A Seismic Design Lateral Force Distribution Based on Inelastic State of Structures Shih-Ho Chao,a) M.EERI, Subhash C. Goel,b) M.EERI, and Soon-Sik Leec) It is well recognized that structures designed by current codes undergo large inelastic deformations during major earthquakes. However, lateral force distributions given in the seismic design codes are typically based on results of elastic-response studies. In this paper, lateral force distributions used in the current seismic codes are reviewed and the results obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses of a number of example structures are presented and discussed. It is concluded that code lateral force distributions do not represent the maximum force distributions that may be induced during nonlinear response, which may lead to inaccurate predictions of deformation and force demands, causing structures to behave in a rather unpredictable and undesirable manner. A new lateral force distribution based on study of inelastic behavior is developed by using relative distribution of maximum story shears of the example structures subjected to a wide variety of earthquake ground motions. The results show that the suggested lateral force distribution, especially for the types of framed structures investigated in this study, is more rational and gives a much better prediction of inelastic seismic demands at global as well as at element levels. 关DOI: 10.1193/1.2753549兴 INTRODUCTION The current lateral seismic-force distributions in building codes are generally based on first-mode dynamic solution of lumped multiple-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) elastic systems (ATC 1978, Clough and Penzien 1993, Chopra 2000, BSSC 2003), which can be expressed as: fi1 = V1 冉 wii1 n 兺j=1wjj1 冊 共1兲 where fi1 is the lateral force at level i; V1 is the first-mode base shear; wj is lumped seismic weight at jth level; and j is amplitude of the first mode at jth level. The code expression assumes that the lateral force distribution can be expressed using the first-mode a) Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; E-mail: shchao@umich.edu b) Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; E-mail: subhash@engin.umich.edu c) Senior Bridge Engineer, URS Corporation, Roseville, CA; E-mail: Soon_Sik_Lee@URSCorp.com 547 Earthquake Spectra, Volume 23, No. 3, pages 547–569, August 2007; © 2007, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 548 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE deflected shape of an elastic lumped-mass system subjected to dynamic loading, which can be written as: i1 = hki /L 共2兲 where L is the total height of the structure; hki is the height of level i above the base with exponent k being related to the building’s fundamental period 共T兲. Observations of the elastic response of buildings suggest that the first-mode shape is close to a straight line 共k = 1兲 when the fundamental period is 0.5 s or less; and is close to a parabola 共k = 2兲 when the fundamental period is 2.5 s or longer. This leads to the following code lateral force distribution (BSSC 2003, ICC 2006): Fi = CviV 共3兲 where Cvi = wihki n 兺j=1 wjhkj 共4兲 and Fi is the lateral force applied at level i; Cvi is the vertical distribution factor; V is the total design base shear, which replaces V1 in Equation 1 since V1 is the dominant part of the total force V; wi and wj are the total effective seismic weights at levels i and j, respectively; hi and hj are the heights of levels i and j from the ground, respectively; and n is the number of stories. For structures with natural period between 0.5 and 2.5 s, k is determined by linear interpolation between 1 and 2. Equations 3 and 4 were originally adopted by ATC 3-06 Provisions (ATC 1978), which served as the basis of the NEHRP Provisions (BSSC 2003). These expressions are also used by the current International Building Code (ICC 2006). Similarly, the UBC 97 (ICBO 1997) used distribution of design lateral forces based on a linear mode shape, together with an additional concentrated lateral force at the top level to account for higher mode effects (SEAOC 1999): Fi = 共V − Ft兲 w ih i n 兺j=1wjhj 共5兲 The force at the top level computed from Equation 5 is increased by an additional force: Ft = 0.07TV Ft = 0 if T ⬎ 0.7 s if T ⱕ 0.7 s 共6a兲 共6b兲 where Ft is the additional concentrated force applied at the top level of the structure, in order to account for higher mode effects. It is noted that the IBC/NEHRP and UBC distributions are essentially the same when the fundamental period of the structure is less than 0.5 s. Since most building structures (especially those with large R values) designed ac- A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 549 cording to current code procedures are expected to undergo large deformations in the inelastic range