Plugs, Receptacles and Jointing Accessoires A.06.210e 1. Moulded Plugs and Receptacles Compliance with Standards FAA: In full compliance with FAAL-823 class A specification, AC 150/5345 - 26B. FIG. 1A Use The ADB factory-moulded plugs and receptacles achieve waterproof connections in underground installations. Description 1. Single-pole plugs and receptacles, 5kV, 25A. For connection of the primary cable to the primary leads of the isolating transformer. Identical with those fitted to the isolating transformers type RC 8126 and RCE (catalogue leaflet A.06.110). Fig. 1: Single-pole moulded plug and receptacle A. On unscreened cable B. On screened cable 2. Two-pole plugs and receptacles, 600V, 20A. For connection of the light to the secondary of the isolating transformer. Factory moulded on rubber-insulated, PCP sheathed flexible cable. Standard sections: 2,5 and 4 sqmm or AWG 14 to 10). AWG 12 or 4 sqmm is used either for 20 A or for reducing the losses in 6,6 A (e.g. long distance between transformer and light). Fig. 2: Two-pole plug and receptable. 3. Factory moulding on pre-cut cable lengths The single- and two-pole plugs and receptacles can be factory moulded on cable lengths accurately cut to customer's order. These pre-fabricated cable assemblies substantially reduce installation time. Quality and reliability are generally superior to that obtained with "in-field" joints. This results from severe quality control on each completed assembly before shipment. Factory moulding is not possible on PE, XLPE and PVC insulated and/or sheathed cables. In such cases, a CKE-52 resin type connector is used. Note: On request four-pole and six-pole plugs and receptacles are available, details on application. FIG. 1B FIG. 2 Identification Table 1 FAA L-823 Description Type Class Single-pole plugs and receptacles I Style Fig. 2 2(a) 9 2 (b) Working voltage kV A 5 2 2 (a) II Connection of the series circuit to the primary of the isolating transformer. Factory moulding on butyl/PCP or EPR/PCP unscreened cable: 6 to 20 sqmm or AWG 10 to 4. As above except: usable on screened cable. Accepts all screen constructions, i.e. tape, braid, wires etc... 9 2 (b) + screen wire Two-pole plug Use 1 1 (a) Connection of a light to the secondary of the isolating transformer. Factory moulding on rubber/ PCP cable, 2,5, to 6 sqmm. 6 5 As above: factory moulded on two high temperature wires, AWG 14 to 10. A 0,6 Two-pole smooth receptacles shaped 7 1 (b) As above: when an extension is required. bellshaped 8 1 (c) As above: when an extension is required for connection to the plug of an elevated light Selection Table 2 TYPE 54B - WX - YZ SINGLE-POLE CONNECTOR KIT (*) T 54B FIG. 3 W Cable O.D. (mm) X Y min. max. Z Stranded conductor (7 wires) AWG Metric (sqmm) B C D E F G H 4,95 6,35 8,13 10,67 14,61 19,69 24,77 6.60 8.38 10.92 14.86 19.94 25.02 28.58 6 4 3 2 10-12 8 6 4 *WX for receplacle - YZ for plug Example Connector kit for AWG 8 cables - 5 KV** Stranded - unscreened - O.D. 14,1 mm **The two cables can be of different sizes Connector kit 54B - E4 - E4 6 2. Connector Kits Compliance with Standards FAA: In full compliance with FAA L-823, class B specification, AC 150/5345-26B Use On the spot making of watertight plug/receptacle joints. Description (see tables 2,3,4) 1. Single-pole connector kit (Fig. 3) Specially designed for connection of single-core unscreened series circuit cable to isolating transformers. 