Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1998 Limit Processes for Age-Dependent Branching Particle Systems I. Kaj 1 and S. Sagitov2 Received March 18, 1995; revised November 22, 1996 We consider systems of spatially distributed branching particles in Rd. The particle lifelengths are of general form, hence the time propagation of the system is typically not Markov. A natural time-space-mass scaling is applied to a sequence of particle systems and we derive limit results for the corresponding sequence of measure-valued processes. The limit is identified as the projection on Rd of a superprocess in R + x Rd. The additive functional characterizing the superprocess is the scaling limit of certain point processes, which count generations along a line of descent for the branching particles. KEY WORDS: Superprocess; age-dependent branching; Markov renewal process; Levy process. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. (^, K, T )-Superprocesses Dynkin introduced Markov (£, K, W )-superprocesses t ->Xt with values in a set of measures on a general space E, in Dynkin.(3) We recall briefly the following simple but basic case. Take E = Rd and let t ->£t be a timehomogeneous Markov process in Rd. Let Kt = K(0, t; £) denote a continuous additive functional of E and *P(X), A > 0, a nonlinear function of a certain form to be specified. Let (f, u) = f\ f ( x ) u(dx) denote integration with respect to a measure ju on Rd. The measure-valued superprocess 1 2 Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, Box 480, S-751 06, Uppala, Sweden. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, NAS of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 225 0894-9840/98/0100-0225$15.00/0 © 1998 Plenum Publishing Corporation 860/11/1-15 226 Kaj and Sagitov t ->X t , t > 0, associated with the triple (£, K, V) can be characterized through its Laplace functions for p ranging in a set of positive functions on Rd. The function V t O ( x ) is the unique solution of the nonlinear integral equation where expectation refers to £ conditioned on £0 = x. Introducing the random time-change Eq. (1.1) may be written in the equivalent form The (£, K, !F)-superprocess could be viewed as a model for a Et-flow of mass subject to U-fluctuations at dKt-rate, c.f. discussion in Section 1.2 next. The next remarks reveal some features of the superprocess that we are interested in. Since J0 is a stopping time we can consider the bi-partitioning of the state space into The set I0 can be thought of as the reactive area where transformation of mass occurs. In its complement of dKt -rate zero, only deterministic massmotion takes place. Put For a piece of mass at point £t the value 9t estimates the remaining time of linear motion until the next mass-transformation. The enriched motion (9 t , £t) is a Markov process in R+x Rd. Hence one can think of the ( ( 9 t , £t,),K, y^-superprocess on R+ x Rd as an "age-structured" (£, K, W)superprocess. The example of the single point catalytic super-Brownian motion is particularly illuminating. This model is characterized by ( B t , Lt, W), where Bt is Brownian motion in R and Lt is its local time at zero. In this model Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 227 the mass outside zero moves in a linear fashion with I0= {0} being the source of nonlinear mass transformation. Here Js is the pure jump inverse Brownian local time at zero and 9t>0 almost surely for any t. See e.g., Fleischmann(5) for an introduction to such models. 1.2. Particle Picture The particle picture of the simplified (£, K, f)-superprocess is the interpretation of Xt as a limiting mass distribution at time t of a system of independent particles moving in Rd according to £. Each particle is alive for a random time which is governed by the accumulated lifelength intensity K(a, a + t), picked up by its path from the time of birth a and onwards. More exactly, it is implicit in Dynkin's construction that particles are killed elastically: the lifelengths are of the type r = inf{f > 0: K(a, a + t) > T}, where T is an exponentially distributed random variable independent of everything else. Equivalently, the conditional probability given a and £ of surviving time a + t is given by exp — K(a, a + t). Observe that the recursive relation where T1 = T and { T k } k > 1 are i.i.d., defines a birth process along the path £. At time of death each particle independently of path and lifelength gives birth to a random number of daughters given by a