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Dealing with a petition that termed the Lokpal selection process as being non-transparent in the absence of the Leader of Opposition, the Bench said that the LoP was a “very important component in the selection process and by not providing for one, the appointment will lack objectivity and the committee will be ineffective.” The Supreme Court (SC) asked Attorney-General Mukul Rohatgi to suggest by September 9 whether the Centre seeks to amend the words Leader of Opposition provided in Section 4(1)(c) of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013 on the lines of the recent National Judicial Appointment Commission Bill. As per the NJAC, the Leader of the Principal Opposition party <0CC4A>58=C4A?A4C0C8>= R CWTBd_aT\T2^dacPbZTS0cc^a]Th6T]TaP[<dZd[A^WPcVXc^ bdVVTbcQhBT_cT\QTa(fWTcWTacWT2T]caTbTTZbc^P\T]ScWT f^aSb;TPSTa^U>__^bXcX^]_a^eXSTSX]BTRcX^]# R^UcWT ;^Z_P[P]S;^ZPhdZcP0Rc! "^]cWT[X]Tb^U cWTaTRT]c=PcX^]P[9dSXRXP[0__^X]c\T]c 2^\\XbbX^]1X[[ R 0b_TacWT=902cWT;TPSTa^UcWT?aX]RX_P[ >__^bXcX^]_PachfX[[QT_Pac^UcWTbT[TRcX^] _a^RTbbU^a]^\X]PcX]Vcf^T\X]T]cYdaXbcb R A^WPcVXX]U^a\TScWTB2cWPccWT 6^eTa]\T]cfX[[d]STacPZTPR^\_[TcTaTeXTf^UcWT;^Z_P[0Rc P]SAd[TbP]ScWTTgTaRXbTXbP[\^bcR^\_[TcTFWT]cWT 1T]RWfXbWTSc^aTR^aScWXbbcPcT\T]cA^WPcVXR[PaXUXTScWPccWT _a^Q[T\PaTPbX]cWT0RcP]SAd[TbfX[[QTPSSaTbbTS R CWT1T]RWbPXScWPcXUcWTR^]RTa]^UcWTB2fPb]^cPSSaTbbTS XcfX[[bdXcPQ[hX]cTa_aTccWT_a^eXbX^]c^_a^eXSTU^a;^? will be part of the selection process for nominating two eminent jurists. Rohatgi informed the SC that the Government will undertake a complete review of the Lokpal Act and Rules and the exercise is almost complete. When the Bench wished to record this statement, Rohatgi clarified that the problem areas in the Act and Rules will be addressed. The Bench said that if the concern of the SC was not addressed, it will suitably interpret the provision to provide for LoP. The petition by NGO Common Cause said that with- out the LoP the process under Section 4(1)(c) would not achieve its desired purpose. The composition of the Search Committee headed by the Prime Minister includes Speaker, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Chief Justice of India or his nominee, and an eminent jurist. “Leader of Opposition is a very important component in this composition. We are not undermining others, but the LoP has a special significance. It gives objectivity to the selection process...When the LoP is not there, can the committee be termed effective,” the Bench, headed by Chief Justice RM Lodha asked the Centre. Rohatgi said that with the order of the Speaker denying Congress the post of LoP, the position of Leader of Opposition will not exist. Congress has 44 MPs, short of 10 per cent seats in Lok Sabha. Rohatgi further argued that even in the past, the LoP post had not existed. But the Bench differed with the view. Continued on Page 4 2T]caT_dcb ^]W^[S282 P__^X]c\T]c New Delhi: The Government on Friday put on hold the appointment of new chief of Central Information Commission (CIC) due to absence of the Leader of the Opposition (LoP) in the selection committee. The transparency watchdog is thus headless for the first time since its inception in 2005 after Chief Information Commissioner Rajiv Mathur relinquished his charge on Friday. The appointment of the CIC head is done by the President on the recommendation of a three-member selection committee headed by the Prime Minister and comprising LoP and a Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by the PM. “The appointment of the new chief of the CIC has not been done as there is no LoP,” official sources said. 5DMQDWKGHQLHV FKDUJHRIDVNLQJ 8¶NKDQG*XY WRSXWLQSDSHUV BTQX^aSTab_^]iXUXa\c^ aTUd]SC#(ZRac^X]eTbc^ab On Board Special Plane: The Central Government on Friday denied claims made by Uttarakhand Governor Aziz Qureshi that he had been asked to quit and said an “appropriate response” will be filed before Supreme Court soon. After touring flood-affected areas of Uttar Pradesh, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said, “There was no move to remove him. He holds the Constitutional post with the pleasure of the President.” The statement from the Minister came a day after the Supreme Court issued notice to the Centre on the Uttarakhand Governor’s plea challenging Narendra Modi Government’s moves to ease him out of office, bringing the controversy over removal of UPA-appointed Governors under judicial lens. The apex court had also issued notice to Home Secretary Anil Goswami who had allegedly threatened Governor Qureshi to resign from the post or face removal by Centre. However, the Home Minister maintained that no pressure was exerted for Qureshi’s removal and said that a response will be filed before the apex court soon. Continued on Page 4 n its biggest-ever crackdown on a large-scale illicit money Ipooling scheme estimated at ?C8Q =4F34;78 nearly Rs 49,100 crore, regulator Sebi on Friday ordered immediate closure of unauthorised collective investment schemes run by PACL Ltd and refund of investors’ money within three months. Besides, the capital markets regulator also said it is initiating further proceedings against the company and its nine promoters and directors for fraudulent and unfair trade practices, as also for violation of Sebi’s CIS Regulations, among others, as per a direction from the Supreme Court. As per Sebi’s 92-page order, the total amount mobilised by the company, “by its own admission” comes to a whopping Rs 49,100 crore and “this figure could have been even more if PACL would have provided the details of the funds mobilised during the period of April 1, 2012 to February 25, 2013”. The number of customers through which the money could have been collected is estimated around 5.85 crore, which includes the customers who said to have been allotted land and who are yet to be allotted the land, Sebi said. CWT]d\QTa^U Rdbc^\TabcWa^dVW fWXRWcWT\^]Th R^d[SWPeTQTT] R^[[TRcTSQh?02;Xb TbcX\PcTSPa^d]S $'$Ra^aT VH[UDWLRULVHVWR A094B7:D<0AQ =4F34;78 D elhi’s sex ratio has improved as compared to last year. It has increased from 886 females per 1,000 males to 895 per 1,000 in 2013. Delhi Government officials say it is the result of a sustained campaign against female foeticide and the Ladli scheme for the protection of the girl child. It is believed that the reported use of Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques is declining in the national Capital. A total of 3.70 lakh births were registered in 2013 as compared to 3.60 lakh in 2012. This means, on an average 1,014 births were registered per day as against 988 in 2012. Further, the infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) decreased from 23.93 during 2012 to 22.37 during 2013. It may be recalled that Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort had exhorted the people not to kill their daughters in the womb. He had also expressed unhappiness over the skewed sex ratio in the country. The Annual Report on Registration of Births and Deaths in Delhi 2013 was released on Friday, which revealed that that sex ratio on birth has increased from 886 in 2012 to 895 in 2013. Delhi’s total population is 1.67 crore. Officials claimed that the Ladli scheme and strict action against female foeticide were the reasons behind the increasing sex ratio in Delhi. In 2001, the sex ratio was 809:1,000 in Delhi. In 2007, it B^]X]82DPUcTa bdXRXSTQXS1XWPa <X]RaXTbaPVVX]V BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 This is the biggest ever amount, as also the largest number of investors, so far involved in a case found to be unauthorised ‘collective investment scheme’ by regulator Sebi. Among others, PACL and its top executives, including Nirmal Singh Bhangoo, are being probed by CBI as well. Besides, this is also one of the longest-running cases under the scanner of Sebi, which had first intimated PACL more than 16 years ago, in February 1998 that it could “neither launch any new schemes nor continue raising funds under its existing schemes.” While the company maintained that it was not running any illicit scheme and was in fact engaged in the business of sale and purchase of land, Sebi issued a notice in November 1999 to PACL, alleging that it “was operating CIS, wherein the funds of the investors were pooled and utilised towards the cost of land, registration expenses, developmental charges and other incidental expenses.” The case later went to courts, while the Supreme Court passed an order in February last year directing Sebi to determine whether the business of PACL fell within the purview of CIS or not, and accordingly take further action in accordance with the law. Promoters and directors of PACL Ltd have been involved with Pearls Group and PGF Group, among others. Continued on Page 4 fter an alleged suicide attempt at a renowned A boarding school in Gwalior, Bihar Cooperative Minister Jaikumar Singh’s son has been admitted to the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi. Singh on Friday claimed that his son Adarsh Kumar Singh is battling for life after alleged ragging. Hospital authorities confirmed that he is on ventilator support in the ICU. Adarsh was studying in Scindia School, Gwalior, said Singh to a news agency. He said the school authorities told him that his son tried to commit suicide on Wednesday night and was in serious condition. “But, I strongly dispute this that my son tried to commit suicide. Continued on Page 4 6WUD\GRJVLQWLJHUUHVHUYHVSRVLQJSUREOHPV ?=BQ 347A03D= he National Tiger T Conservation Authority (NTCA) is now mulling a slew of measures to address the problems, resulting from displacement of stray dogs from urban areas and their getting dumped in and around tiger reserves. Initially, these activities will be undertaken in six tiger reserves of India, including Corbett tiger reserve in Uttarakhand. The NTCA had held a meeting last month to discuss handling of stray dogs in and around tiger reserves. Stray dogs from cities are dumped in and around tiger reserves, resulting in their killing while also spawning the threat of the spread of diseases to wildlife, including tigers, through the ?=BQ 347A03D= ith the Central Government stressing on the need for development while attempting to strike a balance with environmental concerns, the Wildlife Institute of India is prepared to work with the Government to ensure that the environmental aspect is addressed, said the WII director Dr Vinod B Mathur. Talking to The Pioneer, Mathur said that though development is necessary, it is also vital to ensure that the environmental aspect is not ignored. Referring to the need for facilitating an efficient system to enable wildlife to cross motor roads, he said that it is now known that elephants will not enter a tunnel or subway unless they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Apart from this the height of the tunnel and appropriate plantation also has to be considered in order to encourage the pachyderms to use these for crossing a motor road. "If the land has to be excavated for some construction or developmental work, we can ascertain what impact stray dogs. It was decided that a survey of stray dog population and prevalence of diseases in villages located inside tiger reserves and fringe areas up to a distance of two kilometres would be undertaken. The NTCA would write to all municipal bodies located in the vicinity of tiger reserves, asking them to refrain from dumping stray dogs inside or near tiger reserves as it violates the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and is a punishable offence under the law. As Animal Birth Control programme has to be implemented in the villages located inside tiger reserves and in fringe areas within a distance of two kilometres from the boundary of the tiger reserve, W CWT=C20f^d[S cPZTPb[Tf^U \TPbdaTbc^ PSSaTbb_a^Q[T\b SdTc^bcaPhS^Vb Ua^\daQP]PaTPb QTX]VSd\_TS Pa^d]ScXVTa aTbTaeTb it will have on the creatures underground and recommend measures accordingly. The institute has expertise and research based information on the varied aspects of the environment across the nation. We are ready to play our part in facilitating balance between developmental works and environmental concerns," he said. the field directors of the tiger reserves in consultation with the animal husbandr y department/voluntary organisations will chalk out a programme for this besides dovetailing the resources. Continued on Page 4 HTPa ! !! !" !# !$ !% !& !' !( ! ! ! ! ! " 6T]STaaPcX^ '( '" '!" '!" '!! '" '#' # ( $ '(" '(" ''% '($ 3XbcaXQdcX^]^UQXacWP]SSTPcWQh[^RP[Q^Sh ;^RP[Q^SXTb 1XacWb3TPcWb =^acW3<2 !'$($" "(# B^dcW3<2 !( #!&('# 4Pbc3<2 &%"" #'( =Tf3T[WX # "#!!& <d]XRX_P[2^d]RX[ 3T[WX2P]c^]\T]c1^PaS" !& %#' was 848. During 2008, the sex ratio was reversed due to the introduction of the Ladli scheme, showing 1,004 females per 1,000 males, which was unprecedented. When asked, LieutenantGovernor Najeeb Jung said that the Government has taken several steps in the last few years to increase the sex ratio in the n a t i o n a l Capital. According to the report, the total number of births registered in the city in 2013 was 3.70 lakh, as compared to 3.60 lakh in 2012 and 3.54 lakh during 2011. The average number of births per day works out to 1,014 in 2013 as compared to 988 in 2012. Of the 3.70 lakh total reg- istered births, 1.95 lakh (52.8 per cent) were males and 1.75 lakh (47.2 per cent) were females. About 81.75 per cent (3.02 lakh) were institutional births and the remaining 18.25 per cent (0.67 lakh) were domiciliary births. Out of the total registered births in Delhi, 34.8 per cent were in North Delhi Municipal Corporation, 32.7 per cent in South Delhi Municipal Corporation, 20.6 per cent in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, 11.1 per cent in New Delhi Municipal Corporation and 0.80 per cent in Cantonment Board Area. The total number of deaths reduced from 1.05 lakh in 2012 to 97,185 in 2013. Accordingly, average deaths registered per day reduced from 287 to 266 during the corresponding period. Continued on Page 4 6XVKLO.XPDULV EUDQGDPEDVVDGRU IRU'HOKLVSRUWV 3T[WX;c6^eTa]^a=PYTTQ9d]VUT[XRXcPcTbfaTbc[TaBdbWX[:d\PaX]=Tf3T[WX ^]5aXSPh ?C8 ?A0<>3:D<0AB8=67Q =4F34;78 enowned wrestler and twoR time Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar has been appointed sports brand ambassador of Delhi. Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung made an announcement in this regard while felicitating eight Glasgow Commonwealth Games medal winners from Delhi on Friday. Out of these eight sportspersons, six are wrestlers and two are shooters. This is the first time that the Delhi Government has chosen a wrestler for brand ambassador of Delhi. While announcing Kumar as the Delhi’s brand ambassador, the Lt-Governor said, “He is a role model, soft hearted and his feet are on the ground. Youngsters can learn a lot from Sushil Kumar.” Sushil has overcome hurdles to carve a niche for himself in the world of wrestling. He had won Gold medal in the recently concluded Commonwealth Games at Glasgow in United Kingdom. Jung felicitated the wrestler along with Yogeshwar Dutt and Amit Dahiya with a shawl and a cheque of C14 lakh each. Other sportspersons Bajrang Kumar, Rajeev Tomar and Shrayasi Singh were given cheques of C10 lakh each and Mananjeet Singh Sandhu and Pawan Kumar cheques of C6 lakh each. Sushil Kumar had represented India in prestigious Olympic Games three times — 2004 Athens Olympics, 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London Olympics — in 66 kg free style category of wrestling. He is the first Indian to win back-to-back individual Olympic medals. Later talking to reporters, wrestler Sushil Kumar said that it’s a great moment for him. “We should make Delhi a world class city,” he added. At a felicitation function, Jung said that it is a matter of great pride that eight Delhi sportspersons have brought laurels for the countr y and Delhi in Commonwealth Games 2014 held at Glasgow. dccPaPZWP]S! '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 5VYcRUf_5>WRZ]de`UV]ZgVc`_ac`^ZdVd <0=>9:D<0AQ 347A03D= D ehradun District Magistrate Chandresh Kumar Yadav who assumed charge around two months back sounded exhausted at 2 pm on Friday when this correspondent asked him about the measures he had taken to improve the long-doddering public distribution system in the district. Things assumed serious proportions against the backdrop of the State Chief Minister Harish Rawat having recently made the DM accountable for the execution of State food security scheme in the district. Seemingly making light of the issue, DM Yadav said this is nothing new. "All departments come under the administrative jurisdiction of the District Magistrate. So is the food and civil supply department. However, the additional DM (administration) has been deputed to review public distribution system in the city area periodically while it is the chief development officer who has been made in-charge for the rural area," he said. It seems the DM is wilting under pressure, a fact that can account for his singular failure in fulfilling pledges he boastfully made in the public after assuming charge. He acknowledged on Friday that a large number ration cards issued by the administration have got annulled under National Food Security Scheme in the district and now the ADM and the CDO would review whether they are valid or not with the department officers. When this correspondent had asked him on August 9 why the district food and civil officers were not being directed to conduct random checking campaign (on sample basis) on the issued new ration cards with many Doon residents having recently protested at DSO office over abounding anomalies in the ration card thus issued, Yadav rubbished outright the allegation, asserting that there was no such anomaly. "One can register complaint in Complaint Redressal Cell if one feels something is wrong and his concerns will be addressed," he C743<03<8CC43 C70C<0=H A0C8>=20A3B 6>C0==D;;43 D=34AC74 =0C8>=0;5>>3 B42DA8CH?;0=8= C7438BCA82C0=3 C7403<0=3 23>F>D;3 =>FA4E84F C748AE0;838CH averred. It was thus clear from his gait that despite knowing well that anomalies exist in superabundance on the matter of issuing new ration cards under National Food Security Scheme in the district, he was feigning ignorance in a bid to either shelve the issue or to pass the buck to others. Moreover, though Right to Public Service Act is being implemented in the state, the applicants who are submitting applications for procuring income certificates, caste certificates, domicile certificates, character certificates and the like in the Janadhar office which is adjacent to DM office said they were not being pro- FUbYVigU\VQbUcSXU]Uc`UbY_TYSQ\\i*@Q^gQb ?=BQ 347A03D= P rincipal Secretary and Dehradun district in-charge secretary Manisha Panwar reviewed district level developmental works with District Magistrate Chandresh Kumar Yadav and other district officers at Collectorate on Friday and directed them to conduct physical verification of welfare schemes periodically which are now being executed in the district. She said she would self conduct physical inspection of several welfare schemes in the district before convening a meeting with district officers. Panwar directed the DM Yadav to form a task force and deploy them for conducting physical inspection of developmental projects periodically in the district. The district officers were directed to present a project highlighting status of physical verifications department wise. vided with them. After assuming charge as DM, he stressed on prompt execution of the government welfare schemes to ensure that the benefits reach out to the intended beneficiaries. But, as things stand now, his zealous pledges to make things better sound like farce. After reviewing public complaints received in Complaint Redressal Cell with the district officials on Thursday, the DM expressed The Principal Secretary reviewed ongoing pension schemes being run by Social Welfare Department and directed the officers to ensure that intended beneficiaries are given their pension on time. She also reviewed scholarship schemes and directed the officers to disappointment over the irritatingly tardy pace of complaint redressal. Out of 1,025 registered complaints since June 27, only 401 were sorted out. He directed the district officials on Thursday to redress public concerns in a month failing which their salaries will be withheld. This correspondent kept on highlighting the sorry state of things for months, but things remained stuck where they had been. Yadav ensure that students are being given their scholarship on time. The district education officers have been directed to conduct meeting with school management committees from time to time and ensure that scholarship schemes are implemented transparently on time. The district officers should lay introduced staffing pattern to depute administrative officers in the remote areas so as to ensure government welfare schemes are executed uniformly across the district. But later he capitulated supinely in the wake of the C ollectorate employees baring fangs. Consequently, the order was withdrawn to the glee of the sulking staff and to the woe of the common people of ;^Z0SP[Pc 1^dYU^Sb_QSX]U^dTbYfU µ5HFRQVWUXFWLRQLQGLVDVWHUKLW DUHDV*DQJDFOHDQLQJZRUN c^SPh\Ph VKRXOGFRPSOHPHQWHDFKRWKHU¶ Qd2XbQ]QgQ\QTUVUbbUT b^[eTRPbTb ?=BQ 347A03D= he work of cleaning the Ganga river and reconT struction in disaster-affected ATbXST]cb^U1WaP\PfP[P_a^cTbcPccWT<23PVPX]bccWT_[P]]TSP]cXT]Ra^PRW\T]cSaXeTX]cWT[^RP[Xch ?=BQ 347A03D= he Municipal Corporation of Dehradun has deferred T its anti-encroachment drive in Bhramawala area and will demolish encroachments here after the all India Mayors’ conference slated to be held in Dehradun on August 25. Earlier, residents of Bhramawala staged a protest at the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun and submitted a memorandum to the Mukhya Nagar Adhikari Harak Singh Rawat. It will be recalled that the MNA had visited the Bhramawala area on Thursday and directed the encroachers to evict failing which the encroachments would be demolished by the MCD on Saturday. According to the MNA, about five hectare of municipal land has been encroached upon with about 250 unauthorised constructions. “Many of the occupants had agreed to evict the unauthorised construction when we had gone there on Thursdaybut now someone seems to be exploiting them,” said Rawat. The Dehradun Mayor Vinod Chamoli has now directed that the anti-encroachment drive at Bhramawala be conducted after the all India Mayors’ conference to be held in Dehradun on Monday. The MCD plans to park its vehicles in this area after the encroachments are removed. Earlier, residents of Bhramawala led by the local councillor Nitu Valmiki staged a protest at MCD and demanded that the occupants be ?X^]TTa_W^c^ allowed to stay. They told the MNA that many of them had been living in the locality for more than two decades and had been provided water and electricity supply by the authorities. According to municipal officials, the MCD has been removing the smaller encroachments from its lands in different areas of the city but the land in Bhramawala is one of the major areas of municipal land under encroachment. Efforts have been undertaken repeatedly many times in the past years, to remove the encroachments from this place but so far the authorities have failed to do so. It remains to be seen whether the MCD will be able to free its land from encroachment this time and keep it free from encroachment for long. areas should complement each other, said activists of Uttarakhand Sarvoday Mandal and Nadi Bachao Abhiyan after a meeting in Uttarkashi. The activists said that the work of stopping the drainage of sewage from disaster affected villages, settlements and municipal areas directly in to the Bhagirathi should be undertaken with the people living in these areas. While constructing safety walls along rivers for disaster management, no scope should be left for draining waste into the river directly from nearby settlements. Though nullahs will carry rainwater from settlements into the river, this should not be linked to toilets. Every family living along the banks of the Bhagirathi should be provided a toilet to prevent contamination of mountain streams and gorges flowing through villages. Bodies being cremated on the banks of the Bhagirathi should be burnt completely to ensure that no body part ends up in the river. Electric crematoriums should also be provided in such places. The sewage treatment plans of municipal bodies should be constructed in the middle of rivers while the dumping of waste from slaughter houses into the river should also be stopped. Steps should also be taken to stop the waste gener- ated in hospitals from being dumped in the rivers and an efficient system should be made for disposing such waste scientifically. Environmental activist Suresh Bhai said that simply cleaning the Bhagirathi at Uttarkashi will not suffice as it is also necessary to clean up the dozens of gorges and streams draining into the Bhagirathi between Gangotri and Uttarkashi. A Namami Gange monitoring committee should be formed for making the Bhagirathi clean from Gangotri to Uttarkashi with representatives of voluntary organisations and officials of departments concerned. There have been repeated floods, earthquakes and landslides in this region since 1977. Since the 1991 earthquake with its epicenter in Uttarkashi, geologists have been stressing on the need for considering the cracks resulting from seismic activity while undertaking developmental works. “Following the disaster last year, the government did not inform the public about the timeframe for completion of the reconstruction and other works which has fueled dissatisfaction among the people. Following the recent flood in the Asi Ganga valley here, about Rs 10 lakh was spent on transporting ration valued at Rs 60,000 to the people here whereas the government had earlier decided that ration would be stocked three months in advance in disaster prone areas,” he pointed out. ^]cWTb_^c ?=BQ 70;3F0=8 P eople, particularly those who are facing cases related to road accidents, family, revenue, civil or criminal matters and the like, may get them solved on-the-spot in a Lok Adalat being organised by the district legal service authority (DLSA), Pithoragarh in the district on August 23. The main objective of organising this Lok Adalat is to resolve long -pending cases related to above-mentioned matters through mutual understanding and agreement, said the officials concerned of the district legal service authority (DLSA), Pithoraagarh. Therefore, those who wish to get their matters solved in course of the Lok Adalat may submit their applications to the respective courts at tehsil and district levels on time so that these matters could be taken up for hearing on Saturday, added the officials concerned. At the same time, the litigants have been advised to participate in this Lok Adalat in their full strength to get their long- pending matters solved through mutual understanding and agreement, further said the officials concerned of the DLSA, Pithoragarh. DZWP]SaT\T\QTabBcPcTb_aXST<B9^bWX 90B:8A0=27>?A0Q 347A03D= T he month of August brings to us the memory of a great writer belonging to this hill state who achieved fame nationally as well as internationally. He was the renowned Hindi writer Manohar Shyam Joshi, the one who wrote powerful ,unforgettable dramas of Hum Log and Buniyaad, the pioneer soap operas of our country. It is a matter of great pride for Uttarakhand that the man who created a revolution in the world of television in India in the 1980s with these wonderful scripts had his roots in this hill region. Joshi was born in Almora in August 1933, millions of Indians could identify with Hum Log and Buniyaad both of which have become legendary. In the following years, Joshi wrote many more long running serials like, 'Mungeri Lal Ke Hasin Sapney', 'Kakkaji A4=>F=43 78=38FA8C4A 9>B78 FA>C4C74 D=5>A64CC01;4 3A0<0B>5 ²7D<;>60=3 ²1D=8H003C74 2>D=CAHB ?8>=44A B>0?>?4A0B Kahin', 'Hamrahi', 'Zameen Aasman' and 'Gatha'. Films were Joshi's forte and he loved exploring various genres such as comedy, romance and satire. Not many people know this about him but he was a dubbing expert as well! His dubbings include mainstream movies like Hey Ram, Appu Raja, Papa Kehte Hain and Bhrastachar. The last part of Joshi's career orbited around journalism where he did exceptionally well. Being a part of the All India Radio and the Films Division in Mumbai had given him immense exposure to both broadcast and print media. Here, he wrote scripts for many documentaries. He became the assistant editor of Dinmaan , a Hindi magazine. He played another editing role in Saptahik Hindustan, 'English Weekend Review' and the prestigious 'Morning Echo'. He also wrote for Outlook India's column 'Outlook Saptahik'. His novels and short stories, much like the writings of the famous Gaura Pant Shivani brought Kumaon, his home country, prominently on the literary map of India and went into several editions. Kasap, regarded as one of the best love stories in Hindi and Kuru Kuru Swaha can be named among these. Manohar Shyam Joshi passed away in New Delhi in 2006.It was after his death that the well-known translator and editor Ira Pande , daughter of the legendary Shivani, translated his novella" T'-ta Professor" into English , which won the 2009 VodaphoneCrossword Award for the best translation of that year. As Khushwant Singh once wrote, it was through this English translation that he got his first insight into the writings of Joshi. "I was most impressed by his portrayal of middle class people — in this case, teachers of a village school, their rivalries and affairs with lady colleagues and students. It was my first exposure to Kumaon's Brahmins — Pandeys, Pants, Joshis, Tiwaris — who, like Brahmins of other parts of India — regard themselves as a cut above the others." It is amazing how sensitively Joshi wrote about the Punjabi culture in Buniyaad, being a non-Punjabi. The finest nuances of the ethos of Punjab were so easily captured by him. He was a master of words and his deep understanding of emotions lent beauty to his words. It would be difficult to find any Indian who has not seen or at least heard of Hum Log. It unites numerous Indians into collective emotions. Pride, nostalgia, memories, family feelings and a longing for simplicity in life and relationships. Buniyaad was the next soap which evoked the same kind of response all over the country. Doordarshan re-launched Hum Log in its new avatar Hum as a tribute to the rich imagination and versatility of the man who scripted India's first soap, creating a masterpiece. emphasis on providing scholarship to minority students and it should be reviewed periodically in the district. Panwar said that the received applications of Gaura Devi Kanyadhan Yojana should be verified by the officers concerned and they should ensure that intended beneficiaries are benefited under the scheme. Right to Education Act was also reviewed and she said that the officers were directed to verify whether school fees have been transferred on students' account. Panwar reviewed several schemes being run by Child Development Department and directed the officers to provide weak children with medical facilities after they are identified in Anganwadi Centre in the district. Panwar directed the department officers to utilise funds released under district plan, State sector, Centrallysponsored schemes effectively. the district. Sources said controversy keeps on haunting DM Yadav all though his assignments. He stirred controversy while he was in Pauri district after he had ordered the reporters to leave his office. Later, however, he sought apolog y. The same was repeated a few days after he assumed charge as DM of Dehradun. When Mussoorie MLA Ganesh Joshi along with his supporters went to meet him at his camp office to register complaint in regard to Panchayat election he asked the media persons to get out and later he asked the MLA to persuade his followers to leave, threatening him with FIR in case he did not fall in line while dangling model conduct of conduct norms remaining then in force in the district. 1edX_bYdYUcYW^_bUY\\UWQ\ bUVY\\Y^W_V<@7Si\Y^TUbc ?=BQ ;0;:D0= T he illegal refilling of LPG cylinders in the main market along the highway in Lalkuan continues to pose a danger here. Some shopkeepers, frustrated with the failure of the authorities to prevent such anomalies, have put up signs stating ‘illegal gas filling area’ in places where this practice continues unabated. They complain that there have been incidents of fire resulting from illegal refilling of gas cylinders many times in the past but the authorities appear to be waiting for some major mishap to take place. This highway is used by trucks transporting gas daily to the cooking gas bulk plant and scores of tankers are transport to the Indian Oil depot which is also nearby. Inspite of the volatile nature of the commodity being transported through this road, the authorities have continued to ignore the illegal refilling of gas cylinders in the market area here. Those who run shops near sites used for this illegal activity say that this blatant crime also creates the risk of fire. They complain that in spite of having complained repeatedly to the authorities, the officials are yet to initiate any action in this regard which has made those involved in the illegal refilling of LPG cylinders more confident. The traders further point out that the gas agency owner is abetting those involved in the illegal activities. Shopkeepers Ramesh Pathak and Anil Melkani state that the traders will be forced to undertake agitation if immediate action is not taken to clamp down on this activity. Meanwhile, the Tehsildar Anand Singh Bhandari said that the administration will work in cooperation with the Food and Civil Supplies department and take stringent action against those refilling gas cylinders illegally. The Kotwal Vipin Chandra Pant said that he should be informed about such activities by the public which will result in immediate action against those violating the law who will be arrested. The sub divisional magistrate Harvir Singh said that the gas agency owner will also face strict legal action if found involved in the illegal gas refilling business. Action will also be taken against the shop owner or any other commercial unit if a gas cylinder is found to be in use without necessary safety arrangements. BcPcTW^^SPRcXeXbcP__[XRP]cb c^[Sc^R^\_[TcTU^a\P[XcXTb ?=BQ 70;3F0=8 ppealing to those who had taken part in the A Uttarakhand Statehood movement to complete all necessary formalities while applying for getting the status of a statehood activist, the district administration, Almora, claims to have cancelled 118 applications out of 138 pending before it for seeking the status of Statehood activists. A total 138 applications were received from the people, seeking the status of statehood activists, out of which only 20 applications have been found correct, given the laid- down norms for granting the status of a statehood activist, said the officials concerned of the district administration, Almora. Notably, among other documents, local intelligence report and some other police records like daily diary, FIR, medical report, to name a few, are required to identify the statehood activists, informed the officials concerned of the district administration, Almora. Those applicants who have not yet submitted these aforesaid documents with their applications may submit the same at their respective area tehsil. More so, such applicants are also advised to be in touch with the respective area SDM, added the officials concerned of the Almora district administration. Besides, they may also contact Manoj Masiwal, associated with the justice department of the district collectorte, Almora, on his mobile number 9410953170 in case of any doubt, added the officials concerned of the Almora district administration. At the same time, the Almora district administration has also directed the officials concerned to deal with the statehood activists identification process carefully and dispose of such matters on a priority basis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dccPaPZWP]S" '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 ABC51DE020C432I:>B78H0A8 3RYfXf_RFaRUYjRj d]fXZe`feW`cY`_`fcd A094=3A0B<0A:D=0Q 70;3F0=8 ith dust and heat of electoral politics steadily setW tling down after completion of a series of elections in the state, the improved position of Congress in the 70-member State Legislative Assembly after it bagged all the three seats up for grabs in the recently concluded by- polls, has made many within the party to eye the solitary Rajya Sabha seat from Uttarakhand which keeps lying vacant since the incumbent — senior BJP leader Bhagat Singh Koshiyari — was elected to the Lok Sabha from Nainital-Udham Singh Nagar parliamentary seat. The battle is likely to be an interesting one as, at least, three party satraps — former Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna and State Congress president Kishore Upadhyay are said to have thrown their hats in the ring. “There are several contenders in Vijay Bahuguna, Kishore Upadhyay and others as of now from the party,” said Dhirendra Pratap, while talking to The Pioneer. But finally the party's high command would take the final =P]SPAPY9Pc hPcaPQTVX]bUa^\ ?XcW^aPVPaWeX[[PVT ?=BQ 70;3F0=8 N anda Raj Jat Yatra began from Munsyari's Martoli village in Pithoragarh for the first time on Friday. The Nanda Raj Jat Yatra was launched from Martoli village with traditional rituals, said CS Martolya, convener of the Nanda Raj Jat Yatra. The Yatra reached Rilkot around 10 am where the villagers welcomed the devotees on the pilgrimage. It reached Bagudiyar on Friday evening and the same will leave for Lilam on Saturday morning, added Martoliya. Meanwhile, the district administration Bageshwar has also directed the officials concerned to complete all the preparations for the Nanda Raj Jat Yatra. Notably, Kotbhramari Temple in Bageshwar is one of the main points of the Nanda Raj Jat Yata route. Since devotees from Almora also stay at the Kotbhramari Temple premises along with devotees from Bageshear, the Bageshwar district administration, therefore, has directed the officials concerned to take the necessary steps on time to ensure smooth journey of the devotees. :XbW^aTD_PSWhPh EXYPh1PWdVd]P call, added Pratap. “But my point is that the Rajya Sabha members should be elected from Uttarakhand. No outsider should be pushed up,” he said. For instance of Shushma Swaraj being elected a Rajya Sabha member from the state, he said, she had seldom visited the state. “She cared not visit to show empathy for the suffering people even when the natural calamity struck the state hard last year, he alleged. As Congress is enjoying a clear- cut majority in the State Legislative Assembly with the support guaranteed from its alliance partners, the candidate to be put up by it is sure to win the Rajya Sabha election. Notably, the ruling party's tally went up to 35 in the 70member House after it had bagged three seats in the recently concluded by- elections. Besides, it has support from seven MLAs from alliance partners. BJP’s present strength is 28 in the House. However, it would be interesting to see to what extent the Chief Minister Harish Rawat who has so far succeeded to have his way in managing things within the party and the Government in the state, is able to lead things his way over the Rajya Sabha election in the coming days. ´5\USdY_^_V4U`edi@bQTXQ^ Y^Q\\WbQ]`Q^SXQiQdc d_RUXU\T_^1eWecd")µ 6?B4<F0;Q ?0DA8 D istrict Magistrate/ District Election Officer (panchayat) Chandra Sekhar Bhatt said that the election of Deputy Pradhan in all gram panchayats in the district will be held on August 29. The nomination, scrutiny, withdrawal of nomination, allotment of symbol, polling of votes will be held the same day from10 am to 4 pm. After these procedures are over the counting will commence and result will be declared thereafter. For the election of Deputy Pradhan, district election officer has called a meeting of all gram panchayats in the concerned gram panchayat headquarters on 29 August and the meeting could be organised in the building of gram panchayat, a primary school or in a public place. With the necessar y changes, the process of the election of deputy pradhan will be the same as election of gram panchayat and all processes of the election will be held in the concerned gram panchayat, added Bhatt. Bhatt said nominations for the posts will be filed from 10 CWT]^\X]PcX^] bRadcX]h fXcWSaPfP[^U ]^\X]PcX^] P[[^c\T]c^U bh\Q^[_^[[X]V^U e^cTbfX[[QTWT[S cWTbP\TSPh Ua^\ P\ c^#_\ to 11 am, scrutiny will be done from 11 to 12 pm, withdrawal of nomination from 12 to 12.30 pm and the allotment of symbol to contesting candidates from 12.30 to 1 pm. The polling will be held from 1.30 to 3.30 pm and the counting of votes will start from 4 pm. The general election of 1207 deputy pradhan of gram panchayat in the district includes the elections of deputy pradhans in Thallisain block -107, Nainidanda-88, Pauri-63, Jahrikhal-72, Khirsu43, Pokhara-58, Kaljikhal-86, Paubo-74, Beerokhal-101, R i k h i n k h a l - 8 1 , Yamkeshwar-86, Ekeshwar-81, Dwarikhal-96, Duggada-102 and Kot block-69. µ&HQWUDOLVHGDGPLVVLRQVQHHGRIWKHKRXU¶ ?=BQ 347A03D= A large number of students in the State eying admission seem to have trained their focus on DAV (PG) College while there is a large number of seats in other Government degree colleges lying vacant. A centralised admission process is the need of the hour and sooner or later, the Government will have to implement this process in the State. This was what some educationalists said while talking to The Pioneer on Friday. A higher education department officer said there are 95 government degree colleges and government- aided degree colleges which are affiliated with HNB Garhwal University, Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Kumaon University and others. DAV (PG) College is the only college in the state where around 35, 000 students are enrolled in various bachelor, post graduation courses till last year. However, there are several government degree colleges, especially in mountainous parts of the state, where very few students are enrolled. According BcdST]cb`dTdTU^aPS\XbbX^]bPccWT30E?62^[[TVTX]3TWaPSd]^]5aXSPh to him, most of the students long to enroll in the DAV (PG) College because they are interested only in appearing in the examinations. In Government Degree College, Majra Mahadev and GDC, Gairsain, around 80 students are studying here and around 200 seats have been allocated by the University for admissions in various bachelor degree courses. The introduction of centralised admission process is prerogative of the University and the state may ask the state university like Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University to implement centralised admission process in its <P]VTbW:d\Pak?X^]TTa affiliated colleges. SGRR (PG) College Admission Cell in-charge and head of Chemistry department AK Gupta said that several universities, including Delhi University and Meerut University, have adopted centralised admission process and the students are given options in the centralised admission forms to choose the college and based on their rankings in the merit list, students are allocated college. Students may choose private college too if they fail to get admission in the colleges of their choice. Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University Vice Chancellor US Rawat said, “Following the direction of the state government, we are working on giving affiliation to the government degree colleges and government aided degree colleges. As of now, there is no such proposal and we may think over this if such a proposal comes.” An associated professor said given the available infrastructure, Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University cannot introduce centralised admission process. But if the Government starts preparation now this state university may introduce centralised admission process from the next academic year. “Centralised admission process is need of the hour and sooner or later, the Government will have to implement this process in the State,” he added. ³DaVT]c]TTSU^aPfPaT]TbbP\^]VUPa\Tab´ B_TTSX]VRXch QdbWXcbaXSTa ^]cf^fWTT[Ta ?=BQ 347A03D= sector in India ]^X]YdaXTb has undergone significant Agriculture ?=BQ 347A03D= laims of self regulation by C the city bus operators appeared to vanish into thin air when a speeding city bus hit a two-wheeler rider near the clock tower of the city on Friday, luckily the youth ridding the two-wheeler did not sustain any injuries. The incident infuriated the passerby as they caught hold of the driver and gave him a sound thrashing, the police had to intervene to save the driver. This is third incident of accident involving city buses in less than a month. When contacted the President of the city bus association VV Dandriyal claimed that the two wheeler riding youth came from the wrong side and he did not possess a driving license also. He said that the matter was resolved and no case was registered. Dandriyal said that the association is committed to implement the code of self regulation in a bid to check the cases of over speeding and bad behavior. The union in a face saving measure had undertaken a drive in which it ensured that the all the divers and conductors wear a uniform and give tickets to all the passengers. It also asked the drivers to remove the music systems and asked them to refrain from over speeding. There are 250 city buses in Dehradun which are plying on 13 routes of the city. structural changes in the form of decrease in share of GDP from 30 percent in 1990-91 to 17.4 percent in 2013 indicating a fruit processing shift from the traditional agrarian economy towards a service dominated one, but more than half of the total workforce (about 52 %) is still employed by the agriculture. These days, we continuously observe that there is an urgent need for awareness amongst the farmers about the latest practices in farming and crop protection. There is a need for investment in storage facilities easily accessible to farmers. Local products need to be promoted within India and abroad to create more demand” said Dr Neeraj Anand while addressing in a conference title Agro Supply chain conference (ASCC_2014), organized by University of Petroleum & Energy studies (UPES) in its campus on Friday. Chief guest Vijay Sardana, Co-chairman, Agri Business Committee, PHDCCI stressed on the fact that the main reason for rise in the price of vegetables, fruits and other agro products is the huge gap which currently exists in management of the supply chain in India. Dr BS Negi, Mission Director, National Horticulture Mission, informed the audience on various steps taken by the Uttarakhand government including the state governments focus on promoting the food processing industry in the state. To promote the spice sector the state government will shortly establish three mini spice parks at three different locations in Uttarakhand.t these will cater to the entire value chain of this sector. Arun Dhand, Director – Media Affairs(UPES) disclosed that conference is being supported by institutions like NABARD and National Horticulture Mission was very well received across the country and participants were from many states including Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Orissa, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu & Uttar Pradesh. Speaking at the valedictory function, the chief guest Anil Taneja, resident Director of PHDCCI Uttarakhand chapter informed the audience on various activities which the Uttarakhand which PHDCCI chapter has undertaken to promote and assist the food processing industry in the state of Uttarakhand. Present on this occasion were Dr S. J. Chopra, chancellor of UPES, Dr Rajesh Tripathi, Assistant professor , deptt of strategic management, faculty and students of UPES. ´AeQ\YdiX_ecUcV_bebRQ^`__bd_RU S_^cdbeSdUTY^dY]UR_e^T]Q^^Ubµ ?=BQ 347A03D= he State Housing and Urban Development Minister Pritam Singh T Panwar chaired a meeting here on Friday to review the Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP). The Minister told the officials concerned that houses for the urban poor will be constructed in a phased and time-bound manner and no compromise will be made with the quality of the construction. Responsibility will be fixed at the directorate level for this purpose. The Minister also told the officials to review the work efficiently on receiving the progress report from the executing agency every 15 days. Panwar clarified that funds under the programme will be received from the Government of India only on the condition that 70 per cent of the funds received earlier will be utilised and the utilisation certificate will be submitted to the Government of India. During the meeting chaired by Panwar, a proposal for the State government allocating C1170.96 lakh for completing construction of homes and Rs 2693 lakh for infrastructural development was also presented. The officials considered presenting this proposal in the meeting of the State cabinet. Officials of the Urban Development department informed that while 650 homes have been facilitated through the urban local body level, 1532 homes approved on 16 sites are yet to be constructed. These will require C3065 lakh on the basis of per unit cost. This construction will be facilitated through the beneficiaries on the lines of the Pauri model. Similarly the number of partially constructed homes is 1314 and C20.80 crore is required to complete these constructions, informed the officials. The minister said that in case the construction of homes is yet to be started, the construction should be facilitated through the beneficiaries. He also directed that the executing agency should facilitate completion of work on 1314 homes constructed to varied extents in a phased manner. Secretary, Urban Development DS Garbyal, additional director, Urban Development Navdip Pandey, executive engineer, Urban Development, Ravi Pandey and other officials were also among those present in the meeting. B_PRTRad]RWX]T\TaVT]RhfPaSWXcb_PcXT]cb ?=BQ 347A03D= 3^VQXcTbc^_P]X\P[QXcTRPbTb he shortage of space in the emergency ward of the T Doon hospital here is creating 6094=3A0B8=67=468Q 347A03D= problems for both the patients and the staff. Large numbers of patients visit the emergency and trauma ward of the hospital daily. Emergency ward of the hospital has 14 beds and one Emergency Medical Officer (EMO), six nurses and four class IV employees are on round the clock duty here. To meet the requirement the hospital authorities have placed seven more beds in the C><44C ?A4BB8=6=443B C74347A03D= 7>B?8C0; 0DC7>A8C84B 70E4?;0243 B4E4=<>A4143B 8=C7460;;4AH >5C74 4<4A64=2H F0A3A4BD;C8=6 8=B?0242AD=27 bite which are reported in the Doon hospital. The hospital has reported 5367 cases of dog bite till August 21 this year. These cases are treated by injecting serum and the vaccines which are very costly. The hospital data reveal that apart from cases of dog bite 88 cases of cat bite, 20 cases of rat bite, seven cases of monkey bite, five cases of bear bite, two cases of leopard bite and one case each of fox, squirrel and eagle arrived in the hospital this year. The animal bite cases are treated with the anti rabies injection and as these injections need to be kept in deep fridge this facility is available only at the Doon hospital, district hospital Rishikesh and Mussoorie hospital in the district. The increasing stray dog menace in the city is one the major cause of dog bite cases. Narrating his experience Radhyshyam Sharma a resident of Kaulagarh said that a stray dog pounced upon him when he was opening his shop. He said that the state government should under- take a mass sterilization drive of the stray dogs of the city. Another victim of stray dog bite Nadeem a resident of Biharigarh said that the government would save lot of money it spends on the vaccines if the population of dogs is kept under check. The chief Pharmacist KC Kukreti informed The Pioneer that the quantity of the vaccine is decided by the body mass index of the patient, for example a 10 kg child needs 1.5 ml of vaccine while a 75 kg person needs to be injected 10 ml of vaccine. The State Government spends about Rs 250-300 on the vaccination of every case of animal bite. Roorkee said that he is admitted here for last two days and added that the do ctors regularly check him. Not satisfied by the treatment in the ward the relatives of Tej Bahadur of Rajendra Nagar locality decided to shift him to a private clinic. The Principal Medical Superintendent (PMS) of Doon hospital Dr RS Aswal admitted that the problem of space is there in the ward. He however added that problem would be sorted out when the construction work which is in progress in the neighboring room is completed, after which more space would be available in the ward. The Uttar Pradesh Nirman Nigam is agency which is assigned this task and is expected to complete the work soon. Aswal said that after adding more space 24 beds would be available for the patients of emergenc y and trauma. When inquired about the preparedness and the resources available in the emergency ward during the cases of mass causality, Dr Aswal said that the additional beds are made available during such cases and more doctors are pressed into service as per the requirement. he dog bite cases constitute almost 98 per cent of T the total cases of animal BcaTcRWTab_[PRTS^dcbXSTcWTT\TaVT]RhfPaSX]3^^]7^b_XcP[c^R^_TfXcWcWTX]RaTPbX]V]d\QTa^U_PcXT]cb ?X^]TTa_W^c^ gallery of the ward which result in space crunch. Due to shrinking space, the ward appears too crowded and a situation of chaos prevails as the patients, their relatives and hospital staff appears to jostle past each other. The staff posted at the ward acknowledged the space constraints and said that more manpower is also needed in the ward. One patient with injury on leg Doorbin Singh Yadav said that the doctor has not seen him though he was brought here about an hour ago. One of the patients Sufian who sustained head injury and was referred from ³B^d]SbhbcT\ ]TTSbc^QT \^aTTUUTRcXeT ?=BQ 347A03D= T he Doon hospital has installed a modern sound system which is used for conveying messages and the playing devotional songs to sooth the nerves of the patients, but it appears that the hospital authorities have failed to understand the problems the patients and their relatives face at the hospital inquiry. The construction of the inquiry is such that there is quite a space between the inquiring person and the receptionist which causes problems in the communication. The inquiring persons have to repeat their questions and crane their necks and ear to listen the reply of the receptionist. The receptionist told The Pioneer that a small sound system should be installed in the inquiry which would make the work easier. ]PcX^]# '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 1Pa]^QPaU^a$bcPa ?=BQ =4F34;78 N ext time you visit a 5 Star or 4 Star hotel and do not find a liquor bar there, don’t be surprised. As per the Tourism Ministry’s new guidelines, it will not be mandatory for 5 Star or 4 Star hotels to have a liquor bar on the premises to get the “Star” tag. The Tourism Ministry will just scrutinise the level of facilities and amenities to assign them Stars. Till now alcohol service was essential for hotels seeking classification under the categories of 5 Star, 5 Star Deluxe, 4 Star, Classic Heritage and Grand Heritage. “Considering the longstanding demand of the hotel industry, the Ministry has taken the progressive step of classifying 4 Star, 5 Star hotels in non-heritage sector and classic category hotels in heritage sector without insisting on 0b_TacWTC^daXb\ <X]Xbcah´b]TfVdXST[X]TbXc fX[[]^cQT\P]SPc^ahU^a$ BcPa^a#BcPaW^cT[bc^ WPeTP[X`d^aQPa^]cWT _aT\XbTbc^VTccWT±BcPa² cPVCWTC^daXb\<X]Xbcah fX[[YdbcbRadcX]XbTcWT[TeT[ ^UUPRX[XcXTbP]SP\T]XcXTb c^PbbXV]cWT\BcPab the presence of a bar that serves alcohol on the premises,” said Tourism Minister Shripad Naik on Friday. According to the new guidelines, hotels in the categories of 5 Star and 4 Star in non-heritage sector and classic category hotels in heritage sector can now be classified as “5 Star with alcohol service”, “5 Star without alcohol service”, “4 Star with alcohol service”, “4 Star without alcohol service”, “Classic Heritage with alcohol service” and “Classic Heritage without alcohol service”. “This decision would provide flexibility to hotel owners and management to take considered decision on whether to provide alcohol service or not in their units,” a senior official said. This is yet another relief for the hotel industry. On Thursday, the Tourism Minister had announced simplification of classification process for hotels by cutting the number of mandatory approvals from 17-18 to two. The Ministry will only seek ‘trade’ and ‘bar’ (where applicable) license from the hotel owner. Instead of numerous approvals, a hotel owner must now produce an affidavit with an undertaking that the approvals have been taken from the respective authorities. Earlier, the Ministry used to seek certificates of clearances from the Environment Ministr y, police, pollution board, fire services and airport, among others. To protect the interest of customers, the official added, all classified hotels have been asked to mandatorily make their precise classification status known on the 1A845B B<0AC28C84B´?;0=)27845B42H7>;3B<44C 3TWaPSd])8]PQXSc^X\_[T\T]ccWTD]X^]6^eTa]\T]c³bbRWT\T PQ^dcc^QdX[S b\PacRXcXTbP]SP[[^RPcTSAb&%Ra^aT DccPaPZWP]SV^eTa]\T]cWPbQTVd]cWTXaW^\Tf^aZ8]eXTf^UcWXb RWXTUbTRaTcPahR^]eT]TSP\TTcX]VfXcWDccPaZPWP]S8]UaPbcadRcdaT ?a^YTRcbR^\_P]h_dQ[XR[X\XcTSD8?2X]bTRaTcPaXPc^]5aXSPh B>280;F4;50A434?C>558280;BBC064?A>C4BCB opening page of their website and also declare the status clearly on their promotional and marketing material without any abbreviations. The classification of hotels in Star and heritage categories is a voluntary scheme wherein classification is granted based on inspections undertaken by a committee comprising of representatives of hospitality/travel trade, Tourism Ministr y, State Government and hospitality experts. The key objective of the classification is to certify minimum acceptable standards of services and infrastructure of the hotel, based on globally acceptable best practices. The classification process has been one of the very prestigious and acceptable certification of services in the hospitality sector, the official added. 3;AeVR^^VVed8¶aReZ /RFDO%-3OHDGHU 5DMQDWK UVTVRdVU5R]ZeXZc]¶d\Z_ VKRWGHDGLQ :EST\P]Sb PRcX^]PVPX]bc TaaX]V^UUXRXP[b :ADB7=0270=3A0?0=30Q 1A07<0?DA A team of senior BJP leaders led by State president KV Singh Deo met family members of deceased nursing student Sunita who committed suicide on August 13 last due to non-receipt of the stipend from the Government in time. The team met family members of Sunita at their Diptinagar residence at R Udayagiri in Gajapati district and held discussions with the family members about the circumstances that led to the suicide by the girl. Among others former Deputy Speaker of Assembly and BJP Krushak Morcha national vice president Rama Chandra Panda, Remuna MLA Govinda Pradhan, Chillika MLA Bibhuti Bhusan Harichandan, State BJP Mahila Morcha president Sumantini Jena, BJP leaders Samir Mohanty, Bibhuti Jena, Biranchi Tripathy, Prabhat Parida, former Mayor %HWLEDGKDR From Page 1 The report said the analysis of major causes of institutional deaths during 2013 as per International Classification of Diseases, reflects that 8.25 per cent deaths were due to septicaemia, 4.47 per cent due to 3XUXOLDGLVWULFW Sibasankar Das, Bhrugu Baxipatra, Saroj Sabat besides party workers, social workers, and scribes met the victim family members. The leaders after meeting the bereaved family held the State Government responsible for the death of the nursing student. The leaders demanded stern action against the Project Director/Administrator of the Coordinated Tribal Development Organisation who is mainly responsible for delay in releasing the stipend. When the district Collector has been transferred in this tragic incident, why the Government is protecting the Project Administrator in the case, the leaders questioned. The State BJP will soon discuss the matter with the Union Tribal Welfare Minister Jual Oram to provide necessary assistance to the deceased family, said Singh Deo to mediapersons. In addition to financial assistance to the family, efforts will also be made to find out a mechanism to provide assistance to the brother and sister of Sunita to continue their studies, Singh Deo pointed out. While expressing concern over this tragic incident, the leaders alleged that neither the SC/ST students are well treat- ed nor they are paid their legitimate stipend in time in various educational institutions in the State. Besides, he said proper and hygienic food under midday meal (MDM) scheme is also not given to the hapless students. The BJP will demand before the Union Ministry for Tribal Welfare for a thorough investigation into all irregularities, Singh Deo pointed out. Senior BJP leader Panda demanded justice to the deceased family and job to one of the family members of Sunita so that the remaining members of the family can continue their study and sustain their livelihood. Notably, after the girl committed suicide due to perpetual harassment in getting her stipend, the State Government first transferred district Collector Basudev Bahinipati and directed RDC (Southern Division) Bikas Mohapatra to probe the matter and submit a report. The RDC (SD) is investing into the matter since August 19, sources said. On the other hand, Additional District Collector Sunil Kumar Nayak has paid an assistance of C1 lakh to the family members of Sunita on behalf of the district administration. tuberculosis, 4.52 per cent due to disease of the pulmonary circulation and other forms of heart diseases, 4.19 per cent due to shock, 3.19 per cent due to cerebrovascular diseases, 2.82 per cent due to diabetes mellitus, 2.43 per cent due to liver diseases and 2.26 per cent due to pneumonia. B^]X]82DPUcTa bdXRXSTQXS1XWPa <X]RaXTbaPVVX]V ?=BQ 90<B743?DA A BJP leader of Chandil was shot dead by two armed assailants at Raghunathdih village under Bagmundih police station area in Purulia district of neighbouring West Bengal, in the wee hours of Friday. The victim was identified as Anil Chandra Gope (50), a resident of Triludih in Chandil subdivision of East Sighbhum district. According to sources, the slain leader Gope had gone to his native village Raghunathdih. He was an active member in BJP both in Jharkhand as well as in Bengal. At the time he was murder, he was at his house in Raghunathdih village. Officer-in-charge, Tir uldih p olice station, Umesh Upadhyay said that the investigation was on and it was too early to reach to a conclusion. He noted that dreaded criminal Chhadnu Ansari along with his associate had attacked Gope at a f ield in R aghunathdih village. The officer-in-charge said that the assailants had come by a bike and they ran away From Page 1 Even doctors attending on him at Apollo hospital said it does not seems a case of suicide but that of suspected case of throttling,” the Minister alleged. He added that his son had complained to his mother in the past about harassment from seniors. “But, we never thought the matter was so serious,” he said. Asked if he has lodged any complaint with the police in the incident, Singh said “presently we are busy saving life of the child. But will take up the matter with the school authority definitely.” Hospital authorities said that the patient was brought to the hospital on Thursday morning at 8.30 am in a very critical condition and was immediately attended to by a team of experts. “He is being provided appropriate medical care by a competent multidisciplinary team of senior consultant doctors and is under constant monitoring and observation on ventilator support in the ICU,” said the hospital officials. 6WUD\ From Page 1 Funding will be provided for prophylactic vaccination and ABC measures for stray dogs in and around tiger reserves under the ongoing centrally sponsored scheme of Project Tiger. The NTCA has also decided that special teams should be constituted in and around tiger reserves involving NGOs working for animal welfare to deal with the stray dog problem and that a standard operating procedure be developed for dealing with stray dogs in and around tiger reserve. Initially, these measures will be implemented at Corbett in Uttarakhand, Ranthambhore in Rajasthan, Kahna and Panna in Madhya Pradesh, Mudumalai in Tamil Nadu and Tadoba-Andhari in Maharashtra. CWTb[PX][TPSTa 6^_TWPSV^]T c^WXb]PcXeT eX[[PVT APVWd]PcWSXW 7TfPbP] PRcXeT\T\QTa X]19?Q^cW X]9WPaZWP]S PbfT[[Pb X]1T]VP[ f rom the place after shooting him. Upadhyay said that the police team from Jharkhand had recovered the assailants’ bike and later handed it over to the Bagmundi police station. According to officer-incharge of Tiruldih police, Chhadnu Ansari is wanted by the police in several districts in Jharkhand, including East Singhbhum district and Seraikela-Kharsawan where he is accused of murder and robbery. The officer-in-charge said Gope had also a criminal background and was also accused of committing murder. =`A_VVUd UVWZ_ZeZ`_+D4 From Page 1 It said that at the time of passing of the Lokpal Act, such a situation was not envisaged. When the LoP post was denied to others, there was no law which allowed the LoP to play a role in selection of an important post. Now, with a clear mandate given under law to the LoP in selecting Lokpal, CVC, CIC, NHRC Chairperson, there will be a vacuum in the selection process in the absence of a LoP,” the Bench said. It directed the AG to come back with his response on the next date. From Page 1 The Government will be filing an “appropriate reply to the Supreme Court” in response to Aziz’s decision to approach the apex court, he said. Qureshi is the first Governor to move Supreme Court against the Modi Government. Earlier, the NDA Government had sacked Mizoram Governor Kamla Beniwal (87), who had served in Gujarat earlier and had a running battle with Narendra Modi when he was the State’s Chief Minister. Virendra Kataria, a former Congress leader, was also sacked as Puducherry Lt Governor last month. Four other Governors - MK Narayanan (West Bengal), Ashwani Kumar (Nagaland), BL Joshi (Uttar Pradesh) and Shekhar Dutt (Chhattisgarh) had put in their papers apparently after they were telephoned by the Union Home Secretary. Two former Law Ministers - Kapil Sibal and Salman Khurshid - had termed Home Secretary’s calls to the Governor as unconstitutional as Quereshi had taken charge of the office on May 15, 2012 for a tenure of five years. A Bench headed by Chief Justice RM Lodha had granted six weeks time to Centre and Goswami to file their response on the allegation levelled by the Governor and referred the case to five-judge Constitution bench observing that interpretation of Article 156 (Term of office of Governor) is involved. Qureshi had said in his petition that Centre and the Home Secretary should be asked on whose behest he was threatened and urged the court to “reprimand and pass strictures against such person(s)”. Qureshi said in his plea that after NDA Government came to power at the Centre, Goswami had called him on July 30 and asked him to tender resignation and made it clear that he will be removed from office if he does not step down. On August 2, Qureshi handed over in person his explanation to the President in a confidential communication and similar intimation was also made to the Home Minister, the petition said, adding that the copies of the communication is also filed in a sealed envelope for court’s perusal. 