Large Static Converters for Industry and Utility Applications HIROFUMI AKAGI, FELLOW, IEEE Invited Paper The emergence of high-power semiconductor devices such as insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) or injection-enhanced gate transistors (IEGTs) and gate-commutated turn-off (GCT) thyristors or integrated gate-commutated thyristors (IGCTs) enables large static converters to expand into utility and industry applications. For instance, a 680-kV 50-MW HVDC transmission system based on a string of many IGBTs connected in series was commissioned in 1999. This paper describes the present status of large static converters, with focus on their applications to utility and industry. It also describes their future prospects and directions in the 21st century, including the personal views and expectations of the author. Keywords—Power electronics, power semiconductor devices, static power converters. I. INTRODUCTION Since the late 1950s, power electronics has been developing by leaps and bounds without saturation into the key technology essential to modern society and human life, as well as to electrical engineering. With the help of microcomputers and digital signal processors (DSPs) brought by microelectronics technology, the following great leaps have been made in large static converters and its utility/industry applications in the past ten years: • installation of an 80-MVA static var generator (SVG) or STATic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM) using gate turn-off (GTO) thyristors rated at 4.5 kV and 2.5 kA for improvement of power system stability in 1991 [1]; • commercial operation of a 400-MW adjustable speed generator/motor controlled by a 72-MVA line-commutated three-phase 12-pulse cycloconverter for pumped hydroelectric storage in 1993 [2]; Manuscript received August 24, 2000; revised December 18, 2000. The author yis with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8554, Japan (e-mail: Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(01)04112-3. • commission of a 160-MVA unified power flow controller (UPFC) using GTO thyristors rated at 4.5 kV and 4 kA in 1998 [3], [4]; • commission of a 80-kV 50-MW HVDC transmission system based on series connection of many insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) in 1999 [5]; • development of an 8-MVA three-level voltage-source pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier/inverter system using 24 injection-enhanced gate transistors (IEGTs) rated at 4.5 kV and 4 kA (maximum turn-off current) for steel mill drives in 2000 [6]; • commission of a 250-kV 1.4-GW HVDC transmission system using 1920 light-triggered thyristors (LTTs) rated at 8 kV and 3.5 kA (average current) in 2000 [7]. Generally, developments in power electronics yield needs of power electronics, so that the needs induce the developments in turn, as if to constitute a positive feedback system [8]. For instance, such a positive feedback effect promotes a feasible study of the world’s largest self-commutated back-to-back (BTB) system in a range of 800 MW to 1.5 GW in Japan. The BTB system is intended for asynchronous link and/or frequency change between two adjacent power systems with the same or different line frequency [11], [12]. Human beings have made a successful voyage from “Mercury” to the “silicon compound planet,” thus reaching and forming the power electronics world. As a result, power electronics technology has brought high performance, high efficiency, energy savings, high reliability, maintenance-free operation and compactness to all electrical and electronic equipment. Power semiconductor devices based on silicon carbide (SiC) will emerge from the “silicon compound planet” in the beginning of the 21st century. Silicon-carbide devices are expected to have the following advantages over silicon devices; low switching and conduction losses, especially in high-voltage large static converters, and high-temperature operation of 400 –500 . Hence, silicon-carbide devices playing an essential role in reducing 0018–9219/01$10.00 ©2001 IEEE 976 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 89, NO. 6, JUNE 2001 Table 1 Comparison in Converter Capacity per Power Semiconductor Device among a Light-Triggered Thyristor (LTT), a Gate-Commutated Turn-Off (GCT) Thyristor, and an Injection-Enhanced Gate Transistor (IEGT) losses in power conversion systems will make large static converters much more compact and efficient in the 21st century. II. POWER DEVICES AND LARGE STATIC CONVERTERS The development of large static converters depends strongly on both power semiconductor devices and utility/industry applications. Table 1 summarizes high-power semiconductor devices that are now on the market, with focus on their ratings and converter capacity per power semiconductor device [7], [9], [10]. Note that the GCT thyristor is considered as an advanced GTO thyristor, while the IEGT is regarded as an advanced IGBT in terms of device structure. Both LTT and GCT thyristor in Table 1 are fabricated on a silicon wafer with a 6-in diameter, although the GCT thyristor with turn-off capability is lower than the LTT in terms of converter capacity per device. Note that converter capacity per device depends on the applications of the high-power converters using these devices. For example, extremely high reliability is required for HVDC transmission systems with a dc link voltage as high as 250 kV. This results in a margin or redundancy of power devices, so that the converter capacity per device is reduced somewhat, compared to that in medium-power converters without series connection of power devices. Fig. 1 Circuit configuration of the transmission system. 