APPLICATION Important issues to consider when rating medium-voltage switchgear for fault duties by Dr. Ian Boake, DRPA Consulting The correct rating of switchgear for fault-currents is especially relevant now with increasing X/R ratios of supply networks and the real possibility of large generators (which are electrically close) being connected to such networks. The rating of switchgear for fault currents is important for two major reasons: Firstly, under-rating of circuit-breakers poses a serious risk of failure, for example excessive electromagnetic force effects greater than those for which the circuit breaker has been designed, type-tested and those guaranteed by the manufacturers. The higher DC-offsets which a breaker may experience in the field as a consequence of time constants exceeding 45 ms will result in greater arcing times in the breaker with a very real risk of vacuuminterrupter explosions (these time constants will be explained in greater detail later). The higher short-circuit making and breaking values,(see Fig. 6 to see the relative relationships of these fault parameters), from this higher dc-offset and ac fault current contributions due to machines may lead to the asymmetrical current peak factor, (APF) being as large as 3,02. The safety aspects of such a possible event are of paramount importance and the financial implications of the loss of supply from such an event are potentially very large. Secondly, if the switchgear is excessively over-rated this may result in excessive project capital costs. The so called “rules of thumb” employed until now should be carefully evaluated in light of: increasing use of local generation, the tendency toward low loss transformers, the increasing use of fault limiting reactors, t r a n s f o r m e r s w i t h h i g h s h o r t- c i r c u i t reactances,(on transmission networks) and higher conductor bundle arrangements on overhead lines (e.g. quad and twin conductors). make the asymmetrical breaking current higher if this DC-offset has a very high value. Take for example the breaking current at 60 ms in Fig.1, here the current still has a component at this time. Further to this, the latest IEC specification (IEC62271-100) to which switchgear should conform puts a greater onus on the purchaser’s applications engineer than ever before. This is particularly true in respect to asymmetrical breaking current and ‘making onto a fault’ current ratings. The duration of this DC-offset is a function of what is called the “system time constant”. The slower this current “eases-off”’, the higher the current will be when it is to be interrupted by the circuit-breaker. A measure of how slowly the current eases-off is called the system time-constant. The higher the time-constant the slower the current eases-off. The slower the current eases-off then the higher the portion of transient current that will be present at the point of current breaking of the circuit breaker. What is meant by “DC-offset”, “system time-constant” and “AC-decays” The DC-offset (also called the DC-decay) is simply seen in the waveform of Fig. 1. The blue curve is the DC-offset (also called the “transient part”) which is purely a result of magnetic fields in the supply network not being able to collapse immediately under fault conditions and are thus subject to a ‘gradually easing off” effect. The red curve is the steady-state current added to theDC-offset. The fault thus consists of two portions added together. This current is not symmetrical about the time axis until the DCoffset component is zero and is thus called an asymmetrical fault current. It is immediately obvious from this curve that the DC-offset can make the peak value during the first half-cycle higher. It could also In Fig. 2 it can be seen that a breaker applied in a network where the system time constant is 120 ms has a much harder job to break the fault current than a breaker applied in a network with a time constant of 45 ms. How is this system time constant calculated? Well for the circuit breakers doing service at your main intake substation, it is simply found by substitution of the X/R ratio (obtained from Eskom at your consumer substation) into the following expression: (1) For brevity the mathematical derivation of this system time constant is included at the end of this article. For any other point in your own network add all the reactances together (including Eskom’s) and divide it by the sum of all the resistances (including Eskom’s). This value divided by 314,159 (for 50Hz systems) gives the time constant in seconds. That takes care of the DC-offset and the system time constant. Fig. 1: Fault current with DC offset. energize - Jan/Feb 2008 - Page 72 Now for the AC-decay. This is purely as a result of more current being contributed to the fault by generators and motors. In Fig. 3 this additional current is added to that in Fig. 1 to give the waveform shown in Fig. 3. APPLICATION The asymmetrical peak factor (APF) τ4 = 120 ms τ3 = 75 ms τ2 = 80 ms This value is simply defined as the ratio of the peak value of the current divided by the root-mean-square (rms) value as given in Equation 2 τ1 = 45 ms Fig. 2: "Fig. 9 in IEC62271." Fig. 3: Fault current with DC and AC decay. It isn’t obvious without closely comparing Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 that the current in Fig. 3 is in fact higher. A dead give away is the peak value in the first half cycle which