3TWaPSd])3T\P]SX]VaT\^eP[^U3TWaPSd]SXbcaXRcb^RXP[fT[UPaT ^UUXRTa0ecPaBX]VWfW^WPSP[[TVTS[h\PSTRPbcTR^\\T]cbP]S \XbQTWPeTSfXcWPV^eTa]\T]cT\_[^hTTcWT^UUXRXP[b^UB^RXP[ FT[UPaT3T_Pac\T]cbcPVTSST\^]bcaPcX^]PcXcb^UUXRTU^acWTbTR^]S R^]bTRdcXeTSPh^]5aXSPhF^aZbaT[PcTSc^^[SPVT_T]bX^]fXS^f _T]bX^]_WhbXRP[[hWP]SXRP__TS_T]bX^]bbcdST]cb³bRW^[PabWX_b P\^]V^cWTabfTaTPSeTabT[hPUUTRcTSX]cWT^UUXRTEXbXc^abfW^ aTPRWTScWT^UUXRTaTcda]TST\_chWP]STS^]5aXSPh0RR^aSX]Vc^ _a^cTbcTabbTeTaP[R^\_[PX]cbX]cWT_PbcfTaTaT_^acTSPVPX]bcBX]VW Qdc]^PRcX^]WPbQTT]cPZT]PVPX]bcWX\b^UPaQhcWTbcPcT V^eTa]\T]c0]^UUXRXP[fPa]TS°CWTST_Pac\T]c^UUXRXP[bfX[[X]cT]bXUh Xcb_a^cTbcd][Tbb3BF^UUXRTa0ecPaBX]VWfW^fPbaTT\_[^hTSPUcTa aTcXaT\T]cXbaT\^eTS± 30EBCD34=CB´6A>D?BC>20AAH>DC20=3;4<0A27 3TWaPSd])CWT[TPSTab^UePaX^dbbcdST]cb³Va^d_b^U30E?6 2^[[TVTd]STacWTQP]]Ta^U2^[[TVT1PRWP^BP]VWPabWBP\XcXfX[[ RPaah^dcRP]S[T\PaRWUa^\6P]SWX?PaZc^2[^RZC^fTa^]BPcdaSPh PVPX]bcbcPcTV^eTa]\T]cWPeX]VUPX[TSc^PSe^RPcTbca^]V[hX] DccPaPZWP]S7XVW2^dacPVPX]bcXcb\TaXcQPbTSPS\XbbX^]ad[X]V <^aT^eTacWTbcdST]cb³[TPSTabWPeTSTRXSTSc^U^aRXQ[hbWdcS^f]P[[ cWTV^eTa]\T]cP]S_aXePcTSTVaTTR^[[TVTb^]<^]SPhX]bd__^ac^U ST\P]SbbPXS0]bWd[2WPf[PU^a\TaR^[[TVTbcdST]cb³d]X^] _aTbXST]cfWX[TX]cTaPRcX]VfXcW\TSXP_Tab^]b7TP__TP[TSc^cWT bcPcTV^eTa]\T]cc^\^eTBd_aT\T2^dacPVPX]bc7XVW2^dac³bad[X]V ^]PS\XbbX^]bX]cWTX]cTaTbc^UcW^dbP]Sb^UbcPcT³bbcdST]cb !$03<8BB8>=5>A<BB>;38=30E8=C7A4430HB 3TWaPSd])0a^d]S!$PS\XbbX^]U^a\bfTaTb^[SX]cWT30E?6 2^[[TVTX]cWaTTSPhbPUcTaQTVX]]X]V^UcWTPS\XbbX^]_a^RTbbbPXS 2^[[TVT?aX]RX_P[3TeT]SaP1WPbX]^]5aXSPh7^fTeTaPa^d]S&$ bcdST]cb_daRWPbTSPS\XbbX^]_a^b_TRcdbX]<:??62^[[TVT^] 5aXSPhX]U^a\TSR^[[TVT_aX]RX_P[8]SdBX]VW;PaVT]d\QTa^U bcdST]cbcda]X]Vd_^]cWTcWXaSSPh^UPS\XbbX^]_a^RTbbX]cWT30E ?62^[[TVTcaXVVTaTScaPUUXRR^]VTbcX^]RPdbX]VX]R^]eT]XT]RTc^cWT R^\\dcTab1WPbX]UdacWTabPXSPS\XbbX^]X]cWTR^[[TVTfX[[QT^] bP]RcX^]TSbTPcbP]SPa^d]S"'&bcdST]cbfX[[QTP[[^fTSc^T]a^[[X] ePaX^dbQPRWT[^aSTVaTTR^dabTbX]cWTR^[[TVTBcdST]cbRP]_daRWPbT PS\XbbX^]_a^b_TRcdbUa^\PS\XbbX^]R^d]cTaQh0dVdbc!"P]S bdQ\XcXcQhcWTbP\TSPhWTPSSTS 43D34?C´B<0BB8=B?42C8>=0C !'B27>>;B 3TWaPSd])CWTTSdRPcX^]ST_Pac\T]c^UUXRXP[bd]STac^^ZP\Pbb X]b_TRcX^]^U !'bRW^^[b^UcWTbcPcT^]5aXSPhCWT3XaTRc^a 6T]TaP[36^UBRW^^[TSdRPcX^]APSWXZP9WPWTabT[UX]b_TRcTSbTeT] bRW^^[bX]3TWaPSd]SXbcaXRcfWXRWX]R[dSTS:PbcdaQP6P]SWX aTbXST]cXP[bRW^^[:^adfP3TWaPSd]CWTST_Pac\T]cR^]bcXcdcTS \P]hcTP\bcWPcR^]SdRcTScWTbda_aXbTX]b_TRcX^]CWTcTP\bU^d]S "%cTPRWTabfW^fTaTPQbT]cfXcW^dcP]h[TPeTX]cX\PcX^]CWT ?aX\PahbRW^^[^U:WPaZXP9^bWX\PcWX]2WP\^[XSXbcaXRcfPbU^d]S R[^bTSQhcWTX]b_TRcX]VcTP\bCWT369WPWPbXbbdTS^aSTabc^ bdb_T]ScWTPQbT]ccTPRWTabP]ScWTcTPRWTab^UcWTR[^bTbRW^^[ D9E=;B4CBD?24=CA0;<>=8C>A8=6BHBC4< 3TWaPSd]) CWTDccPaPZWP]S9P[EXShdc=XVP\;X\XcTSD9E=;WPbbTc d_P2T]caP[<^]Xc^aX]VBhbcT\fWXRWf^d[S^eTabTTcWT STeT[^_\T]cR^]bcadRcX^]^_TaPcX^]\PX]cT]P]RTaT]^ePcX^] \^STa]XiPcX^]P]Sd_VaPSPcX^]^UcWTWhSa^T[TRcaXR_a^YTRcb^UcWT bcPcTCWT<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a<3^UD9E=;9??PcT[bPXScWPccWT \^]Xc^aX]VbhbcT\XbbTcd_c^T]bdaT^_cX\d\VT]TaPcX^]^U_^fTa Ua^\cWTPePX[PQ[TfPcTaSXbRWPaVT7TbPXScWPccWT\^]Xc^aX]VbhbcT\ f^d[SWT[_X]R^\_[TcX]VcWTWhSa^_^fTa_a^YTRcbX]cWTbcX_d[PcTS cX\T_TaX^SP]SfXcW^dcP]hR^bcTbRP[PcX^]b?PcT[X]U^a\TScWPcP[[ X\_^acP]c_PaP\TcTabP]SSPcP^UcWTWhSa^T[TRcaXR_[P]cb^UcWTbcPcT PaTPePX[PQ[T^]cWTX]cTa]Tc ´3U^dbU`\Q^^Y^Wd_ SXQ^WU\QR_eb\Qgcµ ?=BQ 347A03D= he Central Government is planning to change the T labour laws in an attempt to increase privatisation in the country and 16 labour federations of the country has decided to oppose the antilabour policies of the Government, said the National President of All India Defence Employees Federation SN Pathak while addressing the newsmen here on Friday. He said that Federation would oppose the government’s decision to allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in defence sector. Pathak claimed that the government is planning to bring changes in the Labour law of 1946 and Trade Apprentice Act of 1961 in order to curb the powers of the trade unions. He informed that the leaderships of the labour federations would meet in Delhi on September 15 and deliberate on the future course of action. Pathak said that the federation has submitted the draft of its demands to the pay commission. He said that the federation has demanded that the benefit of pension should be extended to employees who are recruited after January 1 2004. He informed that the federation has proposed that the minimum wages for a high school pass candidate should be Rs 33000 per month. BTQX^aSTab_^]iXUXa\c^aTUd]S From Page 1 Accordingly, Sebi’s wholetime member Prashant Saran also has now ordered appropriate proceedings against PACL and its nine promoters and directors - namely Tarlochan Singh, Sukhdev Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Subrata Bhattacharya, Nirmal Singh Bhangoo, Tyger Joginder, Gurnam Singh, Anand Gurwant Singh and Uppal Devinder Kumar, as also other persons in default, for violations of various Sebi regulations. With immediate effect, PACL along with its four promoters and directors Tarlochan Singh, Sukhdev Singh, Gurmeet Singh, and Subrata Bhattacharya - have been asked to abstain from collecting any money from investors or launch or carry out any CIS scheme. Besides, they have been also asked to wind up all the existing Collective Investment Schemes of PACL Ltd and refund the collected monies, with returns which are due to its investors as per the terms of offer, within three months. Thereafter within 15 days, they have been asked to submit a winding up and repayment report to Sebi, including the trail of funds claimed to be refunded, bank account statements indicating refund to the investors and receipt from the investors acknowledging such refunds. Sebi has also asked them to immediately submit a complete and detailed inventory of the assets owned by PACL Limited, while they have been barred from alienating or disposing off or selling any of the assets of the company, except for the purpose of making refunds to investors. If the company and its directors and promoters fail to comply with these directions, they would be barred from securities market and Sebi would make a reference to the State Government/Local Police to register a civil or criminal case against them “for offences of fraud, cheating, criminal breach of trust and misappropriation of public funds”. Sebi further said it would also make a reference to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to initiate the process of winding up of PACL Limited, while it “shall also initiate attachment and recovery proceedings” in the event of failure to comply with its directions. Sebi said that Anand Gurwant Singh had resigned in the year 1996. Besides, Nirmal Singh Bhangoo and Uppal Devinder Kumar resigned in 1998. Singh was the director of PACL since incorporation, while Bhangoo and Kumar had resigned only after the press releases issued by government and Sebi. Therefore, they are liable and responsible for the violations committed by PACL in running CISs without obtaining registration from Sebi. As of March 31, 2014, PACL had 4.63 crore customers and an amount of Rs 29,420.65 crore outstanding against these customers. The company has only lands worth Rs 11,706.96 crore “out of which it has not only to satisfy the claim of 4.63 crore customers who have deposited 29,420 crore with it but also to satisfy 1.22 crore customers to whom the land has been allotted but sale deeds have not been executed.”PACL, which has mobilised close to Rs 50,000 crore from 5.85 customers, has paid huge amounts as commissions to its agents. As of March 31, 2012, ‘loans and advances and other assets’ stood at Rs 9,350.33 crore, including prepaid commission and other expenses worth Rs 4,182.14 crore, “which is a very high amount in proportion to the total sales value.” Considering the facts, Sebi said it can “be satisfactorily said that the transactions between PACL and its customers are not real estate transactions simpliciter, and they satisfy all the ingredients of a CIS...It is clear that the business run by the PACL is nothing but that of a CIS.” ]PcX^]$ '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 >Ad¶FD ecZae`defUj8> Tc`ad_ZiVU :RUGVRIZLVGRPJDORUH,,7 0RQVDQWRVSRQVRUHG ZHHNORQJWRXUZDV VFUDSSHGDIWHUSUHVVXUH IURP5666-0 ?=BQ =4F34;78 week-long tour by MPs of A BJP and Shiv Sena to the US to study Genetically Modified (GM) crops was cancelled on Friday following pressure from the RSS and Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM). The tour was sponsored by global seed giant, Monsanto. MPs are understood to have been told that in future foreign tour relating to BJP parliamentarians would be first cleared by Prime Minister’s Office(PMO). “No BJP MP will be part of delegation sponsored by Monsanto”, tweeted RSS leader 7>?4B ³CA8?´?8=6. S <?bPaTd]STabc^^Sc^WPeTQTT]c^[ScWPcX]UdcdaTU^aTXV]c^da aT[PcX]Vc^19?_Pa[XP\T]cPaXP]bf^d[SQTUXabcR[TPaTSQh?<> S 19?<?Ua^\BXfP]>\?aPZPbWHPSPeP]ScWT_Pach³b1d[P]SbWPWa <?1W^[PBX]VW?aPcP_aP^6P]P_PcaP^9PSWPeP]SP]^cWTaBWXeBT]P <?:ad_P[1P[PYXCd\P]T<?Ua^\AP\cTZfTaTP\^]VcWT\T\QTab ^UcWTST[TVPcX^] S CWT<?bfTaTc^PccT]SP²5Pa\?a^VaTbbBW^f³X]8^fPcWT]eXbXc cWT<^]bP]c^WTPS`dPacTabX]Bc;^dXb<Xbb^daX S CWTcaX_f^d[SWPeTR^bcP]TbcX\PcTSC"%"$#_TaWTPSU^a caPeT[U^^SP]SPRR^\\^SPcX^] S CWTDBR^\_P]hbPXScWPccWTcaX_WPS]^R^]]TRcX^]fXcW 6^eTa]\T]c^eTaad[X]VcWTUXT[ScaXP[b and BJP General Secretary Ram Madhav during the day, indicating strong disapproval to the sponsored tour. Soon after SJM leader S Gurumurthy tweeted “Shocking BJP MPs going on a tour funded by Monsanto to visit its headquarters” Within few hours, Gurumurthy tweeted again confirming cancellation of tour by the government. BJP leadership has conveyed that “the BJP MPs told not to got to Monsanto tour. MPs told not to accept foreign tour without PMO’s yes”, said the SJM leader. The MPs were to fly to America on Saturday, weeks after the Government overruled field trials for 15GM crops. Party spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said the party has not given go ahead to the tour that stands cancelled. BJP MP from Siwan Om Prakash Yadav and the party’s Bulandshahr MP, Bhola Singh, Prataprao Ganapatrao Jadhav and another Shiv Sena MP, Krupal Balaji Tumane, MP from Ramtek were among the members of the delegation. Others in the group included two MPs from Andhra Pradesh, one each from Gujarat and Rajasthan and four each from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. BJP MP from Aligarh, Satish Gautam, claimed he had opted out of the visit. Altogether 20 MPs were offered invitation by the Seed giant. The MPs were to attend a ‘Farm Progress Show’ in Iowa, then visit the Monsanto headquarters in St Louis, Missouri. The trip would have cost an estimated C363,540 per head for travel, food and accommodation, Monsanto official have reportedly said. The US company was of view that parliamentarians with interest in agriculture and seeking to advance their knowledge of agricultural technology had responded to the invitation. On July 29, Environment & Forests Minister Prakash Javadekar overruled the recommendations of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) and put a halt to the field trials of 15 GM crops, including of brinjal and rice, after protests from SJM and Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, organisations backed by the RSS. The US company said that the trip had no connection with Government overruling the field trials. 3TU<X]c^aTeXTf0a\hP_c]Tbb^]8]S^2WX]P =icdQdU]U^dgQc Q^aSTa<^d]cPX]BcaXZT2^a_b´aPXbX]V A0?4B5=1B; ?=B Q =4F34;78 D efence Minister Arun Jaitley will take stock of operational preparedness of the Army on the India-China border and the status of infrastructure development there during his visit to Eastern Command, Kolkata on Saturday. He will also review the progress of raising the Mountain Strike Corps for facing any challenge from China. In his first visit to the eastern sector after assuming charge as Defence Minister, he will be briefed about the Mountain Strike Corps at its base headquarters in Panagarh, West Bengal. The previous UPA Government had given the nod for the Corps in July last year and the raising including building infrastructure began early this year. The Corps will cost the exchequer more than C80,000 crore which includes recruitment of 40,000 personnel and acquisition of specialised weaponry for 9PXc[ThP]SBdWPV´beXbXcc^4PbcTa] 2^\\P]SR^\TbPcPcX\TfWT] 2WX]PXbaT_TPcTS[hcaP]bVaTbbX]VcWT ;02P]ScWTUXVdaTbcP]SbPc\^aT cWP]"#X]RXST]cbcX[[9d[hT]S fighting a war in the mountains facing China in the east and in Ladakh region. The Army will raise the Corps in a period of five to seven years. Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag will also be present during Jaitley’s tour and incidentally Suhag is also visiting Eastern Command for the first time since taking over as the Chief in July. He will also visit some posts in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam to review preparedness, officials said here on Friday. As regards infrastructure, India lacks behind China as it has built roads right up to the Line of Actual Control(LAC) besides airfields and rail network in the Tibetan plateau. India shortlisted 73 roads as strategically important and construction of most of these roads in behind schedule. Moreover, Jaitley a n d S u h a g ’s visit to Eastern Command comes at a time when China is repeatedly transgressing the LAC and the figure stands at more than 340 incidents till July end. S_^cdbeUT* :QYd\Ui New Delhi: Amid criticism from various quarters over his “small rape incident” remark, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday clarified on the controversy saying he never referred to any particular case and that he did not intend to trivialise any crime, particularly those against women. “I regret that the statement has been construed or some words that I have used have been construed as insensitive. That was never my intention,” Jaitley said. The minister was referring to his remarks made at the annual state tourism ministers’ conference on Thursday that “one small incident” of rape in Delhi, advertised world over, was enough to cost India millions of dollars in terms of global tourism. While Congress leader Rashid Alvi termed the remarks as “most unfortunate,” scores of Mahila Congress workers staged protest at the Minister’s residence. Member of National Commission of Women Nirmala Sawant condemned the remark. Jaitley said he has always been outspoken on issues relating to crimes, particularly those against women. “I am very sensitive to these issues myself and there is no question of trivialising any crime or any particular incident. I had not referred to any particular incident,” he said. The Minister said he had spoken “in general” on how crime can hurt tourism and the image of crime against women itself dissuades tourists from coming to India. Though he had not specified any incident, his remarks were seen to be a reference to the rape and brutal assault of a paramedic girl on December 16, 2012. PNS FRQIHUHQFHZLWK3UH]30 ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTT?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXP]S7A3<X]XbcTaB\aXcX8aP]XPcVa^d__W^c^bTbbX^]fXcW 2WPXa\T]1^PaS^U6^eTa]^abP]S3XaTRc^ab^U8]SXP]8]bcXcdcT^UCTRW]^[^VhSdaX]VPR^]UTaT]RTPcAPbWcaP_PcX1WPeP]X] =Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh ?C8 AcR_RSRd\d::E T`f_TZ]de`UcRh c`RU^RaW`c SVeeVcX`gVc_R_TV ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 resident Pranab Mukherjee on Friday described IITs as P “knowledge leaders” of the nation and asked them to explore how quality of education can be improved and good governance brought in to help the institutes of higher learning compete with the best in the world. Inaugurating a first of its kind day-long conference of chairmen, board of governors and directors of IITs at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Mukherjee called upon the Council of IIT’s to draw up a roadmap for governance in line with the best global practices and implement it without any delay. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and HRD Minister Smriti Irani were also present at the conference. “There is need for soul searching on what is holding back good governance in insti- CWT2^d]RX[^U88C´b bW^d[SU^Rdb^] W^f88C´bRP] QTR^\TPb^daRT U^a\TTcX]V cTRW]^[^Vh]TTSb^U 6^eTa]\T]cP]S QTR^\TPWPaQX]VTa ^UcWTeXbX^]° <PZTX]8]SXPP]S <PSTX]8]SXP tutes of higher learning. If our institutes of higher learning are to compete with the best in the world, governance of these institutes must be comparable to the best in the world,” he said. The President also shared the concerns of the Prime Minister over the country’s dependence on other countries for import of technology from security features and papers for Indian currency to defence equipment despite having technical capabilities to put satellites of other countries into space. “We need to see how the technologies developed by IIT’s and future research in IIT’s can be used to meet the technology requirements of the nation. The Council of IIT’s should focus on how IIT’s can become a source for meeting technology needs of Government and become a harbinger of the vision — Make in India and Made in India,” Mukherjee said. Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister asked the IITs to come together to find innovative solutions to the problems of the common man. He said they should take up the challenge of making products for which India is critically dependent on imports. “Science is universal. Technology must be local,” the PM said, calling upon IITs to bring about a “positive change” in the quality of life of the people in the country. Citing examples of a range of defence and health sector equipment and sensitive and security-related items like currency ink and tear gas which are imported, he exuded confidence that India has the talent to produce them indigenously. “I refuse to believe that India does not have the talent to make these things” the PM said, asking the IITs to take up such challenges. Modi also asked them to contribute towards user-friendly innovation in Indian Railways. D`TZR];fdeZTV>Z_ZdeVc 5^aTXV]Ud]SX]V) B2 c^TgP\X]T72 $SH[FRXUWIRUODZDJDLQVW 8=BB7>AC UV^R_UdAf_ZR¶d`fdeVc eTaSXRc_dccX]V2^]V19? X]S^RZ YH[DWLRXVSOHDVLQ DOO6WDWHV B238B<8BB4B5>A<4ACE B4A80;?A>3D24A´B?;40 ?=B Q =4F34;78 ocial Justice Minister SFriday Thawar Chand Gehlot on demanded the resignation of chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes PL Punia. Gehlot said Punia should step down on moral grounds as he was nominated by the outgoing Congress Government. “After there is change in the Government, the appointees and nominees of those parties should not continue as the chairman of the Commission on moral grounds,” he said on the sidelines of a Conference of Ministers of Welfare in States and Union Territories in the Capital on Friday. “The Chairman of National Commission for Scheduled Castes is a Congress man. Henceforth, he should not continue as the Chairman of NCSC,” he said. Addressing the gathering, he said his Ministry was catering to over 70-crore population in the country comprising SCs, OBCs and differently-abled people. Gehlot also said that a survey would be conducted to enumerate the number of transgenders in the country to list them as a third gender. Expressing concern over nonutilisation of funds by some State Governments, he said, “People are under the impression that one should bribe to avail benefits of Government schemes, particularly, those implemented by the NGOs. I appeal to all to increase the monitoring system on implementation of schemes.” In his address, Sudhir Bhargava, Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment said 90 per cent of the ministry’s funds are being spent through state governments. ?=B Q =4F34;78 T he two largest political parties — the Congress and the BJP — heaved a sigh of relief on Friday as the Supreme Court decided to examine a Delhi High Court verdict faulting them for failing to disclose receipts of foreign contributions over the years to the Election Commission. In its appeal, the Congress, led by senior advocate Kapil Sibal, argued that the High Court verdict of March 28, 2014 failed to consider a crucial aspect whether an Indian citizen living abroad who owns majority stake in a foreign company can contribute to a political party, which will not be classified as a contribution from a “foreign source” and hence, will not attract prosecution under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 (FCRA). The bench headed by Chief Justice RM Lodha was quick to point out, “This was not argued in High Court,” even as it admitted the appeal and issued notice to the Centre, BJP and 8]XcbP__TP[cWT2^]VaTbbPaVdTScWPccWT72 eTaSXRcUPX[TSc^R^]bXSTafWTcWTaP]8]SXP] RXcXiT][XeX]VPQa^PSfW^^f]b\PY^aXchbcPZT X]PU^aTXV]R^\_P]hRP]R^]caXQdcTc^P _^[XcXRP[_PachfWXRWfX[[]^cQTR[PbbXUXTSPb PR^]caXQdcX^]Ua^\P±U^aTXV]b^daRT² Election Commission besides Association of Democratic Rights (ADR), the NGO that approached the High Court. While the matter got posted for hearing after eight weeks, Sibal pleaded for stay on operation of the HC direction to launch prosecution against the party. The Bench, also comprising Justices Kurian Joseph and Rohington Nariman did not favour a stay. Instead, it granted liberty to the party concerned to approach the Court as and when any “coercive action” was undertaken either by the Ministry of Home Affairs or the poll panel. Bhushan said that Sibal’s argument was misconceived as a company which is registered outside India is a foreign entity. The law treats it as a legal entity for purposes of making contributions. If such a company had made contributions into the coffers of the two national parties, it amounted to contribution from a foreign source. As this amount was undisclosed to the EC, the parties were liable for prosecution under FCRA. While there was no dispute over the sums of crores of rupees received by the political parties from UKbased Vedanta and its Indian subsidiaries Sterlite and Sesa Goa, Sibal suggested that Vedanta’s majority stakes were held by an Indian Anil Aggarwal, who is situated abroad. Bhushan protested that such an interpretation would render the FCRA meaningless as contributions are seen from companies and not individuals manning the companies. ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Supreme Court on T Friday emphasised the need to have a law in each State to prevent vexatious litigation. The Bench headed by Chief Justice RM Lodha said, “In Maharashtra there is a Vexatious Litigation (Prevention) Act of 1971 that needs to be enacted by every state.” The court was dealing with a petition filed by one Nutan Thakur, a resident of Uttar Pradesh who was restricted from filing petitions in the Allahabad High Court unless she deposited a sum of C25,000. In the event her petition was entertained, she could reclaim the demand draft submitted along with the petition. If not, the money stood forfeited in favour of the Court. This money would be received by Court in addition to any cost being imposed on her for filing the frivolous petition. Till date, she had to her credit 86 petitions filed in High Court. Her counsel Anoop Chaudhary took the plea that a citizen’s right to file a petition cannot be curtailed in this manner. The apex Bench, which also comprised of Justices Kurian Joseph and Rohington Nariman said, “There is nothing extraordinary about this order. All that it asks you to do is to deposit C25,000. It does not curtail your right to file a bonafide PIL. Its only to ensure that you don’t henceforth file frivolous petitions.” An attempt was made by the Law Commission in 2005 to recommend a law on lines of the Maharashtra law and the Madras Vexatious Litigation (Prevention) Act of 1949. It sought to identify litigants f iling petitions “habitually and without reasonable ground” who once declared as frivolous litigant could file any petition only with leave of court. 502CB0 01>DC4 41>;0 5adXcQPcbPaTR^]bXSTaTSc^QTcWT]PcdaP[W^bc^UcWT4Q^[PeXadb 8cRP]QTRPdVWcUa^\Q^cWWd\P]bP]SP]X\P[b =^b_TRXUXRcaTPc\T]c^aePRRX]T 4Pa[h^]bh\_c^\bPaT]^]b_TRXUXR\PZX]VXcSXUUXRd[cc^ SXPV]^bT BdSST]^]bTc^UUTeTaUTT[X]VfTPZ\dbR[T_PX]WTPSPRWTbP]SP b^aTcWa^PcU^[[^fTSQhe^\XcX]VSXPaaW^TPaPbWX\_PXaTSZXS]Th P]S[XeTaUd]RcX^]P]SX]b^\TRPbTbX]cTa]P[P]STgcTa]P[Q[TTSX]V Bh\_c^\bRP]P__TPaUa^\cf^c^! SPhbPUcTaTg_^bdaTB^\T _PcXT]cb\PhV^^]c^Tg_TaXT]RTaPbWTbaTSThTbWXRRd_bRWTbc _PX]bSXUUXRd[chQaTPcWX]VP]SbfP[[^fX]V 2daaT]c^dcQaTPZQTVP]X]6dX]TPP]Sb_aTPSc^]TXVWQ^daX]V R^d]caXTbB^UPa^eTa "STPcWbWPeT^RRdaaTS sking India to maintain a constant vigilance against A Ebola, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that a single case of deadly virus would be disastrous for the country which has a teeming population. The WHO is working with Health Ministry to formulate a “preparedness plan” to deal with any eventuality if there is an outbreak of Ebola in the country. Presently, the disease is restricted to four West African countries-Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. India has been proactive in keeping surveillance against the disease. But it needs to continue doing it so because a single case of deadly disease here could prove disastrous for the country, Nata Menabde, WHO representative to India told reporters on Friday. “Preparation is a very crit- ical aspect. WHO is working with the Ministry of Family Welfare and Planning to ensure that we put into place preparedness measures. It doesn’t mean it is going to happen, but we are prepared if it happens,” said Asheena Khalakdina, Team Leader, Communicable Disease, WHO Country office for India. She said the countries should be prepared to deal with an outbreak scenario. “We have outbreak measures in place and in India we are looking at airports and other entry points.” Khalakdina said there were gaps related to infection control practices and the WHO was working with the government to deal with them. “It requires a great amount of effort to reach a 100 per cent (in preventing an Ebola case in country). The Ministry is very serious (in handling the situation). Even before the pan- demic was announced the Minister (Harsh Vardhan) discussed some measures to go about in this,” she said. India is tracking each passenger arriving from the affected countries by the Airport Health Organisations based on the information provided by the External Affairs Ministry. They are being monitored by the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme. C>8;4CB)603:0A85>A 0;;>20C8>=5A><<?;03 ?=BQ =4F34;78 =Tf3T[WX) AdaP[3TeT[^_\T]c <X]XbcTa=XcX]6PSZPaXWPb faXccT]c^_Pa[XP\T]cPaXP]b aT`dTbcX]VcWT\c^P[[^RPcT Ud]SbUa^\cWTXa<?;03BU^a R^]bcadRcX^]^Uc^X[TcbX] eX[[PVT W^\Tb bRW^^[b P]S P]VP]fPSXb 7Xb[TccTac^ cWT<?b R^\TbSPhb PUcTa?aX\T <X]XbcTa =PaT]SaP <^SX daVTScWT _Pa[XP\T]cPaXP]bc^dbT <?;03BUd]SbX]QdX[SX]V c^X[Tcbc^T]ScWT\T]PRT^U ^_T]STUTRPcX^]X]cWTR^d]cah Qh! (cWT $QXacW P]]XeTabPah^U<PWPc\P 6P]SWX L D=8>=<8=BC>740A ?0ACH<4=´BF>4B F7>7TP[cW<X]f^aZX]V^]_[P]c^STP[fXcW4Q^[P^dcQaTPZ >> ;`dYZe`YVRU ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 =Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T 2^dac^]5aXSPhSXb\XbbTSP _TcXcX^]UX[TSQhU^a\TaCE bTaXP[_a^SdRTaBdWPXQ8[hPbX RWP[[T]VX]VP3T[WX7XVW2^dac ^aSTaPbZX]VWX\c^UPRT \daSTaRWPaVTbU^acWTSTPcW ^UWXbfXUT0]YdX]!0 QT]RWWTPSTSQh9dbcXRTCB CWPZdabPXSXcfPb]^c X]cTaUTaX]VfXcWcWT0dVdbc ! YdSVT\T]c^UcWTWXVWR^dac P]S8[hPbXWPbc^P__TPaQTU^aT cWTcaXP[R^dacfWXRWfX[[°]^c QTX]U[dT]RTSQhP]h^UcWT ^QbTaePcX^]b^UWXVWR^dac± 6deZ^ReVd4`^^ZeeVV ok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan has appointed BJP’s veteran leaders Murli Manohar Joshi and Shanta Kumar as chairpersons of Estimates Committee and Committee on Public Undertakings respectively. Senior leader LK Advani is also a member of the panel on Public Undertakings. Joshi took charge of the Committee on August 19 after it was constituted on August 14. With former Union Minister KV Thomas from Congress taking over as the chairman of PAC, the three key financial committees of Parliament have been constituted. The Committee on Estimates scrutinises the functioning of government ministries and departments in terms of expenditure and utilisation of funds. It also suggests alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency and economy in administration. The 30-member Committee on Estimates has members from the Lok Sabha alone. The Committee on Public Undertakings consists of 22 Lok Sabha and seven Rajya Sabha members. It examines reports and accounts of public undertakings as well as CAG reports on PSUs. By convention, while PAC is headed by a senior Lok Sabha member from the Opposition, the Committee on Estimates and Committee on Public Undertakings are headed by senior Lok Sabha MPs from the ruling party. For the past four years, the PAC was headed by Joshi. The panel which scrutinizes the CAG report often locked horns with government on its findings on 2G scam, Coalgate and reports related to defence and finance sector. =Tf3T[WX) 0b_Pac^UTUU^acb c^X\_a^eTR^^aSX]PcX^] QTcfTT]cWT_PachP]ScWT 6^eTa]\T]cD]X^]<X]XbcTab ?XhdbW6^hP[E:BX]VW:XaP] AXYXYdP]SBPSP]SP6^fSPfX[[ \TTc_Pach\T]P]SWTPacWTXa VaXTeP]RTbP]SbdVVTbcX^]bPc cWT19?WTPS`dPacTab]Tgc fTTZFWX[T<X]XbcTa^UBcPcT U^a2^P[?^fTaP]S=TfP]S AT]TfPQ[T4]TaVh6^hP[fX[[ QTPePX[PQ[TPccWT19? WTPS`dPacTabPc0bW^ZA^PS ^]0dVdbc!$<^BU^a=^acW 4PbcTa]0UUPXab4gcTa]P[0UUPXab P]S8]SXP]>eTabTPb0UUPXabE: BX]VWfX[[bXcPccWT_Pach WTPS`dPacTabQTcfTT]#?< P]S%?<^]0dVdbc!%<^B U^a7^\TAXYXYdP]SD]X^] APX[fPh<X]XbcTa6^fSPfX[[ QTPePX[PQ[Tc^_Pach\T]^] 0dVdbc!% ]PcX^]% '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 ?`?R>`Z_GZUYR_RD`fUYRZc\d3;A ³8cXbP]X]bd[cc^cWT _^[XchP]S19?fX[[ _a^cTbcPccXcdST^U Paa^VP]c:´cPZP2<´ :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 10=60;>A4 CDBB;45>A38B?;0H ]Z CWT19?P[[TVTScWPccWTBcPcT6^eTa]\T]cWPbX]bd[cTScWTR^]bcXcdcX^]P]ScWT=306^eTa]\T]cPc cWT2T]caTQh]^cX]bcP[[X]VcWT_W^c^VaP_Wb^UcWT?<X]cWTRWP\QTab^U<X]XbcTabP]SBcPcT BTRaTcPaXPc ]Z 19?b_^ZTb_Tab^]2CAPeXbPXScWT_Pachf^d[ScPZTcWTX]XcXPcXeTXUcWT6^eTa]\T]cUPX[bc^X]bcP[[ ?<³b_XRcdaTbX]cWT]TgcUTfSPhb8cXbWPbQTT]P[fPhbPR^]eT]cX^]c^SXb_[PhcWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa³b _W^c^bX]P[[_a^\X]T]c6^eTa]\T]c^UUXRTbP]S<X]XbcTab³RWP\QTab major controversy erupted over the missing phoA tographs of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Vidhana Soudha, the corridors of power in Karnataka. The ruling Congress Government, led by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, has not bothered to display photographs of the Prime Minister in the offices of Chief Minister and Ministers at Vidhana Soudha. The main Opposition BJP was up in arms and ready to protest — considering the action as an example of the CM’s politics of hatred and an insult to PM Modi. The BJP alleged that the State Government has insulted the Constitution and the NDA Government at the Centre by not installing the photographs of the PM in the chambers of Ministers and State Secretariat. Addressing the media in Bangalore, BJP spokesperson CT Ravi said the party would take the initiative if the Government fails to install PM’s pictures in the next few days. It is has been always a convention to display the Prime Minister’s photos in all prominent Government offices and Ministers’ chambers. However, the Secretariat officials feel as if it is not mandatory. Even during the BJP’s tenure, they displayed Manmohan Singh’s photographs in all the offices, including the CMO. According to S Prakash, BJP media in-charge, it is an insult to the polity and the BJP will protest the attitude of the arrogant CM, who recently compared the PM to Hitler. He said, “It is a custom and convention to display the photographs of the Prime Minister in all the Government offices. This act of the Congress Government and the CM is 71$µSHDFHSDQHO¶PHHWV6XVKPD ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Indian Government has questioned the timing of T Pakistan High Commissioner 4gcTa]P[0UUPXab<X]XbcTaBdbW\PBfPaPY\TTcb[TPSTabP]S<?bUa^\cWTCP\X[=PcX^]P[0[[XP]RTX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh BDB7<0´BE84C=0<C>DA1468=BC><>AA>F =Tf3T[WX)FXcWcWT19?;TS=306^eTa]\T]cX]_[PRT4gcTa]P[0UUPXab <X]XbcTaBdbW\PBfPaPYfX[[eXbXcEXTc]P\Ua^\0dVdbc!#!%X]^aSTac^ c^dRWQPbTfXcWcWTUaXT]S[hR^d]cah7TaeXbXcfX[[_PeTfPhU^a\^aT WXVW[TeT[eXbXcbQTcfTT]cWTcf^]PcX^]bcWPcbWPaTPUPXa[hSTRT]ccaPST aT[PcX^]bWX_^UPQ^dc$#QX[[X^]8]UPRc[PbcfTTZEXTc]P\TgcT]STS [TPbTc^8]SXP]^X[R^\_P]h>E;U^acWTcf^^X[Q[^RZbX]cWTB^dcW2WX]P BTP?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTXbTg_TRcTSc^eXbXcEXTc]P\X]\XS BT_cT\QTaX]WXbUXabc^eTabTPbeXbXcd]STacWT]Tf6^eTa]\T]c1^cW R^d]caXTbP[b^bWPaTTgRT[[T]c_^[XcXRP[aT[PcX^]b)EXTc]P\Xbbd__^acXeT^U 8]SXP³bR[PX\c^P_Ta\P]T]cbTPcX]cWTD]XcTS=PcX^]bBTRdaXch2^d]RX[ BfPaPYf^d[S\TTcWTaR^d]cTa_Pac?WP\1X]W<X]WBWTfX[[P[b^ X]PdVdaPcTcWTCWXaSA^d]ScPQ[T^U0B40=cWX]ZcP]ZP[^]V^UfWXRW 8]SXP³bA8BXbP[b^P_Pac>]!