nonnegative integer-valued random variable v of finite mean. Daughters immediately start independent E-motions at the place of death of the mother. The superprocess arises in the limit of many particles of small mass and high speed branching. It can be assumed that in the scaling limit the centered offspring variables v — 1 has a limit £. The nonlinear function ¥ is defined by By the properties of i.i.d random variables ^(A) has a canonical representation, see Assumption 1(b). The construction in Dynkin (3) is carried out for a time-inhomogeneous Markov process £ in a general state space E with the offspring function W allowed to depend on both time and location of branching. 1.3. Purpose and Plan of the Paper We extend the scope of Eq. (1.1) to the case when Kt denotes a continuous nondecreasing adapted functional of £, which is not necessarily 228 Kaj and Sagitov additive, but fulfills a weaker condition put on its inverse Js. Given, for such K, a triple (£, K, *F) we introduce a unique measure-valued process on Rd that is characterized by the solution of (1.1). This process, in general non-Markov, is obtained by projection on Rd of a true superprocess with respect to a Markov process in R+ xRd, which is subject to a specific initial age-structure. If Kt is again additive we obtain the (£, K, Y(-superprocess. This construction is the topic of Section 2. In Section 3, we consider a wider class of branching particle systems in Rd with general birth process Sk, such that the associated lifelength distributions are of general form and possibly of infinite mean. The process Sk is the counterpart of the time-change Js. Correspondingly, the embedded Markov renewal process counting generations along a line of descent, is the counterpart of Kt. Specializing back to the Markov case, this point of view offers an interpretation of the additive functional Kt as the compensator of Nt. The general branching particle system naturally defines a non-Markov process t -> Zt with states in the measures on Rd. In Section 4 we prove a scaling limit theorem for Zt and identify the limit as a projected (£, K, f)superprocess on Rd, which belongs to the class introduced in Section 2. To prove that the scaled sequence of probability measures is tight, we take advantage of the residual life process associated with Nt and study Zt by means of a measure-valued Markov process t —> Zt in the extended state space of measures on R + x Rd. Whereas Zt describes the particle distribution on Rd at time t, Zt also records the (residual) age-structure among particles alive at t. As can be expected the results are most complete in the case when the motion and the lifelength are independent. For this case we give a simplified statement of the limit theorem in Section 5. In the dependent case we examine a one-dimensional example closer. It is based on Brownian particles on the line who die and reproduce only when they pass a barrier farther out from the origin than the place where their mothers died. The limiting birth process in this example is the Brownian first passage time process. Similar examples in higher dimensions will be studied elsewhere. Several readers of a preprint version of this paper have remarked that non-Markov processes of the type studied here naturally fall within the setting of historical superprocesses, since with respect to a sufficiently rich filtration any process is Markov. It would be interesting to see a treatment of such examples as those in Section 5 based on the historical process approach, possibly the present work could inspire a study of that kind. Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 229 2. AGE-STRUCTURED SUPERPROCESS 2.1. Age-Structure and Projection Assumption 1. Suppose we have (a) a time-homogeneous Markov process (Q, F, ( F t ) , £ t , T t , Px), with cadlag paths in Rd, filtration ( F t ) , the shift operator Tt acting on paths w e Q by T t w ( s ) = w(s + t) and conditional distributions Px such that P x (E 0 = x) = 1, x e Rd; (b) constants b, c > 0 and a measure F on R+ with j£° (s A s2) x F(ds) < oo, such that (c) a right-continuous family J= {Js, s > 0} of stopping times with such that for each x and s > 0 there is a Px-negligible set outside which and suppose the increments K(s, t] = Kt — Ks of the continuous inverse Kt = inf{s>0: Js> t} satisfies (d) Remark. The condition (d) is taken from the recent monograph Dynkin, (4) Section 3.3.3, and adapted to our situation; in Dynkin (3) stronger conditions on exponential