when subjected to major earthquakes, lateral force distributions can be quite different from those given by the code formulas such as Equation 4. In order to achieve the main goal of performance-based seismic design, i.e., a desirable and predictable structural response, it is important to consider inelastic behavior of structures directly in the design process. The commonly used elastic analysis and design procedures in current practice, together with elastic-design lateral force distributions, may not be well suited to fulfill this goal in a realistic manner. One of the essential elements of performance-based seismic design of structures should be to use more realistic design lateral force distribution, which represents peak lateral force distribution in a structure in the inelastic state and includes the higher mode effects. This paper presents a new lateral force distribution based on the study of inelastic responses of various types of structural systems, using extensive nonlinear dynamic analysis results. NEW LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION The format for this new design lateral force distribution based on inelastic state of a structure was originally proposed by Lee and Goel (2001) by using shear distribution factor derived from the relative distribution of maximum story shears of a large number of steel moment frames subjected to selected earthquake records. The suggested expression has a format similar to that of the IBC/NEHRP expression: ⬘V Fi = Cvi 共7兲 where 冉 wh ⬘ = 共i − i+1兲 n n n Cvi 兺j=1wjhj 冉 冊 ␣T−0.2 n 兺j=i w jh j Vi i = = Vn w nh n when i = n, n+1 = 0 冊 ␣T−0.2 共8a兲 共8b兲 where i is the shear distribution factor at level i; Vi and Vn, respectively, are the story shear forces at level i and at the top (nth) level; wj is the seismic weight at level j; hj is the height of level j from the base; wn is the weight at the top level; hn is the height of roof level from the base; T is the fundamental period; Fi is the lateral force at level i; and V is the total design base shear. The value of parameter ␣ was originally proposed as 0.5 by Lee and Goel (2001), which was later revised to 0.75 based on more extensive nonlinear dynamic analyses on eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) and special truss moment frames (STMFs) by Chao and Goel (2005 and 2006a) and is briefly presented in this paper. It is interesting to note that, by using a similar approach (story shear distribution), Park and Medina (2006) proposed a design lateral force distribution for moment frame structures exposed to pulse-type near-fault ground motions. 550 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 1. (a) Floor plan of nine-story building and (b) nine-story moment frame. It should be mentioned that the lateral force distribution as presented in this study is based on story shear distribution Vi / Vn, because it facilitates calculation of lateral forces starting from the top (level n). JUSTIFICATION OF THE NEW LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION Four types of steel frames were evaluated in this study: moment frames (MFs), EBFs, STMFs, and concentrically braced frames (CBFs). The floor plan and elevation views are shown in Figures 1–5. The nine-story MF is the same that was studied by Gupta and Krawinkler (1999), and was designed based on UBC lateral force distribu- Figure 2. (a) Floor plan of three-story building and (b) three-story eccentrically braced frame. A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 551 Figure 3. (a) Floor plan of 10-story building and (b) 10-story eccentrically braced frame. tion. The three- and 10-story EBFs were designed according to both the IBC and the suggested lateral force distributions (Chao and Goel 2005). The nine-story STMF as shown in Figure 4 was designed by using the suggested expression (Chao and Goel 2006a). The six-story CBF (Sabelli 2000), which was originally designed using NEHRP lateral force distribution and 1997 AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC 1997), was rede- Figure 4. (a) Floor plan of nine-story building and (b) nine-story special truss moment frame. 