Mechanical Engineering Senior Design 2016 from the chair During my three years as chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, I have conducted dozens of exit interviews with our students as they head out into the world. The one thing I hear repeatedly is how much they value their Senior Design experience. Students almost universally describe Senior Design as “the most challenging and rewarding experience of my time at Hopkins.” The capstone of their years in mechanical engineering, Senior Design is an opportunity for our students not only to demonstrate a knowledge of scientific concepts, but also to apply their deep understanding of engineering principles to tackle design projects offered by industry, non-profit and governmental organization sponsors. The results are nothing short of remarkable—for students and for sponsors. The students get access to the sponsors’ resources and technical contacts, and learn to work within a budget to create solutions to real problems. The sponsors come away with working prototypes complete with user manuals, specifications and design histories, not to mention the chance to take an up-close-and-personal look at some extraordinarily talented potential employees. Both parties benefit immeasurably. LOUIS L. WHITCOMB Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering “University students haven’t been told what’s possible or impossible, and sometimes their creativity goes in directions we never thought of. When we sponsor a Senior Design Project, we not only get to work with young minds that are creative and enthusiastic, we also gain access to professors and other resources that far exceed our capability. Last year, a JHU team focused on improving our existing bicycle locks against theft, and the team discovered a unique approach that we currently are pursuing.” — S A M I R TA M E R A D VA N C E D T E C H N O L O G Y L E A D E R , A L L E G I O N ( S A N TA C L A R A , C A ) . “ We believe strongly in establishing relationships with student engineers in order to mine local talent. For us, that is what sponsoring a Senior Design Project is all about. Yes, along the way, the students do meaningful work for us. But we also get to conduct a nine-month interview with them. It’s a win-win situation for us both.” — M AT T H E W V E L A Z Q U E Z P R I N C I PA L E N G I N E E R , T E X T R O N ( H U N T VA L L E Y, M D ) f. Why sponsor a Student Design Team? Working with a Student Design Team provides sponsors from industry, government and non-profit organizations with multiple benefits, from fresh and creative new perspectives on technical challenges to access to engineering professors and the full resources of a world-class university and engineering school. The Senior Design Process is much like an apprenticeship: It fully immerses students in the design process, allowing them to apply the skills and concepts they have learned in the classroom to real-world problems that matter. During the course, students are encouraged to seek out whatever additional training they need and to use our fully equipped Machine Shop and to consult our experts there. Sponsors tell us that one of the biggest advantages of working with a team is the opportunity to identify top engineering talent (and to observe their problem-solving skills, creativity and teamwork) before these students graduate. What is Mechanical Engineering Senior Design at Hopkins? The capstone experience in mechanical engineering at Hopkins, the Senior Design Project challenges student teams to tackle design challenges posed by industry, government, and non-profit organizations. Sponsors provide teams with funds for materials, access to world-class resources, and technical contacts, and students provide sponsors with real-world prototypes that have been tested. Senior Design Day: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 current projects 1. SPONSOR: AIR FORCE RESEARCH L AB Team AFRL: Amanda Canezin*, Teo Gaudin, Rachel Hegeman, Kevin LeBlanc*, Ari Messenger, Christian Richardson “Senior Design taught me the design process, which I use every day at my job. Even more important, I gained valuable insight into teamwork on engineering projects. For students looking to become engineers, practical and hands-on experience is so valuable. In fact, through my Senior Design teacher, Build a device that allows soldiers to descend from a hovering aircraft at heights varying from 20 feet to 90 feet. The descent must occur as quickly as possible, as soldiers may be in compromised situations. 2 . SPONSOR : ALLEGION Team ALL: Katharina Ertman, Rachael Guess, Trevor Holmgren, Christopher Naco, Jacqueline Roche Add smart self-monitoring features to the classic “door closer” so that it can detect malfunctions and inform building management systems. 