PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 1A: OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GEIGER COUNTER OBJECTIVE The objective of this laboratory is to determine the operating voltage for a Geiger tube and to calculate the effect of the dead time and recovery time of the tube on the counting rate. INTRODUCTION Background & Theory In medical and biological research, radioactive isotopes are utilized in three types of measurements: studies of the various chemical and physical interactions within a living organism or with its environment, measurements of the distribution of elements and compounds in the body and measurements of radioactive isotopes in the living organisms without taking samples. The techniques used in these measurements depend on the fact that the radioactive isotopes emit ionizing radiations, which can be detected by their effects on a photographic emulsion, or by electrical methods. Gases conduct electricity only when a number of their atoms are ionized, i.e. split up into a number of free electrons and positive ions. Alpha, beta or gamma radiation emitted by radioactive materials ionizes atoms with which they collide. Hans Geiger, an associate of Rutherford used this property to invent a sensitive detector for radiation. Mica Window α, β, or γ radiation Outer Cylinder ( - Voltage) + Central Wire ( + Voltage) _ R Voltage spike to counter V FIGURE 1: SCHEMATIC OF A TYPICAL GEIGER COUNTER Figure 1 above displays a typical setup for a Geiger counter; it usually contains a metal tube that encloses a thin metal wire along the middle. The space in between is sealed off and filled with a suitable gas; the wire is set at a very high positive electric potential relative to the tube. An electron, positive ion, or gamma radiation that penetrates the tube through a mica (an extremely low density material that minimizes attenuation of radiation as it enters detector) window, will ionize a number of the atoms in the gas, and because of the high positive voltage 1 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 of the central wire, the electrons will be attracted to it while the positive ions will be attracted to the wall. The high voltage accelerates the positive and negative charges, and hence they gain more energy and collide with more atoms to release more electrons and positive ions; the process escalates into an "avalanche" which produces an easily detectable pulse of current. With the presence a suitable filling gas, the current quickly drops to zero so that a single voltage spike occurs across a resistor; an electronic counter then registers this voltage spike. A typical composition of the gas filling a Geiger counter tube was usually a mixture of argon and ethanol; more recently, tubes filled with ethyl formate in place of the alcohol are reported to have a longer life and smaller temperature coefficients than counters filled with ethanol. A very important property of the Geiger counter is its self-suppressing mechanism. The counter is triggered by the pulse from the tube and feeds back a square pulse of 300-500 µsec duration to the central wire. This pulse has an opposite polarity and high enough amplitude to extinguish the discharge. This allows for the counter to reset as fast as possible in order to register the next voltage spike induced by the penetrating radiation. The Geiger detector is usually called a "counter" because every particle passing through it produces an identical pulse, allowing particles to be counted; however, the detector cannot tell anything about the type of radiation or its energy/frequency - it can only tell that the radiation particles have sufficient energy to penetrate the counter. To improve its sensitivity to alpha and beta particles, the ST150 detector has a very thin mica window with a superficial density of only 1.5 – 2 mg/cm2. This window is therefore extremely fragile and if broken cannot be repaired. Never allow any object to touch the window! The Geiger Tube Voltage Characteristic Curve The most important information about a particular counter tube is its voltage characteristic curve. The counting rate due to a constant intensity radioactive source is graphed as a function of the voltage across the counter; A curve of the form shown in Figure 2 is obtained. Counting Rate Continuous Discharge Region Proportional Discharge Region Start Voltage Geiger Threshold Voltage Geiger Plateau Operating Voltage V0 Geiger Breakdown Voltage FIGURE 2: GEIGER TUBE VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTIC CURVE 2 Applied Voltage PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 