552 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 5. (a) Floor plan of six-story building and (b) six-story concentrically braced frame. signed for this study according to the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC 2005). The member sizes and other details for the study frames can be found in the related references. Nonlinear dynamic analyses were carried out to evaluate the validity of the suggested design lateral force distribution. A total of 21 SAC Los Angeles–region ground motions records (Somerville et al. 1997; fifteen at 10% and six at 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) were used. The characteristics of the selected SAC ground motions are given in Table 1. Analyses for MFs and CBFs were carried out by using the SNAP-2DX program (Rai et al. 1996), while analyses for EBFs and STMFs were conducted by using Perform-3D (RAM 2003) and Perform-2D (RAM 2003), respectively. Details regarding modeling work can be found elsewhere (Lee and Goel 2001, Chao and Goel 2005, 2006a, 2006b). Table 2 summarizes the fundamental periods of all the study frames. The merits of the suggested expression over the code distributions are discussed below. RELATIVE STORY SHEAR DISTRIBUTIONS The suggested new lateral force distribution was justified by investigating the relative story shear distributions (defined as the ratio of maximum story shear force at level i to that at top level n; i.e.,Vi / Vn) as obtained from the nonlinear dynamic analyses. Note that story shear distribution and lateral force distribution have a direct relationship. The story shear, Vx, in any story is the sum of the lateral forces above that story: A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 553 Table 1. Characteristics of ground motions used in this study SAC Name Record Earthquake Magnitude, Mw Distance (km) PGA 共cm/ sec2兲 LA01 LA02 LA04 LA06 LA07 LA09 LA11 LA12 LA13 LA14 LA16 LA17 LA18 LA19 LA20 LA21 LA23 LA24 LA26 LA27 LA30 Imperial Valley, 1940, El Centro Imperial Valley, 1940, El Centro Imperial Valley, 1979, Array #05 Imperial Valley, 1979, Array #06 Landers, 1992, Barstow Landers, 1992, Yermo Loma Prieta, 1989, Gilroy Loma Prieta, 1989, Gilroy Northridge, 1994, Newhall Northridge, 1994, Newhall Northridge, 1994, Rinaldi RS Northridge, 1994, Sylmar Northridge, 1994, Sylmar North Palm Springs, 1986 North Palm Springs, 1986 1995 Kobe 1989 Loma Prieta 1989 Loma Prieta 1994 Northridge 1994 Northridge 1974 Tabas 6.9 6.9 6.5 6.5 7.3 7.3 7 7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6 6 6.9 7 7 6.7 6.7 7.4 10 10 4.1 1.2 36 25 12 12 6.7 6.7 7.5 6.4 6.4 6.7 6.7 3.4 3.5 3.5 7.5 6.4 1.2 452.03 662.88 478.65 230.08 412.98 509.70 652.49 950.93 664.93 644.49 568.58 558.43 801.44 999.43 967.61 1258.00 409.95 463.76 925.29 908.70 972.58 Probability of Exceedence 10%/50yrs 2%/50yrs n Vx = 兺 Fi 共9兲 i=x As can be seen in Figure 6 for the nine-story MF, IBC/NEHRP lateral force distribution significantly deviates from the nonlinear dynamic analysis results. This leads to relatively smaller design story shear forces at upper levels while nonlinear dynamic analyses show that the upper floors are subjected to larger forces than those given by the code formulas. The relatively smaller lateral design forces at upper floors generally result in Table 2. Fundamental period of the study frames Frame Nine-story MF Three-story EBF Ten-story EBF Nine-story STMF Six-story CBF Fundamental Period, T (s) 1.29 0.42 1.42 1.93 0.55 554 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 6. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for nine-story moment frame designed based on NEHRP expression. smaller member sizes and therefore larger story drifts and member deformations at those levels. This trend was noticed in all types of study frames. On the other hand, the suggested lateral force distribution (thus, the relative story shear distribution) is closer to the results obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses. It is noted, as shown in Figure 6, that relative story shear distribution using ␣ = 0.5 generally represents a lower bound of the nonlinear dynamic analysis results. This would normally lead to larger design forces at upper floors, which may result in concentration of inelastic deformation at the lower levels. Further analyses by Chao and Goel (2005 and 2006a) show that relative story shear distribution using ␣ = 0.75 represents an upper bound of the nonlinear dynamic analysis results (Figure 6) and generally leads to more uniform deformations of elements as well as stories over the height of the structure, which will be discussed later. It is also noticed that, by applying an additional lateral force at the top level, the UBC equation gives better prediction than the IBC/NEHRP equation. The reason that the ATC 3-06 (thus IBC and NEHRP) does not include the additional top force can be attributed to the concern that an underestimation of story shears in the lower stories might be more serious than those in the top stories (Newmark and Rosenblueth 1971). However, based on nonlinear dynamic analysis results, it is obvious that the IBC/ NEHRP equation can result in significant underdesign of the top stories with consequent adverse results. Figures 7–10 show the nonlinear dynamic analysis results for three- and 10-story EBFs designed by using both the IBC and the suggested expressions. It is seen that, generally, the difference between the analysis results and the code predictions becomes larger when the building height (or fundamental period) increases (see Table 2). It is also A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 555 Figure 7. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for three-story eccentrically braced frame designed based on IBC expression. noticed from Figures 9 and 10 that the relative story shear distributions obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses have the same trend (i.e., are closer to the suggested distribution) regardless of whether the frame was designed according to the code or the suggested formula. These observations are further confirmed through nonlinear dynamic Figure 8. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for three-story eccentrically braced frame designed based on suggested expression. 556 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 9. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for 10-story eccentrically braced frame designed based on IBC expression. analysis results of the nine-story STMF and six-story CBF as shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively. It should be noted that, because the six-story CBF has a relatively short fundamental period (see Table 2), some analysis results are closer to the code predictions as also observed in the three-story EBFs with even shorter period. Figure 10. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for 10-story eccentrically braced frame designed based on suggested expression. A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 557 Figure 11. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for nine-story special truss moment frame designed based on suggested expression. The suggested design lateral force distribution was further verified by using structural wall systems from the analytical results carried out by other researchers (Iqbal and Derecho 1980). By using the DRAIN-2D program, Iqbal and Derecho conducted nonlinear dynamic analyses of a series of isolated reinforced-concrete structural walls hav- Figure 12. Relative story shear distributions from nonlinear dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for six-story concentrically braced frame designed based on NEHRP (IBC) expression. 558 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Table 3. Structural parameters and ground motions used for analyses of the 10-, 20-, 30-, and 40-story isolated structural walls (Iqbal and Derecho 1980) Wall First-Story Height (ft.) Other Story Height (ft.) Fundamental Period, T (s) Stiffness and Mass Earthquake Ground Motions 10-Story 12 8.75 0.5 1971 Pacoima Dam, S16E 20-Story 12 8.75 1.4 30-Story 12 8.75 2.0 40-Story 12 8.75 3.0 Uniform over wall height Uniform over wall height Uniform over wall height Uniform over wall height 1971 Holiday Orion, E-W 1952 Taft, S69E 1940 El Centro, E-W S1 (Artificial Acc.) 1940 El Centro, N-S ing 10, 20, 30, and 40 stories. These individual cantilever walls represent interior elements of a building and provide the entire lateral load resistance for their tributary floor area. The corresponding parameters and the six ground motions used are given in Table 3. Based on the analysis results, they concluded that the UBC and ATC 3-06 formulas tend to underestimate the shears at the top levels for all the study structural walls. A modified UBC force distribution was proposed based on their observations (Iqbal and Derecho 1980): (a) Normalized shear forces in the top 25% of the wall height should be increased by a factor of: T 共10兲 where 1.0 ⱕ 1 ⱕ 1.5 3 Use of 1 should not result in a normalized shear force greater than that allocated to any portion in the lower 75% of the wall height using UBC distribution. 1 = 2 − (b) Relative story shear distributions for the 10- and 20-story structural walls based on their proposed formula, along with the code distributions and expression suggested in this study, are plotted and shown in Figure 13. As can be seen, the distribution proposed by Iqbal and Derecho for reinforced-concrete structural walls generally agrees with the findings in this study for frame systems, in that the current code formulas can significantly underestimate the story shears at the upper levels when a structural wall deforms into the inelastic range. Note that the straight lines in Iqbal and Derecho’s distribution at upper levels in Figure 13 are due to the constraint (b) in their proposed method. Based on Figure 13, it appears that the suggested formula in this study can also be applied to structural wall systems. In any case, further research, such as using more ground motions as well as coupled wall systems, should be undertaken to determine if a slightly smaller value of ␣ would be more appropriate for structural wall systems. In order to examine the effects of inelastic and elastic behavior on the lateral force distributions, elastic dynamic analyses