6500-kV 2.8-GW HVDC Table 2 Specifications of the HVDC System III. HVDC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS A. A 2.8-GW HVDC System Using LTTs Fig. 1 shows a 2.8-GW HVDC transmission system using light-triggered thyristors (LTTs) rated at 8 kV and 3.5 kA. Each thyristor valve consists of a string of 40 LTTs. The first stage of 1.4 GW was commissioned on June 22, 2000. Table 2 summarizes the specifications of the HVDC system in the first and second stages. The total number of thyristors used in two converter stations is 1920 on the first stage [7]. The HVDC system can control a bidirectional power flow of 1.4 GW through a 51-km-long submarine transmission cable and a 51-km-long overhead transmission line between the islands of Shikoku and Honshu in Japan. The HVDC system has a plan of increasing the power rating to 2.8 GW at the final stage. A main reason for introducing the HVDC system into such a short-distance power transmission system is that the 51-km-long submarine cable would impose restrictions on the sending power capacity in an HVAC system because a large amount of leading current would flow through nonnegligible parasitic capacitors in the submarine cable. The HVDC system realizes the so-called “asynchronous link” between the two grids facing each other over the Kii-Channel in the west of Japan. Another reason is not to constitute any loop with an existing 500-kV ac transmission line. B. A 50-MW HVDC System Using IGBTs An HVDC system based on voltage-source PWM converters consisting of series-connected IGBTs is suitable for AKAGI: LARGE STATIC CONVERTERS FOR INDUSTRY AND UTILITY APPLICATIONS 977 Fig. 2 The 50-MW HVDC system using IGBTs. a power range of 1–100 MW and for a dc voltage range of 10–100 kV. This system may be referred to as “HVDC light” by ABB Sweden. The world’s first HVDC transmission system using IGBTs started commercial operation on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea in 1999 [5]. The dc transmission power and voltage are rated at 50 MW and 80 kV, while the converter rating is 65 MVA. Fig. 2 shows the system configuration of the HVDC system, in which six IGBT valves form a three-phase voltage-source PWM inverter. Each valve comprises many IGBTs connected in series, so that it can withstand a dc link voltage as high as 160 kV. Such an IGBT-based HVDC transmission system makes it economical and feasible to connect small-scale renewable power generators to a utility grid of 70 kV. IV. BTB SYSTEMS A. A 100-MVA BTB Intertie Using IGCTs In September 1996, a 100-MVA BTB intertie with a dc link voltage of 10 kV was commissioned as a frequency changer between a three-phase grid of 50 Hz and a single-phase 16 2/3-Hz railway grid in Germany. Fig. 3 shows a simplified power circuit configuration of the BTB system, eliminating auxiliary circuits such as harmonic power filters and shunt inductors at the 50-Hz grid, and protection circuits from the actual power circuit [14]. This system is characterized by: • the use of integrated gate commutated thyristors (IGCTs) rated at 4.5 kV and 3.5 kA; • a string of six IGCTs connected in series for the purpose of withstanding a 10-kV dc link voltage; • a low-inductance high-power IGCT inverter system without fuses. The multilevel concept using 12 single-phase transformers performs filterless operation at the 16 2/3-Hz grid, because the ac terminal voltage is a 25-step waveform. B. An 800-MW BTB System Using GCT Thyristors Fig. 4 shows a feasible circuit configuration of a parallel-redundant 800-MW BTB system for asynchronous link and/or frequency change between two utility grids with the same or different line frequency [12]. The BTB system is different from an HVDC transmission system in terms of dc link voltage and dc link cable/line length. The BTB system consists of eight BTB units numbered 1–8, which are connected in parallel between the two utility grids via two step-down transformers with a voltage rating 978 Fig. 3 The 100-MW BTB system using IGCTs. Fig. 4 The parallel-redundant 800-MW BTB system. of 500 kV/33 kV. Each BTB unit, rated at 100 MW, consists of two sets of 16 three-phase inverter cells, two sets of 16 three-phase transformers, and a common dc capacitor. Each inverter cell rated at 6.25 MW consists of six gate-commutated turn-off (GCT) thyristors and diodes, forming a voltage-source inverter. The primary terminals of each transformer are connected in series with each other. This results in a significant reduction of voltage/current harmonics, even though the switching frequency of the GCT thyristors is equal to the line frequency. The GCT thyristor fabricated on a silicon wafer with a 6-in diameter is rated at 6 kV and 6 kA (maximum turn-off current), and, therefore, the dc link voltage across the common dc capacitor is designed to be 3 kV [11]. This makes insulation, isolation, and