Business Continuity Plan - Office of the Information Commissioner

1. Introduction
The Office of the Information Commissioner (the Office) conducts business continuity planning an
annual basis to ensure continuity of service in the event of human, technological or natural disaster.
The Business Continuity Plan consists of contingency plans to respond to emergencies, minimise
disruption, and to continue to operate the business and recover the infrastructure to resume normal
operations. Specifically, the Office Business Continuity Plan (BCP) consists of the:
Emergency Response Plan
Disaster Recovery Plan
Emergency Communication Plan
The BCP is closely linked to the Office Risk Management Plan. Collectively these plans are
important to achieving business continuity through planning, risk mitigation and the timely response
to and recovering from serious incidents. The effective formulation of strategies to identify and treat
potential causes of human and technological threat is important to reducing the threat of risk. The
plans also provide clear direction to assist the timely restoration of business operations in the event of
an unforeseen disaster event.
2. Emergency Response Plan
The Office’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP) identifies strategies to reduce the impact of a
hazardous event on the Office environment by initially containing the incident, then minimising
damage to Office resources, such as staff, premises and equipment and setting the Office on the road
to recovery. Refer to the separate Emergency Response Plan document for the detailed Office plan.
Criteria to invoke plan
The ERP is to be invoked when the normal functioning of the Office is seriously affected.
Expected life of plan when invoked
The ERP will be in effect until the Information Commissioner has determined that the Office can
return to normal functioning.
Personal responsibilities for implementation of this plan
The implementation of this plan is the responsibility of the Information Commissioner the Executive
Leadership Team, MCES and floor emergency personnel.
Personnel to be notified if this plan is invoked
All staff of the Office will be notified if this plan is invoked. Subsequent to this, the Minister for
Justice and Attorney-General, Director-General for the Department of Justice and Attorney-General,
and key staff in the Queensland Parliamentary Service in Information Technology, Finance and
Human Resource Management will also be notified as per the Emergency Communication Plan for
emergent or disaster planning.
Depending on the severity and estimated length of time of the emergency, external stakeholders of the
Office will also be notified.
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Procedures for invoking contingency mode
The Information Commissioner may invoke the ERP when she is alerted to, or become aware of
serious deficiencies in the normal operating environment for the Office and determines that the ERP
requires to be invoked.
Resource plan for operation
The Information Commissioner will determine any necessary alterations to the staff levels of the
Office in response to the invoking of the ERP.
Other resource issues such as alternative accommodation, equipment and process methods will be
determined by the Information Commissioner dependant on the type of incident and situational
Criteria for returning to normal operating mode
The following procedures for returning to a normal operating mode will be initiated when the
Information Commissioner is satisfied that the normal operating environment for the Office can be
Procedures for returning to normal operating mode
The Information Commissioner will instruct the Manager Corporate & Executive Services
(MCES) to initiate the procedures for returning to the normal operating environment by:
- Activating Emergency Communication Plan to inform all staff and external
- Ensuring that the physical environment is safe
- Ensuring that technological infrastructure is operational
- Advising external stakeholders that the Office is operational (if applicable)
Procedures for recovering lost or damaged data
MCES to commence immediate discussions with Parliamentary Services to assess the
Information Technology (IT) environment and undertake briefing to the Information
Commissioner on recommendations and actions required.
This plan assesses risks in the IT environment for the Office and outlines what needs to be
done to cover those risks as appropriate.
The Service Level agreement between the Office and the Parliamentary Service identifies
process and procedure to respond to any interruption of service.
Estimated cost of incidents
The MCES will keep records of the number of days out of office, number of employees affected, and
possible destruction/damage to equipment and data (both electronic and paper-based).
Post contingency actions
Within two weeks of returning to normal operating conditions, MCES will debrief the Information
Commissioner and Executive Leadership Team to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and
recommend any improvements.
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3. Disaster Recovery Plan
The Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) establishes a program for restoring the Office environment and its
associated functions, according to their pre-determined priorities and agreed timeframes for
restoration. The aim of the DRP is to achieve the continued provision, or immediate resumption, of
critical services and the restoration of normal services as soon as possible without unnecessary
Criteria to invoke plan
The DRP is to be invoked when the normal functioning of the Office is seriously affected
(see Attachment A)
Expected life of plan
The DRP will be in effect until the Information Commissioner has determined that the Office can
return to normal functioning.
Personal responsibilities for implementation of this plan
The implementation of this plan is the responsibility of the Information Commissioner, the Executive
Leadership Team, and MCES.
Personnel to be notified if this plan is invoked
All staff of the Office will be notified if this plan is invoked. Subsequent to this, the Minister for
Justice and Attorney-General, Director-General for the Department of Justice and Attorney-General,
and key staff from the Queensland Parliamentary Service will be notified as per the Emergency
Communication Plan for emergent or disaster planning. Depending on the severity and estimated
length of time of the emergency, external stakeholders of the Office may also be notified.
The Information Commissioner will also consider notifying the Department of Public Works and the
Department of the Premier and Cabinet depending on the status and severity of the incident.
Procedures for invoking contingency mode
The Information Commissioner may invoke the DRP when they are alerted to or become aware of
deficiencies in the normal operating environment for the Office and determines that the DRP should
be invoked.
Resource plan for operation
The Information Commissioner will determine any necessary amendment to staff levels of the Office
in response to the invoking of the DRP.