%cWBfPaPYfX[[\TTccWTWTPSb^U ( 8]SXP]\XbbX^]bUa^\cWTB^dcW4PbcP]S4Pbc0bXP]aTVX^] ?=B ?C8 change the democratic composition of the northern province. “We have explained the position currently prevalent on the ground in the north and the east. The difficulties people are facing, the aggressive program implemented by the Lankan Government to change the democratic composition of the northern and eastern provinces and the cultural and linguistic identity of the areas,” said TNA leader R Sampanthan. The delegation will meet PM Narendra Modi on Saturday. Abdul Basit’s interactions with seperatists in New Delhi saying the Foreign Secretary level talks were only to prepare the roadmap for future dialogues and nothing substantive this time. “So why bring the separatists in between?” Basit had claimed that ‘consultations’ with separatists prior to Foreign Secretary-level talks was part of the process to ‘engage all stakeholders’ on the issue of Jammu & Kashmir, which the Ambassador termed as bilateral dispute. India called off the talks and bluntly told Pakistan that there are only two stakeholders in this matter —India and Pakistan. The Pakistani diplomat while terming the cancelation of talks unfortunate, said both countries should move forward. However, in a snub to this statement, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said: “In diploma- 3Qb^YfQ\_fUbS_\_^YQ\fY\\QWUTYc`edU <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 EYVWVdeZgR]ZdTR]]VU 3`_UVcR^W]`ReaRcRUV EYVh`cUµ3`_UVcR^¶ V^VcXVURdRT`ccfaeZ`_ `WeYVA`cefXfVdVh`cU µSR_UVZcR¶hYZTY ^VR_dW]RX C oming at time when the sands of Goa undergo their annual purge, the Bonderam float parade festival is a smaller version of its more popular infamous twin — the Goa Carnival. Nonetheless, the festival is celebrated on August 23 and owes its existence to village boundary disputes in the colonial Portuguese era and continues to hold on to some of its old world charm even today. Streamers deck the village in remembrance of the Portuguese regime’s method of demarcating village boundaries to avoid fistfights between groups of villagers, while troupes of children and adults hold costume parades remembering everything ranging from traditional lifestyles to modern political issues like that of corruption, nepotism, etc. As a long-time participant in the local village celebration, Annabelle Heredia explains, “All we need is the excuse to celebrate. The celebration brings the village together and feel proud that at least for once the atten- tion is on us.” Sometimes referred to as quaint, at other times queer, the festival in the island village of Divar is today a major tourist attraction with both locals and tourists thronging to see the colourful floats, which might not exactly match the state sponsored carnival, but retains the old world charm. And not without reason. Being held on an island whose only links is via a fifteen minute ferry the island has evolved differently from the rest of the State. Having a slower pace of life, agrarian economy and completely bereft of any high rises, the island also boasts of familial relationships among its 40,000 odd inhabitants. The original inhabitants of this island were people who once lived in Old Goa but had to leave during a disastrous plague that greatly reduced the population of Old Goa. Contrary to popular perception, the celebration does not have religious connotations or origin. Instead, arose as an imitation of villagers of two main wards of the village Piedade and Sao Mathias who used to, in an attempt to bring down, fling stones at poles of flags erected by the Portuguese administration to demarcate the boundary between the two wards. The word Bonderam emerged as a corruption of the Portuguese word ‘bandeira’ which means flag. Consequently there are two ‘bonderam’ festivals celebrated in the villages by the respective wards — Sao APYPbcWP]2WXTU<X]XbcTaEPbd]SWPaPAPYTT]Y^hbP\TP[Pc6PSPaXhP1PbeX[[PVTX]APYPbcWP]^]5aXSPh 8]SXP`dTbcX^]bcX\X]V^U 1PbXcbT_PaPcXbcbSXP[^VdT ?=BQ =4F34;78 n a bid to seek deeper and ‘pro-active’ Indian involveIment in resolving the ethnic Tamil problem in Sri Lanka, a delegation of Tamil National Alliance (TNA) from the island country met External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Friday. The TNA leaders are here to push their case for full implementation of the 13(A) amendment to the Sri Lankan Constitution that stems from India-Sri Lanka peace accord signed in 1987. The amendment stipulates devolution of powers to the provinces which was centre of ethnic conflict. The six-member TNA delegation made a presentation to Swaraj detailing their perception of the political environment in Sri Lanka and their engagement with its Government. According to officials, Swaraj emphasised the need for political solution that addresses substantially the aspirations of Tamil community in Lanka for equality, dignity, justice and self-respect within a framework of united Lanka. The TNA MPs complained about the alleged attempts by the Lankan Government to senseless and politics of hate.” In the war of words between Siddaramaiah and the State BJP leaders, the BJP accused the Chief Minister of suffering from some physical and mental illness. The retaliation from the BJP came a day after CM Siddaramaiah compared Modi to Hitler, and BJP leader Ravi hit back saying that Siddaramaiah constantly falls asleep during meetings which indicates that he is in fact ill. He said, “Now that he equated the country’s Prime Minister to Hitler, further proves that he suffered mental illness.” Reacting to Ravi’s comments, Siddaramaiah said that he stands by his remarks of likening Modi to Hitler. Speaking to reporters, he said, “I still stand by my comments. Modi has centralised all the power to himself and is not giving any opportunity to his Cabinet colleagues. I made the remarks in this context.” He further said: “Ravi lacks political maturity and still has a lot to learn.” Mathias which celebrates it on the second Saturday of August and the bigger Bonderam celebrated at Piedade on the last Saturday of August. The Tourism Department is only to happy to promote the festival, with its director seeing it as a welcome relief during an otherwise lean time of the year. “During weekends like these, off season does not seem like off season anymore,” he said adding that the residencies offered by them were reporting around 80% occupancy. “It gives people an excuse to come down and that’s all they need,” he said. He however, admitted that other than the weekends the monsoon packages are not doing as well as they should. The Goa Tourism department on its part promotes the festival among its guests in a bid to monetize it. Locals, however like to keep it on a small scale, if only so that it does not go the carnival way.”What’s special of this festival is that its made up of people’s participation. There are no commercial dancers, or professionals, but nonetheless we are taking it forward,” Heredia added. cy it is not always about saying the right things at the right time. It is also about avoiding to say the wrong things at any time.” He added that when Government of India takes a decision it takes all factors and every situation into account. “In this case we were not having talks but we were going to have talks. Our understanding was these talks were to be about talks. These were not any substantive, meaningful engagements but were only going to lead to that. Therefore, we felt that it would not serve any purpose in an environment when there were diplomatic discussions on how to go about it. A series of action were taken which were not conducive to proceed ahead,” said Akbaruddin. The spokesperson added that a possible meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in the United States of America could have been discussed during the Foreign Secretary talks. “But since she didn’t go it is not there,” said Akbaruddin. ?[P]_P]T[)2<X]U^a\b ?<^U:TaP[P´bR^]RTa]b Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take the States into confidence before making any structural changes to the Planning Commission. In a letter written to the Prime Minister on the subject, the Chief Minister said that Modi’s announcement in his speech on the Independence Day about the Centre’s plan to replace the Planning Commission with another body had raised several concerns for State Governments. State Minister for Planning KC Joseph told newsmen in Thiruvananthapuram on Friday that Chandy had informed the Prime Minister about Kerala’s anxieties in matters including the future of the Five-Year plans. Chandy pointed out in the letter that the plan allocations for the states and states’ share of Central schemes had so far been decided by the Planning Commission comprising independent economic experts. He wanted to know whether this would be done with justice if the responsibility was given to the Union Finance Ministry. ?C8 ;UbQ\Q@b_XYRYdY_^ ]_fUd_cdQbd_^ 7Q^TXY:QiQ^dY EA90H0A09Q :>278 I n a move to assure the liquorfree-Kerala-in-a-decade policy, the Congress-led ruling UDF announced that the same was not a political gimmick but a sincere initiative, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy on Friday declared that the Gandhi Jayanti day, October 2, would be the base date for starting the implementation of the various measures contained in the policy. “Kerala will attain the goal of total liquor ban by October 2, 2023,” Chandy said in Thiruvananthapuram after a high-level meeting which formally endorsed the UDF liquor policy for the Government without waiting for the Cabinet to do that at its August 27 meeting. “Can you now call our policy a political gimmick?” the Chief Minister asked the media. Chandy said that the Government would close down the 312 bars which were operating now in the State even before the start of the next financial year. This would be done once the procedures were over, he said. The Government also endorsed the UDF recommendation not to reopen the 418 bars which were closed onApril 1 for lack of facilities. According to the CM, there are no legal impediments to closing down the 312 bars before their licence period (till March 31) is over. He said the Government would have to pay about C45 crore back to these bars towards the remainder of their licence fee. With their closure, the only bars functioning in Kerala will be at the 16 fivestar hotels in the State. As many as 39 retail outlets would close on the next Gandhi Jayanti day as per the decision to end the entire retail booze sales in ten years. Of these 39 outlets, 34 belong to the Kerala State Beverages Corporation (Bevco), the State-owned monopoly liquor distributor which has 338 shops, and five belong to the Civil supplies Corporation which is running 46 shops. The plan is to close down all the retail outlets in ten years by closing ten per cent of the shops every year. The initiative to make all Sundays ‘dry days’ would start on October 5, the first Sunday after Gandhi Jayanti. A five-per cent cess would be imposed on the price of liquor which would go to the fund for employees’ rehabilitation and anti-liquor campaigns, he informed. When asked how the Government was going to bear the loss of revenue from the liquor sector, Chandy said, “It is true that we are going to lose a lot of money. But that cannot be considered a huge loss when we take into account the losses we are suffering through the health problems, accidents, rising crime rates, etc caused by alcohol consumption.” At the same time, the communist parties, obviously outsmarted by anti-liquor move of the UDF and the CM, resorted to criticising the policy even when claiming that they too were against booze. State CPI(M) secretary Pinarayi Vijayan said the Government was trying to overcome its crises through the Prohibition move. Banning liquor totally cannot be done at one go but it should be done through stages, Pinarayi said. “We welcome the policy of banning liquor totally. But the Government could have done this much earlier,” he said, adding that the liquor policy of the party-led Opposition LDF would be revealed when it came to power. FTfT[R^\TcWT_^[XRh^UQP]]X]V[X`d^ac^cP[[h1dccWT 6^eTa]\T]cR^d[SWPeTS^]TcWXb\dRWTPa[XTa ¯BcPcT2?8<bTRaTcPah?X]PaPhXEXYPhP] CWT_[P]Xbc^R[^bTS^f]P[[cWTaTcPX[^dc[TcbX]cT]hTPabQh R[^bX]VcT]_TaRT]c^UcWTbW^_bTeTahhTPaCWTX]XcXPcXeTc^ \PZTP[[Bd]SPhb²SahSPhb³f^d[SbcPac^]>Rc^QTa$ cWTUXabcBd]SPhPUcTa6P]SWX9PhP]cX 80B^UUXRTab´SXeXbX^]QTcfTT] 0?CT[P]VP]PT]Sbb\^^cW[h "deDZ_`:_UZR_W]ZT\YZXYa`Z_e`W?6WVde 58AbUX[TS^dcaPVTU^[[^fb PUcTaCTTbcP´bcfTTcb^aah ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 ragrances from the North-East, a festival of films and cultural heritage of the Northeastern States of India, kicked off in the Capital from Friday. Five-day 13th International ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU-ROBOCON) organised by Doordarshan also began on the same day in Pune. The first-ever Chinese film shot in India with Sino-Indian theme will make a debut in China soon The NE film festival is being held at the Sirifort Auditorium organised by the Directorate of film festivals of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry (I&B). The opening film of the festival will be Khawnglung Run (The Raid of Khawnlung) in the Mizo language. The 122-minute-long movie has been directed by Mapuia Chawngthu. The closing film will be RI: Homeland of Uncertainty in Khashi directed by Pradip Kurbah. he list of IAS officers division between Telangana T and Andhra Pradesh is not matter of surprise or worry for the two States, as the senior most officer occupying the key positions will remain in their places. Telangana Chief Secretary Rajiv Sharma and his counterpart in Andhra Pradesh IYR Krishna Rao will remain in their respective positions. Similarly, in the list of IPS officers too, there were no disputes as the DGPs Anurag Sharma or Telangana and JV Ramudu of AP will also retain their places. On the whole, 163 IAS officers were allocated to Telangana cadre and 211 to Andhra Pradesh. Tirumala Tirupati Devsthanam Executive Officer MG Gopal will however lose his position as he has been shifted from Andhra Pradesh to Telangana. The other IAS officers allocated to Telangana cadre include Smita Sabharwal, special Secretary in CM’s office, Rajeshwar Tiwari, Shanta Kumari, Rahul Bojja, Ajay Mishra, Anil Singhal, JSV Prasad, Veena Ish, A K Parida and Sanjay Kumar. Officers allocated to Andhra cadres include Satish Chandra, Ajay Jain, Shweta, SN Mohanty, While the process of division of officers of All India ser vices was completed smoothly, division of State employees was still tied in the knots. ?=B Q =4F34;78 C74278=4B458;<<H 0<0I8=6CA8?C>8=380 6A0?7820;;H?>ACA0HB C74CA0E08;B502431H 0278=4B4CA0E4;4A 8=C742>D=CAH F Other films being screened are: Yarwng in Kokborok by Joseph Pulinthanath; Phijigee Mani in Manipuri by O Gautam Singh; Sonam in Monpa by Ahsan Muzid and Ajeyo in Assamese by Jahnu Barua. ABU-ROBOCON, on the other hand is a TV programme where students compete with their hand-made robots. The contest aims at encouraging scientific tempera- ment of undergraduate engineering students in the Asia-Pacific region. These events also offer opportunity to broadcasting agencies for advancing their technological skills and international cooperation. This year, broadcasters and ROBOCON teams from 17 countries will be participating in this contest. Prominent participants include Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Russia State TV & Radio Broadcasting Company (RTR) and Egyptian Radio and television Union (ETU). The theme of ABU-ROBOCON is “A Salute to Parenthood”. The Chinese film My amazing trip to India, graphically portrays the travails faced by a Chinese traveler in the country will be released soon. According to Nirupama Kotru, Director, (Films), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting the two countries are close to reach an agreement on co-production of films which could be finalised during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s to India. New Delhi: Several FIRs were registered across the country against controversial activist Teesta Setalvad on Friday for uploading derogatory photo of Goddess Kali and drawing comparison with the beheading of a US journalist by the ISIS on her Twitter account. The controversial activist’s action led to widespread outrage in the social media. Teesta posted a collage of photos of the Goddess beheading the demon and the brutal beheading of the US journalist by ISIS, and stated that both the acts were condemnable. Several people, especially from Kolkata, filed FIRs in different police stations demanding action against Teesta. Later in the day as the issue generated much heat, she deleted her photo compilation and apologised for her act. She claimed the derogatory picture was uploaded by mistake. “Image was still to be worked upon put by mistake. No intention to upset anybody. Apologies,” she tweeted. Teesta is already facing the heat for siphoning huge funds meant for riots victims. She is accused of misusing the money for purchase of liquor, shopping of diamonds and settling her credit card dues. PNS ]PcX^]& '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 DfUZae`daZ]]d_R^Vd ,URP6KDUPLODSXWEHKLQGWKHEDUVDJDLQ `W>Z_ZdeVcd>Ad B 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 I n what could give goosebumps to top Trinamool brass, jailed ponzi kingpin Sudipto Sen (now in custody of the Central Bureau of Investigation) has revealed the names of “four very influential politicians” including two MPs and two Bengal Ministers, considered very close to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, in connection with the multicrore chit-fund scam. The CBI was also trying to know, under whose instructions he had fled Kolkata in April 2013 after his business collapsed, and whether the politicians he had named were in touch with him while he was on the run before being arrested from Sonmarg in Kashmir, officials who quizzed Sen for hours on Friday said. Curiously Sen had left a letter for the CBI before he fled Kolkata. The CBI has found that only portions of the letter was leaked to the media while the names of some “big fishes” given in its annexure were held back. Incidentally the Chief Minister had soon after Sen’s escape had “conjectured “ about his whereabouts saying he was somewhere in North India. The Agency sources also said that top East Bengal Club official Debabrata Sarkar who was arrested on Wednesday evening, following marathon grilling, had told them about two more Club officials through whom the chit cash was routed to other sources C74218F0B0;B>CAH8=6C>:=>F D=34AF7>B48=BCAD2C8>=B74 7035;43:>;:0C08=0?A8;! " 05C4A78B1DB8=4BB2>;;0?B43 0=3F74C74AC74?>;8C8280=B74 703=0<43F4A48=C>D27F8C7 78<F78;474F0B>=C74AD= 145>A4148=60AA4BC435A>< B>=<0A68=:0B7<8A including business ventures. Sarkar had invested hugely in tourism industry in Goa from his ill-gotten money that he extracted from Sen by using threats. In fact the CBI had earlier recovered from Sarkar’s house “show-cause” letters written by SEBI to Sen. The recovery of the letter written by the SEBI to Sen from Sarkar’s house tended to lend credence to Saradha boss’s claim that he gave money to many people including Sarkar “to manage” the SEBI and other market regulators. The other two officials of the football club would also be summoned soon sources said adding the CBI sleuths would carry on further investigations in Goa where Sen’s money was invested in hospitality industry. The CBI sources also said quoting Sen that out of a monthly C70 lakh given to Sarkar C35 lakh were paid to a senior SEBI official and C10 lakh was given to “one Mr Sil of the RBI.” The agency sources said they were “gathering more information on the issue” and could soon interrogate the SEBI and RBI officials. On whether the CBI would interrogate State Textiles Minister SP Mukherjee and Trinamool Rajya Sabha Ahmed Hassan Imran already summoned by the Enforcement Directorate, sources said “soon a host of them would be called for interrogation as CBI has enough evidence in its hands.” Imran who was the editor of two proTrinamool newspapers and channels was last year sent to Rajya Sabha by the Trinamool Congress. The ED investigating the money-laundering part of the Saradha scam has reportedly found that Hassan had bought over the media houses from Sudipto Sen without having paid the price. Meanwhile, a senior Trinamool Congress leader and State Transport Minister Madan Mitra whose name has repeatedly come up for his alleged links with Sen was on Thursday admitted to a private hospital in Kolkata even as he complained of breathing problems. 0W\TSPQPSR^dac PRRT_cbRPbT R[^bdaTaT_^ac PVPX]bc?<<^SX ?=B Q 60=378=060A A metropolitan court in Ahmedabad admitted a 2,000-page closure report filed by Ahmedabad police on Friday in connection with the alleged Model Code of Conduct violation case during the last Lok Sabha elections against then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. The case was filed against Modi, who after utilising his franchise to vote in the Lok Sabha polls on April 30th, 2014 had taken selfie from his mobile while showcasing BJP’s symbol ‘Lotus’ in front of camera and also addressed a Press conference near a polling booth. The case has been disposed of and a clean chit to Modi given by police and the court. While accepting the closure report the court said that no case was made out against the PM Modi. Thus the court has disposed off the case. On the basis of a complaint filed by the Congress, the Election Commission of India (ECI) had diverted the matter to the Gujarat Government. The report said that neither Modi nor his party had given invitation to the media to interact with him outside the polling booth. 19?_aTbXST]c0\XcBWPWQTX]VVaTTcTSQh6:XbWP]ATSShPcP\TTcX]VX] BPa^^a]PVPaBcPSXd\X]7hSTaPQPS^]5aXSPh ?C8 0RcXeXbc8a^\BWPa\X[P2WP]dQTX]VaTPaaTbcTSX]8\_WP[^]5aXSPhcf^SPhbPUcTa bWTfPbaT[TPbTSU^[[^fX]VPR^dac^aSTa ?C8 “The re-arrest was made to avoid further deterioration of her health”, said Manipur Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam while speaking to the media on Wednesday. 0<0A=0C7C4F0AHQ ?0C=0 ?=BQ :>;:0C0 what is being viewed the of a nervous reacItionnproduct of the Trinamool goon brigade against the rising organisational prowess of the saffron outfit in Bengal, yet another BJP leader was shot dead in the State on Friday morning, police said. Anil Gope a BJP block president of Baghmundi block in Purulia district bordering Jharkhand was shot from point blank range when he was out on a morning walk, district SP NS Kumar said, adding the police immediately rushed to the place and found that he had died on the spot. The incident took place at Raghunathdihi village of Baghmundi. Party district president BP Singhdeo said Gope was an active worker and “those who were threatened the most by our rise in the State have killed him. It is surely a political killing.” n yet another action against a party legislator for his ‘antiparty activities’ JD (U) president Sharad Yadav, on Friday, suspended Islampur MLA Rajiv Ranjan from the party for six years. Earlier, the party had suspended four MLAs, while serving notice to many, citing the same charge. Rajiv Ranjan, the JD (U) MLA from Islampur Assembly constituency of Nalanda district, has recently been pushing both the party and the Government to the corner while raising issues of “unabated corruption and the newlyfound alliance with the RJD”. Recently, when the JD (U) MLA had embarrassed the Jitan Ram Manjhi Government, saying “since corruption has become unabated, its time that the Government should adopt a new law by the name of “Right to Bribe” in Bihar”. He had also opposed the grand alliance of his party with the RJD saying the people of the State would not tolerate this alliance with the party which had created jungle raj in the State. “We’d been fighting against this jungle raj for so many years and had even come to power on this issue and again making an alliance with those forces would not be forgiven by the people of the State,” Rajiv Ranjan had said. JP president Amit Shah concluded his two-day visit to B Hyderabad with a clarion call to the party leaders and workers in Telangana to spare no effort to make the party strong so that Telangana, along with entire South and Eastern regions, can play a major role in the BJP’s victory in 2019 elections. Amit Shah, who addressed the village unit presidents of the party from all over the state and also met many important leaders including Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on second day of his visit, laid a road map for strengtgheing the party in Telangana. Addressing a meeting of Telangana state executive, Amit Shah set a target before the State unit to garner 40 per cent popular vote in the State by the next elections. “To achieve this goal we should take the party to the people in a big way”, he was quoted as saying in the closeddoor meeting. He told the leaders that only those people should occupy the party posts who can devote their time to the party work. He cautioned that with out strengthening the organisational structure the party can not hope to do well in the elections. “You should not become complacent thinking we are in power at the Centre. You should work keeping in view the fact that the party was in opposition in the State”, he said. He gave the same message to the village unit presidents to maintain a close rapport with the masses. However, soon after such remarks came from the party MLA, a JD (U) leader known as close to Nitish Kumar, said that “now enough was enough” and the party would take some action against Islampur MLA, Rajiv Ranjan. “Party president Sharad Yadav has suspended Islampur MLA Ranjan for six years for his anti-party activities,” said JD (U)general secretary KC Tyagi, @Q[_`U^cVYbUQd"R_bTUb `_cdcY^BC@ebQcUSd_b :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 10=60;>A4 T Hospital, Bangalore, was suffering from multi-organ failure. URA who started as an English lecturer in Mysore University rose to become VC of Gandhi University in Kottayam. His socially relevant novels always critical of the system has been ver y well acclaimed across the world. Great intellectual, always a rebel URA gave new dimension to Kannada literature. His wife Esther Ananthamurthy, and daughter Anuradha Ananthamurthy were seen at the hospital. A fearless critic, Ananthamurthy was always against the system and never hesitated to criticize the political system. URA a close friend of Shanta- veri Gopala Gowda steered the socialist movement in Karnataka along with George Fernandes and JH Patel. Born on December 21, 1932 in Melige, a tiny hamlet near Thirthahalli Taluk of Shimoga district, Udupi, Ananthamurthy was the sixth of the eight Jnanpith awardees from Karnataka. He was presented with the award in 1994, in recognition of the body of his work. A Padma Bhushan award winner, Ananthamurthy was a finalist for the Man Booker Prize in 2013. He hit the limelight with his novel, Samskara, which he wrote in 1965. The modernist novel was made into an eponymous movie that set a new trend in avant garde cinema in the country. His other works include Ghatashraddha, Bharatipura, Avasthe and Bhava. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and host other literary personalities have condoled the death of this literary giant who always fought for social justice. border in RS Pura area — have been spending sleepless nights due to regular breach of ceasefire agreement from the Pakistani side and continuous shelling on the civilian areas. Late Thursday night Pakistan rangers once again targeted two Border posts of BSF in the RS Pura sector and lobbed mortar shells in the civilian areas to spread panic among the natives. The firing which started around 1.00 am continued till 5.30 am along the International border in RS Pura sector,official sources said. Some of the forward villages were targeted by the Pak rangers and several houses bore the brunt of the Pak firing. One villager received bullet injury on his leg while roof tops of some of the houses was damaged due 0f^\P]SXb_[PhbP\^acPabWT[[P[[TVTS[hUXaTSX]c^PaTbXST]cXP[PaTPUa^\cWT ?PZXbcP]bXSTPccWT8]SXP?PZXbcP]X]cTa]PcX^]P[Q^aSTaPaTP^UAP]QXaBX]VW?daP PQ^dc!&ZX[^\TcTabB^dcW^U9P\\d^]5aXSPh 0? to mortar shelling. In response the BSF troops effectively retaliated the fire to silence the Pak guns but the exchange continued till 5.30 am. Following heavy exchange of firing during the night the villagers are left with no other option but to shift to abandoned bunkers in the area to ensure their safety. “Our houses are regularly targeted by the Pak rangers, our live stock is badly hit. we can- Tyagi also said that the party president has directed all party leaders to maintain discipline and fight for social justice. “There is no place for any kind of anti-party activities,” said KC Tyagi empathically in the statement. The suspension letter has also been a warning for other senior lead- CR[ZgCR_[R_eYV;5F>=2Wc`^ :d]R^afcYRdcVTV_e]jSVV_afdYZ_X S`eYeYVaRcejR_UeYV8`gVc_^V_ee` eYVT`c_VchYZ]VcRZdZ_XZddfVd`W µf_RSReVUT`ccfaeZ`_R_UeYV _Vh]jW`f_UR]]ZR_TVhZeYeYVC;5¶ 6Pa]Ta#e^cTbX]CT[P]VP]P) Itweeks has been more than two now that the border residents — living in the line of 0\XcBWPWc^_Pach[TPSTab fire along the International ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 The police came to the make shift shelter around 10.30 am today, said the supporters of Sharmila while adding that there was scuffle between the supporters of the activist and police when the later came to take her forcefully. The supporters said that Sharmila sports long toe nails and one of those purportedly broke off during the scuffle, causing injuries to her. “We condemn the police action. This is unfortunate that she has been re-arrested on a charge which she has been absolved of by the court only three days ago,” Sharmila’s brother Singhjit said. “We are going to consult the lawyer and plea before the court to secure her release again,” he said. She has been re-arrested under Section 309 to avoid deterioration of her health. Further legal proceedings are on,” said Manipur Additional Director General of Police Santosh Macherla. Police said that Sharmila was shifted to the special ward of the Jawaharlal Nehru of Medical Sciences in Imphal for medical aid. The 42-year-old activist, on an indefinite hunger-strike since 2000, has spent long years in this hospital, which was converted into a jail for her. “We condemn the violent act of the police on a non-violent activist. The arrest is in violation of the law,” said Babloo Loitangbam, secretary of the Manipur-based human rights body, Human Rights Alert. 2:@R\_S[ 93Dbdb_T]SbAPYXeAP]YP]U^a%hab \UQTUbcX_d Y^2U^WQ\ I <>78C:0=370A8 Q 90<<D 9]P]_XcWPfPaSTTDA 0]P]cWP\dacWhSXTb he 1932 born Udupi Rajagopacharya Ananthamurthy — who won the sixth Jnanpith award to Karnataka in 1994 — died in Bangalore on Friday. Dr UR Ananthamurthy wrote extensively in Kannada and was the great literary face of the State. He participated in many sociopolitical movements. His novels like Samskara, Bharathipura and other literary works have evoked strong reaction in the literary world. He was always at the forefront of agitations in the State and never hesitated to express his views. His comments on Modi recently faced the wrath of the BJP which asked him to leave the country. URA had said that if Modi becomes PM he would leave this country and BJP asked him to Pakistan. Later URA said his comments on Modi were misinterpreted by few vested interests. The 82 year-old titan of Kannada literature, admitted to Manipal arely three days after her release, Manipur’s human rights activist Irom Sharmila Chanu was re-arrested by the police on Friday from the makeshift shelter in Manipur capital Imphal, where she had resumed her fast soon after her release on Wednesday demanding the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers’ Act from the State. Sharmila, who had been fasting for close to last 14 years now, was only released from police custody on Wednesday following direction from the Imphal East district Sessions court on Tuesday. The police on Wednesday said that Sharmila was rearrested under Section 309 (attempt to commit suicide). not afford to stay back and endanger our lives. After dinner we generally shift to nearby bunker to spend night”, Karam Chand of Trewa village said. Majority of women and children are also shifted to nearby bunkers in vulnerable areas along with men during the night. Due to paucity of space inside the bunkers the villagers take turn and take rest while others stand on guard duty outside the bunkers. ers of the party, who have been making statements contradicting the party’s stand. “Our party president has also cautioned the top office bearers and the leaders that they should avoid making contradictory statements,” said Tyagi. Earlier, the party had suspended four party MLAs Gyanendra Singh Gyanoo, Rahul Kumar, Ravindra Rai and Neeraj Kumar Babloo for their anti-party activities. All the four leading a group of dissident JD (U) MLAs had voted against the official party candidate in the recently concluded Rajya Sabha poll. The four suspended party MLAs were also asked to present their views before the State Assembly Speaker for why their membership should not be terminated from the House. The disgruntled MLAs have been appearing before the Assembly Speaker with their lawyers on a number of occasions but “the issue remains to linger on”. “It’s a ploy by the party leaders to harass us on the direction of some senior leaders. Now we don’t have any faith in the Assembly Speaker for justice,” said one of them. Meanwhile, the recentlysuspended party MLA Rajiv Ranjan has charged that the party has taken action against him on the behest of RJD chief Lalu Prasad as he has been opposing the grand alliance between the two parties. &%)&&(2·V&%,FXVWRG\H[WHQGHG Mumbai: A special court on Friday remanded CEO of Central Bureau of Film Certification (CBFC) Chief Rakesh Kumar, arrested on August 18 in connection with an alleged bribery case, in the further custody of the CBI till August 28. While seeking Kumar’s custody in the alleged bribery case, the CBI officials told the court that they had expanded the scope of its investigations to include all corrupt practices allegedly indulged in by the CBFC’s CEO other than the one he had been booked for. Apart from taking illegal gratifications for issuing censor certificates, Kumar was also allegedly demanding and accepting bribes from the filmmakers during the movie screening process, by threatening the latter he would cut certain portions in the film if the money was not paid to him. 