protection much easier than a dc link voltage as high as, or higher than, 250 kV in a conventional HVDC transmission system. The total number of the GCT thyristors used in the 800-MW . BTB system reaches V. UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONTROLLERS The installation of a unified power flow controller (UPFC) has been completed and a series of commissioning tests has been conducted at the Inez Substation of American Electric Power (AEP) in eastern Kentucky. This installation of a UPFC consisting of two 160-MVA voltage-source GTO thyristor-based inverters is the first large-scale practical demonstration of the UPFC concept, and its completion is a significant milestone on the progress of power electronics technology for flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS). The main reason for putting the UPFC into practical use is the critical need to increase power transfer capability and provide voltage support in the Inez area. Fig. 5 shows a one-line diagram of the 160-MVA UPFC that was installed at Inez in 1998. Each inverter is of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 89, NO. 6, JUNE 2001 Fig. 5 Inez. One-line diagram of the 160-MVA UPFC installation at Fig. 7 System configuration. VI. FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM A 200-MJ/20-MW flywheel energy storage system has been installed in the vicinity of an arc furnace, and was commissioned in August 1996 at the Chujowan substation of the Okinawa Electric Power Company in Japan [21]. Fig. 6 shows a cutaway view of a generator-motor equipped with a flywheel. This is not a trial application but is in commercial use for frequency regulation on a 132-kV bus. A. System Configuration Fig. 6 Cutaway view. so-called three-level type, comprising multiple “pole” structures, each carrying four GTO-thyristor valves. Each valve in turn comprises a string of eight or nine 4.5-kV 3-kA GTOthyristors connected in series, where the dc link voltage is 24 kV. The UPFC has the ability to independently control the active and reactive power flows on a 138-kV transmission line, as well as to regulate the local bus voltage [3], [4]. Fig. 7 shows the circuit configuration of the 200-MJ/20-MW energy storage system. It consists of a 26.5-MVA doubly fed generator-motor coupled with a flywheel of 74 000 kg with a 4-m diameter, a three-phase 12-pulse line-commutated cycloconverter, an excitation transformer, and a controller. Table 3 summarizes the system ratings. This flywheel energy storage system could be referred to as ROTES (ROTary energy storage) [21]. This newly developed generator-motor has a three-phase distributed wound rotor of 50 000 kg, equipped with collector rings. The rotor windings of the 12-pole generator-motor are excited with three-phase low-frequency ac currents, which are supplied via the collector rings by a 6.55-MVA cycloconverter using light-triggered thyristors. The stator terminals rated at 6.6 kV are connected to the 66-kV utility grid through a step-up transformer. The output frequency of the cycloconverter is controlled within 0.25–9.0 Hz, and the line frequency is 60 Hz. This enables the cycloconverter to operate in a circulating current-free mode. The generator-motor with a synchronous speed of 600 rpm is adjusted in a speed range from 15% (510 rpm) to 15% (690 rpm). AKAGI: LARGE STATIC CONVERTERS FOR INDUSTRY AND UTILITY APPLICATIONS 979 ventional constant-speed generator system at the Ohkawachi pumped hydroelectric storage plant, owned and operated by the Kansai Electric Power Company of Japan [2]. The field windings of a 20-pole generator rated at 400 MW are excited with three-phase low-frequency ac currents, which are supplied via slip rings by a 72-MVA three-phase 12-pulse linecommutated cycloconverter. The armature terminals, rated at 18 kV, are connected to a 500-kV utility grid through a step-up transformer. The output frequency of the cycloconverter is controlled within 5 Hz, and the line frequency is 60 Hz. This enables the cycloconverter to operate in a circulating current-free mode in the adjustable speed system, which has a synchronous speed of 360 rpm with a speed range from 8.3% (330 rpm) to 8.3% (390 rpm). Speed control provides the capability to control the input active power in a range of 80 MW in pump mode. The 400-MW adjustable-speed system has the following potential advantages over the conventional constant-speed system: Table 3 System Ratings The electric energy is stored as the rotating kinetic energy in the rotor and flywheel of the steel structure. Adjusting the rotor speed makes the generator-motor either release the energy to the power system or absorb it from the power system. The 26.5-MVA generator-motor coupled with the flywheel has a thrust bearing capable of withstanding its adjustable-speed operation. Note that the flywheel effect of 710 t-m in Table 3 includes the rotor inertia. B. Dynamic Performance The 200-MJ/20-MW flywheel energy storage system is the world’s first commercial operation of such a large-capacity flywheel energy storage system. The dynamic performance of the energy storage system has been confirmed by actual measurements. When the ROTES was disconnected from the 66-kV bus, frequency fluctuation over 0.4 Hz often appeared