Module Facilitator Guide

Handout 1.5
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Each component illustrated in the graphic to the right is critical to establishing
effective selected and intensive levels of support.
The Wisconsin RtI Center has developed modules to correspond with seven of
the eight highlighted components*. Each module contains a set of activities and
resources designed to help your team examine, develop and/or refine each
component in your school.
This Facilitator Guide is designed to guide teams through completing the
following modules:
• Select Interventions and Additional Challenges
• Establish Collaborative Structures
• Plan Logistics
• Dig Deeper
• Match Supports to Needs
• Monitor Progress and Adjust Accordingly
• Evaluate and Refine the Process
*Note: Aspects of Demonstrating Cultural Competence are embedded throughout each of the other modules; at this time, no
separate module exists for this component.
The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this document and for the
continued support of this federally funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all
or part of this material. The contents of this document were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (CFDA #84.027). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the
policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Updated July, 2014
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Preview of the Module Experience
Access module materials
Read and discuss module overview
Review related vocabulary terms
Choose guiding questions and complete
current status
Select, read, and discuss school scenario
Articulate desired future
Identify priorities
Select resources that address priorities
Create a plan of action
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 1: Access module materials
All module materials can be found on the Wisconsin RtI Center web site at
Begin by selecting the appropriate module (see Module menu at left side of web page)
Once on the module landing page, access/print the materials as needed to complete each step in the guide as shown below.
(The Select Interventions and Additional Challenges module will be used as an example throughout this guide)
Download/print the
complete steps 2-4 &
6-9 of this Facilitator
Download/print the
“Module Supports”
files as needed for
steps 3- 4 & 6-9 of
this Facilitator Guide
Download/print one
for step 5 of this
Facilitator Guide
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 2: Read and discuss module overview
Each main module document begins with (A) a description of the module, (B) a table of contents, and (C) an About this Component
section. This step helps your team begin the discussion about important aspects of this component.
Have team members individually read (A) the module description and (C) the About this Component narrative section. As team
members read, they should:
Underline and star sections they see as strongly in place at your school and/or where they believe your team has solid
current understanding.
Circle sections that they see as missing practices at your school and/or gaps of team understanding.
After each teammate has completed underlining and circling, come together to gather the common thoughts. As the facilitator,
capture these strengths and gaps in note or graphic form that works for your team.
Note: As an alternative to narrative reading, team members can access this same content presented via speaker notes and
illustrations in a PowerPoint format. See the previous page for directions to access the About This Component PowerPoint on the web
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 3: Review related vocabulary terms
This step will help calibrate the team’s common understanding of terms and concepts related to this component. This common
language will help your team have more productive conversations and move together toward the same outcomes.
Find the Related Wisconsin RtI Center Glossary Terms section in the main module
You may also want to download / print
the Wisconsin RtI Center Glossary to
assist your team with this step.
Located in Module
Supports box on
web page
Review and discuss the terms listed.
Star the terms that have clear consensus in understanding. Circle terms that may cause confusion within the team.
Use the Wisconsin RtI Center Glossary for cross-reference and to create clarification on the “sticky” terms.
Capture team definitions on the form, Addendum A: Team
Note: Addendum B provides a further-detailed, school-based activity that allows your team to address the systemic use of terms
back within the district/school. Consider adding this as one of your action steps within the upcoming action plan.
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 4: Choose guiding questions and
complete current status
This step is to help your team further narrow focus on this component and
identify what’s currently in place. As this module experience continues, these
guiding questions will lead to priorities and then action planning.
Each module main document contains a list of aligned guiding questions.
Review and then judiciously select which guiding question(s) your team will
address. Base your selected questions on the areas your team deems most
critical at this time.
Copy your selected guiding question(s) into the first column
(1. GUIDING QUESTIONS) of the table on Addendum C: Guided Discovery.
For each question, discuss the current status in your school. Consider allowing
for individual reflection and notes before moving to a whole group discussion.
Capture your team’s collective, consented response in the second column
(2. CURRENT STATUS) of the table on Addendum C: Guided Discovery.
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 5: Select, read, & discuss school scenario
This step will help your team visualize how schools have operationalized
your team’s selected component within a larger context. To this end,
the Wisconsin RtI Center has developed a range of scenarios, told from
the perspective of meeting the needs of individual students. Each
scenario highlights factors critical to the selected and intensive levels of support within Wisconsin’s RtI
framework. Your team will recognize how all of the components work together and connect to the
universal level of support.
Note: Do not complete this
step for the “Evaluate And
Refine The Process’ module.
Review the listing of scenarios and their descriptions on the right hand side of the module web page.
Choose the scenario(s) that best matches your team’s lens of learning. Your team may choose to select
one scenario as an anchor for later reference or may choose to divide and conquer, bringing to bear
multiple perspectives as part of your module experience.
The scenarios are lengthy. Reading and digesting them will take time and brain power!
Here is a suggested process for using the scenarios to further your team learning:
Have each team member read the selected scenario individually and in its entirety.
Encourage individuals to capture notes for each selected guiding question.
Facilitate a team discussion around reactions and learning for your guiding questions
Log your team’s notes in the third column (3. SCENARIO NOTES) of Addendum C.
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 6: Articulate desired future
It is now time for your team to participate in a thoughtful comparative analysis of your current state as it relates to the work you’ve
done in steps 2 - 5. This compare/contrast activity will help your team visualize and articulate a desired future state of your selected
component for your school.
