2003 ThammasatInt. J. Sc. Tech..Vol. 8. No. 4. October-December PracticalAspectsof the Simulationof TwoDimensionalFlow Around Obstacle with Lattice BoltzmannMethod (LBM) PhadungsakRatanadecho Departmentof MechanicalEngineering,Facultyof Engineering, ThammasatUniversity(RangsitCampus),Klong Luang,Pathumthani12121 Tel (02) 564-3001Fax (02) 564-3010 E-mail: ratphadu@engr.tu.ac.th Abstract The latticeBoltzmannmethod(LBM) basedon the D2Q9 model and a singlerelaxationtime method calledthe lattice-BGK methodare described.Numericalresultsfor a discretemicroscopicdescriptionof a low Reynoldsnumber flow in a two-dimensionalchannelflow are reportedand its practicalrelevance was investigatedby comparingit with the analyticalresults.It is found that this approachimprovesthe understandingof the flow pattern in highly complex geometriesand to obtain a reliable model for its operatingbehaviourand design. Keywords: latticeBoltzmannmethod,simulation,porousmedia,obstacle,D2Q9. experiment. The crucial justification of this methodology is the observationthat in many fields of sciences,there are several levels of reality. The LBM is a derivative of the lattice gas automata method which was first proposed about a dozen years ago by a number of physicists.Nowadays, the method has quickly found its way in dealing with a number of engineeringflow problems. Unlike classical methods which discretized solve the macroscopicNavier-Stokesequations,the LBM is based on microscopic particle models and mesoscopickinetic equations.The fundamental conceptof the LBM is to "constructsimplified kinetic models that incorporate the essential processes physicsof microscopicor mesoscopic so that the macroscopic averaged properties obey the desiredmacroscopicequations". The LBM is especiallyuseful for modeling interfacialdynamics,flows over porous media, flow problems in highly complex geometries and variousthermodynamicpropertiesof a fluid system,such as the multiphaseflows problem (Ratanadechoet al., [5]-[7] and Ratanadecho [8]-[9] and Bernsdorfetal. [10]), in a relatively straightforward way. In addition, the LBM 1. Introduction Recently, lattice gas automata (LGA) and latticeBoltzmannautomataapproaches(Frich et al. [1] and Frich et al. l2l) have been shown to be attractivealternativesto classicalmethodsin CFD, e.g., finite volume methods and Finite elementmethodsfor the solution of the partial differential equations(PDE), i.e, Navier-Stokes equations(Noble et al. [3] and Noble et al. [4]). Panial differential equations(PDE) have been the only and most tractable way to describe dynamical and spatially extendedsystem,for a longtime. However, as more difficult problems are considered, PDE may be less adequateand cannot always be formulatedwhen complicated local dynamics involving thresholds or discontinuity are studied. Finally, the sophisticatednumerical schemesused to solve PDE often screen out the nature of the process being analyzedand preventtheir generalization to new phenomena. In these situations, a descriptionbasedon a simple model of reality, insteadof an exact equation,is quite powerful. The solution procedureis replacedby a direct computer simulation of the model, from which predictions can be made, as in a laboratory 27 2003 4, October-December algorithm tends to be very simple, allowing parallelismin a straightforwardmanner. The objectiveof the study is to developan algorithm based on lattice- Boltzmann (BGK) automata(Qian et al. I l]) to investigatea twodimension flow around an arbitrary obstacle mounted in a channel for a range of Reynolds numbersbetween80 and 300 as well as flow around a highly complex obstacle.In order to check the accuracy,the calculationsfrom the present LBM model are comparedwith the theoreticalresult for the single phasechannel flow problem. 