Targeting plant conservation priorities in the tropics: the Tropical Important Plant Areas programme Iain Darbyshire & Martin Cheek Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Important Plant Areas (IPAs) IPA programme led by Plantlife International since the early 2000s Contributes to Target 5 of the CBD’s Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: “At least 75 per cent of the most important areas for plant diversity of each ecological region protected with effective management in place for conserving plants and their genetic diversity” IPAs identify priority sites for plant conservation on a national or regional scale A scientifically rigorous but pragmatic approach based on three criteria: • • • Threatened species Exceptional botanical richness Threatened habitats Promote protection and sustainable management of IPA sites through engagement with national policy makers, natural resource managers and local communities IPAs in Turkey Turkey’s rich plant diversity • Nearly 9000 native vascular plant species • 3022 endemic species (34.4% endemism) • Diverse and rare habitats • Many threats to biodiversity; 25 threat categories identified IPA identification and designation • WWF Turkey, FFI, Univ. Istanbul and a collaboration of 40 scientists from 20 universities • 122 IPAs identified and documented 1998-2005 (22 added in 2006) • Totalling c. 11 million ha (13% of Turkey’s total area) • 94% of IPAs threatened, over 75% by two or more threat factors Byfield, A., Atay, S. & Özhatay, N.(2010). Important Plant Areas in Turkey: 122 Key Turkish Botanical Sites. WWF Turkey, İstanbul. Özhatay, N.(2006). Important Plant Areas along BTC pipeline in Turkey. BTC Şirketi, İstanbul. Images: Plantlife IPAs in Turkey: post-identification 9 IPA sites chosen in pilot scheme OBANET (IPANET) – Volunteer Network for the IPAs in Turkey, supported by the Rubicon Foundation, Netherlands Volunteer networks trained to: • monitor rare species and habitats • support sustainable use and management of natural resources • take action for IPAs that need protection IUCN Sampled Red List Index for Plants (2012) Tropical Important Plant Areas (TIPAs) programme Caribbean UKOTs* Guinea West Papua (Indonesian New Guinea) Uganda Bolivia Cameroon Mozambique * Anguilla B.V.I. 7 countries / regions selected: Cayman Is. Turks & Caicos Launched in 2015 as part of Kew’s Science Strategy 2015-2020 – Montserrat • strong in-country collaborations in place • on-going research & conservation programmes • wealth of collections-based data available Revised IPA criteria for a global approach A Threatened species Species redlisting B Botanical Richness Rangerestricted species Useful wild-harvested species C Threatened habitats Site-based inventories Core activities Speciesrich habitats Diversity mapping Species mapping and field survey Identification & mapping of: • • • Images: Sophie Williams, Imperial College crop wild relatives medicinal plants timber species etc. Vegetation mapping Habitat threat assessments Image: Andre Schuiteman IPAs and IUCN Key Biodiversity Areas IPA A1: Globally threatened species KBA A1: Threatened taxa IPA A2: Regionally threatened species KBA A2: Threatened ecosystem types IPA A3: Highly restricted endemics KBA B1: Individual geographically restricted species IPA A4: Range restricted endemics KBA B2: Co-occurring geographically restricted species IPA B1: Exceptional species richness within defined habitat KBA B3: Geographically restricted assemblages IPA B2: Exceptional number of species of restricted range KBA B4: Geographically restricted ecosystem types IPA B3: Exceptional number of species of socio-economic value KBA C: Ecological integrity IPA C1: Globally threatened or restricted habitat KBA D: Biological processes IPA C2: Regionally threatened or restricted habitat IPA C3: Nationally threatened or severely declining habitat potentially matches to global KBA criteria KBA E: Biodiversity through quantitative analysis potentially matches to regional / national KBA criteria provides key data for global KBA assessment The TIPAs programme in Guinea A collaboration between: • The National Herbarium of Guinea (Gamal Abdel Nasser University) • Ministry of Environment, Water & Forests (MEEF), government of Guinea • Guinée Ecologie (environmental NGO specialising in citizen science and community engagement) • Centre Forestier de N'Zérékoré (conservation NGO working in Guinée Forestiere region) • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew • Plantlife International Darwin Initiative: Important Plant Areas in Guinea-Conakry. 2016-2019 GBIF Biodiversity Information for Development fund: Towards a Red List of the Globally Threatened Plants of Guinea. 2016-2018 Image: M. Cheek Kew’s work in Guinea • Kew active in Guinea since 2005 with a fieldwork, research and capacity building programme • National Herbarium of Guinea (HNG) established at University Gamel Abdel Nasser (UGAN), Conakry, ratified in 2009 • Teaching on newly established UGAN MSc. in Biodiversity & Sustainable Development • National Plant Red List programme launched in 2012, BID funding in 2016 Establishing the National Herbarium, 2008 • TIPAs programme launched in 2015 at Conakry workshop; Darwin Initiative funding in 2016. TIPAs workshop, Conakry, Guinea, 2015 Images: Iain Darbyshire & Charlotte Couch Guinea: threatened species • Over 3000 angiosperm species • Only 210 currently on the IUCN Red List (7%) • 44 threatened or nearthreatened • 16 new species described from Guinea since 2005; 22 further species new to science discovered during field surveys • Threats from mining, urbanisation and population growth Threatened species: preliminary data based on 273 species Aim to publish a Red Data Book similar to that for Cameroon Lipotriche tithonioides (EN) Guinea: threatened species Utricularia pobeguinii (EN*) Fleurydora felicis (VU) Acalypha guineensis (VU*) Brachystephanus oreacanthus (VU) Pitcairnia feliciana Kotschya micrantha (VU*) Images: M. Cheek, I. Darbyshire & Canga East Botanical Team Isoglossa dispersa (VU) * unpublished assessment Guinea: threatened habitats Bowal Nov 2003 • Seasonally wet treeless habitat over ferricrete or sandstone • In the wet season, supports a rich herb community, including many rare species • Sandstone bowal threatened by bauxite extraction for aluminium products Images: Google Earth Jan 2016 Images: Charlotte Couch, Quentin Luke Bauxite extraction from sandstone bowal habitat in the Grandes Chutes Classified Forest near Mambiya Images: Google Earth Guinea: threatened habitats - Bowal Image: Google Earth Guinea: threatened habitats Bowal Kew MSc. Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation Thesis 2016: Bowal in West Africa (Natalie Konig) Mapping of bowal habitat in Guinea Field survey of the habitat and its species Guinea: threatened habitats Iron ore mining in montane grassland Oct 2011 Jan 2015 Mining of granite inselberg, Macenta Images: Google Earth Artisanal gold mining: Simandou Range, Pic de Fon Classified Forest, lowland evergreen forest Images: Iain Darbyshire Mt Gangan proposed IPA, Guinea Image: Isabel Larridon With thanks to all that have helped in the project to date Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Plantlife International Partner organisations in the TIPA countries Darwin Initiative GBIF Biodiversity for Development programme IUCN Species Survival Commission