September ≤∞∞µ Â¢Ò˘˙ ¨È¯˘˙ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂ˙Ú A Message from Tova With the opening of the תשס"וschool year, we have chosen to focus on the topic of the planning and preparation for a new school year. Efficient preparation facilitates productive teaching and the enhancement of the learning experience. Teachers who effectively prepare for the school year: - Familiarize themselves with the material in all disciplines studied throughout the year; - Employ the material effectively and creatively; - Coordinate the curriculum with special school celebrations; - Enjoy organized equipment and materials, saving time and eliminating technical difficulties. ˙¢‡¯‰ ˙„ÈÁÈÏ ‰‡¯Â‰ ˙ÈȘÈ˙ ÌÈÈÎÓ Æµ –¢¯‰© ßÂΠ‰„Â·Ú ÈÙ„ ¨ÌȘÁ˘Ó ¨‰˜¯·‰ ÈÒÈ˯Π˘‡¯Ó ÂÈΉ ÈÙ ÏÚ ˙ÂȘÈ˙· Ì˙‡ ¯„Ò ¨®¢‰Î‰¢ ˙¯˙ÂΉ ˙Á˙ Íȯ„Ó· ÌÈÓ ÌȯÓÂÁ ¯ÂÊ‚Ï ÔÈÎ‰Ï ‰‚‡„‰ ÌÎÓ ÍÒÁÈ˙˘ ÍÎ ¨˙ÂÈÂÏÈÚÙ‰ Ûˆ¯ ƯÂÚÈ˘ ÏÎ ÈÙÏ –ÎÂ˙Ó ÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙˘ ˙ÁÈ˙Ù Ìȯ˘Ù‡Ó ÌÈÏÈÚÈ ‰Î‰Â ˙ÂίÚȉ ÌÈÏÁ‡Ó ÂÁ‡ Ɖ˘‰ Í¯Â‡Ï ÁψÂÓÂ È˘ÚÓ „ÂÓÈÏ Í˘Ó‰Â ¨˙ °‰ÈȯÂÙ ÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙˘ ÌÎÏÂÎÏ ¨‰·ÂË ‰˘ ˙ί·· ÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙ÂÈÎÂ˙ ÁÂ˙ÈÙÏ ‰˜ÏÁÓ‰ ˙Ï‰Ó ¨ÔÂÚÓ˘ ‰·ÂË How should you prepare for a new school year? 1 1. Familiarize yourself with the new curriculum / refresh knowledge of content you have already taught Read the unit you are about to teach. Identify the core of the unit, and the elective material. Plan the instruction of the unit in accordance with your time allocation. If you are teaching the program for the first time, consult your colleagues or our staff at TaL AM. 2. Study the portfolio Study the portfolio, which includes the SIPUR book documenting everything the students learned and experienced last year, as well as a variety of creative works representing their achievements. This information will help your studentsʼ memory retrieval and will assist you in planning differentiated instruction. 3. Plan language and content retrieval We recommend that you establish class procedures and refresh the studentsʼ memory prior to teaching new material. Plan activities that will remind the students what they learned in previous years. Memory retrieval is achieved through that which is familiar and frequently used, in connection with the first activities in the first unit. We recommend that you focus on retrieval that will encourage functional communication pertaining to welcoming the students and getting to know them, and with their immediate environment - the classroom, the school, and their family. 4. Design the learning environment Designing a Hebrew learning environment is essential to the acquisition and mastery of the Hebrew language. In order to do so we recommend that you: - Create different learning centers: Library, Israel, Torah, Holidays, Parashat Hashavua, Creative Writing, etc. - Hang up the environmental posters, in correspondence with the abovementioned areas. These posters reinforce Hebrew acquisition and the internalization of the curriculum content. - Label the various objects in the classroom in order to create environmental reinforcement. - Place a CD player in an accessible location, enabling you to play the songs and listening activities in the various units, to play stories and Torah chapters, and to enable individualized learning. We also recommend that you prepare blank tapes so that you can record reading and oral expression samples of your students. 5. Prepare instructional portfolios for the first units Prepare the flashcards, games, worksheets etc. (specified under "Preparation" in the teacherʼs manual), and arrange them in folders according to the sequence of instruction, saving you the need to prepare materials before each class. Efficient preparation and organization enable the successful opening of a well-planned school year, and continued success throughout the year. We wish you all a productive school year! Shana Tova, Tova Shimon, Director of Curriculum Development ‰·ÂËÓ ¯ÒÓ –Úȉ‰ ‡˘Â· „˜Ó˙‰Ï ¯Á· Â¢Ò˘˙ ÌÈ„ÂÓÈω ˙˘ ˙ÁÈ˙Ù ÌÚ ‰„·ÚÏ ÛÂÓ ‡È‰ ‰‡¯Â‰Ï ‰ÏÈÚÈ ˙ÂίÚȉ ÆÌÈ„ÂÓÈω ˙˘Ï ˙Âί Ɖ„ÈÓω ˙ÈÂÂÁ ¯ÂÙÈ˘Ï ‰ÈȯÂÙ ∫ÌÈ„ÂÓÈω ˙˘Ï ˙ÂÏÈÚÈ· ÌÈίډ ÌȯÂÓ ÌÈ„Óω ˙Ú„‰ ÈÓÂÁ˙ Ïη „ÂÓÈω ¯ÓÂÁ ÌÚ ˙¯Ή ÌÈÁ˙ÙÓ ≠ Ɖ˘‰ Íωӷ ƯÓÂÁ‰ ˙‡ ˙ÂÈ˙¯ÈˆÈ·Â ˙ÂÏÈÚÈ· ÌÈÏÈÚÙÓ ≠ ÆÒ¢‰È·· ˙„ÁÂÈÓ ˙‚ȂÁ ÔÈ·Ï ÌÈ„ÂÓÈω ˙ÈÎÂ˙ ÔÈ· ÌÈÓ‡˙Ó ≠ ÔÓÊ ÌÓˆÚÏ ÌÈÎÒÂÁ ¨ÌÈ‚¯Â‡Ó ‰„Â·Ú È¯ÓÂÁ „ÂÈˆÓ Ìȉ ≠ ÆÌÈÈÎË ÌÈÈ˘˜Â øÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙˘ ˙ÁÈ˙ÙÏ ÌÈÎ¯Ú „ˆÈÎ ÌÈÎ˙· ÌȯÎÊ Â‡ ˘„Á‰ ¯ÓÂÁ‰ ˙‡ ÌÈ„ÓÂÏ Æ± ¯ÓÂÁ ˙‡Â ‰„ÈÁȉ ˙·ÈÏ ˙‡ Â‰Ê Æ„ÓÏÏ ÌÎÈÏÚ˘ ‰„ÈÁȉ ˙‡ ‡¯˜ –¢¯Ï „ÓÂÚ‰ ÔÓʉ ·Èˆ˜˙ ÈÙÏ ‰„ÈÁȉ ˙‡¯Â‰ ˙‡ ÂÎ˙ Ɖ¯ÈÁ·‰ ÌÈ˙ÈÓÚ· ¯ÊÚȉ ¨˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ˙‡ ‰Â˘‡¯Ï ÌÈ„ÓÏÓ ÌΉ ̇ ÆÌÎ˙ ÆÌÚ Ï˙ ˙ˆ· ‡ ‰„·ÚÏ ËȘÏ˙‰ ˙‡ ÌÈ„ÓÂÏ Æ≤ ˙„Ú˙Ó‰ ¯ÂÙÈÒ ˙¯·ÂÁ ˙‡ ÏÏÂΉ ®ÂÈÏÂÙ˯ÂÙ‰© ËȘÏ˙· ÂÈÈÚ ˙Â„Â·Ú Ì‚„Ó ¨‰¯·Ú˘ ‰˘· ÂÂÁ „ÓÏ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰˘ ‰Ó ˙‡ Ô¯ÎÈÊ ·Â·È„· ÌÎÏ ¯ÂÊÚÈ ‰Ê Ú„ÈÓ Æ̉Ȃ˘È‰ ˙‡ ‚ˆÈÈÓ‰ ˙¯ȈÈ Æ˙Ó‡˙ÂÓ ‰‡¯Â‰ ÔÂÎ˙·Â ¨ÌÎÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ ÔÎÂ˙‰Â ‰Ù˘‰ ¯ÂÎʇ ˙‡ ÌÈÎ˙Ó Æ≥ ÈÙÏ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ Ô¯ÎÈÊ ˙‡ ÔگϠ‰˙ÈΉ Èω ˙‡ Ú·˜Ï ȇ„Î ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï Â¯ÈÎÊÈ˘ ˙ÂÈÂÏÈÚÙ ÂÎ˙ Æ˘„Á ¯ÓÂÁ „ÓÏÏ ÌÈÏÈÁ˙Ó˘ ·Â¯˜‰Ó ‰˘Ú Ô¯ÎÈʉ ·Â·È„ Æ˙Âӄ˜ ÌÈ˘Ó Ì‰Ï Ú„ȉ ˙‡ Ï˘ ˙¢‡¯‰ ˙ÂÈÂÏÈÚÙÏ ¯˘˜‰·Â ¨È˘ÂÓÈ˘‰Â ¯È„˙‰Ó ¨¯ÎÂӉ –Ù˙ ˙¯Â˘˜˙ ··Â„È˘ ¯ÂÎʇ· „˜Ó˙‰Ï ıÏÓÂÓ Æ‰Â˘‡¯‰ ‰„ÈÁȉ ˙È„ÈÈÓ‰ ‰·È·ÒÏ ¨Ì˙¯Î‰Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ÈÙ ˙Ï·˜Ï ڂ· ˙Ȅ˜ ƉÁÙ˘Ó‰Â Ò¢‰È· ¨‰˙ÈΉ ≠ ˙È„ÂÓÈω ‰·È·Ò‰ ˙‡ ÌÈ·ˆÚÓ Æ¥ –·Ú‰ ‰Ù˘‰ ˙˘ÈÎ¯Ï ÈÂÈÁ ‰˙Èη ˙ȯ·Ú ÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙·È·Ò ·ÂˆÈÚ ∫ıÏÓÂÓ ˙ȯ·Ú ‰·È·Ò ˙¯ÈˆÈÏ Æ‰˙˘¯˘‰Ï ˙ȯ ˙˘¯Ù ¨ÌÈ‚Á ¨‰¯Â˙ ¨Ï‡¯˘È ¨‰ÈȯÙÒ ∫˙¢ ˙ÂÈÙ ‰˙Èη ¯ÂˆÈÏ ≠ Æ„ÂÚ ¨˙¯ˆÂÈ ‰·È˙Î ¨Ú·˘‰ –Âω ÆÏ¢‰ ˙ÂÈÙÏ Ì‡˙‰· ¨‰·È·Ò‰ ˙ÂÁÂÏ ˙‡ ‰˙Èη ˙ÂÏ˙Ï ≠ ÆÌ˙ÓÙ‰·Â ˙ÈÎ˙· ÌÈÎ˙‰Â ‰Ù˘‰ ˙˘Èί· ÌÈÚÈÈÒÓ ˙ÂÁ ÆÈ˙·È·Ò ˜ÂÊÈÁ ˙¯ÈˆÈ Ì˘Ï ‰˙Èη ÌȈÙÁ‰ ˙‡ ÌÈÈ˘Ï ≠ ÚÈÓ˘‰Ï ÌÎÏ ¯˘Ù‡È˘ ÌȯÂËÈϘ˙ Ô‚ ÌÎÏ ˘È‚ ̘ӷ ̘ÓÏ ≠ –ÈÒ ÚÈÓ˘‰Ï ¨˙¢‰ ˙„ÈÁÈ· ‰Ê‡‰‰ ˙ÂÈÂÏÈÚÙ ÌÈ¯È˘‰ ˙‡ Æ˙È‡ÓˆÚ ‰„ÈÓÏ ¯˘Ù‡Ï ¨‰¯Â˙ Ș¯Ù ÌȯÂÙ ‰‡È¯˜ ÈÓ‚„Ó ˙ËϘ‰Ï ˙˜ȯ ˙ÂËϘ ÔÈÎ‰Ï ıÏÓÂÓ ÔÎ ÂÓÎ ≠ ÆÍÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ Ï˘ ‰Ù≠ÏÚ· ‰Ú·‰Â Multimedia in the Classroom Enriching Knowledge and Learning Experience One of the challenges facing educators is the construction of a learning environment and atmosphere that encourages and reinforces the use of the Hebrew language and the acquisition of Jewish content and values. Current research has shown that enriching frontal instruction with interactive multimedia not only prepares students for life in a technologically advanced era, but also enriches and encourages learning, and enhances the ability to acquire language and assimilate knowledge. In addition to the various games, environmental posters and flash cards enriching the studentsʼ learning, TaL AM also features different multimedia elements: tapes, CDs and CD-ROMs. These contribute to the creation of a Hebrew environment and to the development of listening and comprehension skills through songs, stories, games, dictations, prayers and Torah reading. The song CDs accompany the various units of TaL AM, adding another dimension to the learning experience. Studies of the brain and the anatomy of memory have found that as well as being enjoyable, music is also an efficient tool enabling the memorization and retrieval of knowledge. When students acquire a new song - its content, rhythm and melody - they add to their vocabulary, enhance their reading skills, acquire language patterns and the ability to express themselves in Hebrew, all of which are reinforced through memory activation each time they sing the song. TaL AM also features Books on Tape, offering students the opportunity to listen to stories pertaining to everyday life and to the various holidays while reading the books, thereby enhancing their language acquisition, and providing listening enjoyment. The Torah Reading CDs and CD-ROMs accompany the Torah track, enabling students to visually and acoustically follow the Biblical texts studied in class word by word, with the proper intonation and pronunciation. The students can skip or repeat a word or verse as necessary, ‰˙Èη ‰È„ÓÈËÏÂÓ· ˘ÂÓÈ˘‰ ‰„ÈÓÏ ÌÈ„„ÂÚÓ ÌȘÁ˘Ó‰ Ɖ‰Ó ȷÈ˘‡¯Ëȇ ÔÙ‡· Ìȇ˙Ó‰ ·ˆ˜· ¨˙È·· ÌÈ„Ïȉ Ï˘ È˘ÙÂÁ‰ ÌÓÊ· ˙È‡ÓˆÚ Æ˜ÂÊÈÁ ‰¯˘Ú‰ ¨È„ÈÈÓ ·Â˘Ó Ìȯ˘Ù‡Ó Íη ¨Ì‰Ï ˙Ó ÏÚ ÌÈ¢ ÌÈÈ‚ÂÏÂÎË ÌÈ˘Â„ÈÁ· ˘ÂÓÈ˘ ‰˘ÂÚ ÌÚ Ï˙ „„ÂÚÏ ¨‰ÈȯÂÙ ‰¯È˘Ú „ÂÓÈÏ ˙ÈÂÂÁ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï ˜ÈÚ‰Ï ÏÈÚÈ ÔÙ‡· Ì˙¢¯Ï ÌÈ„ÓÂÚ‰ ÌÈÚˆÓ‡‰ ˙‡ ÏˆÏ Ì˙‡ ¨ÌÈÎ˙ ÚÈÓË‰Ï Ì‰Ï˘ ˙ÏÂÎȉ ˙‡ ÌȈډÏ ¨‰‰Ó –È˘‰ ÏÚ ÌÈÏ·˜Ó ‡˘ ·Â˘Ó‰ ÆÌÈÈ„Â‰È ÌÈίÚ ÌȯÒÓ ÍÈ˘Ó‰Ï