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The coach, Mr Duncan Fletcher, has not been sacked, but his status has been downgraded. From being the boss, he will now have to report to Mr Ravi Shastri, who has been appointed team director, for five One Day International and one T-20 matches between India and England. The bowling coach, Mr John Dawes, and the fielding consultant, Mr Trevor Penney, have been axed. Mr Sanjay Bangar and Mr Bharat Arun are now the two assistant coaches. Mr R Sridhar will be the fielding coach for the ODIs. The move, unexpected to many, clearly represents the BCCI’s panic response to India’s humiliating 3-1 defeat at the hands of England in the recent Test series. India has suffered worse series defeats earlier, and that too in a none-too-distant past. In 2011, it was trounced 40 each by England in 2011 and Australia in 2011-12. Yet neither series was followed by a drastic response. One reason for the difference was, of course, that the defeats appeared more humiliating this time because three of them came in succession after the country’s commanding win in the second test at Lord’s, which had raised expectations to the sky. The panic is understandable. Thanks to a rather extraordinary run of scams, scandals and shenanigans, the BCCI’s stock has sunk to the lowest since one can remember. To a vast segment in the country, it is a malodorous entity which has turned the gentleman’s game into an eyebrowraising business enterprise, with the expected adverse impact on its quality and ethics. Given the strong emotions that cricket arouses in this country, continued humiliating performance by Mr MS Dhoni and his troop might have unleashed a massive wave of anger and a demand for a thorough restructuring of the BCCI. This, again, might have convinced the political powers that be of the necessity of intervening. But while the BCCI’s response is understandable, the question whether it will produce results by itself, remains. One would doubtless be told about the inadvisability of expecting quick results and the inevitability of reconstructive processes taking time to deliver. Valid points. The fact, however, is that the present measures amount to no more than a desperate short-term bid to shore up a crumbling structure and divert public wrath from the BCCI and skipper Dhoni. The composition and functioning of the BCCI itself needs to be drastically changed if India’s cricketing fortunes have to be revived. A beginning has to be made by scrapping the Indian Premier League, which has completely vitiated the ethos of cricket in the country. The money it has brought in and the huge sums that it puts into the hands of cricketers, has made money the most important concern for many of them, and performance and excellence relevant only to the extent they help in securing more of the stuff. Their auctioning has reduced their status to that of entities that are bought and sold from that of human beings whose honour has no price. This, in turn, has undermined, subconsciously or consciously, their sense of shame over poor performance. Money is the thing. Besides, the IPL has completely vitiated the environment for cricket by bringing into the arena scantily-clad young women gesticulating wildly, and sometimes suggestively, whenever something spectacular happens in the field, and by instituting the custom of post-match parties. One can hardly blame cricketers CSYU^SUYce^YfUbcQ\ DUSX^_\_Wi]ecdRU \_SQ\?eb99Dc]ecd RbY^WQR_ed`_cYdYfU SXQ^WUY^dXUaeQ\Ydi_V \YVU_V_eb`U_`\U @bY]U=Y^YcdUb ° > Q bU^TbQ=_TY C70=:BC>0 A0C74A 4GCA0>A38=0AH AD=>5B20<B B20=30;B0=3 B74=0=860=BC74 1228BBC>2:70B BD=:C>C74 ;>F4BCB8=24>=4 20=A4<4<14AC> 0E0BCB46<4=C8C 8B0<0;>3>A>DB 4=C8CH if they look at, more than the game, the fun and games to follow, and let their concentration wander off the field. During Tests, wives and girl-friends are reportedly a cause of distraction. The BCCI’s reported move to restrict the stay of these ladies during future tours may help only if the cricketers can be restrained from adventures with women outside both categories. Otherwise, things can get worse, and not just in terms of concentration, The undermining of concentration, and the associated inability to sustain attention spans, account for most of the lapses — the inability to play the swinging ball whether coming in or going out, even the not-very-exciting offspinners of Moin Ali, and the dropped catches in the slips — that have occurred. This will become clear if one analyses each category of failures. The basic defect behind the shocking inability to play swing, has been freezing into the ‘half-cock’ position, which is playing neither forward nor back foot but standing rooted in the general area of the batting crease with the bat hanging in front. Doing this, the batsmen, standing in front of the wicket, have been unable to play ball moving just enough from the off-stump-middle-stump to middle-stump-legstump, to beat the bat and hit the B>D=318C4 pad or the wickets. The result? Castling or the verdict of legbefore-the-wicket. Or, in the case of a slight contact, catches in the leg slip or short square leg off the bat and pad. In the case of out-swingers, beside the suicidal propensity to ‘fish’ — instinctively hanging the bat out away from the body — outside the off stump, playing ‘halfcock’ to a ball pitched between the leg stump and middle stump — and even middle stump and off stump — has led frequently to batsmen being bowled or edging catches to the slips, the gully and behind the wicket, with the ball kissing the outside edge of the bat and moving away. The ‘half-cock’ position is basically a safety device often adopted in the case of inability to read the ball as it leaves the bowler’s hand. One can drive, through the cover, extra-cover or the mid-off, either off the front foot or the back foot, if one knows that it is an in-swinger. One would, however, edge a catch to the cover, extra-cover or the point, if one goes for a front-foot drive, mistaking an out-swinger for an in-swinger. Equally, one would be caught in these positions, or the-wicket, or even bowled if one goes for a fullfledged back-foot drive against a out-swinger, moving from offstump-middle-stump (off-mid, as one would say) to the off-stump or just outside, the area often referred to as the fourth stump. Playing as an off-spinner a top spinner that straightens out after pitching can lead to one getting a leg-before-the-wicket decision or being bowled or caught behind the wicket or in the slips, the gully or the point. Not being able to read a googly can have equally disastrous consequences. Cricketers playing at the first class level, should not fail to read a ball because of poor eyesight. They do so because they are not watching with deep concentration the ball at the point of delivery. Poor concentration, also the major cause of India missing one out of every two catches in the slips in this series, is a result of the gross debasement of the ethos of Indian cricket. Mr Dhoni’s inadequate captaincy, the insane refusal to have the DRS system, and other factors have contributed, no more. (The accompanying visual is of India’s chief coach Duncan Fletcher, former bowling coach Joe Dawes and former fielding coach Trevor Penney. PTI photo) 9Vi_ecS_bU#% be^cY^dXU VYbcdY^^Y^WcdXU^i_eQbUY^ dXUWQ]U9Vi_eT_^d dXU^i_eQbUSQdSXY^We` gYdXdXUWQ]U 9RU\YUfUdXQdWbUQdUb bUc`_^cYfU^UccRidXU E>CUSebYdi3_e^SY\ _^]Q^iYcceUc g_e\TXQfUcQfUT Xe^TbUTc_VdX_ecQ^Tc _V\YfUc 9^TYQ^SbYS[UdUb °JQXUUb;XQ^ E>Xe]Q^bYWXdcSXYUV °>QfY@Y\\Qi ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A @Q[YcdQ^c_`Ye] Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Destroying the goodwill” (August 22). It will be foolhardy to believe that Pakistan will seriously work towards a solution to the Kashmir issue. Kashmir is the chief weapon for its Army and the political class to remain relevant. Kashmir acts like an opium for the Pakistanis at the time of elections, as political parties whip up emotions. In a sense, Kashmir has become a cornerstone in the Pakistani consciousness. India should look at Kashmir with this prism and formulate a strategy which can bring back the lost land to India. The reality is that all global maps have started showing Pakistan-occupiedKashmir as part of Pakistan. Manu Taneja Delhi 4U\QiUT`b_ZUSdc Sir — Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s criticism over the delays in completion of several projects of the Defence Research and Development Organisation, with a strong message flaying the chalta hai attitude, could not have come a day sooner. He said that FA2]VRUVcdYRgV`_]j eYV^dV]gVde`S]R^V WXb aTUTab c^ aT_^acb ^U _T^_[T W^^cX]V 2^]VaTbb 2WXTU <X]XbcTab 1Wd_X]STaBX]VW7^^SPP]S?aXcWeXaPY2WPeP]PbfT[[Pb9WPaZWP]S2WXTU <X]XbcTa7T\P]cB^aT];^^ZPccWTb^aahbcPcT^UPUUPXabX]cWTD?08c RP]]^cQ[P\T<a<P]\^WP]BX]VWXcRP]]^cQ[P\T2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]c B^]XP6P]SWXXcRP]]^cQ[P\T<b?aXhP]ZPEPSaPP]SXcRP]]^cQ[P\T <aAPWd[6P]SWXU^acWTSTUTPc1dcD?0[TPSTabP[b^RP]]^cQ[P\TcWT _T^_[TU^acWTeTaSXRc]^aRP]cWThPRRdbTcWT_T^_[T^UQTX]Vd_bTcfXcW cWT\bX]RTcWThQa^dVWccWT]PcX^]c^cWTQaX]Z^USXbPbcTa<a=PaT]SaP <^SXP]SWXb6^eTa]\T]cPaTcahX]Vc^bTccWX]VbaXVWc CT]hTPab^U]TV[XVT]cad[TWPS\PSTcWTD?0[TPSTabd]_^_d[PaCWTh PaT[TUcfXcWiTa^R^]UXST]RTB^cWThWPeTcPZT]c^P[[TVX]VcWPc?aX\T <X]XbcTa<^SXXbQTWX]ScWTW^^cX]V^aXb]^cbc^__X]VcWT_T^_[TUa^\ Q^^X]VcWT\1dccWThWPeTQXVVTa_a^Q[T\bR^\X]VCWT=PcX^]P[7TaP[S RPbTU^aX]bcP]RTfX[[_dbWcWT\X]c^PcXVWcR^a]Ta AP]VPTbW6PSPbP[[X EXPfTQ C the challenge before India is: “How do we complete work before time. If the world is coming up with some products in 2020, can we come in the field, prepared with the product, in 2018?” Several of DRDO’s projects have been delayed by many years and have seen cost overruns, but neither the scientists concerned nor the research organisation alone are to be blamed. Each of our scientists is able and has selfdevotion. Still, we are lagging. Gulab Shanker Singh Lucknow I_WQWebe Sir — If millions around the world today swear by yoga, a large part of the credit goes to BKS Iyengar and his innovative methods. Iyengar, who went from being a disease-stricken child to one of the world’s foremost yoga teachers revered by the likes of Yehudi Menuhin, Jayaprakash Narayan, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Sachin Tendulkar, has passed away. Interestingly, Western celebrities such as actor Annette Bening, fashion designer Donna Karan and writer Aldous Huxley were among his students. KS Padmanabha Secunderabad @Ude\Q^dQddYdeTU Sir — This refers to the editorial, “No leader of Opposition” (August 21). There have been voices asking the Narendra Modi Government and also Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan to be generous in recognising a Congress nominee as the Leader of Opposition. The Congress has claimed that the Modi administration does not want the Opposition in crucial appointment panels where the Leader of Opposition is usually a member. If all through India’s parliamentary history, it has been customary that only a party having at least 10 per cent of the total number of Lok Sabha seats, is to be recognised as the Leader of Opposition, is the Lok Sabha Speaker supposed to ignore it? The maximum that the Government can do at this stage is make a provision in the rulebook that the leader of the largest party in the Opposition will be allowed a position on crucial appointments committees. MC Joshi Lucknow BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( DEHRADUN&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 ?4AB?42C8E4 8STP^U?PZXbcP]Xb VTccX]VQ[daaTS 0R^]cX]dXchaPcWTacWP]PQaTPZ Ua^\_PbcXbcWdbaTU[TRcTSX]cWT _PccTa]P]SbcadRcdaTbeXbXQ[TX] cWTBWXPBd]]XR^]U[XRcX]?PZXbcP] T he geographical logic has greatly animated the geopolitical contours of the South Asian region. Its impact on external and internal policies is effectively illuminated in the foreign policies, which have been adopted by the South Asian states at various points of time. Indeed, an appropriate example of this dialectical interaction between the internal and the external is manifested in the sectar<437018B7C ian strife being witnessed by Pakistan. The Pakistan Security Report 2013, published by Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), a think-tank based in Islamabad, has claimed that the number of sectarian conflicts has increased since 2011. It notes that Baluchistan has bore the brunt, followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA, Sind and then Punjab. The means adopted in the various incidents of violence and an understanding which has been arrived at for addressing these episodic events reveal an emerging triad among sectarian groups, extremist groups and covert and overt support by political parties. This emerging trend suggests that not only this triad will exacerbate the societal fabric of Pakistan, but also polarise the polity and society of Pakistan, further raising the broader questions associated with the nature of leadership exercised in post-colonial states. In an article published in 1972, Pakistani sociologist Hamza Alavi made an attempt to theorise the nature of state in post-colonial societies. Taking Pakistan as a case study, Alavi advanced the idea that the concept of state is not primarily an extension of class interests, as believed by the Marxists, but that the state was a “relatively autonomous” entity, which “mediated” the competing interests of the primary stakeholders. The state according to Alavi, acted on behalf of these classes in order to preserve the social order, which these states inherited after the collapse of colonialism. As a result of sustaining certain structures (particularly the military-bureaucratic oligarchy), which Pakistan inherited from British India, a distinct static political culture evolved, which post-1947 minimised spaces for alternative voices. These spaces got further squeezed with Zia-ulHaq’s Islamisation policies post-1977. As a result, progressive voices got marginalised and the spaces which emerged in the process were occupied by sectarian and radical groups. Thus, incidents of Shia-Sunni conflict, which were almost absent before 1970s, became more frequent. A primary reason for this were the political changes which were taking place in Pakistan’s neighbourhood at the regional level and the strategic Cold War rivalry between the US and Russia at the international level. The Iranian revolution of 1979, for instance, had domestic ramifications for Pakistan. Political patronage of Saudi Arabia to the Sunni community and Iran to the Shia community had its own consequential domestic repercussions. History shows that the thesis of a secular Pakistan, which Jinnah articulated in his first address to the Constituent Assembly in August 1947, somewhere failed to accommodate and pre-empt the wildcards, which the changing geo-politics of the region would offer to Pakistan in future. A continuity rather than a break from past is thus reflected in the pattern and structures visible in the Shia-Sunni conflict in Pakistan. A recent report titled “Unending Violence in Pakistan: Analysing the Trends” published by the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses, a New Delhi-based think-tank looks at the emerging structures and patterns in Pakistan. Tracing the linkage between political parties and militant groups in the electoral campaign of 2013, it claims that there was a covert understanding between the militant group, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), the federal government headed by Nawaz Sharif at the Centre and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. It argues that in the course of electoral campaign in May 2013, the TTP had openly threatened parties like Pakistan Peoples Party, Awami National Party and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, whereas no threats were made against PML-N and PTI. Explaining the reasons for differences in spatial sectarian violence in Pakistan, it argues that the reason why Punjab has been relatively bereft of rising sectarian tensions is the alleged mutual understanding between Sunni extremist groups and the Punjab government, where the latter would avoid cracking down on these groups in return for sparing the province. As a consequence of this arrangement, the report argues, while Punjab will be spared of violence, it nevertheless would emerge as a potential jehadi hub in future. While such views of accommodation also find resonance in Pakistan’s national media, and other fora, the cobweb of internal and external interests clearly reveals the complex interactions which govern the causes behind such incidents. Redressal and response mechanisms to such conflicts and violence are thus hostage to the emerging politics of accommodation, perpetuated by the state which is ‘just’ the balancer for the competing interests of the stakeholders. This shift from a mediator (which Alavi enunciated in 1972) to a balancer, points towards the declining state capacity of Pakistan. This subtle ‘balancing’ or the ‘politics of accommodation’ which the Pakistani state is evolving into, has unleashed the chain of mutual retaliation since 90s, where the minority Shias — which includes around 13 per cent of the total Muslim population in Pakistan as compared to the overwhelming Sunni majority — have adopted equally reactionary violent tactics to protect themselves. The attack on a Sunni seminary in Rawalpindi on November 2013 by Shias is a case in point. The South Asia Terrorism Portal’s tabulation of incidents of sectarian violence is an instructive pointer. Few incidents of Shia retaliation, which span last two years, reveal that Shias have been targeting members of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), a Sunni extremist group. For instance, on January 18, 2013, cadres of ASWJ were killed on Lasbela Bridge in Karachi. On February 1, 2012, aprominent member of Sunni Supreme Council and secretary general of a welfare organisation was killed in Hangu District. On July 6, 2012, religious scholar Maulvi Abdul Qasim, hailing from Sunni school of thought, was shot dead in Musa Colony in Quetta. On December 24, 2012, a Sunni prayer leader was gunned down outside a mosque in north Karachi. These sporadic incidents portent a trend in making. While the Shias from Sind, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have also alternatively been demanding justice from their governments, the Sunni extremists have however, continued their attacks with impunity. As one celebrates the 68th anniversary of Jinnah’s Direct Action call, one is indeed reminded of Jinnah’s first constituent Assembly speech of August 11, 1947. Jinnah stated, “You are free, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” Promising as these words are, the sectarian strife reveals that the idea of Pakistan is indeed getting blurred with every incident of sectarian violence. (The writer is Assistant Professor, Dept of International Relations, South Asian University, New Delhi) 7c`^UV^`TcRTje`^`S`TcRTjZ_AR\ 0b?C8[TVXb[Pc^abV^PWTPSfXcWcWTXaSTRXbX^]c^aTbXV]Ua^\cWT]PcX^]P[PbbT\Q[hd]RTacPX]chSTT_T]bX]?PZXbcP] FX[[cWT_T^_[T^U?PZXbcP]QPRZcWT\^afX[[XcQTPaT_TPc^UcWTTg_TaXT]RT^UcWT8]SXP]0P\0S\X?Pach. L ooking at Pakistan today and its march through history, a Hobbesian misquote is apt here: Pakistan and political turmoil were born as twins. That it has tumbled on, despite its vivisection and through multiple coups, is quite amazing. Do Pakistanis deserve what they have today? Army as arbiter endorsed by the people To some extent, the answer is yes. Over the years, they have endorsed trouble mongers to unseat elected government with the help of the powerful military. Political instability in Pakistan has often been injected by unseen forces unwilling to let the elected ones govern. Mavericks and rabble rousers come in handy for these forces to launch surprise attacks against the government and either weaken or dislodge them. Unfortunately, in the past, opposition political forces have successfully mobilised popular protests and brazenly rallied around the army to create a situation of anarchy where the army would step in as an arbiter, or as a Pakistani observer would call it “gamekeeper”. The net result has been the growth of an authoritarian culture, where there is no patience, let alone tolerance, with any dissenting perspective or point of view. There has been a clear unreadiness to accept defeat honourably and wait out the tenure of the elected government. The experience during the days the PPP-led coalition was in power was an exception, when the main opposition party refused to play ball with the army to bring down the government, but since the elections of May 2013, the old dynamics seem to have resurfaced. Protest on flimsy pretext A good 14 months after the elections, Imran Khan, the leader of the principal opposition party, Pakistan Tehrik-eInsaf (PTI), has taken to the streets alleging fraud in the last elections, and that too in mainly four electoral seats! Another fringe political group, Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) led by Tahirul Qadri has also led a parallel protest against the Nawaz Sharif ’s government. Taking a leaf out of Gandhi’s protests, Imran has called upon the people of Pakistan to stop paying tax and utility bills as a form of “civil disobedience”. The allegations of these two parties have not been too convincing to demand rolling back of the government. Both these leaders had threatened the government with their claims of leading millions of protesters to the Bd__^acTab^U?PZXbcP]bUXTahR[TaXRCPWXad[@PSaX^UUTa5aXSPh_aPhTabQTU^aT?Pa[XP\T]cX]8b[P\PQPS capital city of Islamabad from Lahore on the independence day of Pakistan. The show was a dampener for not many joined the march, and the coverage of the visual media showed that the crowd was rather in hundreds and few thousands than in millions. Not to be discouraged by the poor turnout, the two leaders have staged a sit-in for last seven days demanding the resignation of the prime minister. The demands The six main demands of Imran are: (i) resignation of the prime minister; (ii) electoral reforms (iii) reelection to follow reforms; (iv) establish a neutral caretaker government; (v) resignation of all the members of the election commissioners that managed the previous election; (vi) those responsible for election rigging, must be imprisoned and tried under Article 6 (which deals with “high treason”). The ten point demands of Tahirul Qadri are quite rhetorical which aims at establishing a democratic society which brings about rule of the people, alleviates poverty, caters to basic needs of the people, transforms society, eradicates terror, and protects the rights of minorities and women. However, Qadri’ would demand dissolution of the assemblies and the government and establishment of a national government to realize his demands. While demand for investigations into the allegations of electoral fraud is quite legitimate and similarly the issue of bringing out electoral reforms is also quite acceptable, the demands for removal of the prime minister and his government, dissolution of the national and provincial assemblies, and holding of re-elections are politically immature and smack of a larger conspiracy to push back the ongoing democratic experiment in the country since 2008. Is there a conspiracy? Many commentators in Pakistani media, especially the English-language ones, suspect that both Imran and Qadri have been unleashed by the army or powerful sections within the army to weaken the hold of Nawaz Sharif on power. There is a view that Nawaz’s policies towards India and Pakistan were not acceptable to the army and through his actions- like allowing Afghan interlocutors access to Mullah Barader and coming to India to attend Modi’s swearing in and not meeting Kashmiri separatists- he had annoyed the army (especially the top leadership, including or excluding Gen Raheel Sharif, who was Nawaz’s pick and supposedly loyal to him). Hence, it is believed, the army quietly allowed Imran and Qadri to go ahead with their marches. They would argue that the march could have been called off had there been efforts by the Army to dissuade both these politicians in time. Nawaz’s efforts to hand over the security of Islamabad capital city to the army has not therefore deterred the protesters from marching into Islamabad and later move into the red zone declared by the army. Some of the analysts in Pakistan had thought that it was a master stroke for Nawaz to bring in the army, when suspicion was rife that the march was vetted by the army. However, it has not been able to either stop the march/protest or weaken and embarrass the army. Advantage Army On the contrary, the army has seized the opportunity and felt terribly happy about being catapulted into the centre stage. Army chief, General Raheel Sharif, in his meeting with Interior Minister Chaudhry 0? Nisar Ali Khan and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, asked the politicians to engage in a meaningful dialogue to diffuse the political turmoil on August 20.A day earlier, responding to Imran’s call for marching into the prime minister’s house, the army spokesperson Asim Bajwa used social media (Twitter) to respect the sanctity of the houses in the red zone which were “symbols of state”, and called upon all stakeholders to show “patience, wisdom and sagacity” and resolve the prevailing impasse “through meaningful dialogue in larger national and public interest”. Reflecting on the tweet, the editorial of Dawn, one of the prominent dailies of Pakistan wrote: “Place …the statement in the proper historical context and it amounts to little more than big brother chiding the children of democracy to behave - or else. The ‘or else’ is always left unsaid, but the country hardly needs reminding about what it could be”. Future portents As things stand today, both Imran and Qadir have pulled out from the talks, and have stuck to their demands. According to media reports, following army chief ’s meeting 0B7>:147DA80 with Nisar and Shahbaz, there has been a tacit understanding between the Nawaz government and the army to concede the latter space in the decision making structure, especially in matters relating to defence and foreign policy. Nawaz government’s decision to go ahead with talks with Kashmiri separatists, despite request from the Indian foreign office to the contrary, is being perceived as the first signs of army’s inroads into Nawaz’s India policy. Nawaz’s ability to take talks with India forward will be much more limited than before. As far as developments in Pakistan are concerned, a soft coup has already taken place and Nawaz has been forced to take the help of the army to continue in power. However, imponderables remain. If we compare the present situation with the one encountered by Bhutto in 1977, there are some disturbing similarities and differences we must not lose sight of. In 1977, when the allegation of rigging was brought in against Bhutto, most analysts agreed that despite it Bhutto would have won a comfortable majority. The opposition, led primarily by the religious parties, kicked up a storm, making it easy for the army to step in as a mediator. And at a moment when a deal between Bhutto and the opposition looked possible, the army intervened, toppled Bhutto, and later executed him for fear of his getting back to power and avenging the humiliations he suffered at the hands of the army and the opposition. It remains to be seen what the army will do in case Imran does not back out and prolongs his protest along with Qadri. Will Nawaz step down to satisfy the protestors? In case the ‘movement’ does not fizzle out and gathers fresh momentum, will the army stay neutral? In case it does, will Nawaz be able to wrench himself out of the control of the Army? It all depends on how the people of Pakistan will behave. So far, large majority of them have kept themselves out of the turmoil. As PTI legislators go ahead with their decision to resign from the national assembly, uncertainty deepens in Pakistan. Will the people of Pakistan back them or will it be a repeat of the experience of the Indian Aam Admi Party? More the uncertainty, merrier the forces in the deep state of Pakistan. (Dr Ashok Behuria is Coordinator of South Asia Centre and a Fellow at IDSA. The views expressed here are his own) C74?D85BE>824 -LQQDK3DNLVWDQIDLOHGHDFKRWKHU" O n the 68th anniversary of the Great Calcutta Killings — caused by the Jinnah’s Direct Action call for a separate nation for Indian Muslims — while the “secular” India celebrated her 68th Independence Day, the “Islamic” nation of Pakistan is still struggling for its identity. As violence in the name of State, religion and sect is going on unabated in Pakistan, it is high time to revisit the legacy of Jinnah, who blew hot and cold on making his state — carved out of the united India in the name of Islam — secular. The socio-political upheaval in Pakistan has its genesis in the flawed policy of two-nation theory stoked by the separatist Jinnah. Jinnah’s call for Direction Action had left 8,000 Hindus butchered in the week-long Great Calcutta Killings started on August 16. Though pretentiously secular in his outlook as well as in food habits - Jinnah didn’t believe in haram food he remained unrepentant about his prime role in the tragedy. In fact, he justified the killings as reprisals against the highhandedness of the Hindu-dominated Congress party. In his earlier days, Jinnah was sacrilegious. After saying goodbye to his reel life as a Shakespearean actor during his London days, he returned to India with a wish to gain recognition as the most prominent freedom fighter. However, he soon realized that he could not compete with Hindunationalists in the Congress. In the early 1940s, when the freedom struggle gained momentum, the then British Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, sent Cabinet Mission to India to discuss and finalise the mechanism for transfer of power to the Indian leadership. Under pressure from Jinnah, the Cabinet Mission proposed granting of freedom to India as well as the creation of Muslimdominated Pakistan. The Congress rejected this proposal. To force the Congress to accept the demand for the Islamic nation of Pakistan, Jinnah declared the execution of Direct Action Day. Jinnah was adamant on his plan for either “divided” India or a “destroyed” India. This exposed the vile and violent idea of Jinnah against India. The declaration of Direct Action during the holy month of Ramadan stoked communal tension. The genocide of innocent Hindus and Sikhs is extensively covered by Yasmin Khan in her book, The Great Partition: The making of India and Pakistan. Around 8,000 people were butchered, shops were looted, and even children were burnt alive in their homes. A year after the bloodbath of the Great Calcutta Killings, Pakistan took birth. Jinnah accomplished his mission to create a nation for Muslims, but soon after its cre- CWTb^RX^_^[XcXRP[d_WTPeP[X]?PZXbcP]WPbXcbVT]TbXbX]cWTU[PfTS _^[XRh^Ucf^]PcX^]cWT^ahbc^ZTSQhXcbbT_PaPcXbc5PcWTa^UcWT=PcX^] F^aZTab_aT_PaX]VU^acWT\PbbRaT\PcX^]^UcWTeXRcX\b^UcWT6aTPc2P[RdccPZX[[X]Vb^U (#% ation, he tried to show his secular side to the world. In his famous August 11, 1947 address, he envisioned the idea of a “secular” Pakistan, where Hindus were supposed to cease being Hindus and Muslims were to stop being Muslims. However going the history of Pakistan’s enmity towards India, it seems it was too late for Jinnah to indulge in course correction. His idea of a unified Muslim creed proved flawed with the need for the creation of Bangladesh. The whole idea of a Islamic State of Pakistan to focus on the development of Muslims, which Jinnah claimed was not possible in the secular India. The condition of Muslims in Islamic State of Pakistan is worse than those in secular India. While Ahamdis have been declared non-Muslims, killing of Hazara Shias is rampant. Blasphemy law is being perversely applied to persecute Christians. Minority Hindus are migrating to India and 5X[T_W^c^ refusing to go back to Pakistan. Churches, temples, non-Islamic monuments are regularly burnt. Moderate Muslims, like Salmaan Taseer, who dare speak against the atrocities face death. And if the guilty is punished he is hailed a martyr. The radical Islamisation started by Zia-ul-Haq has engulfed innocent Muslims as well. Various jehadi groups viz, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Sipahe-Sahaba Pakistan, Tehrik-iTaliban Pakistan are trying to convert Pakistan into a nation B7018BC0=0I for religious fanatics. As per an estimate, approximately 8,00000 Shias have been murdered by the Pakistani Government. This is the best gift a failed State can give its Father of the Nation who himself was a Shia! On the contrary in India, though minorities have faced communal outrage, the State machinery has played its part in bring the guilty to book. Whether is 1984, 1991, Godhra, and Muzaffarnagar, perpetrators have been taken into custody, cases filed and punishment given by the court of law. Besides Constitutional provisions, there is progressive positive-discrimination mechanism to safeguard and promote the interest of religious minorities in India. On the other hand, 68 years after its creation, Pakistan is still marred by sectarian tensions, religious fanaticism, and political intolerance. The famous proverb ‘Old sins cast longer shadows’ aptly signifies the current malaise in Pakistan. It birth signified destruction of brotherhood, cooperation and unity and diversity. The “divisive” Jinnah failed Pakistan and Pakistan has failed the “secular” Jinnah. (The writer is a research scholar) \^]Th '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 ?ZWejV_UdRS`gV(*!!