Half-Wave Dipole Antenna for GSM Applications

International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume-2 Number-4 Issue-6 December-2012
Half-Wave Dipole Antenna for GSM Applications
Parminder Singh1, Ankita Sharma2 , Neha Uniyal3 ,Richa Kala4
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Doaba Women Institute of Engg. & Tech.
Kharar(Mohali), India
HOD1 , student 2 , student 3 , student 4
parminder.db@gmail.com1 , sharma91ankita@gmail.co m2 ,nehauniyal91@g mail.co m3 ,kala1008richa@g mail.co m4
rod or wire, in line with each other, with a small
space between them. The radio frequency voltage is
applied to the antenna at the center, between the two
conductors. The geometry of this antenna, which is a
cylindrical structure, is fully described by five
parameters, including length, radius, feeding gap,
frequency and wavelength.
For a half wave dipole the length of the dipole
should be half of the wavelength but practically it‟s
0.45 times of the wavelength. The dipole antenna
consists of two terminals or "poles" into which radio
frequency current flows. This current and the
associated voltage causes and electromagnetic or
radio signal to be radiated. Being more specific, a
dipole is generally taken to be an antenna that
consists of a resonant length of conductor cut to
enable it to be connected to the feeder. Typically a
dipole antenna is formed by two quarter wavelength
conductors or elements placed back to back for a total
length of λ/2. A standing wave on an element of a
length λ/4 yields the greatest voltage differential, as
one end of the element is at a node while the other is
at an antinode of the wave. The larger the differential
voltage, the greater the current between the
elements.-as in [1].
The dipole antenna or dipole aerial is one of the
most important and commonly used types of RF
antenna. It is widely used on its own, and it is also
incorporated into many other RF antenna designs
where it forms the driven element for the antenna.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to
investigate new half wave dipole antenna for GSM
Applications. A dipole antenna approximately onehalf wavelength long is the half wave dipole
antenna. The antenna is made to resonate at the
1.995 GHz frequency. CST MWS Software is used
for the simulation and design calculations of the
half wave dipole antennas. The return loss, VSWR,
Directivity, gain, radiation pattern are evaluated.
Using CST MWS simulation software proposed
antenna is designed/simulated and optimized. The
antenna exhibits a frequency band from 1.877 GHz
to 2.1199 GHz which is suitable for applications.
Half Wave Dipole Antenna, GSM, CST Microwave
Studio, Single Band
1. Introduction
A half wave dipole wire antenna is introduced which
is operating at 1.995 GHz frequency and will be used
for GSM application, which is one of the most
important and widely used standard for mobile
communications. Dipole antenna is a radio antenna
that can be made of a simple wire, with a center-fed
driven element. It consists of two metal conductors of
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume-2 Number-4 Issue-6 December-2012
R=73 (ohms)
3. Design Parameters
Fig (2) shows the front view geometry and the
structure designed on CST Microwave Studio
software of the half wave dipole antenna for GSM
application. The dimensions and parameters for
proposed antenna have been optimized so as to get
the best possible impedance match to the antenna.
The following parameters are used for design of
proposed antenna.
Fig.1. (a) Geometry of half wave dipole antenna (b)
Voltage distribution (c) Current distribution- as in [3]
2. Geometry of Half Wave Dipole
In this antenna the half wave dipole has the length
L=70.44 mm which is 0.45 times of the wavelength
and the radius R=0.14778mm. The feeding gap
g=0.3522mm. In this work the feeding impedance of
73 ohms is being used. Antenna is designed for the
resonating frequency of 1.995 GHz.
Fig. 2: Design Structure on CST Microwave Studio
Design frequency = 0 - 3 GHz
Length of wire = 70.44 mm
Radius of wire= 0.14778 mm
Feed gap = 0.3522 mm
To design the half wave dipole antenna the following
relationships are being used to calculate the
dimensions of the half wave dipole antenna.-as in[3]
4. Simulation Results
W v =c/f
L=0.475 W v =143/f (MHz)
L=length of antenna
R=radius of antenna
f=resonating frequency
g=feeding gap
W v =wavelength
Free Space Far-field Radiations: For the half –wave
dipole the far-field radiations are calculated by using
the formula-as in [2]
Fn (θ)=[cos((π/2)(cosθ)/sin(θ)]2
A prototype of the proposed half wave dipole antenna
of length 70.44 mm, radius 0.14778 mm and feed
gap 0.3522 mm was designed and constructed to
resonate at 1.995 GHz frequency. The achieved
antenna impedance is 73 ohm as shown in Fig.6,
which is the required impedance.
Gain of Dipole Antenna: Following is the formula for
calculating the gain of half wave dipole-as in [4]
G λ /2 =602 /30R λ /2
Input Impedance: The input impedance is calculated
for half wave dipole which is given as following -as in
Fig.3: Simulated Return loss curve
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume-2 Number-4 Issue-6 December-2012
5. Conclusion
A half-wave dipole antenna has been designed and
simulated using CST Microwave Studio software.
This is operating in the frequency band of 1.877 GHz
to 2.1199 GHz covering GSM frequency range. The
simulated impedance bandwidth at the 1.995 GHz
band is around 0.2429GHz The simulated and
measured results show that the antenna has perfect
impedance matching. It is suitable for des igning
antennas for GSM applications. It's reasonable to
assume that the antenna proposed in this paper can
also be used for other potential applications.
Fig.4: Bandwidth plot for GSM
We express our gratitude to the Punjab Technical
University, Jalandhar, for giving us the opportunity to
work on the Antenna Design. We would like to thank
Director-Principal, Doaba Women Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Kharar for their kind
support , invaluable guidance throughout our research
work and the motivation to complete our project
successfully. We specially appreciate the help and
guidance of all those people who have directly or
indirectly helped us making this project a success.
Fig.5: VSWR Curve
Fig.6: 3-D Radiation Pattern of patch Antenna at
1.995 GHz
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International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume-2 Number-4 Issue-6 December-2012
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Parminder S ingh
He has received his B. Tech. (ECE)
degree from Institute of Engineering &
Technology Bhaddal Punjab technical
university Jalandhar in 2008.Currently
he is working as head of department
(ECE) in Doaba Women Institute of
Engineering & Technology, Kharar. He
has three year ten months of teaching experience. He is
pursuing his PG programme in Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering at Institute of Engineering
& Technology, BHADDAL, Punjab Technical University,
Jalandhar. His area of interest is Antenna Design, study of
behaviour of electromagnetic waves .
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Ankita S harma
She is the 4th year student in Doaba
Women Institute of Engineering and
technology Kharar which is affiliated to
Punjab Technical University Jalandhar.
She has worked in this project titled „Halfwave Dipole Antenna for GSM
Neha Uniyal
She is the 4th year student in Doaba
Women Institute of Engineering and
Technology Kharar which is affiliated to
Punjab Technical University Jalandhar.
She has worked in this project titled
„Half-wave Dipole Antenna for GSM
Richa Kala
She is the 4th year student in Doaba
women Institute of Engineering and
technology Kharar which is affiliated to
Punjab Technical University Jalandhar.
She has worked in this project titled
„Half-wave Dipole Antenna for GSM