alkaline and acidic forming foods

I have compiled this information to help improve the health of our parrots when illness strikes, but also prevent
ill health. First, we must understand that dis-ease, bacteria, fungus, virus and cancer, occurs in an acidic
environment; that is, the bodily system. The key is to improve plasma (blood) pH alkaline level by 70% and
thus reduce acidity to a level of 30% where it cannot damage thus create the perfect environment for bacteria,
fungus, virus and cancer to thrive. Stress is also acidic, so birds, other animals, and humans living in a highly
stressful environment are susceptible to health issues.
These are all proven scientific facts.
The list below naturally does not cover all alkaline and acidic foods and it applies to the foods that are safe to
give to parrots and those that humans eat. The list is at least a starting point and illustrates which types of foods
to avoid. I would advise further research when checking unlisted food items for their alkaline and acidic content
level. There is also a ‘Safe Herbs’ list for birds/parrots – all herbs are high alkaline. This list is at the end of the
alkaline and acidic food list.
We must be mindful that parrots are essentially vegan, having evolved to thrive on a live plant-based diet of
fresh shoots, seeds, herbs, leaves, buds, bark, herbs, to name a few of natures offerings. Wild breeding parrots
may take protein at this time in the form of insects, but not from animal meat, with the exception of the Kia,
indigenous to New Zealand.
Microwave foods, ionised water/distilled water (highly acidic), Baby foods, processed foods, biscuits, dairy
and animal meat will increase acidic levels, thus are potentially harmful to a bird’s immune system, which
equates to health and wellbeing.
Note: When a bird is sick, aim for alkaline forming foods with a pH 8.5 to 9.0 and for maintaining health,
moderate alkaline forming foods with a pH 7.5 to 8.0 and slightly alkaline to neutral forming foods with a
pH 7.0.
Aside from foods, the use of fresh lemon water and organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) is useful increasing
alkaline level and in the treatment in of Candida and gastrointestinal bacteria. Further information on
their use is at the end of the list. A good rule of thumb is to use clean, quality bottled spring water when a
bird is under-par or seriously ill.
Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 8.5 to 9.0:
Lemons, Watermelon , Agar Agar , Cantaloupe, Cayenne (Capsicum), Dried dates & figs, Kelp, Karengo,
Kudzu root, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley, Seedless grapes (sweet), Watercress, Seaweed.
Moderate Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 7.5 to 8.0
Apples (sweet), Apricots, Alfalfa sprouts Arrowroot, Avocados, Bananas (ripe), Berries, Carrots, Celery,
Currants, Dates & figs (fresh), Garlic , Gooseberry, Grapes (less sweet), Grapefruit, Guavas, Herbs (leafy
green), Lettuce (leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears (less sweet), Peas (fresh sweet), Persimmon,
Pumpkin (sweet), Sea salt , Spinach, Apples (sour), Bamboo shoots, Beans (fresh green), Beets, Bell Pepper,
Broccoli, Cabbage, Carob , Daikon, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce (pale green),
Oranges, Parsnip, Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes & skin, Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberry,
Sapote, Strawberry, Squash , Sweet corn (fresh), Tamari , Turnip.
Slightly Alkaline to Neutral Forming Foods - pH 7.0
Almonds , Artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt (sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, Brussel Sprouts,
Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Miso, Okra, Olives ripe , Onions, Pickles
(home made with brown rice vinegar), Radish, Sea salt , Spices , Taro, Tomatoes (sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown
rice), Water Chestnut, Amaranth, Artichoke (globe), Chestnuts (dry roasted), Egg yolks (soft cooked), Goat's
milk and whey (raw) , Horseradish, Mayonnaise (home made), Millet, Olive oil, Quinoa, Rhubarb, Sesame
seeds (whole) , Sprouted grains , Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet).
Slightly Acid to Neutral Forming Foods - pH 7.0
Barley malt syrup, Barley, Bran, Cashews, Cereals (unrefined with honey-fruit-maple syrup), Cornmeal,
Fructose, Honey (pasteurized), Lentils, Macadamias, Maple syrup (unprocessed),Low Fat Milk (homogenized)
and most processed dairy products, Molasses organic , Nutmeg, Mustard, Pistachios, Popcorn (plain not
microwaved), Rice or wheat crackers (unrefined), Rye (grain), Seeds (pumpkin & sunflower), Walnuts,
Blueberries, Brazil nuts, Butter (salted), Cheeses (mild & crumbly) , Crackers (unrefined rye), Dry coconut, Egg
whites, Goats milk (homogenized), Pecans, Plums , Prunes , Butter (fresh unsalted), Cream (fresh & raw), Milk
(raw cow's) , Whey (cow's).
