SEC Section Overview What is the Smart Energy Code? The Smart Energy Code (SEC) is a multiParty Agreement defining the rights and obligations of energy suppliers, network operators and other relevant Parties involved in the end-to-end management of smart metering in Great Britain. What is the Structure of the SEC? The SEC is split into a number of Sections. Each Section covers certain provisions, processes and requirements that those involved in the SEC (including SEC Parties, the Data and Communications Company (DCC), and the SEC Panel) are required to follow or carry out. What is covered in each part of the SEC? SEC Section Title What does it cover? Section A Definitions and Interpretation All the terms, and the definitions for each, used throughout the SEC. Also explains how certain words or phrases should be interpreted for the purpose of the SEC. Section B Accession Sets out the accession process and requirements in order for an organisation to become a SEC Party. It also covers provisions regarding the allocation of Party and Registration Data Provider (RDP) Signifiers and DCC, User, and RDP Identifiers. Section C Governance Covers details of how the SEC is governed, including the SEC Panel, the election of SEC Panel Members, how SEC Panel Members are elected and the proceedings of the SEC Panel. Also covers establishment of Panel SubCommittees and the role and function of the SEC Code Administrator, Secretariat and Panel Costs and Budgets. Section D Modification Processes Sets out the end-to-end process for the submission, progression and determination of Modification Proposals to the SEC and Subsidiary Documents. Section E Registration Data Sets out the requirements on SEC Parties regarding the provision of Registration Data and who can use and rely on the data provided by SEC Parties. It also covers the requirements around the provision of connections between the DCC and RDPs. Section F Smart Metering System Requirements Sets out the requirements to establish and the composition of the Technical Sub-Committee. The requirements associated with the establishment and maintenance of the Certified Product List and how disputes are resolved in relation to a device not meeting SEC requirements. It also details the requirements around functionality, interoperability and access for the DCC. It also details the responsibilities and end-to-end process associated with Communications Hubs. Section G Security It covers the SEC security provisions, including the establishment of the Security Sub-Committee (SSC), the SSC roles and responsibilities, the Security requirements and how the DCC and SEC Parties are subject to security assessments. June 2016 Version Number: 1.6 SEC Section Title What does it cover? Section H DCC Services Section H covers the various services and processes that the DCC is required to provide, including the User Entry Process, Communications Hub services, Service Management and Error reporting and Fault Management processes. Section I Data Privacy Covers the provisions relating to Data Protection and accessing data. It also covers the process of auditing SEC Parties to ensure privacy requirements have been met. Section I also covers the procurement of the Independent Privacy Auditor to carry out the Privacy Audits. Section J Charges Sets out the requirements around the review, forecasting and payment of charges associated with the SEC and the DCC Services. Section J also covers the lodging of Credit Cover and the provisions in the event of a payment dispute or default. Section K Charging Methodology Sets out the Charging Methodology that the DCC is required to have in force in accordance with the DCC Licence. The Charging Methodology provides for Fixed, Elective and Explicit Charges to the DCC. Section L Smart Metering Key Infrastructure Details the provisions covering the Smart Metering Key Infrastructure (SMKI), which is a Public Key Infrastructure for the smart metering arrangements. The purpose of the SMKI is to establish trusted relationships between devices and organisations. The sections sets out all aspects of SMKI, including the establishment, roles and responsibilities of the Policy Management Authority Sub-Committee. Section M General Covers the general provisions within the Code, ranging from the commencement and duration of the SEC, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Rights, Limitations of Liability, Dispute Resolution and the Suspension, Expulsion and Withdrawal provisions for SEC Parties. Section N SMETS1 Meters The SEC has been written from the basis that Smart Meters will comply with SMETS2. Section N covers the process by which SMETS1 Meters could be enrolled into the DCC systems, subject to a feasibility study and consultation. Section T Testing During Transition Sets out the Testing Requirements and provisions associated each of the Testing phases during Transition, which consist of System Integration Testing (SIT), Interface Testing (IT), End-to-End Testing, SMKI and Repository Testing (SRT). Section X Transition Sets out the exceptions that apply to the SEC during the Transition phase of the Smart Metering Implementation Programme. It also provides details of which sections are in effect and any temporary process or requirements that apply during Transition. June 2016 Version Number: 1.6 SEC Schedules Title What does it cover? Schedule 1 Framework Agreement Sets out the Framework Agreement covering the initial establishment of the SEC and the Smart Energy Code Company (SECCo). Schedule 2 Accession Agreement Specimen Bilateral Agreement Contains the structure of the Accession Agreement for new parties acceding to the SEC. Contains the structure of the content of a Bilateral Agreement between two Parties that are sharing services provided by the DCC. Details the provisions and regulations governing the establishment of the Smart Energy Code Company (SECCo). Lists the information required when an organisation accedes to the SEC. Provides an example format of a Letter of Credit that can be lodged in support of Credit Cover requirements. Contains the structure and the content of an Enabling Services Agreement between a Participant and the DCC. Schedule 3 Schedule 4 SECCo Schedule 5 Accession Information Specimen Form of Letter of Credit Schedule 6 Schedule 7 Specimen Enabling Services Agreement SEC Title Appendices What does it cover? Appendix A Device Certification Policy Appendix B Organisation Certificate Policy Appendix C SMKI Compliance Policy Appendix D SMKI Registration Authority Policies and Procedures Appendix E (currently intentionally blank) Appendix F DCC User Gateway Service