IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY The Industrial Electronics Society is an organization, within the framework of the IEEE, of members with principal professional interest in electronics and electrical sciences as applied to control, treatment, and measurement of industrial processes. All members of the IEEE are eligible for membership in the Society and will receive this TRANSACTIONS upon payment of the annual Society membership fee of $9.00 plus an annual subscription fee of $38.00 (print and electronic). For information on joining, write to the IEEE at the address below. Member copies of Transactions/Journals are for personal use only. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS Editor-in-Chief Past Editor-in-Chief K IM F. M AN City University of Hong Kong Electronic Engineering Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong phone: 852-3442-7754 fax: 852-2788-7283 e-mail: BOGDAN M. WILAMOWSKI Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 200 Broun Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849-5201 USA Co Editor-in-Chiefs M ARCO L ISERRE Aalborg University, Denmark M O-YUEN CHOW North Carolina State University Associate Editors K AMAL A L-HADDAD Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Canada M EHMET ONDER EFE Hacettepe University, Istanbul, Turkey M ARINA I NDRI Politecnico di Torino, Italy JOSE A LFONSO A NTONIO-DAVIU Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain JOSE ESPINOZA Concepcion University, Chile OKYAY K AYNAK Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey A LEXANDER FAY Helmut-Schmidt University, Germany M ARIAN K AZMIERKOWSKI Warsaw University of Technology, Poland L UCA BENINI University of Bologna, Italy DIETMAR BRUCKNER Vienna University of Technology, Austria GIANLUCA CENA IEIIT-CNR, Torino, Italy JIMING CHEN Zhejiang University, China TOMMY CHOW City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong PIOTR J. CHRZAN Gdansk University of Technology, Poland M ARCIAN CIRSTEA Anglia Ruskin University, England GERHARD P. HANCKE City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong M ARCO DI NATALE Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy DRAGAN DJURDJANOVIC University of Texas at Austin, USA PIOTR GAJ Silesian University of Technology, Poland HUIJUN GAO Harbin Inst. of Technology, China M ILOS M ANIC University of Idaho, USA JOSE L. MARTINEZ L ASTRA Tampere University of Technology, Finland ERIC M ONMASSON Universitê de Cergy, France HASAN K OMURCUGIL Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey ZHIWEI GAO Northumbria University, England TEI-WEI K UO National Taiwan University, Taiwan L UIS GOMES Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal SAM TAK WU K WONG City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong A NTONI GRAU University of Catalonia, Spain JAY L EE University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA JAN HAASE Vienna University of Technology, Austria JU-JANG (JJ) L EE Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. and Technol. (KAIST), Korea HONGHAI L IU University of Portsmouth, U.K. HANS HANSSON Mälardalen University, Sweden V INCENZO L OIA University of Salerno, Italy WENG K HUEN HO National University of Singapore, Singapore L UCIA L O BELLO University of Catania, Italy SHIYAN HU Michigan Technological University, Michigan, USA BRENDAN M CGRATH RMIT University, Australia TAMAS K EREKES Aalborg University, Denmark GERHARD HANCKE University of Pretoria, South Africa ADAM SLOWIK Koszalin University of Technology, Poland PIERLUIGI SIANO University of Salerno, Italy THOMAS STRASSER AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria L OTHAR THIELE Swiss Federal Inst. of Technol. (ETHZ), Switzerland PETER PALENSKY Vienna University of Technology, Austria A DRIANO V ALENZANO CNR/IEIIT, Torino, Italy M ARIO PAOLONE Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland FRANCISCO V ASQUES University of Porto, Portugal BIRGIT V OGEL-HEUSER Technical University Munich, Germany A LBERTO PIGAZO University of Cantabria, Spain V ALERIY V YATKIN Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden ROBIN G. QIU Pennsylvania State University, USA JOSE RODRIGUEZ Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Clara, Chile JUAN JOSE RODRIGUEZ-A NDINA University of Vigo, Spain THILO SAUTER Austrian Academy of Science, Austria DIMITRIOS SERPANOS University of Patras, Greece A LEKSANDER M ALINOWSKI University or Peoria, Illinois, USA CE-KUEN SHIEH National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan BOGDAN WILAMOWSKI Auburn University, USA X INGHUO Y U Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia A RMIN ZIMMERMANN Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany A HMED FAHEEM ZOBAA Brunel University, United Kingdom GERHARD ZUKER AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria fi BARRY L. SHOOP, President KAREN BARTLESON, President-Elect PARVIZ FAMOURI, Secretary JERRY L. HUDGINS, Treasurer HOWARD E. MICHEL, Past President S. K. RAMESH, Vice President, Educational Activities SHEILA S. HEMAMI, Vice President, Publication Services and Products WAI-CHOONG WONG, Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities BRUCE P. 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