CAREER TECHNICAL PROGRAMS Manufacturing Technology ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE CERTIFICATE CAREER PATHWAY CERTIFICATE PROFESSIONAL UPGRADE • Course work in manufacturing technology prepares students for careers in high-tech manufacturing by producing products to exacting industrial standards utilizing current manual and computer-aided machine tool technology. Many classes are taught in a flexible, open-lab format and students may enter the program any term. Individualized daytime and evening instruction is provided in the operation of machine tools such as: lathes, mills, surface and cylindrical grinders and common machine shop equipment. Included in the degree program is the study of computer numerical control (CNC) programming and machining for milling, turning and electrical discharge machining (EDM), as well as courses in computeraided manufacturing (CAM) utilizing current industrial CAD/CAM software. Quality control is stressed while students are taught a wide range of measuring and inspection techniques. Other topics include courses offered in welding, materials science and basic electricity. Many students enroll in these courses to upgrade existing job skills and several of our courses satisfy the continuing education unit (CEU) requirements of local apprenticeships and trade organizations. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING- TECHNOLOGY (OlT Transfer Courses) The CCC Manufacturing Technology Department, in partnership with Oregon Institute of Technology (OlT), offers a Significant number of transferable classes into OlTs Manufacturing Engineering Technology degree program. Contact the Manufacturi ng Department, ext. 2062 for more information. CAD/CAM TECHNOLOGY DEGREE See degree program on page 33. MANUFACTURING TECHNOlOGY CERTIFICATE FIRST TERM MFG-I04 MFG-I07 MFG-lll MTH-050* MFG-I06 MFG-1l3** MFG-2S0 Applied Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing for Manufacturing Machine Tool Fundamentals III Manufacturing Technology/CWE Manufacturing Technology program electives Human Relations requirement (see page 21) Minimum credits required for certificate 3 3 51 MANUFACTURING TECHNOlOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE: 2ND YEAR FOURTH TERM For students who need a quick-entry strategy into the work force, an individualized education and employment plan can be created that concentrates the knowledge and skills necessary to start or change a career path. Please see a faculty advisor for more information. A short-term training certificate is available. For information contact Mike Mattson, Department Chair, ext. 2483 or ; or the Manu facturing Department, ext. 2062 . 3 6 2 Complete certificate program. MFG-201 MFG-204 MFG-211 MTH-OSO* SHORT TERM TRAINING 3 9 . 3 MANUFACTURING TECHNOlOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE: 1ST YEAR Career opportunities may include machine tool operator, CNC programmer/operator and CAD/CAM technicians. CNC MACHINING TECHNICIAN 2 THIRD TERM CAREERS See Career Pathway Certificate program on page 36. 2 3 9 3 SECOND TERM MFG-105 Dimensional Inspection MFG-109 Computer Literacy for Technicians or MFG-209 Programming and Automation for Manufacturing MFG-1l2 Machine Tool Fundamentals II WR-lOl * Communication Skills: Occupational Writing PROGRAM OUTCOMES Program outcomes include the skills necessary for entrylevel technician and operator positions in manufacturing technology trades. Program outcomes also include the skills necessary for employment as apprentice machinist, leading to careers in tool and die making, maintenance machining, mold and model making. CREDITS Print Reading Industrial Safety & First Aid Machine Tool Fundamentals I Technical Mathematics I CREDITS CNC I: Setup & Operation Computer-Aided Manufacturing I Machine Tool Fundamentals IV Technical Mathematics II 4 4 6 3 CNC II: Programming & Operation Computer-Aided Manufacturing II Manufacturing Technology program electives PElHealth requirement (see page 21) 4 4 3 3 CNC Ill: Applied Programming & Operation Computer-Aided Manufacturing 1lI Materials Science Manufacturing Technology/CWE General elective (any college-level course) 3 3 3 2 3 FIFTH TERM MFG-202 MFG-205 SIXTH TERM MFG-203 MFG-206 MFG-221 MFG-2S0 * Minimum credits required for degree Visit Clackamas Community College on the web at 96 CAREER TECHNICAL PROGRAMS MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM ELECTIVES Complete three or more credits from the following: COURSE CDT-103 CDT-I08A CDT-223 MFG-lOl MFG-1l3 . MFG-130 WLD-lSO CREDITS Computer-Aided Drafting I Introduction to Solid M~deling Inventor Fundamentals Essential Skills for Manufacturing I Machine Tool Fundamentals III Basic Electricity I Welding Processes Or other technical courses with departmental approval 4 3 3 2-4 3 3 4 *Substitute college transfer courses for these courses if you plan to . continue your education at a higher education institution. It is recommended that you consult with a faculty advisor or a staff member in the Advising & Counseling Center for the transfer requirements of the specific advanced program or school. * *Students seeking to earn the associate's degree must take nine credits of MFG-113 Visit Clackamas Community College on the web at