The counter starts counting at a point corresponding approximately to the Geiger threshold voltage; from there follows a “plateau" with little change in the counting rate as the voltage increases. Finally a point is reached where the self-suppressing mechanism no longer works, and the counting rate rapidly increases until the counter breaks down into a continuous discharge. In order to ensure stable operation, the counter is operated at a voltage corresponding approximately to the mid-point of the plateau. Hence, a flat plateau is regarded as a desirable characteristic in a counter; a long plateau is also desirable, but is not as important. In practice most counters have a slightly sloping plateau, partly because of geometrical limitations of the counter design, and partly because of spurious counts due to an unsatisfactory gas filling or to undesirable properties of the cathode surface. The correct operating voltage for any particular Geiger-Mueller tube is determined experimentally using a small radioactive source such as Cs-137 or Co-60. A properly functioning tube will exhibit a "plateau" effect, where the counting rate remains nearly constant over a long range of applied voltage; the operating voltage is then calculated roughly as the voltage value corresponding to the middle of the plateau region. Dead Time, Recovery Time and Resolving Time Geiger-Mueller tubes exhibit Dead Time effects due to the recombination time of the internal gas ions after the occurrence of an ionizing event. The actual dead time depends on several factors including the active volume and shape of the detector and can range from a few microseconds for miniature tubes, to over 1000 microseconds for large volume devices. The counter discharge occurs very close to the wire, and the negative particles, usually electrons, are collected very rapidly. The positive ions move relatively slowly, so that as the discharge proceeds a positively charged sheath forms around the wire. This has the effect of reducing the field around the wire to a value below that corresponding to the threshold voltage, and the discharge ceases. The positive ion sheath then moves outwards until the critical radius r is reached, when the field at the wire is restored to the threshold value. This marks the end of the true "dead time". If another ionizing event triggers the counter at this stage, a pulse smaller than normal is obtained, as the full voltage across the counter is not operative. However, if the positive ions reach the cathode before the next particle arrives, the pulse will be of full size. This effect can be demonstrated with a triggered oscilloscope; as shown in Figure 3, the period during which only partially developed pulses are formed is termed the Recovery Time. The effective Resolving Time or insensitive time following a recorded pulse, is determined by both the dead time and the recovery time, and will depend not only on a number of parameters associated with the counter dimensions and gas filling, but in principle, also on the operating voltage of the counter, on the sensitivity of the electronic recording equipment and on the counting rate. It is necessary to apply appropriate corrections to the observed counting rates to compensate for this resolving time. 3 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 PULSE AMPLITUDE Second Geiger Discharge Counted Initial Geiger Discharge Counted Minimum Input Sensitivity Level of Counter Possible Events Not Counted Dead Time TIME Recovery Time Resolving Time FIGURE 3: A PICTORAL REPRESENTATION OF DEAD, RECOVERY & RESOLVING TIME True versus Measured Count Rate When making absolute measurements it is important to compensate for dead time losses at higher counting rates. If the resolving time Tr of the detector is known, the true counting rate Rt may be calculated from the measured counting rate Rm using the following expression: Rt = Rm 1 − R m ⋅ Tr (Eq. 1) If the detector resolving time is unknown, it may be determined experimentally using two radioactive sources simultaneously. Maintaining constant counting geometry is important throughout the experiment; hence a special container carrying both sources would be ideal for performing the measurement – however, good results may be obtained by careful positioning the two standard sources side by side. With the operating voltage set for the GM tube, denoting the measured count rate for the two sources (a+b) side by side as R(a+b), the measured count rate for source a alone as R(a) and the measured count rate for the source b alone as R(b), the resolving time is given