3 . SPONSOR: BALTIMORE AIRCOIL COM PANY Team BAC: Rohan Agarwal, Alexi Bennink, Joshua Harris, Jorge Rivera, Simon Rojas Develop a cost effective cooling tower for dirty-water applications. I contacted an engineer at SBD and after sending him pictures of my senior design project, I was asked for an interview. Now I work there.” — JENNI HERCHEK ’14 D E S I G N E N G I N E E R AT S TA N L E Y B L A C K & D E C K E R ( T O W S O N , M D ) 4. SPONSOR: JHU CENTER FOR BIOENGINEERING INNOVATION AND DESIGN Team CBID: Stefan Arnold*, Glenn Balbus, Minjea Jo, Dmitriy Kats, Kyle Kirwan Develop a personal cooling unit for use with the Ebola suit previously developed at Johns Hopkins. 5. SPONSOR: JHU CENTER FOR BIOENGINEERING INNOVATION AND DESIGN Team MASK: Laura Scavo Improve the design of the hood portion of the JHU Ebola suit to passively provide defogging and air circulation. 6. SPONSOR: HONDA R&D AM ERICAS, INC. Team HRA: Fernando Concepcion, Keith Pallo, Michael Scarlato, Alex Schlink Develop a device to electrically emulate the accelerator pedal of modern vehicles, to facilitate full vehicle testing and control in a proving ground environment. 7. SPONSOR : JOH NS HOPKI NS PEDIATRIC 12 . SPONSOR: JHU DEPARTM ENT OF PHYSICS AND TRANSPORT & LI FESTAR M EDICAL ASTRONOMY AND SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE Team JHPT: Madeleine Abelson, Joonghyun (Peter) Ahn, INSTITUTE Kyle Candela, Theophilus Moss, Oritsetimeyin Moju Team STScI: Carlos Benavides, Zachary Bredl*, Devin Conley, Improve the safety of the emergency medical technicians Nicholas Garcia, Sebastian Yllanes* (EMTs) performing ambulance transports by increasing the Develop a test system to verify functionality of a modern time the EMTs remain seated, and seat-belted, during patient digital micro-mirror device (DMD) at cryogenic temperatures. care Then use it to confirm that these micro-arrays are reliable. 8. SPONSOR : KRYPTON ITE SCH L AGE LOCK 13 . SPONSOR: TEXTRON SYSTEMS COMPANY Team TEX: Rami Bedewi, Byron Benjamin, Thomas Fiorelli*, Team KRPT: Sydrake Abdi, Edward Kunkel, Alexander Kyle Johnson, David Levi Lambert, Adrian Pearl, Christopher Scherz* Develop hardware to allow a quadcopter to land on a tree Streamline the process of unlocking a bike lock by inventing branch of nearly any size at nearly any angle. a new way for riders to authenticate themselves. 14. SPONSOR: UNDER ARMOUR 9. SPONSOR : OFFICE OF TH E UN DERSECRETARY Team UA: Pawel Malicki*, Matthew Re, Zachary Robbins*, OF DEFENSE FOR ACQUISITION, TECH NOLOGY Valeria Vasconcellos, Jared Wang AND LOGISTICS, CORROSION POLICY AND OVERSIGHT Use advanced materials to create new structures for use in athletic wear. Team OUSD: David Gorman, Samantha Lott, Patrick Reilly, Rachel Tsao 15. SPONSOR: WALTER REED NATIONAL MILITARY Develop a fast, modular way to mask off large or small areas, M EDICAL CENTER, AND JOHNS HOPKINS both inside and outside an airplane, for painting. UNIVERSITY M ILITARY AND VETERANS HEALTH INSTITUTE 10. SPONSOR : JOH NS HOPKI NS APPLIED PHYSICS Team WRVL: Clara Aranguren*, Luke Brown, Devin Holladay, L AB Benjamin Keyser, Katelyn Koons, Patrick Tilson Team RIZK: Michelle Camacho, Rodrigo de Costa*, Design a foot and ankle prosthesis that would allow veterans Alexander Griffith, Thomas Keady*, Alexander Kearns to quickly adapt to different footwear, specifically adjusting Develop a safer and more comfortable robotic device for the heel height from 0 to 4 inches. aiding colonoscopies. 16. SPONSOR: WALTER REED NATIONAL MILITARY 1 1 . SPONSOR : STAN LEY BL ACK & DECKER M EDICAL CENTER Team SBD: Niki Entin, Ryan Howarth, Michael Howland, Team WRVU: Kiana Duncan, Colin Egan, Colin Friedman, Miles McKey*, Luke Moloznik Joseph Hirsch, Suzie Kellogg* Develop an oscillating tool as proof of concept for expansion Develop a new version of a patented elbow prosthesis for use of a product line. with active duty and veteran amputees. * indicates team member is a Junior classman and a student in the Junior level Engineering Design Process course “The senior design project definitely helped make me a competitive applicant for Duke University’s Master of Engineering program. In my application, I talked about how working on the project taught me teamwork and sharpened my ability to communicate my ideas verbally and in writing. The project also helped me land a summer internship. My interviewers took note of the fact that the project taught me skills that were directly transferable to what was needed in the internship.” —WESLEY COH EN ‘ 1 5, D UKE UN IVERSIT Y MASTERS OF ENGI N EER I NG PROGR AM STUDENT “ I was hired before Design Day by my client. My Senior Design experience taught me the necessary equations and ASME standards, among many other things about pressure vessels, so I was able to make meaningful contributions during my first weeks on the job. Senior Design was a great experience that gives you invaluable experience working on real client problems and gives you the opportunity to learn from mistakes.” — S H E E H A N H S U ’ 1 4 , D E S I G N E N G I N E E R , Z E V T E C H N O L O G I E S , I N C . ( O X N A R D, C A . Department of Mechanical Engineering SeniorDesign To sponsor a project or for more information, contact Nathan Scott ( or visit the Department of Mechanical Engineering at