Power Semiconductor Switches Diodes iD iD + v D - Vrated R vD 0 Reverse blocking region Figure 1: A diode circuit Figure 2: i - v characteristics of a diode iD vD 0 Figure 3: Idealized characteristics of a diode i At turn-on, the diode can be considered an ideal switch because it turns on rapidly compared to the transients in the power circuit. However at turn-off, the diode current reverses for a reverse recovery time trr as shown in Figure 4 before falling to zero. In many circuits, this reverse current does not affect the converter characteristic and so the diode can also be considered as ideal during the turn-off transient. D t rr Q rr t Figure 4: Diode turn-off 1 -2- Various types of diodes are available: 1. Schottky diodes: Used where a low forward voltage drop (typically 0.3 v) is needed in very low output voltage circuits. Reverse blocking voltage capability is 50 - 100 V. 2. Fast-recovery diodes: Used in high frequency circuits where a small reverse recovery time is needed. At power levels of several hundred volts and several hundred amperes, such diodes have trr ratings of less than a few microseconds. 3. Line-frequency diodes: The on-state voltage is designed to be low. trr is usually larger which is acceptable for line-frequency applications. These diodes are available with blocking voltage ratings of several kilo volts and current ratings of several kilo amperes. They can be connected in series and parallel to satisfy any voltage and current requirement. Thyristors A i A + v G i G K AK A thyristor can be triggered into the on-state by applying a pulse of positive gate current for a short duration provided that the device is in its forward blocking state. The forward voltage drop in the on-state is only a few volts. Once the device begins to conduct, it is latched on and the gate current can be removed. The thyristor cannot be turned off by the gate, and thyristor conducts as a diode. The thyristor turns off only when the anode current tries to go negative under the influence of the circuit in which the thyristor is connected. Figure 5: A thyristor 2 -3- iA on-state Reverse breakdown voltage off-state vAK 0 Forward breakdown voltage Reverse blocking region Figure 6: i - v characteristics of a thyristor iA on-state off-to-on vAK 0 Reverse blocking Forward blocking In reverse bias at voltages below the reverse breakdown voltage, only a negligibly small leakage current flows in the thyristor. Usually the thyristor voltage ratings for forward and reverse blocking voltages are the same. The thyristor current ratings are specified in terms of maximum rms and average currents. Figure 7: Idealized characteristics of a thyristor Turn-off time interval (tq) The time which must elapse after the forward current through the thyristor has ceased before forward voltage may again be applied without turn-on is called the "turn-off time". When conduction ceases, a high concentration of charge carriers still exists in the neighbourhood of the center junction of the thyristor, and until this concentration has been sufficiently reduced by recombination, it is not possible to apply a forward voltage without conduction immediately taking place. During tq a reverse voltage must be maintained across the thyristor and only after this time is the device capable of blocking a forward voltage without giving into its on-state. 3 -4In addition to voltage and current ratings, turn-off time tq, and the forward voltage drop, other characteristics that must be considered include the rate-of-rise of the current (di/dt) at turn-on and the rate-of-rise of voltage (dv/dt) at turn-off. Bipolar Junction Transistors C A sufficiently large base current results in the device being fully on. This requires that the control circuit provide a base current that is sufficiently large so that I IB > C hFE iC + B iB + v CE v BE - - where hFE is the dc current gain of the device. E Figure 8: A NPN transistor iC on off 0 vCE BJTs are current-controlled devices and base current must be supplied continuously to keep them in the on-state. The dc current gain hFE is usually only 5 - 10 in high power transistors and so these devices are sometimes connected in a Darlington or triple Darlington configuration to achieve a larger current gain. One of the main disadvantages of Darlington configurations are their slower switching speeds. Voltage ratings are up to 1400 V and current ratings of a few hundred amperes. Figure 9: Idealized characteristics of a NPN transistor Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) N-channel MOSFET 4 -5D MOSFETs are voltage-controlled devices. MOSFETs require the continuous application of a gate-source voltage of approximate magnitude in order to be in the onstate. No gate current flows except during the transitions from on to off or vice versa when the gate capacitance is being charged or discharged. The switching times are very short, being in the range of a few tens of nanoseconds to a few hundred nanoseconds depending on the device type. iD + v DS G + vGS - S Figure 10: An N-channel MOSFET MOSFETs are available in voltage ratings in excess of 1000 V but with small current ratings, and with up to 100 A at small voltage ratings. iD v GS = 7 V 6V on 5V off 4V v DS 0 Figure 11: i - v characteristics of an N-channel MOSFET iD on off 0 v DS Figure 12: Idealized characteristics of an N-channel MOSFET 5 -6GATE-TURN-OFF THYRISTORS (GTOs) The GTO can be turned on by a short-duration gate current pulse, and once in the on-state, the GTO may stay on without any further gate current. The GTO can be turned off by applying a negative gate-carthode voltage and therefore, causing a sufficiently large negative gate current to flow. This negative current need only flow for a few microseconds but it must have a very large magnitude, typically as large as one-third the anode current being turned off. A iA i A + on v AK G i - vAK off G 0 K Forward blocking Reverse blocking Figure 13: A Gate-turn-off thyristor Figure 14: Idealized characteristics of a GTO. iA on-state Turn-off Reverse breakdown voltage Turn -on off-state vAK 0 Reverse blocking region Forward breakdown voltage Figure 15: i-v characteristics of a GTO. 6