by: Tr = R(a) + R(b) - R(a + b) 2R(a).R(b) (Eq. 2) Because of the solid state electronics used in the circuitry of the ST150 Nuclear Lab Station its own resolving time is very short - one microsecond or less – and so, not significant compared to that of the GM tube. Therefore, only the resolving time of the GM tube affects the true count rate. 4 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 EQUIPMENT • • • The ST150 Nuclear Lab Station (Figure 4 below) provides a self-contained unit that includes a versatile timer/counter, GM tube and source stand; High voltage is fully variable from 0 to +800 volts. Associated software that allows for operation of ST150 and data collection. Two types of radioactive sources: 137Cs and 60Co. FIGURE 4: THE ST-­‐150 NUCLEAR LAB STATION PROCEDURE Part 1: Measuring the Geiger Plateau and Determining Operating Voltage 1. Record the model number of the Geiger counter. Verify that the Geiger counter has been connected to a power source and to the lab computer. 2. On the desktop, open the Applications folder and open STX; this is the software program used to operate the ST-150 lab station. Open MATLAB to prepare for data collection; refer to Video 1A if needed. 3. Switch on the GM Detector. Check if STX is now activated. 4. Get familiar with the software program – Perform a trial experiment that runs: a) Three trials in a row, automatically b) Duration of each trial should be 10 seconds c) Operate at a voltage of 200V. 5. If you are comfortable with using STX, sign out one radioactive source from your TA. Record the name and activity of the source. 6. Place the source on a source tray and slide it into the closest grating to the window of the GM detector. 7. Determine the threshold voltage value of the GM detector; starting at around 200V, increase the high voltage, a minimum of 10V, until radiation events just begin to be detected. 5 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 8. Start data collection at 10V behind the threshold value, and increase the voltage in increments of 20V, recording the counting rate (counts/min) at each increment, until you reach 800V. 9. If the counts increase dramatically before the 800V mark, do not continue to operate the tube until you consult with your TA - you may irreversibly damage the tube. Part 2: Acquiring the Resolving Time of the Geiger Tube 1. Set the high voltage to the operating voltage found in part 1 and the time interval to 5 minutes. 2. Record the count rate for the first source (a) you have already used in part 1 as R(a). 3. Sign out a second radioactive source (b) from your TA and record the count rate of the second source (b) as R(b). 4. Carefully place both sources side by side on the transparent source stand and record the count rate as R(a+b). 5. Once data collection is complete, set the voltage to 0V and switch off the GM tube. **When you have completed Lab 1A, return all sources to your TA** 6 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 DATA ANALYSIS (**Refer to Video 1A**) 1. Using the data obtained, make a plot of the counting rate versus the applied voltage; add the table as well as the labelled graph to your report. 2. Determine the value of your instrument’s operating voltage. The recommended Geiger operating voltage may be determined as the center of the plateau region. In the example below, the plateau extends from approximately 350V to 600V. A reasonable operating voltage in this case would be 500V. 3. Calculate the resolving time of the tube with the values acquired in Part 2. 4. Using the recovery time calculate the true counting rates for the two individual sources. 5. Find the percentage difference between the measured and the true rates for both sources used – does this difference seem reasonable? 6. Re-plot the graph of counts vs. voltage in Part 1, AND with the adjusted true rates and determine the value of the normal operating voltage. How does the resolving time affect the value of this normal operating voltage determined in Part 1? 7. Were there any errors associated with the experiment? Explain. 8. How can you make this experiment more accurate? Explain. 