in the line frequency, resulting from sudden and frequent load changes as large as 30 MW in a dc arc furnace. When the ROTES was connected, the frequency fluctuation was suppressed to within 0.3 Hz, thus meeting the goal of installation. The ROTES has been operating properly for more than four years, showing great promise as a FACTS device which has the capability of repetitively releasing or absorbing electric power with a response time as fast as less than 100 ms. VII. ADJUSTABLE-SPEED GENERATOR SYSTEMS PUMPED HYDROELECTRIC STORAGE PLANTS FOR The total capacity of pumped hydroelectric storage plants is 14 GW in the United States, while it is 24 GW in Japan. Recent progress in power electronic technology has made it possible to achieve adjustable-speed operation of 300–400-MW generators in pumped hydroelectric storage plants. A. A Line-Commutated Cycloconverter-Based System In December 1993, a 400-MW adjustable-speed generator system was commissioned along with a 400-MW con980 • high-speed active-power control can be achieved by the combination of the cycloconverter and the inertia effect of rotating parts. For instance, the actual input active power follows its reference with the ramp response spending 20 s from 256 MW to 400 MW in pump mode. This makes a significant contribution to improvement of frequency control, especially in pump mode at night; • the total operational efficiency of the system increases by 3%; • the stability of the adjustable-speed system under line fault and reclosing conditions is far superior to that of the conventional constant-speed system. B. A GTO Rectifier/Inverter-Based System In June 1996, an adjustable-speed generator system rated at 300 MW was commissioned at the Okukuyotu II pumped hydroelectric storage plant, owned and operated by the Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. in Japan [22]. A voltagesource PWM rectifier/inverter using GTO thyristors rated at 4.5 kV and 3 kA is connected between the stator and rotor winding terminals of the generator, instead of a line-commutated cycloconverter. The GTO thyristor-based rectifier/inverter system is rated at 40 MVA. Each of four three-phase rectifiers is composed of three single-phase H-bridge voltage-source rectifiers. One pair of three-phase rectifiers is connected to one excitation transformer, and the other pair of three-phase rectifiers is connected to the other excitation transformer. Thus the three-phase rectifier system has positive and negative terminals and a neutral terminal on the dc side. Each of three three-phase voltage-source inverters connected in parallel through ac reactors is a three-level voltage-source PWM inverter. This forms the 40-MVA inverter system, the ac terminals of which are connected to the rotor terminals via three slip rings without transformers. The switching frequency of the GTO thyristors is 500 Hz [22]. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 89, NO. 6, JUNE 2001 Fig. 8 The 48-MVA shunt active filter installed for power conditioning in the Shintakatsuki substation. VIII. ACTIVE FILTERS FOR POWER CONDITIONING A. The State of the Art of Active Filters Practical applications of shunt active filters are expanding not only into industry and electric power utilities but also into office buildings, hospitals, water supply utilities and rolling stock. At present, voltage-source PWM inverters using IGBT modules are usually employed as the power circuits of active filters in a range from 10 kVA to 2 MVA, and dc capacitors are used as the energy storage components. Since a combined system of a series active filter and a shunt passive filter was proposed in 1988 [16], a great deal of research has been done on hybrid active filters and their practical applications. The reason is that hybrid active filters are attractive from both practical and economical points of view, in particular, for high-power applications. A hybrid active filter for harmonic damping has been installed at the Yamanashi test line for high-speed magnet-levitation trains [17]. The hybrid filter consists of a combination of a 5-MVA series active filter and a 25-MVA shunt passive filter. The series active filter makes a great contribution to damping of harmonic resonance between a supply inductance and the shunt passive filter. B. A 48-MVA Shunt Active Filter Fig. 8 shows a power system delivering electric power to the Japanese “bullet trains” on the Tokaido Shinkansen. Three shunt active filters for compensation of fluctuating reactive current/negative-sequence current have been installed in the Shintakatsuki substation by the Central Japan Railway Company [18]. The shunt active filters consist of voltage-fed PWM inverters using GTO thyristors, each of which is rated at 16 MVA. A high-speed train with maximum output power of 12 MW draws imbalanced varying active and reactive powers from the Scott transformer, the primary of which is connected to the 154-kV utility grid. More than 20 highspeed trains pass per hour during the daytime. This causes voltage impact drop, variation and imbalance at the terminals of the 154-kV utility system, accompanied by a serious deterioration in the power quality of other consumers connected to the same power system. The purpose of the shunt active filters with a