were carried out for the nine-story STMF. As in- A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 559 Figure 13. Comparison between relative story shear distributions for 10- and 20-story structural walls. dicated in Figure 14, the elastic relative story shear distributions have a tendency to shift toward the code distribution a bit more as opposed to the inelastic analysis results as shown in Figure 11. However, the code expression still does not predict the elastic responses well enough, even though it was developed based on elastic behavior. Figure 15 shows the relative story shear distributions for a 10-story EBF, as obtained from elastic and inelastic dynamic response analyses. As can be seen, the elastic relative story shear distributions are not unique and can vary quite a bit with the ground motion used. On the other hand, the inelastic relative story shear distributions were closer to the values given by the suggested expression (Equation 8; ␣ = 0.75). This is quite understandable because Figure 14. Relative story shear distributions from elastic dynamic analyses, code expressions, and suggested expression for nine-story special truss moment frame. 560 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 15. Selected results of relative story shear distributions from elastic and inelastic dynamic analyses for 10-story eccentrically braced frame. the story shears in the inelastic state are limited by the strength of the system. It is interesting to note that a similar trend was also observed by Goel (1967) in his early study of inelastic seismic behavior of multistory steel moment frames, as shown in Figure 16. MAXIMUM INTERSTORY DRIFT DISTRIBUTIONS Since the suggested lateral force distribution is based on inelastic response, the structures designed by using such distribution tend to be better proportioned. In other words, the possibility of overdesign or underdesign in certain regions is greatly reduced. Figure 17 shows that an EBF designed by using the suggested lateral force distribution Figure 16. Elastic and inelastic story shear distributions of a 10-story moment frame (Goel 1967). A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 561 Figure 17. Comparison of maximum interstory drift distribution between EBFs designed by using the suggested and code design lateral force distributions (all ground motions have a probability of exceedence of 10% in 50 years): (a) suggested, (b) IBC 2006. exhibited more uniform distribution of maximum interstory drift than the EBF designed by IBC lateral force distribution. A similar trend was also observed in the nine-story STMF designed according to the suggested distribution, as shown in Figure 18. A uniform interstory drift distribution also implies that intended “fuse” elements (such as beams in moment frames, shear links in EBFs, and chord members in STMFs) at all Figure 18. Maximum interstory drift distribution of nine-story STMF designed by the suggested lateral force distribution (all ground motions have a probability of exceedence of 10% in 50 years). 562 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 19. Free body diagram of an exterior “column tree.” levels can be mobilized to dissipate earthquake energy, thus minimizing the possibility of concentration of excessive inelastic deformation and damage in some stories or localized regions. COLUMN DESIGN MOMENTS It has been pointed out by several investigators in the past that when a structure is subjected to seismic loading, especially in the inelastic state, large moments can occur in the columns, which can be quite different from those calculated by elastic analysis (eg, Paulay and Priestley 1992). Conventional design approaches usually do not accurately estimate the maximum column moments and their location (Bondy 1996, Medina and Krawinkler 2005). In fact, the column moments are quite often underestimated because the columns are subjected to moments not only from those delivered from the beams or other members framing into the columns (conventional capacity design approach), but also from their own deformation (Bondy 1996). In view of the above-mentioned shortcoming in conventional design approach, an alternative design method was proposed by Leelataviwat et al. (1999) in considering the equilibrium of an entire “column tree” in the extreme limit state. Figure 19 shows the free-body diagram of an exterior “column tree” of a moment frame for calculating the design column moments in each story. In order to ensure the formation of strong-column weak-beam mechanism, columns should be designed for maximum expected forces by considering a reasonable extent of strain-hardening in the beam plastic hinges and material overstrength. The moment at a strain-hardened beam plastic hinge can be obtained by multiplying its nominal plastic moment 