^Rc\W`c"deeZ^V ?=BQ<D<108 5%,WRFRQGXFWIUHTXHQWWHUP UHSRVIRUEHWWHUOLTXLGLW\PJPW on Friday rose over 59 points to close at Sensex 26,419.55, near its record high, and the Nifty settled above the 7,900-mark for the first time, boosted by gains in banking and IT stocks on higher capital inflows. Besides, a strengthening rupee and positive global cues on upbeat US economic data and easing crude oil price also buoyed market sentiments. The rally helped both Sensex and Nifty rise by over 1.5 per cent this week, their second successive weekly gain. The NSE Nifty barometer today rose 22.10 points, or 0.28 per cent, to end above the 7,900-mark for the first time at 7,913.20 after software stocks led by Infosys surged. The Nifty also hit a new alltime intra-day peak of 7,929.05, surpassing its previous record of 7,922.70 hit on August 20. The BSE 30-share barometer spurted 59.44 points, or 0.23 per cent, to close at 26,419.55, just missing previous record closing high of 26,420.67 reached on August 19. During today’s session, it touched a high of 26,508.27. The gauge had gained 45.82 points in yesterday’s *RYWWRVSHQGDERXWCFU RQ,77HOHFRPLQIUDE\ ?=BQ =4F34;78 overnment will initially spend C69,524 crore on G various IT and telecom pro- ?=BQ <D<108 T session. “Mi d - c ap s out - p e r formed larger peers, indicating greater interest from non-institutional players. Reduced geo-political tensions and optimism on future growth buoyed sentiments,” said Dipen Shah, Head-PCG Research, Kotak Securities. A firming trend in other Asian markets after the US markets closed at another record-high yesterday also helped. Hindalco was the best gainer today among the 30share Sensex as it jumped 2.36 per cent. Among s of t ware exporters stocks, Infosys gained 1.65 per cent, TCS 1.22 per cent and Wipro 1.19 per cent, lifting the broadbased Nifty to all-time high. In the banking space, stocks of SBI, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank witnessed good buying activity. Sectorally, the BSE IT sector index rose the most by rising 1.63 per cent, followed by Banking 1.03 per cent, Teck 0.97 per cent, Capital Goods 0.16 per cent, Metal 0.16 per cent, Healthcare 0.13 per cent and Auto 0.08 per cent. Sust aine d mone y pumped into markets by foreign investors -the main market mover- was seen across the board. FIIs bought shares worth a net Rs 412.77 crores yesterday as per provisional data from bourses. he Reserve Bank on Friday said it would conduct more frequent term repos auctions in order to make borrowing more flexible to meet the liquidity needs. “With a view to ensuring flexibility and transparency in liquidity management operations, a revised framework for liquidity management is being put in place with effect from September 5, 2014,” RBI said in a statement. On September 5, RBI would conduct 14-day term repo auction for an amount equivalent to one-fourth of 0.75 per cent of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL), it said. There will be 4-day term repo auction for an amount equivalent to three-fourth of 0.75 per cent of NDTL, it added. There will be regular rollovers of maturing 14-day term repos on every Tuesday and Friday, it said. However, overall borrowing limit for banks have been retained for liquidity adjustment facility (LAF). Banks are currently allowed to borrow up to 0.25 per cent of NDTL from the LAF window. Under the existing arrangements, day-to-day liquidity requirements are met through variable rate 14-day, 7-day repo auctions equivalent to 0.75 per cent of NDTL of the banking system. Banks are also allowed to raise through overnight auction of repo at fixed rate that is the repo rate of 8 per cent. A bank is not allowed to borrow more than 0.25 per cent of its NDTL jects under the ‘Digital India’ programme in which it has identified broadband and mobile networks as key growth pillars under the programme. An official document shows that NDA Government has enhanced expenditure on broadband network to connect all 2.5 lakh village panchayats to C32,000 crore. The UPA Government had approved C20,000 crore for the project. Simultaneously, it has also advanced deadline to finish roll out of national optical fibre network (NOFN) by a quarter to December 2016 from earlier announced date of March 2017. To provide mobile connectivity to approximately 42,300 villages that still don’t have any network coverage, the government has earmarked C16,000 crore. The mobile connectivity in all of these unconnected villages has to be provided by 2018. The Government has DQWLGXPSLQJOHY\RQVRODUJHDU ([SHFWPLQRULW\VKDUHKROGHU *R\DOVWD\VFOHDURILVVXHRI ?=BQ =4F34;78 ven as the domestic solar equipment manufacturers E have been consistently raising the pitch for the imposition of antidumping duty on imported solar equipments, Power Minister Piyush Goyal on Friday sidestepped the issue when asked about his stand on it. He instead put the ball in the Commerce Ministry’s court, saying it was beyond his jurisdiction to take a call on the matter. “I am the Minister for Renewable Energy (the portfolio which holds apart from Power and Coal). I am focusing in my mission and vision. The subject of anti-dumping relates to other ministry (Commerce), which will take an appropriate call as and when it is required,” he told reporters after meeting a delegation of solar power equipment makers and developers who are demanding imposition of anti-dumping duty on solar equipment imports. To protect the struggling domestic industry, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in May had recommended imposing a restrictive duty in the range of $0.11-0.81 per watt on solar cells imported from the US, China, Malaysia and Chinese Taipei. While the Designated Authority in the Department of Commerce recommends the anti dumping duty, provisional or final, it is the Ministry of Finance which acts upon such recommendation within three months and imposes levies. Goyal in the past had said that domestic solar power equipment manufacturing capacity of 700-800 mw is not sufficient to meet the Government’s ambitious plans of adding more power generation capacity through renewable energy sources. Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari had written to Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman opposing plans to levy of anti-dumping duty, saying this would escalate the cost of solar power in the country. Meanwhile, Power Secretary P K Sinha said, “solar power should contribute to supplying electricity to the transmission grid. For that the government should give incentives to the developers.” YRWLQJRQ*XMSODQWLQ2FW0DUXWL ?=B Q =4F34;78 1TRPdbT^UcWTfPh fTR^\\d]XRPcTS ^dabX]RTaXchc^cWT X]eTbc^abfTSXS]^c VTcP]h]TVPcXeT aTb_^]bTFTPaT Tg_TRcX]Vc^VTc QTccTaaTbd[cb <B8<0=068=6 38A42C>A0=324> :4=82780HD:0F0 aruti Suzuki India expects M voting by minority shareholders to happen sometime in October for approval of its plans to let parent Suzuki Motor Corp own a proposed new plant in Gujarat. “We haven’t yet fixed a date. It could be in October probably but not certain yet,” Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) Chairman RC Bhargava told reporters here. Speaking on the sidelines of a lecture in memory of the company’s executive Awanish Dev, who was killed in worker violence at the company’s plant in Manesar in 2012, Bhargava said MSI’s move on the Gujarat plant would be beneficial to its shareholders. “As far as Gujarat (facility) structure is concerned, it is recognised that the structure we have envisaged is beneficial to Maruti shareholders... The major issue which they raised (institutional investors) are regrading why higher dividends are paid, why is royalty audited. On structure, there are no real issues now,” he said. Asked how confident the management was to get minority shareholder approval, MSI Managing Director and CEO Kenichi Ayukawa said, “...Because of the way we communicated our sincerity to the investors, we did not get any negative response. We are expecting to get better results.” In March, under pressure from institutional investors, Maruti decided to seek the approval of minority shareholders after tweaking some of the earlier proposals for the Gujarat plant, which parent Suzuki Motor Corp (SMC) had decided to take over with an investment $488 million to build the Gujarat plant, that Maruti had earlier proposed to set up. MSI had conducted a roadshow to explain to global and domestic investors its move over the Gujarat plant in June. Revising earlier proposals, MSI stated that investments in the Gujarat plant would be funded by SMC via a wholly owned subsidiary through depreciation and equity brought in by the parent without a ‘mark-up’ on cost of production, as was proposed before. Also, in case the contract manufacturing agreement between them is terminated, the facilities of the Gujarat subsidiary would be transferred to MSI at book value and not at fair value, as was envisaged earlier. When asked about MSI’s plans of creating 3 million capacity and selling it, Bhargava declined to fix a timeline. “The target of selling 3 million cars cannot be predicted today...The industry size must be at 6.5-7 million annually for this...So it depends on how economy grows,” he said. Commenting on the market conditions and on any possibility of price hikes, he said: “At the moment discounts are at all time high in the industry so in this scenario there cannot be price hikes.” decided to create national information infrastructure at a cost of C15,686 crore. The project will include integration of existing programme like the National Knowledge Network and and NOFN. Under the National Rural Internet Mission, government has earmarked fund of C4,750 crore to make roll out Common Service Centres (CSCs) across 2.5 lakh villages. Through CSCs people in rural area get access to Government services like birth certificate, train tickets, pay various fees etc without actually having to visit concerned office. The CSCs are present at about 1.3 lakh locations. Besides this Government has earmarked C200 crore to train 1 crore students in small towns and villages for IT sector jobs over period of next 5 years. UPA Government had started National Knowledge Network to connect 1,500 universities with high speed broadband network. The NDA Government has decided to provide wifi at all universities in the country with estimated cost of C790 crore by end of next year. Under Digital India programme, Government has decided to spend C98 crore on secure email, which will now be primary mode of communications, for official communications. At present 10 lakh Government employees have been moved to secure email communication and by March 2015 around 50 lakh employees will be moved on to the new system. The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Digital Indiaprogramme that deal with all projects involving IT and communication technology like e-governance and broadband connectivity. The initial cost of the project, to be implemented over the next five years, is estimated at C1,13,000 crore. The Digital India programme has various other provisions which include wifi hotspots at public places, ebooks for schools, national portal for lost and found children, biometric attendance at government offices for which funds are yet to be finalised. 2GLVKDWREHELJJHVW EHQHILFLDU\RIUR\DOW\UHYLVLRQ ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he recent approval given by the Union Cabinet to revised royalty rates for major minerals like iron ore, will lead to states like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Goa and Jharkhand becoming the biggest beneficiaries, as their annual royalty collection will go up by 50 per cent. Mineral-rich Odisha will be the biggest beneficiary among the aforementioned states as after the revision of royalty rates on iron ore and other minerals, its annual collection is estimated to go up by 50.27 per cent to Rs 4,880 crore. The rise in annual royalty collection from around Rs 3,250 crore in 2011-12 would help it to take up more development projects, a senior official in the Centre said. Leading in production of iron ore and other minerals in the country, Odisha’s royalty collection is also expected to be more than two and half times compared to Chhattisgarh, the second biggest gainer, official sources said. Chhattisgarh’s royalty col- lection is likely to swell by 46.77 per cent to C1,976 crore from C1,346 crore as in FY12. Goa would get C1,414 crore from C943 crore earlier, clocking a 49.99 per cent growth. Karnataka, where mining activity was banned in 2011, had collected around C353 crore royalty in 2011-12. This may go up by 45.57 per cent with the revision of the royalty rates to C513.44 crore. Rajasthan’s royalty collection is also set to go up to C1,533 crore from C1,300 crore. Madhya Pradesh may also show an estimated 25.65 per cent rise in collection to C472 crore from C376 crore earlier. It is estimated that the royalty collection of the States would increase up by 41.12 per cent to C12,274 crore per annum from C9,406 crore in 2011-12. Earlier this week, the Government approved the revision of rates of royalty and dead rent of all major minerals other than minor minerals, coal, lignite and sand for stowing, as per provisions of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957. ,QIRV\VJLYHVUHVWULFWHG VWRFNXQLWVWR&(29LVKDO6LNND ?=BQ=4F34;78 I nfosys has granted close to 22,800 restricted stock units (RSUs) -- worth over C8.2 crore in shares -- to its new CEO and Managing Director Vishal Sikka. “The Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Board has granted 22,794 RSUs to Vishal Sikka. The grant price of the RSU is C5 per RSU,” Infosys said in a filing to the BSE. As per company policy, one RSU is equivalent to one equity share. At today’s closing price of C3,601.25 on the BSE, Sikka will get 22,794 shares valued at C8.2 crore. “The RSUs will vest over a period of four years subject to continued employment and upon achieving Key Performance Indicators as set by the Board/Management Development and Compensation Committee from time to time,” it said. The RSU grant will also be subject to the terms, definitions and provisions of the 2011 RSU Plan. Sikka, who was previously executive board member of German IT firm SAP, replaced SD Shibulal from August 1. 3DQHORIVHFUHWDULHVWR ORRNLQWRJDVSULFLQJIRUPXOD ?=BQ =4F34;78 wo months after the Government decided to defer the implementation of Nearly two T months after it put off a steep gas price revision, the Government has constituted a four-member committee of secretaries to hold consultations with stakeholders before deciding on the quantum of hike. “The committee will comprise secretaries of power, fertilizer and expenditure while additional secretary in the oil ministry will be member secretary to the committee,” said Rajive Kumar, Additional Secretary in the Oil Ministry here. The panel will hold extensive consultations with stakeholders, primarily gas consumers and producers and submit a report within 2-3 weeks, he said. “The first meeting is scheduled for Monday.” The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs had on June 25 deferred by three months the implementation of the Rangarajan formula that would have doubled gas price to USD 8.4 per million British thermal unit. The Rangarajan formula, approved by the previous UPA government, was to be implemented from April 1 but was deferred by three months as general elections were announced. The NDA government on June 25 postponed its implementation by a further three months pending a comprehensive review. 2WX[SaT]fTPaX]VcWT>Rd[dbAXUceXacdP[aTP[XchWTPSbTcbTg_TaXT]RTeXacdP[aTP[XchcTRW]^[^VhPccWTTg_TaXT]RTWP[[±Cd\\^QX[T²^UB:CT[TR^\´b8]U^a\PcX^]P]S 2^\\d]XRPcX^]bCTRW]^[^Vh^a82CX]BT^d[B^dcW:^aTP^]5aXSPhB:CT[TR^\cWT[PaVTbc\^QX[TRPaaXTaX]B^dcW:^aTP^_T]TSFTS]TbSPhcWTWP]Sb^] Tg_TaXT]RTRT]cTafWTaTRWX[SaT]RP][TPa]PQ^dccWTWXbc^ahP]S[PcTbccaT]Sb^UX]U^a\PcX^]P]SR^\\d]XRPcX^]bcTRW]^[^VhX]BT^d[ 0? F_UZdT]`dVUZ_T`^V`WC*!!!!TcUVeVTeVUZ_#!"$"% 7H34A0103) Undisclosed income to the tune of C90,000 crore was detected during 2013-14 in various searches and surveys conducted by the Income Tax department, a top official from the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) said here today. Speaking to reporters, KV Chowdar y, Chairman of CBDT also said the net income tax collection during the first four months stood at over C1.51 lakh crore after accounting refunds of nearly C54,000 crore. “The IT Department has conducted surveys in as many as 5,327 cases all over the country during last year and an amount of C90,000 crore of undisclosed income was detected,” the official said in a press conference here. He said the department is in the process of implementing various data warehouse and various Business Intelligence projects which will enable identification of new tax payers and also deepen the tax base. According to him, tax payers in India stood at 3.5 crore out of which around 2.97 crore people are filing their returns electronically. During the current fiscal, about 1.51 crore of returns have been ‘efiled’ showing an increase of 13 per cent compared to last year. “The national budget for the current financial year 201415 is fixed at C7.36 lakh crore which is more than 15 per cent of the last year’s collection. The net collections as on date are C1, 51,154 crore after accounting for refunds of C53,936 crore,” Chowdary said. He said they are confident of achieving the fiscal target by promoting voluntary compliance. Chowdary said the department has so far identified 22 lakh people who were supposed to file income tax returns but failed to do so. He said tax amount to the extent of over C3 lakh crore got stuck in various courts and appellates across the country, prompting them to increase manpower to counter the challenges in the legal forums. ?C8 \^]Th '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 8`geYZ\VdZ^a`ceUfej`_ 4ca^5 dfXRce`#&^RjZ^aRTeacZTVd ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Government on Friday hiked the import duty on T both raw and refined sugar to CWT<X]XbcTaU^aB^RXP[9dbcXRTP]S4\_^fTa\T]cCWPPfPa2WP]S6TW[^c[XVWcX]VcWT[P\_PcPUd]RcX^]^UcWT R^]UTaT]RT^UBcPcTbD]X^]CTaaXc^aXTb<X]bcTab^UFT[UPaTaT[PcTSc^\PccTabSTP[X]VfXcWB2>122XcXiT]P]S3adV PSSXRcX^]X]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPhCWTCWTBTRaTcPah<X]Xbcah^UB^RXP[9dbcXRT4\_^fTa\T]cBdSWXa1WPaVPePPaT P[b^bTT] CWT<X]XbcTaU^a<XRa^B\P[[P]S<TSXd\4]cTa_aXbTb:P[aPY<XbWaP_aTbXSX]V^eTacWT=PcX^]P[2^]UTaT]RT^UBcPcTb <X]XbcTabU^a8]SdbcaXTb<B<4U^acWT3TeT[^_\T]c^U<XRa^B\P[[P]S<TSXd\4]cTa_aXbTbX]8]SXPX]=Tf3T[WX^] 5aXSPh 25 per cent from the existing 15 per cent. The increase in duty would make imports unviable and may lead to some jump in domestic sugar prices that could cause burden on consumers but would help revive the business of cash-starved mills who owe farmers around C 6,800 crore. India has been importing sugar in small quantities taking advantage of lower global prices. According to the notification issued by the Central Board of Excise and Customs, import duty has been raised to 25 per cent on raw sugar and refined or white sugar. The higher duty will also be applicable to bulk consumers who import raw sugar, the government said, adding that this has been done in public interest. The Food Ministry had recommended increase in import duty on sugar to 40 per cent. "However, the Finance Ministry has hiked the duty marginally, considering inflationary concerns and to give some relief to domestic millers," a senior Food Ministry official said. Currently, domestic sugar prices are ruling stable in the range of Rs 34-40 per kg in view of surplus stocks, as per the data maintained by the Consumer Affairs Ministry. Sugar mills are facing a cash crunch as domestic prices have slipped below the cost of production, hurting their profits. Mills in Uttar Pradesh are selling sugar at C 30.50 per kg, while the cost of production remains at C37 per kg.Similarly, mills in Maharashtra are selling the commodity at Rs 28.50 per kg as against the cost of production of Rs 31. Industry Body Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) hailed the decision saying this will improve cashflow of millers and help clear cane arrears. 94XcR_edSRZ]e`7E:=d ;ZX_VdYDYRYZ_?D6=dTR^TRdV ?C8Q <D<108 C^RPcTac^cWTfT[UPaT^UAPX[fPhT\_[^hTTb=^acWTa]APX[fPhWPb_a^eXSTSP]Tf[haT]^ePcTS]X]TQTSSTS8]cT]bXeT 2PaTD]Xc82DPc=^acWTa]APX[fPh2T]caP[7^b_XcP[=Tf3T[WXCWT82DfPbX]PdVdaPcTSQhB\c:P]cP:d\Pa ?aTbXST]cAPX[fPhF^\T]´bFT[UPaT2T]caP[>aVP]XiPcX^]AFF2>PcPbX\_[TRTaT\^]hWT[Sc^SPhPc=Tf3T[WX BW0ad]T]SaP:d\Pa2WPXa\P]APX[fPh1^PaS?aPSTT_:d\Pa6T]TaP[<P]PVTa=^acWTa]APX[fPhfTaTP[b^_aTbT]c ^]cWT^RRPbX^]BW0ad]T]SaP:d\Pa2WPXa\P]APX[fPh1^PaSP[b^X]PdVdaPcTScWT]Tf[haT]^ePcTSE8?2PQX]Pc =^acWTa]APX[fPh2T]caP[7^b_XcP[=Tf3T[WXCWXbRPQX]WPbbcPcT^UPacWXVWT]SUPRX[XcXTbU^a_PcXT]cR^\U^acPbfT[[Pb caTPc\T]cUPRX[XcXTbU^aPS\XccTS_PcXT]cbX]PbPUTP]SbTRdaTT]eXa^]\T]c he Bombay High Court on Friday granted conditional T bail to FTIL founder Jignesh Shah in the C 5000 crore NSEL scam over three months after he was arrested in the case. "I am inclined to grant bail," Justice Abhay Thipsay said asking Shah to furnish two sureties of Rs five lakh within two weeks. However, when Shah's counsels Amit Naik and Aniket Nikam made a prayer to allow the accused to furnish cash surety of Rs five lakh instead of two sureties on health ground, the judge accepted it and granted bail. The lawyers also argued that there was no likelihood of the accused absconding and hence he be allowed to furnish cash surety. Shah is likely to be released later this evening or tomorrow after completing the formalities. The court ordered Shah to personally appear before the investigating agency every week on Monday and Thursday until further orders of the trial court. "We welcome the decision. At current global prices and rupee-dollar exchange rate, this increase in duty will check all sugar imports, which will certainly improve the domestic market sentiments," ISMA Director General Avinash Verma said. Currently, sugarcane arrears stand at about C 6,800 crore across the country, with the maximum of Rs 5,000 crore in Uttar Pradesh, he added. The Government has announced several measures to improve liquidity of millers. Earlier this year, the government had rolled out a scheme of C6,600 crore interest-free loan to mills for making cane payments to growers. It is also giving export subsidy. )RUHLJQLQYHVWRUVVXEPLWELGV ZRUWKCFUIRU*RYWERQGV ?=BQ =4F34;78 S howing robust interest among foreign investors, an auction of Government bonds on Friday attracted bids worth C3,640 crore, higher than the amount of such securities on offer at C3,208 crore. The auction was held for overseas investors at BSE's ebidxchange for government debt securities, as per the information provided by the bourse. This would be the first auction after Sebi tweaked the investment limits for overseas investors in government securities by increasing the threshold for general investors from $20 billion to $ 25 billion. At the end of two-hour auction this evening, total bids received amounted to Rs 3,640 crore. The total number of bids stood at 18 of those were declared successful. The successful bidders have been allocated investment limits for government debt securities worth the targeted amount of C3,208 crore. Notably, on Wednesday, foreign investors have pumped in a a record high amount of Rs 16,072 crore ($2.65 billion) in the debt market. The total overseas investments in Government debt securities (through auction route) has already reached Rs 1,21,224 crore. Foreign investors have been asked by exchanges not CWXbf^d[SQT cWTUXabcPdRcX^] PUcTaBTQX cfTPZTScWT X]eTbc\T]c [X\XcbU^a ^eTabTPb X]eTbc^abX] V^eTa]\T]c bTRdaXcXTbQh X]RaTPbX]VcWT cWaTbW^[SU^a VT]TaP[ X]eTbc^abUa^\ !QX[[X^]c^ !$QX[[X^] to take any fresh investment position in the interest rate futures (IRF) market as the foreign investors' exposure to government debt reached 97.2 per cent of permitted limit of $ 25 billion (C1,24,432 crore). Overseas investors are advised not to increase their long position in IRF till the time the overall long position of such investors in cash and IRF comes below 85 per cent of existing permissible limit. Last month, Sebi had tweaked the investment limits for foreign investors in government securities by increasing the threshold for general investors from $ 20 billion to $25 billion. 5%,QRWLILHVLQFUHDVHG33) GHSRVLWOLPLWRICODNK\HDU ?=BQ <D<108 T he Reserve Bank on Friday notified the increase in deposit money under Public Provident Fund (PPF) to C 1.5 lakh from Rs 1 lakh earlier. "We forward herewith a copy of the Government of India Notification...The Government of India, vide this Notification, has enhanced the individual subscription limit under the Public Provident Fund (PPF) Scheme, 1968, from existing C 1,00,000 to C1,50,000 in a financial year," RBI said in a communication to banks. Earlier, this week, the government had notified the same in pursuance to an announcement made by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley this month. After the new ruling, people can now deposit up to C1.5 lakh annually in their Public Provident Fund (PPF) account. RBI asked the banks to communicate the same to their branches operating the PPF scheme. It also advised them to display about the enhanced limit under the scheme on the notice boards of their branches for the information of the PPF subscribers. PPF is a 15-year investment scheme under which an investor enjoys tax exemption at the time of deposit, accrual of interest and withdrawal. The interest rate on deposit in PPF for 2014-15 fiscal is 8.7 per cent. 2ZceV]Z_ec`UfTVd 2decfdeUVWZTZeZd`gVc 8DEhZ]]SVcVR]Zej =4F 34;78)Bharti Airtel on Friday said it has introduced a cross-network money transfer service in Tanzania by partnering with mobile operator Tigo. "The service will be available for Airtel Tanzania and Tigo customers, enabling them to experience a secure, fast and easy mode of money-transfer services between the companies’ mobile money wallets," the company said in a statement. The announcement follows an agreement last month to adopt such interoperability by telcos beginning July 2014. on Friday said the "trust deficit" between Centre and states, which was delaying GST roll out, has been removed and hoped the new indirect tax regime could become a reality soon. Rejecting allegations by the previous UPA regime that Gujarat was hampering progress on Goods and Services Tax, the state Finance Minister Saurabh Patel said several states including Congress ruled ones had issues and did not have faith in the then central Government addressing them. Tc`dd_Veh`c\ d``_dRjd8f[RcRe7> ^`_VjecR_dWVc With the change at dVcgZTVZ_ER_kR_ZR =4F34;78) the Centre, Gujarat Government 1B4BAPYSWP]X?^fTa;X\XcTS1A?;cWTSXbR^\bd__[hX]VT[TRcaXRXchX]B^dcWP]SFTbc3T[WXWPb]^fcPZT]Xcb \TbbPVT^UT]TaVhR^]bTaePcX^]c^cWT]Tgc[TeT[8cWPbbcPacTSR^]SdRcX]VcWTbTTSdRPcXeT_a^VaP\bX]1aPX[[TU^acWT eXbdP[[hX\_PXaTSbcdST]cbATRT]c[h1A?;^aVP]XiTScf^f^aZbW^_b_a^\^cX]VT]TaVhR^]bTaePcX^]P]ST[TRcaXRP[ bPUTchPccf^_a^\X]T]c1[X]SBRW^^[bX]B^dcW3T[WX±9?<BaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[U^a1[X]S²P]S±9P]cP0SPabW0]SW EXShP[PhP²5^acWTf^aZbW^_bcWTSXbR^\WPSTb_TRXP[[hV^ccWT_P\_W[Tcb[TPU[TcbP]SQa^RWdaTbR^]eTacTSX]c^ 1aPX[[TU^acWTQT]TUXc^UcWTbTbcdST]cb1A?;XbR^]SdRcX]VcWTbTf^aZbW^_bPb_Pac^UXcb³4]TaVh?a^VaP\´P_a^VaP\ cWPcPX\bc^bT]bXcXbTbRW^^[RWX[SaT]^]T]TaVhR^]bTaePcX^]T[TRcaXRP[bPUTchP]ScWT\T]PRT^U_^fTacWTUc<^aTbdRW f^aZbW^_bfX[[QTR^]SdRcTSPc1[X]SBRW^^[bX]cWT\^]cWbPWTPS 608;8]SXP;X\XcTScWTR^d]cah´b_aX]RX_P[=PcdaP[6PbR^\_P]hWPbQTT]PSYdSVTScWT³1Tbc?TaU^a\X]V?BD´X]cWT <PWPaPc]PRPcTV^ahPccWT8]SXPC^SPh?BDb0fPaSb! #608;2WPXa\P]P]S<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a12CaX_PcWXaTRTXeTScWT PfPaS^]QTWP[U^UcWTR^\_P]hUa^\AP\EX[Pb?PbfP]<X]XbcTaU^a2^]bd\Ta0UUPXab5^^SP]S?dQ[XR3XbcaXQdcX^]PcP Ud]RcX^]WTaT[PbcTeT]X]VCWT2^\_P]hf^]cWTPRR^[PSTQTRPdbT^UXcbR^]bXbcT]cUX]P]RXP[_TaU^a\P]RT^eTacWT[PbccWaTT UX]P]RXP[hTPabB_TPZX]VPQ^dccWTaTR^V]XcX^]CaX_PcWXbPXS±608;WPbPbbXSd^db[hQdX[ccWTaT`dXaTSQ[^RZbPRa^bbcWTVPb eP[dTRWPX]caP]b\XbbX^]VPb_a^RTbbX]V;?6?Tca^RWT\6Pb<PaZTcX]V263eT]cdaTbR^\_TcXcXeT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ 6Pb;=6b^daRX]VATVPbXUXRPcX^]P]S;X`dTUPRcX^]cTa\X]P[cXTd_bP]S\^eX]VPRa^bbc^bWX__X]VcXTd_bP]STeT]f^aZX]V c^fPaSbbWP_X]VS^\TbcXR;=6bWX_\P]dUPRcdaX]V² BPYYP]:d\Pa6T]TaP[<P]PVTaDccaPZWP]SP]SD?FTbc8]SXP]>X[XbSTR[PaX]V3TWaPSd]PbUd[[hPdc^\PcTSRXchP[^]V fXcWBP]YXeBWPa\P36<ATcPX[BP[Tb<dZTbW6d_cP2WXTU<P]PVTaATcPX[BP[TbB:BX]WP3XeXbX^]P[ATcPX[BP[Tb <P]PVTa3TWaPSd]PcBWPZcXBTaeXRTBcPcX^]3TWaPSd] AB<X]P3XaTRc^a?Tab^]]T[=7?2;cSaTRTXeX]VcWT0fPaSU^a³<^bcEP[dPQ[T?BDd]STa<X]XaPc]P2PcTV^ah^] QTWP[U^U=7?2Ua^\AP\EX[Pb?PbfP]<X]XbcTaU^a2^]bd\Ta0UUPXab5^^SP]S?dQ[XR3XbcaXQdcX^]6^eTa]\T]c^U 8]SXPPccWT8]SXP?BD0fPaSb^]CWdabSPhX]=Tf3T[WX B_TPZX]VPcT[cb?BDBd\\Xc! # D32W^dQTh3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[ B2>?4T\_WPbXiTScWT]TTSU^a UdacWTaaTU^a\X]?B4b7TPSe^RPcTS cWPcTbcPQ[XbWX]VR^\\d]XchaT[PcX^]b ^]bdbcPX]TSQPbXbXbcWTQTbcbcaPcTVh U^aX\_a^eX]VX\PVT^U ?B4b2^a_^aPcTb 36B2>?4bPXScWT_^bcaTRTbbX^] _TaX^SfXc]TbbTSP\PY^aRWP]VTX] f^a[SfXSTcaT]SX]V^eTa]P]RT^U BcPcT>f]TS4]cTa_aXbTb6[^QP[[h \P]hR^d]caXTbWPeTRaTPcTS ³B^eTaTXV]FTP[cW5d]S´^a±B^eTaTXV] 7^[SX]VBcadRcdaT²U^acWTXaBcPcT >f]TS4]cTa_aXbTbU^aX\_a^eX]V V^eTa]P]RTP]SST[XeTaPQX[Xch f^a[S ! DEHRADUN,&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 :D:=SVj`_UR_jeYZ_XhVYRgVdVV_+FD ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= T he US has said that ISIL is more dangerous than a conventional terrorist group in terms of ideology, military and financial power and present an imminent threat to American people. US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said, “ISIL is as sophisticated and well-funded as any group that we have seen. They’re beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical militar y prowess. They are tremendously well-funded.” “This is beyond anything that we’ve seen. So we must prepare for everything. And the only way you do that is that you take a cold, steely, hard look at it and get ready,” he said at a Pentagon news conference which was jointly addressed by General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff. “If they were to achieve that vision, it would fundamentally alter the face of the Middle East and create a security environment that would certainly threaten us in many ways,” Dempsey said. Referring to the brutal murder of American journalist James Foley, Hagel said, “When we look at what they did to Foley, what they threatened to do to all Americans and Europeans, I don’t know any other way to describe it other than barbaric. “They have no standard of decency, of responsible human behavior. They are an immi- CXYQ]Y\YdYQ]U^ [Y\\' Qd9bQa Ce^^Y]_caeU 05?Q 10@D108A0@ militiamen gunned down 70 people in an apparSenthia revenge attack at an Iraqi Sunni mosque on Friday, dealing a blow to Government efforts to regain territory seized by jehadis-led militants. The shooting in the Hamreen area of Diyala province will increase already significant anger among Iraq’s Sunni Arab minority with the Shiite-led Government, undermining an anti-militant drive that ultimately requires Sunni cooperation to succeed. It came as Government forces battled to regain ground in Diyala, and Washington warned of the dangers of the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group, which spearheaded an offensive that overran swathes of Iraq in June, and this week released a video of American journalist James Foley being beheaded. Army and police officers said the attack on the Musab bin Omair Mosque came after Shiite militiamen were killed in clashes in the area, while other sources said it followed a roadside bomb near one of their patrols. Doctors and the officers put the toll from the attack, in which worshippers were sprayed with machinegun fire, at 70 dead and 20 wounded. The Government turned to militiamen to bolster its flagging forces during the IS offensive, sparking a resurgence of groups involved in brutal sectarian killings in past years that will be difficult to dislodge. Elsewhere in Diyala, Kurdish and federal security forces on Friday launched an operation aimed at retaking the Jalawla area from militants who seized it on August 11. Federal forces backed by air support also clashed with militants in the Saadiyah area south of Jalawla, officers said. Pentagon chiefs, meanwhile, warned of the dangers of IS and said operations against it in Syria may be needed, as the West reeled from Foley’s grisly killing. “They marry ideology and a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess,” US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said of the “barbaric” militants. “They are tremendously well funded. This is beyond anything we have seen.” General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the group “has an apocalyptic end of days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated”. nent threat to every interest we have, whether it’s in Iraq or anywhere else,” he said. Hagel regretted that the secret operation launched by the US military this summer to rescue American hostages in Syria, including Jim Foley, did not succeed. “We all regret that the mission did not succeed. The US will not relent our efforts to bring our citizens home and their captors to justice,” he said. Hagel noted that US’ assistance helped Iraqi and Kurdish forces blunt ISIL’s advance around Irbil, where American diplomats and troops are working, and help the Iraqis retake the strategic Mosul Dam. “A breach of the dam would have threatened the lives of thousands of Iraqis as well as Americans at our facilities in Baghdad and prevented the Iraqi government from providing critical services to its citizens,” Hagel said. DBSTUT]SbaTUdbP[c^_PhaP]b^\U^a5^[Th´baT[TPbT :D:DYRUR]d`d`fXYe cV]VRdV`WAR\ZdeR_Z dTZV_eZde`eYVcd BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= T he United States has strongly defended its refusal to negotiate with the Islamic State militants or pay the huge ransom of $133 million it had demanded for the release of slain journalist James Foley. “We do not make concessions to terrorists. That includes – we do not pay ransoms,” State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf said, adding: “We believe that paying ransoms or making concessions would put all Americans overseas at greater risk.” In e-mails sent to the Foley family, the ISIS had also demanded the release of Pakistani woman scientist Aafia Siddiqui and several other prisoners convicted of terrorism charges in the US. Siddiqui, an MIT-trained neuroscientist with ties to Al Qaeda, was arrested in Afghanistan’s Ghanzi province in 2008. Flown back to the US, she was convicted in 2010 and sentenced to 86 years in prison on charges of trying to kill American servicemen. Justifying its firm stand, the Obama administration said on Thursday that paying ransom or making concessions to a terrorist organization would endanger Americans overseas at a time when it has been trying to degrade the capabilities of such outfits. Significantly, GlobalPost, the Boston-based media outlet for which Foley was freelancing in Syria when he was captured by the ISIS in November 2012, was inclined to pay the ransom. “Personally – and I know speak for the Foleys as well – we would’ve paid a ransom. We were working very hard to raise the money,” said Phil Balboni, co-founder and CEO of GlobalPost, said in an interview to NPR. “It’s very easy to have these theoretical policies about not paying a ransom until you’re faced with the real life-anddeath situation,” said Balboni, who along with the Foleys, had extensive conversations about the ransom demand with the US Government. While conceding that “giving money to these evil people is a very hard thing to do”, he said emphatically: “But speaking for myself and for John and Diane Foley, we were prepared to do it if we could raise the money.” At the Pentagon, Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the United States, which recently launched a wave of airstrikes against the ISIS in northern Iraq, is now looking at all options to stop the group which, he noted, was exceptionally well-funded. “They’re beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously wellfunded,” Hagel said, adding: “We will continue to stay focused…on what we’re doing now and exploring all options as we go forward.” 