DNV Standard for Certification 2.10 Diesel Engine Driven Power

No. 2.10
JULY 1991
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Standards for Certification
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In “Rules for Classification of Fixed Offshore Installations”, only those Standards for Certification that are relevant for this type
of structure, have been listed.
The list of Standards for Certification is also included in the current “Classification Services – Publications” issued by the Society, which is available on request. All publications may be ordered from the Society’s Web site http://exchange.dnv.com.
Re-issue November 2002
This is a re-issue of the version published in July 1991. However, this page has been modified according to current standard. No
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Standards for Certification - No. 2.10
July 1991
INTRODUCTION .................................................... 5
CERTIFICATION ................................................... 5
Documents issued ........................................................5
Basis for certification ..................................................5
Planning and preparations ...........................................5
Records of testing and inspections .............................5
General ................................................................................. 5
Tests ..................................................................................... 5
Inspections ............................................................................ 5
Performance tests ....................................................... 6
Function tests .............................................................. 6
Inspections .................................................................. 6
INSPECTION .......................................................... 6
General ....................................................................... 6
Plant performance ...................................................... 6
Performance auxiliary machinery .............................. 6
Function tests .............................................................. 6
Inspections .................................................................. 6
Standards for Certification - No. 2.10
July 1991
Standards for Certification - No. 2.10
July 1991
1. Introduction
The purpose of this Certification Note for «Certification, Testing and Inspection of Diesel Engine Power Plants» is to demonstrate and document compliance with performance and
functional requirements of the given specifications and standards.
The present document outlines and gives the extent of testing
and inspection to be carried out at the «Commissioning» and at
the «Factory Testing and Inspection».
The individual tests are assumed carried out according to
agreed plans and in accordance with internationally recognized
standards as agreed, e.g. Relevant ISO Standard, IEC Publications, Veritas Rules or equivalent.
2. Certification
2.1 Documents issued
On satisfactory completion of all test and inspections a test report is issued. As a confirmation of compliance with the given
specifications, function test and final inspection, a «Veritas
Certificate of Conformance» is issued.
2.2 Basis for certification
The basis for the certification, standard of comparison, may in
principle be any standard or specification to which the parties
involved have agreed to. In practice it will be the plant specification with its annexes.
It is assumed that the builder has a quality control system
which is effective both for the builders own production as well
as for materials and components supplied by vendors.
2.3 Planning and preparations
Well ahead of time a program for testing and inspection, including procedures and data to be observed, is to be worked out
and agreed to by the parties concerned.
Equipment, tools, instruments and manpower are to be identified and listed.
All instruments and systems to be used for measurements and
observations are to be calibrated and checked out as needed.
The program shall list all persons and parties to be present at
the testing, as well as the functions and responsibilities of each.
Arrangement shall be made to record all data and relevant information from the testing.
All test records or copies there off are to be made available to
the Veritas representative directly up on completion of the testing. Before leaving the test site he is to countersign and stamp
each test sheet to attest (verify) the authenticity of the records.
— Records of the tests including all observed data, time and
ambient reference conditions, signed by the person responsible for the execution of the test programs.
— Summary of test results, giving the principle data on standardized form, enabling direct comparison with requirements and specifications. The performance data to be
recorded are to include all parameters necessary to confirm the typical performance characteristics of the plant.
These may e.g. include as follows:
— Specific fuel consumption, gr/kWHr vs Power/cyl,
— Engine speed, rpm vs Power/ cyl, kW
— Mean indicated press, MIP. Bar vs Power/cyl, kW
— Mean effective press, MEP, Bar vs Power/cyl, kW
— Max. press, Bar vs Power/cyl, kW
— Compr. press. Bar vs Power/cyl, kW
— Scavenging air press, Bar vs Power/ cyl, kW
— Exhaustgas temperature, cyl outlet ° C vs Power/ cyl,
— Exhaustgas temperature, before and after turbocharger ° C vs Power/ cyl, kW
— Total air excess ratio, ° C vs Power/ cyl, kW
— Generator power
— Generator current
— Generator voltage
— Generator frequency (alt. RPM)
— Generator temperature rise (normally to be measured
at gen. suppl.)
— Generator Cos Phi (not necessary if current, voltage,
power can be measured)
— Auxiliary machinery:
- Pumps, power, kW vs massflow/Eng.load
Pumps, speed, rpm vs massflow/Eng.load
Pumps, pressure in, Bar vs massflow/Eng.load
Pumps, pressure out, Bar vs massflow/Eng.load
- Heat exchangers, temperature in/out primary, ° C
vs mass flow/Eng.load
Heat exchangers, temperature in/out secondary, ° C
vs mass flow/Eng.load
From generator factory test, following records should
be obtained:
- Voltage wave form
- Voltage variations under transient conditions
- Measurements of induced shaft voltage.
The party responsible for executing the testing shall prepare a
«Records of Tests and Inspections». The records are to contain:
— Calculations of results, showing all calculations, corrections, to be observed to give the final data (e.g. correction
to standard conditions).
— List of instruments and documentations of calibrations,
signed by the person responsible for securing these.
2.4.1 General
2.4.3 Inspections
2.4 Records of testing and inspections
— Identification and description of the plant (and components if factory test) with reference to contract, technical
specifications and data.
2.4.2 Tests
— Testprogram, with description of each test, procedures,
data to be observed, and time, signed by the person responsible for the execution of the tests.
— Inspection program, outlining items to be subjected to inspections and the method of inspection, signed by the person in charge of the inspection program.
— Records of observations including identification of items
At the «Commissioning» the complete log from the «Factory
tests and inspections» is to be available.
Standards for Certification - No. 2.10
July 1991
3. Factory testing and inspection
4. Commissioning, testing and inspection
3.1 General
4.1 General
Considering that the units for the final power station may be
shipped directly from its manufacturer to the plant site, the factory testing and inspection will often be for the individual components only. Should the units be assembled on a skid or in a
container before shipment a number of the tests and inspections normally assigned to the commissioning may be carried
out at an earlier stage. In such case the on site, commissioning
testing and inspection may be limited on agreement between
the parties involved.
— The commissioning testing and inspection are the final
checks of the plant/unit/equipment before delivery to the
future owner/operator.
— All installation work, adjustments and the builders own
test runs as well as the initial running in are to have been
completed (initial running in sufficient to allow «Unlimited operation» without defects/ damages.)
3.2 Performance tests
Performance test runs are normally to be made at 50%, 75%,
90% and 100% of the max cont. rating.
3.3 Function tests
a) Diesel engine:
— An overload test to be made at 110% of the max cont.
rating for 1/2 Hrs.
— The speed controller function to be tested with regard
to stability and response.
— Control, alarm and safety systems to be function tested and all setpoint calibrations checked.
— Number of motor starts with compressed air; statement/recording of minimum air pressure.
b) Generator:
(Tests specified normally to be carried out at generator
supplier before fitting to the diesel engine. In most cases
not practical to carry out at the last stage.)
— Temperature rise is to be determined at rated output,
voltage and frequency. The temperature test is to be
carried out for the duty for which the machine is rated
and marked, and in accordance with IEC 34-1 (V, 1415).
— Overload capability is to be demonstrated with an
overload of 50% of the rated current and in accordance with IEC 34.1 (VII, 18).
— Overspeed test to be carried out at 1.2 times rated
speed and in accordance with IEC34-1 (VII,21).
— High voltage test to be carried out according to IEC
34-1 (VI,17).
— Insulation resistance to be measured between the
phases and between each phase and ground.
— Winding resistance to be measured.
— Airgap to be measured.
— Open circuit voltage characteristics to be determined.
— Closed circuit current characteristics to be determined.
— Excitation current at rated current, voltage and power
— Short circuit test (alternatively on other unit of the
same type).
3.4 Inspections
— Alignment of the shaft!ine is to be checked by «clocking»
of the Crankshaft while the engine is still at its running
temperature provided this is a prescribed procedure by the
Manufacturer to check the alignment.
— Spotcheck of wear exposed parts to be carried out. All
sliding surfaces of at least 1 cylinder, or 1 cylinder section
in a Vee-engine to be inspected.
— Lub oil samples and lub oil filters to be checked before and
after the test runs.
— Fuel oil sample to be taken of the fuel actually being used,
for analysis and heating value determination
4.2 Plant performance
Performance runs are normally to be made at 50%, 75%, 90%
and 100% of max. cont. rating.
Special operating conditions may require runs at additional
and different power levels.
The performance testing is to include a duration test at 100%
Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) for 24 HRS.
Data to be observed are to include all parameters necessary to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements to performance
given by the specification for the plant.
4.3 Performance auxiliary machinery
— Pump systems providing essential auxiliary service. Performance measured at 100% plant load.
— Heat exchangers' performance to be measured at 100%
plant load and conditions simulating, as closely as possible, the most severe specified ambient conditions with regard to plant heat load.
4.4 Function tests
The testing of functions are to include as follows:
— Overload test at 110% of MCR for 1/2 Hrs.
— Speed controller stability test.
— Speed controller response characteristic at max possible
power drop and increase (to be agreed upon).
— Sharing of active and reactive power when running in parallel.
— Measurement of the equalizing current resulting from harmonics when different generators are working in parallel
or generators are running in parallel on nets, in both cases
with earthed neutral.
— Manual and automatic control systems, including those for
essential auxiliary machinery, as well as pressure and temperature control systems.
— Automatic safety functions: automatic shut down, loadshedding and return power.
— Alarm systems.
— Generator resistance measurements.
— Communications systems if more than one command central.
— Fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems.
Optional measurements include as follows:
— Exhaustgas, soot content, NOX content.
— Noise measurements in machinery spaces as well as in the
immediate surroundings.
— Vibration measurements and analysis. These measurements and analysis may include torsional, lateral as well as
axial vibrations.
4.5 Inspections
— Lub oil samples and lub oil filters to be checked before and
after the test runs.
— Fuel oil sample to be taken of the fuel actually being used,
for analysis and heating value determination.
Standards for Certification - No. 2.10
July 1991
— Alignment of the shaftline is to be checked by «clocking»
of the Crankshaft while the engine is still at its running
— Spotcheck of wear exposed parts to be carried out. All
sliding surfaces of at least 1 cylinder, or 1 cylinder section
in a Vee-engine to be inspected.
— Foundation bolt tightness to be checked upon completion
of the function test.
— During the test runs as well as after stop, thorough checks
are to be made for leaks.
— Piping Systems with valves to be inspected with regard to
routing, fastening, tightness and consequences of potential
leaks (e.g. fuels lines – fire hazard).
— Electric cables to be inspected with regard to routing, fastening, protection against damage during overhaul work
— Fire detectors and inspection systems to be inspected with
regard to positioning of detectors and practicability of the
extinguishing systems (ref. local codes and regulations).
— Maintenance Plans should be reviewed with attention to:
- Instruction manuals and procedures
- Required availability and timing of maintenance
- Manpower requirements
- Tools necessary for the planned maintenance as well as
repairs that may be necessary.
— Spares system should be reviewed with attention to potential need, availability, supply lead time, as well as the system for inventory accounting.