Drexel University College of Engineering [E] ECEL 304, Electrical and Computer Engineering Lab 4 1. ECEL 304, Electrical and Computer Engineering Lab 4, ece.drexel.edu/courses/ECE-L304 2. Credits: 2.00 Contact Hours: one 50-minute Lecture and one 110-minute Lab per week 3. Instructor: Prawat Nagvajara, Ph.D. (Associate Professor) 4. Textbook and Materials a. Textbook: Real-time Applications Exercises, Prawat Nagvajara, 2015 b. Recommended References: i. CY8CKIT-024 Pioneer Kit Guide, http://www.cypress.com/?docID=47035 ii. PSoC 4 Architecture Technical Reference Manual (TRM), http://www.cypress.com/?docID=46232 iii. PSoC 4 Registers Technical Reference Manual (TRM), http://www.cypress.com/?docID=46227 iv. PSoC 4 Prototype Kit Guide, http://www.cypress.com/?docID=48142 v. PSoC Creator Quick Start Guide, http://www.cypress.com/?docID=41604 vi. Interrupts for PSoC 4, http://www.cypress.com/?rID=82565 vii. PID Controller, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller 5. Specific Course Information a. Brief description of the course (Course Catalog Description) To gain experiences in designing systems with processor (software), digital devices and analog electronics. Design projects include applications to control and signal processing. b. Pre-requisites: ECEL 303 (Minimum Grade: D) c. Required course in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree programs. 6. Specific Goals for the Course a. Course Outcomes: 1. Understanding of design using microcontroller. 2. Basic understanding of software programs for real-time controls. This includes serial interface for program output print, application program interface (API) to the peripheral, interrupts and concurrency. 3. Understanding of hardware peripherals. This includes General Purpose Input Output (GPIO), Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART), Pulse Width Modulator (PWM), timer, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), and basic analog and digital electronic components. 4. Understanding of algorithms for Proportional Integration (PI) control and Fast Fourier Transform. 5. Experience in using Integrated Design Environment (IDE) tools. 6. Having laboratory experiences in using oscilloscope and measurement. b. Students Outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (g) Ability to communicate effectively (writing lab reports) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. c. Drexel Student Learning Priorities (DSLPs) Creative and Critical Thinking Information Literacy Self-directed Learning Use of Technology Use Professional Practice Research, Scholarship and Creative Expression 7. Topics to be Covered a. b. c. d. e. Real-time systems with embedded processor and peripherals Real-time software programming techniques: APIs, interrupts, state machines and concurrency Proportional Integration (PI) control and signal processing with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) IDE and laboratory equipment Design Laboratory Schedule i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Week 1: Introduction (Real-time Applications Exercises) and tutorial Week 2: Serial terminal (UART) Week 3: General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Week 4: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Week 5: Timers Week 6: Electric Motor Speed control Week 7: Analog-to-Digital Convertor (ADC) Week 8: Delay Line Week 9: Real-time signal processing with FFT Week 10: Comparator and Periodic Signals Measurement 8. Evaluation a. Attendance: Must attend Week 1 – 10. Attendance counts 20% (2% per lab) b. Pre-lab assignments: Students demonstrate the design correctness and their understanding. Students demonstrate correctness on the prelab work at the beginning of the lab session. Students earn partial credits on incomplete designs 20% (no prelab 0% Week 1, 3% Week 6 and 3% Week 10 and others 2% per lab) c. In-lab design tasks: Students demonstrate the design correctness and their understanding. Students earn partial credits on incomplete designs. 40% (4% per lab) d. Prelab not completed before the lab session 1% deduction. e. Partial credits given for incomplete prelab work f. No prelab work performed prior to the lab session no credits (zero) g. Lab work not completed before the lab session 1% deduction h. No credits for lab work not completed within one week i. j. Partial credits for incomplete work at the end of the lab session or within one week Lab reports 20% Write 2 proof-of-work reports: Speed control (10%) and 1 KHz-tone detection (10%). Assume the readers are engineers. Report comprises 1. Design description: What does it do? 2. Narrative on Schematic 3. Narrative on Code 4. Results k. Grades assignment A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F : : : : : : : : : ; : scores ≥ 93% 93% < scores ≤ 88% 88% < scores ≤ 83% 83% < scores ≤ 78% 78% < scores ≤ 73% 73% < scores ≤ 68% 78% < scores ≤ 63% 63% < scores ≤ 58% 58% < scores ≤ 53% 53% < scores ≤ 50% scores ≤ 50% 9. Attendance and Credits Policy a. No changes in lab section attendance b. No credits for in-lab tasks if absent. Honest reason for absence will be considered. This includes illness and personal reasons. Dishonest executes refer to the university guideline. c. Pre-lab tasks are due at the beginning of the lab session and lab work is due before the end of the lab session. 10. Academic Policies a. Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Cheating Policy: Refer to “Student Conduct and Community Standards” www.drexel.edu/studentaffairs/community_standards/studentHandbook/ b. Students with Disabilities: Refer to http://drexel.edu/oed/disabilityResources/faculty/SyllabusStatement/ c. Course Drop Policy: Refer to http://www.drexel.edu/provost/policies/course_drop.asp