moments of the additive functional Kt are presupposed. Introduce the remaining time to next point of increase of Kt, defined by Note that <9 t _ =0 at each jump of 9t, that KJ1= t, that Js and Kt are related as in Section 1.1, but that Kt may not be additive. Kaj and Sagitov 230 We consider now the Markov process obtained as the extended motion with cadlag paths in R+ x Rd, possibly extended filtration (Ft) such that ( 9 t , £ t ) e F t , shift operator T t and initial distributions Lemma 1. With respect to the extended motion ( 9 t , £t) the process Kt is an additive functional. Proof. By (2.1), Due to Assumption 1 ( c ) and again (2.1), Hence Since we obtain and hence by (2.2) We can now introduce the ( ( 9 , £ ) , K , SP)-superprocess { X t , t > 0} on say (Q, F , P u , x ) , with values in the set M ( R + x R d ) of finite Radon measures on R+x Rd. According to the general results of Dynkin, (4) Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 231 Ch. 3.4, in order to infer the existence of X we must verify that the additive functional K, of ( 9 t , £ t ) satisfies where Eu, x is expectation with respect to Pu,x. However, in view of Assumption 1(d) these conditions are fulfilled. In fact, Let Eu, introduce x denote the expectation operator for the superprocess and for f E # + (R+ x Rd), the set of nonnegative continuous bounded functions on R+ x Rd. The log-Laplace function Vtf is the unique solution of the nonlinear integral equation We call Xt the age-structured superprocess (given by the triple (£t, Kt, ¥ ) ) . Definition 1 (Projected Superprocess). Consider the age-structured superprocess Xt given by the triple (£, K, V). For any random measure X 0 (dx) on Rd suppose we start off Xt at time t = 0 with the extended initial measure We call the M(R d )-valued process Xt with distribution P defined by the (£, K, *F )-projected superprocess. If Kt is an additive functional of Et then X t (dx) itself is the (£, K, *P)superprocess. 232 Kaj and Sagitov 2.2. Generalized Integral Equation One aim of the construction in the previous subsection is to reveal the probabilistic meaning of the crucial Eq. (1.1) for some non-additive, continuous functionals Kt. Consider the case X0 = dx, let Px and Ex denote the corresponding law and expectation operator and define for p e b + (Rd), a nonnegative bounded continuous function in Rd, Lemma 2. Under Assumption 1, for any c e&+(Rd) the function V t p ( x ) defined in (2.4) is the unique solution to the equation Proof. To prove uniqueness, suppose u t ( x ) and v t ( x ) are two nonnegative and therefore bounded solutions. It is well-known that f is Lipschitz. Hence for some constant C and t < t0 where || • || denotes the uniform norm in Rd. By Assumption 1(d) we may choose t0>0 so small that sup x E x K(0, t0] < C-1. Taking supremum of the left side of the inequality first over x and then over t < t0 shows that ut and vt coincide on [0, t0]. This is enough since the next part of the proof shows that the solution is a semigroup. Fix p e %+ (Rd). By Definition 1, where q(u, x) = $(x). By (2.3) with f = 9), Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 233 where we changed variables v = Ks. However, by (2.1) so Now we claim that, almost surely, In fact, according to (2.10) But TJv o J0 = 0 in view of the relation for Js in Assumption 1(c). Hence which is (2.6). Together with (2.5) we now have finishing the proof. 3. BRANCHING MODEL 3.1. Age-Dependent Branching Particle Systems The model we introduce generalizes that described in Section 1.2. Our emphasis is on point (b) below which expands the range of admissible lifelength distributions. Suppose we have (a) 1(a); the Markov process £ = {£ t , t > 0} as in Section 2, Assumption 234 Kaj and Sagitov (b) a strictly positive stopping time r; (c) a distribution {pk} on {0, 1,2,...