7P\PbTgTRdcTb 'X]U^a\Tab U^a8baPT[PbUXVWcX]VR^]cX]dTb ?C8Q 94ADB0;4< 8\aP]aTcda]bc^]TV^cXPcX]V cPQ[T*_Pach[Pf\PZTabaTbXV] M (!:D[VYRUZd \Z]]VUZ_DjcZR T]RdYVd+>`_Ze`c A D:A08=4022DB4BADBB80 >58=E038=62>D=CAH :XTe<^bR^f)DZaPX]TPRRdbTS AdbbXP^UX]ePSX]VcWTR^d]cahPUcTa PR^]e^h^UAdbbXP]cadRZbRPaahX]V Wd\P]XcPaXP]PXSRa^bbTScWTQ^aSTa P[[TVTS[hfXcW^dc_Ta\XbbX^]^a bd_TaeXbX^]^UcWTATS2a^bb4UT ]TfbPVT]RhaT_^acTS &8A0@8B38B?;0243 8=:DA38B7=>AC7)D= 6T]TeP)0Q^dc&8aP`XbWPeT VPcWTaTSX]cWT:daSXbW]^acWPUcTa QTX]VSaXeT]Ua^\cWTXaW^\TbQh YTWPSXbUXVWcTabcWTD]XcTS=PcX^]b bPXS^]5aXSPhPbXcbcT__TSd_P \PbbXeTPXS^_TaPcX^]c^cWTaTVX^] =864A802>=58A<BCF> =4F41>;020B4B 0QdYP)Cf^]TfRPbTb^U4Q^[PWPeT T\TaVTSX]=XVTaXPP]SX]P] P[Pa\X]VSTeT[^_\T]ccWThPaT ^dcbXSTcWTVa^d_^URPaTVXeTabfW^ caTPcTSP]PXa[X]T_PbbT]VTafW^ PaaXeTSfXcW4Q^[PP]SSXTS7TP[cW <X]XbcTa>]hTQdRWX2WdZfdbPXS 8=380=709?8;6A8<BC> 14?A>E83437>;HF0C4A 9TSSPW)>eTa^]T[PZW8]SXP]7PY _X[VaX\bfX[[QT_a^eXSTSfXcW$[XcaT RP]b^UbPRaTSIP\iP\fPcTa^] cWTXaaTcda]c^8]SXPd]STaP]Tf PVaTT\T]cQTcfTT]7PY2^\\XccTT ^U8]SXPP]SBPdSX0aPQXP]0Xa[X]Tb 8=C4A?>;B44:B2;D4BC> C708³101H502C>AH´ 1P]VZ^Z)8]cTa_^[bPXSXcWPb[Pd] RWTSP\d[cX]PcX^]P[X]eTbcXVPcX^] X]c^fWPcCWPX[P]SWPbSdQQTScWT °1PQh5PRc^ah±RPbTP!#hTPa^[S 9P_P]TbTQdbX]Tbb\P]fW^WPb % bdaa^VPcTQPQXTbP]SP]P[[TVTS STbXaTc^UPcWTaWd]SaTSb\^aT srael on Friday pressed ahead with its offensive against IHamas in Gaza, killing at least four Palestinians, even as the militant group executed 18 suspected informers for the Jewish State following the killing of its three top commanders. Hamas gunmen executed 11 Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel at an abandoned police sta<P[PhbXP0a\hb^[SXTabRPaah^]T^UcWTQ^SXTb^UcWTS^f]TS<7 &U[XVWc^]cWT PaaXeP[Pc:dP[P;d\_da8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^acX]BT_P]V<P[PhbXP^]5aXSPh 0? tion in Gaza earlier in the day, Hamas security officials said. Shortly afterward Hamas killed seven more Palestinians in a public execution in a central Gaza square, witnesses said. Hamas warned that the same punishment will be imposed soon on others. The executions came a day ?C8 Q 8B;0<0103 after Israel killed three top B70A85C><44CI0A30A8 Hamas commanders in an ounting further pressure, C>30H8=8B;0<0103 34 Opposition lawmakers 0<83?A>C4BCB resigned from the National 8b[P\PQPS)FXcWP]cXV^eTa] Assembly on Friday to force the \T]c_a^cTbcTabbcT__X]Vd_ Nawaz Sharif Government to _aTbbdaT^]WX\c^`dXc quit but their party Pakistan ?PZXbcP]?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PfPi Tehreek-i-Insaf surprisingly BWPaXUWPbX]eXcTSU^a\Ta decided to resume talks after _aTbXST]cP]S???[TPSTa0bXU the failed first round. 0[XIPaSPaXU^aP[d]RWT^] For the second time since it 05?Q 148ADC \TTcX]VWTaT^]BPcdaSPhc^ mobilised thousands of supSXbRdbbXbbdTbaT[PcTSc^cWT porters for anti-government t least 70 Islamic State _^[XcXRP[X\_PbbT protests in Islamabad demandjehadi fighters have been BWPaXUWPSPcT[T_W^]XR ing Sharif’s resignation, the core killed in 48 hours of clashes R^]eTabPcX^]fXcWIPaSPaX^] committee of Khan-led Pakistan with Syrian army troops in 5aXSPhP]SX]eXcTSWX\U^acWT Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) met and the northern province of [d]RWT^]\TTcX]V^]BPcdaSPh discussed the current crisis. Raqa, a monitoring group PccWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa³b7^dbT The meeting took place after said on Friday. IPaSPaXR^2WPXa\P]^U senior leader Shah Mehmood The Syrian Observatory ?PZXbcP]?T^_[T³b?Pach??? Qureshi handed over the resigfor Human Rights said IS XbRdaaT]c[hX]:PaPRWX7T nations, including that of Khan, had launched a major push \^bc[h[XeTbX]3dQPXbX]RT to Secretary of the National late Tuesday on Tabqa milibcT__X]VS^f][PbchTPaPccWT Assembly Muhammad Riaz, tary airport, the last remainT]S^UWXbUXeThTPacTa\PbcWT mounting more pressure on the ing army stronghold in Raqa, ?aTbXST]c ?C8 beleaguered Government. which has been largely overThe resignations do not run by the jehadis. affect the stability of the PTI and cleric Tahirul QadriThe assailants had carGovernment which enjoys a led Pakistan Awami Tehreek ried out car bomb attacks in majority with ruling PML-N (PAT) had suspended dialogue their assault but failed to having 190 members in a with the Government. make any breakthrough, the Meanwhile , Imran Khan House of 342. Khan’s PTI is the Britain-based group said. third largest party in the and cleric Tahirul Qadri, who “At least 70 IS fighters are leading two anti-government National Assembly. have been lost since early Following the core com- protests in Pakistan, on Friday Wednesday in regime air mittee meeting, Qureshi told assured the Supreme Court that raids, Scud missile blasts reporters that “PTI is ready for they will remain within the and mine explosions,” talks.” After one round of talks limits of the Constitution durObservatory head Rami on Wednesday both Khan’s ing their ongoing agitations. Abdel Rahman said. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 D;50;4034AF0=CBC> A4CDA=C>8=380)A4?>AC 0?P[TbcX]XP]Q^hP[^]VfXcWbd__^acTab^U7P\PbW^[SbPaT_aTbT]cPcX^]^UP a^RZTcPb^cWTabbW^dcb[^VP]bc^_a^cTbcPVPX]bc8baPT[SdaX]VPST\^]bcaPcX^]X] cWTFTbc1P]ZRXch^UAP\P[[PW^]5aXSPh 0? airstrike in southern Gaza. Hours after the targeted strike on the Hamas commanders, Ismail Haniyeh, the former head of the Hamas regime in Gaza, said, “After a senior operative is killed, we immediately continue on our path without hesitating or stepping back”. Hamas, the militant group that holds power in Gaza, has warned that Israel will “pay the price” for killing three high-ranking leaders of its military wing, the Qassam Brigades. 3WPZP)D;50[TPSTa0]d_2WTcXP ]^fX]P1P]V[PSTbWYPX[WPb aT_^acTS[hTg_aTbbTSPSTbXaTc^ aTcda]c^8]SXPfWTaTWTXbfP]cTS U^a\daSTaPQSdRcX^]P]STgc^acX^] QS]Tfb!#R^\ aT_^acTS^]5aXSPh !&:8;;438=20A6>;3 <8=42>;;0?B4 HP^d]ST)0c[TPbc!&\X]TabWPeT QTT]ZX[[TSX]PV^[S\X]TR^[[P_bTX] cWT2T]caP[0UaXRP]AT_dQ[XR20A PdcW^aXcXTbbPXS^]5aXSPh "'ZX[[TSX]c^daXbcQdbR^[[XbX^]X]4Vh_c ?C8Q 208A> t least 38 people were killed and 41 others injured on A Friday when two tourist buses carrrying around 80 passengers, including foreigners, collided near Sharm El-Sheikh resort in Egypt’s South Sinai. The accident took place early in the morning on Friday on the highway, 50 km from Sharm el-Sheikh, killing 38 people and injuring 41. All 38 passengers killed are Egyptians. Seven of the corpses are yet to be identified, police said. The two buses were carrying around 80 passengers from 0QdbXbbTT]^eTacda]TSPUcTaXcbWTPS ^]R^[[XbX^]fXcWP]^cWTaQdb]TPa 4Vh_c´b_^_d[PaaTb^acBWPa\T[BWTXZW ^]5aXSPh 0? Cairo to Sharm El-Sheikh resort including four foreign tourists: two Saudi nationals, a Yemeni and a Ukrainian tourist who are among the injured, Al Ahram reported. The death toll could increase, said Mohamed Lashin, Health Ministry Undersecretary in South Sinai. Lashin said that bodies are currently being extracted from the rubble before a final death toll is determined. Thirty ambulances were rushed to the scene of accident. An investigation is underway to ascertain the cause of the accident. Egypt has one of the world’s highest traffic accident rates due to careless driving, road and vehicle conditions which leads to death and injury of thousands every year. eXePRXch4365 " DEHRADUN,&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 B 7 > A C 2 8 A 2 D 8 C B D2<D9:E2?H2C 9F>2:>2>2=:< ;6DD:422=32 C2?:>F<6C;: 8eTQTT]X]3T[WXfXcW\h _PaT]cbTeTabX]RT1PST V^c^eTa4ZcPWPbPbZTSU^a P\TTcX]VfWT]8aTcda]c^ <d\QPX1dcPb^U]^f 8eT]^R[dTfWPcXcXbU^a CWXbfPbU^aP]^cWTabW^f QTU^aT1PSTaP]Xcb R^dabT8WPSc^aTVaTcUd[[h bPh]^c^cWPc^UUTa8fP]cTS c^cPZTPQaTPZ 8cWX]Z4\aPP]XbPeTah _^_d[PaPRc^aX]?PZXbcP] ?T^_[TcWTaTaTP[[h[^^ZU^a fPaSU^aWXbaT[TPbTbCWT \dbXR^UcWTUX[\APYP =PcfPa[P[ XbeTah\dRWWXc ^eTacWTaT7TXbeTah S^f]c^TPacW_Tab^]P]S eTahbd__^acXeTP]SS^Tb ]cX]cTaUTaTX]c^cWTb_PRT ^U^cWTaPRc^ab FWT]8fPb[Xcc[T8 P[fPhbb_T]ccX\T X\PVX]X]V8fPbbd_Ta Wd\P]1TU^aTWPeX]VP UP\X[h\hfW^[TXST] cXchfPbfaP__TSd_X] \hSTRXbX^]bPQ^dc PRcX]V7PeX]VZXSbP]S PQdbX]Tbb8S^]cUTT[ cWPc_aTbbdaT 8cXbcX\Tf^\T]bW^d[ScPZT d_\PccTab[XZTbT[U_a^cTR cX^]X]c^cWTXa^f]WP]Sb8 S^]cfP]cP]hVXa[c^QT ST_T]ST]c^]WTaUPcWTa^a Qa^cWTac^V^b^\TfWTaT YdbcQTRPdbTbWTXbbRPaTS8 fP]cVXa[bc^T]a^[X]bT[U STUT]RTR[PbbTb[XZTZPaPcT P]SZXRZQ^gX]V A2>6=22?56CD@? 8RP]cQaX]V\hbT[Uc^S^ h^da8RTQdRZTcRWP[[T]VT8 T]Y^hPV^^SSPaT8cb P[fPhbV^^Sc^QaX]V PfPaT]TbbX]Ud]RaTPcXeT fPhb8S^]cfP]cc^cPZT PfPhUa^\cWPc8]bcTPS8S RWP[[T]VT0;Bc^bc^_P]X\P[ cTbcX]VCahX]Vc^RdaTWd\P] SXbTPbTbQhaT[hX]V^]P]X\P[ Tg_TaX\T]cbXbRadT[ 03A4=0;8=4ADB7 58E430HB 3PZbWX]3PaT! #R^eTaTS!Z\caPeTabX]VTg^cXR[^RPcX^]b^Ub^dcWTa]8]SXP[XZTCd\Zda7XaXhda2WXcaPSdaVP1T[[Pah7^b_Tc 7P\_X:^__P[7dQ[XP]S:PafPa:0A0=170A3F09 caPX[bcWTd[cX\PcT\^c^ab_^accWPc^][hWPbWXVWP]SWXVW\^\T]cb 0BF F41 1468= I have never been a morning person. Early flights to morning assignments, I have hated everything that has distanced me from my kingdom of dreams. But today is one off case. I am not cursing, rather excited. At 3 am, we are driving swiftly on the Bengaluru roads to reach our destination, the mountainous region of Chitradurga in Karnataka, some 200 km away from the state’s capital. It’s the debut day of the Maruti Suzuki’s Dakshin Dare car rally that promises to be a roller coaster ride. Brimming with excitement, I peep out from the car window in the wee hours. Chances are that the god of light might not show up today due to dense cloud cover. But who cares when moonlight, our guiding light, accompanies us in this quiet ride, lending a touch of romanticism in air. As they say, moments post romance is no less patchy, our bumpy ride has just begun to unfurl! Almost after two hours, we expose ourselves to the unadulterated hills of Chitradurga. We are much ahead of time, with an intention to grab the best possible spot on the treacherous track so that the vehicles can be captured in their wildest moments. The stage (stretch of the race) is speckled with numerous windmill farms, tense cloud covers, bold rock hills, strong winds, and uneven roads. The hairpin bends and gravel in the route making it tricky to traverse and maneuver through. The breeze wafts in full force, swinging the three blades of the giant fans, offering us a heavenly experience that is unimaginable in the hustle and bustle of Delhi. A small group of scribes and cameramen sets its position. Smartphones, tabs, cameras and tripods, the kits of equipment unfold the high-end gadgets to capture the priceless moments. As we climb atop one of the biggest rocks, holding breath and indulging in unadulterated nature, the sounds of engine ask for attention from behind the hills. The moment has arrived! In no time, a white gypsy looking like a small matchbox is seen maneuvering its way through the gravel and steep curves. Amanpreet Ahluwalia, the winner of last year’s Dakshin Dare, has set the wheels rolling. Giving him stiff competition from behind were a pool of customised some 40 vehicles from Gypsy, Honda City to Volkswagen Polo. The two-wheelers stride in the Extreme Bike category was hailed by Natraj, who also sealed the lead by the end of the day. Apart from the nature’s thunderous roar in the winds and clouds, and constant music of windmills, the defeaning noise of vehicles filled the air. The day witnessed two stages around the windmill farms only and also offered one-of-its-own kind of digital detox (read smartphone). We didn’t mind cutting away from the world, before getting back to hotel and cityscape. 41I"OOOOOOO “Good morning and all the best!” we greeted the champion, Amanpreet Ahluwalia, at 4 am before heading to the next track, precisely the dirt track which is again carved amid the hills of Chitradurga but full of merciless stones and pebbles. The red soil emanating from within the hills and uneven terrains truly extract the beauty of rocks. Starting from Davangere amidst light shimmers of rain, the dirt and slush have emerged in the wackiest avatar on our way, only peddling up the level for these extremists. It is breathtakingly pleasant and thankfully, less cooler, maybe due to lesser fans around! But hey! Not everything is pleasant with the man we met in the morning! Amanpreet has been awarded with a stop-and-go penalty, slipping down straight to the 8th position. Our investigation reveals there was a minor miscommunication between him and the navigator which cost them a huge leap! Team Maruti’s Sandeep Sharma and Varun Davessar, in their Gypsy, clocked 1:02:27 to snatch the lead at the end of second leg of the rally. In the bikes category, defending champion of Dakshin Dare 2013 and yesterday’s leader, Natraj maintained his lead on day 2 with a time of 45:36. Bravo! 41I#OOOOOOO It’s shining today! Ting! Finally we have a bright and sunny day after experiencing drizzles in the first half of the rally period. The mercury levels have risen on the track as well as during the day, with the competition heating up amongst the teams. Starting from the Vidyanagar township, the rally has moved ahead to the Canal stage. Situated right next to the brimming Tungabhadra canal, the flat track features many ditches and patches of slush, which eventually created several super charged moments with high speed jumps and skids. Unlike the last two days, when wind did all the talking, the rhythm in the canal water is so soothing. An attentive chameleon on the façade of a small bridge, wearing red and green hues, is truly reflecting the extreme adrenaline as the competition just gets tougher. We hear one gypsy has hit a stone and crashed out of the game. In a shocking incident, a racer was slapped by the locals as he went off track and slugged the mud on faces of onlookers, informs another participant. As we meander around, the walk reminds us of Banaras ghats. The canal is utilised for various purposes like bathing and cleaning laundry. Sandeep Sharma and Varun Davessar continues to reign supreme, clocking a total time of 1:57:19. But what gladdened us really was the power-packed performance by Amanpreet Ahluwalia, who fast-tracked to 5th position. 41I$OOOOOOO C74=0E860C>A70B C>A403C743A8E4AB ?BH27485C74A48B0 <8B2><<D=820C8>= >A?A>1;4<C74= 3A8E8=664CB 05542C430;B> 4E4AH3A8E4A70B 78B>F=BCH;4>5 ?4A5>A<8=6B>C74 =0E860C>A70BC>14 3H=0<820=3270=64 78BBCH;4>5 2><<D=820C8>= 5A><?D;B4C> ?D;B4 ¯ 0<0=?A44C 07;DF0;80 Starting the day as usual before sunrise, the contestants make their way to the outskirts of Hospet to meet their next challenge. Today’s contest spans over three stages across two different locations. The first stage, the Countryside leg has drivers roaring through the 27 km stretch at express pace. Situated in the midst of the wilderness the superfast track presents an uneven terrain with some tricky turns meandering through villages. Also featuring several long flat stretches, this route records the highest speeds of the rally so far. In the Windmill leg which hosts the second and third stage of the day, the drivers have to travel a total distance of 175 km burning rubber while manoeuvring their vehicles up and down hill tops, powering through the dirt. Sandeep and Varun maintained their prime rank, clocking a total time of 2:37:46. 41I%OOOOOOO Dakshin Dare has crafted a fresh route in picturesque northern Karnataka for the first time ever, traversing spectacular places like Tumkur, Hiriyur, Chitradurga, Bellary, Hospet, Hampi, Koppal, Hubli and Karwar. It’s the longest day of the competition with four stages set in the hills of Koppal district form a scenic route, with dense clouds cover while the cars bring in the thunder. A dirt track running up and down the slopes with gravel and slushy corners make for the ultimate adrenaline pumping finale. As much expected, Sandeep Sharma and Varun Davessar ring the victory bells registering a total time of 3:41:26. Sanjay Agarwal and Venu Ramesh Kumar kept their momentum going to retain their second spot with a time of 3:42:49. Deserving a standing ovation, Amanpreet Ahluwalia and Sudeep Halder edged up to third spot. However, Suresh Rana, a legend in the motoring circuit finished fourth with a total time of 3:47:01. “It was a nail-biting competition. We planned the everyday moments and ensured no miscommunication during the race. The determination and alertness can only bring you here,” says Sandeep Sharma. In bikes, Mohit Verma edged out Nataraj to grab the first place finishing the rally with the overall time of 3:29:15. The defending champion of 2013, Nataraj (3:33:30) and Pramod Joshua (3:35:37) stood second and third respectively. D51=C@9B9D Off the track, we catch up with the two leading motorsport enthusiasts in India, Amanpreet Ahluwalia and Sanjay Agarwal. The men burst into spontaneous laughter as they share their crazy moments from the drive. “See this is how we interact after the competition. The fight is only on track and post that, we ridicule and mock our weird moments during the race,” says Sanjay, who has been taking part in motorsport since 1980s. “I was always inclined towards cars and machines. I started motocross in late 80s. In 90s, I bought one Maruti vehicle and started taking part in these competitions,” adds he, who has won several titles. One of the big factors that define the winnability in this game is the coordination between the driver and his navigator. Who understands this better than Amanpreet? The leader of the Day 1 of the race was not informed about the halt by his navigator. Result, Amanpreet skidded to eight position. “The navigator has to read the driver’s psyche. If there is a miscommunication or problem, then driving gets affected. Also, every driver has his own style of performing, so the navigator has to be dynamic and change his style of communication from pulse to pulse,” says Amanpreet, who teamed with Sudeep Halder for the first time. Amanpreet has been into rallies for last 13 years and laments that there is not much awareness about motorsports in India. Racing is defined by glamorous F1, which has caught the fancy of famed people. “It’s difficult to even get sponsors for motorsports. Things are getting better with different manufacturers taking keen interest but nobody is looking at a holistic picture of the sport,” he says. For a racer, spontaneity and presence of mind matter the most. More than the strategies, it is the dynamism of participants that take them to lead and brave challenges. “It’s a combination of man and machine. If you are stressed out due to any possible reason, you cannot drive. If your car is incompetent or navigator is not alert, then you cannot win the competition,” he says. Sanjay practises yoga everyday to keep his cool. “If I lose cool, I start making mistakes. One stupid error and you are miles away or totally knocked off!” he says. eXePRXch4365 # DEHRADUN,&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 =4F270?C4A#$<8=DC4B ³CT[TeXbX^]Xb [XQTaPcX]V´ 9>70=;>60=PfPaSfX]]X]VbRaTT]_[PhfaXcTa^UBcPaCaTZBZhUP[[ 7dV^P]S6[PSXPc^acP[ZbPQ^dcRWP[[T]VTb^UfaXcX]VU^acWTb\P[[bRaTT] What is a penny dreadful? The title came to me very quickly because penny dreadful’s, as you know, were periodicals, Victorian periodicals that came out sort of weekly or monthly and they mostly dealt with the supernatural or grizzly crimes and the Victorian public could not get enough of them because, like us, they loved the Grand Guignol and a good bloody crime story or vampire story was very exciting to them. But the reason I thought it was appropriate for this show is because this was the era before television and radio and cinema, it was the first time that horror actually went into people’s homes. People would go to their news seller, they’d spend a ha’ penny, they’d buy this little pamphlet of horror stories and bring it home and read it in their bedrooms, which I assume a few people will be watching Penny Dreadful in their bedrooms. What are the challenges of writing for television? I wrote the entire first season, you know, just to see, is this what I want to do, would it work, would the characters be fascinating enough to me? Because, you know, if you’re writing Skyfall you’re like, okay, I have James Bond, I have M, I have them for two hours and I know how to build that story and I know how to make them fascinating and I hope interesting for that journey. But with these characters, with Vanessa Ives or Ethan Chandler or Dr Frankenstein, it was a question of creating characters that were fascinating enough that they would keep interesting me most of all and keep unveiling themselves to me and keep being mysterious in a way for hours on end. So I wrote all eight hours and I just had the greatest time doing it because it was liberating because I’d never done it before, I’d never written anything like that before and as I say, I’m a dramatist, not a prose writer, but Penny Dreadful is as close as I’m ever going to get to writing a novel, so there is a particular kind of satisfaction to it. How do you plan to develop these characters throughout the series? It’s a through-arc through the first season, which is eight hours. And my ambition going into it as a writer was to essentially write a novel, but I’m a dramatist, I only write lines for actors and it’s all I’ve ever done, all I’ve ever wanted to do. But there was something about this idea that I’ve lived with for a very long time that the complexity of the characters was so interesting to me, I thought, well, this is a story I want to tell over time. So you meet the characters in the first two episodes and then it’s a continuing story, continuing arc through the first season. Who is Ethan? Ethan is unique in the show in that he is our American, he is our eyes into it. And in a way, he sort of represents my eyes into this world, because, you know, I’m not British, I don’t live in 1891 and I wanted the audience to have an accessible character to follow into this story. So in the first episode, we follow Josh. As he meets the characters he is drawn into this very dark, strange and frightening world that the other characters inhabit. What does Josh Hartnett bring to his role as Ethan? Josh, what he brings is incredible sincerity. You know, you look in his eyes and they convey absolute pain, absolute passion, and he is an amazing actor to work with. Smart as a whip as well. What does Timothy Dalton bring to his role as Sir Malcolm? It was a joy when the idea of Tim came for Sir Malcolm, because I conceived Sir Malcolm as sort of a combination of Sir Richard Burton and Stanley Baker and a collection of those sort of rapacious Victorian explorers and I knew I needed an actor with swagger, with a real sort BcX[[Ua^\?T]]h3aTPSUd[ of mischievous swagger and danger. And Tim has all of that in spades. He can look at you with a twinkle in his eye and charm you to pieces so you melt in front of him and he can also give you a steely look, the same steely look, you know, an African explorer would give an uncharted tributary of the Nile. I’m delighted to have him. ²?4==H3A4035D; 8B0B2;>B40B8< 4E4A6>8=6C> 64CC>FA8C8=60 =>E4;B>C74A4 8B0?0AC82D;0A :8=3>5 B0C8B502C8>= C>8C³ Why was Eva Green chosen to play Vanessa Ives? I sort of envisioned the part with her playing it, because she is the fulcrum around which all the other characters orbit. And I knew I had to have an incredible actor to play that part, who had sincerity, who had incredible passion and commitment, because Vanessa Ives, the character Eva plays, goes through a very difficult and dangerous journey and I needed an actor who is fearless. And I’ve seen Eva’s work over the years. She is nothing if not fearless, so I began the process of wooing her for about six months, you know, to play the part and dis- cussing it and sort of trying to convince her to do it and we teased it out together. We read the scenes together and I can’t imagine anyone on Earth doing Vanessa Ives. She is my touchstone for the show. How would you describe the show’s aesthetic? Sam Mendes is a great filmmaker and when he and Juan Bayona and I talked about the look and feel of the show, you know, what we came to is granular reality. We didn’t want it to look like a pastiche. We didn’t want it to look like a Hammer horror movie or a Universal horror movie or anything else. We wanted it to have it’s own granular reality because, you know, Juan said very early on to me for something to be frightening it has to be true. So that’s what we’re trying to do. More on creating the show’s aesthetic... It’s creating our own unique version of 1891 London, because we don’t CA038C8>=8=CA4=3$<8=DC4B 5dXUbUQ\V_b]c 8]b_XaTSQhU^[Z[^aTP]SUPQ[Tb60DA0=6B707³b 2WXcaBT]PfPb[XZTP_^TcahX]\^cX^] What are the advantages of shooting the series in Dublin? Originally we thought we were going to shoot the show in London, but we realised that to find Victorian London architecture we could more easily find it in Dublin. It is also the home of Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker. So we went to Ardmore Studios, took over the entire studio, had all the sound stages we needed to build these rather massive Victorian-era sets. And also my parents are from Belfast, so for me it’s sort of a bit of a coming home actually, working in Ireland. ?aXhP]ZP2W^_aPeXbXcTScWTbTcb^U 9WP[PZ3XZWW[P9PPc^_a^\^cTWTa \^eXT<Pah:^\8cfPb^]T^U cWT\^bcT]cTacPX]X]VT_Xb^STTeTa fWTaTbWT]^c^][hbW^fTSWTa SP]RX]V\^eTbfXcWcWTX]W^dbT QTPdch<PSWdaX3XgXc=T]T^] AP\[TT[PQdcP[b^VPeTQ^gX]V [Tbb^]bP]SbW^fRPbTSWTabZX[[b CWTT_Xb^STPXcbc^]XVWc :DWFK 2XW 1>G4AB7>FB74A<>E4B 7>=4C74C0;4=C A^_X]VX]b^\T^UcWTQTbc Tg_TacbX]cWTX]Sdbcahc^W^]TcWT cP[T]c^UcWTR^]cTbcP]cb^]cWT bW^fITTCEWXb[TPeX]V]^bc^]T d]cda]TSc^\PZTcWXbbTPb^]^U 8]SXP´b1Tbc2X]TbcPabQXVVTaP]S QTccTacWP]TeTaQTU^aT EXbXcX]VcWTbTcbPUTffTTZbPV^fPb1^[[hf^^S _W^c^VaP_WTa0eX]PbW6^fPaXZTafW^bW^c\^RZ\^eXT _^bcTabfXcWcWTR^]cTbcP]cbCTPRWX]VcWT\cWT]dP]RTb^U UPRX]VPRP\TaPP]SWT[_X]VcWT\VTccWTXaQ^Sh[P]VdPVT aXVWc0eX]PbWbda_aXbTScWTZXSbfXcWcWT^dcR^\TCWT bcd]]X]V\^eXT_^bcTabT]STSd_WPScWTYdSVTbP]ScWT R^]cTbcP]cbcWT\bT[eTbQ^f[TS^eTa¨cWThWPS]^XSTPcWTh R^d[S[^^Zb^V^^S B lending folklore and fables of 16th century temple art with 21st century forms, Gaurang Shah’s Chitr-Sena collection was poetry in motion at Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014. The show opened to the melodious voice of Shubha Mudgal who sang the theme song of Chitr-Sena as the models gracefully glided down the ramp. For contemporary fashion lovers, Gaurang’s collection had irresistible heritage and artistry. The kalidaars, kurtas, lehengas dhotis and sherwanis were glamour personified, while the silhouettes revealed inspirations from Afghani history yet tailored with Indian fabrics. The wide range of motifs started with garuda, rudraksh, hamsa, shikarga, sher, bhagha, haathi, morni and shikari to create a mélange of flora and fauna. Embellishments were restricted to zardozi and badla to add glitter to the garments. Chitr-Sena was also a rainbow of exotic colours that started with tantubha-yellow, zyamablue, hasti-green, ayasa-grey and kasaya-brown with futuristic colours like sutara-yellow, succhaya-pink, suka-green and uditi-orange. The rich weaves of the fabrics and saris projected tradition for the modern dresser. Bringing in a hint of variety, there were embroidered cigarette pants, slim kurtas with animal embroidery, a graceful purple maxi, tiered empire line angarakha and a pink asymmetric floor skimming creation. Adding to the ethnicity of the garments were interesting lutkans at the ends of choli tieups, dupattas and saris featured wooden birds and animals. A flash of printed lining for some of the garments added an innovative touch. The four men’s wear entries were restrained with dhotis, kurta with embroidered sleeves, angarakha and sherwani all draped with ornate dupattas. Stopping the show was Taapsee Pannu who wore an orange/yellow sari with lush border. Designers Ekta Jaipura and Ruchira Kandhari under their label “Ekru” presented a riot of colours and fabrics. Ikat was focal point of the collection, with extensive use of chanderi, handloom cotton, ghicha and silk. Vibrant hues created a melangé of colours as fuchsia, red, yellow and lime teamed up with darker tones of bottle green, wine and navy. want to be photo-realistic, we wanted to have a dramatic version of what that is. So working with all the department heads, we had to define what we think our world is and what it should look like, what it should smell like, what the texture should be. And thankfully, working with Gabriella Pescucci on the costumes, Jonathan McKinstry on the art direction, you know, was an absolute pleasure because they’re visionary artists and they embrace the idea of what the show is. And what was great about all of them is they work from the inside out, you know, what the characters have to express. So when Gabriella and I met to talk about what Eva should wear, what her clothes should be, we talked about her character, we talked about how she is an austere woman, but she has great emotion within her. So the palette that Gabriella created was dark to suggest the sort of sinister demons within Vanessa with these shots of plum or red, which shows sort of the passion, you know, that’s also bubbling under the surface. And so all the department heads have worked from that perspective and I think because this is our first year and we’re all just making it up as we go, I think everyone has a sense of shared authorship about the show. Because I don’t think it is my show, I think it is ourshow and that’s as true for the cast as it is for all the designers. 