Other resource issues such as alternative accommodation, equipment and process methods will be
determined by the Information Commissioner dependant on the type of incident and situational
Criteria for returning to normal operating mode
The following procedures for returning to a normal operating mode will be initiated when the
Information Commissioner is satisfied that the normal operating environment for the Office can be
Procedures for returning to normal operating mode
Procedures for returning to normal operating mode
The Information Commissioner will instruct the Manager Corporate & Executive Services
(MCES) to initiate the procedures for returning to the normal operating environment by:
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Activating Emergency Communication Plan to inform all staff and external
Ensuring that the physical environment is safe
Ensuring that technological infrastructure is operational
Advising external stakeholders that the Office is operational (if applicable)
Procedures for recovering lost or damaged data
The MCES to conduct immediate discussions with the Parliamentary Service to assess the IT
environment and undertake briefing to the Information Commissioner on recommendations and
actions required. The briefing is to include a risk assessment of the IT environment for the Office
outlining what needs to be done to mitigate identified risks.
The Operating Level Agreement between the Office and the Queensland Parliamentary Service
identifies process and procedure to respond to any interruption of service.
Estimated cost of incidents
MCES will keep records of the number of days out of office, number of employees affected and
possible destruction/damage to equipment and data (both electronic and paper-based).
Post contingency actions
Within two weeks of returning to normal operating conditions, MCES will debrief the Information
Commissioner and Executive Leadership Team to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and
recommend any improvements.
4. Emergency Communication Plan
The Emergency Communication Plan (ECP) can only be invoked by instruction from the Information
Commissioner. The use of the ECP is for emergency or disaster recovery incidents is to ensure
communication channels are established and kept open between the staff of the Office of the
Information Commissioner (Office) and all key stakeholders, both internal and external.
The Information Commissioner is to be advised of an incident (either disaster or emergency incident)
and will make a decision whether or not to invoke the ECP.
The Information Commissioner will advise staff if the ECP is invoked and provide details of the
incident. Staff will also be advised about the anticipated length of time away from workplace (if
applicable) and details about an alternative workplace (if applicable).
The MCES to contact the Department of Justice Accommodation Unit and/or Department of Public
Works to arrange alternative accommodation if required.
The Information Commissioner will advise the Minister for Justice and Attorney-General and
Director-General Department of Justice and Attorney-General of details of alternative
The MCES is responsible for:
• contacting Key Stakeholders (Attachment B) to notify of the situation and to advise the
current status
• liaise with Department of Justice Communications Unit to determine if press release/media
alert is required
• notifying key stakeholders when the incident (either disaster or emergency) is resolved and
normal operating environment is resumed
The Information Commissioner is to conduct a review of the ECP within two weeks of resumption of
the normal operating environment.
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Details of Risk,
Emergency or
Inappropriate staff
performance or
Office culture
Actioned By
All staff receive training and are aware and compliant with policies
and legislation governing their actions and decisions regarding
their work undertaken as employees of the Office.
Code of Conduct training
The Office culture is to openly discuss potential and identified
risks and determine the appropriate resolution.
Code of Conduct training
All staff and external suppliers have signed confidentiality
agreements in place prior to work commencing with the Office.
Code of Conduct training
The Information Commissioner is independent of executive
government, reporting to a Parliamentary Committee and cannot
be directed as to the functions performed by the Office.
The Office does not use any Queensland Government logo in any
communications, publications or on the website.
Review publications for accuracy
Staff Meeting
Personal Performance Plan
Code of Conduct
training held
Staff Meetings
Senior Corporate and
Executive Services Officer
Code of Conduct
training held
As required
Information Commissioner
Quarterly Check
Communications Officer
Office Manager
Training and Stakeholder
Relations Manager
Manager Information and
External Review staff
Registry staff
Privacy staff
On going
Performance Monitoring and
Reporting staff
On going
Information security
– External Review
Information security
– Privacy Unit
Information security
– Assistance and
Monitoring Unit
All access application ‘matter in issue’ is stored in the designated
secure room with dedicated security access. This secure room is
located within the Office premises which have a range of further
security protections.
All privacy complaint files are stored in the designated secure
room with dedicated security access. This secure room is located
within the Office premises which have a range of further security
All agency access application files and material associated with
compliance assessment evaluation by the Performance Monitoring
and Reporting Team are stored in the designated access room with
dedicated security access. This secure room is located within the
Office premises which have a range of further security protections.
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Quarterly Check
On going
Details of Risk,
Emergency or
Actioned By
Emails, Electronic data and mail is registered and handled in
accordance with set procedures.
Registry staff
Server failure
On occurrence
Staff security
Refer to the Operating Level Agreement between the Office and
the Queensland Parliamentary Service for process and procedure to
interruption of service.
The Office is a secure area except for the reception area. Meetings
involving non-Office staff must be held in the conference room or
mediation rooms which have two separate lockable entry points
and are fitted with duress alarms. The Office electronic security
system is connected to the State Government Protective Security
Service and on-site security.
All staff
On occurrence
Dealing with
volatile people
Staff receive training, mentoring and debriefing in relation to
interacting with volatile people.
An Employee Assistance Scheme (EAS) support service is
Code of Conduct training
Security training at induction
On going
Senior Corporate and
Executive Services Officer
Executive Leadership Team
Office Manager
Security and
Natural disaster
Treatment strategy to be determined by Information Commissioner
and communicated to key stakeholders in accordance with
Emergency Communication Plan.
Information Commissioner
Executive Leadership Team
On occurrence
Building emergency
Refer Office Emergency Response Plan
Education at staff meetings and induction
Floor Wardens
First Aid Officers
On occurrence
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Minister, Justice and Attorney-General
Director-General, Justice and AttorneyGeneral
Parliamentary Service:
• Information Technology
• Finance
• Human Resource Management
Department of Public Works
Building Security
Contact Details
Accessed during/after hours through
Citrix/Aurion system
Contact Method
Office of the Information Commissioner – Business Continuity Plan
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