2. Connector kit type CKE-52 for screened cable (Fig. 4). ADB has designed and patented a connection system for screened (Shielded) single-core cables. This system consists of a special single-pole connector kit. The screen is connected to an earthing wire. The connector is filled-up with resin. The CKE-52 connector kit is designed to fulfill the requirements below: - to ensure the electrical continuity of the screen - to earth the screen - to ensure the continuity of the primary series loop - to mate with FAA L-823 type I, class A styles 2 and 9 connectors and make a watertight joint. - to fulfill ICAO's Aerodrome Design Requirements 3. Two-pole connector kits (Fig. 5) Specially designed for connection of 2-core secondary cables to either the light or the isolating transformer. TYPE CKE 52 Cable O.D. (mm) Stranded conductor (7 wires) min. 9 max. 15* from 6 to 13 sqmm from AWG 10 to 6 *on request a special cap allows use of CKE-52 on 16 to 20 mm outside diameter cables. FIG. 4 Construction The body of the connector is made of elastomer. The watertightness is ensured by: a) the elasticity of the material exerting a pressure on the outer sheath of the cable b) the filling up with silicone dielectric grease (resin for the CKE-52 only) A range of connectors are available to cover all the standard diameters (see selection tables 2 and 3).The connection of the conductor is performed by cold crimping with a suitable crimping tool (e.g. AMP or BURNDY).The pins and sockets are available in various sizes covering the range of standard conductor sections. Selection Table 3 TYPE T-YZ TWO-POLE CONNECTOR KITS T Y A. 90P S A 3,05 3,94 4,06 5,21 B. 90R B C 4,95 6,35 6,60 8,38 C. 91 P D. 91R E F 10,41 14,61 14,86 19,94 FIG. 5 Example: Connector kit (two- pole plug) for a 2 x 4 sqmm cable Cable O.D.(mm) min. max. stranded - O.D. 12,8 mm Z Conductor Section Solid Stranded 8 12-14 AWG 2,5-4 sqmm. 14-16 AWG 1,5-2,5 sqmm, 6 8-10 AWG 6- 10 sqmm. 10- 12 AWG 4-6 sqmm, } Connector kit 91 P - E6 Identification Table 4 FAA Description Type Class Style Fig. Single-pole plug and receptacle I B Two-pole plug L-823 3 3 (a) 10 3 (b) 3 3 (a) Working voltage kV 5 10 3 (b) + screen wire Use Connection of the series circuit to the primary of the isolating transformer. To be crimped, on the spot, on unscreened cable: 6 to 20 sqmm. or AWG 10 to 4. Usable on screened cable. Accepts all screen constructions. Supplied with filling-up resin. Type CKE-52 5 4 (ef) 12 4 (gh) Two-pole plug 4 4 (ab) Connection on the spot of inset lights to the secondary of the isolating transformer via 2 PVC/nylon wires (AWG 12 or 10). Two-pole receptacle 11 4 (cd) As above, when an extension is required. Two-pole receplacle II On the spot making of extensions made of flexible rubber/PCP or PVC/PVC cable 2 x 2,5 or 2 x 4 sqmm), 0,6 3. Watertight Couplings Use The mating surfaces between plugs and receptacles must always be dry and clean. Care must be taken to ensure that elements are completely mated and inserted untill all air has escaped. Single-pole plug/receptacle assemblies must always be taped. In addition couplings and sleeves guarantee an absolute cleanliness of the connectors and strengthen their mechanical adherence. Description FIG. 6 (see selection table 5) 1. Screw coupling (Fig. 6) Entirely non-metallic. Insensitive to soil corrosion. The very simple assembly operation consists of sliding the coupling over the connectors and subsequently compressing both rubber rings by tightening the two nuts. 2. Heat shrinkable sleeve (Fig. 7) Consists of a heat shrinkable thermoplastic sleeve. An internal sealant coating increases watertightness. 1.Plug 2.Receptacle 3.Cable 4.Sleeve on heat application 5.Sleeve before heat applied 6.Sealant. FIG. 7 Selection Table 5 Description Screw coupling Heat shrinkable sleeve Uses 1. 1. On single-pole moulded plugs and receptacles (Fig. 1A-1B) 2. On two-pole moulded plugs and receplacles (Fig. 2) 3. On single-pole connector kits (Fig. 3) 4. On connector kit for screened cable (Fig. 4) 5. On two-pole connector kits (Fig. 5 A.B.C.D.) 4. Single or Double Joint Boxes Use These boxes are specially designed to join screened or unscreened cables. The double joint box type AVP6-1 (Fig. 8) or Barnicol (Fig. 9) is used for jointing of isolating transformers type RC 8126 (catalogue leaflet A.06.110) to screened series cable and to ensure the electrical continuity of the screen. In this case, a double joint box and a set of mating conductors afford the facility of easy disconnection. The double joint boxes are specially designed to fulfill the requirements below: - to splice the free end of the mating conductors with the screened cable forming the primary series loop - to ensure the electrical continuity of the screen - to earth the screen. The single joint box type PC2 (Fig. 10) is used as a joint for: - runs exceeding commercially available lengths - repair of damaged cable - extensions to a series loop. FIG. 8 FIG. 9 Description The joint boxes are made of two synthetic resin shells. After connection of the conductors and of the screens the box is filled-up with resin. After hardening of the resin, a reliable, permanent and waterproof joint is formed. FIG. 10 Ordering Data 1. Moulded plugs and receptacles - Single-pole plug and/or receptable moulded on a 3 kV or 5 kV screened or unscreened* cable, cross section:...*,....* m long. One end of the cable: plug or receptacle* The other end: either receptacle or plug or free*. - Two-pole plug and/or receptacle moulded on a 750V two-core cable, cross section 2x....* sqmm-.... * m long. One end of the cable: plug or receptacle* The other end: either receptacle or plug or free*. Note: type of 2-pole receptacle: either smooth-shaped or bell-shaped*. 2. Connector kits The type will be determined according to the data mentioned in tables 2 (single-pole connector kit) or 3 (two-pole connector kits). For single-pole kits, state if cable is screened or unscreened. In case of screened cable, our supply will include the special connector kit, the earth wire, and the resin. Crimping tool*: type will be determined considering connector kit size and cable data. 3. Watertight coupling* - Screw coupling - Heat shrinkable sleeve Specify the type of plug/receptacle assembly on which the coupling or sleeve will be fitted. 4. Joint boxes* Single, type:....*- double, type:....* 1) Cable data - as per especificafton*:.... - conductor size (cross section): AWG .... or.... sqmm* - solid or stranded*....wires - insulation: material*.... - screen: - material*.... - tape, braid or wires* - outer sheath material....* - outer diameter of cable:....*mm (indicate maximum tolerances) 2) Resin - ambient temperature of storage: ....* °C maximum, ....* °C minimum - ambient temperature of use: .... * °C maximum, ....* °C minimum. Important: resin can normally be stored in a dry room for 6 months in an ambient temperature of 20 °C max. 3) Crimping tool*: type will be determined considering cable data *Complete, delete or modify as necessary. FIG. 11 Suggested Specification 2/04.97. Subject to modifications. Order Nr. E10001-A35-A46-V1-7600 35273525 PA 03972 Dispo 21649 SEK 21856 11U1168 All plugs and receptacles shall be in compliance with FAA L-823 specification (AC 150/5345-26B). This compliance is essential to ensure a perfect fit with the connectors of the lights and isolating transformers. The connectors shall preferably be factory moulded on pre-cut series cable lenghts for the portable and temporary installations or when skilled technicians perfectly aware of the high voltage connetions cannot be appointed to perform the kit connections on site. The connectors shall preferably be factory moulded on pre-cut secondary cable lenghts when these lenghts can be accurately determined in advance. When connector kits are used, the cables are supplied in commercial lenghts cut in situ at the exact lenght and fitted with connector kits. These kits shall only be assembled by skilled technicians supervised by a specialist to ensure their electrical, mechanical and watertighness properties reach the expected standards. For connection accessories using resins, the self life, storage and use temperatures shall not be exceeded. Screened cables used in series circuits shall be connected to the isolating transformers by means of resin filled connector kits. The screen shall be brought out trough an insulated wire and earthed. N.V. ADB S.A. Leuvensesteenweg, 585 - B 1930 Zaventem - Belgium Tel : 32/2/722.17.11 - Fax : 32/2/722.17.64 - Telex : 22154 Companies in France, U.K. and U.S.A. - Agents all over the world.