is much higher in Fig. 3. This is as a result of more ac current being present from the machines close to the fault. This additional AC current component is symmetrical about the x-axis and the overall AC current is the sum of the AC current from the utility (Eskom) and these machine fault currents. The machine currents do change with time and eventually die away and they are no longer present in the steady-state AC waveform. This is the reason it is given the name AC-decay. It will also be noticed that the DC-offset is still present. This is true for all faults. The only difference between Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 is that in Fig. 3, local machine contributions to the fault are present (theAC-decay effect). The term: “machines close to the fault” needs further clarification. Only the machines that are connected close to the fault will contribute this additional ac-current. So any machine which has low impedance between it and the fault will contribute AC fault current. The larger the machine, the larger the current contribution (the AC-decay of induction machines smaller than 37 kW dies away before 1 s). See Fig. 4 in order to calculate the current contributions for various machine sizes. By “low impedance” would be meant: • Supplied from the same busbars where the cable has a length of only a few hundred meters or less • Supplied from a transformer connected to the same bus. To take account of the generators the following is a conservative methodology: This constitutes the explanations for: DC-offset, system time constant and AC-decay. Generator AC-decay component in the first half-cycle: 10 times the rated current of the generator is the ACdecay component of current from this generator. Generator AC-decay component at the instant of opening of a medium voltage breaker: 6,7 times the rated current of the generator is the ACdecay component of current from this generator. Table 1: Estimating fault current contributions from nearby generators. energize - Jan/Feb 2008 - Page 74 (2) A little word of caution is warranted here, as this definition only holds true in the first cycle of fault inception. This means that if there are AC -decays (machine contributions) present these must be brought into account. To ensure that this distinction is clearly understood, the term Ik’’ is used from the standard for calculating shortcircuits (IEC60909) which is called the initial symmetrical root-mean-square fault current. This is a root-mean-square value of the AC current component during the first cycle, which by definition includes the ac-decays. So in all cases Ik’’ is equal to irms. The AC component value (also an root-mean-square value) when all the AC-decays have died away is given the symbol Ik in IEC60909. In general Ik is not equal to irms because of the AC-decays. An example may help to emphasize this distinction. In Fig. 5, from an actual fault recording, Ik (at 600 ms) = 700A rms (no AC-decay). Whilst Ik’’ (first cycle) = 1800 A rms (because of significant AC-decay current). So it is clear that Ik is not equal to Ik’’. The irms is always equal to Ik’’, i.e. 1800 A rms. The peak value in the first cycle is 4600 A peak, thus applying the definition for APF = 4600/1800 = 2,55. The reality however in this particular case is that this peak value is 6,57 times greater than the Ik value. So if an engineer wanted to predict the peak value if he had only the Ik value, at his disposal he wouldn’t be able to use the commonly known factor of 2,55 as this will only give a value of 1785 A peak when the actual value is 4600 A peak, a massive error indeed!! Also if he used 6,57 times each time he wanted to predict the peak value he may be significantly over-rating the switchgear when the AC-decays are lower than in this fault recording example. Thus using the APF to find the peak value should be undertaken with great care. Rating the switchgear With all the definitions and explanations behind us now, a methodology for rating switchgear for fault duties is required. We are primarily only interested in the making current IMA and Ib the breaking current. The making current is the peak value of the first half cycle and the breaking current is the root-meansquare current at the time instant given by the vertical line EE’ in Fig. 6. APPLICATION This methodology is conser vative and represents the worst case conditions: • Calculate the fault current from the utility: (3) where ∑ Z represents all the impedances that limit the fault current. The factor 1,1 is to account for capacitor banks and tap-changers which may lift the voltage above its nominal value. Ask the utility (Eskom, etc.) for their portions of the R and X values, as they simulate this fault current at your main intake busbar and these values are readily available from them. In the past, only the three-phase fault current and single-phase fault current were asked for but the X/R ratio is needed for the dc-offset. Asking for their R and their X values for particular faults gives you all the necessary information. If you don’t get the X/R ratio, be conservative and assume it to be 15. AC Fault current contributions from induction machines Induction Machine sizes ½ Cycle At instant of breaker opening (instantaneous setting on MV breaker) >750 kW , <= 1500 rpm Locked-rotor current 66% of Locked-rotor current >185 kW, at 3000 rpm Locked-rotor current 66% of Locked-rotor current All others, >= 37 kW 83% of