Below is a suggested process for your team:
Revisit your team’s guiding questions, captured in column 1 of Addendum C: Guided Discovery.
Have each team member individually compare/contrast your schools current state
(see column 2 of Addendum C) vs. the content of the scenarios (see Addendum C
column 3) and the narrative (see notes from Step 2 of the Facilitator Guide).
Have team members individually capture “desired future” notes around each
selected guiding question.
Facilitate a team discussion to arrive at a collective, consented response to each
question(s), describing your team’s desired future state for your school. Use the
fourth column (4. DESIRED FUTURE) of Addendum C: Guided Discovery to capture
your team’s notes.
What is our menu/continuum of
Our building has determined intensive
(tier 3) interventions in place for
reading. We have an organized list. All
teachers know which interventions to
choose from around each area of skill.
We do not have menu for mathematics.
Each teacher picks and chooses based
on their own expertise and knowledge.
Notes from SCENARIO
coordinated system of response to
support learners
coordinated continuum of supports is the
first critical step in creating a system
that responds quickly and effectively
collaborative team with expertise
resource mapping, or laying out on a
grid all of the interventions
We want a predetermined menu of
interventions for mathematics for
varying intensity of student need,
matched to our diverse learners.
All teachers are aware of which
mathematics interventions are aligned to
which skill area of need so students
efficiently get access to the high quality
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 7: Identify priorities
This step will help your team choose your priorities from all possible opportunities for growth.
Here is the suggested process:
Have the team review the content of the questions and responses in Addendum C, whether in the questions, the current or
desired state, or notes.
Determine which statements your team agrees are critical priorities - and the area(s) in which to plan action - in an effort to
achieve the desired future status.
Highlight or star aspects that your team notes as critical priorities for moving forward.
What is our menu/continuum of
Priority: Create a menu of
mathematics interventions for
varying levels of support
Our building has determined
intensive (tier 3) interventions in
place for reading. We have an
organized list. All teachers know
which interventions to choose from
around each area of skill.
We do not have menu for
mathematics. Each teacher picks and
chooses based on their own
expertise and knowledge.
7. Notes from SCENARIO
coordinated system of response to
support learners
coordinated continuum of supports
is the first critical step in creating a
system that responds quickly and
collaborative team with expertise
resource mapping, or laying out on
a grid all of the interventions
We want a predetermined menu of
interventions for mathematics for
varying intensity of student need,
matched to our diverse learners.
All teachers are aware of which
mathematics interventions are
aligned to which skill area of need
so students efficiently get access to
the high quality supports.
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 8: Select resources to address priorities
The last section of each module main document lists resources and tools to help you get started on your priorities for your team’s
component. While many resources are provided, they are organized to help your team find those that pertain most to your priority.
It’s easy for teams to get lost in resource exploration! Therefore, here is a
suggested process for your team to make the best use of its time:
Find the resource section(s) that best aligns to your priority area.
Read the descriptions for each resource to determine whether that
resource will be of use in addressing your priority area.
• Star those that will be of use
• Make a note of those that look interesting (but not of direct
use) to visit at a later time
Have team members divide and conquer! Open and scan through the
resources your team selected to determine whether each might help
your team address your priority area. Revise your previous notes:
• Star those that will be of use. Indicate of which priority the
resource will address and how.
• Make a note of those that look interesting (but not of direct
use) to visit at a later time
Prepare to use this resource information for the next step (i.e. action
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Step 9: Create a Plan of Action
This final step brings all of the pieces together!
Use Addendum D, Action Planning for Next Steps to guide your team through creating a plan of action to address the priorities you
selected in step 7.
e.g. Select Interventions and Additional
Refer to Steps 6 & 7
Use this column to record
information about useful
resources located in
Step 8
Access the School-wide Implementation Review (SIR) at -> Getting Started -> RtI Self-Assessment Tools
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Addendum A: Team Glossary
Agreed-Upon Definition
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Addendum B: Develop Your Systemic Language (Optional)
Creating or using a set of shared working definitions is central to ensuring that your team is headed in the same direction. Using common terms
and holding common understanding is paramount to a systemic and systematic process in the building.
Materials needed:
Set of terms critical to the component you are developing
RtI Center definition of the terms for each component
Directions for facilitator of activity:
Select the terms for which there is no consensus. Complete this activity for each critical term:
A. Have each team member write down on a Post-It her/his definition for the term. Limit this to a one-minute write! This will ensure that
each team member identifies what s/he believes are the term’s key features.
B. Have each team pass the definition to the team member to the right.
C. Instruct team members to silently read each definition then pass the definition on to the right. Continue passing all definitions around
the table until each team member has her/his original definition.
D. Now that all definitions have been read, have each team member revise her/his definition to incorporate any elements of teammates’
definitions they want to include in their own. Limit this revision process to 30 seconds.
E. Instruct team members to again silently read each definition. This time, team members should identify the definition that best
represents the group’s consensus to become the working definition of the term for the team.
F. Put this term and consensus definition in your team glossary (Addendum A).
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Addendum C: Guided Discovery
What do we need to think about? Where are we now? Where do we want to go?
Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Module Facilitator Guide
Addendum D: Action Planning for Next Steps
Priority Area(s) Identified:
Desired Future Status around Priority:
Indicators of Success:
(List line items from the Schoolwide
Implementation Review [SIR] where
growth will be measured)
Positive Outcomes: (What
positive measurable outcomes do we
expect to occur for students, staff
and parents when this plan is fully