ÌÈ·ÈÂÁÓ Â‡ ª¯„‰ ÌȘÁ˘Ó‰Â ÌȯÂÙÈÒ‰ ¨Ìȯ ¯˙ÂÈ· ÌÈÓ„˜˙Ӊ ÌÈ·Âˉ ÌÈÏΉ ˙‡ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï ˜ÈډϠÆχ¯˘È ˙˘¯ÂÓ ˙˘¯˘‰Ï ˙ȯ·Ú‰ ‰Ù˘‰ ˙˘ÈÎ¯Ï and are thus able to acquire and gradually assimilate the sound and content of Biblical Hebrew. The Parashat Hashavua CDs contain songs instilling the sequence of the Chumashim and Parashot, and the Tefilah CD features songs preparing students for prayer, as well as the actual prayers studied in the Tefilah track. This enables students to hear the melody and content of the prayers, to become familiar with their meaning and internalize them. The games on CD-ROMs enable students to practice and implement the content and skills learned in class in an interactive and enjoyable way. The games encourage independent learning at home at the studentsʼ leisure, at an individual pace suited to them, and enable instant feedback, reinforcement and enrichment. TaL AM implements different technological innovations in order to provide students with a rich and productive learning experience, encouraging them to make use of these tools in an efficient, fun way, and enhancing their ability to assimilate Jewish content and values. The feedback we continuously receive on the songs, stories and games is wonderful; we are committed to carry on offering students the finest, most innovative tools to acquire the Hebrew language and instill our Jewish heritage. „ÂÓÈω ˙ÈÂÂÁ ڄȉ ˙¯˘Ú‰ ‰·È·Ò ˙ÈÈ· ‡Â‰ ÍÁÓ ÏÎ ÈÙ· ÌÈ„ÓÂÚ‰ Ìȯ‚˙‡‰ „Á‡ ‰Ù˘· ˘ÂÓÈ˘‰ ˙‡ ˙˜ÊÁÓ ˙„„ÂÚÓ‰ ÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙¯È‡ –ÁÓ ÆÌÈÈ„Â‰È ÌÈίÚ ÌȯÒÓ Ï˘ Ì˙ÓÙ‰ ˙‡Â ˙ȯ·Ú‰ ‰‡¯Â‰‰ ˙¯˘Ú‰ ÈÎ ÌÈÁÈÎÂÓ ÍÂÈÁ‰ ÌÂÁ˙· ÌÈÈÎ„Ú Ìȯ˜ ÌÈÈ·È˘‡¯Ëȇ ‰È„ÓÈËÏÂÓ ÈÚˆÓ‡· ‰˙Èη ˙ÈÏ˯ى ‡Ï‡ ¨È‚ÂÏÂÎˉ ÌÏÂÚ· ÌÈÈÁÏ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ˙‡ ‰ÈÎÓ ˜¯ ‡Ï –ȉ ˙‡ ‰¯È·‚Ó ¨‰„ÈÓω ˙ÈÂÂÁ ˙‡ ˙„„ÂÚÓ ‰¯È˘ÚÓ Ì‚ ÆÚ„È ÚÈÓˉÏ ‰Ù˘ ˘ÂÎ¯Ï ˙ÏÂÎ –·‰‰ ÈÒÈ˯ÎÏ ‰·È·Ò‰ ˙ÂÁÂÏÏ ¨ÌÈ¢‰ ÌȘÁ˘ÓÏ ÛÒ· ÌÚ Ï˙ ¨ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ Ï˘ „ÂÓÈω ˙·È·Ò ˙‡ ÌÈ¯È˘ÚÓ‰ ‰˜¯ ˙ÂËϘ ∫‰È„ÓÈËÏÂÓ‰ ÌÏÂÚÓ ÌÈ¢ ÌÈËÓχ Ì‚ ‰ÏÈÎÓ –¯Â˙ ÌȯÂËÈϘ˙‰Â ˙ÂËϘ‰ Ɖ‡¯Â‰Â ‰˜ÈÒÂÓ È¯ÂËÈϘ˙ ÚÓ˘‰ ˙·‰Â ‰Ê‡‰ ÁÂ˙ÈÙÏ ˙ȯ·Ú ‰·È·Ò ˙¯ÈˆÈÏ ÌÈÓ ‰ÏÈÙ˙ ÔΠ¨˙·˙Ή ÌȘÁ˘Ó ¨ÌȯÂÙÈÒ ¨ÌÈ¯È˘ ˙ÂÚˆÓ‡· Ɖ¯Â˙· ‰‡È¯˜Â ˙„ÈÁȉ ˙‡ ÌÈÂÂÏÓ ÌÈ¯È˘‰ ȯÂËÈϘ˙ ÛÒ „ÓÈÓ ÌȘÈÚÓ ÌÚ Ï˙ Ï˘ ˙¢‰ –‰Â ÁÂÓ‰ ¯˜Á· ÌÈÁÓÂÓ Æ„ÂÓÈω ˙ÈÈÂÂÁÏ ‰˙ÂÈ‰Ï ÛÒ· ≠ ‰˜ÈÒÂÓ ÈΠ‡ˆÓ Ô¯ÎÈÊ –Ó ¨Ú„È ˙ËȯÁ· ÏÈÚÈ ÈÏÎ ‡È‰ ≠ ‰À ‰Ó „ÈÓÏ˙‰˘Î ÆÔ¯ÎÈʉ ÔÓ Â˙ÙÈÏ˘· ˙ÚÈÈÒ ¯È˘ Ï˘ ‰È‚Ӊ ·ˆ˜‰ ¨ÔÎÂ˙‰ ˙‡ ˘Î¯ ˙ÂÓÂÈÓ ¨ÌÈÏÈÓ ¯ˆÂ‡ ˘Î¯ ‡Â‰ ¨˘„Á Ïη ˜ÊÁÓ ‡Â‰ Ì˙‡ ¨˙ȯ·Ú ‰Ú·‰Â ÔÂ˘Ï ˙ÂÈ·˙ ¨‰‡È¯˜ Æ¯È˘‰ ˙‡ ¯˘ ‡Â‰˘ ÌÚÙ ‡¯˜Â ÚÓ˘¢© ÌȯÂÙÈÒ È¯ÂËÈϘ˙ ˙ÂËϘ ˙‡ ‡Â¯˜Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï Ìȯ˘Ù‡Ó ®¢Ô¯ÙÒ ÌÈ‚ÁÏ ÌÂÈ ÌÂȉ ÈÈÁÏ ÌÈ¯Â˘˜‰ ÌȯÂÙÈÒ‰ ˙˘Èί ˙‡ ÌȘÊÁÓ Íη ¨‰Ê‡‰ È„Î ÍÂ˙ Ɖ˙ÚÓˉ ‰Ù˘‰ ¯Èˆ ˙‡ ÌÈÂÂÏÓ ‰¯Â˙· ‰‡È¯˜‰ ȯÂËÈϘ˙ –ˉ ¯Á‡ ‰ÏÈÓ≠‰ÏÈÓ ·Â˜ÚÏ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï Ìȯ˘Ù‡Ó ¨‰¯Â˙ È‚ȉ‰ ˙‡ ÌÈىϠÚÂÓ˘Ï ¨‰˙Èη „Óω ȇ¯˜Ó‰ ËÒ˜ ÏÚ ¯ÂÊÁÏ Â‡ ‚Ï„Ï ÌÈÏÂÎÈ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ÆÌÈÂΉ ‰ÈˆÂËȇ‰Â Ï˘ ÔÎÂ˙Ï ÏÈÏˆÏ Ú„ÂÂ˙‰Ï Íη ¨Í¯Âˆ‰ ÈÙÏ ˜ÂÒ٠‡ ‰ÏÈÓ Æ‰‚¯„‰· Ì˙‡ ÚÈÓˉÏ ¨˙ȇ¯˜Ó‰ ˙ȯ·Ú‰ ˙‡ ÌÈ˘È¯˘Ó‰ ÌÈ¯È˘ ÌÈÏÈÎÓ Ú·˘‰ ˙˘¯Ù ȯÂËÈϘ˙ ÌÈ¯È˘ ÏÈÎÓ ‰ÏÈÙ˙ ¯ÂËÈϘ˙ ¨˙¢¯Ù‰Â ÌÈ˘ÓÂÁ‰ Ûˆ¯ –ÈÙÂÓ‰ ˙ÂÏÈÙ˙‰ ˙‡ ÔΠ¨‰ÏÈÙ˙Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ˙‡ ÌÈÈÎÓ‰ ÌÈÏÂÎÈ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰˘ ÍÎ ¨‰ÏÈÙ˙ ¯Èˆ Ï˘ „ÂÓÈω ¯ÓÂÁ· ˙ÂÚ ÌȯÒÓ‰ χ Ú„ÂÂ˙‰Ï ¨ÔÎ˙ ˙‡Â ˙ÂÏÈÙ˙‰ ÈÂ‚È ˙‡ ÚÂÓ˘Ï ÆÌ˙‡ ÌÈىϠÔÓ‡˙‰Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï Ìȯ˘Ù‡Ó ÌȘÁ˘Ó‰ ȯÂËÈϘ˙ ‰˙Èη „ÓÏ˘ ÌÈÏΉ ˙ÂÈÂÓÂÈÓ‰ ¨ÌÈÎ˙‰ ˙‡ Ì˘ÈÈÏ ȯ˘χ ¯‡Â„· ‡ ¨®µ±¥©≥¥µ≠∂¥¥± Ò˜Ù· ¨®µ±¥©≥¥µ≠≤∂±∞ ÔÂÙÏË· Â˙‡ ¯˘˜˙‰Ï ÂÏÎÂ˙ You may contact us by phone (514)345-2610, by fax (514)345-6441 or by e-mail 2 ÌÚ Ï˙ ÌÚ È¯˘˙ È‚Á The High Holidays „≠‚≠·≠‡ ˙Â˙ÈÎÏ „ÂÓÈÏ È¯ÓÂÁ TaL AM Materials for Grades 1-2-3-4 ß· ‰˙ÈÎÏ „ÂÓÈω ȯÓÂÁÓ ß‡ ‰˙ÈÎÏ „ÂÓÈω ȯÓÂÁÓ Grade 2 - Materials Grade 1 - Materials ß‚ ‰˙ÈÎÏ ÈÂÒȉ ȯÓÂÁÓ Grade 3 - Pilot Materials ß„ ‰˙ÈÎÏ ÈÂÒȉ ȯÓÂÁÓ Grade 4 - Pilot Materials 3 As we welcome the New Year, we are delighted to present an interview with Rabbi Lanton, Principal of Hebrew Foundation School in Montreal, who has been accompanying Tal Sela and TaL AM for nearly 20 years. Rabbi Lanton has been the principal of Hebrew Foundation School in Montreal for the past 18 years. Several of the schoolʼs teachers have been part of the pilot testing