共Mpb兲 by an overstrength factor 共兲, which accounts for the effect of strain hardening and material overstrength. The column moments and shear forces can be calculated by applying the expected beam end moments and equivalent lateral (inertia) forces applied at each level 共Fiu兲 necessary to keep the “column tree” in equilibrium. Through this approach the moments due to column elastic deformation are also accounted for. It is worth mentioning that conventional capacity design approaches only consider individual joints, in which the column moment capacity A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 563 Figure 20. Design column moments and maximum column moment envelopes from nonlinear dynamic analyses for a nine-story moment frame (Lee and Goel 2001). must be greater than the moment demands coming from beam ends. The approach used herein and illustrated in Figure 19 considers the entire column tree under all applicable forces needed for equilibrium. An appropriate moment at the column base must also be applied. It is in the calculation of column design moments and shears that the importance of using a realistic lateral force distribution becomes more critical. Figure 20 shows a comparison of the column moments calculated by the abovementioned procedure with the new lateral force distribution, the UBC lateral force distribution, and maximum column moment envelopes obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses for the exterior and interior columns of the nine-story moment frame (Lee and Goel 2001). The column design moments calculated by using the new lateral force distribution agree very well with the maximum column moment envelopes at most levels. On the other hand, the design column moments calculated by using the UBC lateral force distribution significantly deviate from the nonlinear dynamic analysis results. The overestimation becomes even greater for taller frames (Figure 21). It should be mentioned that the overestimated column design moments due to code lateral force distribution occur only when the proposed column design method (i.e., “column tree” approach) is used. As mentioned earlier, the column design moments can be underestimated when conventional elastic analysis and design methods are employed along with the code distribution of lateral forces. HIGHER MODE EFFECTS The new lateral force distribution increases the forces in the upper stories, thereby better representing the higher mode effects. Figure 22 shows the shapes of IBC (or NEHRP) and the suggested lateral force distributions for the example nine-story moment frame; the corresponding parameters are summarized in Tables 4 and 5. It can be seen 564 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 21. Design column moments and maximum column moment envelopes from nonlinear dynamic analyses for a 20-story moment frame (Lee and Goel 2001). that the new lateral force distribution results in larger force at the upper level than that given by the IBC lateral force distribution. This implies that the additional design force at the top level as given by the IBC (intended to reflect the higher mode effects) may not be adequate, especially when the structures are taller and respond inelastically. Dynamic analyses conducted on moment frames with various beam-to-column stiffness ratios have shown that, as the beam-to-column stiffness decreases, the higher mode Figure 22. The suggested lateral force distribution and IBC 2006 lateral force distribution for the nine-story moment frame. A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 565 Table 4. IBC/NEHRP design lateral forces and design story shears for the nine-story moment frame Floor hi (ft.) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 122 109 96 83 70 57 44 31 18 wi (kips) 1177.0 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1111.5 wihki (kip-ft) Fi (kips) Story Shear (kips) 0.239V 0.190V 0.159V 0.130V 0.102V 0.077V 0.054V 0.033V 0.016V 945870 750484 628844 513514 405082 304304 212212 130316 62195 0.239V 0.429V 0.588V 0.718V 0.821V 0.898V 0.951V 0.984V 1.000V response becomes an increasing percentage of the total response (Chopra and Cruz 1986, Chopra 2005). For the extreme case when the beam stiffness approaches zero, the lateral forces at the upper levels of a moment frame become much larger than those calculated by the code expression, as shown in Figure 23. A moment frame with negligible beam stiffness resembles a moment frame in which plastic hinges have occurred at the beam ends. Therefore, the response as shown in Figure 23b supports the observations in this study that the influence of higher mode effects increases in the inelastic state when the plastic hinges form at the beam ends during strong shaking. Nonlinear dynamic analyses carried out by Villaverde (1991,1997) also showed that using