#761 Deluxe Four Shelf Assemb 1. Identifythepieces l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Top Shelf(4-ll2"x 40") UpperMiddle Shelf(28,'long) LowerMiddle Shelf(16"long) BottomShelf(6"x 40") Left VerticalSide(labeled) CenterVerticalSide(labeled) RightVenicalSide(labeled) 2. Assernblethe shelfon a protectedsurfacesuchasa carpetedfloor. The notcheson the backedgeof thehorizontalshelvesfit overthe notchesin the front edgesof the verticalsides. 3. Placethe left (#5),center(#6) anddght (#7)verticalsideswith the opennotchesin the up position. Thebackedgeof the sidepieceshave a keyholemounting slot that needsto be orientedwith the narrow portionofthe keyholeslot ofeachpieeepointingto thetop of the shelf. Thetop andbottomopennotcheson the verticalsidepiecesshouldline up to receivethe top and bottom horizontalshelves. 4. Align the uppermiddle horizontalshelf (#2) with the opennotches on the backedgeofthe #2 shelfwith the opennotcheson the front edge of the left (#5) ard center(#6) verticalsidepieces.Thelowermiddle shelf(#3) andthe right (#7) verticalsidecanbe addednext. Carefully slideeachshelfnotchdown overthe verticalsidepiecenotches.Be very carefi:l to not scuff up the finish. Repeatthis stepfor the other shelves(#1 & #4). Referto the photofor the orientationofthe shelves. InstallationInstructions: 1. Determinethe desiredmountinglocation. 2. Find the wall studsnearestto your desiredmountinglocation.If you arenot ableto screwinto a wall studat eachkeyholeslot location, consultyour loca1hardwarestorefor the properhardwaretype for your particularwall type. 3. Hold the assembled shelfat the desiredposition,makingsurethe horizontalshelvesarelevel, andmakea pencil mark at the top ofeach verticalsidepiece(#5,6,&7).Thenremovethe shelf. 4. Measurethedistancefrom thetop of lach verticalsidepiece (#5,6,&7)to thetop ofthe keyholeslot in thebackofeachverticalside. 5. Measurethe samedistancedown from your markson the wall. Make surethe measrrementfrom the left sidepieceis transferredto the wall for the left side.This will be your screwheight. 6. Measurethe distancefrom the centerof one keyholeslot to the centerofthe otherkeyhole slot on the back shelf. Repeatfor the remainingkeyholeslot. Be very accurate. 7. Mark thesekeyholespaceson the wall on the marksmadein step5 above.This will giveyour exactscrewlocationson the wall. Again, bevery accurate. 8. If screwinginto wall studs,screwthe long screwsprovidedinto the wail aslocated. If not screwinginto wall studs,usethe hardwarefrom your local hardwarestore. Leaveapproximately1/2" from the wall to the backof the screwhead. 9. Mount the assembledsheif by fitting the lower hole of the keyhole slot over the soew headand sliding down until the top of the keyhole slotrestson the screw. You may needto tightenor loosenthe screws to allow the shelf to fit snugagainstthe wall. Cleaningandcare: Cleanwith any householdfurnitue cleanerand a cleansoft cloth. Wipe and dry any water spills right away. Moisture left on the finish ' may leavea discoloredspot. Woodform,Inc. recommendsinstallationonly by qualified persons. Woodform,Inc. disclaimsliability for any consequentialor incidental damagearisingfrom the installationand/oruseof this product.