writing and teaching team, enabling the transition from Tal Sela to TaL AM. Rabbi Lanton, tell us about your involvement with TaL AM. “Our school has been implementing Tal Sela, the precursor of TaL AM, almost since it was launched. I have been very impressed with the program, which was a state-of-the-art program at the time, designed specifically for Jewish students in the Diaspora. For the first time these students could enjoy a spiraled curriculum that offered cohesion - both among the various units comprising the program, and among the different grades. It emphasized the importance of learning Hebrew in Hebrew - Ivrit BʼIvrit - and also made the material relevant to the children. 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This is a cutting edge curriculum, founded on current brain-based research, and it has proved itself. It addresses a tremendous need, and reaches a new level in terms of its Hebrew language component, the alignment of the various disciplines, its holistic nature, its inclusion of Tefilah, and its spiraling of concepts and skills. Our school embraced the new program, and the students had no difficulty adjusting to it. The program is like scaffolding - one grade built onto the next - and the transition from grade to grade is, therefore, smooth and natural. Since Hebrew Foundation School is a trailblazing school (we began French language immersion even before it was a requirement in Quebec), TaL AM fit into our concept of language immersion, offering material that was level and content-appropriate. The pilot test has been phenomenal for the children. They have a better handle on the Hebrew language, and are more conversant. Visitors who come to our school are always amazed by the level attained by our students in Hebrew, and our French teacher wishes she had the same materials offered by TaL AM - the posters, books, etc. We were privileged to pilot the materials for Grades 1, 2 and 3, and are now happy to pilot Grade 4. The schoolʼs Education Committee and the studentsʼ parents are also very impressed with the program. They see results: the joyfulness brought home by their children; the wealth of the materials; the songs they sing from the curriculum - all these reflect the joy the children find in the experience of learning Hebrew in class, and their enthusiasm about the material.” You also serve on the Curriculum Development Committee of TaL AM. Can you tell us about that? “My involvement in the Curriculum Development Committee has given me the opportunity to be part of a great vision. It has been a privilege to partake in the creativity of forming a state-of-the-art curriculum that is taught in Jewish schools around the world. I truly feel we are making a difference, not only impacting students on a local level, but also contributing to Jewish education on a worldwide scale.” In closing, how do you see your future with TaL AM? “I plan to remain committed to my work on the Curriculum Development Committee; this work enables me to impact Jewish education beyond our local community, and allows me to contribute to the conceptualization of the program. Naturally, I will also remain involved through the instruction of TaL AM in our school. I invite anyone who wishes to witness the implementation of TaL AM to visit our school and experience the program in a live setting. Shana Tova!” ‰ÊÓ Ï‡ȯËÂÓ· ‰Â˜˙‰ Ò¢‰È· ωÓÎ Ô‰ÎÓ ÔÂËÏ ·¯‰ ÈÂÒȉ ÍÈω˙· ÂÙ˙˙˘‰ ¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È· ȯÂÓÓ ˜ÏÁ Ɖ˘ ±∏ ¯·ÚÓ· ÂÚÈÈÒ ¨ÌÈȇÒ ÌÈ·˙ÂÎ ÌȯÂÓÎ ÌÚ Ï˙ Ï˘ ·ˆÚÓ‰ ÆÌÚ Ï˙Ï ÚÏÒ Ï˙Ó ÆÌÚ Ï˙· Í˙·¯ÂÚÓ ÏÚ ÂÏ ¯ÙÒ ¨ÔÂËÏ ·¯‰ Ï˙ ˙‡ ‰ÓÈ„˜‰˘ ¨ÚÏÒ Ï˙ ˙‡ ÏÈÚÙÓ ÂÏ˘ ¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È·¢ ¨˙ÈÎÂ˙‰Ó È˙Ó˘¯˙‰ „Â‡Ó Æ¯Â‡Ï ‰˙‡ˆ Ê‡Ó ËÚÓÎ ¨ÌÚ –Ï˙ ¯Â·Ú „ÁÂÈÓ· ‰·ˆÂÚ ¨„Â‡Ó ˙Ó„˜˙Ó ‰˙Ú˘· ‰˙ȉ˘ ‰Ï‡ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ ÂÏÎÈ ‰Â˘‡¯‰ ÌÚÙ· ƉÏ‚· ÌÈÈ„Â‰È ÌÈ„ÈÓ ÌÈ¢‰ ÌȯȈ‰ ‰·˘ ¨˙˘·Â‚Ó ˙ÈϯÈÙÒ ˙ÈÎÂ˙Ó ˙‰ÈÏ ˙‡ ‰˘È‚„‰ ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ƉÊÏ ‰Ê Ìȯ˘Â˜Ó ÌÈ¢‰ ÌÈ·Ï˘‰Â ڂ‰ ¯ÓÂÁ· ˘ÂÓÈ˘ ÍÂ˙ ¨˙ȯ·Ú· ˙ȯ·Ú „ÂÓÈÏ ˙Â·È˘Á ÆÌÈ„Ïȉ ÈÈÁÏ „Â‡Ó ÂÁÓ˘ ¨ÌÚ Ï˙ Ï˘ ·ˆÚÓ‰ ÈÂÒȉ ÍÈω˙ ÏÈÁ˙‰˘Î ¯˜Á ÏÚ ˙ÒÒ·Ӊ ˙ÈÎ„Ú ˙ÈÎ˙ ȉÂÊ Æ˜ÏÁ · ˙Á˜Ï ÌÚ Ï˙ Æ‰ÓˆÚ ˙‡ ‰ÁÈΉ ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ÈÂÒȉ Íωӷ ¨ÁÂÓ‰ È·ÈÎ¯Ó ˙ÈÁ·Ó ‰Ó¯· ‰˙ÏÚ ¨ÌÂˆÚ Í¯ÂˆÏ ‰ÚÓ ˙˙ –¢‰ ˙Ú„‰ ÈÓÂÁ˙ ÔÈ· ‰Ó‡˙‰‰ ¨‰ÏÈÙ˙‰Â ˙ȯ·Ú‰ ‰Ù˘‰ ÌÈ‚˘ÂÓ‰ Ï˘ ˙ÂÈϯÈÙ҉ ÈËÒÈω‰ ‰Ú·Ë ˙ÈÁ·Ó ¨ÌÈ Æ˙ÂÈÂÓÂÈӉ –Ï˙Ï ¨‰˘„Á‰ ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ˙‡ ıÓ‡Ï ÁÃÓ˘ ÂÏ˘ ¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È· ÂÓÎ ‰È· ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ƉÈχ Ï‚˙Ò‰Ï È˘Â˜ ÏÎ ‰È‰ ‡Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓ ·Ï˘Ó ¯·ÚÓ‰ ÔÎÏ ≠ ·Ï˘ È·‚ ÏÚ ·Ï˘ ≠ ÌÈÓ‚ÈÙ ˙ίÚÓ ¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È·˘ ¯Á‡Ó ÆÈÚ·Ë ˜ÏÁ ¨‰˙ÈÎÏ ‰˙ÈÎÓ ¨·Ï˘Ï ˙‡¯Â‰· ÏÈÁ˙‰Ï ÌÈ¢‡¯‰ ÂÈȉ© ÂÚ·ËÓ Í¯„ ı¯ÂÙ ‰Â˜˙‰ ˙Ï˘ÓÓ ÌÚËÓ ‰˘È¯„Ï ‰ÎÙ‰˘ ÈÙÏ ¨˙È˙Ù¯ˆ‰ ‰Ù˘‰ ‰Ù˘ ˙ÚÓˉ ÏÚ ÂÏ˘ ‰·È˘Á· ‰·Ï˙˘‰ ÌÚ Ï˙ ¨®˜·È˜ ÆÂÎÂ˙·Â Â˙Ó¯· ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï Ìȇ˙‰˘ ¯ÓÂÁ ‰ÚȈ‰˘ Íη Ì˙˘ÈÙ˙ ÆÌÈ„Ïȉ ¯Â·Ú ˙¯„‰ ‰˙ȉ ·ˆÚÓ‰ ÈÂÒȉ ˙ÈÂÂÁ –·Ó ÆÍÂ¯Ú ÔÈ‡Ï Â¯Ù˙˘‰ ‰· Ì˙‡Ș·Â ˙ȯ·Ú‰ ‰Ù˘‰ ˙‡ Ï˘ Ì˙Ó¯Ó ÌÈÓ‰„ „ÈÓ˙ ÂÏ˘ ¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È·Ï ÌÈÚÈ‚Ó‰ Ìȯ˜ ‰ÓˆÚÏ ˙ÏÁÈÈÓ ˙È˙Ù¯ˆÏ ÂÏ˘ ‰¯ÂӉ ¨˙ȯ·Ú· ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ¨ÌȯÙÒ‰ ¨˙ÂÁÂω ≠ ÌÚ Ï˙ ‰ÚÈˆÓ˘ ÌȯÓÂÁ‰ Ì˙‡ ˙‡ Ï˙ Ï˘ ÌÈȇ҉ ¯ÙÒ‰ È˙· ÔÈ· ˙ÂÈ‰Ï ˙ÂÎʉ ÂÏ ‰˙ȉ ÆßÂΠƄ ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙‡ ˙ÂÒÏ ˙ÚÎ ÌÈÁÓ˘ ÂÁ‡Â ¨‚ ≠ · ¨‡ ÌÚ ÂÓ˘¯˙‰ ¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È· Ï˘ ÍÂÈÁ‰ ˙„Ú ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ȯ‰ Ì‚ ÌÈ‡È·Ó˘ ‰ÁÓ˘‰ ∫˙‡ˆÂ˙ Ìȇ¯ ̉ Æ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ÔÓ „Â‡Ó Ì‰˘ ÌÈ¯È˘‰ ¨„ÂÓÈω ȯÓÂÁ Ï˘ ¯˘ÂÚ‰ ¨‰˙È·‰ ̉ȄÏÈ ˙‡ ÌÈÙ˜˘Ó ‰Ï‡ ÏÎ ≠ ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ˙¯‚ÒÓ· ¯È˘Ï ÌÈ„ÓÂÏ 4 ÔÓ¯˜‡ ‰˘Â˘ ∫‰¯ÂÓ‰ ¨ß‚ ‰˙ÈÎ Grade 3, Teacher: Shoshan Ackerman ÔÂÁÓ˘ ‰ÓÈÒ ∫‰¯ÂÓ‰ ¨ß· ‰˙ÈÎ Grade 2, Teacher: Sima Simhon ‰‚¯Â È·ÂË ∫‰¯ÂÓ‰ ¨ß· ‰˙ÈÎ Grade 2, Teacher: Tovi Varga 5 ‰‚¯Â È·ÂË ∫‰¯ÂÓ‰ ¨ß‡ ‰˙ÈÎ Grade 1, Teacher: Tovi Varga Teachersʼ Feedback on TaL AM Institutes During the past several months we held a number of training institutes for TaL AM 1, 2, 3 & 4 in preparation for the opening of the 2005-6 school year. We are delighted to present to you some of the feedback we received from participants around the world. ÌȯÂÓÏ ‰¯˘Î‰ ÈÂÎÓ ¯ÙÒÓ ÂÓÈȘ ÌȯÁ‡‰ ÌÈ˘„ÂÁ‰ Íωӷ ÆÂ¢Ò˘˙ ÌÈ„ÂÓÈω ˙˘ ˙ÁÈ˙ÙÏ ‰Î‰Î „ ≠ ‚ ¨· ¨‡ ÌÚ Ï˙Ï ÆÌÏÂÚ‰ È·Á¯ ÏÎÓ ÌÈÙ˙˙˘ÓÓ ÌÈÓ˘¯ ÌÎÈÙ· ‡È·‰Ï Ìȇ‚ ÂÁ‡ TaL AM Institute, New York "The institute was well-organized, presenting information on how children learn and on the links between the different themes, as well as analysis of videotaped lessons we viewed, presentations of the various teaching aids, and explanations on how to structure lessons. Your professionalism as instructors, the beautiful, organized and age-appropriate materials, and the wonderful songs have all enriched me - as a teacher and as a Jew… The program is superb in both content and form, and has a wealth of activities... Each detail - each picture, symbol, song and poster - is meaningful and significant to learning structured on a rich and comprehensive curriculum." - Sharon Weiss, Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Academy, West Palm Beach, Florida TaL AM Institute, Los Angeles "Each and every participant in the institute this week benefited… I am beginning to understand the wisdom behind the incredible TaL AM program, which is truly aligned with my needs as a new principal. The program has a wealth of materials, incorporating numerous disciplines. I am very pleased and enthusiastic." - Jill Linder, Principal, Pressman Academy, Los Angeles, California TaL AM Institute, Jerusalem "It was very interesting to become familiar with the program, with the materials themselves, and to watch videotaped lessons given by different teachers. The institute will improve the implementation of the program in our classes on a practical as well as an inspirational level. The program is wonderful, imaginative, and expertly structured. Everything is based on experience as well as theory, and the content is good." - Ronnie Gotkin, United Herzlia Schools, Cape Town, South Africa "Your love of Judaism and our mesora is truly reflected in every aspect of TaL AM! The success of the program can surely be measured by the many children who develop a love and connection to Yiddishkeit though it." - Felicia Kaplan, Moriah School, Englewood, New Jersey ‰È¯ÂÙÈϘ ¨ÒÏß‚‡ ÒÂÏ ¨ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ‰ÓÎÁ‰ ˙‡ ÔÈ·‰Ï ÂÈ˘ÎÚ ‰ÏÈÁ˙Ó È‡ ÆÆÆ Áȯ‰ ‰„Ò· Ú·˘‰ ‰È‰˘ ÈÓ ÏÎ ¢ Ɖ˘„Á ˙ωÓÎ ÈÏ˘ ÌÈίˆÏ ˙Ú„ÂÓ ˘ÓÓ˘ ¨ÌÚ Ï˙ Ï˘ ‰Óȉ„Ó‰ ˙ÈÎ˙‰ ȯÂÁ‡Ó˘ ¢ ÆÈ˙·‰Ï˙‰Â È˙ÁÓ˘ „Â‡Ó Æ‰„ÈÓÏ ÈÓÂÁ˙ ‰·¯‰ ˙·Ï˘Ó ‰¯È˘Ú ˙ÈÎ˙‰ ‰È¯ÂÙÈϘ ¨ÒÏß‚‡ ÒÂÏ ¨Pressman Academy ¨˙Ï‰Ó ¨¯„ÈÏ ÏÈß‚ ≠ "The institute taught me many ways to transmit the material. I feel I have learned a lot and developed my pedagogical thinking in ways I was not previously aware of. The institute gave me the opportunity to feel as though I were the student. The group discussions and attention to detail were beneficial… Thanks to the institute I feel I have internalizes and understood the material, and that I will be able to teach it in a more organized and comprehensible way." - Hagit Shekel, The Jewish D. S. of Metropolitan Seattle, Bellevue, Washington TaL AM Institute, Montreal ˜¯ÂÈ ÂÈ ¨ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ¨ÌÈ„ÓÂÏ ÌÈ„Ïȉ Íȇ ÏÚ Ú˜¯ ÌÚ ¨˙‚¯Â‡Ó ‰˙ȉ ‰„Ò‰¢ ¨ÂÈÙˆ ̉·˘ ÌȯÂÚÈ˘ ÁÂ˙È ¨ÌÈ¢‰ Ìȇ˘Â‰ ÔÈ· ¯˘˜ ÆÌȯÂÚÈ˘‰ ˙‡ ͯÚÏ Íȇ Ìȯ·Ò‰Â ¨ÌÈ¢‰ ÌȯÊÚ‰ ˙‚ˆ‰ ÔÎÂ˙‰ ¨‰Ùȉ Ԃ¯Â‡Ó‰ ¯ÓÂÁ‰ ¨˙ÂÁÓ‰ ÔÎÏ˘ ˙ÂÈÚˆ˜Ó‰ ¯È˘ÚÓ ‰Ê ÏÎ - ÌÈÓÈÒ˜Ó‰ ÌÈ¯È˘‰ ¨ÌÈ„Ïȉ ˙Ó¯Ï Í¯ډ ≠‰¯Âˆ·Â ÔÎÂ˙· - ‰ÏÂÚÓ ˙ÈÎ˙‰ ÆÆƉȄ‰ÈΠ‰¯ÂÓÎ È˙‡ ¨ÏÓÒ ¨¯ÂȈ ¨‰ÂÓ˙ ÏÎ ≠ ˯٠ÏÎ ÆÆÆ ˙ÂÈÂÏÈÚÙ· ‰¯È˘Ú ÏÚ ‰È·‰ ‰„ÈÓÏÏ ÌÈ·Â˘Á ÌÈÈ˙ÂÚÓ˘Ó Ì‰ ≠ ÁÂÏ ¯È˘ ¢Æ‰ÓÏ˘Â ˙¯˘ÚÂÓ ÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙ÈÎÂ˙ ¨Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Academy ¨ÒÈÈ Ô¯˘ ≠ ‰„ȯÂÏÙ ¨ßıÈ· ÌÏÙ ËÒ ƄÓω ¯ÓÂÁ‰ ˙‡ ¯È·Ú‰Ï ÌÈί„ ‰·¯‰ È˙„ÓÏ ‰„Ò·¢ ˙Ȃ‚„Ù‰ ‰·È˘Á‰ ˙‡ È˙Á˙ÈÙ È˙Ï΢‰˘ ‰˘Á ȇ ÈÏ ‰˙ȉ ‰„Ò· Ǣ˜ ̉Èχ È˙Ù˘Á ‡Ï˘ ÌÈÂÂÈÎÏ ÌÈÂÈ„‰ ÆÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ¢Ì˜ӷ¢ ÈÓˆÚ ˙‡ ˘È‚¯‰Ï ˙¯˘Ù‡‰ ÆÆÆÈ¯Â·Ú ÌÈ·ÂË Âȉ ÌÈ˯ÙÏ ‰„ȯȉ ‰Ë˜‰ ‰ˆÂ·˜‰ ÍÂ˙· –ڢ ¨ÈÏ Ô·ÂÓ ÌÙ‰ ¯ÓÂÁ‰˘ ‰˘Á ȇ ¨‰„Ò‰ ˙ÂÎÊ· ˙‚¯Â‡Ó ‰¯Âˆ· ¯ÓÂÁ‰ ˙‡ „ÓÏÏ È˙¯˘Ù‡· ‰È‰È ÂÈ˘Î ¢ÆÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï ¯˙ÂÈ ˙·ÂÓ ¯˙ÂÈ ¨The Jewish D.S. of Metropolitan Seattle ¨Ï˜˘ ˙È‚Á ≠ ÔÂË‚È˘Â ¨ÂÈÂÂÏ· ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ¨ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ È˯ҷ ˙ÂوϠ¨ÌÓˆÚ ÌȯÓÂÁ‰ ˙‡ ¨˙ÈÎ˙‰ ˙‡ ¯ÈÎ‰Ï ÔÈÈÚÓ „Â‡Ó ‰È‰¢ ˙ÈÎ˙‰ ˙ÏÚÙ‰ ˙‡ ¯Ù˘˙ ‰„Ò‰ ÆÌÈ¢ ÌȯÂÓ Ï˘ ÌÚ Ï˙ ȯÂÚÈ˘ Ï˘ ‡Ȅȉ ¨˙¯„‰ ˙ÈÎ˙‰ Ɖ‡¯˘‰ ˙Ï·˜ ˙ÈÁ·Ó Ì‚Â ˙È˘ÚÓ ‰ÈÁ·Ó Ì‚ ÂÈ˙Â˙Èη ¨‰È¯Â‡È˙ Ì‚Â ÔÂÈÒÈ ÏÚ ÒÒÂ·Ó ÏΉ Æ˙ÈÚˆ˜Ó ‰¯Âˆ· ‰È· ¨ÔÂÈÓ„ ˙‡ÏÓ ¢Æ·ÂË ÔÎÂ˙‰Â ‰˜È¯Ù‡ ̯„ ¨Ô‡ËÙÈȘ ¨United Herzlia Schools ¨Ï‰Ó ¨ÔȘË‚ ȯ ≠ χȯËÂÓ ¨ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ „Á‡ Ïη ˙‡Ë·˙Ó ˙¯ÂÒÓÏ ˙„‰ÈÏ ÌÎ˙·‰‡¢ ˙„„Ó È‡„ ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ Ï˘ ‰˙Áψ‰ °ÌÚ Ï˙ ÈÈÈÙ‡ÓÓ ˙˘¯ÂÓÏ ‰˜ÈÊ ‰·‰‡ ‰Î¯„ ÌÈÁ˙ÙÓ‰ ÌÈ·¯‰ ÌÈ„ÏÈ· ¢Æ˙Ȅ‰ȉ Èʯ߂ ÂÈ ¨„ÂÂςȇ ¨Moriah School ¨ÔÏÙ˜ ‰ÈÒÈÏÙ ≠ 6 ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙Ï ÚÂÈÒ‰ ıÓ‡ÓÏ ˙Ó˙¯ ÌÚ Ï˙ ‰Ëȯ ‰È¯˙˜ ˙ÂÙÂÒ‰ ÈÚ‚Ù TaL AM joins efforts to assist students afflicted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita TaL AM is offering assistance to all Jewish day schools absorbing children who have fled the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by providing these students with learning materials free of charge. If you implement TaL AM and/or Tal Sela and need additional materials for students you have taken in, please contact us to receive a special order form. ÌÈ„ÏÈ ÂËϘ˘ ÌÈȄ‰ȉ ¯ÙÒ‰ È˙· ÏÎÏ ÚÈÈÒÏ ˙·„˙Ó ÌÚ Ï˙ ÆÌÈÁ „ÂÓÈÏ È¯ÓÂÁ Ì¯Â·Ú ˜ÙÒ˙ ¨‰Ëȯ ‰È¯˙˜ ˙ÂÙÂÒ‰ ÈÚ‚Ù ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ Ì˙ËϘ ¨ÚÏÒ Ï˙ ‡Ø ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙‡ ÌÈÏÈÚÙÓ Ì˙‡ ̇ ÒÙÂË ˙Ï·˜Ï ÂÈχ ÂÙ ‡‡ ¨ÂÏ˘ „ÂÓÈω ȯÓÂÁÏ ÌȘ˜ʉ Æ„ÁÂÈÓ ‰Óʉ We are delighted to announce the commencement of the TaL AM 4 Pilot Testing year. As we strive to develop a program adaptable to various ideologies, the Pilot Test incorporates teachers and students from schools in Europe, the United States and Canada, representing different ideological streams, and creating an unified language with unique voices. Shehechianu! ÈÂÒÈ· ÂÏÁ˙‰ ‰·ÂË ‰Ú˘· ÈÎ ¯˘·Ï ÌÈÁÓ˘ ‡ Æ„ ÌÚ Ï˙ Ï˘ ·ˆÚÓ‰ ÌÈ‚ˆÈÈÓ‰ ¨‰„˜Â ·¢‰¯‡ ¨‰Ù¯ȇ· ¯ÙÒ È˙·Ó ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ ÌȯÂÓ ÌÈÙ˙˙˘Ó ÈÂÒÈ· Íη - ÌÈ¢ ÌÈÓ¯ÊÏ ˙Ó‡˙ÂÓ‰ ˙ÈÎÂ˙ Á˙ÙÏ ‰Ó‚Ó· ˙‡Ê ¨˙¢ ˙ÂÈ‚ÂχȄȇ °ÂÈÈÁ‰˘ ÆÌÈ„ÁÂÈÓ ˙ÂϘ· ˙„Á‡Ó ‰Ù˘ ¯ÂˆÈÏ Âȉ˘ ÌÈÚ¯ȇ Past Events ≤∞∞µ ËÒ‚‡≠ÈÂÈ June-August 2005 • • • • • • June 2 - Workshop introducing TaL AM 2, Paris June 19-23 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, New York