide fractions by a whole number I can use the long division method to divide a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. I can use my understanding of dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 in different contexts such as measurements. Methods used: The children will be dividing numbers by 1000 and 10,000. Long division is introduced. Overview of Methods used for the 4 Operations in Maths Methods used for calculation at Keevil Church of England Primary School Addition Partitioning AS the children progress from using practical methods of addition they begin to use written methods to add. This begins with partitioning. Partitioning allows the children to use their knowledge of place value to add larger numbers. Subtraction Multiplication Using a number line As with addition the methods used are a progression. Initially the children will use numbered number lines to move in 1s until they reach the required number. Using arrays Arrays allow the children to begin to use objects and images to multiply The children will then begin to count back in 1s and 10s As their confidence and understanding increases the children move onto number sentences involving multiplication without using the arrays. Grid Method The next step is extended partitioning. This introduces the children to working in a column but still requires the children to add units, tens, hundreds etc. The grid method uses partitioning to help the children work with larger numbers. Division Grouping The introduction to division will take the form of grouping/sharing. As their confidence and understanding increases the children move onto number sentences involving division without grouping. Short/ Long division The children then move onto using formal methods of division. Beginning with short division and finally long division. The next stage is to continue using the number line to find the difference between to numbers. When working with larger numbers children find it easier to count forward. . Column method Finally the children begin to work with the formal column method including carrying Column method Finally the children begin to use the formal column method with borrowing. The children then move onto formal column methods of multiplication.