Ge eneral descripttion Name of the cou urse: Introducttion to Rocketts Department: 748 8 - Departmen nt of Physics (FIS) ( – Aerosspace Section EC CTS: 3 ECTS CLE ENGINEERING Degree: BACHE ELOR'S DEGR REE IN AEROS SPACE VEHIC BA ACHELOR'S D DEGREE IN AE EROSPACE TECHNOLOG T GY ENGINEER RING BA ACHELOR’S D DEGREE IN IN NDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY T Y ENGINEER RING Lev vel: Lan nguage: English Code: 205203 Typ pe: Elective Lec cturers Ma ain teacher: M Manel Soria, Arnau A Miró Ge eneral learning g objectives off the course Be familiar with rrockets and th heir historic importance. Know and underrstand the bassic rocket components. Understand the ffundamentals of rocket prop pulsion and th e different eng gine types. Understand the tthermodynamics of rocket engines. e Understand how w rocket trajecttories can be simulated. s Be familiar with rrocket test ben nch instrumen ntation. Competencies Specific S compe etencies Generic G compe etencies Credits: C total hours of studen nt work Total dedication: 75 5h Directted learning Auton nomous learning Dedicatio n Large Group (G) Ho ours % 30 3 40% 45 4 60% Approved by Standing S Comm mittee on June, 29/2016 2 Modules M s of rockets Module 1: Fundamentals Description De edication: 25 hours h Large group: 10 hours Au utonomous leaarning: 15 hourrs History y Main ro ocket compon nents components Multiple stage rocke ets Case study: s SpaceX X Thermodynamics off rocket engine es Related activiities (*) Module 2: R Rocket trajecttories Description De edication: 25 hours Large group: 10 hours Au utonomous leaarning: 15 hours Study of basic rocke et launch maneouvers with Kerbal K Space simulator. odel of rocket launch. Two-dimensional mo Related activiities (*) Module 3: E Experimental testing t of roc ckets and rocket e engines. Description edication: 25 hours De Large group: 100 hours Au utonomous leaarning: 15 hours Test bench and rockket instrumenttation: load cells, data loggeers, GPS, IMU U Rocket telemetry sys ystems Hands s on session: ttest of a rocket engine Hands s on sesssion: launch and re ecovery of a ro ocket with dataa loggers and/or teleme etry sytems Related activiities (*) Grading G system m (assessmen nt) Class C participa ation and classs exercices: 30 0% Assignment: A 30 0% Project: P 40% Teaching T meth hodology The T course is d develops throu ugh lectures in ncluding theorretical session ns imparted with the aid of ppowerpoint presentations p a and more app plicative and more m visual sesssions with vid deos, stellar ca atalogues andd simulations References R Basic B Sutto on, George P.,, and Oscar B IBLARZ. Rock ket propulsion n elements. Joohn, 1978. ytic Combustiion: With Therrmodynamics, Chemical Kinnetics and Mas ss Date, Anil W. Analy Transsfer. Cambridg ge University Press, 2011. Rockkets and peoplle, Boris Chert rtok, The NASA History Seriies, Washingtoon, 2009 Complementar C ry Approved by Standing S Comm mittee on June, 29/2016 2