June 27-30 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, Los Angeles July 17-21 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, Jerusalem August 15-18 - TaL AM & Institute Part 1, Montreal August 21-25 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, Montreal Òȯ٠¨· ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙‚ˆ‰Ï ÁÂ˙Ù ˙È· ≠ ÈÂÈ· ≤ ˜¯ÂÈ ÂÈ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ÈÂÈ· ±π≠≤≥ ÒÏß‚‡ ÒÂÏ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ÈÂÈ· ≤∑≠≥∞ ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ÈÏÂÈ· ±∑≠≤± χȯËÂÓ ¨ß‡ ˜ÏÁ „ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ËÒ‚‡· ±µ≠±∏ χȯËÂÓ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ËÒ‚‡· ≤±≠≤µ Êȯ٠¨ß· ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙¯Î‰Ï ÁÂ˙Ù ˙È· TaL AM 2 Open House, Paris ÌÈÈ„È˙Ú ÌÈÚ¯ȇ Upcoming Events ≤∞∞∂ ¯‡ÂÈ ≠ ≤∞∞µ ¯·Ó·Â November 2005 - January 2006 • • • • • November 13-18 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, Melbourne December 11-14 - TaL AM 4 Institute Part 2, Montreal January 8-11 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, Zürich January 22-26 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, Los Angeles January 29 - February 2 - TaL AM 1 & 2 Institutes, NY For additional information please visit our website or send us an e-mail TaL AM 4 Institute Part 1, Augusut ≤∞∞µ ËÒ‚‡ ߇ ˜ÏÁ ¨„ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ Professional Development for Principals Leadership for Successful Learning and Teaching with TaL AM Following numerous requests, we are planning a professional development session that will address the needs raised by leaders of schools implementing TaL AM. This training is intended for educational leaders - principals, supervisors and subject matter coordinators - and will familiarize them with the various features of TaL AM, and offer practical guidance and helpful insight that will assist them in their role as facilitators of educational improvement in their schools. Training will focus on the role of the principal in the implementation of educational innovation through TaL AM, and will enable principals to support their teachers as they implement the program. We are presently conducting a survey in order to ascertain the professional development needs and preferred venues for this training session. Please visit our website and complete the brief survey so that we may offer the training best suited to your needs. 7 • • • • • • ԯ·ÏÓ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ¯·Ó·Â· ±≥≠±∏ • χȯËÂÓ ¨ß· ˜ÏÁ „ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ¯·Óˆ„· ±±≠±¥ • ÍȯȈ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ¯‡ÂÈ· ∏≠±± • ÒÏß‚‡ ÒÂÏ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ¯‡ÂÈ· ≤≤≠≤∂ • ˜¯ÂÈ ÂÈ ¨· ≠ ‡ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÔÂÎÓ ≠ ¯‡Â¯·Ù· ≤ ≠¯‡ÂÈ· ≤π • ÂÏ˘ ¯˙‡· ¯˜· ‡‡ ÌÈÙÒ ÌÈ˯ÙÏ ˙·Â˙ÎÏ Ï¢‡Â„ ÂÏ ÂÁÏ˘ ‡ ÌÈωÓÏ ˙ÈÚˆ˜Ó ‰¯˘Î‰ ÌÚ Ï˙ ÌÚ ‰ÏÈÚÈ ‰‡¯Â‰Ï ˙ÁψÂÓ ‰„ÈÓÏÏ ˙Â‚È‰Ó –Ó‰ ¯ÙÒ È˙· È‚È‰Ó Ï˘ ÌÈίˆ‰ ÏÚ ˙ÂÚÏ ÌÈÎ¯Ú ÂÁ‡ ¨˙·¯ ˙¢˜· ˙·˜Ú· ˙Â‚È‰Ó È˘‡Ï ˙„ÚÂÈÓ ‰¯˘Î‰‰ Æ˙ÈÚˆ˜Ó ‰¯˘Î‰ ˙¯‚ÒÓ· ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙‡ ÌÈÏÈÚÙ ÌȄȘÙ˙ ÈÏÚ·Ï ÚÈÈÒÏ ‰˙¯ËÓ - ÌÈÊίÓ ÌÈÁ˜ÙÓ ¨¯ÙÒ È˙· ÈÏ‰Ó - ˙ÈÎÂÈÁ –Â˙ ˙È˘ÚÓ ‰ÈÈÁ‰ ˜ÈډϠ¨ÌÈ¢‰ ‰È·ÈÎ¯Ó ÏÚ ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙ÈÎ˙ ˙‡ ¯ÈÎ‰Ï ‰Ï‡ ‰¯˘Î‰‰ ÆÌ‰Ï˘ ¯ÙÒ‰ È˙·· ÍÂÈÁ‰ ˙ÂÎȇ ÈÓ„˜ÓΠ̄ȘÙ˙· Ì‰Ï ÂÏÈÚÂÈ˘ ˙· –¯Â‰· ÔΠÌÚ Ï˙ ˙ÂÚˆÓ‡· ÌÈ˘Â„ÈÁ Ï˘ ‰ÏÚÙ‰· ˙ØωӉ „ȘÙ˙· „˜ÈÓ ÔÓÊ˙ Æ˙ÈÎÂ˙‰ ˙ÏÚÙ‰ Íωӷ ̉ȯÂÓ· ÍÂÓ˙Ï ÌÈωÓÏ ¯˘Ù‡˙ ¨‰ÏÈÚÈ ‰‡ ˙ÈÚˆ˜Ó‰ ˙ÂÁ˙Ù˙‰‰ ÌÂÁ˙· ÌÈίˆ‰ ˙‡ ÂÏ ¯È‰·È˘ ¯˜Ò ˙ÚÎ ÌÈίÂÚ ÂÁ‡ –˙Ó ˙‡ Ú·˜Ï ÂÏ ÂÚÈÈÒÈ ¯˜Ò‰ ˙‡ˆÂ˙ Ɖ¯˘Î‰‰ ˙¯‚ÒÓÏ Ú‚Â· ˙ÂÙ„Ú‰‰ ˙‡Â ¯˙‡Ï ÂÙ ‡‡ ÆÌÚ Ï˙ ˙‡ ÌÈÏÈÚÙÓ‰ ¯ÙÒ È˙· ¯Â·Ú ˙ÈÚˆ˜Ó‰ ‰¯˘Î‰‰ ˙ÂÎ Ï΢ ˙Ó ÏÚ ¨¯ˆ˜‰ ¯˜Ò‰ ÏÚ Â·È˘‰Â ÂÏ˘ ÆÌÎÏ ‰Óȇ˙Ó‰ ‰¯˘Î‰‰ ˙‡ ÚȈ‰Ï ‰ÈϯËÒ‡ ¨Ô¯Â·ÏÓ ¨ÌÈÙˆ‰ ¯‰ Ò¢‰È·Ó Ï‚Ò Ì„‡ ¯Â˜È· Adam Segal of Mount Scopus College in Melbourne, Australia, Visits Montreal –·Ú‰ È„ÂÓÈÏ Ï‰Ó ¨Ï‚Ò Ì„‡ ˙‡ Á¯‡Ï ÂÁÓ˘ È‡Ó ˘„ÂÁ· –‡ ¨Ô¯Â·ÏÓ· ÌÈÙˆ‰ ¯‰ È„ÂÒȉ Ò¢‰È· ωÓ ˙„‰È‰Â ˙ȯ Ï˙ ˙‡ ÌÈÒÓ‰ ¯ÙÒ È˙· ‰Ú·¯‡· ¯˜È· Ï‚Ò ¯Ó ƉÈϯËÒ ‰ÏÚÙ‰‰ ÔÙÂ‡Ó Ì˘¯˙‰Ï ˙Ó ÏÚ ¨Ï‡ȯËÂÓ· ß‚ ≠ ߷ ÌÚ –ȉÓ ¨ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ Ï˘ „ÂÓÈω ˙ÈÈÂÂÁÓ ¨‰˙Èη ˙ÈÎ˙‰ Ï˘ ÈÓ¯„‰ ¯Â„Ή ȈÁÓ ÂÈÎÊ ÂÏ È˘‰ ¯Â˜È·‰ ‰Ê ‰È‰ Æ̉Ȃ˘ ¨ÔÂÒÈÂÏ ·‡Ê ‰ÏÈ‚ ¯˜È· ‰¯·Ú˘ ‰˘· ªı¯‡‰ ¯Â„Î Ï˘ ¯ÙÒ È˙·· ¨Ô¯Â·ÏÓ· ˜Èχȷ Ò¢‰È·· ˙ȯ·Ú‰ È„ÂÓÈÏ ÈÊÎ¯Ó ÆÌÚ Ï˙ ˙‡ ÌÈÏÈÚÙÓ‰ χȯËÂÓ·Â ˜¯ÂÈ ÂÈ· ¯˙ÂÈ ‰¯È˘Ú ‰ÙÈ˜Ó ˙ÈÎ˙‰¢ ∫ÍÎ ÂÈÓ˘¯ ˙‡ ÌÎÈÒ Ï‚Ò ¯Ó ˘ÂÓÈ˘‰ ÆÌÈÈÎ„Ú Ìȯ˜ÁÓ ÏÚ ˙ÎÓÒ ¨È˙ÈÙȈ˘ ÈÙÎÓ Ï˙ ˙„ÈÁÈ Ï˘ ·Â˙΢‰Â ¨¯È‰ ‰Èˆ‚ÈÏËȇ‰ È„˜ÂÓ Ïη During the month of May we were pleased to host ¯ÙÒ‰ È˙·˘ Û‡ ÏÚ ÆÁψÂÓ „Â‡Ó ÌÚ Ï˙Ï Ô˙ÎÈى ÚÏÒ the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Director and Primary ‰·Ó ¨‰Â˘ ‡Â‰ Û‡ ‰È‰ ÌȯÂÓ‰ Ï˘ ‰‡¯Â‰‰ Ô‚Ò ÌÈ¢ School Principal of Mount Scopus College in Mel- –È˘Ó Æ‰‰Â·‚ ‰Ó¯Ï ÚÈ‚‰Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙‰ ÏÎÏ ¯˘Ù‡Ó ˙ÈÎ˙‰ bourne, Australia. Mr. Segal visited four schools pilot Â‰Ê ÈÎ ‰˜ÒÓÏ È˙Ú‚‰ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ ÌȯÂÓ ¨ÌÈÏ‰Ó ÌÚ È˙ÂÁ testing TaL AM 2 and 3 in Montreal in order to learn Ƣ· „ÂÚˆÏ ÌÈÙˆ‰ ¯‰ Ò¢‰È·Ï ȇ„΢ ÔÂÂÈΉ about the programʼs implementation in the classroom, ˙¯ÂÓÏ ¨Ï‚Ò ¯Ó ˙‡ ÂÁ¯È‡˘ ¯ÙÒ‰ È˙·Ï ˙Â„Â‰Ï Âˆ¯· as well as the studentsʼ learning experiences and ac- ÈÊίÓ ÌÈωÓÏ ¨Ô‰È˙Â˙Èη ÌȯÂÚÈ˘· ˙ÂÙˆÏ ÂÏ Â¯˘Ù‡˘ complishments. This was the second visit we received ‚Ȉ‰Ï ˙Ó ÏÚ ÌÓÊÓ ÂÏ Â˘È„˜‰˘ ˙„‰È‰Â ˙ȯ·Ú‰ È„ÂÓÈÏ from the Southern Hemisphere; last year Zeev Levin∫ÂÈ˙Âχ˘ ÏÚ ·È˘‰Ï ¯ÙÒ‰ È˙·· ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙ÏÚÙ‰ ˙‡ son, Director of Judaic and Hebrew Studies at Bialik ª˙„‰È‰ È„ÂÓÈÏ ˙Ï‰Ó ¨Ô‚ȇ ‰ÏӯΠ- ‡·È˜Ú Ò¢‰È·· College in Melbourne, visited Montreal and New York Æß‚Â ß· ˙Â˙Èη ¯Ëȯ ‰ÙÈ ¨ß‡ ‰˙Èη ÒÈÏËÈÈÙ ˙ȯ schools implementing TaL AM. ˙¯ ª¯ÙÒ‰ ˙È· Ï‰Ó ¨ÔÂËÏ ·‡Ê ·¯‰ ≠ ‰Â˜˙‰ Ò¢‰È·· Mr. Segal summarized his impressions as follows: ԉΠ‰Ïȇ ¨ß· ‰˙Èη ÔÂÁÓ˘ ‰ÓÈÒ ¨ß‡ ‰˙Èη ÌÂ¯Ë˘ “The program is richer and more comprehensive than I Æß‚ ‰˙Èη expected, and is based on cutting-edge research. The ˙È· Ï‰Ó ¨ÔÓ¯Ó‰ Ô¢Ӣ ¯¢„ ≠ ¯Ë΢ ÔÂÓÂÏÂÒ Ò¢‰È·· use of Multiple Intelligences is clear, and the rewriting –‡·‡ ÏÂ˜È ª˙„‰È‰ È„ÂÓÈÏ ˙ÊÎ¯Ó ¨‚¯·ÂÊ „·ÎÂÈ ª¯ÙÒ‰ of the Tal Sela units into TaL AM is extremely successÆß· ‰˙Èη ԉΠÈÁ ¨ß‡ ‰˙Èη ÒÈÒ ful. Despite the fact that the schools I visited were Ò¢‰È· Ï‰Ó ¨ÏÂÙ Ú˘Èχ ·¯‰ ≠ ˙ȯ·Ú ‰ÈÓ„˜‡ Ò¢‰È·· diverse and the teachersʼ teaching styles differed, I –¯Â ¨ß· ‰˙Èη ÏÙ˜ ˙È„‡ ¨ß‡ ‰˙Èη ÔÂÓÈÒ Ô· ÈË· ªÈ„ÂÒȉ learned that the way in which the program is constructÆß‚ ‰˙Èη ‚·Ò ‰„ Director: Tova Shimon Coordinators: Miriam Cohen, Drorit Farkas Concept: Tamara Ruby Writer and Editor: Sharonne Cohen Graphic Designer: Liat Arbesman, Mirit Fuhrer ∫˙Ï‰Ó ÔÂÚÓ˘ ‰·ÂË ∫˙ÂÊÎ¯Ó ˘˜¯Ù ˙ȯ¯„ ¨Ô‰Î ÌÈ¯Ó ∫ÈÂÈÚ¯ ·ÂˆÈÚ È·Â¯ ‰¯Ó˙ ∫‰ÎȯÚ ‰·È˙ΠԉΠÔ¯˘ ∫ÈÙ¯‚ ·ÂˆÈÚ ¯¯ÂÙ ˙ȯÈÓ ¨ÔÓÒ·¯‡ ˙‡ÈÏ ÔÈÈÚÏ ÌÚ Ï˙ ˙ˆ TaL AM Matters staff ed enables all students to achieve high standards. My conversations with principals, teachers and students led me to believe that this is the direction we would like to take at Mount Scopus." We would like to thank the schools that hosted Mr. Segal, the teachers who welcomed him into their classrooms, and the principals and Hebrew and Jewish Studies coordinators who generously devoted their time to demonstrating the implementation of TaL AM in their schools, and addressing his questions: At Akiva - Carmela Aigen, Director of Jewish Studies; Ronit Faitelis in Grade 1; Yaffa Ritter in Grades 2 & 3. At Hebrew Foundation - Rabbi Zev Lanton, Principal; Ruth Shtrom in Grade 1; Sima Simhon in Grade 2; Elana Cohen in Grade 3. 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Did you know that the school year in the Southern Hemisphere begins in February? ȯ˘˙ ˘„ÂÁ ÁÂÏ ‰È¯ÙÒÏ ‡¯˜‰ ˙·‰ ÈÙ„Â ∫ÂÏ˘ ˯Ëȇ‰ ¯˙‡ ÏÚ ÌȇˆÓ http∫ØØwwwÆtalamÆorg Ìȇ˙Ó‰ ¯Â˘È˜‰ ÏÚ Â˜ÈϘ‰ ‡‡ ÆÌ˙‡ ÒÈÙ„‰Ï ÁÂ˙ÙÏ ˙Ó ÏÚ This is why schools in Australia, South Africa and South America are now preparing for the opening of the 2006 school year, and for the implementation of TaL AM 2. In addition to the recent visit of Mr. Adam Segal, Principal of Mount Scopus Primary School in Melbourne, Australia, to Montreal (see article), four representatives of the United Herzlia Schools in Cape Town, South Africa, participated in the TaL AM 2 training institute held in Jerusalem during the month of July. The schoolʼs principal, Ronnie Gotkin, arrived in Israel with Susan Salingré, Sandra Hoffman, and Pamela Hotz in order to study the new program and train for its implementation in their school. We wish them, as well as the hundreds of schools in the northern hemisphere, Good Luck! 8