Moderate Acid - pH 6.0 to 6.5
Cigarette tobacco, Cream of Wheat (unrefined), Fish, Fruit juices with sugar, Maple syrup (processed),
Molasses (sulphured), Pickles (commercial), Breads (refined) of corn, oats, rice & rye, Cereals (refined), corn
flakes, Shellfish, Wheat germ, Whole Wheat foods , Wine , Yogurt (sweetened) Bananas (green), Buckwheat,
Cheeses (sharp), Corn & rice breads, Egg whole (cooked hard), Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Oats, Pasta (whole
grain), Pastry (wholegrain & honey), Peanuts, Potatoes (with no skins), Popcorn (with salt & butter), Rice
(basmati), Rice (brown), Soy sauce (commercial), Tapioca, Wheat bread (sprouted organic).
Extremely Acid Forming Foods - pH 5.0 to 5.5
Artificial sweeteners, Beef, Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks , Cigarettes (tailor made), Drugs, Flour (white
wheat), Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour, Pork, Sugar (white) , Beer , Brown sugar , Chicken,
Deer, Chocolate, Coffee , Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies, Liquor , Pasta (white), Rabbit, Semolina,
Table salt refined & iodized, Tea black, Turkey, Wheat bread, White rice, White vinegar (processed).
Avocado Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Flax Oil, Lard, Olive Oil (when heated), Safflower Oil,
Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil.
Rice Cakes, Wheat Cakes, Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Oats (rolled), Quinoa, Rice, Rye, Spelt, Kamut,
Wheat, Hemp Seed Flour
Cashews, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Processed Peanut Butter, Pecans, Tahini
Beef, Carp, Clams, Fish, Lamb, Lobster, Mussels, Oyster, Pork, Rabbit, Salmon, Shrimp, Scallops, Tuna,
Turkey, Venison
Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti, Distilled Vinegar, Wheat Germ
Black Beans, Chick Peas, Green Peas, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Pinto Beans, Red Beans, Soy Beans,
Soy Milk, White Beans, Rice Milk, Almond Milk
Aspartame, Chemicals, Drugs (Medicinal), Drugs (Psychedelic), Pesticides, Herbicides
Beer, Spirits, Hard Liquor, Wine
Overwork, Anger, Fear, Jealousy, Stress
Very good article that also applies to birds and some other animals –
Medicinal herbs to buy.
Info at:
Where to buy ‘Herb Salad’ -
This excellent info relates to specifically dosing a bird with herbal remedy for a specific problem:
Fresh Herbs (fresh is always best as it guarantees maximum nutrients):
Rosemary sprigs
Chickweed (very tasty in a salad) Safe for birds and humans.
Dandelion - Young leaves and the flower from very clean source. All birds can eat dandelion – leaves
and flowers. It is good for the kidneys and is high calcium.
All herbs are high alkaline!
Note: If a bird will not eat fresh herbs, ground down or finely chop them and then add to a
grounded pellet compound (I use a coffee grinder for grounding pellets) and mix with boiled
kettle water and either feed the warm mash by spoon or crop-tube. The latter is for the
experienced carer.
"For the health of the intestinal system. It has a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is
an acidifier of the intestinal tract and the entire body, which means it aids in increasing pH
alkaline level of the entire system. It is used as a natural remedy for Candida infections, chronic
disbiosis (microbial imbalances related to gastrointestinal), chronic gram-negative bacterial
infections, chronic diarrhoea due to an abnormal bacteria in he intestinal system, foul-smelling
stools and PDD (for prevention of secondary infections)." Holistic Care For Birds" David
MCluggage, DVM.
ACV is also anti-inflammatory and is useful in reducing inflammatory arthritic pain.
Usage: ¾ of a teaspoon per 200 ml of bottled spring water. Use Internet conversion table for
fluid ounces. Only use consecutively for 12 to 14 days and then replace with a quality
pre/probiotic for five to seven days, as ACV will not only destroy intestinal pathogens, but will
also destroy friendly gut bacteria if used consecutively for long periods. Use of short treatment
courses of ACV, with breaks in-between, may continue as necessary.
Lemon is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic when it is in the body. Lemons are a natural treatment
aid for urinary tract and kidney infections. It also aids in the fight against Candida and some
bacterial infections. Lemons do not destroy the natural gut flora.
Use: Hand squeeze half a lemon in 1 litre of bottled spring water - 1 litre = 2.11337642 US pints.
This will last for 24-hours stored in a fridge, but do not serve cold.
Compiled by Julie Hamilton:
New Life Parrot Rescue & Helpline Service (UK)
Charity Reg No: 1056409