EE 221 Exam #3 11/21/2002 Name: ____________________________________ _____ / 100 pts You need to show all of your steps in detail to get full credit! 1. Determine the voltage and current for each of the passive elements in the circuit. Find the values of the energy stored in the capacitor and the inductor. R1=20Ω Vs=15V (15 pts) L=8mH C=5µF + − R2=10Ω DC-voltage source ⇒ IC = 0 A (open loop for DC) and VL = 0 V (short circuit for DC). The resulting circuit consists only of the voltage source in series with the two resistors: I = VS / (R1 + R2) = 15V /(20Ω+10Ω) = 0.5 A VR1 = VS R1 / (R1 + R2) = 15V 2/3 = 10 V VR2 = VS R2 / (R1 + R2) = 15V 1/3 = 5 V The inductor’s current is IL = I = 500 mA and the capacitor’s voltage VC = VR2 = 5 V. Therefore, the values for energy stored are: WL = ½ L IL2 = 0.5 * 0.008 * ¼ Ws = 1 mWs = 1mJ WC = ½ C VC2 = 0.5 * 5e-6 * 25 Ws = 62.5 µWs = 62.5 µJ VR1 = _10 V__ IR1 = _0.5 A__ VL = _0 V __ IL = _0.5 A__ VC = _5 V___ IC = _0 A___ VR2 = _5 V___ IR2 = _0.5 A__ WC = _62.5 µJ_ WL = __1 mJ__ Example 1 of 6 2. The voltage across the terminals of a 1mF capacitor is shown below. Sketch the current through the capacitor and the energy stored in the capacitor as function of time. v(t) in V (15 pts) iC(t) = C dv/dt : from 0 to 1s: 10 1 3 5 t (s) voltage rises linearly, iC = 1mF *10V/1s = 10mA from 1 to 2s: voltage is constant, iC = 0A -10 from 2 to 3s: i(t) in mA voltage drops linearly, iC = -1mF *20V/1s = -20mA 20 10 from 3 to 4s: 1 3 5 t (s) voltage is constant, iC = 0A -10 from 4 to 5s: -20 voltage rises linearly, iC = 1mF *10V/1s = 10mA w(t) in mJ w c(t)=½CVC2: from t = 1-2s: 50 wc = ½ 1mF (10V)2 = 50mWs 1 0 3 5 t (s) from t = 3-4s: wc = ½ 1mF (-10V)2 = 50mWs between 0-1s, 2-3s, and 4-5s: increases and decreases between the two extreme values of zero and the maximum of 50mWs with v2 Example 2 of 6 3. For the circuit shown below, use nodal analysis in the phasordomain to find a consistent set of equations. Do not substitute, simplify, or solve. (15 pts) V2 -j4Ω 2Ω V1 V3 j7Ω 2∠75ºA -j8Ω 10Ω 5∠-45ºA GND 3 equations in 3 unknowns: A) V1 / 10Ω + (V1 − V2) / (−j4Ω) + (V1 − V3) / (j7Ω) = 2A∠75º B) (V2 − V1)/ (−j4Ω) + (V2 − V3) / 2Ω = 0 C) V3 / (−j8Ω) + (V3 − V1) / (j7Ω) + (V3 − V2) / 2Ω = −5A∠-45º Example 3 of 6 4. a.) Solve for IC and VC in the phasor-domain and draw a phasor diagram showing both. b.) Add the source current to the phasor diagram; finally, indicate (approximately = without computations) the current IL c.) What is the capacitor’s current in the time domain iC(t) assuming ω = 100 rad/s? VC IS 2∠0ºA IC (15 pts) j2Ω IL −j2Ω R=2Ω GND Current division to find IC: IC = I (2 + j2Ω) / (2 + j2 − j2Ω) = 2A∠0º (2 + j2Ω) / (2Ω) = = 2 + j2 A = √8∠45º A ≅ 2.83∠45º A Im IC IL Ohm’s law in phasor-domain: VC = ZC IC = −j2Ω ( 2 + j2 A) = −j4 + 4 V = = 2√8∠−45º ≅ 5.66∠−45º (note: VC lags the current IC by 90 degrees) Re IS IL VC The current in the time-domain: IC = √8∠45º A ⇒ iC(t) = √8 cos(100t + 45º) VC = __2√8∠−45º V__ IC = ___√8∠45º A____ iC(t) = ___√8 cos(100t + 45º)___________ Example 4 of 6 5. Find the Thévenin-equivalent (VTH and ZTH) of the circuit and the load ZL that maximizes the average power delivered to the load. What is the maximum average power P? 1Ω Vs=15∠0ºV j1.3Ω 1.1Ω (20 pts) a -j3Ω + − b The Thevenin-impedance as seen from the two terminals a and b (voltage source replaced by short-circuit): ZTH = (1Ω || −j3Ω ) + (1.1Ω + j1.3Ω) = −j3Ω / (1 − j3Ω) + 1.1Ω + j1.3Ω = = (−j3 + 9Ω) / (1 + 9) + 1.1Ω + j1.3Ω = 2 + j Ω = √5∠26.6º Ω VTH = 15V (−j3Ω) / (1Ω − j3Ω) = 15V (0.9Ω − j0.3Ω) = = 13.5 − j4.5 V = 14.23∠−18.43º V ZL = Z*TH (the conjugate complex) = 2 − j Ω = √5∠ −26.6º Ω Connecting the load results in an overall impedance of Z = ZL + ZTH = 2 − j Ω + 2 + j Ω = 4Ω Therefore, the current through the load equals I = V / Z, also: |I| = |V| / |Z| and Im = Vm / |Z|. Using the last relationship of Im = Vm / |Z| = 14.23 / 4Ω = 3.558 A, allows to compute the consumed power P = ½ Im2 RL = ½ 3.5582 2 = 12.66 W. Note: You could have used the voltage magnitude directly: P = ½ (Vm/2)2 / RL ZTH = __2 + j Ω_, VTH = __14.23∠−18.43º V__ ZL = __2 − j Ω__, P = ___12.66 W_______ Example 5 of 6 6. The circuit shown has reached steady-state conditions. Determine the average power generated by each source and the average power delivered to each impedance. (20 pts) Z1 = 1.41∠45º Ω = 1+j Ω, Z2 = 3.61∠-33.7º Ω = 3 − j2 Ω 1∠90ºA 2∠0ºA Z1 Z2 I = I1 + I2 = 1∠90º + 2∠0º = 2 + j A = √5∠26.6º A I1 = I Z2 / (Z1 + Z2) = √5∠26.6º A (3.61∠−33.7º) / (4 −j) = 1.96∠6.9º I2 = I Z1 / (Z1 + Z2) = √5∠26.6º A (1.41∠45º) / (4 −j) = 0.77∠85.6º P1 = ½ Im12 R1 = ½ (1.96A)2 1Ω = 1.92 W P2 = ½ Im22 R2 = ½ (0.77A)2 3Ω = 0.89 W The voltage across the elements equals V = I1 Z1 = 1.96∠6.9ºA 1.41∠45ºΩ = 2.77∠51.9º V PS1 = ½ Vm Im,S1 cos(ϕV - ϕI,S1) = ½ 2.77 cos(51.9 - 90) = 1.09 W PS2 = ½ Vm Im,S2 cos(ϕV - ϕI,S2) = ½ 2.77 2 cos(51.9 - 0) = 1.71 W PS1 = ___1.09 W_ PS2 = ___1.71 W_ PZ1 = __1.92 W_ PZ2 = __0.89 W_ ΣP = _≈0 W_(0.01W) Example 6 of 6