78C>=A0<? CT[TeXbX^]_^_d[PaY^SXb[XZT9PX 1P]dbWP[XP]S<PWXEXY6da\TTc 2WPdSWaPhP]S3TQX]P1^]]TaYTT 0P\Xa0[XP]SBP]YTTSPBWTXZWAP`TbW EPbWXbcWP]SAXSSWX3^VaP1PZWcXhPPa 8aP]XP]SCP]PPi8aP]XfX[[Qda]cWT bcPVT^]UXaTfXcWcWTaP\_fP[ZU^a B^]h?P[b]TfX]XcXPcXeTHTW?P[ 7P\PaP7PXB^]h?P[cWTd_R^\X]V 642cWPc_a^\XbTbc^aTb^]PcTfXcWcWT TcW^b^UcWTcaPSXcX^]P[hTc\^STa] 8]SXP]f^\P]XbR^\X]Vd_fXcWP d]X`dT_a^_TachHTW?P[7P\PaP7PX c^RT[TQaPcTP]SWXVW[XVWc cWTSXUUTaT]cbWPSTb^Uf^\P]W^^SCWT_^_d[PacT[TeXbX^]_PXa fX[[bP[dcTcWTf^\P]W^^ScWTb_TRXP[QaXSTb^U8]SXPPRc 0=4C4A=0;;>BB!<8=DC4B 5^T_VQ^UbQ Embellishments were lavishly splashed on the garments with hand and machine embroidery merging with great ease. Thread, aari and zardozi added to the luxurious feel of the collection. The silhouettes were fluid and flowing as anarkalis, tunics, lean kurtas and draped creations were ideal for every fastidious dresser during the festive season. Dupattas matched the kurtas, while dual-toned saris had shimmering embellishments and impressive borders. Shararas were worn with regal longsleeved coats and asymmetric hemlines added to the grace of tunics. Detailing was interesting with draped accents at an angle for the kurtas, attached dupattas, velvet edges for hemlines, coat style kurta over chiffon layered sharara; while the waistcoat or bolero gave the sari/choli combo a new fashion direction. More eye-catchers were a sheer peplum blouse over sharara and long luxurious kurta with tiny shrug. For traditional touches with hints of contemporary designing, Jaipura and Kandhari offered the perfect festive line. 9]P]_XcWPfPaSfX]]TaDA0=0=C70<DAC7H fW^bca^STcWT:P]]PSP[XcTaPahf^a[S[XZTP R^[^bbdbfXcWWXb_PcWQaTPZX]Vf^aZb_PbbTSPfPh nanpith award winner U R Ananthamurthy, who Jstrode the Kannada literary world like a colossus with his pathbreaking works, died of multiple health complications at a private hospital. Ananthamurthy, rated as one of the best writers in the country who won acclaims from critics and fans alike, breathed his last this evening, 10 days after he was hospitalised with fever and infection, the doctor attending on him said. The 82-year old Ananthamurthy is survived by his wife Esther, a son and a daughter. “He had a cardiac arrest. We tried to resuscitate but it was not successful,” hospital spokesperson said. Ananthamurthy, who had been suffering from kidney-related disease for some years and undergoing dialysis treatment, turned critical last night, he said. “His condition got critical since last night and blood pressure also deteriorated. He was also facing breathing problem, so we had kept him under ventilator..,” he said. In his several decades of literary life, he has won the Padma Bhushan in 1998, Jnanpith award in 1994 and the state Rajyothsava award in 1984. His nomination for the 2013 Man Booker International Prize brought him to the attention of a Western audience. He was also the Vice-Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala during the late 1980s. ?C8 b_^ac $ '%",&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 8=380?A02C8B4F4;; :^W[XAPhdSdUXaTP]S:Pa]BWPa\P_XRZbd_" #PbeXbXc^abQTPc<XSS[TbTgQh($ad]bX]fPa\d_VP\T ?C8Q ;>=3>= <XSc^daRWP]VTbWPaS ^]_[PhTab)3aPeXS U nder-fire batsman Virat Kohli finally came good and the bowlers delivered to help India beat Middlesex by 95 runs in the the 50-over practice game at Lord's here on Friday. Chasing a target of 231 runs, the hosts were bowled out for 135 runs (39.5 overs) with youngster Karn Sharma picking three for 14. Earlier, Kohli and Ambati Rayudu hit halfcenturies before India were dismissed for a paltry 230 runs in 44.2 overs. Kohli scored 71 runs off 75 balls, with eight fours and a six, while Rayudu retired out after scoring 72 runs, off 82 balls, with eight fours. The two batsmen put up 104 runs for the fourth wicket after the top-order had been dismissed cheaply once again. India made first use of the wicket in this one-off practice match before the first ODI in Bristol on August 25. Kohli led the side in the absence of MS Dhoni, though the team-sheets listed that all 17 players were once included in the match, with 11 batting and 11 fielding. Shikhar Dhawan (10) and Rohit Sharma (8) were united at the top for India as they made a brisk start, scoring 19 runs in the first three overs. But then the brakes were applied as the two batsmen were dismissed within ten runs of each other. Dhawan was caught at short mid-on in an attempt to clear the infield while Sharma top-edged a catch to third man, albeit at the shortest boundary on the ground. Ajinkya Rahane (14) came in to bat at number four and he got a little cameo-start in, but then holed out at mid-off, again looking to clear the in-field. India were struggling at 52/3 in the 14th over when Kohli and Rayudu came together. They looked comfortable at the crease, although the stand-in skipper still seemed rusty from his poor show in the Test series prior. They batted together for 16.3 runs and it seemed India were looking at a 250-plus score. But then Kohli was caught behind off left-arm spinner Ravi Patel (2-56) and that changed the complexion of the innings. Ravindra Jadeja (7) was sent up the order but he wasted this chance, holing out to deep mid-wicket in an effort to clear the ropes. After the 200-run mark was crossed in the 40th over, Rayudu retired out and R Ashwin (18), trapped LBW, followed him back to the pavilion immediately. It became three dismissals in succession as offbreak bowler Ollie Rayner (4-32) also sent back Stuart Binny for a first-ball duck. Young guns Sanju Samson (6) and Karn Sharma (8 not out) came together but Rayner was on a roll as he snapped up the former, caught and bowled, and then accounted for Suresh Raina (5) as well. The latter came to bat at number eleven and was held back for getting some practice in a finisher-role during the death overs, but that tactic failed as Raina was stumped cheaply. Steve Finn (1-20), Gurjit Sandhu (1-65) and James Harris (1-29) were the other bowlers deployed by Middlesex. Their chase never really got off properly as Bhuvneshwar Kumar (1-7) and Mohammad Shami (1-13) struck early blows to reduce them to 11/2 in the fourth over. Afterwards, the incoming ODI New Delhi: Indian batting legend Rahul Dravid has said that he would have preferred to wait till the end of India's England tour to make changes to the support staff as such decisions could be "tough on everyone concerned". Talking about the appointment of former India captain Ravi Shastri as Team Director after India lost the fifth and final Test against England in under three days to go down 1-3 in the series, Dravid said: "You don't have problems if people want to make changes, it's part of professional sport." "(But) there is still not a lot of clarity on whether this is a long term appointment or the changes we have seen are for this series, so there's a bit of confusion around that." With the Indian team management forcing bowling coach Joe Dawes and fielding consultant Trevor Penney to go on a break while former India allrounder Sanjay Bangar, ex-pacer Bharat Arun and R Sridhar (fielding) were added as assistant coaches. Dravid told 'ESPNcricinfo' that taking such a decision in the middle of a tour was "tough on everyone concerned". "Sometimes from a players' perspective that can be quite hard. I hope that's something Ravi will handle quite well. All these players also build relationships with support staff and as players you do recognise that EXaPc:^W[XWPbQTT]P_aT\XTaQPcb\P]U^a8]SXPbX]RT! 5X[T?W^c^ 5[T\X]VQPcbU^a3W^]X µ3XWWLQJXSUXQVRQERDUGLVNH\¶ Mumbai: Ex-New Zealand skipper Stephen Fleming backed under-fire Mahendra Singh Dhoni as still the best option to lead India in Tests notwithstanding the squad's 1-3 defeat to England, saying it was pointless to make a change without addressing problems plaguing the team. Fleming, who also coaches the Dhoni-led IPL team Chennai Super Kings, was of the view that there appeared to be no viable alternative to the flamboyant cricketer. "It is fine just to say that the captain has to go, but if you are giving the problem to someone else without a strong solution then you are just papering over the problem," he told reporters at an New Zealand Education event here. "But how far you go with that will be a Board decision. That comes down to what the succession plan is. Who is next in line, bowlers were put into action by stand-in skipper Kohli. Mohit Sharma (1-20), Umesh Yadav (1-32) and Dhawal Kulkarni (1-13) had a nice little work-out of bowling at the Middlesex batsmen. who is putting pressure on Dhoni?" asked the 41-year-old. "He (Dhoni) may still be the man for the job but there might need to be some changes within and without. Those questions need to be asked rather than the emotional black and white (response) he has got to go," said the former opener. Dhoni's captaincy has been criticised by several former cricketers following the team's humiliating defeat in the five-game rubber and Fleming agreed the wicketkeeper- batsman was under pressure following the dismal result. "He is got to be under pressure as the leader of the side. The dramatic turn of form (of team which led 1-0 and then lost the last three games without a fight) does warrant those questions. His form with the bat was good, but certainly the captain always gets looked at when the series goes wrong,” he said. PTI Brief Scores India: 230 (Virat Kohli 71, Ambati Rayudu retired out 71; Ollie Rayner 4/32, Ravi Patel 2/56) beat Middlesex: 135 (James Harris 20; Karn Sharma 3/14) by 95 runs. Mumbai: Veteran seamer Zaheer Khan feels India would struggle to make an impact overseas unless the batsmen raised their game and notch up big scores consistently. India's woeful run of form away from home continued as they were blanked 3-1 by England in the recently-concluded Tests series, with two matches ending in less than three days. "I have always felt that if you score 350 runs in the first innings then you are always in the game. If you don't achieve that then you are always catching up with the game," Zaheer was quoted as saying by 'ESPNcricinfo'. "The success we had overseas in the past, the key was that we put the runs on the board. Then we won that battle, and then you went and got those wickets as well," he added. Indications are that the left-arm swing bowler is not likely to play any part in the upcoming Champions League Twenty20 though he says his recovery is moving in the "right direction". The Champions League T20 is scheduled to be held from September 13-October 4 across various centres in India. ;Q\\Yc@_\\QbT_`dV_b9@<dUQ]c ?=BQ =4F34;78 Group A: Kolkata Knight Riders, Dolphins, Perth Scorchers, Chennai Super Kings, A team from the Qualifier. Group B: Kings XI Punjab, Cape Cobras, Hobart Hurricanes, Barbados Tridents, A team from the Qualifier Qualifier: Q1 - Lahore Lions, Q2 - Mumbai Indians, Q3 — Northern Knights, Q4 — Southern Express. A ll the players named by more than two teams for the Champions League Twenty20, including South African legend Jacques Kallis and West Indian dasher Kieron Pollard, have opted for their IPL franchises instead of their domestic teams. "Eight players scheduled to take part in the competition were in high demand after being named in more than one squad, after their respective Twenty20 clubs from around the world qualified for the tournament," CLT20 organisers said in a statement. The tournament is scheduled to be played in India from September 13 to October 4. Explaining the process for deciding which teams these players would represent, CLT20 Governing Council member and Director of Legal and Business Affairs, Dean Kino, said like previous seasons, the IPL franchises will have to financially compensate the teams that the players have left. "Like previous seasons, players who have been named by more than one team have been asked to nominate which side they are going to represent. Players are free to make any decision they wish. Teams are then allowed to replace any player that has withdrawn from their squad and elected to play at some level you are actually responsible for your own success and failure," he said. Though the move to make Shastri Team Director has sparked off a wave of speculation about Duncan Fletcher's future as head coach, but Dravid said: "It will be up to him to decide whether he is comfortable in continuing in the role in this new kind of environment, wherein he will have to report to someone at the ground." Having worked extensively with Fletcher as a player, as well as team mentor recently, Dravid said the Zimbabwean got along well with the players. "If you ask me, I think he's got a lot of knowledge and I know having been around the team that the team does respect him and a lot of them get along very well with him and do ask him for a lot of technical advice. There is a good rapport between him and Dhoni," he said. PTI E4CC>A8C>?;0H :^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTab´9PR`dTb:P[[Xb <d\QPX8]SXP]b´:XTa^]?^[[PaS for another side," he said. "CLT20 regulations state that when a player elects to play for their 'away' team, that team must pay the 'home' team $150,000 compensation per player. A 'home' team is classified as a team from the country a player is eligible to represent in international cricket," he added. Therefore, New Zealand's rising star Corey Anderson will play for Mumbai Indians, while Australia's George Bailey will turn up for Kings XI Punjab. Kallis has opted for Kolkata Knight Riders instead of Cape Cobras, while Pollard and Lasith Malinga have gone with Mumbai Indians. The tournament will follow a format similar to the three previous editions, with a Group Stage preceded by a Qualifier. A total of 29 matches will be played in the competition. The Group Stage will be played from September 17 to October 4. It will feature 10 teams. The Qualifier will be played from September 13 to September 16. At the Group stage, each side will play the other four in its group once, with the top two sides from each group going through to the semi-finals. In the Qualifier, all teams will play each other once, with the top two advancing to the Group Stage. The top team from Group A will play the second-ranked team from Group B, and vice versa, in the semi-finals, both of which will be played at Hyderabad on October 2. Bengaluru will host the final on October 4. Wellington: Former New Zealand captain Daniel Vettori will play for Northern Districts province at next month's Champions League Twenty20 cricket tournament in India. The 35-year-old Vettori, who played the most-recent of his 112 tests for New Zealand two years ago, became available when his Jamaican side was eliminated from contention in the Caribbean Premier League. New Zealand allrounder Corey Anderson is unavailable for Northern Districts, but will play at the Champions tournament for his Indian Premier League side, the Mumbai Indians. Northern's 15-man squad has yet to be confirmed, but will include Vettori and current or former New Zealand players Scott Styris, Kane Williamson, Tim Southee, Trent Boult, BJ Watling and Daniel Flynn. AP IPWTTa: :WP] 5X[T?W^c^ "I have to just go with how my body is responding and the important thing is for me to play again, I have to bowl at my best. First I have to satisfy myself that I am there and that I can deliver. If I am able to live up to the stress and pressures of international cricket, I'll just take a call at that time." Zaheer has played 92 Tests and 200 ODIs over a 14-year career. Zaheer had sustained a tendon injury in his bowling arm while playing for Mumbai Indians against Kings XI Punjab in the IPL on May 3 at the Wankhede stadium. Zaheer followed Indian seamers' performance in England and felt losing Ishant Sharma to injury after the Lord's Test win was a big setback. "If someone is bowling well in a long series and is able to create a big impact, that's what we were missing. There are things you learn with experience. The whole bowling unit is very young. At this level it is important that you get into a good routine and manage yourself well." PTI 0[^cc^_[PhU^a Dubai: Exciting time awaits international cricket in the next couple of weeks as six top-ranked sides in the ICC ODI Team Rankings, including second-placed India go head to head with eyes firmly set on next year's ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, which is just 175 days away. Hambantota will host the first of three matches between Sri Lanka and Pakistan tomorrow, while in Harare on Monday, the tri-series between Australia, South Africa and Zimbabwe gets underway with the opening match between the host and Australia. Also on Monday, Bristol will stage the first ODI of the five-match series between India and England. In the meantime, eighthranked West Indies is already involved in its series against ninth-ranked Bangladesh, and leads the three-match series 10. This series concludes on Monday. There is a lot to play for in the 17 matches scheduled over the next 16 days. PTI ?PZXbcP]aTVa^d_U^aB;>38b 05?Q 70<10=C>C0 akistan and Sri Lanka begin a three-match oneP day series on Saturday hoping to gauge each other's firepower and bench strength ahead of the World Cup just six months away. The two former world champions have been drawn in different halves for one-day cricket's showpiece that is to be played in Australia and New Zealand in February and March. Pakistan, the 1992 champions, will look to bounce back after an embarrassing 2-0 whitewash for Misbah-ul Haq's tourists in the short Test series that concluded on Monday. Sri Lanka, who won the World Cup four years later in 1996, hope to build on a successful run by Angelo Mathews' team in limited-overs cricket this year when they won the one-day Asia Cup and the World Twenty20. "Our recent record has been good, but we have to make sure we remain consistent and do the basics right," Mathews said ahead of the first match in Hambantota. "The one-dayers will be different and Pakistan will come hard at us. They are a good side and we have to be at the top of BaX;P]ZP´b:d\PaBP]VPZZPaPRWTRZbWXbQPcSdaX]VP_aPRcXRTbTbbX^] our game." Mahela Jayawardene, who retired this week from Test cricket to concentrate on his World Cup preparations, and fellow veteran Kumar Sangakkara lead a strong batting line-up that also includes opener Tillakaratne Dlshan. Sri Lanka will miss offspinner Sachithra Senenayake, who is undergoing remedial work on his bowling action after being reported by umpires on the England tour in June. But Pakistan will be with- 0? ?PZXbcP]cWT ((!RWP\_X^]b fX[[[^^Zc^ Q^d]RTQPRZ PUcTaP] T\QPaaPbbX]V! fWXcTfPbWU^a <XbQPWd[7P`b c^daXbcbX]cWT bW^acCTbcbTaXTb cWPcR^]R[dSTS ^]<^]SPh out one-day cricket's top bowler Saeed Ajmal for part of the series with the off-spinner, who was also reported for a suspect action, flying to Australia for testing. "If he gets a flight on Friday then he will miss the first oneday (match) but we are trying to get him back by August 26 in time for the next game a day later in Colombo," team manager Moin Khan said. Pakistan captain Misbah was confident the tourists will recover from the Test whitewash to put on a better display in the one-dayers. "This is a different format and we play it well," said Misbah, whose team beat Sri Lanka 3-2 in the oneday series in the United Arab Emirates in December. "This is a good chance to assess ourselves since the World Cup is not too far away. Every one-dayer we play will tell us where we stand." Pakistan were reinforced by eight one-day specialists, including the talismanic Shahid Afridi and former captain Mohammad Hafeez, who joined the squad after the Tests. Lanky paceman Mohammad Irfan, one of cricket's tallest bowlers at seven feet, one inch (2.16 metres), is also back after recovering from a hip injury. b_^ac % DEHRADUN,&%-'%. ,%(&- /0/123 5[`\VcHRhcZ_\RZ_e`fXYYR]W BTR^]SbTTS5TSTaTafX[[[]^cUPRT3Y^Z^eXRd]cX[UX]P[WPb5TaaTa3X\Xca^eU^aR^\_P]h 8=C7458ABC A>D=38==4F H>A:;0BCH40A B74;>BC%% C>F8;;80<B 39>:>E822>D;3 50240=3H <DAA0H8=C74 @D0AC4A58=0;B <DAA0H140C 0?■ =4FH>A: F ormer champions Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray face a potential tough US Open quarter-final after the draw was made for the final Grand Slam of 2014. World number one Djokovic, who won the title at Flushing Meadows in 2011, is the top seed in the tournament, which is missing injured defending champion Rafael Nadal. Eighth-seeded Murray, the 2012 US Open winner who hasn’t won a title since his 2013 Wimbledon triumph, could face dangerous French ninth seed JoWilfried Tsonga in the round of 16. Meanwhile, second-seeded Roger Federer has a lighter-looking path, with seventh-seeded Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov his scheduled quarter-final foe. On the women’s front, Serena Williams will face an up-and-coming American player in the first round of the U.S. Open. The 32-year-old Williams has won 17 Grand Slam titles. At age 18, Taylor Townsend is in her ! DBRWP\_X^]=^ePZ3Y^Z^eXRXbbTTSTS^]TU^acWT! #TSXcX^]^UcWTc^da]P\T]cfWX[TRWP\_X^]Ua^\!#!'A^VTa5TSTaTaaXVWcXbbTTSTScf^ third major tournament. Townsend is a former topVenus Williams could face Halep in the quarterfinals. After she won her in the quarters. ranked junior player who reached events of 2014. Second-seeded Simona Halep the round of 16, though Williams “The way my year’s been going, first Wimbledon title in 2011, she the third round at the French Open this year. She got into her I’m worried about every single lost in the first round at the U.S. and fourth-seeded Agnieszka hasn’t gotten that far at a major Radwanska are in the other half of tournament since 2011. The 34first U.S. Open main draw with a match,” she said after Thursday’s Open. Kvitova could face two-time the draw. Halep could meet five- year-old Williams, seeded 19th, draw ceremony. wild card. If she makes the quarterfinals, Australian Open champ Victoria time major champ Maria meets 43-year-old Kimiko DateIf Djokovic beats Murray, he Krumm in the first round. may face Australian Open champ she could meet eighth-seeded Ana Azarenka in the round of 16. Sharapova in the quarterfinals. Serena Williams could play Sharapova, seeded fifth, has a Stan Wawrinka in one semifinal. Ivanovic, who beat her at the Azarenka lost to Williams in the Federer and fourth-seeded David Australian Open. Wimbledon finals at Flushing Meadows the last tough first-round matchup against 2010 French Open champion champ Petra Kvitova could await in two years but is seeded just 16th fellow Russian Maria Kirilenko, Francesca Schiavone in the second Ferrer are in the other half. who has been ranked as high as round. At age 34, Schiavone is after an injury-plagued season. Williams, seeking her third the semifinals. Kvitova and seventh-seeded 10th and is a three-time major down to 76th in the rankings, and Kvitova, though, has always straight title at Flushing Meadows, in the first round in New York last hasn’t reached the quarterfinals at struggled at the year’s last major Eugenie Bouchard could play a quarterfinalist. Seven-time major champ year she lost 6-0, 6-1 to Williams. any of the first three Grand Slam tournament, never even reaching rematch of their Wimbledon final 4YR^aZ`_d2e]VeZT` e``aV_TR^aRZX_ 0?■ 10A24;>=0 he Spanish league opens this weekend with the three main title contenders — Atletico T Madrid, Real Madrid, and Barcelona — all facing smaller clubs they will be expected to beat. Defending champion Atletico Madrid has the most challenging matchup, playing at Rayo Vallecano, while the two traditional powerhouses start the competition at home. Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid will not player their respective matches until Monday in order to give them an extra day of rest after they play the second leg of the Spanish Super Cup on Friday. Madrid has only won the league once in the last six seasons and launches its bid to change that against promoted club Cordoba. New arrivals James Rodriguez and Toni Kroos could get their Spanish league debuts. Rodriguez scored in his first official game at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium on Tuesday in the first leg of the Super Cup, which the teams drew 1-1. Cordoba is coached by former Barcelona and Chelsea player Albert Ferrer. 0;<>BC5>A6>CC4= With all the hype generated by the transfer activity at Barcelona and Real Madrid this offseason, it’s easy to forget that Atletico is still the team to dethrone in La Liga. Diego Simeone’s team opens its title defense at crosstown rival Rayo Vallecano on Monday night. 1A8=68=C742>0274B Eight coaches will make their debut for their new teams this weekend. The toughest introduction will likely be for Valencia’s new manager, Portuguese Nuno Espirito Santo, who has to take his team to Europa League champion Sevilla. Other managers to debut are Sergio Gonzalez for Espanyol, Joaquin Caparros for Granada, Jose Mendilibar for Levante, Javi Gracia for Malaga, Eduardo Berizzo for Celta Vigo and Victor Fernandez for the promoted Deportivo La Coruna. 0?■ <0=274BC4A O ne round of Premier League games has already backed up many pundits’ pre-season predictions, notably that Chelsea and Manchester City are title favorites and Manchester United needed more than just a change of manager to arrest its slump. Strengthened by new attacking signings Diego Costa and Cesc Fabregas, Chelsea delivered the best display of the opening weekend in beating Burnley 31 away and meets another promoted side, Leicester, in its second match Saturday. City was less eye-catching in its 2-0 win at Newcastle but the result served notice that the defending champions won’t be giving up its title easily. Next up for City is Liverpool — the team it pipped to the championship in May — at home on Monday. Things aren’t looking so promising for United and its new manager Louis van Gaal, who are looking to avoid a second straight defeat in an away match at Sunderland. Here are five things to know about the upcoming Premier League matches: B27>;4B540AB Perhaps the most damning assessment of United following its 2-1 opening-day loss to Swansea came from its former midfield maestro, Paul Scholes. “I am scared for United,” Scholes wrote in Thursday’s Independent newspaper. “Genuinely scared that they could go into the wilderness in the same way that Liverpool did in the 1990s.” After finishing seventh last season in the turbulent reign of David Moyes, there was renewed =>8=380=8=B8=6;4B 0? In the round of 16, Murray could get ninth-seeded Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who beat Djokovic, Murray, Grigor Dimitrov and Federer to win the title at the hardcourt tournament in Toronto this month. Wawrinka could meet Wimbledon semifinalist Milos Raonic in the quarterfinals. The seventh-seeded Dimitrov, the other young player to break through with a semifinal run at Wimbledon, could face Federer in the quarters. DY]UV_bb_e^Tdg_ &KHOVHD$UVHQDOIDFH%XUQOH\DQG(YHUWRQUHVSHFWLYHO\ Burnley win went to Fabregas, who added incisiveness to a Chelsea forward line that let down manager Jose Mourinho too often last season. “I think a player like Cesc, every team wants him,” said Chelsea forward Andre Schuerrle, who scored from one of Fabregas’ astute passes. Except for maybe Arsenal, which turned down the option of signing Fabregas this summer. Leicester started life back in the Premier League with a 2-2 draw against Everton and can expect a long afternoon of defending at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. hope at Old Trafford following the hiring of the experienced Louis van Gaal and an unbeaten record in preseason. But the home loss to Swansea punctured that optimism, highlighting the deficiencies that still exist in the team — a lack of pace and dynamism in its attack and a lack of experience in defense. The signing on Wednesday of left-sided defender Marcos Rojo from Sporting Lisbon will help but there’s a general feeling that a superstar needs to arrive at United before the summer transfer window closes if the team is to finish in the top four. Sunderland started with a 22 draw at West Bromwich Albion. FIRST BLOCKBUSTER City and Liverpool meet at Etihad Stadium in the first blockbuster match of the new season, featuring the teams who occupied the top two positions in May. Both teams started off this season with victories, although Liverpool’s 2-1 win over Southampton was less convincing and showed the reliance the Reds will have on Daniel Sturridge in the absence of Luis Suarez. Sturridge scored the late winner at Anfield for his 36th goal in his first 50 leagueappearances for Liverpool — the best record of any of the club’s list of great strikers in the Premier League era. With only Rickie Lambert as 0? 2WT[bTP´b2TbR5PQaTVPb a genuine backup for Sturridge, manager Brendan Rodgers is looking to add another forward in the transfer window and Liverpool has been linked strongly with a move for Italy striker Mario Balotelli. A deal for Balotelli would need to be wrapped up before Friday lunchtime in Britain for his first match for Liverpool to be against his former club. SLICK CHELSEA With Costa already in the goals, Fabregas slotting in nicely in midfield and the defense looking as strong as ever, there doesn’t appear to be a weakness in Chelsea’s team as it goes for a first championship since 2010. Most of the plaudits after the EUROPEAN DISTRACTION Tied at 0-0 with Besiktas after the first leg of its Champions League playoff, Arsenal’s players may have one eye on Wednesday’s return game when they play Everton on Saturday. And that could be dangerous for manager Arsene Wenger, whose team was blown away 30 in the corresponding fixture at Goodison Park last season. That loss sparked a run of five straight victories by Arsenal that saw Wenger’s side claim the fourth and final Champions League spot ahead of Everton. Arsenal’s trio of German World Cup winners, Mesut Ozil, Per Mertesacker and Lukas Podolski, could be in line for recalls after missing the 2-1 win over Crystal Palace on Saturday because they lacked match fitness. (\HVRQ0HUFHGHVWZLQVDV+DPLOWRQEHDWV5RVEHUJLQSUDFWLFH 0?■ B?0 L CTRW]XRXP]bSd\_PQdRZTc^UXRTfPcTa^]<TaRTSTbSaXeTa;TfXb7P\X[c^]c^R^\_[TcTcWT 8RT1dRZTc2WP[[T]VTX]bd__^ac^UcWT0;B0bb^RXPcX^]fWXRWXbaPXbX]VUd]SbX]XcbQPcc[T 0? c^RdaT;^d6TWaXV´bSXbTPbTPUcTaUXabc_aPRcXRTbTbbX^]X]1T[VXd\^]5aXSPh ewis Hamilton posted the fastest time in the second practice of theBelgian Grand Prix on Friday, finishing ahead of Mercedes teammate Nico Rosberg as their positions from the morning session were reversed. Conditions were cool and overcast for both runs, although the rain stayed away on the 7-kilometer (4.3-mile) Spa track - the longest on the calendar. Times were faster in the afternoon, with Hamilton completing 26 laps and clocking a best lap of 1 minute, 49.189 seconds - more than half a second faster than Rosberg, who stayed out for two laps longer. The F1 championship resumed this weekend following a summer break, with Rosberg leading Hamilton by just 11 points. The Briton leads Rosberg 5-4 in race wins this season, but has retired from two races. Two-time F1 champion Fernando Alonso was third quickest both times in his Ferrari. Four-time defending champion Sebastian Vettel sat out the second session because of a power unit failure due to an electrical problem in the morning, where he finished nearly two seconds behind Rosberg in 11th. The red flag came up twice in the afternoon session. Venezuelan driver Pastor Maldonado lost control of his Lotus and Mexican Esteban Gutierrez stalled his Sauber. Vettel, who finished second in qualifying at the Hungarian GP last month, could not even get his Red Bull out of the garage. ADBB80=6?>=CA02: Formula One ringmaster Bernie Ecclestone on Friday said he had no doubt that this year’s con- 5>DAC8<43454=38=6270<?8>= B410BC80=E4CC4;B0C>DCC74 B42>=3B4BB8>=1420DB4>50?>F4A D=8C508;DA43D4C>0=4;42CA820; ?A>1;4<8=C74<>A=8=6 troversial inaugural Russian Grand Prix in Sochi will go ahead as planned in early October. Speaking to reporters in the paddock at Belgian Grand Prix practice, the 83-year-old Briton said he and Formula One would respect their contract with the promoters. “We have a contract,” he said. “Our friends there are happy with the contract, we are happy. We will be there. If people have arguments with Russia, maybe they have, but we haven’t got any.” Earlier this week, the International Motoring Federation (FIA) race director Charlie Whiting gave the Sochi Autodrome circuit the green light to stage the race from October 10-12. This came despite calls for F1 to boycott Russia because of the conflict in Crimea between pro-Russian separatists and Ukraine. There will be no Indian competing in the singles event of the US Open this year as all three players have been eliminated from the qualifying competition following second round defeats of Yuki Bhambri and Sanam Singh, here. Yuki Bhambri, who has missed on-court action for five months this season due to injury, lost to Ireland’s James McGee 7-5 2-6 5-7 in two hours and 19 minutes. Sanam Singh also had a one-set advantage before eventually losing 7-5 6-7(3) 3-6 to Anderas Beck of Germany in two hours and 16 minutes. The country’s top player Somdev Devvarman, who has been struggling since the Delhi Open victory in February, had crashed out in the first round. Yuki converted only three of the 13 break chances while the Irish players broke the Indian five times out of 13 chances. James fired nine winners to none from the Indian. Sanam Singh committed nine double faults in the contest and Beck converted only three of the seven break chances. 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