total rating of 48 MVA is to compensate for voltage impact drop, voltage variation, and imbalance at the terminals of the 154-kV power system, and to improve the power quality. The concept of the instantaneous power theory or the so-called “p-q theory” [19] in the time-domain, has been applied to the control strategy for the shunt active filter. Fig. 9 shows voltage waveforms on the 154-kV bus and the voltage imbalance factor before and after compensation, measured at 14:20–14:30 on July 27, 1994. The shunt active filters are effective not only in compensating for the voltage impact drop and variation, but also in reducing the voltage imbalance factor from 3.6% to 1%. Here, the voltage imbal- AKAGI: LARGE STATIC CONVERTERS FOR INDUSTRY AND UTILITY APPLICATIONS 981 Fig. 9 Compensation effect on the impact drop, variation, and imbalance of voltage. Fig. 10 The 8-MVA IEGT-based rectifier/inverter circuit. Fig. 11 Detailed circuit configuration per leg. ance factor is the ratio of the negative to positive-sequence component in the three-phase voltages on the 154-kV bus. At present, several shunt active filters in a range of 40 MVA to 60 MVA have been installed in substations along the Tokaido Shinkansen [20]. IX. STEEL MILL DRIVES The steel industry around the world has been actively introducing new technologies in power electronics and motor drives since the beginning of the 1960s. Fig. 10 shows a newly developed three-level voltagesource PWM rectifier/inverter 1 circuit using IEGTs rated at 1This kind of three-level voltage-source inverter was originally presented in [13], where it is referred to as a “neutral-point-clamped voltage-source inverter.” 982 4.5 kV and 4 kA. The 8-MVA rectifier/inverter system can drive a 3.3-kV ac motor, although the output power rating of the motor depends on the overload capacity required to a steel mill motor. Fig. 11 shows a detailed circuit configuration per leg in Fig. 10. In a conventional GTO thyristor-based system, a turn-on snubber consisting of an anode inductor was connected in series to each GTO thyristor in order to reduce of the anode current. In addition, a turn-off snubber consisting of a capacitor, a diode and a resistor was connected of the across each GTO thyristor in order to reduce anode-to-cathode voltage. In the IEGT-based system, neither turn-on nor turn-off snubber is required for each IEGT. However, each IEGT leg needs two simple and efficient clamp circuits that are connected as close as possible between the positive or negative bus and the neutral point. Table 4 summarizes the comparison between the GTO thyristor and IEGT-based systems. The IEGT-based system is superior in efficiency by 2% to the GTO thyristor-based system. This implies that the total loss in the IEGT-based system is reduced by 160 kW [6]. Hence, the IEGT-based system not only leads to energy savings, but also makes the system more reliable and compact. X. CONCLUSION This paper has presented the state of the art of large static converters in the world, with emphasis on their practical applications to utility and industry. Human beings would like PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 89, NO. 6, JUNE 2001 Table 4 Comparison between the GTO Thyristor-Based and the IEGT-Based Rectifier/Inverter System Rated at 8 MVA for Steel Mill Drives to expect a soft landing from the “silicon compound planet” to the “silicon-carbide compound planet” in the 21st century. This will open a new world of power electronics being different in technology and performance from the power electronics world in the 20th century. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank S. Saito and H. Yamamoto of Toshiba Corporation, and R. Uchida and Dr. M. Koyama of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation for their helpful and valuable information. REFERENCES [1] S. Mori, K. 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In 1987, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for ten months. From 1991 to 1999, he was a Professor in the department of electrical engineering at Okayama University. From March to August of 1996, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and then the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since 2000, he has been a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests include ac motor drives, high-frequency resonant-inverters for induction heating and corona discharge treatment processes, and utility applications of power electronics such as active filters, self-commutated BTB systems, and FACTS devices. He has published about 120 peer-reviewed journal papers, including 44 IEEE Transactions papers. He holds nine patents. He has made presentations many times as a keynote or invited speaker internationally. He was invited as a keynote speaker to the 1995 European Power Electronics Conference (1995 EPE). Prof. Akagi has received nine IEEE prize paper awards, including the IEEE IAS Transactions prize paper award for 1991 and the IEEE PELS Transactions prize paper award for 1998. He was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE IAS and PELS for 1998–1999. He won the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award in 2001. AKAGI: LARGE STATIC CONVERTERS FOR INDUSTRY AND UTILITY APPLICATIONS 983