Locked-rotor current 33% of Locked-rotor current < 37 kW 59% of Locked-rotor current n/a Fig. 4: Taking account of induction motor AC fault current contributions. Fig. 5: Actual current recording showing that Ip is greater than a factor 2,55 times the Ik value. • If you don’t want to have to make use of fault limiting reactors in the future when Eskom’s fault levels rise, multiply the current Iutility above by a factor (greater than one) to account for this continually increasing fault current from Eskom. For example use a factor of 1,4. • Estimate all the AC-decay components in the first half-cycle (from Fig. 4 above and from Table 1). Take the highest values from all the induction machines and generators nearby and add all of these together. • Taking the current from point 2 and from point 3 above, add these together to give the initial symmetrical root-mean-square value Ik’’. • Calculate all the X/R ratios of all the machines and cables to the fault location and the X/R ratio provided by the utility. Take the highest of all these values which is most likely the utilities X/R ratio. • Multiply Ik’’ by the APF for the X/R ratio calculated above. The APF is given in Table 1. This then gives the IMA making current for the breaker (this is a peak value). • Check with the manufacturer of the switchgear you intend to use whether it can withstand your calculated peak making current IMA as the breaker has to withstand the electromechanicalforces of the fault associated with your calculated I MA when closing onto a fault. • Taking this worst case X/R ratio above, calculate the “system time constant” from Eqn. 1, or read if off Table 2. Fig. 6: Fig. 8 in IEC62271. • Being conservative, assume that: the breakers contacts will separate within 55 ms and that the relay needs 10 ms to operate, thus the time for contact separation (under the action of the instantaneous setting of a relay) is thus a minimum value of 65 ms. Thus Top = 65 ms in Eqn. 4. It is advisable to check these assumptions with the energize - Jan/Feb 2008 - Page 75 breaker manufacturer. In all cases try to take the shortest time for Top. • For 50 Hz systems, half a cycle corresponds to 10 ms for the Tt value in Eqn. 4. • Using the value of Top = 65 ms, Tt = 10 ms and the system time constant calculated above, enter these values in Eqn. 4 to give the % DC-offset at the instant of breaker opening. APPLICATION 50 Hz systems τ (milliseconds) X/R APF 45 60 90 120 133 14,1 2,55 18,8 2,61 28,3 2,68 37,7 2,72 41,8 2,73 Table 2: Relationship between X/R ratio and Asymmetrical Current Peak Factor (APF). a severe case but it demonstrates the argument effectively. A similar effect (albeit with faster AC-decay) could also be achieved by only having a large amount of induction machines feeding into the fault but with no generators. This example case is selected as the AC-decay is slower thus emphasizing the effects under discussion. • Adding 20 MVA of induction machine load to case number 2 and removing the generators gives us case number 3. In these three examples the following is observed: Fig. 7: Two of the cases used in this article. • Check with the manufacturer whether t h e i r b r e a ke r c a n w i t h s t a n d t h e calculated asymmetrical breaking current (Ib(asym)). (4) • Repeat points 3 and 4 above but take the current values at the point of contact separation from Fig. 4 and Table 1 for induction machines and generators, these are the AC-decay components. Add these values to the value found (Iutility) to give the total symmetrical current at contact separation. To differentiate this value from the initial symmetrical fault current Ik’’ we will call this value Ik’ (also from IEC60909). • Check with the breaker manufacturer whether their breaker can withstand Iutility for a second or longer as calculated This may be as clear as mud, and leave the reader saying: “this is too complicated”. Well these values are critical to the correct selection of circuit breakers for fault ratings, especially for the asymmetrical breaking value and the peak making current. • Taking the Ik’ value calculated above, select a breaker whose rated short-time withstand current (Ik is usually specified for 1 s or 3 s) and is greater or equal to this calculated Ik’ value. Ik’ is called the symmetrical breaking current denoted by Ib. The value the manufacturer will supply is given the symbol Isc from (IEC62271-100). Rating using simulation tools We have now looked at the hand calculation method, and it is probably much easier to do these studies using simulation tools. As an example three cases are taken (see Fig. 7) where the breaker in question is fed from Bus 1: • Next calculate the DC-offset current value by taking Ik’ from above and multiplying it by the value in Eqn. 4 (for example 30% or 0,3 and not 30). This then gives the value Idc in amps. • An 11kV system with a three-phase symmetrical source fault level of 150 MVA and an X/R = 18,4. There is only a 2 MVA constant impedance load attached (such as residential loads) to the bus from which the breaker is supplied. • To c a l c u l a t e t h e a s y m m e t r i c a l breaking current (I b(asum) ) substitute I b above and I k’ from into equation Eqn. 5: • Case 2 but with a significant amount of generation (3 off 8,5 MW units) connected supplying mostly constant impedance loads (not shown) and a 2 MVA, 90% motive load. This is quite (5) Peak or rms value Symbols and units Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 rms Ik, kA 7.87 11.28 7.87 Peak current or making onto a fault current peak Ip or IMA, kA 20.65 72.94* 37.15 Short-circuit breaking current (asymmetrical) rms Ib(asum), kA 8.59 28.44* 13.68 Short-time short-circuit withstand current Table 3: Results from switchgear rating simulations. * A 20kA circuit breaker will not suffice. energize - Jan/Feb 2008 - Page 76 An engineer who isn’t familiar with IEC62271-100 (and AC-decay and DC-offset components) and who hasn’t applied the methodology described above will only look at Ik or Iutility (as this is very readily calculated by hand) and would rate the breakers in all three cases at 20 kA (1 s value) from “fault calculations”. This would be an error as demonstrated by the red values for peak making current and asymmetrical breaking current in Table 3. Many 20 kA (Ik 1 s value) circuit-breakers have a peak making current rating specified as 50 kA and the asymmetrical breaking current rating specified as 20 kA. The simulation plots below indicate that the breaker is adequate for the green and the blue curves below but not for the red-curve. In reality the actual effects within the breaker are a little more complicated than just the effects of the fault current components (AC and DC-offset) at the instant of contact separation as shown in Fig. 8. There is a period of arcing after the time that the contacts separate, the duration of which is directly dependent on the DC-component of fault current at the instant of contact separation. This can be seen in Fig. 9. It is strongly advised that the DC-component at the instant of contact separation also be supplied to the circuit-breaker manufacturer to ensure that the arcing time will not be excessive for the prospective circuit breaker to be used in the particular application. A further issue is that of the recovery-voltage (also seen in Fig. 9 this is the voltage across the opening interrupter contacts at the instant that the current stops flowing). This is seen by the blue voltage trace which rises from the arc-voltage up to the system voltage. This voltage also has a higher frequency (higher than 50 Hz) oscillation component super-imposed onto this rising voltage before settling down to the network voltage. This rising voltage is commonly called the transient recovery voltage (TRV). The circuit breaker has to withstand this increasing voltage across its interrupter contacts upon opening. If this voltage rises too quickly the interrupter may fail. This is a serious concern and should be taken account of when specifying switchgear. It is however a discussion which is left for APPLICATION Fig. 9: Arcing time and transient recovery voltage (TRV) of a vacuum interrupter. [3] IEC Switchgear specifications: IEC60056, IEC60059, IEC60298, IEC60694 and IEC62271-100 [4] “ S p e c i f i c T i m e C o n s t a n t f o r Te s t i n g Asymmetric Current Capability of Switchgear”, Task Force of WG13.04 Electra No. 173 August 1997. Fig. 8: Fault current effects on a 20 kA (1 s) circuit-breaker under different network conditions. Appendix A: Calculation of the “system time constant” The equations which describe this behavior of the waveform seen in Fig. 1 are given in Eqn. 6 (6) Equation and solution to a fault current with a DC offset Fig. 10: Relationships between peak (making), DC component and short-circuit ratings of a breaker. Part 2 of this article (to be published in a subsequent issue of Energize). Conclusion This article has shown that the rating of medium voltage switchgear for fault currents requires knowledge of AC-decays, DC-offsets, asymmetrical peak factors (APF) and the switchgear rating parameters that are derived from these such as: the peak making current (IMA) and the asymmetrical breaking current (Ib(asym)). These parameters are required over and above the usual value for the short-circuit withstand current (Ik for 1 s or 3 s). If these are not calculated or simulated properly it is not possible to correctly specify switchgear for a particular application. The switchgear manufacturer is only obliged to supply switchgear for the ratings specified by the user as per IEC62271-100. This thus puts a large responsibility on the user of the switchgear to specify these parameters in an enquir y to the manufacturer. It is thus advisable to contact the supplier of switchgear if this information cannot be determined by the prospective user or companies who specialize in the calculation or simulation of such, to perform a “fit-forpurpose” audit of designs. This is especially relevant now with the very real possibility of an inordinate amount of generators being applied to networks because of Eskom’s Load Shedding activities. The “system time constant” is then found by differentiating (taking the slope) of the transient portion of equation 6 and setting the time of this Eqn. to zero. This gives us the following expression: (7) Differentiation of fault current at time =0 The change in X portion of Eqn. 7 is on the time axis and is thus called the “system time constant” given the greek symbol (τ) The value of this constant is thus: References [1] ETAP Training Course, [2] Smeets, R P P, Lathouwers A G A, “Economy Motivated Increase of DC Time Constants in Power Systems and Cosequences for Fault Current Interruption”, KEMA High-Power Laboratory energize - Jan/Feb 2008 - Page 78 (8) Contact Dr. Ian Broake, DRPA Consulting, Tel 011 202-8730, v