7 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 1B: STATISTICAL NATURE OF RADIATION COUNTING OBJECTIVE The objective of this experiment to explore the statistics of random, independent events in physical measurements and to test the hypothesis that the distribution of counts of random emission events from a gamma source using a Geiger-Muller detector either fit a Poisson or Gaussian distribution, depending on the length of time used for those counts and the range of the mean of those counts. INTRODUCTION AND THEORY Radioactive decay and consequently the emission of particles is a randomly occurring process and therefore any count of the radiation emitted is subject to some degree of statistical fluctuation. There is a continuous change in the activity of a source from one instant to the next due to the random nature of radioactive decay and there are also fluctuations in the decay rate due to the half-life of the radionuclide. The Poisson distribution is applied, generally speaking, to situations where only a few events are counted. It is equally valid when large numbers of events are counted, but the Gaussian distribution can be used then, and it is easier to use. The Poisson random variable represents the number of “successes” within a specified time interval or region of space: 𝑃 𝑋 = ! !! ! ! !! (Eq. 3) where 𝜇 is the mean number of successes, and x is any non-negative integer. The mean and variance of the poisson distribution are both equal to 𝜇. The Gaussian, or Normal random variable is normally distributed between mean 𝜇 and variance 𝜎 ! , and is described by the equation: 𝑓 𝑋 = ! ! 𝑒! !! !!! ! /!! ! (Eq. 4) Please refer to the Appendix for addition information on Statistics Definitions, as well as a mathematical derivation of the Poisson & Gaussian distributions as outlined in Equations 3 and 4. 8 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 EQUIPMENT • The ST150 Nuclear Lab Station provides a self-contained unit that includes a versatile timer/counter, GM tube and source stand; High voltage is fully variable from 0 to +800 volts. FIGURE 5: THE ST-­‐150 NUCLEAR LAB STATION PROCEDURE Part 1: Background Radiation only, and Short Time Intervals 1. Use of only the background radiation is required 2. Adjust the high voltage to the operating voltage value obtained in the previous experiment. (Make sure you are using the same instrument!) 3. Adjust the time interval to 10 seconds and obtain 50 separate counts 4. Record the information onto MATLAB, creating a column vector for the run number and a column vector, background, for the counts observed. Part 2: 60Co Gamma source and Long Time Intervals 1. Sign out a 60Co source from your TA and place it on the plastic tray in the second lowest position from the GM mica window. 2. It is assumed that the high voltage has been adjusted to the normal operation value from part one. Check again that the value of the high voltage is correct. 3. Adjust the recording time interval to 2 minutes and obtain 50 separate counts 4. Record the information onto MATLAB, creating a column vector, gamma, for the counts observed 9 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 DATA ANALYSIS (**Refer to Video 1B**) 1. Find the mean and standard deviation of both sets of data – investigate what commands can be used on MATLAB to obtain these parameters for your data. 2. On MATLAB, investigate the command pdf – this command creates a probability density function of many distributions. Play around with the parameters, and create two figures that plots a poisson and Gaussian (Normal) distribution – your plots should resemble Figure 1 in the appendix. 3. On MATLAB, investigate the command hist – this command generates a histogram of the data, with a parameter to adjust the width of the histogram bars. 4. Using the Data in parts 1 and 2, create a histogram of the counts, and analyse its shape: 5. How well does the shape of your histogram using Part 1 data resemble the characteristic skewed shape of the Poisson distribution? 6. How well does the shape of your histogram using Part 2 data resemble the expected shape of the Gaussian distribution? 7. For both data, find out how many points fall within one σ of the mean 8. Give an overall comparison between the two sets of results – why do you think Part 1 and Part 2 differed in the generated distribution profiles? 9. Were there any errors associated with the experiment? Explain. 10. How can you make this experiment more accurate? Explain. 