MTE 2: Ch 2103 5:30-7pm on Mar 26 Contents of MTE2 ! Contact me and Prof. Rzchowski after this lecture for Alternate Exams (also by email asap!) 2:30-4pm 6:00-7:30pm on Mar 26 Office hrs change this week Wed morning ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Work of the electric force and potential energy Electric Potential and Field Capacitors and capacitance Current and resistance, Ohm’s law DC Circuits and Kirchoff’s laws RC circuits Lorentz force and motion of charge in a magnetic field Biot and Savart No Ampere’s law, No Magnetic Properties of matter (32.6, 32.10) Study chapters 27-32 (no 32.6, no 32.10) 1 RC Circuits and Magnetism Current Conservation: 1st Kirchoff’s law This Lecture: I2 •More on Kirchhoff’s laws •RC Circuits •Magnets and B-field •Lorentz force and motion of charge in a B-field I1 Iin I3 I1=I2+I3 I1 I3 From previous lecture: •Connections of resistors and capacitors •Batteries and Electromotive Force •DC circuits and measurements of currents and potential difference •1st Kirchoff’s laws Iout I2 Iout = Iin I1+I2=I3 ! Junction Rule: ! ! Iin = ! Iout A statement of Conservation of Charge 4 Kirchhoff’s Rules: energy conservation Loop Rule: ! ! "V What is the current and the power? = # "V = 0 loop k A statement of Conservation of Energy k Remember that a charge that moves around a closed loop back to the starting point has potential energy difference !U=0 (conservative electric force) I - potential increases ! + 25! 5! potential decreases 12V + 6V - + 40! I 25! 5! potential decreases "1 # "2 # (r1 + R1 + R2 + r2 + R3 )I = 0 - + I= potential increases "1 # "2 6 = = 0.06A r1 + R1 + R2 + r2 + R3 100 Power dissipated in resistors is P = RI2 Power produced by battery is P = "1 I - "2 I 6 ! ! Kirchoff’s laws application I1 2 loops Assume 1 current verse per loop I2 In the Lab this week RC Circuits Until now, circuits with resistors and batteries where the current is constant in wires (Direct Current Circuits). Connections of R and C: current varies with time during charge and discharge of C. Charge: S2 open and S1 closed (C connected to battery) Discharge: S1 open, S2 closed (battery disconnected from C) I3 " I1 = I3 + I2 " I3 = I1 # I2 8V + 4V # 4V #1$I1 # 2$I1 # 2$(I1 # I2 ) = 0 #4V # 6$I2 # 2$(I2 # I1 ) = 0 7 ! How fast does a C charge or discharge? ! RC Circuits: charge At t=0 C is uncharged and S1 is closed (S2 open). Current flows in C and it starts to charge it. C behaves like a short circuit (VC=q/C=0 because q=0) and I0 = I(t=0) = "/R. At any t the potential difference at the battery terminals equals the potential difference on R and C and the charge increases on C: The time it takes to charge or discharge a capacitor in an RC circuit depends on the time constant Ohm’s law Current definition $ "V Q ' $ Q"t ' # =& ) % I "V )( % Q ( [RC] = & I= It is a time! It is easily measurable by you in the lab if it is of the order of fractions of seconds ! Eg R 100k% and C 1µF ! RC 0.1 s " = #VR + #VC = RI + I" = I(t # ") = 0 ! 9 ! Current and charge vs time Differentiate " = RI + ! q dI I dI dt #0=R + # =$ C dt C I RC I(t)=I0 e-t/RC q(t) = C"(1 – e-t/RC) VC=q/C VR=RI 2 2 2 Energy stored in C is U = Q = C " = 1 C" 2 2C 2C 2 provided by the battery " q" = C# ! ! dq dt A simple rule of thumb ! When the capacitor is initially connected to the battery it is uncharged and it behaves as a short circuit I0 = I(t=0) = "/R. ! After 3#, C is 95% charged q C The current becomes exponentially zero when the max charge is reached because the potential difference across the capacitor matches that supplied by the battery I from I0 = "/R exponentially goes to zero while the charge builds up on C After 1#, charge increases from 0 to C"(1-e-1) = 63.2% of its max value C" ! I= dq dt ! When C is fully charged I = 0 and it behaves as an open circuit I# = I(t$#0) = 0 12 Question: Discharging a Capacitor in an RC Circuit Exclude battery close S" 2 ! ! dq Q "t / RC =" e dt RC ! q decreases exponentially In 1# = RC, q decreases from initial value Q to 36.8% Q In 1# = RC, current decreases from I0 = Q/CR = "/R to 36.8% I0 ! ! ! ! A B C All 3 are equally bright. ! ! ! 15 Biological Membrane Electrical Model ! ! ! ! A B C A and B Cell Membranes The circuit contains 3 identical light bulbs and a capacitor. At the instant the switch S is closed (C uncharged), which light bulb/s is/are brightest? ! This circuit contains 3 identical light bulbs and a capacitor. Which light bulb(s) is (are) dimmest? The capacitor is fully charged 14 Question: ! ! ! q = Qe-t/RC I(t) = " ! q/C = RI I = -dq/dt Lipid bilayers of cell membranes like capacitors Typical capacitance: 35 pF (in reality factor of 10 larger because it is not an empty capacitor) Resting potential (voltage of inactive cell)= excess of negative charge inside the cell. The cell becomes depolarized when it undergoes an action potential = rapid change of polarity from - to + due to an influx of Na+ and back from + to - due to K+ outflux. Current of 70 ions per ms Prof Moss lecture! Magnetism The cell membrane can be modeled as an RC circuit with time constants in the range from 10 µs to 1 s = (RA)(C/A) C results from the separation of charges across the bilayer of lipids: C/A = 1 µF/cm2 R results from the behavior of ion channels: R = $L/A % R A = $L = 10-106 & cm2. In reality ion channels have a variable resistance. the battery accounts for the cell’s resting potential •Nobel prize 1963: A. Hodgkin & A. Huxley on the giant squid axon Minocqua, WI, Aug 2005 Antarctica, July 1993 18 Magnets Let’s Break A Magnet! 13th century BC: Chinese already used a compass with a magnetic needle 800 BC: Greeks discovered magnetite (Fe3O4) ! ! ! Like poles repel each other ! ! Magnetic poles are always found in pairs! A monopole has never been observed (but…)! N-N or S-S Unlike poles attract each other ! ! N-S Magnetic Fields in ordinary life Magnetotactic bacteria Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) (Blakemore, 1975) orient and migrate along the geomagnetic field towards favorable habitats, a behavior known as magnetotaxis. MTB are aquatic microorganisms inhabiting freshwater and marine environments. William Gilbert (1600) : Earth is a gigantic magnet! Magnetic disc (floppy or hard disk): a memory device covered with a magnetic coating on which digital information is stored in the form of microscopically small, magnetized needles. Aurora Borealis Magnetic interaction and field ! ! there is a ‘field’ associated with the magnetic interaction. B = magnetic field vector ! ! ! ! Has both magnitude and direction Magnitude = magnetic field strength Magnetic Fields ! ! ! ! A vector quantity (B) compass needle traces B field lines and points towards N B-field lines start in N and go to S they do not start or stop (no magnetic monopoles Electric dipole Iron filings show pattern of B-field lines SI unit of magnetic field: tesla (T) CGS unit: gauss (G): 1 T = 104 G (Earth surface 0.5 G) Refrigerator magnet 5 x 10-3 T 23 - +