` N GERN/752/Rev. Original: English 24 November, 1967 ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH THIRTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE COUNCIL Geneva - I5 and 14 December, 1967 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE FINANCIAL PROTOCOL ANNEXED TO THE CERN CONVENTION The attached document sets out the amendments proposed to the Financial Protocol, together with a Council Resolution recommending to Member States their acceptance. his document should be read in conjunction with document ICERN/GEN/8 and document CERN/750/Rev.2, which explains the purpose and effect of the amendments proposeda Document CERN/716/Rev.5 gives the amended text in parallel with that of the present Financial Protocol. Official text of the CERN Convention: "Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research", Paris, lst July, l955· 67/l4l5/5/e OCR Output CERN/752/Rev. DRAFT RESOLUTION The COUNCIL, having resolved to recommend to Member States the amendments to the Convention set out in document CERN/751/Rev.; considering that these amendments necessitate amendments also to the Financial Protocol annexed to the Convention; RESOLVES: (a)V by virtue of the powers conferred upon it by the terms of paragraph 5 of Article X of the Convention to adopt the amendments to the Financial Protocol which are attached hereto; (b) that these amendments shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of the amend ments to the Convention set out in document 012:RN/ 751/Rev. OCR Output 67/1415/ 5/ c CERN/752/Rev. Page 5 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE FINANCIAL PROTOCOL ANNEXED TO THE CERN CONVENTION Amendment N0.l Article l (i) pw%3wh(@,lmel: delete: “The Director" insert: "Each Directer—General" (ii) paragraph (5), line 5: delete: "the Director" insert: "the Direct0rs—General" Amendment Ne.2 Article 2 (1) line 1; delete: "the Director" insert: "a Direct0r—General" (11) line 5; delete: "Direct0r" insert: “appr0priate Direct0r—General" OCR Output 67/1415/5/G cER1v/ 752/R ev . Page 4 Amendment N0. 5 ArticlG line l: delete: "e" after the word "present" (11) line 2: add: "estimates" after the word "budget" (111) line 2: delete: "res0luti0n" insert: "pr0p0sal" Amendment N0. 4 Article delete the present text insert: (1) The Finance Committee established by paragraph l2 of Article V of the Convention shall be composed of represent atives of all Member States. (2) The Finance Committee shall, in reaching its decisions, follow the rules for voting and quorum prescribed for the Council in Article V of the Convention. (5) This Committee shall examine the budget estimates of the Directors-General, after which they shall be trans mitted to the Council with the Committee's report thereon.' Amendment No. 5 Article 4 (1) paragraph (5), line 5: delete: "paragraph 1 of" 67/1415/5/ C OCR Output GERN/752/Rev. Page 5 Ar.10nd.1;1cn‘b (11) 1\T0,_5_ (c0nt’d) par axgzr aph (111) (4), 11ne 1: delete: "bec0mes" insert: 'tmaether 0n becoming Paragraph (4), lines l and 2: delete: "after the thirty-first of December l954" insert: "er later, first participates in a programme ef activities (iv) paragraph (4), 11ne 2: delete: "all Member States" insert: "the other Member States c0ncerned" Amendment N0. 6 Article (1) 4, paragraph (5): sub—paragraph (a), line 2: delete: "Direct0r" insert: "Directers-General" (11) sub-paragraph (b), line l: delete: "The Director" insert: “Each Direct0r—General" Amendment Mo. 7 Article 5 (i) paragraph (1), lines 5, 4 and 5: delete: "The contributions of Member States shall be made in that currency in accordance with the payments arrangements currently in force.' (ii) paragraph 2: delete: the present text insert: "The Council shall, by a two—thirds majority of all the Member States, determine the payments arrangements and the currency or currencies in which the contributions of the Member States 1 67/1414/5/e OCR Output sneii be made. ·* CERN/752/B ev. Page 6 A1;1cndmen·l: N0. 8 Article 6, title and text delete: "Fund" insert: "Funds" Amendment N0. 9 insert as new Article 7: title: text "Financial Rules" "After c0nsult0ti0n with_the Finance Genmittee, the Ceuncil shall, by a tw0-thirds_maj0rity 0f all the Member States, adept rules fer the financial administration 0f the Organizatien, which shall ccnstitute the Financial Rules." Amendment N0. 10 Article 7 (1) renumber as Article 8 (ii) paragraph (1), line l and paragraph (5), line l: delete: ""The Direct0r"" insert: ""Each Directer-General" (111) paragraph (2), line 5: delete: "referred t0 in Article 5" (iv) paragraph (2),, line- 7: delete: ‘“'said", 67/1415/5/G OCR Output CERN LIBRARIES, GENEVA CM-P0OO77346