} such that Pk >0, Ek=0 pk= 1 and Ek=0 kPk < 00 with generating function h(s) = Ek=0 PkSk. Then we can introduce an age-dependent branching particle system which is characterized by the properties: (i) each particle has random birth and death times; (ii) given that a particle is born at time r its path is distributed as Tr°t; (iii) given the path and the birthtime r of a particle, its lifelength distribution is that of T r °r; (iv) the only interaction between the particles is that the birth time and place of a particle coincides with the death time and place of its mother; (v) the random number of offspring at the time of death is independent of both path and lifelength of the particle and has distribution {Pk}. We will refer to such a system as a (£, r, h)-particle system. One can follow the approach in Dynkin,(3) using the lonescu-Tulcea theorem, for the construction of a probability space (Q, F, P) governing a (£, T, h)-particle system. Again we write Px and Ex in the case when the initial particle starts at x. We construct a general birth process {Sk, k > 0} on the path d by the recursion where {rk, k > 1} are the lifelengths of succesive daughters. The birth process Sk provides a time change such that the sequence £ ° Sk, k >1, is an embedded Markov chain. The counting process gives the generation number of the particle alive at t. The regenerative process of residual life time associated to Nt is given by Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 235 3.2. Particle System Integral Equation It is customary to represent a branching particle system via a measurevalued process. Hence we identify the states of the (£t, T, h)-particle system with the measures where the sum is over all particles alive at t and x1, x2,... their positions. In general, Zt is not a Markov process. In addition we consider the extended states of the system, which are given by specifying for each particle the pair (u, x ) e ( 0 , oo )x Rd, where u denotes the remaining time until the particle dies and x the position at time t of observation. The system is represented now by the point measure on (0, co) x Rd. Due to the independence in the model (c.f. 3.1(v)), Zt, t > 0, is a time-homogeneous Markov process. We always consider rightcontinuous versions of the processes. We have the interpretation Zt( [ 0, v] x B) = the number of particles in B c Rd that will die by time t + v Moreover, Z t ( d y ) :=Z t (R + x dy) = particle distribution on Rd at time t Put and define the function where it is assumed that the initial particle is born at time 0 at location x. Introduce the notation 236 Kaj and Sagitov Lemma 3. The function Q t ( p ( x ) for the (£, T, h)-particle system Zt satisfies the integral equation Proof. To emphasize the dependence on initial condition write temporarily Zx for the state at time t under Px. Then where the j-labeled summands on the right side are independent copies and the sum vanishes in the case v = 0. Therefore Rewrite as Now suppose S1 < t. Replace t by t — S1 and S1 by S2 in relation (3.2). We obtain in the same manner Hence, by the strong Markov property of £t Therefore, inserting (3.4) into (3.3) Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 237 By repeating the steps leading from (3.3) to (3.5) recursively we obtain 4. A LIMIT THEOREM 4.1. Result Here we present conditions on a sequence Z ( n ) , n>1, of (E ( n ) , r(n), h (-particle systems which ensure its weak convergence (under a proper scaling) to a (£, K, !f (-projected superprocess. In particular we restrict to subcritical and critical branching, see (A2). The supercritical case would require some further assumptions and additional work in order to obtain the relevant bounds. The gain, however, would be relatively minor. We write M = M ( R d ) for the set of finite Radon measures on Rd equipped with the topology of weak convergence, and we let D ( [ 0 , oo), M] denote the set of cadlag paths with values in M and furnish them with the usual Skorokhod topology (J 1 -topology). We also introduce the sets D+ = D( [ 0, 00 ), R +) and D = D( [ 0, oo), Rd) of cadlag paths x( t) in R + and Rd, respectively. Moreover, let D+ = D+ ([0, oo),R+) denote the subset of D + with the properties that x ( t ) is monotone and limt -> x ( t ) = oo and with the relative topology inherited from D +. We impose the following assumptions on the sequence Z (n) : (n) (A1) the sequence of Markov processes d(n) conforms with Assumption 1 ( a ) and possesses a weak limit process £t in D, where for any t > 0 and q e b + (Rd) (A2) that with Uas in Assumption 1 ( b ) there is a sequence B n -> oo such Kaj and Sagitov 238 (A3) satisfies the sequence of processes { J ( n ) , s > 0}, where J(n) : = S ( n ) , for any continuous bounded function G: D+ x D -> R; (A4) the following moment condition holds: (A5) for some measure X0 e M ( R d ) we have the weak convergence Theorem 1. Suppose (A1)-(A5) hold. If the weak limit process {Js, s > 0} in (A3) is a proper time-change for £ in the sense of Assumption 1(c) and we put then the (£, K, !f)-projected superprocess X exists. If its log-Laplace function x -> V t O ( x ) defined in (2.4) is continuous in Rd then the weak convergence of processes, holds in D ( R + , M). Remark. If K is an additive functional of I then the (£,, K, 'F)-projected superprocess X is the (£, K, 'F)-superprocess. Therefore Theorem 1 widens the class of branching particle systems which in the scaling limit yield superprocesses. After a preliminary lemma the proof of the theorem is given in the next three subsections organized with respect to convergence of one-dimensional distributions, convergence of finite-dimensional distributions and tightness. Lemma 4. Under the assumptions of the theorem the (£, K, *P)projected superprocess X exists and the corresponding log-Laplace function (t, x) |-> V t O ( x ) is jointly continuous in R+ x Rd. Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess Proof. any n 239 We first verify that Assumption 1(d) is fulfilled. Indeed, for which vanishes as first n -> oo and then t \ s in view of (A3) with G(j, y) = fcl { s < j v < t } dv and ( A 4 ) . It was observed in Section 2 that now, under our assumptions, the (£, K, U)-projected superprocess X exists and is characterized by the unique solution Vtp of the equation in Lemma 2. Since we assume continuity of V t p ( x ) in x, to prove the stated joint continuity it suffices to show the continuity in t of V t q ( x ) , uniformly in x. Slightly stronger, for fixed t we prove k0_t (e) -> 0 as e -> 0, where By Lemma 2, Using the simple bound V t ( p ( x ) < ||q|| and the uniform Lipschitz property of U, see e.g., Lemma 4.3.2 in Dawson,(1) 240 Kaj and Sagitov In particular, for any t 1 >0, By (4.2) we may choose t1 so small that supxExK(0, t1] < 1/2C. Then the strong continuity of £t, and (4.2) implies that k0, t 1 (e)->0 as e-> 0. Next, consider the interval [t1, t2] and choose t2 — t1 sufficiently small that supx E x K ( t 1 , t2] < 1/2C. Then concluding This extends the continuity to [0, t2] and hence to any finite interval [0, t], by induction. 4.2. Convergence of One-Dimensional Distributions Lemma 5. Fix t > 0. Let F(u, x) be a bounded continuous function on R+ x Rd. The map E: D+ x D ->R defined by is bounded and continuous. Proof. Recall that lims->00 js = 00 since j e D+. Hence E is bounded. Pick a sequence ( j n , yn) that converges in the joint Skorokhod topology on D+ x D towards some function (j, y). Let Xn(s) denote a continuous scaling of time which provides the uniform convergence and Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 241 for any t > 0. Since js -> oo and, for each n, jn -> oo as s -> oo we can find T< oo such that for sufficiently large n The properties of Xn(s) now imply the claim. Define To prove the next lemma we show that V(n)O converges to the limiting logLaplace function V t q. In fact, we will show that the convergence holds uniformly in both x and t. The uniformity in space is essential in order to allow for an arbitrary initial distribution and also for our proof of tightness. Uniformity in time, on the other hand, is merely a step of convenience within our proofs bearing no significance for the weak convergence. Lemma 6. The one-dimensional distributions of n - 1 Z ( n ) converge to those of X. Proof. where 860/11/1-16 Fix t > 0 and p e b + (R d ). Now, 242 Kaj and Sagitov As n -> oc, I1 goes to zero uniformly in t and .v because of Assumption (A1). As a preliminary for estimating the remaining terms, recall that we use the notation J(n)= S (n) [BnS] + 1 and note that with a dummy function F For I2 we have By (4.3) with F=1, so I2 vanishes as n —> oc uniformly in s and t due to Assumptions (A2) and (A4). Turning to I3, by the uniform Lipschitz property of V, To rewrite I4, apply the change-of-variable v = Ks to obtain as in (1.2) Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 243 With F(s, x) = V( V t _ s p ( x ) ) we then have by (4.3) By Lemma 4, V t p ( x ) and hence F(s, x) is jointly continuous. By (A3), Lemma 5 and the continuous mapping theorem I4 tends to zero uniformly in x as n tends to infinity. Uniformity in t follows from the well-known fact that if a sequence of monotone functions converges everywhere to a continuous limit then the convergence is uniform on every compact. Put Summing up, we have obtained where c (n) = 0(1) as n -> oo for any fixed t. Now choose t1 so small that which is possible according to (A4). Then whence V ( n ) p ( x ) converges uniformly in (x, t) on R d x [ 0 , t1] towards Vtp(x). Fix a time interval [0, T] and consider the partition For a proof by induction on i, suppose we have shown already that V ( n ) p converges uniformly on Rdx [0, it1] towards V t p ( x ) . With straightforward modifications the previous proof applies in order to extend the convergence to Rd x [0, (i+1)t 1 ], hence to Rd x [0, T]. This concludes the proof that the one-dimensional distributions of n - 1 Z ( n ) converge to those of X. 244 Kaj and Sagitov 4.3. Convergence of Finite-Dimensional Distributions We write s = (s 1 ,..., sp) for a sequence of real numbers. The limit process X t (dx) is characterized via its Laplace transforms for p-dimensional distributions given by Similarly as for the case p = 1 in (2,5) we also define functions V P (u, x). The p-dimensional version of (2.3) can then be written in accordance with Dynkin,(3) Lemma 4.1, as where t—s = (t1 —s, t2 — s,..., tp — s) and By the same procedure as in the proof of Lemma 2 we obtain from this with the same notational conventions as earlier. Now define Lemma 7. The function Q p ( x ) satisfies the equation Proof, This follows from rather tedious but straightforward elaborations of the proof of Lemma 3.1. Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 245 Introduce Lemma 8. We have the convergence Proof. The proof is by induction on p. Lemma 6 provides the case p = 1. Suppose the statement in the lemma is true for all values of the parameter up to p - 1. As in the proof of Lemma 6 we obtain where the first four terms on the right side are obvious counterparts to the one-dimensional case. The term I5 is given by After simple estimates we obtain uniformly in x and t. The proof can now be completed exactly as for Lemma 6. 4.4. Tightness In this section we complete the proof of Theorem 1 by showing that the sequence n - 1 Z ( n ) is tight in M. A method based on Aldous criterion for proving the tightness of such measure-valued processes deals with scalar processes 246 Kaj and Sagitov involving an arbitrary bounded continuous function p in b + (R d ); compare Dawson, (1) Section 4.6 and Sagitov. (8) According to this approach one should establish convergence in probability assuming that £n are nonrandom, and { Tn} is a sequence of stopping times with respect to the filtration (Ft) such that The proof of (4.4) is based on the next two lemmas. The first lemma is just the standard observation that subcritical and critical branching correspond to the supermartingale property of the total size of the system. We omit the proof. Lemma 9. The total number of particles I ( n ) : = Z ( n ) ( R d ) supermartingale property Lemma 10. Denote Under the conditions of the theorem Proof. where and Due to the strong Markov property of the process Zt has the Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 247 Thereby, recalling that I(n) denotes the total mass of the branching particle system, for any t1 > 0. This splits our task into proving and To check (4.5) observe that This reduces (4.5) down to which follows from the uniform convergence and the continuity of the family of limit operators, obtained in Lemma 4. 248 Kaj and Sagitov It remains to prove the convergence (4.6). We use Lemma 9 and a maximal inequality for positive supermartingales, see e.g., Revuz and Yor, (6) II (1.15). Take tz e R + . Then Thus We conclude that But the righthand side tends to zero as t2 -> oo because the sequence {I(n)} is tight. To finish the proof of the convergence (4.4) observe that due to the relation (4.6) the sequence {nn(Tn)} is tight. This means that from any subsequence of indices {n} we are able to extract a further subsequence {nk} such that This together with Lemma 8 gives the convergence in distribution Thus (4.4) is fulfilled proving tightness. Hence the proof of Theorem 1 is complete. 5. SPECIAL CASES AND EXAMPLES The "nonlinear part" of the conditions used for the passage to the limit procedure in Theorem 1 are stated in terms of convergence of the scaled partial sums J(n). In Section 5.1 we show that when T with distribution function G is independent of £t these conditions could be set directly upon G. In Section 5.2 we discuss another example of an age-dependent particle system and establish a limit theorem. Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 249 5.1. Lifelength and Motion Independent If in the situation of Section 2 we assume that Kt and £t, hence 9, and £t are independent, then Eq. (2.3) takes the form where the probability measures M t (dv) and the function Ht are deterministic. Corollary 1 (later) of Theorem 1 describes a class of admissible pairs ( H t , M t (dv)). An interesting observation is that the projected superprocesses we obtain in this case in a sense are Markov superprocesses themselves. To see this, specialize as in (2.10) by chosing f(u, x) = p(x) and obtain where the alternate notation S t p ( x ) = E x p ( £ t ) is used as well. Of course, this is also the result of taking expectations in (1.1). However, (5.2) is the defining relation for the superprocess with time-inhomogeneous deterministic branching rate dH t . Hence the (£, K, V)-projected superprocess is the same process as an (£, H, *F )-superprocess, where Ht = EK t . We refer to this process as the time-inhomogeneous Markov (£, H, 'F)-superprocess. We discuss alternative scaled particle systems leading to this process in a remark following the next result. Considering now the scaled particle systems Z(n), suppose that lifelength and motion of particles are independent and let G(n)(t) denote the distribution function of T ( n ) . For simplicity we also assume in this section that under scaling the process £(n) = £t is independent of n. The characteristics 0(n) and N (n) of the imbedded renewal process are independent of £t in this case and the conditions in the theorem simplify. We make the following assumption: (A3 t ) there exists a real valued right-continuous function T(t), t > 0, with T(0 + ) < oo, and a constant a e (0, oo) such that 250 Kaj and Sagitov (to exclude accumulation of renewal points we assume T ( 0 + ) = co when a = 0). Let {n(t), t > 0} denote the Levy process with n(0) = 0 and where 77({0}) = 0 and Put Corollary 1. Suppose lifelengths and motion are independent and that £t is independent of the scaling parameter n. Under conditions (A2), (A3') and (A5) and if the function (u, x) -> Vt f(u, x) is continuous the sequence of processes { n - 1 Z ( n ) , t > 0} converges weakly in D(R+, M ( R + x Rd)) as n -> oo to the ( ( 9 i , £), K1, !F)-superprocess. The corresponding weak limit of the scaled branching particle system { Z ( n ) , t > 0}, given by the (E, K1, !f)-projected superprocess, can be identified with the time-inhomogeneous Markov (£, H, !F)-superprocess Yt, where Ht is continuous on R +, satisfies H0 = 0 and is implicitly determined in terms of the function by the equality The measures M,(dv) appearing in (5.1) are given by Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 251 Remarks. (A) The limiting age-structure process Xt :=X t (dv x Rd), obtained by projection on the age variable only, is the ( 3 i , K1, !P)-superprocess. Consider Eq. (5.1) applied with f(u, x) = O ( u ) . The resulting function V t O ( u ) := V t f(u, x) is independent of x and solves whereas VtO(u) = O(u — t) if u > t. For this case, Corollary 1 proves the limit theorem for age-dependent branching processes stated by Sagitov.(7) (B) When a = 0 and (B denotes beta-function) we get Ht = ty. The particle lifelengths in this case have stable distributions with index y. According to (5.2) the projected superprocess is characterized by The same process can be obtained as the scaling limit of a branching particle system with deterministic lifelength intensity subject to a power-y decrease relative to macroscopic time. We are lead to the following interpretation: starting from newborn particles only, the succesive appearence of long-living particles in the (£,, T, h)-particle system will lead to a slow-down effect in branching rate, which in the scaling limit manifests itself as an overall power decrease relative to an outside clock. Eq. (5.6) with y = 1 sets off the class of Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses. Proof. We consider the ( ( 9 ( n ) , E), T(n), h(n)) branching particle system, where 9t was introduced in (3.1), and like to deduce the weak convergence of this extended system. However, to avoid having to reformulate the theorem for that purpose we simply apply our result directly in the sense that the process £(n) in the theorem is taken to be £(n) = (d(n), £) for this application. It is certainly a serious abuse of notation in this proof to let n - 1 Z ( n ) of the the Corollary correspond to n - 1 Z ( n ) of the Theorem, hopefully excused by the resulting relativley short argument. In fact, we 252 Kaj and Sagitov claim that under the assumptions of the Corollary all assumptions for Theorem 1 hold. Condition (A3'), which arises in the theory of infinitely divisible distributions, implies the weak convergence towards the Levy process 77, introduced in (5.3), which is a proper timechange in the sense of Assumption 