Home Assignment 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part C - read before Monday Sept 21. Part B - delivered by Friday Sept 25, 4 pm latest. Part A - read during the following week. E-mail: physcomp09@gmail.com Subject line: HA3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Next week we will work with chapter 8, 9 and 10 in your textbook. Check and read through. B. Exercises 1. What is debouncing, and how do you deal with it? 2. What is blowback or back voltage and how can you prevent it. 3. Blog a Physical Computing project on the course blog. Choose a physical computing project, concept or service you find interesting. Write a short paragraph about it and why you find it interesting. Post it under the ‘Inspiration’ category on the course blog using for example the project’s title as a title for the post. Sign your post with your name (and group number). Make sure to: - Link your URLs. URLs should be hyperlinked, preferably embedded in the text. - Avoid plagiarism. Use quotations when appropriate but do write your own text. - Credit sources. Include title, author(s) and link of the publication / project you write about in the body of the text. f. ex. if you found the project on we-make-money-not-art, write “via we-make-money-not-art” at the bottom of your post, linking “we-make-money-not-art” to the corresponding post in which you found the project. Same with images and quotations, always credit the source (write: “photo courtesy of…” and put quoted person/website between parenthesis right after the quotation). - Make sure you choose a different project than your classmates’. There are a zillion physical computing projects around so it should not be a problem. Use the search function of the blog to make sure you’re not picking a project blogged by another student. Instructions on how to post on the blog - Go to http://chalmersphyscomp09.wordpress.com/admin/ or go to http://chalmersphyscomp09.wordpress.com and click on “Log in” (under “Links”). - Go to “My Dashboard” -> “Write” (post) / “Add New” - Write the title of your post, copy and paste your paragraph into the text field or write there directly. - Choose the category and tag the post with one or two appropriate keywords - You can add media (photos, videos, sound) by clicking on the small icons next to “Upload / Insert” -> upload file, name it, choose link (optional), alignment and size ->click on “Insert into post” [not ‘save all changes’) - To add links: select words, click on the “insert icon” (the chain), write the URL -> click on “Insert” - Make sure to save changes. - Preview the post to see that everything looks good - Publish your post (you can also save and come back later to publish. In that case, your post is in “Manage” -> “Post”) - Done. To view the post: click on “View Posts”, Edit. To edit: click on “Edit post”. To make further edits, go to “Posts” and “Edit” and look for the title of your post. If you only want the beginning of your post to appear in the front page of the blog and for people to read the rest after clicking, click on the “Insert more tag” after the part of the text to be made visible. [ Wordpress may be slow when many use it simultaneously (?) so try to have it up before Friday ] Tangible / Kinetic / Haptic http://www.interactivearchitecture.org/ http://www.tei-conf.org/ Music / Sound http://www.oddmusic.com/ http://musicthing.blogspot.com/ RFID / NFC / Networked http://www.nearfield.org http://www.touchaffordances.org/ http://www.rfid-weblog.com/ Hobby / Hacking http://blog.makezine.com/archive/arduino/ http://blog.makezine.com/ Wearables / Fashion / Materials http://www.fashioningtech.com/ http://www.twenty1f.com/ http://www.talk2myshirt.com/blog http://ambient.media.mit.edu/transitive/chi2009papers.htm General http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com http://www.pixelsumo.com http://www.interactiondesign.se/blog/ Always check if a site has categories. For even more sites check the resources section at the course web. Feel free to use any other source as well. 4. You may also blog some technology, hardware, or material you’ve found interesting this far if you find it useful to share with your classmates. A category, Tech, is sat up for this purpose. C. To prepare for Lab3, read: Relays and transistors http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/code/input-output/controlling-highcurrent-circuits Motors http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/code/motors DC motors http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/code/motors/controlling-dc-motors Servo Motors http://todbot.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/arduino_spooky_projects_class3.pdf (p. 22-37) Stepper-motors http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/code/category/arduinowiring/51 Serial shifting-out and in http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ShiftOut http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ShiftIn And browse these sections.. RFID http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/audiovis/RFID-Reader-v1.2.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFID QR Codes http://reader.kaywa.com/faq/13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code