Nine Core Technologies

Nine Core Technologies Mechanical Electrical Electronic Structural Fluid Optical Thermal Bio Materials
You will see how the nine core technologies work together as they appear on a modern farm. The different parts of the farm. GPS Satellite
Combine Harvester Silo House Barn GPS­Controlled Combine Mechanical Electrical Electronic Structural Fluid Optical Thermal Bio Materials Optical GPS Satellite Electronic GPS Receiver Materials Polarized Glass Bio Fluid Hydraulic brakes
Enhanced crops Chicken Barn Mechanical Electrical Electronic Structural Optical Web cam
Electrical Electronic Thermostat Lighting Fluid Optical Thermal Bio Materials Office Mechanical Electrical Electronic Structural Fluid Optical Thermal Bio Materials Electrical Lamp Materials Corkboard Electronics Computer Optical Structure Web cam
Shelf Caster Silo Mechanical Electrical Electronic Structural Fluid Optical Thermal Bio Materials Structural Cylinder shape Material Steel alloy Thermal Insulation
Bio Grain Mechanical Motor Switch Electrical Summary Every object on the farm includes technology from the nine core technologies. All technologies are made from combinations of the nine core technologies.
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