2. Description of Numerical Method The concept of LBM treats the fluid on a statisticallevel, simulatingthe movementand interactionof single particles or ensembleaveraged particle density distributions by solving a velocity discrete Boltzmann-type equation. The lattice-Boltzmannmethod has been shown to be a very efficient tool for flow simulation in highly complex geometries by up to severalmillion grid points. discretized For the present computation, a 2D ninespeed(D2Q9) lattice-Boltzmannautomatawith (Bhatnagar single time Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook et al. [12]) relaxationcollision operatorA;Boi'' p r o p o s e bd y Q a i ne t a l . [ 1 1 ] i s u s e d : f , ( t .* t , 7+. i ) = . f , ( t . , i ) +g ' " (r) Ll""'=r(f"" -.f,) Q) with a localequilibriumdistributionfunction 1y'i"q : [ " ,, uul " " ",)l f ; q t , o ] t '' ,# - : :- ' l, # - u .-\ t \ rl (3) /t This local equilibriumdistributionfunction .f,"' has to be computed every time step for 2.1 Numerical schemes All numericalsimulationspresentedin this paper will be briefly described here. For simplicity, an equidistantorthogonallattice is chosen for common LBM computation.This could be done without a significant loss of memory and performance,since the LBM requiresrnuchlessmemoryand CPU time than every node from the componentsof the local flow velocitiesuo and up, thefluid densityp , a lattice geometry weighting factor /, and the speedof soundc,, which we choseto recover the incompressibletime-dependentNavierS t o k e se q u a t i o n(sQ i a ne t a l . [ 1 1 ] ) : classicalmethods.On every lafticenode r- , a set of i real numbers, the particle density distributions/ , is stored. The updating of the A,p+6"4*")=0 fattice basically consists of two steps: a streamingprocess,where the particle densities are shiftedin discretetime stepsd throughthe latticealongthe connectionlinesin directionc, , to their next neighboringnodes/, +c, - and a relaxation step, where locally a new particle distribution is computed by evaluating an equivalentto the Boltzmanncollision integrals ( 4,o""'). For every time step, all quantities appearing in the Navier-Stokes equations (density, velocity, pressure gradient and viscosity)can locally be computedin terms of simplefunctionsof this densitydistributionand (for the viscosity)of the relaxationparametero. 28 a,(pr"y+ar(ou"uu)= -au,+ pa or. + 0"u,,) 1t(a (4) (5) In addition, the left side of Eq. (l) is stagein LBM, and to the "translation" analogous "collision"stage.For example,in the right to the "D2Q9" model,thereare 9 the two-dimensional velocities1 i, ; on a square lattice: one has "rest" particle; speed:Oand correspondsto a a t 0 , 9 0 , 1 8 0a n d2 7 0 a r e f o u r h a v es p e e d - la n d degrees;and four have speed:Ji at 45, 135, as shownin Fig. l. 225 and315 degrees, ThammasatInt. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. 8. No. 4. October-December 2003 KK# ffiffi'ffi, Fig.l Schematic 2D lattice Boltzmann calculation on a square lattice, after the translationstep. Shown are 6 fluid sites and 3 wall sites (the wall is shown with a brick pattern). the lattice-Boltzmannequation is of second order,thesebounce-backconditionsare the most efficient ones for arbitrary complex geometries. Furthermore, previous investigations showed that the error produced by the bounce-back boundaryconditions is sufficiently small if the relaxation parameterar is close enough to 2. Therefore, we believe that the bounce-back conditions can still be used without any influenceon the order of the LBM scheme,if at is chosen within a suitablerange.Furtherrnore, the bounce-backboundary conditions are the most efficient ones for arbitrary complex geometries, which are most typical for the applicationof LBM. Inlet and outlet boundary conditions In order to simulate a fully developed laminar channel flow, a parabolic velocity profile with a maximum velocity u_ is prescribedat the channel inlet whereas fixed pressureoutlet boundaryconditionsare chosen. Through careful choice of the equilibrium distribution,the macroscopicquantities(density, velocity, pressure gradient and viscosity) fulfilling the Navier-Stokes equation can be obtainedin terms of the momentsof the particle d i s t r i b u t i o nf u n c t i o n" f , ( t . r ) a t e a c h s i t e . e . g . for the D2Q9 model: Inilial boundary conditions For the validationtest cases,the equilibrium distribution function f,"q was computed from given