There are several different ways to view your client`s results. First

How Do I View My Client’s Results?
There are several different ways to view your client’s results.
First, log in to your clinician account.
Method 1 – Most Recent Results
From your homepage you can choose to view the results by
session (an example is shown in the red circle).
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This section will show a list of your clients’ most recent activity,
in order of date and time. In this case only Fred has completed
his tasks but you may see several names in your list.
Clicking ‘View Results’ next to the date shown will take you to a
summary of results that client achieved that day.
The example shown below shows that on that date the client
tried 3 out of 7 questions of the ‘Listen to a conversation and
answer questions (Level 3)’ (shown in the blue circle) exercise
and got 100% of those correct (shown in the green circle).
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Method 1 allows you to access results from your homepage. For
the rest of the methods you will have to follow these simple
steps to access your client’s results profile.
Step 1 Click the ‘Clients’ button (shown in the blue circle) on
your homepage or select ‘My Clients’ from the home dropdown
bar (shown in the red circle) to access your list of clients.
Step 2 From the list, choose the client whose results you want
to view and click the ‘Results’ button.
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You will now see that client’s results profile.
Diagram 1: Client Results Profile
Method 2 – All Results
On the client’s results profile, click the ‘All Results’ button
(shown in the red circle in Diagram 1 above).
You will now see a list of all your client’s results in order of
date, with the most recent first.
To view results for a session, click the ‘View Results’ next to
date (an example is shown in the red circle below). If your client
has been using for a while there may be more than
one page of results which you can browse (shown in the orange
circle below).
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Method 3 – By Date
On the client’s results profile, you will see two calendars
showing when you have accessed the program this month and
the previous month.
When your client’s uses the program, the date box for that day
will turn a darker shade of blue. If you click a date you will be
able to see a list of the exercises that they completed that day
(shown in the red orange circle in Diagram 1).
Method 4 – By Module
Under the ‘All Results’ button on the program you will notice a
list of the module types (shown in the purple circle in Diagram
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Clicking any of these modules will give you a list of the
different sub-modules that the client has completed tasks in.
You can either click on one of these to be able to view results
for each of the different exercises completed in this sub
module (shown in the red circle) or to view a list of the results
of all the exercises in this module (shown in the green circle).
Method 5 – By Recent Set Tasks
Next to the list of modules, you will see a list of tasks you have
set your client (shown in the blue circle in Diagram 1).
By clicking on ‘View Results’ next to one of these tasks, you will
be able to see a full list of results for each exercise in that set
of tasks.
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