1(c). Furthermore, due to the generalized version of the Dynkin-Lamperti renewal theorem, see Sagitov,(8) we have uniformly in t on any compact set. Thus, because of the independence in the model, Assumptions (A1) and (A3) are verified. To check A4 we assume for the moment that H0 = 0 and that Ht is a continuous function, these properties of Ht will be established in the course of the proof. Then (independently of x), so (A4) holds. Therefore, by Theorem 1, the branching particle system converges weakly to the (($ 1 , £), K1, !F)-projected superprocess. However, in this independent case this limit process coincides with the ( ( 9 1 , £,), K1, !F)-superprocess. In particular, the sequence of marginal distributions obtained by restriction to the spatial motion £,, i.e., the sequence of particle systems Z(n), converges to the corresponding projection of the limit process. It remains to verify the formulae (5.4) and (5.5), which we now do in terms of Laplace transforms. Since n(0) = 0, Therefore, Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 253 Now it is easy to see that which is the Laplace transform version of (5.4). Turning to the continuity of the function Ht observe first that when a > 0 the function Ht, in fact, is absolutely continuous since The last relation follows from which in turn is a consequence of (5.4) and When a = 0 Eq. (5.8) yields for almost all t > 0. Given t > 0 take a sequence {Sk} such that Sk -> 0+ as k -> oo and The estimates and the condition T(0+) = oo imply the continuity of the function Ht. It remains to prove (5.5). The decomposition 254 Kaj and Sagitov holds, almost surely, with K°s distributed as K1s. This implies By Laplace transformation, Together with (5.7) this yields Thus we have On the other hand, due to (5.4), Combining the last two equations we deduce The asserted relation (5.5) follows after differentiating with respect to s. 5.2. An Example Based on the Maximum of Brownian Motion For this final example we let £t denote standard Brownian motion on the real line and, for simplicity, take !f(A) = A2. Consider a symmetric binary branching particle system where the branching epochs are given in units of the current running maximum of the Brownian particles. Introducing an ordering of particles called for convenience left/right, we mean by this that with equal probabilities a particle is either killed or splits into two daughter particles at that moment when it reaches for the first time a point which is at a unit distance to the right of where it was born. More Age-Dependent Branching Superprocess 255 exactly, we suppose that the lifelength of a particle born at time r at the point y is the functional of its own path ( £ t ) t > r with £r = y given by This yields a particle system Zt with birth process (Sk)k>0 such that Sk = Jk, where we let Js, s > 0, with J0 = 0 denote the right continuous first passage time process associated to £t. Attempting now to obtain a limit process Xt for a scaled system n - 1 Z ( n ) , consider a system with the order of magnitude of n Brownian particles each of mass 1/n and define T(n) as T earlier but modified so that particles branch after travelling the distance 1/n towards the right during their life. In the notation of Theorem 1 we have £(n) = £t, Bn = n, ¥ ( n ) ( A ) = A2, A(n) = 1 so that Assumptions (A1) and (A2) are trivially fulfilled. Moreover, Hence £J(n)s = ([ns] + 1)/n ->s = £Js so (A3) follows immediately. Also the moment condition (A4) is readily verified. Putting it is clear what we should expect to obtain in the limit n —> oo. In fact, in this example we even have n - 1 N ( t n ) =n-1N[nt]-> Kt. According to our results the (£, K, !P)-projected superprocess exists and by Lemma 2 its log-Laplace function V t p ( x ) is the unique solution of the cumulant Eq. (1.1), that is Rewriting as in (1.2), using KJv = v, 256 Kaj and Sagitov This can be written where is the Brownian first passage time density of Jv, v > 0. In order to conclude the convergence of n - 1 Z ( n ) to Xt using Theorem 1, it remains to show the continuity of x —> V t p ( x ) . To this end, suppose x < y and observe that Hence The desired continuity now follows by an application of dominated convergence. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was partly funded by a travel grant from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the support of joint research projects between Sweden and the former Soviet Union. 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