Use Behavior Modification Techniques to Instill Proper Safety

Use Behavior Modification Techniques to Instill Proper Safety Procedures
A key step to successfully implementing any new workplace program is to gain complete acceptance by
employees. That means not only must everyone on the job accept the changes, they must truly embrace them for
the changes to really take hold. The best way to achieve that kind of commitment is to make the changes a part
of your corporate culture. Mostly everyone would agree that no program is more important to make a part of
your culture than a safety program.
The most effective way to convey a message to the group is also the most simple: through language. Every
organization has its own language, including terms that are common to everyday practices. Safety terms will
become part of your company's culture when they become part of every facet of the job. Workplace safety
practices need to be communicated, and enforced. Safe as well as unsafe behaviors need to be outlined and
posted, where all employees have an opportunity to observe them. It is critical that new employees be given a
course concerning safety procedures and fully understand the consequences of ignoring them.
In addition to employees understanding safety guidelines, it should become common practice and custom to
carry out the safety rules. An organization's customs are the accepted methods for getting things done on a
regular basis. Although you may have clearly explained the consequences for violating safety practices, this is
not always enough to ensure compliance. Compliance can be especially difficult for workers who have been on
the job for a long time.
Long-term employees often develop a rhythm; a system of shortcuts, that helps them complete tasks quickly
and efficiently. Sometimes the practices they use involve risks, but they avoid any adverse effects because they
understand the risks, what kind of threat they pose, and how to countermand those threats. Often times, these
workers continue to operate below the radar and management believes they are following correct procedures.
However, they may be undermining any attempt to incorporate safety as part of the organization's culture,
because junior employees often mimic their behavior.
The best way to ensure compliance to safety guidelines is through behavior modification. This is a management
technique that uses both positive and negative reinforcement to instill proper safety procedures. Employees are
either rewarded in a tangible, visible way for promoting safety; or they receive negative consequences for
ignoring safety practices. The best safety incentive an employer can offer is a monetary incentive. With
monetary incentives, employees are given a bonus for completing the job without any safety violations. On the
other hand, they are fined for unsafe behavior. The dollar amount of the reward or fine doesn't have to be large
to be effective; the fact that a behavior results in either a good or bad consequence is what motivates. The
motivation is reinforced by the fact that employees are watching each other and more importantly, comparing.
Last but not least, there needs to be a clear indication that safety is a number one priority. There should be an
active safety committee and participation at meetings should be encouraged. When employees observe hazards,
they need organized procedures to report and correct the dangerous situation. Most importantly, the outcome
should be that the danger is eliminated and everyone on the job site must know how it has been corrected,
especially if the correction required instituting a new procedure. It is extremely important that employees see
positive results from their safety procedures, so that they will continue to be diligent in their future safety