velocity fields for uniform pressure distributionand taken as the initial solirtion for the density distribution function I . The flow field for the arbitraryobstacleis initialized with Densify: y=) l,(r.tl (6) f,(r-t)c,l p (7) t /-/J F l o w v e f o c i t y u' = ) / \ the equilibrium distribution function f,"q for zero velocity and uniform pressure,and the inlet velocity had slowly been increasedduring the first few thousand iterations, to avoid the generationof pressurewaves. l Pressure: p = pc: 1 ( ) Viscosity:,=il;-r) (8) \ (e) 2.2Boundaryconditions Llall boundary conditions Thereis a long and still ongoingdiscussion on the properuseof boundaryconditionswithin the frameworkof LBM. Although it is known that simple bounce-back wall boundary conditions are of first-order accuracywhereas 29 3. Result and Discussion In order to check the accuracy, the calculations from present LBM model are compared with the theoretical result for the single phasechannelflow problem.Comparison of the velocity profile in Fig. 2 showsthe same trend although the spatial variation of the velocity profile near the center of channel predictedby our model is slightly higher than the theoreticalresult. This might be due to the initializationof the densitieswith equilibrium distribution f,"q because of lower iteration numbers. 2003 Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 8, No. 4, October-December Thammasat are positioned vertically centered in the first third section of the computational domain with sizes betweenI x h = 500 x 80 and / x h = 2000 x 320 latticeunits. -.-.. .r...t' /,'/' - < " "it' a' ] l ---- --- " o' ' - I l Fig. 3 Obstacleof sized x x in channelof size lxh Fig.2 Singlephasechannelflow For the wall, a no-slip boundarycondition is realized by particle density bounce-back. A parabolicvelocity inflow profile is applied,and the outlet pressureis fixed. The only quantity taken into account in the present analysis is the Strouhal number St, computed from the obstacle diameter d , the measured frequency of the wakes / and the maximumvelocity umd, as definedin Eq. (l l): The good results for the above test case clearly show the possibility of performing accuratenumericalsimulationfor various single phase channel flow problem with the present implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method. Especially, as is already known from the latticeBoltzmanntheory,wherethis quantity could be taken into account for a proper definition of viscosity, no problems with the numericaldissipationhavebeenobserved. st= fd 3.1 Flow around a square obstacle The flow around a square obstacle positionedinside a channelwas simulatedfor a range of Reynoldsnumber Re between80 and 300, definedby the lengthofthe obstacled,the maximum flow velocity lt-*of the parabolic All computationsare done on one processor of the Pentium III. Starting with zero flow velocity and uniform pressure,after a sufficient number of iterations, time-dependent flow evolves with a fixed frequencyl This frequency ;f was determined by spectral analysis of the temporal evolution of the v-component of the flow velocity at several points in the wake behindthe obstacle. For this quantity, the numerical convergence of the schemewith respectto grid resolutionwas investigated first. What is known from fluid mechanics,and can be reproducedvery well by our simulations(see Fig.4), is the fact that the topology ofthe vortex sheddingbehind a square obstaclechangessignificantly with the Reynolds number. For a Reynolds number of 80 the separationpoint of the vorticesis observedto be the rear edge of the obstacle, whereas it moves from the rear to the front edge ofthe obstaclefor higher Reynolds numbers.At Re = 266, small secondaryvortices can be found at the top and inflow profile and the dynamicviscosity v as: F(e=u^*d (11) u^o (10) v In this region, it is known from experiments and other numericalstudiesthat vortex shedding is observed and a two-dimensional time dependentflow evolves.At a Reynoldsnumber Re above approximately 300, the flow might and two-dimensional becomethree-dimensional, computations will therefore