WELCOME TO LOGGER PRO. This tutorial will give you an

This tutorial will give you an overview of the Logger Pro software. Other tutorials will guide you through more advanced features of the
program. If you want further details about Logger Pro, you can always refer to the online help, which is found by pulling down the Help menu
and choosing Logger Pro Help.
Take note of tool tips. Tool tips are pop up messages that describe the operation of the buttons in the toolbar. To see how they work start by
moving the mouse pointer over the furthest left button on the tool bar. Notice that a small box pops up and tells you the purpose or action of
the button.
The following describes each button as you move over the tool bar icons from left to right.
New - This button will create a new Logger Pro file. When clicked, you may be prompted to save the current file.
Open - The Open button gives you the opportunity to open an existing file. Logger Pro contains hundreds of files that help you collect and
analyze data.
Save - This button is used to save the current file.
Print - This button opens the Print Options dialog box and then sends all pages to the printer.
Previous Page - Logger Pro documents can contain multiple pages of information. While navigating through a document, the Previous Page
button will take you backward one page. To the right of the Previous Page button you will find a drop down list of the pages in a document.
This list lets you go directly to a page instead moving forward or backward one page at a time.
Next Page - This button will take you to the next page.
Show/Hide Data Browser - The Data Browser is a container for all the data in a Logger Pro session. This gives you a quick way to see what
data sets are in the file. In most cases Logger Pro files contain a data table. The data table can be used to work with data. (Page 4 of this
tutorial describes working with data tables.)
Import from TI Device - The button takes you to a dialog from which you can import data from a TI graphing calculator, a LabPro interface,
or a CBL 2 interface.
Autoscale - The Autoscale button provides a quick way to scale a graph and fit the data on the graph. The graph below displays temperature
When you click the Autoscale button the graph changes to the next shape:
Zoom In - This button is used to zoom in on a region of a graph. You can use your mouse to click and drag over a region of the graph (that
region becomes highlighted in light blue).
Now if you click the Zoom In button the graph changes to the following shape:
Zoom Out - With this button you can zoom out to see more data (when you click this button the graph changes back to its initial shape).
Examine - The Examine button puts a pop up box, called a helper object, on the graph screen.
As you move the mouse across the graph, coordinates of the data points are displayed in the helper object. To turn this feature off, either click
the Examine button again or click the close box in the upper left corner of the helper object.
Tangent - When the Tangent button is clicked, a line (solid black) that approximates the tangent to the data will be drawn on the graph. As you
move the cursor, the tangent line moves with the cursor.
Statistics - The Statistics button displays statistical information about the data on the graph. If you click and drag on a region of the graph, the
statistical data will be shown for that region only. If you do not click and drag, data will be displayed for the entire graph.
Integral - This button calculates the integral of a region of data or the entire graph.
Linear Fit - The Linear Fit button fits a linear function (y = m*x + b) to the selected region or the entire graph.
Curve Fit - The Curve Fit button brings up a dialog box from which you can fit ready setup functions to the data, or you can define your own
Data Collection - Since you are collecting data with Logger Pro, the Data Collection button brings up a dialog box that is used to control the
data collection parameters. For your first experiment this box is going to control how many periods will be recorded automatically or if you
can stop the data collection after any number of complete cycles.
Collect - The Collect button is clicked to start data collection.
In the next row of the toolbar are icons for any connected devices in your case the LabPro interface, and all connected sensors, along with the
associated live readouts. For your first experiment, this row will show the state of the photogate (blocked/unblocked)
These icons are also buttons to bring up a dialog box that shows sensor information. For your first experiment, this box shows that your digital
photogate sensor is connected to the interface through the top right side port named DIG/SONIC 1.
As well, the state of the photogate is shown in the upper corner of this box, as it changes periodically from unblocked to blocked.