the linear elastic first-mode distribution of lateral forces (without accounting for the fact that a structure would enter inelastic state during a major earthquake) could be the primary reason for numerous upper story collapses during the 1985 Mexico City earthquake. The modal periods of a structure elongate as plastic deformation occurs. That leads to increased contribution from the higher modes, hence columns designed Table 5. Suggested design lateral forces and design story shears for the nine-story moment frame Floor 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 hj (ft.) 122 109 96 83 70 57 44 31 18 wj (kips) wjhj (kip-ft) 1177.0 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1092.5 1111.5 143594 119083 104880 90678 76475 62273 48070 33868 20007 兺wjhj 143594 262677 367557 458234 534709 596982 645052 678919 698926 i Fi (kips) Story Shear (kips) 1.000 1.538 1.955 2.288 2.554 2.763 2.920 3.029 3.092 0.323V 0.174V 0.135V 0.108V 0.086V 0.068V 0.051V 0.035V 0.021V 0.323V 0.498V 0.632V 0.740V 0.826V 0.894V 0.944V 0.979V 1.000V 566 S. H. CHAO, S. C. GOEL, AND S. S. LEE Figure 23. (a) Moment frame with small beam-to-column stiffness ratio, and (b) equivalent static lateral force distribution from dynamic analysis and IBC expression (Chopra 2005). based on elastic first-mode distribution of story shears are subjected to significantly higher moments when a structure deforms in the inelastic range, especially those in the upper stories (Villaverde 1991). Villaverde’s conclusions further justify the importance of using a lateral force distribution, such as the one suggested herein. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This paper presents a study aimed at formulating a more realistic design lateral force distribution that accounts for inelastic behavior of structures when subjected to major earthquakes. Use of a realistic force distribution based on inelastic response is one of the important steps in a comprehensive seismic design methodology if accurate representation of expected structural response is to be realized. In this study, extensive nonlinear dynamic analyses were carried out on different types of frames to verify the suggested distribution, and the results showed that the suggested lateral force distribution, especially for the types of framed structures investigated in this study, is more rational and gives a much better prediction of inelastic seismic demands at global as well as at element levels. It should be mentioned that the suggested lateral force distribution can be easily further refined and modified by using more ground motions, such as near-field A SEISMIC DESIGN LATERAL FORCE DISTRIBUTION BASED ON INELASTIC STATE OF STRUCTURES 567 records and other structural systems, than those used in this study. It is also noted that the current codes generally use one distribution (derived based on first-mode elastic dynamic response) for all types of structures. The suggested lateral force distribution can be applied to most of the commonly used frame types, and it can also be modified for other structures by changing the value of the ␣ factor. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study: 1. Steel frames (MFs, EBFs, STMFs, and CBFs) designed by using the suggested lateral force distribution resulted in maximum story shears that agreed well with those obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses. Maximum story shear distributions as given in the codes, which are based on first-mode elastic behavior, deviate significantly from the time-history dynamic analysis results regardless of whether the structures respond in the elastic or inelastic range. 2. Frames designed by using the suggested lateral force distribution experienced more uniform maximum interstory drifts along the heights than the frames designed based on current code distributions. 3. The proposed column design procedure, using the “column tree” concept and the new design lateral force distribution, gives a very good estimation of maximum column moment demands when the structures respond to severe ground motions and deform into their inelastic state. Higher mode effects are also well reflected in the suggested design lateral force distribution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The financial support for this study was provided by NUCOR Research & Development and the G. S. Agarwal Fellowship Fund in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan. The opinions and views expressed in this paper are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors. REFERENCES AISC, 1997. Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Ill. AISC, 2005. Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC 341-05, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Ill. 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