not produce physicalresults. According to the computationaldomain as shown in Fig. 3, obstaclesof sizesrangingfrom d x d : l0 x 10 up to dx d = 40 x40 latticeunits 30 2003 Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 8, No. 4, October-December Thammasat For one full period, the streamlinesof a sheddingvortex are shown in Fig.6 at Re : 80. One can see a small vortex developing at the rear top edge of the squareobstacle,which is moving downwardswhile growing, and moves upwards while growing, to separatefinally from the top rear edgeofthe obstacle. bottom ofthe obstacle.A sufficientresolutiono1 this secondary vortex appearsto be crucial for the developmentofa correctsheddingfrequency f, which results in the necessityfor finer grids for higher Reynoldsnumbers. The dependenceof the Strouhalnumber St on grid resolution can be seen for Reynolds numbers between 80 and 266 in Fig.5. The values indicatesecond-orderconvergenceof the scheme,and lattice sizesof I x h : 2000 x 320 for obstaclesof dimension d : 40 product results with good accuracy for Reynolds numbers up to 300. For Reynolds numbers < 100, near dependenceof Strouhal number on grid resolution can be observed, which is in accordancewith our observationsconcerning secondaryvortices. 0.15! ot16 lD E Ia o.r* '. A .. ORcoe €!n . tti 9p.Al0 ai|?. Zt6 t'-.'--.-'-.-€l ,c.. 6 €p ors 6 - ! - . - l - $ ll-j:r..,:g-O . - - . _ _- - _ _ - o - - - . le _- - _ - - _ - € '--- ---- -a l!00 Lattice x-Size Fig.5 StrouhalnumberSt as a function of linear lattice dimension I for different Reynolds Number Re 3.2 Flow around a highly complex obstacle For practical applications, this simple procedureas explained in the previous section allows for an easy implementationof arbitrary complex. structures (e.g. the flow simulation through a porous structureas presentedin Fig. 7).or to changethe obstaclestructureduring the computation,which is necessaryfor problems with time varying flow geometry.To illustrate the capabilitiesof LBM, the flow contoursand velocity vector fields during fluid flow througha highly complexporousstructureare presentedin Fig. 8. It is evident from the figure thal regardlessof the complexity of the pores, the flow features expected are well captured by using LBM simulation. (a) 4. Conclusion With two classicalflow studies,this paperis able to show that our implementationof the lattice BGK automatayields reliable resultsfor time-dependentflows. Strouhal numbers St for two-dimensionalchannelflows around a square obstaclewith a blockageratio of b = 0.125 and Reynolds numbers between 80 and 300 are measurednumerically. It is shown that for a correctevaluationofthe Strouhalnumberhigher (b) Fig.4 Flow around a square obstacle at (a) Re=80 and (b) Re=266,for the higher Reynolds number,secondaryvorticesaboveand below the squareobstacleare displayed 3l ThammasatInt. J. Sc. Tech..Vol 8, No. 4, October-December 2003 grid resolutions are necessary for higher Reynolds numbers owing to the generationof small secondaryvortices below and above the obstacle,which haveto be resolvednumerically. In addition,concerningcomplexgeometries, the CPU time for the LBM first decreasedwith increasingcomplexity of the obstaclestructure (e.g. the flow simulation through a porous structure as presentedin Fig. 8) and become almost independentfrom it for highly complex h) {e) )z structures. In summary, the LBM method strengthensthe often stressedopinion that this method is competitive with respect to the applicationof CFD especially for problems involving complex geometriessuch as porous media. The next step in researchin this area is to measurethe performanceof LBM model against exoeriment. ThammasatInt. J. Sc. Tech..Vol. 8. No. 4. October-December 2003 ts) Fig.6 One periodof vortexsheddingbehinda squareobstacleat R*80 33 2003 Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 8, No. 4, October-December Thammasat Ernrnr -+ ffi@l +ffiffi I rLUUU + . ------F FLOW + -+ EEEE Esss EEEE E EEE a a r t r t | t a a a I ! r r r ! a t ! t a ! t r r r ! ! a a ! ! ! l ! ! l ! ! a a ! a i ! a ! 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