10 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS APPENDIX LAB #1 STATISTICS DEFINITIONS: Statistics Mean Sample x Population Μ 2 Variance s standard deviation s The definitions of these symbols are: Sample Mean: 1 x= σ2 σ N ∑x N µ = lim x N →∞ i i =1 Sample Variance: s2 = 1 N ∑ x−x N − 1 i =1 ( 2 ) σ 2 = lim s 2 N →∞ (Note the N - 1 in the definition of s2 ; this makes s2 a correct estimator of σ2.) DERIVATION OF POISSON/GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTIONS: Suppose a sample has n radioactive nuclei, with known half-life and probability of counting in a detector when they decay. What would be the probability of recording k counts during a given time interval? The answer is provided by the binomial distribution. The Poisson distribution describes the large-n limit (k large or small), and the Gaussian distribution applies in the large-n, large-k limit. Let us denote: • • p - the probability of a single given nucleus of decaying (and so, of being counted) during a given interval of time. It could be also treated as the “average number of counts from a single nucleus”. q - the probability of a nucleus of surviving the radioactive transformation (notdecaying and so of not being counted) during the same set interval of time. Let us label the n nuclei in the sample “1, 2,…, k, k + 1,…, n”. Then, the probability of the set of nuclei labeled “1 through k” of decaying and being counted, and of the set of nuclei labeled “k+1 through n” of surviving and not being counted is: P(p, k) = p k ⋅ q n −k (1) Since decaying takes place randomly, another set of k nuclei could also give the same number of counts, with the same probability. The total number of “ways” of getting k counts corresponds to the number of distinct permutations of the labels of the n nuclei. The total number of such permutations is 11 PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS n! k!(n − k )! LAB #1 (2) It follows that the probability of counting k decaying nuclei out of n (given that the probability of the decaying transformation is p) is: P(n, p, k ) = n! p k q n −k k!(n − k )! (3) This is the general form of the binomial distribution. The binomial distribution function specifies the number of times (k) that an event occurs in n independent trials where p is the probability of the event occurring in a single trial. It is an exact probability distribution for any number of discrete trials. If n is very large, it may be treated as a continuous function. This yields the Gaussian distribution. If the probability p is so small that the function has significant value only for very small k, then the function can be approximated by the Poisson distribution. Therefore, for large number of atoms in the sample and very small probability of decaying (p → 0, n >> k), the previous distribution becomes the “Poisson distribution”. Let us denote the average number of counts λ. Since the probability p had the meaning of the “average number of counts from a single nucleus”, it follows that the average number of counts from all the nuclei µ = pn (4) According to the definition of the two probabilities p and q, q=1–p (5) And so, q n −k = (1 − p) n −k = (1 − p) 1 ⋅p ( n − k ) p (6) Furthermore, if n is large compared to k (n >> k), n – k ≈ n, and the equation above becomes: q n −k = (1 − p) n −k = (1 − p) 1 ⋅λ p (7) At the limit when p → 0 (p << 1), this becomes: lim q n −k = lim (1 − p) p→0, n >> k 1 ⋅p ( n − k ) p p→0, n >> k = lim(1 − p) p →0 Where we have used the definition of the number e: 1 lim(1 + x ) x = e x →0 12 1 ⋅µ p 1 − ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ = lim(1 − p) p ⎟ ⎜ p→0 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ −µ = e −µ (8) PCS352 Therefore: RYERSON PHYSICS LAB #1 n! ⋅ p k ⋅ e −µ k!(n − k )! lim P(n, k, p) = p →0 (9) We can also, at the limit n >> k, approximate n! 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ ...( n − k ) ⋅ (n − k + 1) ⋅ (n − k + 2) ⋅ ... ⋅ n = = (n − k + 1) ⋅ (n − k + 2) ⋅ ... ⋅ n ≈ n ⋅ n ⋅ ... ⋅ n = nk (n − k )! 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ ... ⋅ (n − k ) k − − times therefore, we obtain the Poisson distribution: n! λk ⋅ e −µ n >> k , p → 0 k n −k P(n, k, p) = p q ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ P(k, µ) = ; k!(n − k)! k! where k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (10) For n, k, and n - k all large, and p is no longer approaching zero, we obtain the Gaussian distribution, given here without derivation: P( k , λ ) = 1 2πµ ⋅e − ( k −λ ) 2 2µ where k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (11) Here λ is the most probable number of counts, and k is the actual number counted. This is a very practical relation, permitting a graphical determination of P in cases where calculating the terms would take a long time. If n and therefore k is very large and the argument in equation 11 is no longer discrete but can be treated as continuous x, equation (11) becomes: P( x ) = 1 σ 2π ⋅e 1 ⎛ x −µ ⎞ − ⋅⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎝ σ ⎠ Where, µ and σ are the mean and standard deviation. 13 2 (12) PCS352 RYERSON PHYSICS Figure 1: Examples of the Poisson and Gaussian distributions. 14 LAB #1