Schedule Supports the requirements in Section L, and sets out the arrangements relating to Device Certificates and Device Certificate Authority (DCA) Certificates. Supports the requirements in Section L, and sets out the arrangements relating to Organisation Certificates and Organisation Certificate Authority (OCA) Certificates. Supports the requirements in Section L, and sets out the requirements around procuring and then submitting the SMKI Services to be assessed by an independent assurance service provider. It also sets out the requirements for the first assurance assessment of the SMKI Service and the provision of data to Parties relating to the initial assessment. Supports the Requirements in Section L. The SMKI RAPP sets out the policies and procedures for gaining access to SMKI Services and the SMKI Repository Services. Supports the requirements in Section H. It sets out the list of services available over the DCC Interface. Appendix G Appendix H June 2016 Version Number: 1.6 Minimum Communication Services for SMETS1 Meters DCC Gateway Connection Code of Connection CH Handover Support Materials Supports the requirements in Section N. It sets out the minimum services that must be provided to SMETS1 Meters if they are enrolled into the DCC Systems. Supports the requirements in Section H15 by providing supplementary provisions on DCC Gateway Connections. Provides supplementary provisions in relation to Communications Hub Handover including forecasting, ordering and delivery. SEC Title Appendices What does it cover? Appendix J Enduring Testing Approach Document Appendix K SMKI and Repository Test Scenarios Document The Enduring Testing Approach Document (ETAD) defines the security requirements for Testing Participants systems, details the Test Certificate provisions process and sets out the obligations on Testing Participants using remote CSP test labs. A future update is expected to the ETAD, updating it to align with its requirements provided in SEC Section T6.4. Supports requirements in Section T of the SEC to support the operations of SMKI and Repository Entry Process Tests in accordance with Section L7. Appendix L SMKI Recovery Procedure Appendix M SMKI Interface Design Specification Appendix N SMKI Code of Connection Appendix O SMKI Repository Interface Design Specification Appendix P SMKI Repository Code of Connection Appendix Q IKI Certificate Policy Appendix R Common Test Scenarios Document June 2016 Version Number: 1.6 The SMKI Recovery Procedure sets out the notification and resolution process in relation to any incident where a Relevant Private Key is Compromised (or suspected of being Compromised). The SMKI Interface Design Specification specifies the technical details of the SMKI Service Interface. It includes the protocols and technical standards that apply to the SMKI Service Interface, which are based on open standards as laid out in SEC Section L. The SMKI Interfaces, as defined in this document, will be provided for both SMKI Services and Test SMKI Services. The SMKI Code of Connection sets out the provisions that apply to each Authorised Subscriber seeking to access the SMKI Services, the procedure for an Authorised Subscriber and the DCC to communicate over the SMKI Service Interface, and how mutual authentication and protection of communications over the SMKI Service Interface will operate. The SMKI Repository Interface Design Specification describes the functionality of the SMKI Repository Interface as set out in SEC Section L, in order to: (a) specify the technical details of the SMKI Repository Interface; and (b) set out the protocols and technical standards that apply to the SMKI Repository Interface. The SMKI Repository Code of Connection sets out the provisions that apply to each SEC Party, RDPs, the SEC Panel and the SMKI PMA in order to access the SMKI Repository and communicate over the SMKI Repository Interface. The Infrastructure Key Infrastructure (IKI) Certificate Policy sets out the arrangements relating to IKI Certificates and the IKI Certificate Authority (ICA) Certificates. The Common Test Scenarios Document defines the procedural steps that a SEC Party needs to follow in order to complete User Entry Process Tests (UEPT) and meet their SEC obligations. It sets out the Common Test Scenarios that must be conducted by a SEC Party for the role they want to do. It also describes the roles and responsibilities for the conduct of UEPT. SEC Title Appendices What does it cover? Appendix S DCCKI Certificate Policy This Policy sets out the arrangements relating to the Root DCCKICA Certificate; EII DCCKICA Certificates; UI DCCKICA Certificates; DCCKI Infrastructure Certificates; and Personnel Authentication Certificates, together referred to as the “DCCKI Certificates”. Appendix W DCCKI Registration Authority Policies and Procedures (DCCKI RAPP) This DCC Key Infrastructure Registration Authority Policies and Procedures (DCCKI RAPP) sets out the activities undertaken by the DCC as the DCCKI Registration Authority in accordance with Section L of the Code, and DCCKI Certificate Policy. How often is the SEC Updated? During the Transition period, revisions to the SEC sit with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) as part of the Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP). While the SMIP continues, DECC continues to consult on further revisions and additions to the SEC and the supporting documentation which will be designated as SEC Subsidiary Documents and will form part of the SEC in the future. Further information on this process can be found in the New Content Guidance. This means that the SEC is likely to go through a few more DECC designated iterations before it is complete from DECC’s perspective. Since February 2016, the SEC can also be amended by Industry with any proposed revisions to be considered through the Modification Process. Do you need more detail on each SEC Section? Where can I find the complete SEC or a specific SEC Section? In addition to this SEC Section overview you can find further guidance covering different areas of the SEC on the SEC Website here. You can find a complete and collated version of the SEC or specific SEC sections on the SEC website here. Disclaimer Contact Us: These guides are intended to provide a simple overview of the SEC and any supporting or related arrangements and do not replace or supersede the SEC or these related arrangements in any way. The author does not accept any liability for error, omission or inconsistency with the SEC. For all enquires or further advice, please contact SECAS at: June 2016 Version Number: 1.6 W: T: 020 7090 7755 E: